The Nute High School Budget Committee met on January 9th. They discussed the proposed school budget, which was reduced by $103k by changing special education contracted services, equipment purchases, and moving $24k to a warrant article. The committee voted to recommend the $8,895,738 budget and schedule a public hearing. They also reviewed and recommended several warrant articles related to educational tablets, school security, capital improvements, and educational needs for disabled children. The meeting adjourned at 6:28pm.
The Nute High School Budget Committee met on January 9th. They discussed the proposed school budget, which was reduced by $103k by changing special education contracted services, equipment purchases, and moving $24k to a warrant article. The committee voted to recommend the $8,895,738 budget and schedule a public hearing. They also reviewed and recommended several warrant articles related to educational tablets, school security, capital improvements, and educational needs for disabled children. The meeting adjourned at 6:28pm.
The Nute High School Budget Committee met on January 9th. They discussed the proposed school budget, which was reduced by $103k by changing special education contracted services, equipment purchases, and moving $24k to a warrant article. The committee voted to recommend the $8,895,738 budget and schedule a public hearing. They also reviewed and recommended several warrant articles related to educational tablets, school security, capital improvements, and educational needs for disabled children. The meeting adjourned at 6:28pm.
The Nute High School Budget Committee met on January 9th. They discussed the proposed school budget, which was reduced by $103k by changing special education contracted services, equipment purchases, and moving $24k to a warrant article. The committee voted to recommend the $8,895,738 budget and schedule a public hearing. They also reviewed and recommended several warrant articles related to educational tablets, school security, capital improvements, and educational needs for disabled children. The meeting adjourned at 6:28pm.
The meeting opened at 5:35PM with a Roll Call by Chairman Woodruff.
Members Present were: Bruce Woodruff Chair Doug Shute - School Board Representative Stan Nadeau Water District Representative Jennifer Crone Member Larry Brown Vice Chair Jim Kelley Member Bob Carrier Member Eric Ohlenbusch Member Mike Beaulieu Selectmans Representative
Also Present School Board members: Lue Snyder, Doug Shute, Michael Tursi, Andrew DAgostino, Anne Walsh. Recording secretary Rebecca Dean.
Budget Discussion with School Board The School Board met last night 1/8/2014 to discuss the budget recommendations. Superintendent Tursi presented changes made to the budget; the amount was reduced by changing the following three items; changes resulted in a 103k reduction. P.4 Elementary Special Ed Contracted Services Originally had Speech and Language. Decided to hire in- house staff, resulted in $76,390 decrease in cost. P.3 High School New Equipment Reduced by $2750. Level funded with this current year. The exact items eliminated were not available but came from physical education, family and consumer science, math, science, music, and industrial arts. Lue Snyder noted that the items were pared down but departments will not be going without. They decided to pull $24,200 from Technology Line and added in as a warrant article. Superintendent Tursi addressed questions from Stan Nadeau on the savings that could be recognized by working with an Android tablet or PC-type product. He stated that the level of staff familiarity and ease of use of Apple products was a motivating factor. Stan Nadeau calculated that this puts the School Budget at $43,099 below the default budget of $8,938,835. Doug Shute noted that many items are being paid for by grants that will be coming to an end very soon. There will be an impact on the budget in the near future. Lue Snyder stated that there was $203k cut from this budget since it was first presented to the Board.
Motion to set School Budget and schedule Public Hearing Doug Shute motioned to accept the School Budget and send to public hearing the total figure is $8,895,738.00 seconded by Larry Brown. Discussion: Jennifer Crone said the school board fulfilled the request by the committee quite quickly and without many issues and stated she was appreciative of their willingness to work with the group. Chair Woodruff agreed. Stan Nadeau said this is a 0.65% increase over last year this makes 2 years in a row that the school budget has been below 1%. Vote: Those in favor: 8, one abstention (MBeauleau). Motion passed.
Review of Warrant Articles Chair Woodruff noted Article 2 was voted on already. Larry Brown moved to recommend article 3 and then retracted. Article 3 Superintendent Tursi read Article 3. Motion to accept Article 3 by Stan Nadeau. Second by Larry Brown. Discussion and questions. Vote: Those in favor: 8, one abstention (MBeauleau). Motion passed.
Article 4 - Superintendent Tursi read Article 4 regarding the educational tablet Special Warrant article. Lue Snyder said this wording means that the funds would be spent immediately, not placed into a trust, and that any remaining balance goes back to the taxpayers. Doug Shute said he feels the tablets are extremely important and that the tablets will be instrumental in helping achieve these goals in K-3. Motion to recommend Article 4 as amended by Stan Nadeau, seconded by Jennifer Crone. Vote: All in favor, Motion passed.
Article 5 - Superintendent Tursi read Article 5 regarding the 30k security expenditure at district schools. Motion to recommend Article 5 by Jennifer Crone. Seconded by Eric Ohlenbusch. Discussion: This was an article last year, which passed. Mike Beaulieu felt that more explanation is needed as to what the expense would cover. Andy Crone stated that standard practice is that you do not want everything exposed to the public all at once because it is security related. This is an addition to an existing fund. Vote: All in favor, Motion passed.
Article 6 - Superintendent Tursi read Article 6 regarding the capital reserve fund for 50k Motion by Larry Brown to recommend Article 6; seconded by Doug Shute. Discussion: Chair Woodruff questioned the language of up to 50k, explanation was given as to how the fund could be expended. Larry Brown spoke in favor of this article since this method of funding levels out the costs over time. Doug Shute commented on the need for repairs, that there is a list. Vote: All in favor, Motion passed.
Article 7 - Superintendent Tursi read Article 6 regarding up to 25k for educationally disabled children. Motion to recommend Article 6 by Doug Shute, seconded by Larry Brown. Vote: All in favor, Motion passed.
Article 8 - Superintendent Tursi read Article 7 for the Special Warrant appropriation for $5000 to purchase Library Media for Nute High School and Library. MOTION by Larry Brown to recommend Article 8 as amended; seconded by Jennifer Crone. Discussion: none. Vote: All in favor, Motion passed.
Members Comments Anne Walsh noted that there is no agreement with the teachers union at this time.
The Public Hearing has been set for January 17 at 6:30 (town budget) and 7p (school budget) at Milton Town Hall. The snow date is Saturday the 18 th at 1p and 1:30p. Larry Brown noted that numbers could be changed at the hearing if necessary.
Chair Woodruff cited RSA 32:5 I and V, RSA 40: 13 IIac
Bob Carrier asked about page 31 of the School Budget pay for Guidance counselors at Middle School and High School. Superintendent answered that they work longer days/hours than rest of the staff. Mr.Carrier pointed out that there is a name listed twice; Superintendent answered that this is because they are split 40/60 between middle and high school.
Adjournment MOTION by to adjourn by Stan Nadeau. Seconded by Jennifer Crone. All in favor. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:28p.