Broken Ruler Protocol
Broken Ruler Protocol
Broken Ruler Protocol
Marianne Kassabian
Lily Margossian
Leigh Evans
We will be doing our enactment with a group of Grade 3
students with varying levels of mathematical abilities.
I needed to measure the length of a line last night, but my ruler fell on the floor and
A) Can I still use this ruler to measure the line below so I can complete my
Solution #1:
Which of these
potential solutions do
you want to include in a
whole-class discussion?
How would you
sequence the potential
solutions? Why?
Activity Sequence
Phase 1: Launching the Task
Introduce your group and establish expectations for student participation.
Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all having a great morning. My name
is Ms. Marianne. Ms. Lily, Ms. Leigh and I are very thankful that you are helping us
with this problem we are having.
Before we start thinking about how we can solve our problem, were just going to
set a couple of guidelines for the activity. Can anybody tell me the best way to
behave at circle time?
Ask the students what the best way to behave is and set the following
a. Raise their hand prior to speaking and waiting for their
turn to speak.
b. Listen and respect other students opinions and ideas.
c. Explain their thinking and be prepared to re-explain what
others have said in your own words.
Introduce the task.
I will ask the students questions to elicit prior knowledge about measuring and the
way they measure.
What is the first thing you think about when you hear measuring or to
How have you measured before?
Great answers everyone, thank you for participating so well.
So, here is our problem. Ms. Leigh, Ms. Lily and I were doing our math homework
yesterday and we noticed that the only ruler that we had was broken! So, we need
your help in solving our ruler problem. We had to measure this *hold up piece of
paper*line, but we only had this broken ruler to measure it.
Explain to students what you want them to do next (in the Monitor phase).
I want you to think about whether or not you would be able to measure this piece
of paper, with this piece of a broken ruler. Once you have thought about whether or
not you would be able to measure it, I will ask you to share with a partner next to
you. Then we are going to come back and discuss your answers as a class.
EDEE 332 Winter 2016
Okay, great job girls and boys. Now we are going to share our ideas as a class. Can
anyone remind us of these expectations?
Pry for expectations.
Lets share some of our ideas. Who thinks that we cannot measure the ruler, and
who thinks we can measure it?
I will then place the data collected in a table on the chalkboard. I will also write
down all the names of the students who contributed to the table next to their
specific idea in order for Lily and Leigh to transition smoothly into their parts of the
Phase 2
Solution 2: ____4_____
Focus students attention on a second student solution.
Can you explain to me how your brain was thinking about this problem?
What do you mean by the line fits? Do you think we can get an accurate
I will ask the students to consider what a regular ruler has that this broken one does
What if I told you that I can get you a regular ruler! Would I be able to measure the
line int hat case?
I will give the students a minute or so to Think-Pair-Share
Student X can you explain your thinking?
Student N could you repeat?
Why dont you come on the board and show us?
Why should you measure like this? Can anyone else explain why he/she went
about going to measure?
- I would continue to ask students up to the board to make sure that
students are in fact measuring by aligning the edge of the line with the
beginning of the cm (to make sure no extra partial units are added but not
accounted for.
Why do we have to align the line with the cm line like that? Why is this
So making sue we have aligned everything. How long is this line?
- Make sure to change data if students have changed their minds.
So if I had not dropped my ruler, I would have been able to measure without any
problems! What happens if in fact this ruler was broken? Ms. Leigh will help us try to
figure this puzzling question out!
this *Write these new values atop the existing values to have the
ruler starting at 0.
o So now we have two different answers.How can we come to an
answer that everyone agrees on? Lets go back to our full ruler for a moment
and count to double check. *This time, measure the line using the full
ruler but draw the cm as a jump on the board* Ok. So do we agree
that our line is ONE jump? Each jump, is 1cm. Our line is 1cm
o Remember student1 said our line was 2cm. How many jumps would
we have to do to measure 2cm? *2 jumps. Draw 2 jumps in another
color. Put the line up against these 2 jumps and ask students if they
still think the line measures 2 jumps. Have them discuss that it is 1
jump, not 2.
o Can we do the same thing on our broken ruler using this way of
measuring as number of jumps? *Have students count with you as you
measure the line using the broken ruler counting JUMPS* So we just
used our broken ruler, and measured one JUMP.
o When we used a full ruler, we measured one jump. When we used the
broken ruler, we ALSO measured 1 jump.
o What can we say about the line, that will explain why we got 1 cm
and not 2cm? Why isnt it 2 cm long? *The line did not grow, it stayed
the same throughout. It is # of jumps, distance traveled, that
Nice work today on solving this task. I noticed that students found really
interesting ways to solve this problem. Describe the mathematical ideas that the
class worked on, and/or ask students to describe what they worked on
mathematically today.
Comment on how the group participated in the mathematical activity, given the
expectations you laid out. E.g., I especially liked how everyone ___________
(contributed to our whole class discussion, noticed important mathematics in
each others solutions, etc.). Be as specific as possible about what you noticed
they were doing well.