Peer Coaching Blog
Peer Coaching Blog
Peer Coaching Blog
Blog 5
Preconference: What did you and your peer discuss during your preconference?
Teachers Math class on Thursday, March 2, 2017. I was very excited to be teaching a lesson in
front of Maria. I asked her to look out for me asking the students questions during my lesson. I
want to make sure I am engaging the students in my Math lesson. I asked Maria if she could
please write down the questions I asked during my lesson. I want to be able to review what I said
during my lesson, what questions I asked the students, and if I could have asked them a different
question. We did not discuss my teaching inquiry during this preconference because my teaching
inquiry is on how to differentiate a lesson based on students needs in a science classroom. The
Observation: What subject did you teach? Tell us about your lesson. Why did you choose to
teach it the way you did? How do you think the lesson went? Why?
State Standards:
including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single
Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances,
smaller unit.
H.O.T Questions
Explain how you know what operation to use when converting units of
How can you use models to compare customary/metric length? Weight?
Liquid volume?
My Lesson started off by me asking my students if they knew How many inches are in
one foot? All of the students in the classroom knew how many inches made one foot. By asking
them this question I am trying to assess their prior knowledge with units of measurement. This is
also getting their brain thinking in terms of units. I then progressed to 1 yard. I showed them a
yard stick and told them that there are 3 feet in one yard. I could have asked them how many feet
is in one yard instead I gave them the answer. I showed the students the yard stick so they can
see for their own eyes how many inches were on a yard stick so they can make the interpretation
of the inches being 36 in and them knowing 12 inches=1ft. I then went into teaching the students
how they can use measurements by using their own body and body parts. Example: Their
fingernail is equivalent to a millimeter, from their elbow to their wrist is one foot, from their tip
of their finger to their first knuckle on their hand is 1 in, and the students then put their arms out
and I told them that from their left middle finger to their right middle finger is 1 yard. I asked the
students, What strategies can I use to convert units of measurement? and What does convert
mean? In math, there are terms students do not know especially when they are presented to
them in a question format. I gave the students an example of something I called a G house, which
Maria loved and so did the students. This is a diagram(Visual) the students can draw out on their
math test to help them remember how many cups are in a pint, how many pints are in a quart,
and how many quarts are in a gallon. I made it into a story. My story went along like this, G is
your house and in your house, you have 4 windows which is your Quarts, you have two people in
each window which is your pints, and those two people have two eyes which is your cups. Below
I asked the students to do a self-assessment of their grasp of the content. I asked them to
get their dice out of their baskets and put it on their scale on their desk which is labeled 1-4. 1
being they have no idea, 2 they understand but are still confused, 3 they grasp the content but
still need clarification, and 4 they fully understand the content. There were a few 2s and 3s and
before I moved on I went back over the G house and how to convert units of measurement. I then
asked them to rate their grasp of the material again to make sure everyone was on the same page
and no child was left behind. We went through their bell work together which I will post below
with Marias notes. After bell work I broke the students up into groups and I passed out cards
which was my formative assessment. The students were allowed to work in pairs and they had to
figure out how to convert inches to feet, feet to yards, and inches to yards. Here is a picture of
When the students were done with their formative assessment/converting cards, I
assigned them pages 451 and page 455 in their math workbook. This allows them more practice
Post conference: What did you and your peer discuss during your post conference? Do you
During our post conference, we went over her notes and her thoughts of my lesson plan.
She loved my lesson and thought I did a great job teaching units of measurement to the class. I
feel like the peer conference cycle was beneficial and a great learning strategy for both of us. I
was able to tell Maria what I wanted her to look out for during my lesson. Also, I was able to
hear her feedback on my lesson during the post conference. All in all, I think doing a peer
coaching observation is great for both preservice teachers, we are able to see how each other are