Allahs Name Al Wasi Class 3 08th March2016
Allahs Name Al Wasi Class 3 08th March2016
Allahs Name Al Wasi Class 3 08th March2016
alone. If you look at any other religion than Islam then it is very tight but the
rules of Allah and commands of Allah will make you feel very vast and free.
The ayah begins from shaitan and the end of ayah is about Allah Wasi and
aleem. Anything that shaitan will promise you will be tight and restricted but
whatever Allah promises you will be vast. People think Islam is restricting but
in real that is the freedom. Shaitan will tell you do anything you want this
seems vast in appearance but in real this is restriction and you will end up in
misery. Commands of Allah make us bound but this obedience will give you
freedom and it will free you from slavery of your desires.
If you let your children do anything they want then it will be misery for them.
Shaitan will make you think bad and negative. Shaitan will tell you that you
will be in need if you do this he will tell you if you leave this job you will be in
need. This will make you fall into sins and that will be major sins. no body
likes the tightness in your wealth.
How ever Allah promises you maghfirah and fadl. Whatever Allah commands
you will be vast that is forgiveness and He will give you a favour. If someone
sins then Allah will forgive you then He will also favour you. This is vastness
of Allah. Even if He give everyone even then the favours will not reduce.
He is Aleem that means that He will give the forgiveness based on your heart.
He knows your level and He will forgive accordingly. He will give you from His
Wasi according to your heart.
Allah will give favours to human beings based on who deserve it. This doesnt
mean His favours are restricted in fact the favours are vast. It actually means
that He can give from His treasures even if you dont get then you need to
believe that if I dont get then this is best for you. He will give you the best.
Allah will favour with the guidance and that is the biggest favour of Allah.
Allah is Wasi and Aleem. People who dont get Hidaya is because they dont
want to get guidance from Allah and they reject the guidance when Allah calls
them to guidance. There are people who accept the guidance and those who
dont accept the guidance Allah gives to everyone as He is Wasi. People make
restriction on themselves. People are narrow minded and they dont take the
big opportunities that Allah gives.
Allah said that He is Wasi for the matter of divorce although apparently it
seems to us that it is cut off from the provision. When the husband and wife
get married they get benefit from each other but after divorce the benefit will
cut off. Allah is giving them hope that with divorce your life will not get tight.
People look at divorced people in a bad way that who will marry them now.
People think in a restricting manner that the life is getting worse. Allah says
that if two people cannot live together then Allah will enrich both of them. We
have made separation a bad and sad story because of the movies. The movies
are showing everything haram and they show separation as depressing. This
is from shaitan. Allah says that Allah will make them ghani from His favours.
There is a time that Allah will open doors for them and that Allah will provide
them. If one door closes many doors will open for them. Life doesnt stop at
divorce. Society will make is very tight and restricted but Allah is giving hope.
Allah is Wasi and hakeem. Allah is saying both of them can get married
again. We need to believe He is Wasi and implement this.