Our Pact With Allah BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah

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Shaikh Jalilu Issah

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

English Transliteration

[022.027 Allatheena yanqudoona AAahda Allahi min baAAdi meethaqihi

wayaqtaAAoona ma amara Allahu bihi an yoosala wayufsidoona fee al-ardi ola-ika humu


[002.027 Those who break Allah’s Covenant after it is ratified, and who sunder what
Allah Has ordered to be joined, and do mischief on earth: These cause loss (only) to


Allatheena (those who) Allatheena (break) Aaahda (covenant) Allahi (of Allah) min
baAAdi (after) meethaqihi (its ratification) wayaqtaAAoona (and sever) ma (what) amara
(ordered) Allahu (Allah) bihi (which for it) an (to be) yoosala (joined) wayufsidoona (and
do mischief) fee (in) al-ardi (the earth) ola-ika (it is they) humu (they who) alkhasiroona
(are the losers)
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

Dear readers before I proceed ahead, for your convenience and ready reference, I have
given all the meanings of the words of the holy verse in above lines.
This verse contains a great value in its words. There is a great wisdom and lesson for us.
Please read it meticulously. Allah says there are some people in the world who make a
relation with Allah. They virtually sign a contract with Allah. And according to the
provisions of the contract what they sign with Allah they act on it. These people have
great opportunities to get the success in this world and in hereafter. Before proceeding
ahead, keep it in your mind that when you sign a contract with somebody else, it becomes
obligatory to fulfill its provisions. Otherwise there would be a sheer violation of the
contract. So in the very same pattern Allah is telling us that the people who sign a
contract with Him, they follow the paths of the holy Quran. They can never ever think to
deviate the path of the holy Quran. But what they get if they act on the holy teachings of
the holy Quran? They get more and more opportunities to get the bliss and happy logical
endings of their affairs. These happy fruitful efforts bring their life fostering results
according to the Law of Requital not only in this mundane world but also in hereafter
life. So the people who are really acting according to the contract with Allah, there is a
glad tidings that they would be having a life in the heavens.
And if the people break and breach the pact of Allah they deserve to be sent into
the infernal fires of the hell. Their abode is in hell. Their place is not in heavens. Allah
is telling this great fact that we should be attentive to this phenomenon.
Now we discuss in detail that what they do? First of all they cover their hearts
and minds. Also they put a dot in their ears. They put a hood like birds of prey when
their shikari keeps their eyes covered with hood. It all means that the people don’t utilize
their intellectual and mental faculties to understand the wisdom given in the verses of the
holy Quran. They worship their own god. They worship their own golden calf. They
never think about to help the poor. They become the people of bullion and wealth.
Actually these people are breaking and breaching the contract signed with Allah. They
make the life uneven. They distribute the wealth unevenly and with injustice. They
embezzle the sources of livelihood. They establish an exploitative system. This is the
Fassaad on earth. This is the corruption on earth. Allah wants the correction of
corruption on earth.
We have five basics: wajib (religiously obligatory), mustahabb (recommended),
haram (unlawful or prohibited in Islam), makrooh (undesirable though not punishable),
and almubha (this action leaves no effect and produces no impact, you do it or leave it, no
reward and no punish). So a man who has made any pact with Allah Subhana-Wa-
Ta’aala it is his bounden duty to keep these five basics in his mind all the time.
Otherwise sans them there is no guarantee in his system to survive and progress.
Ultimately the fires of hell are waiting for him to burn his skin again and again. Always
remember that our every move noble or sinful also affect others and our surroundings.
That’s why one should not forget that we are electromagnetically interwoven with earth
and our surroundings. So our corruption spreads more evils. If we are doing it we are
breaching the covenant of Allah. Allah tells us that they are the losers.
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

Allah says

Allah in this verse is telling us one of the blessings of life. Allah has blessed a man by
giving him this life and that is one of the blessings of Allah. And Allah says that how
you deny the existence of Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. Really how can we deny that
Allah does exist. Who gives you life.
Now we have to see that what is the meaning of death. In Arabic we say Al Maut.

It means when a man’s soul leave his body, then a man dies.
This is Maut. There is one word Al Rajaa. It is a belief that Ahlul Bayt have in their
minds that after the death before the Day of Judgment, Allah would send them back to
the life. Allah would give them a period to live again for so many years. And would give
them death again. These are two groups. First group of the people would be who have
firm belief in Iman in their hearts. Second group of the people would be who extremely
disbelieved in the divinity and its infallible system given in the holy Quran. The people
who would be given a life again for the firmest possible Iman in their hearts would be
sent to in order to help the soldiers of Imam ul Zaman. The other group would be given
life to prove to them on the Day of Judgment that they were wrong in the mundane world.
They would beg to Allah to have another chance of this world to live according to the
holy Quran. But Allah would refuse. Allah says how
can you deny the existence of Allah? while you were dead.
The reason that we say this verse is Rajaa is because what do we call a dead. There are
three tafseer in the support of this view.
The first one says Amwaat is middle of death is before the creation. Before Allah
created you, you were dead, you were nothing. And then Fa Khiayaqum, and then He
created you, and gave you life. And then He would cause you to die. And then after this

and then He would raise you for the accountability on the

Day of Judgment. Now the question comes into the mind that why a man lives two times
and dies two times. Why? When we say Al Maut in Arabic, we have Al Hayiat that is
life and then we have Al Maut that is death. When we say Maut, it means first there was
life and after it death approached. But if the man did not experience any life then he does
not have taste of death. Al Maut means life before death. Allah says
while you were dead. and then
Allah raised him. So the followers of Ahlul Bayt say a man who had the firmest possible
belief in Allah and in the Day of Judgment, he would be given life to go and help the
soldiers of the great heavenly personality mentioned above. Allah has promised with His
believers that We have written in Zubur (book of

the Prophet Dawood) the earth has to be

inherited by the righteous servants.
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

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