History 121D-12

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History 121D12

Socialism emerged with the idea that goods should be planned

with the good of everyone in mind

It proposed this new social order where goods would be used for

the mutual benefit of society

Socialists saw any effort at regulating individual life as

constricting freedom
These are the early anarchists
Pierre Proudon: the ideal society was one that maximized
individual freedom rather than limiting it in any way, shape, or

Proudons best known work is What is Property?
Proudon stated that the state would construct a new social order
in which states would just vanish and rejected violence as a

means of achieving these goals

Mikhail Bakuin: called for the most violent revolution possible in

which workers would bring the state down violently

Bakunin would drive Marx to an early grave as Bakunin would

travel all over Europe debating with Marx

Anarchism would attract the largest following in the least

industrialized parts of the continent

The anarchist tradition was largest in Spain, in parts of Southern

Italy, and in Russia

Anarchism proved a strong competitor to early and scientific

Marx was strongly influenced by the whole range of early

critiques to the burgeoning economic system of capitalism

Scientific socialism was the largest competitor to utopian

Socialism becomes interchangeable with the term Marxism

Marx, Hegel, Saint-Simon: all began with a theory of history
Marx had been influenced by Hegel early on, but parted ways
with him to say that the major events in history were class

Marx terms this dialectical materialism
Marx argued that Hegels theory was backwards
Marx said that history was only verifiable by natural processes
Marx termed his body of thought scientific socialism
Marx argued that the starting point of history was in human

social and economic environment

The moving forces in history were economic and technical factors
The way in which goods were produced and wealth accounted for

were the basis of change, culture, law, philosophy, etc.

The material technology of a society were the things that
determined societys social and political arrangements and its

intellectual outlooks
The hand mill and the wooden plow brought about feudalism and

machines brought about industrial capitalism

The emergence of the new technology is the beginning of a

grand conflict between the new and old system

The resulting tension is what produces change
In other words, the basis of social change is class conflict
The ideas of the ruling class become the dominant ideas

throughout society
They might be presented as moral or religious standards and
they may be seen as truth by both the oppressors and the
oppressed, but these views enhance the strength of the ruling

economic classes
This is a form of mystification

These natural laws of laissez faire economics emerge as a result

of the bourgeoisie trying to wrest power from the feudal lords

Marx argues that it is a cruel regime that cannot last, as it

dehumanizes the workers and keeps them in poverty

Marx argued that capitalism was digging its own grave as more

workers were kept in poverty

Marxs ideology had immense appeal across class lines, but

particularly amongst the laboring classes

It proclaims the dominance of science and science is the ruling

religion of the era of industrial capitalism

It does look as if many of Marxs outlooks are materializing
Many enfranchised workers turn to newly created socialist parties
July 14 is Bastille Day
At the first Bastille celebration held in 1790, many thousands of

people attend ceremonies celebrating the fall of the Bastille

This is the first national holiday and hence is a major landmark in

the emergence of the modern world

Our final ism, nationalism, becomes a verifiable faith in Europe

between 1815 and 1914

It becomes a dominant religion in the minds of many 19th century

Its ideology held many benefits and also many dangers
Nationalism was the most important political fact in 19th century

There was an idea that the nation was the apex of large scale

political organization
It was seen as the only organization that was morally valid
It was unsurprising how rapidly nationalism spread
Mazzini: the nation is the god-appointed instrument for the
welfare of the human race

Nationalism appealed to many middle class liberals and also

appeals to the broad masses of society

It appeals to many common classical bonds of history, tradition,

Nationalism stresses that the highest allegiance should be to the

Nationalism provides a sense of community in a time when

community had broken down

Nationalism provided a cause worthy of self-sacrifice, new holy

days, and a new quasi-religious fervor

Nationalism was seen as a necessary path to a better life
Greeks, Turks, and others believed that once a national spirit had
unified them, life and happiness would be improved for

Nationalism provided a feeling of belonging, a and a greater
feeling of purpose than one could hope for in maturing

industrialized society
Nationalism provides a mission: the advancement of the nation
The classicalists are pushed away by the new tough minded

This was especially common in areas where there was not a
national border but still a feeling of national identity: mainly Italy

and Germany
The idealists who once led the charge of unification are
superseded by experienced statesmen who are acutely aware of
the European political situation

Count Camillo Cavour and Otto von Bismarck would direct these
national strivings towards the practical achievements they

They would try to achieve these goals through diplomacy and

military aggression
Many bourgeois liberals ??
Nationalism becomes bound up in a search for order in the

political realm
It garners support for the founding of the second empire in
France, or through peasants votes for a new, nationally minded

monarchy in Austria
Many nationalists come to reject liberty and radicalism
The state was an instrument of power for national glory and

internal order
The liberal ideals of nationalism begins to vanish because it

wasnt effective
It is superseded by a conservative and romantic nationalism
Romanticism and a growing body of racial ideas seem to
combine very comfortably in the growing nationalism that

emerges after 1848

This nationalism means the superiority of ones nation above all

other nations
National histories are increasingly being written as a story of

national rivalries
In the 19th century, many pan movements emerge
Pan-German, pan-Italian, pan-Slavic, etc. emerge to say that all
of these peoples should be incorporated into the fold of the
motherland for their own good

This is the period in which Europe goes on its last great spree of

imperialist expansion overseas

Nationalism becomes increasingly belligerent, intolerant, and

Racial ideas, together with romanticism, strengthen this trend
and threaten European peace and democracy and the principles

of the enlightenment
The Italian peninsula unifies between 1858 and 1861
Nationalism was a very powerful force in Italy
Napoleon briefly unified Italy and that was the first time it was

unified since the Roman Empire

To much of the Italian middle class, Piedmont-Sardinia was an
example of a national, liberal state which would serve as an

example of unification
Cavour emerges as the chief architect of Italian unity
Cavour is at heart a constitutional monarchist and, as a god

classical liberal, has a distrust in democracy

He felt unification should be brought on by princes and not

Cavour forms an alliance with France and Britain and Piedmont,

aided by France, goes to war with the Austrian Empire

The Northern Italian area would be ruled by King Victor Emanuel

of Piedmont and went to war with the Austrian Empire

The Southern area would be led to unification by Giuseppe

Garibaldi and was much more radical than the north

With both of these areas independently free, unification was all

but complete
The new kingdom of Italy was not democratic or radical
It was a constitutional monarchy which drew a clear division
between the propertied and the lower classes

Italy was clearly divided between the industrialized North and the

rural agrarian South

The unification of the Italian peninsula had no major political
ripples since it did not upset the balance of power on the

All powers, however, believed that a unified Germany would

quickly become the most powerful state on the continent

In 1862, Wilhelm II would appoint Otto von Bismarck as president

and hires him to implement a Prussian-led unification

Bismarck used nationalism to expand Prussian power
Bismarck was a staunch conservative and a supporter of the

Prussian monarchy
Bismarck was hailed as a hero once he began achieving good

things for the German state

The Germans effectively co-op nationalism
There is a small war with Denmark in order to clear up territorial

Austria was seen as the preeminent German state and was not

wanted in Northern German affairs

A war was provoked with Austria in 1866 and was quickly won
In 1870, Bismarck provoked a war with France
Bismarck does so in order to complete the process of unification
The very existence of a unified Germany upsets the balance of
power that the great powers had sought to preserve since the

end of the Napoleonic Wars

Germany was too big too small to dominate the continent, but

just big enough to upset the balance of power

The coronation of Wilhelm I as emperor of Germany was held at

In an agreement known as the Compromise of 1867, the

Hapsburg Empire was basically split into twothe Austrian and

Hungarian territories, but retained a common ruler

Hungary would gain control of its internal affairs, but its external
affairs would be determined by a board of both Hungarians and

All of these unification projects were a repeat of those attempted

in 1848
Germans and Magyars were the dominant groups in these areas

of the former Hapsburg Empire

When the Hapsburg Empire collapses, it breaks up into all of its

small ethnic areas

Liberalism and nationalism go hand in hand for the first half of
the century, but that situation changes dramatically in the

second half
The new nationalism rejects the emphasis of political liberty and
authoritarianism was seen as necessary to meet national

Nietzsche was said to protect the youth of the revolution

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