The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
1. The first print shows the people of Europe and America marching in a
long train and offering homage to the Statue of Liberty as they pass it.
The torch of Enlightenment was carried by a female figure in one hand
and the Charter of the Rights of Man in the other.
2. On the earth in the foreground lie the shattered remains of the symbols of
absolutist institutions.
3. In Sorrieu’s utopian vision, the people of the world are grouped as
distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costume.
4. The procession was led by the United States and Switzerland, followed
by France and Germany. Following the German people are the people of
Austria, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Lombardy, Poland, England,
Ireland, Hungary and Russia.
5. From the heavens above, Christ, saints and angels gaze upon the scene.
They have been used by the artist to symbolise fraternity among the
nations of the world.
1. In 1789 Nationalism came with French Revolution and the political and
constitutional changes led to the transfer of sovereignty from the
monarchy to a body of French citizens. Various measures and practices
were introduced such as the ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le
citoyen ( the citizen). A new French flag, the tricolour was chosen to
replace the former one.
2. Democracy destroyed in France by Napoleon and the Civil Code of 1804
known as Napoleonic Code did away with all privileges based on birth,
established equality before the law and secured the right to property.
The Making of Nationalism in Europe
Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into kingdoms, duchies and
cantons whose rulers had their autonomous territories.
The Aristocracy and the New Middle Class
The Aristocracy was the dominant class on the continent politically and
socially. The majority of the population was made up of the peasantry.
Industrialisation began in England in the second half of the eighteenth century.
New social groups came into being: a working-class population and middle
classes made up of industrialists, businessmen, professionals.
What did Liberal Nationalism Stand for?
1. The term ‘liberalism’ derives from the Latin root liber, meaning free. The
right to vote and to get elected was granted exclusively to property-
owning men. Men without property and all women were excluded from
political rights.
2. In 1834, a customs union or zollverein was formed at the initiative of
Prussia and joined by most of the German states. The union abolished
tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to
1. Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation: art and
poetry, stories and music helped express and shape nationalist feelings.
2. Romanticism, a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular
form of nationalist sentiment. Language also played an important role in
developing nationalist sentiments.
3. Russian language was imposed everywhere and in 1831 an armed
rebellion against Russian rule took place which was ultimately crushed.
Italy Unified
Italy was divided into seven states, in the middle of the nineteenth century, and
among all the seven states, Sardinia-Piedmont, was ruled by an Italian princely
house. All the regions were dominated by different kings. In the 1830’s
Giuseppe Mazzini formed a secret society called Young Italy.
The movement was led by Chief Minister Cavour. In 1859, Sardinia-Piedmont
defeated Austrian forces. In 1860, they marched into South Italy and the
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and succeeded in winning the support of the local
peasants. In 1861 Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of united Italy.
The Strange Case of Britain
Great Britain was the model of the nation and prior to the eighteenth century
there was no British nation. The nation became powerful as it steadily grew in
wealth, importance and power.
The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland resulted in the
formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’ meant, in effect, that
England was able to impose its influence on Scotland. In 1801, Ireland was
forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom. The symbols of the new Britain
– the British flag (Union Jack), the national anthem (God Save Our Noble
King), the English language – were actively promoted.
What is nationalism?
The desire/wish of a group of people who have similar race, culture, language to
form a country.
2 जवाबदेही :-हमारी टीम हर वक़्त आपके लिये उपलब्ध रहेगी आपके सुख
और दुःख में। हम यह निश्चित करेंगे की आपकी समस्या का समाधान जल्द
से जल्द हो। हम आपको विश्वास दिलाते है की हम बीच राह में न ही
इस्तीफा देंगे और जो भी प्रश्न आप हमसे करेंगे हम उसका जवाब आपको देंगे।
4 लिफ्ट:- हमारी सोसाइटी में बहुत सारे बुजुर्ग second और third फ्लोर पर रहते
है जिनको सीढ़ी चढ़ने और उतरने में बहुत ही परेशानी होती है। हमारे टीम
FIRST AND SECOND फ्लोर वाले साथियो को विस्वास में लेकर इसका
समाधान करने की कोशिश करेगी।
जय हिन्द जय भारत