Importance of Health
Importance of Health
Importance of Health
Health is a positive state of well being, where every part of the body and mind is in
harmony and in proper functioning balance with every other part. In other words,
when every organ of the body is functioning normally, the state of physical well
being is known as health. It has been well said that only that person can be called
really healthy who has a sound mind in a sound body. Health is the characteristic of
life that enables a person to live longer. According to World Health Organisation
(WHO): Health is the state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social wellbeing and not merely absence of disease. If a person is disease free or in a good
physical state, but under stress, tension, anger, greed etc. than that person is not
considered as a healthy person. Hence, in addition to physical health, we must
consider the mental and emotional health also, only than spiritual and social health
can be achieved and man can progress forward for the well being of the society. Let
us understand the various aspects of health.
Physical health When the body is free from any physical ailment or abnormal
condition, it is physical health. Mental health The state of absence of stress,
tension, worry, negative thoughts etc. is mental health. Emotional health A
balanced state of absence of anger, greed, proud, hatred etc. is emotional health.
Spiritual health To live in yourself with uniformity and harmony is spiritual health.
Also, to have faith in your religion and respect & view others religion with equal
harmony is known as spiritual health.
Community health is the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving
the health of people through organized community efforts.
Hygiene is defined as the science and art of preserving and improving health. The
purpose of hygiene is to allow man to live in healthy relationship with his
environment. It deals both with an individual and a community as a whole. In order
to be healthy one must realize that hygiene and sanitation play a very important
Healthy eating
Our bodies are complex, and we need enough fuel and nutrients to carry out a huge
variety of functions everyday from fighting infection to repairing everyday wear
and tear. Good nutrition is vital for health and well-being.
A poor diet can contribute to obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, cancer, stroke and
heart disease. The World Health Organization has identified an unhealthy diet as
one of the leading global risks to health.
In Scotland, we tend to eat too much of the foods that are less healthy, such as
sugary drinks and processed foods that are high in saturated fat or salt. Most of us
know that eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is good for our health,
but we dont always manage to achieve this.
There are lots of reasons why eating a healthy diet can be difficult. NHS Lothian and
our partners are working to improve access to healthy foods and increase
knowledge, confidence and skills in cooking and healthy eating.
Healthy Diet:
A healthy diet for most people is based on the Eatwell Plate. This means that we
should aim to eat a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, including:
The healthy eating recommendations are different for babies and young children.
People with certain health conditions may be given tailored advice by a dietitian.
Prevention & Health Promotion
Despite common belief, it is possible to prevent the development of food and weight
preoccupation and eating disorders. It is also possible to prevent existing eating
disorders from getting worse.
From learning about and improving our own self-esteem and body image, to working
with others and making positive societal changes, the following information can
help us to reduce the occurrence of disordered eating.
Prevention can also happen every time you talk to people. When you talk about
food and weight problems, make sure you:
Use language and ideas that are right for the person's age.
Take into account all the social and cultural messages people get.
Talk to both sexes about eating disorders and unhealthy attitudes or
Consider the following ideas for us all, for families and friends, for educators, and
for administrators.
You can start changes in your home, school, workplace, sports or hobby group,
place of worship, camp and anywhere else you can think of. Explore the What's New
section or contact NEDIC and other community organizations for a list of Eating
Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) and International No Diet Day (INDD) events in
your area. For ideas on how to start an event in your community, explore the Ideas
for EDAW & INDD section.
Model and teach ways to deal with stress and conflict: Deep breathing, progressive
relaxation exercises, a solitary walk, quiet time alone, listening to or playing music.
You can also teach ways to deal with stressful situations, such as:
Make a list of the things you have to do and put them in order of importance.
Practice talking positively to yourself to get you through the effects of a poor
decision or unhappy result: it was one incident, not your whole life.
Keep a journal to help you understand your feelings and thoughts. Think up new
ways to cope and share them with others.
Help others to develop self-esteem based on qualities other than physical
appearance: Comment on and affirm characteristics that contribute to the smooth
working of a study group or class. Be specific with your compliments:
Help other individuals to have realistic expectations of themselves and others.
Encourage individuals to take ownership of their accomplishments and talents.
Encourage and affirm personally and socially responsible behaviour.
Don't ignore negative comments about physical appearance, including size, shape,
cultural dress or race. Do not allow belittling remarks based on racial, sexist or other
stereotypes. Use them as teachable moments without shaming anyone.
Teach critical thinking skills. Help others learn to analyze, synthesize, apply and
Teach about aspects of self and life that one can influence, and help people feel
stronger and more able to cope.
Get rid of your diet! Fight against the main cause of eating disorders - dieting. All
you need is a trash can. Put one in your office, school or home. Get rid of all those
negative products in your life. Fill it with dieting how-to guides, calorie counters,
bathroom scales, diet pills, laxatives and other diet products. Be real. Free your
body and your mind. Spend your money and your passion on something that
Get rid of your scale! Numbers can be deceiving. Listen to your body. Let it tell you
how healthy you are. Remember that your weight is not a measurement of your
health or self-worth. Make health and vitality your goal, not a specific weight. Read
about Dieting Facts & Fiction and how diets that restrict calories are harmful to your
emotional and physical health.
Avoid labelling food "bad," "sinful," or "junk food." Labels like this can make you
feel guilty or ashamed for eating "bad food". If we think this way, we can restrict,
and then binge, on certain foods. Remember that a healthy diet includes both
regularly eating nutritious food and occasionally eating less nutritious, high calorie
food. Use different labels for food like "sometimes food" and "everyday food."
Do not encourage or laugh at jokes that make fun of a person's size or body. Find a
direct and gentle way to say that a person's worth and morality are not related to
how they look.
Criticize the culture that promotes unhealthy body image, not your self. Look at
how encouraging people to dislike their bodies helps to sell products. Even young
children can understand this. Encourage children to question, evaluate and respond
to the messages that promote unhealthy body image and low self-esteem.
Tell the media what you think: they do listen. Write a letter to the editor of a
newspaper, call a TV station, radio station or newspaper. Let them know what you
think of their advertisements, articles, stories, etc. Organize a shredding table at a
local community centre and invite the public to bring and shred their most despised
adverts and articles. Provide a paper shredder or scissors and a wastepaper basket.
Invite the media. Work within your community to gather petitions through schools,
community health centres and youth organizations. Help raise awareness of harmful
images and messages by contacting local media activism organizations, such
as MediaWatch or Adbusters. Send copies of the petitions to the offending company
and to your provincial or federal standards association. Advertising Standards
Canada is one such association responsible for all print and television
advertisements in Canada. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
Commission (CRTC) also deals with any radio, televised or Internet complaints.
Tell advertisers how much you appreciate positive advertisements. This increases
the likelihood of them using more inclusive and real images. For examples of
positive examples,
Celebrate Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) and International No Diet Day
(INDD) in your community. For ideas and information see Ideas for EDAW
Regularly participate in exercise you enjoy. Let your child decide what physical
activity she/he prefers. Help children be physically active by limiting TV and other
inactive play. Encourage physical activities. These can be as simple as washing the
car, shovelling snow or gardening.
Encourage self-awareness and critical thinking skills. These will help children
evaluate new information using their own values, strengths and needs. Children who
can do this are more likely to resolve their problems in healthy ways rather than by
using food and weight manipulation as coping strategies.
Be aware of advertising and toys aimed at children. Notice how they reinforce
gender stereotypes and body dissatisfaction. Encourage a conversation about how
the child in your care views the advertisement or the toy. Foster critical thinking.
and playfulness.
Work toward identifying and resisting all forms of discrimination. Remember that
prejudice against size and body relates to prejudice based on sex, race, sexuality,
class and physical ability.
images. Examples are New Moon, for girls between the ages of 9 and 14, and
Shameless for older teens.
Involve food services at your school. Encourage your school to provide a variety of
nutritious foods to children in the cafeteria, at school activities and at fundraising
events. Support every effort to promote healthy eating.
Learn to recognize the signs of someone at risk. The BodyWise handbook is an
excellent, free resource for school personnel, teachers, nurses, coaches, and other
educators. The handbook includes tips for identifying disordered eating, and
suggestions for integrating eating disorder prevention into existing curricula and
initiating school-wide activities to promote healthy eating and prevent weight
Teach children critical-thinking skills to help them identify and resist cultural
messages that could promote negative body image. Teachers can integrate media
literacy lessons into many subjects, such as social sciences, literature, history and
health. For more information see Information Resources and Beyond Images.
With your students, examine the images in your school. Look at posters, books,
magazines or even activities that promote stereotypical representations of the ideal
beautiful or healthy body.
Provide children with alternative images of healthy bodies. For example, showcase
pictures of athletes of all different sizes and shapes, including athletes who are
differently abled. Put the pictures under the title "Healthy bodies come in all shapes
and sizes." Normalise and celebrate diversity by having a range of pictures around
the school. Check out our Resources for appropriate posters, or go to your local art