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Phillips Steve Nancy 1997 Colombia

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A Busy New Year...

Praise the Lord he has been working in our lives and through our ministries in this ne^ year of WTJ The

year got offto a running start with a Vacation Bible School from January 20th through the 24th. Eacfrday we
averaged 85 children ages 2 to 14. On the closing night we had an ail-time record attendance of 152 men,
women and children present. Many children heard the message of Jesus' love for them, and that God made each
one of them special.

As a result of the VBS our attendance in youth group has shot skyward! We've had as many as 26

present (ages 9-14) in a Saturday youth meeting. Attendance peaked the second week after VBS and now it has
dropped down to a steady average of 15. More than numbers, we are encouraged by the desire ofsome of
the youth to really get to know the Lord, and what He has to offer them. Presently, there are five youth studying
our evangelistic course(The Five Spiritual Laws: written by Larry Griffin, missionary to Uruguay), They desire
to be baptized and this course is very clear in explaining the decision they are making.
More Evangelistic Studies..
Besides the five youth who are studying the Five Spiritual Laws, we also have five adults studying. We
meet with them after Wednesday evening service. This group is on the fifth often lessons. Already one of the

men attending, Orlando, has given his testimony in Wednesday evening church. He has been attending about five
weeks now. He said that since he's been seeking the Lord and attending services(Sunday morning, Wednesday

evening, AND Thursday night men's meeting) he has had no desire to return to his habitual Friday night drinking
with his friends. He said the Lord is already manifesting himself in his life!

Let me tell you about a lady who is studying with us on Wednesday night. Her name is Janeth.
Remember my mentioning Maria to you(whose sons are Marco and Hugo)? About three months ago I sent out

an update (to our e-mail friends) and said that she was upset with a decision the leaders had made She had left
the church to attend elsewhere. I asked you to pray for her spiritual healing. Well, her sister is Janeth.

Janeth, last year, came to know that Maria was an 'Evangelical' and that she liked to read the Bible and
sing hymns in the house while doing housework. A popular idea here is that evangelicals are crazy (because
reading the Bible makes you 'loco' according to what priests taught catholics many years ago). To Janeth, these
actions of her sister were pretty crazy, so she began making fun of Maria. Not only that, but all of the family
outside of Maria's own household also began making fun of her. Relations broke off and Maria and sons began
praying for Janeth.

In January of this year I went up to visit Maria and her son Marco to see if they were still attending
somewhere. When I got there she was all upset about a 19 year old nephew who seemed possessed by demons.
She said that the family had spent two days taking him to church after clHJrch to have him prayed for They were

pretty desperate to get him well- He hadnt eaten, and he treated anybody who claimed to be Christian with
contempt. He even ran a couple of men out ofthe room who had gone in to pray for him.
Well, among the people who were taking him from preacher to priest, there was Janeth and family. Yes,
my jaw about hit the floor to see Just how anxious they were to know more about spiritual things, and to seek
God's help in time of need. The Lord provided an opportunity for me to talk to they young man (Jose), and to
pray with him. Now the family has seen the Lord's hand at work, and they too are seeking him.
Janeth has not missed a Sunday service, a Wednesday evening Bible study nor a Thursday ladie s meeting
since seeking the Lord! Not only that, but she is very influential in her circle offamily and friends and she has
encouraged others to seek the Lord. One result is this evangelistic study on Wednesday nights after Bible study,
(ps: Jose might have had spiritual influences in his life, but it is my opinion that he was not possessed. He did
later admit to having problems with drugs, and that he seemed to be going through withdraw or was have a
flashback. Please pray for his continued recovery as he too is seeking the Lord. Also Mana and Marco have
returned to the church along with the rest ofthe family). Isn't the Lord just great!!
Family Matters...

Jessica and Hannah are in school now. They began the year Feb. 3rd. Jessica(6)is in first grade and
Hannah (4.5) is in Kindergarten. Both enjoy school veiy much. They are enrolled in a private Christian school
since all ofthe public schools teach and practice pagan/tiatholic rituals throughout the year. It is a bit more
expensive for us, but it avoids having them learn religious practices that are anti-biblical.

Samuel is going to turn two in a few days. He is an active, growing, learning little boy. He is still
relatively calm, compared to other kids his age, but he still has his energy and curiosity. His favorite word for

now is "uh-oh". It means put a video in the VCR and tilrn on the TV.?? Okay, you want to know why he calls it
'uh-oh'? Because a couple oftimes when he was watclung it the video ran out and 1 said 'uh-oh' and went to

change the video. That's the best I can figure. By the wiy, he calls me mom. Only when he really wants my
attention very badly, like to put in an 'uh-oh', will he call me 'papi'.

Nancy and I have a hobby now. We are into aquariums. To purchase a fish tank here, a 10 gallon tank
costs about WO.GO. So we, upon the advice and instruction of our fnend and co-worker Paul Moreland, went
out and purchased glass and a tube ofsilicon. I built oqr first tank(20 gallon size)for $15 dollars. We have a

nice assortment offish(2 angels, 3 male and 1 female ^ppies(and 30 babies

2 zebras, and in our

water storage-tank outside we have a few female gupptes from the river and a guram^ytb'fe^'^'ljown the

mosquito population. The guramy is about the size of my open hand. He might get about as big as my forearm
if we feed him enough!

More family matters include my parent's up-coriijng visit in March. We are excited about their coming!
Jessica asked the other day ifthey were already in the airolane. She said that every time she sees a big plane fly
overhead she thinks ofgrandma. It will be nice for the children to see their grandparents from the states. It will

be nice for Nancy and I to see them too! Please pray wip us for their safe preparation, travel, and visit. It will
be the first time we see each other in nearly two years!

Ministry needs...

We have need ofa flannel-graph kit. There is a^t that is sold with back-drops, Bible characters, and
animals that is very much needed for teaching the children. Because it is a professionally made set offlannel cut
outs it is somewhat expensive. If you can make a financial donation for this need we would greatly appreciate it.

You could send your donation to our forwarding agent ijnarked "Flannel-graph Set". Thank you. If you know
how to order this set, please contact us via e-mail, or thijough our Forwarding Agent.
We pray this has been informative and interesting for you. May the Lord bless you for reading it, and for
keeping yourselfinformed ofour work and lives here in Colombia. Please remember to stop today and pray for

the requests pointed out in this letter, and for whatever^Ise the Lord leads you to pray for.
Anyone who is imerested in joining our "Update'j list to receive periodic electronic mailings can send

your name and e-mail address to 75714.40 compuserve.jjom.

STEVE,Nancy & family^




2701 S Miller Street


Shelbyville, IN 46176-9301



P.O.Box 2427

KNOXVILLE TN 37901-2427


^"7 30 V V


li. i t I i


PIOM '"il
NEWS FROM COLOMBIA (L.A.M.P., Inc) from Steve & Nancy Phillips & Family
Hello family, friends & supporters.
Mission News...

[ 1 A friend and supporter of this mission donated a Zip drive and the Windows 95 operating system (thanks
Adrian!). After a month of working with the program, and with some software from another supporter in

(thanks Mark!), the mission computer is finally up and running, with modem capabilities.
11 Attendance in church is up. We had a high of 117 for April and an average of about 110. We have two more
baptisms planned within the next two weeks. Pray for these people's decisions to be firm.
[ I Youth camp is just around the comer. June 27 through the 30th are the days set for this special event. This
year the camp is in Bogota. We will have a local camp for jr. highers July 10 - 12. Please pray for the spiritual
preparation and the financial support of these events. Pray also the Lord moves in the hearts of the youth that
they will make the effort to go. Cost per camper -not including transportation- for the June 27th camp is $32.00
(a week's wages for most people). If you would like to sponsor a youth's costs, or half of that, please send your
support marked Camps-97.

[ I Our missionary team is going through some changes. Mark & Barbara Stringer leave for furlough in a couple
of months. When they return, their daughter and son-in-law (the Morelands) will be going on furlough, and then
us... 1999!I Please pray for the Lord to help us adapt to the increased workload we will feel as the various
families depart for furlough. Pray also for the church family to readily accept these changes as well.
[ j Seven of us men (four leaders and three laymen) went to Bogota last week to a Colombian version of
Promise Keepers. It was a day and a halflong, and about 5 to 6 thousand were present at this, the second annual
meeting... an increase over the 1,500 that went last year!! Luis Palau spoke, as well as Randy Phillips from
Promise Keepers, among other excellent preachers-speakers. It was a spiritual blessing to all of us who attended.

[ 1 Praise the Lord, my parents (Steve's) were able to come to Colombia for a visit. We had a wonderful two
weeks with them after two years of being apart. We are also pleased that on this trip they did not get sick and
were able to enjoy their time here. Praise the Lord they were also kept very safe in the midst of a nation of
violence and dangers.

[ I We are going to home school Jessica. She needs some special attention not offered by the local school(even
though it is a private Christian based education system). We feel she will do much better now and in the future
by educating her in English and in the home. The Spanish will come naturally as she interacts with her neighbor
fnends, and in the churcK-(and we can get a tutor for Spanish classes fairly cheap) Hannah is doing well so far in
preschool so we are leaving her there. We'll decide what to do about her education next year, IF YOU (or
someone you know)have any home-school materials for first grade, and you are no longer using them, we would
GREATLY appreciate any donation you could make for our children's education.
[ 1 Our two year old Samuel is a joy... he has such a loving spirit about him, and he's a laugh. His favorite words
are "Mommy"- which can refer either to mommy... or daddy; "Video"- which can mean I want to see t.v., watch
a video, or hear an audio cassette of children's songs;"Owie"- which means 'that spanking you just gave me hurt
(evei: though it hardly moved the fluff in my diaper),''that 'no' you just told me about watching a video isn't what
1 had in mind, or'mommy didn't give me that candy I just threw a tantrum for'(and I'm going to show you that
I'm serious by crying real tears!!). Praise the Lord for children. :-)(smile).
{1 Our landlord has the house up for sale. Our contract runs out in a month and a half. We're looking,
searching, and praying for another nice house to live in. Please join with us in this petition, as safety, size, and
money are all involved in the decisions we'll have to be making in the near future. (See note at the end of this

THANK YOU for your continued prayer and financial support ofthe Lord's work here in Colombia, via our lives
and ministries.

Update: May 17,1997

NEWS FROM COLOMBIA (L.A.M.P., Inc)from Steve & Nancy Phillips & Family
Hello everybody.
Well, we're fine, thank the Lord. We hope you are too. We will be attending church here in
Bucaramanga tomorrow (Steve will preach) and on Monday we'll be going out to the country to visit some of
Nancy's family members(aunts & uncles). They are interested in knowing more about Christianity, and we are
anxious for the opportunity to share with them the good news ofJesus! It has been a long time that Nancy's
immediate family has prayed for their extended family to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Finally, some of
them are interested.

We will go with Andrew Stringer, the local missionary, so he can get to know them. That way he can

continue studying with them, and we can go back to Iba^e confident that someone is teaching them the truth
from the Bible. Please pray for Jorge, Alice and Pacho, the first ones who we will contact. There is a possibility
of more studying later. Pray these and other family members will all gain an interestjn knowing Jesus.^..
Update... The three people mentioned, and Jorge's sister joyfully accepted the 5 Spiritual Laws study and are
excited about the hope offered them in Jesus Christ! They will continue studying with Andrew on Sunday

afternoons. Praise the Lord!!

Update: Wednesday^ May 28,1997

NEWS FROM COLOMBIA (L.A.M.P., Ipc)from Steve & Nancy Phillips & Family
Hello faithful fnends, family & supporters,
The Lord has been working wonders in His church here in Colombia! What a joy it is to see the brothers
and sisters in Christ growing in his love. It feels like just yesterday some ofthese people came to know the Lord,
and yet it's been nearly a year and a halfl I was reminiscing how a young couple first came to a youth meeting
looking for more information about the Lord, and wanting to know what we taught.
The young couple I'm referring to is a man named Hugo and his wife, Sneider. They were timid at first,

sort ofunsure. The first few weeks they attended and h^d lots ofquestions. Sneider was the first to accept the 5
Spiritual Laws course, along with her mother-in-law and brother-in-law. Hugo said he would study, but didn't
come except to about two or three ofthe 10 meetings. Today this young couple have both been in the Lord for

nearly a year and they are showing many signs of matuii^ in their faith! What ajoy it is for us to see them grow.

Another man named Alberto has been in the Lor^ for nearly two years now. He is a shoe maker. He has
lots of work and many people take their shoes to him for repair because he is good at his job and honest. He is in
his-thirties, and has ajChristian wife and a^young daughtw. HeJias been attendingTaithfully the men's group on

Thursday nights, and also the Bible Institute we've initialed on Saturday nights. He is excellent leadership
material in the Lord's kingdom, j
There are also youth who've grown in their faith. Katty is a young girl of 14 who began attending youth
group two years ago when her mom started studying the Bible with a Colombian leader. After a year oflearning
with us, she attended the youth camp. She considered giving her life to the Lord and being baptized, but she
knew from the 5 Spiritual Laws study that she had to renounce the ways ofthe world in order to make an
effective commitment to the Lord. She wasn't ready to do that and wisely made the decision to wait. Just two
months ago she finally made her decision and was buried in the waters ofbaptism! What a change we've seen in
her in just these two months of"New life".
The scriptures tell us that we will sow with tears, but reap with joy. That is VERY TRUE! In the past
two years we've had many hard times(as living in a foreign country can be challenging). Yet, when we look at
the harvest we've been reaping, what a joy it truly is! (Tliis month we celebrated 6 baptisms!). It makes all ofthe
hard times worth it. We are pleased to be used ofthe Lord to share his message of hope with those who are
hungry for the truth!

Thank you for sending us. Thank you for supporting us in prayer. Thank you for sending your financial
support too, for without it we could not afford to live and serve the Lord in a foreign country. God bless you.
Please remember to pray for the continued growth of those mentioned above. Pray also for the contacts
we presently have, that they too will have good soil in their hearts to receive the seed of the word of Salvation,
and produce abundantly!
In His service,

Steve & Nancy Phillips

PS. Our rent problem is solved! The landlord decided to not sell the house. She also has been pleased to have
us live there since we are always faithful to pay the rent and utility bills, and not destroy her house, so she offered
us a new contract WITHOUT the 17% rent increase she could have demanded!! I The Lord has heard your
prayers and ours and worked wonders. Please continue to pray with us that the landlord will also make some

repairs that are needed due to the house being old. Thank you.



2701 S Miller Street


Shelbyville, IN 46176-9301


P.O.Box 2427


KNOXVILLE TN 37901-2427




Field Address:

Ibaguc. Tolitna

Tax cfcduaible donations can be made out to L.A.M.P., Inc.

(1 up-close.
An up-close look at some ofthe people who's lives are being changed tlianks to the gospel.
J| Family News
News of the Phillips family.
n Nancy*sNotes
Nancy's perspec-tive on things.

Of motorcycles, bombs and machetes...

One of the apparent differences between living in the States and living in Colombia is that of violence. One statistic
slates that by living in Colombia as compared to the States your chance of dying a violent death is five times higher. Not only do
we see this in the daily news, but In daily living.

Last Friday aftemoon just around the corner from our house there were two motorcycles down In the Intersections, within
two blocks of each other. A popular saying here is that the same day you buy your motorcycle you should also buy your coffin.
Saturday night (the 20th) we attended a wedding. At 11:00 pm, while we were at the reception, a bomb went off Just
about 70 yards down the street from where we were. It was placed outside a politicians headquarters. (This is election year for
govemors and council members). Windows were broken In the houses and businesses close by. Our truck had been parked
only about 50 yards from the blast, but fifteen minutes earlier I went outside to pull it into the garage of the building where we

were. Praise the Lord there was no damage where we were and as far as we know nobody was hurt by the blast.

Monday, just two days later, we went to Bogota to do some papefwork for Samuel. Around 9:00pm we amved safely at
the church where we stay when visiting. As we were pulling up to the church we noticed two policemen looking at a person
laying face up in front of the door of the building next door. We were about 15 feet from them. The policemen stopped because
they though it was a street person sleeping in front of the door (not unusual here). Before we got out of the car we noticed the
man's hand and arm were shiny red.... Nancy took the kids inside and I, the preacher and the policemen looked with disbelief at
the man who had been brutally attacked with a machete.
A few minutes later an ambulance am'ved. I continued looking on in disbelief as the ambulance personnel got a

stretcher out of the ambulance and proceeded to place they dying man on it, tying him down because he was fighting a little bit
by lifting his arms... but providing NO medical attention. They didn't try to bandage his forearms, his hands that were practically

removed, nor his seriously injured head. We found out shortly thereafter (about an hour later) that the man had died. He had

been the caretaker of the abandoned building, arriving nightiy tp turn on lights and spend the night so as to deter any criminals
from entering.

It appeared as though a street person was sleeping outside of the building and this man, after entering to turn on the
lights and check out the building, went outside to tell the street person to find somewhere else to sleep. He may have threatened

the street person with a small pearing knife, since one was found at the scene. Since he had to bend over to see and talk to the
street person (who was laying under an outcropped window ledge) he was vulnerable to the irrational attack, and immediately
wounded to the point of being unable to do anything but protect ms head from further injury with his hands and arms.
So much vioience is at times disconcerting. It tends to cause a person to question the wisdom of living under such
conditions... especially with family. There is only one source of nope for us missionaries living in countries like Colombia. Faith
in the word of God.

Scriptures like 2 Chronicles 16:9 that says. Tor the eyps of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those
whose hearts are fully committed to him" help us know that our pourage comes from the Lord and not from us alone.
Another help is reading Psalms 59, verses 16 and 17 that say,"But I will sing of your strength, in the moming I wiil sing
of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my
fortress, my loving God."

Still another is Nahum 1:7. "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him."

We know the Lord is with us. We know that if we were tio abandon the mission field then many who need to know of the

love of Jesus would never hear of him. They would continue doWn their paths towards a destruction that is much worse than the
physical violence they or anybody could ever experience. They would continue without hope of salvation, for salvation cannot

be found except in Jesus!

Many false religions are powerfully working their way into Colombia. It is a wide open field and Satan knows that. He's
sowing a lot of weeds among the seeds of the gospel so as to destroy the opportunity we now have to share the truth of Jesus
Christ. He's also working very hard to discourage the Lord's workers, so they will abandon the etemally important work of
sharing the news of Jesus'sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection.

We cannot shrink back in fear, for it is not by our own efforts that we are here. It is only by the strength and courage that
come from the Holy Spirit living in us that we are able to do this work, and live in this country.
However, our human nature still influences us. At times we ARE afraid. At times we ARE uncomfortabie, and we even

face doubts just like anyt}ody else. That is why it is so VERY IMPORTANT that you continually hold us up in PRAYER. Seek
the Lord and seek his will as to what you should pray, but by all rrieans... do pray for us.


What answer would you give a woman in your chprch if she came to you with the following concern? "My
husband is involved in a church where they read the Bible (or at least parts of it) and believe in Jesus, yet they
believe in reincarnation and pray to the spirits. Because he believes in Jesus will he be saved?"
Tough question in some respects! First, it appears he is involved in a cult where lies are being taught,

however. He believes in Jesus and reads the Bible and jprays. This is exactly a situation we have in the church,
and one I had to find an answer to. In doing so, the Lord taught me some very important truths.
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but tesi the spirits to see whether they are from God, because
many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that
acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus
is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the
world. I John 4:1-3 (NIV)

Acknowledging Jesus means to recognize and accept the totality of what Jesus is and was. It means

believing in his divine being, and believing in the things hp taught Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the

life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Johrj 14.6(NIV)
Jesus did not say, "I am ONE of the ways," rather. "I am THE way." This means that any religion that
teaches salvation through any means other than through the saving blood of Jesus is a false religion. This includes
a host of religions that teach Jesus was a 'good'teacher, prophet, or example, but do not recognize the divine being
and work of Jesus.

We have only two options. Either believe Jesus and ALL that he taught, or reject him as a madman or a liar.
We cannot believe him to simply have been a good exarnple, a good teacher, or an amazing prophet if we accept
only portions of what he taught, yet don't believe in the claims he made about himself. If we accept his claims, then
we must obey all that he taught if we hope to find eternal life with the Father.
We would like to ask you to pray for this sister in the faith. Her name is Martha. I wouid also ask you to pray
diligently for her husband, Orlando, that the Lord will show him the lies he has been believing for so many years (his
dad started him in this religion as a boy and now Orlando is in his forties).

He said that if and when he sees his church teaching 'bad' things he will leave. The problem is that he's
spiritually blind and is believing the bad they are teaching. Pray the Lord will remove the blinders, and open his
eyes to the truth.
Pray also the Lord will provide a non-confrontational situation where Orlando can be introduced to the truth
of Jesus Christ. Please pray daily about this, since the light of the truth found in the gospei is the DYNAMITE of
God for the salvation of those who believe.(Romans 1.16)
It is our prayer that Orlando, and others, will have faith in Jesus, confess him as their Lord and Savior, repent

of their sins, and bury their old natures in the watery grave of baptism, taking on new life, and receiving forgiveness
of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2.38)

Growing! The Phillips family is growing in many ways. We're growing in number (the baby's due the first
week of January). We're growing in size... especially Nancy! At the writing of this newsletter she is now 7 months

The children are growing too. Jessica will be 7 years old Feb. 1st, but she's as big as an 8 year old. She's a
great help to mommy. She's in first grade now (home school) and learning how to read. She's shy until she gets to
know a person, but after that she's very open and loves to laugh and play.
Hannah is five now. She's in kindergarten. She enjoys helping mommy in the kitchen. She also loves to
laugh and make others laugh too. She's usually more open to people at first contact.

Samuel is two and a half. He's a calm boy. He enjoys being with his sisters and playing with them. He's
learning to speak both English and Spanish (like the giris) but mixes the two a lot. He's a real joy to have around.
All of the children are excited about the baby's soon arrival. We are all working together to get a room ready
for him/her.

We ask you to pray for Nancy. She has to take it easy due to past complications with labor and delivery.
Pray for her to be able to carry the baby to term. Pray also for he doctor who will be performing the c-section.
Remember to pray for Nancy's peace of mind too as the date for the surgery nears.


Frequently we are asked what it's like to live in a foreign country. There are many similarities with life in our
home country, but there are also many differences. Here is a list of some of the more notable challenges of
accepting life in a foreign land. It's called...


Top Ten Advantages of

Living in Colombia
When riding in some taxis, there's no waiting... not even for the red lights to turn green.
Are the cars in front of you going too slow? No problem, the taxi driver will just pull out and open up a third


Like video games? Driving in Colombia is similar... swerve around the pedestrian, brake for the guy on the
bicycle, then flash your headlights for on-coming traffic... in YOUR lane... oh yea, and watch out for the guy that
decides to ignore the red lights!
When looking to purchase an item there's opportunity for plenty of exercise as you walk all over town
searching for it.

If that item costs a little too much,just wait a month or so for the exchange rate to go up and then maybe you
can afford it... if you can still find it.
When going to the grocery store, finding ordinary items from the shelves of U.S. grocery stores gives you a
THRILL! "Look honey! Oreo cookies!"
Like play money? Using foreign currency (bills) sometimes gives you that fun feeling... until you balance
your bank account! Oops!
Speaking a new language gives you a real challenge, and it's fun... even when you make mistakes like telling
your co-worker in public that you like his mattress (colchon) when you meant to say you like his hat(cachucha).
When wanting to see the latest box-office hit, you can get it in the local video store BEFORE it shows in the


You get to make up silly lists of things that bother you for a while, until you grow to accept them as a 'normal'

way of life on a foreign mission field.


We wish to express our thanks to YOU, our supporter in prayer and finances. If it were not for your prayers
and your financial support, we would not be able to share the good news of Jesus with people of Colombia who
have a great need to know him.

Your spiritual support (prayers) are of utmost importance as we daily face spiritual battles and as we wield
the sword of the Spirit (the scriptures) to bring people out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light.
Your physical support (financial gifts) are also important. They make it possible to pay rent, put food on the
table, and provide supplies and materials needed for the ministry.

Maybe you don't feel you deserve thanks because youVe not been supporting in one or both of the ways
mentioned. If you whisper a prayer to our Heavenly Father in our favor at this moment, then you DO deserve
Please remember to

thank yourself often.


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I just want to remind all of you that Steve and Nancy are planning to return to the United
States for furlough in 1999. This isn't very far away, we need to be planning NOW. We have less
than $ 500.00 in the fund for them to return. In 1995 when they flew back to Colombia it cost about
$ 4,000.00. We will be needing more this time with the addition of the new baby and with the other

children getting older... Can You Help??????? Please pray about this...

Ron Kessler ,forwarding



LA.M.P., Inc.






P.O.Box 2427


KNOXVILLE TN 37901-2427

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