The Sorcerer's Scrolls 47
The Sorcerer's Scrolls 47
The Sorcerer's Scrolls 47
Issue 47
Jeremiah Griffin
Tori Bergquist
Dan Lambert
Tori Bergquist
11-12 19
Robert Stikmanz
13-14 24
Gregory J. Saunders
Protean Squirrels offer you the secret of immortality, but they were just kidding
Jeremiah Griffin
Jeremiah Griffin
Elijah Hammond
Jarrod Camir
19-20 46
Valkyrie E17
Harrison Mallory
You discover the galaxys largest diamond, but its in the heart of a quasar
This game is
available for
purchase at
X873500-1(C) Tmp 9
Regeren is a wasteworld, a relic planet that
suffered a terminal meltdown to do as yet
unknown causes approximately 2,000 years ago. It
was founded by human colonials, possibly from a
STL sleeper ship, almost 4,000 years ago. The
Regeren culture was prolific and expansive, but
something led to its downfall. Warfare is clearly
evident, and they even seem to have dropped
asteroid payloads on their own cities as weapons.
There is no active starport at Regeren, but there
is a small scientific research expedition headed bu
the Utopia Prime Exoarchaelogical Institute. The
leader of this expedition if Prof. Carol Dranir, who
is workinghard to uncover the myster of what
happened to this TL 12 society before it was
eradicated, and whether they did it to themselves
or it was from an outside group.
There is a hidden class D starport manned by the
Sathar Consortium in the region, and used by
friendlies to the Sathar normally labeled pirates in
Penumbra space.
Recently, the four communications relay beacons
and satellites in orbit went offline, and Prof. Dranir
needs them repaired/replaced, as well as info on
what happened to them. Moreover, visitors
arriving will receive a brief, strange burst of data
from groundside that seems to have come from a
relic structure; the data is encrypted using
techniques common to Regerens military.
Tmp 3
Tmp 2
Tmp 8
Tmp 6
Tmp 2
Gassar is a small
indendent colony of
rebels who believe that
jovians (4) of the system
show strong evidence of
intelligence life brewing in
their depths. The locals
are cult-like in their
observation and study of
these beings, and have
been trying to
communicate with them
for two decades. Gassar
itself is a small barely
habitable moon, and it is
unclear how they sustain
themselves with such
meager facilities and
limited contact. Their
leader is Andon Poorman,
a man wanted by the Terran Authority many
sectors away for a veritual genocidal crime many
decades ago.
The Sathar have a secret military installation
here, and they are interested in the work going on
at Gassar, so they provide funds and resources in
exchange for the data the colony generates. It is a
class C military outpost.
A sea of stars.
Second panel (fills the rest of the page):
The Outside
(pictured is a close-up of a small hole opening in
the side of the ship out from which races the
jewel. The jewel should for all purposes look like a
jewel: flat, glassy, smooth, reflective, like an
elongated octagon from top view, which is the
prominent view as it is very close to the ship's
surface and is carried by small track-ball wheels
that seem to hug the ship's hull. The machine
makes a tic tic tic noise as it goes).
Page 9. (The page will contain multiple panels [you
can decide how many and what dimensions seem
appropriate to get the point across]. These panels
will all depict the jewel racing across the surface of
the ship from different angles the whole time
going tic tic tic. From time to time the jewel will
encounter dents and mars in the other wise
smooth surface, when this happens, its hydrolics
will be jostled allowing a slight glimpse at what on
the underside of the machine be as creative as you
like, just think something like the Mars rover. The
page contains but one word box which can be
placed where ever you like).
WB: Like a drop of water sliding down the surface
of a silver faucet or an exotic insect scurrying
across a steely pipe, the tiny shard traverses the
surface of its mother as it is lead to protect her
from those who wish her harm.
Page 10. ( All one scene. On one side of the page
we see the jewel racing head-on, on the other we
see the bright glow caused be the laser in the [not
too far] distance. Sort of like the old movies
where the hero is shown riding into the sunset).
WB: Appearing much like the insect drawn to
light, the little gem is lead straight for the bright
glow caused by its adversaries. Will it, much like
the insect drawn to the light, meet its own
destruction in trying to prevent that of the silver
Page 11. The Pipes (This can all be done in one
scene or it can use multiple panels. We see
seemingly endless rows on columns of pipes. Men
in full-body suites [like the old fashioned diving
suites crossed with the ones from Halo] are hustle
about. Some turning valves to release pressure,
others tightening the pipes from which steam is
spraying. One of the men in a slightly more
distinguished suite than the rest is shouting.)
WB: The little bug dashes into the very fire which
may consume it. Its diamond hard shell protects it
for now will its jewelled surface reflects back the
incredible light.
Page 14. The Class Room (An instructor stands in
front of a large screen like that of a television or
computer. The room is very large and contains
many seats in each of which sits a student [late
teens]. Rather than a desk, each student has a
smaller personal screen. The instructor paces back
and forth in front of his own screen while
explaining himself).
Panel 1: (The instructor stands to the side
of the screen which currently shows the jewel
reflecting the light back).
PRF20077- As you can see the R360 unit or jewel,
as it is often called, is being used to reflect back
the light emitted from the attacker's laser cannon.
This method is especially effective against a few
small cannons. This method is, however more
difficult to employ during an onslaught of multiple
large cannons. Let me show you a close up of the
R360 unit.
Panel 2: (Zoom in on the screen showing
the jewel which is zoomed in on the jewel itself).
PRF20077- The outer shell is made out of metal
which is in a clear state and hardened to a
consistency slightly harder than diamonds. The
inner shell is actually an amalgam of mercury and
silicon. This material looks rather dark and is not
very reflective outside of its shell, but once it heats
up, it becomes one of the most reflective materials
known to withstand such heats. The machine can
now direct the beam of light in any direction the
person in control of our device chooses.
Panel 3: (Pacing about)
PRF20077- Naturally, even the R360 unit can not
take this heat indefinitely. The cannon must now
be disabled. In some way. Any questions?
Page 15. The Bridge
Panel 1:
COL11747- Got'cha! How do you like that? Okay
I want you to start turning it back toward their
own cannon. No trying to use it on their hull or
anything, I don't want them to know we've caught
their heat yet if we can help it. Just start putting it
back where it came from.
Page 16. The Outside (Top displaying the adjacent
ship sides, the glowing jewel and the depress that
Panel 2:
SGT09785- Just wrapping up the last with these
pipes. We'll have to take care of the water a little
later. They aren't trying anything else are they?
COL11747- Not yet. Will we be ready if they
SGT09785- Only if they're nice enough to wait
thirty minutes tell the pipes cool.
Panel 3:
COL11747- We may not have thirty minutes,
SGT09785- I am doing all I can down here. It
takes thirty minutes for these pipes to cool,
otherwise they are much too volatile. Everything
is sealed and soldered, but there is nothing I can
do to make it cool faster.
Page 21.
Panel 1:
SGT09785- With any luck they will not attack this
same area with, whatever they might try next.
With any luck they may not have anything left to
send at us.
COL11747- With luck... But I don't think so. I
think they might try to deploy some fighters.
Panel 2:
SGT09785- Sir. I'm damn sure we can not take a
direct missile hit in this area for at least another
thirty minutes.
COL11747- Any ideas?
SGT09785- All I can say is you have to keep 'em
away from here.
Panel 3:
COL11747- I will see what I can do, sergeant.
Mean while you do all you can do to get
everything back in order down there.
SGT09785- I really hope they can't attack.
Panel 2:
COL11747- Scramble all gunners near the hot
Page 24: (Full page depiction of a group of men
running through a corridor. Their attire should
look a little less restrictive than that of the pilots.
Page 25: The Garden (the garden is made up of
many rows of blocks of various sizes. Every so
many blocks has a tree growing out of it. These
trees look like dead black bonsai, or the scary
looking dead trees from the haunted forest).
Panel 1: (A tall sallow man in a long frock
stands in front of one of the trees and stars out
into nothing as though he were lost in thought or
being enlightened).
LUT20097- The colonel wanted me to speak with
you. It is a matter of some importance.
Panel 2:
LUT20097- He thinks someone on this ship might
be giving away our coordinates.
Panel 4:
REV91287- (Reaching out as to the heavens)
Son, I only say what I have been told to say... by a
commander with much more authority than
yours. ..... Fortunately, for you. I have received
just such a message today.
Page 26. The Class Room (The instructor is in
front of the class still).
Panel 1:
PRF20077- Now, pay close attention. You are
here to train as fighter pilots. If you are very luck,
you will get to see some in action today. You have
already heard so much about how the controls
work. I am sure you would like to learn something
of how the weapons systems work.
Panel 2: (He holds out a capsule shape
about the size of two fingers)
PRF20077- This is standard ammunition on your
average fighter. It is a bolt of a compressed plastic
material. It is very sturdy. Because most fighters
are made with sheets of metal or plastic only a few
millimeters thick, these can do considerable
damage. If one of these were to hit the hull of this
ship we are in now, it would simply shatter.
Panel 3:
PRF20077- These are propelled by a set of
wheels spinning at an incredible speed. They are
fed at a fast pace in between these wheels which
then send them from your vehicle with sudden
and potent force. Because space is a vacuum with
no resisting forces these projectiles continue with
the same tremendous force with which they left.
Panel 4:
PRF20077- Now, as to missiles-
Page 27. (Full Page above view. The gunners
enter their gunnery turrets. Since the turrets are
located on the sides of the ship, it looks a lot like a
bunch of guys running into a hall full of broom
Page 28. (Out side view of the gunnery turrets)
Panel 1: (Hatches on the exterior of the
ship open and the turrets emerge). Rrrnsschh.
Rrrnnsschh. Rrrnnsschh.
Panel 2: (Turret guns lower into firing
Mrr-Klnn. Mrr-Klnn. Mrr-Klnn.
Page 29. Panel 1: (View of Muller-Hayes' fighter
deployment hatch).
Panel 2: (View of silvery from possible
perspective of Muller-Hayes)
WB: With danger immanent the adventurous ship
prepares for battle, but there is only one thing on
the mind of its captain-
Panel 3: (Panel depicts the colonel on the
left in the bridge, and the sergeant on the right in
one of the pipe rooms [both close-ups and
appearing worried]. Panel is separated by the
word box) WB: Please don't attack.
Page 30. The Chapel (can either be broken into
panels, or one whole page).
REV91287- and long ago... long before any of
you can remember... there were many gods.
Many, different gods for many different peoples.
Yet, they all wanted the same things. Loyalty.
Servitude. And most of all... Peace. Peace, and
life, and love for all peoples everywhere... How
strange it was then, that the people always turned
to war, and death, and hatred. For they each saw
their god as among them... Making them do what
was right, standing behind them as they fought.
Fought to eliminate all those who followed any
god but their own. So the people created science.
Science was beyond god. With out a god to kill for,
they figured, there need be no death, finally, there
can be peace. Yet, still there was death, still there
was war and hatred for those who dared challenge
science. In the end, science taught humans and
helped them learn. And we learned of the true
god. The one god. The god of true knowledge,
true peace, and true love. The one god. Science
could not replace him, but it could support himcould prove his reality. Science could show us all
we know now of his nature. And the only thing he
commands us to do is to learn. The only thing he
commands us to love is our selves. This is why we
can not study him. For he is not here among us for
us to dissect and examine. To push us this way or
that. But instead to lead us. To lead us to better
things. He is always there. Just beyond our reach,
allowing us to keep just behind him. Letting us
learn more and more each day in pursuit of him
through knowledge.
Page 31. Panel 1: (Muller-Hayes fighter
deployment hatches, still closed).
REV91287- And back then, they believed in a
devil. A being who lead them astray.
By Jeremiah Griffin, Dan Lambert and Tori Bergquist
Worlds Asunder
By Kirk Hickman
By Michael Z. Williamson
Robert Stikmanz
P.O. Box 66696
Austin TX 78766
Anyone interested in finding out more about my
fiction and art, or staying current on all matters
Stikmantic, can visit my website
( for all
manner of explanatory textincluding my
irregularly updated blog. For more topical, social
media connection, Facebook is host to both my
personal profile (
and a page devoted to my art and fiction
Blue Moose Press
( will
rerelease my existing novels on the following
Prelude to a Change of Mind, Book One of The
Hidden Lands of Nod, on June 15, 2010
Entranscing, Book Two of The Hidden Lands of
Nod, on July 15, 2010
Sleeper Awakes, Book Three of The Hidden Lands
of Nod, on September 15, 2010
Blue Moose Press will also rerelease my fantasy
divination system, Nod's Way, or Hidden Dragon,
on August 15, 2010
Witch on the Water by Christine and Ethan Rose
YA Fantasy. 978-0-9819949-2-5 $12.95
Cullen thought he had enough trouble surviving
school, dealing with his miserable home life, and
being possessed by Rowan, a 1400-year-old
wizard. But when Rowans wife, the sadistic
vampire Fiana, comes back seeking revenge,
Cullen and his band of misfits must do what they
can to stop her. This time Cullens favorite teacher
is Fianas first target.
Avalon Revisited by O. M. Grey
Paranormal Romance. 978-0-9819949-5-6 $10.99
Arthur has made his existence as a vampire
bearable for over three hundred years by
immersing himself in blood and debauchery.
Aboard an airship gala, he meets Avalon, an
aspiring vampire slayer who sparks fire into
Arthurs shriveled heart. Together they try to solve
the mystery of several horrendous murders on the
dark streets of London. Cultures clash and
pressures rise in this sexy Steampunk Romance.
--Robert Stikmanz
I could not help but notice the very fine
cover art on your books. Can you tell us a little
about your artist?
Im glad you asked that question. The
artist is Andres (Andy) Rodriguez and he is a local
painter from here in Albuquerque. He and I have
collaborated on four covers so far and I really
appreciate his talent and perspective. I tell him an
idea and he says, Whatever you want. We can do
it. We went through quite a few ideas and
paintings to get to the final results. Andy prefers
painting with acrylic and charcoal on canvass and
his favorite subjects are horses, wolves and
southwestern themes. It was stepping outside the
box for him doing the alien on the back cover of
Light From A Distant Star, or the beast on the
cover of Zahir, and he did the concept of the twothumbed clan sword for the third book, Light Of
The Home World. Basically, he paints it, we
convert the image to digital and then use the
computer to put it all together. If you look at the
website under the tab cover art, you can see the
process. Andy has donated a lot of his artwork to
various charities including the shared table in Taos,
New Mexico and the American Diabetes
Association in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. His work
has also been published in the New Mexico Blue
Book which is pretty prestigious. I count myself
fortunate to have him because he makes my ideas
You talked a little about some of the
books you have enjoyed. Are there any writers
you would like to recognize as influences? Are
there some you feel influenced you more than
Another great question. I read as many
genres as possible and glean ideas from each. But
as for influences, here Im torn. I grew up on De
Camp and Carter, Norman and of course, Tolkien.
But as I began to write I looked for authors that
wrote the way I aspire to. I can tell you that one
author in particular totally captured my
imagination. That was David Gemmell. I just loved
the way he wrote heroic fantasy. As I read his
stories I feel totally connected. I can name a few
other, authors whose books I just have to have
whenever they come out. R.A. Salvatore on the
fantasy side and Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
on the thriller side. These are complete writers
and I am never disappointed. I could probably go
on listing authors endlessly, but these are
especially important to me.
Could you tell us a little bit about your
Sure. Unknown Country LLC is my own
company. I opened it specifically to publish my
work, but I'm looking to expand and offer a couple
of other authors. Really it was a business decision.
I looked at traditional publishing houses and at
the so called vanity or on-demand publishers.
Both have advantages and disadvantages, yet
after working through the business plan I decided
this was my best option.
Does that mean you are looking for
writers to publish? What are you looking for in a
As a small company Im not soliciting
writers, but I am on the lookout for one or two
authors whose work would compliment my own.
In writing its the author that sells to the
publisher. For the proper person I may break that
mould. Again, the idea is to build a symbiotic
relationship with a small group that can be
effectively marketed. Well see, but thats
definitely in the future.
Is there anything you feel our readers
should know before they start reading one of your
One of the best comments I received on
my writing was that it is esoteric. I know the word
has many meanings and I took it as a huge
compliment. Im not trying to fit a true genre with
any of these stories. I love to write pure adventure
and I love to throw the reader a curve or two. Just
read the short story attached to this interview to
see what I mean. Zahir is a combination of
changelings and the protectors of the forest. A
thriller with a combination of shock and horror
that ends with a twist only I can bring. The trilogy
is a different animal altogether. On the surface it
feels SciFi with a sentient alien warship,
wormholes and a telepathic alien cat. The story
crosses back and forth giving the feel of true
fantasy with prophesy, visions, and powers that
seem other worldly. Humans befriended by dualthumbed sword wielding alien clansmen and
pursued by the hideous Aranu, the remnant race
What about your story do you think will
appeal to readers who are not long-time fans of
Absolutely! Worlds Asunder is not your
classic science-fiction story. Its a political
conspiracy thriller in a futuristic setting. It
contains plenty of action, intrigue, and suspense.
In his review of the book, David J. Corwell
described it as a superb interweaving of futuristic
adventure, political conspiracy, and personal
drama. The story has a lot to offer any reader.
Could you tell us a little bit about Venus
Venus Rain is about a planetary science
student. She gets trapped on a space station,
caught in the crossfire between a ruthless tyrant
who wants to use the station to hijack Venus and
a spy who wants to use her to oppose the tyrant.
She just wants to find her missing bother and get
off the station alive.
The action in your novel is highly
affected by the actions of several countries,
countries that currently exist. How did you go
about deciding who the major players would be 80
years in the future?
I looked at who the major players are
now in terms of world politics, economy, and
most importantlyspace technology and
participation in space-related activities and
programs. Then I imagined where the
technologies and politics might go in future in
which humans have begun to populate space.
Well, based upon your knowledge of
science and recent advancements in space
technology how likely do you think it is that we
might be colonizing other planets in a hundered
Other planets? Probably not. I think its
more likely well put people semi-permanently on
the moon by then, which is where much Worlds
Asunder takes place. I think well have the
So are you working on any other books?
Several, actually. Venus Rain, the sequel
to Worlds Asunder, is scheduled for release on
Jun 30, 2010. Ive also written a fantasy trilogy
titled The Age of Prophecy. Fablers Legend,
the first book of the trilogy, will be released
sometime next year.
Well, that sounds exciting. Any idea so
far when we can expect it in stores?
Venus Rain should be available by in July.
(Editor's note: Venus Rain was released on time
and is now available for purchase)
I look forward to reading Venus Rain.
Perhaps you could let us know a little bit about
"The Age of Prophecy"?
The Age of Prophecy is a traditional
fantasy trilogy with all the usual suspects: elves,
dwarves, dragons, demons, and sorcery. It
centers around a no-nonsense son of a farmer
who becomes embroiled in the fulfillment of a
dark prophecy hes determined to prevent.
During his quest, the loyalties of his companions
shift to the point where he can no longer
determine who is actually on his side. Its a goodversus-evil tale, twisted into several shades of
gray. The first book of the trilogy, titled Fablers
Legend, should be available sometime next year.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-12, Adult
13-48, Middle Age 49-60, Old 61-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Besalisk, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Con, -2 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-85, Middle Age 86-112, Old
113-133, Venerable 134+
Languages: Bimm
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Cha, -2 Con
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-44, Middle Age 45-57, Old
58-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Caarimala, Basic, +1
Average Height: 1.0 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2
Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Large
Speed: 4 sq. (10 on home world)
Age: Child 1-10,Young Adult 11-20,
Adult 21-142, Middle Age 143-210,
Old 211-250, Venerable 251+
Languages: Limited telepathy.
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Int, +2
Con, -6 Cha
Size: Large
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-3, Young Adult 4-5, Adult
6-33, Middle Age 34-55, Old 56-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Charon
Average Height: 2.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-13, Young Adult 14-18,
Con, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-10, Adult
11-50, Middle Age 51-70, Old 71-75,
Venerable 76+
Languages: Farghul, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 10 sq. on 4 legs and 4 sq. on
two legs
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-14,
Adult 15-39, Middle Age 40-55, Old
56-69, Venerable 70+
Languages: Filordian, Basic (with
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-13, Adult
14-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-84,
Venerable 85+
Languages: Frozian
Average Height: 3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Str, -2
Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-65, Old
66-89, Venerable 90+
Languages: Elom (Difficulty to speak
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-12, Adult
13-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-72,
Venerable 73+
Languages: Elomin, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-53, Old
54-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Em'liy, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. and 12 sq. when flying
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-35, Middle Age 36-50, Old 51-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Geonosian
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-35, Middle Age 36-50, Old 51-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Geonosian
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-13,
Adult 14-44, Middle Age 45-62, Old
63-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Gossam, Basic
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
2 Meters (medium)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2
Dex, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (swimming 6 sq.)
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-49, Middle Age 50-69, Old
70-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Kian'thar, Basic (speak
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2
Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-10, Adult
11-60, Middle Age 61-100, Old 101120, Venerable 121+
Languages: Kitonese, Basic (slowly)
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-59, Middle Age 60-89, Old
90-124, Venerable 125+
Languages: Koorivar, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-15,
Adult 16-45, Middle Age 46-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Krish
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-13,
Adult 14-50, Middle Age 51-80, Old
81-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Kubazi, Basic (with nasal
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Dex, -4 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-12, Adult
13-59, Middle Age 60-84, Old 85-109,
Venerable 110+
Languages: Kushiban
Average Height: 0.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-17,
Adult 18-54, Middle Age 55-79, Old
80-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Lannik, Basic
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-14,
Adult 15-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old
60-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Lepese, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters (male), 1.6
Meters (female)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2
Str, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-29, Middle Age 30-45, Old 46-54,
Venerable 55+
Languages: Menahu
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-43, Middle Age 44-68, Old
69-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Morseerian, Basic
Average Height: 1.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-50, Middle Age 51-79, Old
80-94, Venerable 95+
Languages: Muun, Binary (understand
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-69, Old
70-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Myneyrsh (speak only),
Psadan (speak only)
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2
Wis, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-16,
Adult 17-45, Middle Age 46-64, Old
65-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Nimbanese, Huttese
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq. (climb 4 sq.)
Age: Child 1-2, Young Adult 3-4, Adult
5-24, Middle Age 25-37, Old 38-44,
Venerable 45+
Languages: Noehonese (speak only)
Average Height: 1.1 Meters
Esral'sa (Mountain Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Gluss'sa (Pale Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (swim 4 sq.)
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Kadas'sa (Green Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Kajain'sa (Red Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
M'shento'su (Southern
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -4
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-12, Adult
13-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old 60-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Honoghran, Basic
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-35, Middle Age 36-49, Old
50-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nuknog
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-40, Middle Age 41-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Omwatese
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Dex
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-11, Adult
12-39, Middle Age 40-54, Old 55-70,
Venerable 71+
Languages: Ortolan, Basic
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old
Size: Small
Speed: 6 sq. or 1 sq. when burrowing
Age: Child 1-4, Young Adult 5-8, Adult
9-26, Middle Age 27-40, Old 41-54,
Venerable 55+
Languages: Ranat, Basic
Average Height: 1 Meter
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-48, Middle Age 49-74, Old
75-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Sakiyan, Basic or Huttese
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-15,
Adult 16-45, Middle Age 46-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Ranth
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Dex, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-13, Adult
14-39, Middle Age 40-52, Old 53-69,
Venerable 70+
Languages: Sanyassan, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Cha, -2 Str, -2
Size: Small
Speed: 6 sq. flying (no land speed)
Age: Middle Age 35-42, Old 43-49,
Venerable 50+
Languages: Ruurese +1 other language
Average Height: 1.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Str, -2 Con
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-7, Young Adult 8-11, Adult
Languages: Ruurese +1 other language
Average Height: 1.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq. (land or water)
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-70,
Venerable 71+
Languages: Rybese
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (land or water)
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-70,
Venerable 71+
Languages: Rybese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Con, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (land and air)
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-39, Middle Age 40-54, Old
55-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: S'kytric, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-18,
Adult 19-50, Middle Age 51-79, Old
80-95, Venerable 96+
Languages: Sarese, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. 4 sq. in water
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-44, Middle Age 45-69, Old 70-89,
Venerable 90+
Languages: Suavax
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Male or Queen
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. on two legs, 8 sq. on four
legs, and 8 sq. when swimming
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-14, Adult
15-35, Middle Age 36-55, Old 56-75,
Venerable 76+
Languages: Selonian, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Sterile Female
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. on two legs, 8 sq. on four
legs, and 8 sq. when swimming
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-14, Adult
15-35, Middle Age 36-55, Old 56-75,
Venerable 76+
Languages: Selonian, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: -2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-60,
Meters (female)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-45, Middle Age 46-62, Old 63-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Tarasinese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-39, Middle Age 40-54, Old
55-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Tarrese, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Cha,
-4 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-74, Old
75-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Temolish, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 5 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-74, Old
75-89, Venerable 90+
Languages: Thisspiasian
Average Height: 1.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-34, Middle Age 35-49, Old 50-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Tiss'shar, Basic
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Dex, -2 Con, -2
Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-19,
Adult 20-48, Middle Age 50-72, Old
You have worked with a skilled person to learn her
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in a suitable Craft or
Profession skill is obligatory.
Benefit: The Craft or Profession skill you have
chosen is a class skill for you and you have a +2
competence bonus with that specific skill. You can
gain Apprenticeship multiple times. Its effects do
not stack. Each time you take the feat it applies to
a new Craft or Profession.
Antiques have no secret for you and you can assess
the value of an old object at a glance. You have
also acquainted yourself with old architectural
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Profession (antiquarian).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on
You know many things about the design and the
construction of buildings and various structures
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (architect).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Craft
(carpentry), Craft (stonemasonry), and Knowledge
You have mastered a Craft or Profession better
than anyone else.
Prerequisite: Int 15 (for Craft) or Wis 15 (for
Profession), 8 ranks in a given Craft or Profession.
Benefit: Select a Craft or Profession. You gain a +3
much easier.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (huntergatherer).
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge
(nature), Search, Spot, and Survival checks.
Special: Choose two types of terrain amongst the
following ones in accord with your characters
background: aquatic, desert, forest, hills, marsh,
mountain, plains. Each time you are confronted to
a Survival check taking place upon a terrain akin to
the ones from your homeland you obtain a +5
competence bonus on the check (see the DMG,
Chapter 3: Adventures, and more specifically the
section Wilderness Adventures for many examples
of Survival checks upon all kind of terrains).
You can create marvellous jewels from precious
metals and gems.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (jeweller).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on
Appraise (gems and jewels only), Craft
(gemcutting), and Craft (jewellery-making) checks.
You have pleaded in many courts of justice and for
you the law is truly a code of conduct.
Prerequisite: Lawful Neutral, 4 ranks in Profession
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy, Gather
Information, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive
Special: Each time youre confronted to a
Knowledge (local) check that specifically concerns
the laws you gain a +5 competence bonus.
When it comes to artwork, music, and
performance, you are truly gifted with an
otherworldly talent.
Benefit: Choose one of the following skills: Craft
(calligraphy), Craft (painting), Craft (pottery), Craft
(sculpting), or Perform (anyone); you gain a +5
insight bonus with that skill. This bonus stacks with
the ones provided by the feats Fine Arts and Skill
Special: You can gain Lilends Gift multiple time.
The effect does not stack. Each time you take the
feat it applies to another skill in the
abovementioned list.
You know how to wield an axe and put it to good
Armor Type
Shield (any)
Padded, leather,
hide, studded
leather, or chain
Breastplate, scale
mail, chainmail,
banded mail, or
splint mail
1 move action
5 rounds
Don Hastily
3 rounds
free action
5 rounds (3)
2 minutes (1)(3)
5 rounds (3)
5 rounds (3)
Half-plate, or full
3 minutes (2)(3)
3 minutes (1)(3)
2 minutes (1)(3)
(1) If the character has some help, cut this time in half. A single character doing nothing else can help one
or two adjacent characters. Two characters cant help each other don armor at the same time.
(2) The wearer must have help to don this armor. Without help, it can be donned only hastily.
(3) A character with the feat Steel is But a Second Skin who helps another one who doesnt have the feat
obtains the same time results. Even if both characters have the feat Steel is But a Second Skin the
time results remain identical.
Normal: Consult the PHB, Chapter 7, Equipment, to know the normal amount of time it takes to don or remove
Special: A fighter may select Steel is But a Second Skin as one of his fighter bonus feat.
You have extensively travelled the hinterland and
cannot be hampered by a difficult terrain; this also
holds true for the ones who follow exactly in your
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in one of the following
Professions (guide, hunter, or hunter-gatherer) or
Colonist or Hunt High and Low.
Benefit: You can travel upon a difficult terrain
(rubble, undergrowth, steep slope, ice, cracked or
pitted surface, and uneven floor) or crossed an
obstacle (low wall, deadfall, broken pillar, and
such) without being slowed down (no additional
movement cost). Moreover, if crossing such an
obstacle along the way requires a Skill check
(Balance, Climb, Jump, or else) you beneficiate
from a +2 circumstance bonus in that case. The
first three characters who immediately follow you
in a single file so as to take exactly the same path
beneficiate from identical advantages, but as soon
as their courses diverge from yours even slightly
they lost this benefit and cannot regain it until
they fall in single file behind you again (the
distance between the characters cannot exceed 5
feet regardless the circumstances).
Normal: Consult the PHB, Chapter 9: Adventuring,
Max Dex
(30 ft.)
(20 ft.)
30 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
15 ft.
Normal: Consult the PHB, Chapter 9, Adventuring, and more specifically the section Carrying Capacity to know
more about the subject.
Entertainer/Performer (Minstrel and Troubadour): 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits,
and clothing: a musician who travels extensively and performs for noble families is potentially more fortunate
and can show off a decent armor plus a good weapon if successful enough. An actor for his part might travel
with a chest full of clothing or costumes, some theatre props, plus a disguise kit.
Laborer: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear: a conventional laborer certainly cant afford an armor and
possesses at the very best a simple weapon. The rest of his meagre possessions are most likely an ensemble of
common tools: crowbar, fishing net, hammer, miners pick, spade, or shovel.
Limner: 20 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits (or 3d4 x 10 gp if the artist is well-established): a
limner (or painter) carries many bottles of ink (or paint), a pile of paper sheets, or perhaps a couple of blank
books; the bare pages of such tomes can be later turned into illuminated manuscripts such as very unique
Maid: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear: a simple maid has almost no reason to possess an armor and perhaps
has a dagger to protect her but not much else.
Mason/Craftsperson: 20 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits: a craftswoman requires tools in
order to perform her trade therefore the right artisans tools are obligatory. Weapons that double as tools
such as axes, hammers, and picks are the most likely choices here because the character is already familiar
with them. Some craftsmen, such as bowyers, fletchers, and leatherworkers might have materials at their
disposal that can be transformed into armors and weapons or already possess some objects of this nature.
Mercenary: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment: basically, a mercenary has access to the same equipment than
any fighter.
Mercenary Cavalry: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment: a mercenary cavalry has access to the same equipment
than a fighter but an important part of this money is spent to acquire a horse and the gear that comes with the
Porter: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear: an ordinary porter rarely have the funds required to buy an armor
but perhaps owns a club or another simple weapon to protect him.
Sage: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits, and clothing: A scholar truly believes that the
pen is mightier than the sword and the small mountain of parchments, paper sheets, and treatises that fills his
pack attest to that fact. The scholar outfit and the quarterstaff are natural choices here but maces can be used
against, say, the thick-headed.
Scribe: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits: a scribe travels with a lot of parchments, with ink
and pens, but he hardly ever wears any armor. A scrivener carries a simple weapon at best.
Smith: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits: a metalworker definitely needs artisans tools and
a light hammer is logical here but remember that weaponsmiths and armorers pertain to this section which
means a larger array of possibility for everyone involved (with the right amount of work, of course).
Teamster: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear, mounts and related gear, or transport: a teamster might begin
her career with nothing but an old cart and a duo of mules and carry the group towards its first adventure.
Valet/Lackey: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear and clothing: a simple valet isnt rich enough to buy an armor
but he might have a dagger to protect himself.
Valkyrie E17
A voyage made to pull the world of Orion IV from the brink of darkness
Written and created by Harrison Mallory, based on an idea by Jeremiah Griffin
This campaign was built using the D&D 3.5 system; Set in the distant future the party battles new obstacles,
monsters, and scenarios. With updated armor, new classes and new weapons many new situations can come to
On a mission to a harvest planet far from their
home world, the crew of Valkyrie E17 is
determined to save their world from starvation
and collapse, creating the jump space portal
(teleporter) will be the first step. Then while
harvesting and mining the planet of its resources,
Orion IV will become complete once again. But
before any of this the ship and its crew must reach
the planet. Deep in the perils of unexplored space
the party lays helpless in hibernation as aliens
Light Duro-space suite (padded armor)
Grey and white, this 3 inch thick padded suit was
built to negate general injury on a space ship, light
burns, cuts, dropping something heavy on your
foot etc.
Duro-space suite (leather armor)
Like the light Duro-space suite this suit is white
and grey, although not as thick this suit has a thin
plastic inlay in-between the pads of the suit.
Reinforced kobold hide (studded leather armor)
Using the rough horn studded skin of a kobold the
Duro-space company has created a thick, resistant
outer shell of protection for its crew.
Reinforced Duro-Space suit (chain shirt)
This suit is the heaviest of the Duro-space suit line;
grey with two blue stripes over the left shoulder,
this suit is basically a new age, light weight Kevlar.
Wrench (light mace)
With an adjustable grip size this baby can unscrew
bolts and heads alike. About a 1 and foot long
and made of cydrobin this red and grey wrench is
any mans companion in space.
Lucky cydrobin pipe (heavy mace)
Several feet long this old tube has been modified
to hit hard and fast.
Stun spear (long sword {nonlethal})
With a long handle reaching 3 feet long the
electricity flows to the end were a thick blue
course of shocking energy maintains focus.
Stun baton (short sword {nonlethal})
Like the stun spear a clear blue cylinder of
electricity forms at the top, the only difference is
that this one is for up close and dirty combat due
to its short hilt.
Crow bar (short sword)
If you combine this weapon with your strength you
may be able to make a free man out of yourself,
working the blue shifts as a dock worker may be
hard work, it may even take half a life to get the
money you need. But look on the bright side; this 3
foot long hook nosed pipe can tear it up out there.
Large sharpened cydrobin tube (long sword)
This Large sharpened cydrobin pipe is 5 and a half
feet long, weighs about 20 pounds and is known
Laser batteries (30 shots or 10 shots depending on
the weapon), (soda caps10 shots {gunpowder
The following classes are newly named from an
existing fantasy class to point you in the right
direction, along with some new ones.
Dock worker (Fighter) a dock worker is another
term for intense manual labor worker. Skilled in
the use of Crowbars, this is your go to class for up
close wild combat, brought onboard to lift crates
and brake barrels these men are tough and dont
need a gym. (Str, Dex, Con based)
Medic (Cleric) although future sciences are great
for healing this and that, medics use both surgery
and divine magic to help the party out (Wis, Str,
Cha based)
Cryptic (Rouge) although most are ex cons these
men are top notched programmers, plus they
probably know how to drive screwdriver into you.
Were they came from or how they got there is a
mystery but why there here is what you should be
more concerned about (Dex, Int, Con based)
Watchman (Ranger) although they may not know
much about how to fix a ship or program a droid
these men were assigned to keep order among the
crews, dont forget about their viscous animal
guards. (Str, Dex, Cha based)
Wiggly fingers (wizard) vast are there capabilities
in magic, Chinese black magic and making people
laugh are there side shticks; but dont test a wiggly
on a bad day, he can turn soy into bacon and back
if he wanted to. (Int, Wis based)
Cyborg (new) Strong yet agile, brave but not
stupid these commandos can do just about
anything with their army knife bodys, using
robotic implants and computer powered spells the
Cyborg is the handyman of the future. (Str, Con,
Cha based)
Engineer (new) Gun loving, robot building
scholarship wielding combatant, need a better
gun? Need a larger wrench? This guys got it all,
from axels to wheels; and trusts me, those are
probably the least deadly things in his arsenal (Int,
Dex, Cha based)
Judicators (paladin) these futuristic paladins are
zealots for the companies they work for, acting as
marshals on important investments the company
has, however because they no longer worship
Dock worker
Same as fighter except as follows
Gear: 1 crow-bar (short sword), 1 cydrobinoxidane
(cydrobin) suit mark 1 (scale mail),
1d6+1 credits, 1 mining laser, 1 laser battery (30
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Future tech
Same as cleric except as follows
New domains: Tech, Space
Tech domain
You gain the ability to upgrade weapons and
armor as would a 1 level engineer
1. Splice
2. Static implosion
3. Rewire
4. Magic repair
Space domain
You move full speed in 0G
1. Solitary calm
2. Free mind
3. Space warp
4. Isolate
Gear: 1 lucky cydrobin pipe (heavy mace {dont ask
why you carry it}) 1 reinforced Duro-space suite
(chain shirt) 2d6 credits, 1 laser sticher, 1 battery
(30 shots), and 1 gore screen (light wooden shield)
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Med tech
Magic virus
Same as rouge except as follows
Same as ranger except as follows
Gear: 1 stun spear (long sword {nonlethal}), 1 stun
baton (short sword {nonlethal}) 1 reinforced Durospace suite (chain shirt), 1d6 credits, 1 stun laser
{non-lethal}, 2 laser batteries (60 shots {nonlethal})
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Med tech
Cyber tech
Wiggly fingers
Same as wizard except as follows
Gear: 1 casting staff (quarterstaff), 1 light Durospace suite (padded armor), 3d4 credits
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Magic hack
Hit dice: d10
Skill points = (2+int mod) x2 for first level and 2+int
mod every level after
Saves: Fort=level, Ref=3/4 level starting at 1,
Will=1/2 level
Special abilities
0 level spells
1 level spells
2 level spells
3 level spells
4 level spells
1+cha mod
2+cha mod
1+ 1/2 cha mod
3+cha mod
2+1/2cha mod
4+cha mod
2+1/2 cha mod
4+cha mod
2+1/2 cha mod
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Cyber tech
Knowledge (robotics)
Use wire (use rope)
Hit dice: d6
Skill points = (4+int mod) x3 for first level and 4+int
mod every level after
Saves: Fort=3/4 level starting at 1, Ref=level,
Will=1/2 level
Special abilities
Level 1: sentry bot, upgrader
Level 2: none
Level 3: improved upgrader
Level 4: militia bot
Level 5: Bonus feat
Gear: 1 wrench (light mace) 1 reinforced kobold
hide (studded leather armor), 1d6 credits, 1 laser
gun, 1 laser battery (30 shots)
Proficient with all simple and martial weapons,
and light armor
Class skills
Cyber tech
Knowledge (robotics)
Code fix (open lock)
Sentry bot: at 1 level you get a size small robot;
its HD is 1d4 per engineer level. AC = 10+2 natural
Same as paladin except as follows
Level 1: Power Implant
Gear: 1 Large sharpened cydrobin tube (long
sword), 1 Cydrobin suit mark 1 (scale mail), 1d8
credits, Mining laser, 1 laser battery (30 shots)
Class skills
Knowledge (xenotypes
Improved bot
Cybernetic knowledge
Sturdy hands
Future medicine
Zealot Xenophobe
0G training
0G fighting
must have a sentry bot, or militia bot
Int 13
Int 13
0G training
+1 to all bot saves, stats, attacks,
damage, and AC
+2 to all repair and cyber tech checks
+2 to repair and upgrade checks
+2 to med tech and heal checks
+2 to salvage and robotics check
plusses and minuses against aliens
plusses against aliens
no minuses when fighting in 0G
bonuses in 0g and 1g
There are no mounted feats
There are no craft feats
Feats regarding skills that have been renamed still affect those skills but in the new manner
Such feats as 0G training and such skills as repair, jump, climb, cyber tech, and code fix may not become useful
until the next installment, however getting these feats and skills now will build a basis for later.
Feat descriptions
Improved bot
Requires: a sentry bot or militia bot
Bonus: your bot receives +1 to all stats, saves, AC,
attack, and damage.
Cybernetic knowledge
Requires: Int 13
Bonus: +2 to all repair and cyber tech checks.
Sturdy hands
Requires: None
Bonus: +2 to repair and upgrade checks.
Future medicine
Requires: none
Bonuses: +2 to med tech and heal checks.
Cyborg spells
0 level spells
Spark: 1d4 burning damage to one target as a
ranged touch, no save (20 foot range). You raise
your robotic hand, the tip of one of your fingers
opens like a lighter cap and spouts forth a small
electrical zap.
Heat vision: see using heat vision out to 60ft for
1d4+Cha mod rounds (this includes through walls,
meaning that if aliens are going to emerge from an
area and you have this spell active you know that
they are there). By switching on your internal eye
modification you can see heat rather than color
and depth.
1 level spells
Requires: Int 13
Bonus: +2 to salvage and robotics check.
Requires: none
Bonus: +1 to AC and saves against aliens, -1 to
attack and damage against aliens.
Zealot Xenophobe
Require: Xenophobe
Bonus: +2 to AC and saves against aliens, +1 to
attack and damage against aliens.
0G training
Requires: None
Bonus: take no minuses when fighting in or moving
through a 0G environment.
0G fighting
Requires: 0G training
Bonus: when fighting in or moving through a 0G
environment get +1 AC and Attack and no minus
to movement. When in 1G get +1 to damage and
+5ft of movement.
2 level spells
Tacticians code: for every turn that the enemy
does not go your party gets +1 to attack and
damage, lasts until chain is broken. By using a
small variety of military terms and hand
movements you direct your party with flawless
You need a bigger gun: bonus 1d6+cha mod
damage on next attack. By rerouting power to
your arms or ranged implant weapon you
strengthen you blow or power charge your laser.
3 level spells
Hologram: deploys a mirror image of you,
attacking aliens must make a sense motive check
DC equal to 10 + 1/2 Cyborg level + cha mod, or
they may attack it not realizing its fake, hologram
has 10+ cha mod HP. You deploy a small square
object from one of your robotic forearm, the chip
creates a 3d image of you, the image can make
noise and make movements but cannot move out
of its 5 foot square.
Crushing arm: do 2d10 damage to nonliving
object. Being part machine you are naturally able
to find pressure point like spots on items.
4 level spells
Repair moderate injury: can heal self or other
robots for 2d8+cha mod points (touch only +2
healing if you use a piece of scrap metal). Rather
than attempt to patch up your target you actually
thin out certain parts of the technology and wiring
to redistribute material to the needed place.
New Monsters
Hive Underling
Size small xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit dice: 2d12+4 (16hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40ft. (8 squares)
AC: 14 (+2 dex +2 natural +1 ranged weapons)
Touch 12 Ranged-touch 13 Flat-footed 12
Ranged 15
Base Attack/Grapple +2/+3
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Full attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 ranged
weapons, adaptive, hive mind
Saves: Fort +2, Ref+3, Will -2
Abilities: Str 14, dex 14, con 14, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha
Skills: Hide +6, Move silently +6, climb +4, jump
+4, spot +2, listen +2
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: pair, group (3-5), swarm (6-10),
Hive Warrior
Size medium xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit Dice: 4d12+8 (32 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC: 15 (+1 dex +4 natural +2 melee) Touch 13
Ranged-touch 11 Flat-footed 14 Melee 17
Base Attack/ Grapple +3/+5
Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d6/x2) or Bite +4 melee
Full Attack: Claw +8 (1d6/x2) and Bite +4melee
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 melee
weapons, adaptive, hive mind, blurred movement
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will 0
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha
Cystic Underling
Size small xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit Dice: 2d12+4 (16 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
AC: 14 (+2 dex +2 natural +1 ranged weapons)
Touch 12 Ranged-touch 13 Flat-footed 12
Ranged 15
Base Attack/Grapple +2/+3
Attack: Acid spit +4 ranged (1d6-1 acid damage/x3)
Full attack: Acid spit +4 ranged (1d6-1 acid
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 ranged
weapons, adaptive, hive mind
Saves: Fort +2, Ref+3, Will -2
Abilities: Str 14, dex 14, con 14, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha
Skills: Hide +6, Move silently +6, climb +4, jump
+4, spot +2, listen +2
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: pair, group (3-5), swarm (6-10), or
horde (12-20)
Challenge rating: 1
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance Wrench and 2
pieces of scrap metal
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 4-5 HD (cystic warrior)
Small and fast this creature resembles a mix of
species and colors, bright green blotches run
Hive Broodling
Size Small xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit Dice: 1d12+1 (7 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 50 Ft. (10 squares)
AC 13 (+2 dex +1 natural) Touch 12 Flat footed 11
Base Attack/ Grapple +1/+1
Attack: Claw +2 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Full Attack: Claw +2 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 ranged
weapons, adaptive, hive mind, Swarm group
Saves: Fort +1, Ref+2, Will -2
Abilities: Str 12, dex 14, con 12, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha
Skills: Hide +4, Move silently +4, climb +2, jump
+2, spot +1, listen +1
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: swarm (6-10), horde (12-20) or hive
Challenge rating: 1/3
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance 2 pieces of
scrap metal
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 2-3 HD (hive underling)
At only 1-2 feet tall these creatures most resemble
beetles. There carapace covers most of their body,
surrounded by sticky goo these look freshly
hatched or born. There body is hard to discern
based on these features. only one thing is sure,
there small arms and sharp claws combined with
their teeth are a force to be reckoned with.
Size medium humanoids
Hit dice: 2d6+4 (10)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC: 15 (+2 dex +2 natural +1 armor) Touch 12 Flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple +2/+3
Attack: Wrench +3 melee (1d6+1 19-20/x2)
Full attack: Wrench +3 melee (1d6+1 19-20 /x2)
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: none
Saves: Fort +2, Ref+3, Will -2
Abilities: Str 12, dex 12, con 12, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha10
Skills: Hide +4, Move silently +4, climb +4, jump +4
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: pair or group (3-5)
Challenge rating: 1
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance Wrench
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: none
These men of different race and social standing have banded together and formed a gang in order to survive,
wearing assorted clothing and lots of it they manage to make a durable suit of cloth armor, nothing a blaster
cant burn through though.