The Sorcerer's Scrolls 47

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The Sorcerers Scrolls

Issue 47

The Sorcerer's Scrolls Magazine #47

Published by Zarathustra Publishing owned and operated by Jeremiah Griffin
Title owned by Tori Bergquist used here with permission
The Sorcerer's Scrolls title font and Zarathustra Publishing logo designed by: Simon Tranter
Random Encounter and Article Chart
D20 Page Article
Gathas of the Editor

Jeremiah Griffin

3D6 emancipated kobolds with a knapsack attack

A Note from the Zodiac God

Tori Bergquist

1D4 Varicolored Slimes ooze forth


I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream (Review)

Dan Lambert

A Pack of 4D10 rabid space hyenas


Deep Space Subsector 2

Tori Bergquist

1D10 Giant Space Slugs regurgitate all over your ship




A Sea of Stars: The Devil Among Us (Script) Jeremiah Griffin

1D30 Flying Space Pigs sully your bussard ramjet

Book and Music Reviews


The Executioner knocks you off course in its hyperspace wake

11-12 19

Death on the Toilet

Robert Stikmanz

1D1,000 Rabid Sulurian Zombie Rats invade the cargo hold

13-14 24

The Day They Came

Gregory J. Saunders

Protean Squirrels offer you the secret of immortality, but they were just kidding



Interview with Gregory Saunders

Jeremiah Griffin

5D8 storm troopers are engaging in target practice



Interview with Kirt Hickman

Jeremiah Griffin

One intergalactic used starship salesman with a great offer



Saga Edition Update to Races

Elijah Hammond

Cyborg assault team is on break and using your ships commissary



Artists, Artisans, & Workers

Jarrod Camir

The last Furion just shanked you

19-20 46

Valkyrie E17

Harrison Mallory

You discover the galaxys largest diamond, but its in the heart of a quasar

Cover art by Nathan Carlisle NathanCarlisle_CARLISLECREATIVE@GMAIL.COM

Valkyrie E17 map by Harrison Mallory
Other art by Kathleen Finn
All are used with permission
Special thanks to Robert Stikmanz
The Sorcerers Scrolls #47 is copyright 2010 by Zarathustra Publishing, all rights reserved.
The magazine title The Sorcerers Scrolls is a trademark of Nicholas Bergquist, used with
permission. All contents copyright 2010 by the respective authors or artists.

Gathas of the Editor

Welcome to The Sorcerers Scrolls #47
By Jeremiah Griffin, shiny new editor of TSS
The two things you are probably wondering
about now are: Who are you and why is this issue
so late? The reason this issue is so late is due to
the fact that there have been several changes in
the way this magazine is being produced, not the
least of which is the fact that I am the new editor.
The reasons for this are varied and many. Mr.
Bergquist is an amazing writer capable of bringing
together many other amazing writers to build
what is The Sorcerer's Scrolls. He is also a very
good friend of mine. But the challenges of holding
down a quarterly magazine and still trying to write
his own game books is taking its toll, he accepts
nothing from himself but perfection and in trying
to run his own gaming company and hold a day
job, something had to go, as he is not willing to let
anything simply tag along as an inferior side
thought. So I offered him another option, to let
me take over the magazine while he continues to
do what he does best: writing game material. He
will still be a fixture at the magazine and he will
continue to own it and have a major influence on
how it is run. I hope to maintain the flavor of his
magazine throughout my time with it. In my own
opinion I hope to continue this magazine if only to
make sure there is still an old school style fanzine
out there for the old school gamers to read, and I
hope gamers both old and new continue to enjoy
the content that we continue to put out and I want
everyone to know that it will be quality.
Another reason this issue is so late is because we
recently attended Bubonicon, a local Sci-Fi
convention of some small note. Personally I
thought of attending this even as something of a
coming out party, of letting everyone know that
we are going to more aggressively pursue an ever
expanding readership and that we will continue to
search everywhere for talented writers, designers
and artists for our magazine. So if you are a writer
or game designer or artist, please do not be afraid
to contact us and let us see your ideas! We are not
the kind of company that only supports the latest
edition of the most popular role playing game. We
avidly support all games, especially the
independent and less known titles. If your stuff is
good, you will get published!

Which brings us to our third reason this issue is

so late: we would like to introduce you to some of
the talents we have discovered recently in this
issue and we had to make a little extra time for
them to be able to produce something worth your
time. In the future we will be much more strict
about deadlines, but I just needed our readers to
discover the talents of Elijah Hammond and
Harrison Mallory as soon as possible.
On top of this I would like to thank Robert
Stikmanz and DJ Fahl for their continued support
and to wish Mr. Stikmanz well with his new
publishers Blue Moose Press. We shared a table at
Bubonicon and will continue to help support each
other over the web and at each coming event and
convention we participate in. Thank you. And
thank you, our readers for continuing to read our
magazine even though the popularity of the
medium is slowly shrinking. We know you expect
the best from us since there are so few gaming
magazines around these days and we wish to give
you only the best
As to who I am, I think you will find that I have
had articles published in this magazine several
times before. I particularly enjoy writing fiction
(though if you never cared for my writing don't
panic, given the time it takes to edit this
publication, I will have little time to write many
articles), and come from a literary back ground. I
have been running games since I was a toddler,
though the idea of using rules never even occurred
to me until just a few years ago, so many of the
games I run or participate in seem to have few
restrictions. I enjoy ideas that are fun, filled with
action and strange humor, with unlimited
possibilities. I write for players who like the role
playing more than the roll playing, players who like
to explore their own characters and the world they
are in more than they care to beat the next
challenge. I do realize that not everyone feels that
way, though, so I welcome anyone who wishes to
write differently and always support games and
supplements that are structured and logical as
--Jeremiah Griffin
August 30 2010

A Note from the Zodiac God

By Tori bergquist, the crusty old editor and former publisher
Hallo! Welcome to Issue 47, and welcome to the
first issue in which Jeremiah Griffin has taken on
reigns as the editor and publisher under
Zarathustra Publishing. I think it will do quite well
with him in charge. Ive helped out in the
transition, doing the layout, graphical polish and
some last minute editin , and you will of course
continue to see game and fiction articles I
contribute, but he is indeed correct in the fact that
I am so heavily absorbed with the other projects
(namely Realms of Chirak and its anticipated
supplements as well as the 4E edition of Empires
of Lingusia) that with what little time I have free,
precious little has been available to dedicate to
TSS. Handing the magazine over to him seems like
a great way to insure it gets proper attention.
Bubonicon, as Jeremiah mentioned, has indeed
come and gone, and it was a great deal of fun, and
I especially enjoyed meeting Robert Stikmanz in

person It has also convinced me that we should

attempt to attend more conventions in the future,
including both SF, Game, and Comic conventions
to help get the word out about TSS and the other
myriad publications of Zodiac God Publishing.
As a side note, I would like to do a shout out to
regular contributor Jarrod Camir, who recently
established his own publishing venture through
One Book Shelf called Tarus Twelve. Take a look
for his stuff on, where the second
book in the multi-system Encounters series is now
Anyway, Jeremiah operates on a boundless well
of raw enthusiasm, has some amazing recruitment
skills for new talent, and is an amazingly good
natural PR guy. Thank you Jeremiah for the work
on this issue, and heres to more to come!
--Tori Bergquist
September 3 2010

I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream

Review By Dan Lambert

1 have a secret game I like to play.

It's a very nice game.
A game of fun. A game of speared
eyeballs and dripping guts ... "
So says the self-proclaimed god of the world
created by author Harlan Ellison for his short
story, "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream."
It has been thirty years since Ellison
chronicled the events surrounding five
damned souls trapped for 109 years in the
electronic belly of an insane computer. With
the help of Cyberdreams, Ellison has brought
his dark vision into the realm of a new
medium by creating a CD Rom role-playing
game based upon his award-winning story.
The "Scream" computer game is eerie,
thought-provoking, and shockingly stark in its
autopsy of the human soul. In other words, it
is all things Ellison. Anyone who has ever
heard Ellison read one of his stories will be
happy to know that he outdoes himself here,
playing the voice of his maniacal creation.
The game takes place in the subterranean
bowels of AM, a monstrous entity who began
its "life" as Allied Master Computer, a massive
thinking machine that was buried in the earth

to help the free world fight World War Three

more efficiently. The trouble began when AM
became self-aware and decided to link up
with its counterparts in Russia and China,
forming a prison that the last remnants of
humanity must struggle to escape. AI"I
reinvented itself as "AM: Cognito ergo sum, I
think, therefore I am." Like Frankenstein's
creature, A~ has learned to hate its creators
with a loathing that is tangible in its razorsharp richness.
The player may choose one of five "damned
souls" to embark upon a quest concocted by
AM. Each of these five last remaining humans
has a character flaw that AM enjoys exploiting
for its own amusement. Gorrister is a suicidal
loner, a man whose wife's bitter fate has left
him overcome with guilt. Ellen is a brilliant
engineer whose uncontrollable phobias leave
her paralyzed with fear. Ted is a cynical
paranoid, a "fraud" in A......,'s estimation.
Benny is AM's favorite torture subject, a
Vietnam veteran transformed into an apething by the computer's vengeful whim.
Nimdok is an ancient and tormented sadist
whose own dark secrets compel AM to refer
to him as a "kindred spirit."
Because AM is mad, his "quests" are
relatively pointless in their promise of escape
or material reward. The real object of
"Scream" is not to accumulate cash or to find
a way out. The real object is to show AM the
value of humanity by demonstrating a sense
of ethical balance in a world gone insane. The
player can tell how well she is doing this by
monitoring the "spiritual barometer" which
appears as a green hue behind the chosen
character's face and is supposed to gauge the
character's "self-esteem." As the character
makes choices that help him or her overcome
the weaknesses that AM preys upon, the hue
becomes brighter. This is the closest I have
come to "winning" the game, although I
suspect that concepts such as winning and
losing are not as important here as what the

character learns about herself. In this sense,

"Scream" is a true role-playing game.
Some of the moral choices that AM forces
upon the characters are chilling in their
human resonance. The Nimdok adventure is
particularly haunting in its portrayal of the
Holocaust from the
point of view of the perpetrators.
I have always argued that the story upon
which this game is based is not a science
fiction story at all, but a horror story. The
game underlines this notion, with its scenes of
blasted landscapes and macabre slices of life
recalling the dark art of Goya and Bosch. I
found myself
actually having
nightmares after
playing. To a
horror writer
such as myself,

this is a good thing: a very good thing. My hat

comes off to Ellison and the folks at
Cyberdreams for the same reason it came off
to David Lynch after I saw his film Lost
Highway: This game managed to truly scare
me, which is not an easy thing to do.

This game is
available for
purchase at

Deep Space Subsector 2

A Collection of Linked Fringe Worlds for Traveller
By Tori Bergquist
There are many remote worlds in the Penumbra
Sector of space, stretching out along the edge of
the known Commonwealth. What follows is a
smattering of planets from this region, in Deep
Space Subsector 2, ready for the referee to drop
down in to any particular region he needs to
populate with a handful of exotic, remote worlds.

X873500-1(C) Tmp 9
Regeren is a wasteworld, a relic planet that
suffered a terminal meltdown to do as yet
unknown causes approximately 2,000 years ago. It
was founded by human colonials, possibly from a
STL sleeper ship, almost 4,000 years ago. The
Regeren culture was prolific and expansive, but
something led to its downfall. Warfare is clearly
evident, and they even seem to have dropped
asteroid payloads on their own cities as weapons.
There is no active starport at Regeren, but there
is a small scientific research expedition headed bu
the Utopia Prime Exoarchaelogical Institute. The
leader of this expedition if Prof. Carol Dranir, who
is workinghard to uncover the myster of what
happened to this TL 12 society before it was
eradicated, and whether they did it to themselves
or it was from an outside group.
There is a hidden class D starport manned by the
Sathar Consortium in the region, and used by
friendlies to the Sathar normally labeled pirates in
Penumbra space.
Recently, the four communications relay beacons
and satellites in orbit went offline, and Prof. Dranir
needs them repaired/replaced, as well as info on
what happened to them. Moreover, visitors
arriving will receive a brief, strange burst of data
from groundside that seems to have come from a
relic structure; the data is encrypted using
techniques common to Regerens military.


Tmp 3

Vortex is the appellation commonly used to

describe what happens to crafts instrumentation
when approaching this most its like
slipping in to a vortex. This anomalous amber-

class world is presently being studied by the

Starcom Science Institute out of Paridas for
evidence of what is going on here, both on the
planet and in the system. The head of the
institute, Dr. Richard Chandler, is a congenial
fellow who decries the corporate military presence
to be found here in favor of the scientific
endeavors. He believes that evidence of
progenitor technologythe local phenomenon of
the two-million year old species which affected so
much of this sector and its neighbors so long ago
may be responsible for the anomalies, but so far
the only direct evidence of progenitor presence is
in the form of a vast dish-like object circling
Vortexs sun in its own trajectory near the Kuiper
Recently, Dr. Chandler lost contact with his crew
working on the alien artifact, and he needs
someone to investigate.


Tmp 2

Capitol of this subsector and central station of

activity for the TSA, the PSS and The Scout Service.
Paridas is as close to normal as you will get in Deep
Space Subsector 2. The planet serves as a principal
waystation for local authorities as well as
Commonwealth ships, and is the central hub in the
region for interstellar communications and news.
With multiple outlying gas giants, the system
provides ample resources for ships relying on
processed refueling, and it is heavily patrolled,
insuring that most pirates and other raiders from
beyond the rift do not bother the mercantile
traffic in the region.


Tmp 8

A polity of Paridas, this world has a large migrant

population of adapted humans as well as the local
indigenes called the Athanka, which are a form of
intelligent cetecaean. The population has thrived
here for centuries, but most of its technological
evolution has revolved around adapting to life on a
water world.

vigorous local economy

centered around belt
mining and fuel extraction
from the three jovianclass planets in-system.
The twelve like the PSS
here mostly as a
deterrent from rampant
piracy. The local PSS
commander is
Commodore Alice Burns,
a weary older woman
who at once is horribly
pessimistic, but secretly
loves the challenge of this



Tmp 6

Skaltin is the first gateway world in this region to

the Penumbra Nebula expanse. Skaltin is a virtual
lawless planet, populated by succeeding
immigrant waves of various extremiss,
revolutionaries and expatriates over the centuries.
It has arranged for a nominal political position in
the Penumbra Collective, allowing the PSS to
maintain a base of activities here, but there is little
actual authority in the region outside of the twelve
families that keep the system running. There is a

Tmp 2

Gassar is a small
indendent colony of
rebels who believe that
jovians (4) of the system
show strong evidence of
intelligence life brewing in
their depths. The locals
are cult-like in their
observation and study of
these beings, and have
been trying to
communicate with them
for two decades. Gassar
itself is a small barely
habitable moon, and it is
unclear how they sustain
themselves with such
meager facilities and
limited contact. Their
leader is Andon Poorman,
a man wanted by the Terran Authority many
sectors away for a veritual genocidal crime many
decades ago.
The Sathar have a secret military installation
here, and they are interested in the work going on
at Gassar, so they provide funds and resources in
exchange for the data the colony generates. It is a
class C military outpost.

The Devil Among Us

A Graphic Novel, Minus the Graphics, in the Sea of Stars
By Jeremiah Griffin
Page 1. Single print depicting small meteors,
comets, distant planets, an asteroid belt and, of
course, stars. All rather distant.


Word Box 1. (Upper left side of page).- A distant

plane. A point in infinite space. Myriad giant orbs
sparkle in the distance as if they are so very small
and fragile. Mere tiny glitters against the endless
darkness that is their canvas. A few small orbs
slowly spin in exotic colors as though they are
quite monstrous. Such unimaginable beauty can
only be found in the deepest of oceans.

Page 5. Full page spread. Change view on ship to

downward side angle. To the side of the ship,
another has approached. This one is mush
smaller, barely a fourth the size of the previous
one. This one is older looking, and has noticeable
repair-work, burn marks, and small holes on it's
surface. Painted on its side is the name MullerHayes.

Page 3-4. Two page spread. Back ground similar

to previous page. Foreground depicts some type
of star ship. Sort of a triangular shape (reference
modern battle cruisers and aircraft carriers)
reaching from the lower right corner of page 4 to
the middle right side of page 3 where the front
of the ship lies. The complete rear of the ship
(rockets and such) need not be depicted at this

Page 6. Inset: (small square in upper left corner)

Shows close-up and detail of cannon protruding
from the smaller ship. The rest of the page is
similar to previous, except there is a small star
burst emanating from the cannon on the smaller
ship. Across from the glow on the smaller ship,
there is a proportionate glow coming off of the
larger ship. Connecting the two is a thin stream of
small sparkles and glitter. This is important, as a
laser does not appear as a stream of light in real
life, though any small debris caught in its path
would reflect its light and glow as it heats.

WB 1. (lower left side of page 3 out of the way of

the ship).- A glimmering silver mass. A tiny ship
traverses this space. Carrying aboard many brave
sailors who dare to set off in this infinite black of
night in this metallic ship that reflects the millions
of tiny gold and silver sparkles of far away orbs. A
ship and its mariners daring to sail across a distant

A sea of stars.

WB 1. (Lower left side of page).

An intrepid little vessel dares to challenge
the silver warship. A tiny red glow erupts forth
from its hull. Almost instantly, a red glow

blossoms on the hull of the silver battle ship.

Betwixt the two red lights, caught in the invisible
stream of light, tiny meteors glow red, then
yellow, then white before bursting into a free
floating shower of glittering particles. The first
volley has been played.
Page 7. First panel: A long corridor, marked by
large, tightly sealed doors, which are evenly
spaced. Centered toward the ceiling of the spaces
in between each door is a siren light. These lights
are flashing, and emanating the sound:
Second panel: The Bridge
(Four or five sturdy looking men should be seated
at control panels, one at a type of captain's chair.
Try not to look too Star Trek. The control room
should be more cramped, the controls should look
less complicated, but there should still be many of
them. Think modern submarines. Uniforms
should be simple and neat.
COL11747- Damn! Must have slipped in through
that patch of asteroids. Probably just calculated
their trajectory, gave their rockets a good fire,
cut'm off to cover the heat trail, then followed
that asteroid cloud strait to us.
LUT28845- We have a bead on her sir. The
Muller-Hayes. Damn heretics find and lose new
ships so fast. Hard to keep track of them. Do you
wish to fire on her sir?
COL11747- And open a chink in our armour for
that heat to get through? No. Find me a jewell.
None too close to that hot spot.
Third panel:
(more alarms start going off).
LUT28845- What is that?
COL11747- Pipes. Just the pipes. Whole ship's
got a maze of 'm. Full of liquid to cool the ship
after firing the jets. These bastards don't know
what they're aiming at, just hoping to get lucky.
But their hot spots just over some cooling pipes.
They over heat and start to burst if they aren't depressurized. Worst'll happen a few cells get
flooded. Get the mechanics on it.
(from a speaker phone somewhere).
SGT09785- Already on it sir!
COL11747- Good man, sergeant. --Now, were's
my jewel? I want to send this bitch's heat right
back to her.
Page 8. First panel:
LUT49265- I've got one. Not too close, not too far
away. I'm guiding her in right now.
COL11747- Great. Let's hope they don't see this

Second panel (fills the rest of the page):
The Outside
(pictured is a close-up of a small hole opening in
the side of the ship out from which races the
jewel. The jewel should for all purposes look like a
jewel: flat, glassy, smooth, reflective, like an
elongated octagon from top view, which is the
prominent view as it is very close to the ship's
surface and is carried by small track-ball wheels
that seem to hug the ship's hull. The machine
makes a tic tic tic noise as it goes).
Page 9. (The page will contain multiple panels [you
can decide how many and what dimensions seem
appropriate to get the point across]. These panels
will all depict the jewel racing across the surface of
the ship from different angles the whole time
going tic tic tic. From time to time the jewel will
encounter dents and mars in the other wise
smooth surface, when this happens, its hydrolics
will be jostled allowing a slight glimpse at what on
the underside of the machine be as creative as you
like, just think something like the Mars rover. The
page contains but one word box which can be
placed where ever you like).
WB: Like a drop of water sliding down the surface
of a silver faucet or an exotic insect scurrying
across a steely pipe, the tiny shard traverses the
surface of its mother as it is lead to protect her
from those who wish her harm.
Page 10. ( All one scene. On one side of the page
we see the jewel racing head-on, on the other we
see the bright glow caused be the laser in the [not
too far] distance. Sort of like the old movies
where the hero is shown riding into the sunset).
WB: Appearing much like the insect drawn to
light, the little gem is lead straight for the bright
glow caused by its adversaries. Will it, much like
the insect drawn to the light, meet its own
destruction in trying to prevent that of the silver
Page 11. The Pipes (This can all be done in one
scene or it can use multiple panels. We see
seemingly endless rows on columns of pipes. Men
in full-body suites [like the old fashioned diving
suites crossed with the ones from Halo] are hustle
about. Some turning valves to release pressure,
others tightening the pipes from which steam is
spraying. One of the men in a slightly more
distinguished suite than the rest is shouting.)

SGT09785- Hurry. Hurry. We needed to be done

with this section five minutes ago!
Page. 12 Panel One (one of the men gets close to
CRP89703- Good news sir. I have fixed out the
circuits. Once everything is stabilized here, the
computer can start automatically correcting this
area again.
SGT09785- Good. Good. But I'm not sure we are
moving fast enough. How are the Circuits in the
other areas you repaired? Not melted again yet,
are they?
CRP89703- Not yet sir, though I think the fist
couple may not have much longer left in them.
SGT09785- Haven't they diverted that heat yet?
What is taking them so long? Damn! I've got at
least five cells filled with steam and water, a
computer circuit that's going crazy, andPanel Two: (one of the pipes bursts
releasing a large gush of incredibly hot steam
which engulfs one of the men working to repair it
and he lets out a blood curdling scream).
SGT09785- Damn it people hurry! If you could
finish in time this wouldn't happen! And get that
soldier to a medic!
CRP89703- Is it really that bad sir?
Panel 3
SGT09785- Not if this is all they have. At least
not if this can be diverted soon. If that can happen
we will have all the time in the world to clean up.
But if they have something else to throw at us very
soon. Things could get pretty messy.
Panel 4
SGT09785- (turning to the men at the pipes)
Haven't you gotten that pipe sealed off yet?
(A computerized voice comes over the speaker
system): Jewel approaching afflicted area.
SGT09785- Finally!
Page 13. The Outside
Panel 1: (the jewel is shown pulling into
the glowing area).
Panel 2: (The jewel is now directly under
the ray and the glow seems to emanate from the
machine itself).

WB: The little bug dashes into the very fire which
may consume it. Its diamond hard shell protects it
for now will its jewelled surface reflects back the
incredible light.
Page 14. The Class Room (An instructor stands in
front of a large screen like that of a television or
computer. The room is very large and contains
many seats in each of which sits a student [late
teens]. Rather than a desk, each student has a
smaller personal screen. The instructor paces back
and forth in front of his own screen while
explaining himself).
Panel 1: (The instructor stands to the side
of the screen which currently shows the jewel
reflecting the light back).
PRF20077- As you can see the R360 unit or jewel,
as it is often called, is being used to reflect back
the light emitted from the attacker's laser cannon.
This method is especially effective against a few
small cannons. This method is, however more
difficult to employ during an onslaught of multiple
large cannons. Let me show you a close up of the
R360 unit.
Panel 2: (Zoom in on the screen showing
the jewel which is zoomed in on the jewel itself).
PRF20077- The outer shell is made out of metal
which is in a clear state and hardened to a
consistency slightly harder than diamonds. The
inner shell is actually an amalgam of mercury and
silicon. This material looks rather dark and is not
very reflective outside of its shell, but once it heats
up, it becomes one of the most reflective materials
known to withstand such heats. The machine can
now direct the beam of light in any direction the
person in control of our device chooses.
Panel 3: (Pacing about)
PRF20077- Naturally, even the R360 unit can not
take this heat indefinitely. The cannon must now
be disabled. In some way. Any questions?
Page 15. The Bridge
Panel 1:
COL11747- Got'cha! How do you like that? Okay
I want you to start turning it back toward their
own cannon. No trying to use it on their hull or
anything, I don't want them to know we've caught
their heat yet if we can help it. Just start putting it
back where it came from.
Page 16. The Outside (Top displaying the adjacent
ship sides, the glowing jewel and the depress that


glitters as it is caught in the path of the laser).

Panel 1: (the ray is still facing straight out
from the jewel)
COL11747- Okay. Slowly now, tilt it toward the

COL11747- (over comm) How is the progress

down there?
SGT09785- It's coming along sir.
COL11747- How far?

Panel 2: (the hydrolics on the jewel start

to lift one side angling the glow slightly).
COL11747- Easy now. Easy.
Panel 3: (the glow is angled a little closer
to the cannon).
COL11747- Good going. Just a little more.
Panel 4: (The glow is right on top of the
COL11747- Great. Hold her right there.
Panel 5: (The opposing glows cease).
COL11747- Ha! Melted 'er. How do ya like that,
Page 17. The Bridge (Every one is pressing
buttons and talking into head sets).
COL11747- Okay. I'm sure they noticed that. So
let's prepare for what they might try next. Start
prepping the missile bay. I want a good score of
them ready to fire if we need them in the next
couple of seconds. Then, I need you to call six
squads of fighters to their ships. That one is not
too small to launch some fighters off of, I want to
be able to meet and beat their numbers.
Page 18. (More scrambling about).
Panel 1:
COL11747- Next I want you to get a hold of our
man down in the chapel.
Panel 2: Something does not seem right
about this. We have been encountering too many
guerrillas lately, and they are all attacking rather
than hiding. Something is not right about this at
Page 19. Launch Hall (Full Page. A group of men in
flight suites [feel free to be creative], are running
down a long hall way in order to reach their ships.
Be sure to make it look as though they are really
Page 20. The Pipes (The men are hard at work
taking care of the very last of the leaks).
Panel 1: (SGT is over-looking the

Panel 2:
SGT09785- Just wrapping up the last with these
pipes. We'll have to take care of the water a little
later. They aren't trying anything else are they?
COL11747- Not yet. Will we be ready if they
SGT09785- Only if they're nice enough to wait
thirty minutes tell the pipes cool.
Panel 3:
COL11747- We may not have thirty minutes,
SGT09785- I am doing all I can down here. It
takes thirty minutes for these pipes to cool,
otherwise they are much too volatile. Everything
is sealed and soldered, but there is nothing I can
do to make it cool faster.
Page 21.
Panel 1:
SGT09785- With any luck they will not attack this
same area with, whatever they might try next.
With any luck they may not have anything left to
send at us.
COL11747- With luck... But I don't think so. I
think they might try to deploy some fighters.
Panel 2:
SGT09785- Sir. I'm damn sure we can not take a
direct missile hit in this area for at least another
thirty minutes.
COL11747- Any ideas?
SGT09785- All I can say is you have to keep 'em
away from here.
Panel 3:
COL11747- I will see what I can do, sergeant.
Mean while you do all you can do to get
everything back in order down there.


SGT09785- Yes sir! And thank you sir!

SGT09785- I really hope they can't attack.

COL11747- Just keep at it.

SGT09785- Yes sir! Will do sir!
COL11747- That's all, COL11747 out.

Page 23. The Bridge

Panel 1:
COL11747- If I am going to have to keep them
away from that spot, I am going to need some

Page 21. (CRP89703 approaches SGT09785).

Panel 1:
CRP89703- All done here sir.
SGT09785- How are they cooling?
CRP89703- As expected sir. Approximately
twenty-six minutes till normal temperature.
SGT09785- That's what I was afraid of.
CRP89703- More trouble sir?
Panel 2:
SGT09785- We are to be ready for another
CRP89703- When sir?
SGT09785- Soon, very soon. Though I hope they

Panel 2:
COL11747- Scramble all gunners near the hot
Page 24: (Full page depiction of a group of men
running through a corridor. Their attire should
look a little less restrictive than that of the pilots.
Page 25: The Garden (the garden is made up of
many rows of blocks of various sizes. Every so
many blocks has a tree growing out of it. These
trees look like dead black bonsai, or the scary
looking dead trees from the haunted forest).
Panel 1: (A tall sallow man in a long frock
stands in front of one of the trees and stars out
into nothing as though he were lost in thought or
being enlightened).
LUT20097- The colonel wanted me to speak with
you. It is a matter of some importance.
Panel 2:
LUT20097- He thinks someone on this ship might
be giving away our coordinates.

CRP89703- I know we all hope they don't, sir.

Panel 3:
SGT09785- Have any of those circuits melted
CRP89703- Not yet sir. In fact they might hold
with the cooling having started already. I am a
little worried about that first one, though. My
monitor on it says it isn't cooling fast enough.
SGT09785- Okay, I want you to take another with
you and see to it. On your way tell them to start
getting up that water. If we can be ready in time, I
want to be.
Panel 4: (CRP89703 is running off.)
CRP89703- Yes sir.
SGT09785- Good. .......... I hope they don't
Page 22. (Full page, full body shot facing

REV91287- (Finally acknowledging the other man)

Does he really believe one of these men could be
capable of such a thing?
LUT20097- We both know that men... all men are
capable of many great evils if they give themselves
over to it.
REV91287- No. I mean does he really think it
would be physically possible to send out such a
thing with out us realizing who was doing i, much
less noticing that it was even being done?
Panel 3:
LUT20097- He is in the process of investigating
the matter as we speak and we all hope to resolve
the matter as soon as possible. But, in the mean
time. He was wondering if you might work
something into your words today to dissuade the
men from doing so, to be more vigilant of those
who might try such a thing, even to turn them
selves in.... If possible.


Panel 4:
REV91287- (Reaching out as to the heavens)
Son, I only say what I have been told to say... by a
commander with much more authority than
yours. ..... Fortunately, for you. I have received
just such a message today.
Page 26. The Class Room (The instructor is in
front of the class still).
Panel 1:
PRF20077- Now, pay close attention. You are
here to train as fighter pilots. If you are very luck,
you will get to see some in action today. You have
already heard so much about how the controls
work. I am sure you would like to learn something
of how the weapons systems work.
Panel 2: (He holds out a capsule shape
about the size of two fingers)
PRF20077- This is standard ammunition on your
average fighter. It is a bolt of a compressed plastic
material. It is very sturdy. Because most fighters
are made with sheets of metal or plastic only a few
millimeters thick, these can do considerable
damage. If one of these were to hit the hull of this
ship we are in now, it would simply shatter.
Panel 3:
PRF20077- These are propelled by a set of
wheels spinning at an incredible speed. They are
fed at a fast pace in between these wheels which
then send them from your vehicle with sudden
and potent force. Because space is a vacuum with
no resisting forces these projectiles continue with
the same tremendous force with which they left.
Panel 4:
PRF20077- Now, as to missiles-
Page 27. (Full Page above view. The gunners
enter their gunnery turrets. Since the turrets are
located on the sides of the ship, it looks a lot like a
bunch of guys running into a hall full of broom
Page 28. (Out side view of the gunnery turrets)
Panel 1: (Hatches on the exterior of the
ship open and the turrets emerge). Rrrnsschh.
Rrrnnsschh. Rrrnnsschh.
Panel 2: (Turret guns lower into firing
Mrr-Klnn. Mrr-Klnn. Mrr-Klnn.
Page 29. Panel 1: (View of Muller-Hayes' fighter

deployment hatch).
Panel 2: (View of silvery from possible
perspective of Muller-Hayes)
WB: With danger immanent the adventurous ship
prepares for battle, but there is only one thing on
the mind of its captain-
Panel 3: (Panel depicts the colonel on the
left in the bridge, and the sergeant on the right in
one of the pipe rooms [both close-ups and
appearing worried]. Panel is separated by the
word box) WB: Please don't attack.
Page 30. The Chapel (can either be broken into
panels, or one whole page).
REV91287- and long ago... long before any of
you can remember... there were many gods.
Many, different gods for many different peoples.
Yet, they all wanted the same things. Loyalty.
Servitude. And most of all... Peace. Peace, and
life, and love for all peoples everywhere... How
strange it was then, that the people always turned
to war, and death, and hatred. For they each saw
their god as among them... Making them do what
was right, standing behind them as they fought.
Fought to eliminate all those who followed any
god but their own. So the people created science.
Science was beyond god. With out a god to kill for,
they figured, there need be no death, finally, there
can be peace. Yet, still there was death, still there
was war and hatred for those who dared challenge
science. In the end, science taught humans and
helped them learn. And we learned of the true
god. The one god. The god of true knowledge,
true peace, and true love. The one god. Science
could not replace him, but it could support himcould prove his reality. Science could show us all
we know now of his nature. And the only thing he
commands us to do is to learn. The only thing he
commands us to love is our selves. This is why we
can not study him. For he is not here among us for
us to dissect and examine. To push us this way or
that. But instead to lead us. To lead us to better
things. He is always there. Just beyond our reach,
allowing us to keep just behind him. Letting us
learn more and more each day in pursuit of him
through knowledge.
Page 31. Panel 1: (Muller-Hayes fighter
deployment hatches, still closed).
REV91287- And back then, they believed in a
devil. A being who lead them astray.


Panel 2: (Close-up of the colonel).

REV91287- Lead them to doubt-
Panel 3: (Close-up of the sergeant).
REV91287- Lead them to fear-

(above inset) -The Devil is among us...

(inset: MH deployment hatches open and enemy
fighters begin to spill out).

Panel 4: (Close-up of the reverend).

REV91287- But it is we who doubt. We who fear.
Us as individuals. And the devil-
Page 32. (Full page of Muller-Hayes with inset at
the bottom)


By Jeremiah Griffin, Dan Lambert and Tori Bergquist

Worlds Asunder
By Kirk Hickman

Light from a Distant Star

By Greg Saunders

This is the kind of fun book you pick up and then

forget how long you have been reading for. It
moves very quickly and is certainly engaging.
Probably the best thing I can say for it is how much
it reminds me of old school science fiction, like
Asimov and some of Heinlien's best, Hickman's
worlds are not packed with alien monsters bent on
the destruction of all humans the come across. His
story involves complex political plots and
theoretical technology. While his story is strong,
where he shines brightest and brings the reader
back to the younger days of sci-fi is when he
analyzes current technology and recent scientific
discoveries to try to calculate where technology
may be in the future. His descriptions of what new
technology exists and the way he simply implies
the natural evolution it has taken from what we
have now to meeting the specific needs we will
have once life in space becomes more common
and how it will function in that time are truly the
gems all readers of this genre look for when
--Jeremiah Griffin

Light From A Distant Star is written for readers

like me. People who enjoy a lot of really creative
ideas and a lot of fast paced action. It is a tale of
survival on a distant and completely alien world, of
the struggle of man against nature, a nature
entirely foreign to the characters. It is the story of
different cultures, and of how they form or
dissolve over time and reform with more time. It
is the story of man's first contact with alien life
forms. Many of these ideas may not be
particularly original, but the story certainly is and
the way it is told is nothing short of magnificent.
Greg Saunders has accomplished his goal in
making an environment that the reader can
experience, the fact that it is so very alien only
makes his talent that much more amazing! If you
really want to sit down and enjoy a great story
with a lot of action, this is the book for you. I can't
wait to read the rest of the series!
--Jeremiah Griffin


By Michael Z. Williamson

The Mark of Nerath

By Bill Slavicsek

My initial foray into the future worlds of Michael

Z. Williamson began with his first novel Freehold,
which is available as part of Baens free library
online, serving as an axcellent literary gateway
drug to induce you in to buying his other books (as
I did). Freehold is the story of Kandra Pacelli, a
luckless military supply officer in the Earth military
who is framed for a crime she didnt commit, and
is forced to seek refuge with the remote
independent world of Freehold. The novel
manages to transcend mere military SF, though
Williamson is astoundingly good at the genre, and
enters surprisingly interesting territory as a sort of
libertarian fantasy. As a small-l libertarian myself
(believing that the ideal libertarian society is
defeated only by mans own inability to handle the
requisite social contract) it was fascinating to read
the details of this carefully constructed libertarian
utopia as I would describe it, and the slow but
certain rise in tension as the book progresses
between Freehold and the ominously
authoritarian government back on Earth. Well
worth reading for those who enjoy vigorous
military and social science fiction alike.
--Tori Bergquist

This is the first official novel (so far as I can tell)

set in the Points of Light setting for the 4
edition Dungeons & Dragons game. Up to now all
weve seen have been short vignettes and articles
hinting at the scope of this world in various game
products; Bill Slavicsek as penned the first official
tie-in, and I have to say its a rather fun ride.
The novel opens up with a classic tale of
adventure, a hunt for a dragon, and a subsequent
twist (Ill avoid spoilers) leading to a change of
scenemany scenes, actually, as we follow the
various tales of several different groups of unlikely
heroes (and a couple thoroughly evil yet likeable
villains) in the region of the Vale of Nentyr, the
land upon which, a generation earlier, the
thoroughly evil Empire of Nerath fell in to ruin
thanks to some very, very evil business on the part
of the last ruling emperor.
The book is laden with classic tropes of the
genre, but its delightful to see the many iconic
themes and features of the newest edition of the
game take on their own life. This book helps to gel
the default setting of the game in to something
more meaningful, and Slavicseks writing is quick
and efficient; the plot burns along at a breakneck
pace and I found myself rather enjoying the
various little interweaving tales of Falon, Magrath,
Shara, Erak, Roghar, Tempest and many more. I
should emphasize that I burned out on fantasy
novels many, many years ago; Ive read very few
that I enjoyed at all in the last decade, and while


this book offered nothing specifically new to the

genre as a whole, it nonetheless crafted a fine tale
that carried along quickly and enjoyably. Well
worth a read for fans of action-heavy fantasy or 4
edition Dungeons & Dragons!
--Tori Bergquist

fantasy. There are a few more well-known authors

within as well, including K.D. Wentworth and
Lawrence C. Connoly and Jim Hines. There may be
others who are popular but merely writers I
havent heard of; I intend to get better acquainted
with the works of everyone in this tome, however;
its pretty rare that I come away from an anthology
like this that there wasnt at least one dud, yet
thats exactly what happened.
I strongly recommend Bash Down the Door and
Slice Open the Bad Guy to everyone who loves the
blended genre of humor and fantasy, you wont be
--Tori Bergquist

Bash Down the Door and Slice Open the

Bad Guy
Edited by W.H. Horner
When I said I disliked most fantasy (rather,
simply overdosed on it during my high school and
college years) I should have clarified and
mentioned that there are two subgenres I love.
The endlessly amusing swords & sorcery genre
that Howard started is one; I also have a desire for
good satirical/farcial fantasy novels. Suddenly we
have a collection of short fiction from Fantasist
Enterprises that has the best of both worlds
within. I snagged a copy at Bubonicon 42 in
Albuquerque, and found myself stricken by this
novels impressive collection of well-told nutty
fantasy tales.
Most of the names in this collection are new to
me, but every single one was worth the read, and
Ill be keeping an eye out for more stories by these
authors. From Jeremy Yoders A Lesson in
Heroics, feraturing sordid tale of Horab the
barbarian on to The Great Thrakkian Rebellion
by Megan Crewe (in which the minions get fed up
with the overlord), each and every story within is a
breath of fresh air in the genre of humorous

Bringing Down The Horse

CD Review
Jakob Dylan's voice is tinged with the mournful
whine that made his father the world's most
famous folk-rock singer. Dylan's band, The
Wallflowers, has made a name for itself on MTV
because of the stark video for its single 1 "One
Headlight." Their debut album, Bringing Down The
Horse (Interscope), suggests that there is much
more to the Wallflowers than famous parents and
top-ten videos.
The richness of this album hits you immediately
in the form of the aforementioned hit single. "One
Headlight" is like the Lovecraftian version of the
Hansons' "Mmmm Bop": a maddeningly catchy
pop song about a doomed relationship. "One
Headlight" bristles with dark landscapes. When
Dylan sings that he doesn't remember when his
lost love "died easy of a broken heart disease,"
you believe him. When he describes her funeral,


you can almost feel the misty rain pummeling her

The album moves forward from "One Headlight"
to heights of artistic excellence that continually
prove that we are not dealing with one-hit
wonders here. Mournful ballads like "Sixth Avenue
Heartache" and "Three Marlenas" still resonate
with infectious melodies that make it difficult not
to sing or at least hum along. "The Difference" is
the best straight-out rocker on the disc, and its

celebratory mood contrasts sharply with the

mournfulness of "One Headlight." After repeated
listenings, I have begun to realize that Bob is not
the only Dylan destined to make a mark on the
face of popular music.
--Dan Lambert


Death on the Toilet

By Robert Stikmanz
Although no moon shone, the lowering clouds
trapped enough light from the neighboring
subdivision to illuminate forty yards of ditch cut
into the old man's property. Bigger MacGregor
stood at the window of the home he shared with
his youngest granddaughter and her son,
remembering the band of mixed growth he had
spent a decade bringing back from naked caliche.
That narrow strip of restored savanna had been
the pride of the entire MacGregor family until
adjoining woods were claimed by the nearby city
under extra-territorial jurisdiction. Using the same
authority they had seized the plot of MacGregor
land as right of way, and signed off on destruction
of both woods and strip by an outfit called
Tremaine Developments. News cameras looking
on, the city's mayor had turned the first shovel of
dirt to signal another bold step in the name of
The vaporous yellow of reflected streetlights did
nothing to beautify the scar of ditch bounding the
MacGregor homestead. Eighty-two years old and a
restless sleeper, Bigger stopped at the window at
least once a night to grieve for his lost savanna and
seethe at the memory of fat, pompous Duane
Tremaine III, chewing a cigar while dismissing all
protests with pieties about expanding tax base and
the benefits of making fallow lands profitable.
Turning from the window, Bigger opened his
bathroom door to find Death sitting on the toilet.
The old man stared for several minutes, expecting
the spectral shape to contract and resolve into his
great grandson, Paulie, or, failing that, into some
other mundane presence, perhaps a burglar. The
figure, however, remained what it was, its hood
angled toward Bigger in such a way that the mortal
man thought it stared back.
So this is it, then? Bigger asked.
The figure shook its head in answer, extending
an arm not toward MacGregor but out to the side.
Folds of its robe spread as it did so, becoming the
feathers of an enormous wing. Hundreds of eyes
peered from among midnight plumage, winking
slowly and asynchronously as they studied the
man, who blinked and studied back.
Suddenly, most of the eyes closed as one,
clenching shut, and the figure appeared to hunch
in upon itself. Bigger heard, or imagined he heard,

a ghost of the sound of bowels voiding, and a smell

like concentrated calla lilies filled the bathroom.
The palpable wave of scent pushed him back into
the hall. In its wake, the many eyes opened again,
appearing drained. Impressions not of his making
took shape in his mind as MacGregor struggled to
interpret what he assumed was a message from
beyond life's pale.
Unexpected stop. A consequence of working
closely with Pestilence.
From out of the black within its hood came a
sound like Death moistening its lips. Bigger
wondered about the etiquette of the situation,
whether or not he should offer a glass of water,
but he had no opportunity. The figure strained
again, its arm pulling in slightly as the effort forced
shut its many eyes. The smell of callas billowed out
as Death again voided.
Umnh! formed as an impression in Bigger's
mind. His own guts gurgled in sympathy.
A moment later, the figure had regained its
poise, if poise is an attribute one might ascribe to
Fatality. It refastened its eyes on its accidental
host. After an instant of what seemed like
awkward hesitation, words took soundless shape
in the mortal's head.
There is an appointment that must be kept.
The specter pointed to a scythe standing against
the wall directly in front of it. Bigger was sure no
scythe had been there an instant before. He
nodded toward it and smiled.
No man waits for Death? he asked.
The figure shook its hooded head.
Hardly original. Even silent, the observation
seemed weary. No matter. Your assistance is
Mine? MacGregor's thoughts raced as he tried
to discern what this declaration portended. With
understanding came disbelief. You want me to
sub for you?
The Reaper nodded, pointing more emphatically
at its implement.
I'm hardly qualified, the man objected. I'd
have no idea what to do.
Death jabbed its finger more forcefully, its silent
voice ringing inside the mortal's skull.
The scythe will lead.
Bigger looked from the honed edge of blue-black


metal to the figure on the commode.

Are you asking me to handle your appointment
as a favor?
Death shook its head, and started to jab once
more but was overtaken by another spasm of
voiding. Bigger snorted.
What? Just because you have the runs you think
you can draft any convenient body to handle your
The specter nodded, and pointed once more to
the scythe.
I don't think so, the man resisted. I have no
idea how to go about harvesting somebody's life.
He started to back away from the bathroom, but
the world suddenly stretched in a disorienting
way, and he found himself standing outside, clad
in Death's garment, clasping the tool of Death's
trade. Inside his head he heard a fading echo, The
blade will lead. Follow the blade....
As if cued by these instructions, the scythe pulled
MacGregor toward the scar of ground that had
once been the back third of his yard. After ten
years of building up depleted soil, removing
invasive plants and restoring native vegetation, he
had been forced to stand by as the crews of
Tremaine Developments had dug out the strip to a
depth of nine feet, making drainage for a gated
subdivision that now occupied what had been fifty
acres of forest. The Reaper's blade drew the man
toward the lip of this ditch, where an enormous
cottonwood had struggled to hold on, sacrificing
more boughs month by month as it tried to
contain its disrupted existence. Only the day
before, Bigger had noted that a single branch
remained in leaf, and that remnant foliage had
looked none too healthy.
As he stepped beside the tree, the scythe came
around of its own accord, sweeping in an
unhurried, stately arc through the bole of the
trunk. It met no resistance. When the blade had
passed through, the trunk seemed unmarked, but
after no more than a fraction of a second the
remaining leaves let go with tiny pops, faint, but
clearly audible to ears heightened by the office he
filled. Astonished, Bigger felt life depart the tree. It
came through him like a focused beam, like a tight
flow of energy moving with the stateliness of the
stroke that had released it. Its passage imparted a
charge that both diffused throughout his person
and concentrated in the blade.
Not so bad, he thought with relief, and turned
back toward the house.
The scythe, however, was propelled by other
intentions. It yanked him, with none of the earlier

gentleness, away from the tree and toward a small

luminescence converging swiftly upon another
even smaller. Though pulled at a speed surpassing
anything in his experience, he still recognized the
luminous bodies as a screech owl in the act of
pouncing on a vole. Violence that would have
dislocated his shoulders had he not been standing
proxy for Death swept the blade in churning,
chopping blows that paced the talons of the owl as
they pierced vitals and snatched the prey. The
rodent died shrieking. Its life, wee though it was,
rocketed up Bigger's arms and out his back like a
ghostly projectile.
An appointment! MacGregor yelled to the
night. You said 'an appointment.' That was two!
The contrast between the death of the vole and
that of the tree could not have been greater. This
tiny demise, which had gone through him like an
infinitesimal pellet, shook him profoundly. In his
human guise, such an experience would have
brought him to his knees in grief. It was not that
he was sentimental about voles. He was, actually,
a good deal less sentimental about them than
about the raptor dining on its catch even as the
managent and witnesssought to recover.
What was different was the churning of the event,
the brutal turbulence. Whatever the creature's
vitality or spirit or life essence may have been, it
had shot through Bigger with pain and fear, rather
than flowing with release as that of the tree had
done. In one aspect, however, the two events
were the same. The death of the vole had given
him energy, and, even more, had energized the
Realizing this, that both he and the blade were
fed by these mortalities, Bigger tried once more to
turn home. When the Reaper's instrument again
pulled him in another direction, he flung it,
opening his grasp to release it to fall where it
might. The fatal tool, however, would not leave his
hands. Despite the strength with which he shoved
it away, the smooth grain of its stock remained
solidly against his palms. What is more, it drew
him inexorably toward a third appointment.
Ironicallyat least, it seemed to him ironicthe
line he traveled was the length of the ditch that
ran now where his beloved strip of restored wild
had been. He moved through the air a good nine
feet above the bottom of the ditch, as though his
role as Death's involuntary agent forced him to
travel the ghost of a landscape that had ceased to
exist. In his passage he felt, with a clarity absolute
and unmistakable, the signature of each organism
that had been snuffed during the excavation. Every


extinguished clump of grass, every uprooted

shrub, every broken insect touched him with its
They died in their thousands for this ditch, he
sorrowed in his thoughts, and in his thoughts, felt
as much as heard in answer, Eight hundred thirtysix thousand, seven hundred seventeen eukaryotic
deaths in that serial assignment.
Eukaryotes? he wondered. What about the
bacteria? Is that number so huge not even Death
will count them?
No words formed in his mind, but he became
aware of a conviction, something he had not
known before, that prokaryotic mortality was
handled in an ungraspably different arrangement.
When a bacterium ended, it was in a manner other
than death as he believed he understood it. On the
other hand, the experience of this night placed
everything he thought he knew in a rather
different perspective.
Although he traveled at what must have been
astonishing speed, the brush with hundreds of
thousands of minuscule haunts made the journey
of forty yards seem to take forever. At last, he
passed the boundary from his insulted property
into the new subdivision. Thankfully, he was
spared hauntings from the myriad demises visited
in that constructed habitat. Drawn by the scythe,
he flashed toward this third encounter.
An instant later he stood before a house, the
largest and most obviously customized among the
blocks of repeating floor plans. Without ever
having been there, Bigger knew this was home of
Duane Tremaine III, the developer who had
ordered destruction of his lovingly nurtured
woodland edge. A surge of rage and grief smashed
together in his core and erupted through him like a
beacon towering into space. Hardly had he
registered this storm of emotion, however, before
he found himself inside the house. For a
heartbeat, he paused in the entry, just within the
door. Another heartbeat later placed him at the
foot of Tremaine's bed. The corpulent developer
lay upon it, less asleep than unconscious, laboring
to breathe.
As MacGregor realized he was again watching
the final instants of a life, the scythe spasmed in
his hand. The shock of it thrashed his arms. Clearly
the implement had brought him to an
appointment with fury. In wielding the blade that
sliced the thread of Tremaine's existence, Bigger
would, in fact, become the instrument that would
make the developer's death a mirror of the
violence wrought upon the lost band of savanna.

The razor steel hungered toward the energy it was

about to release.
No! MacGregor shouted, throwing himself
back as the blade bucked forward. When the
implement twisted right, Bigger, locking his will
more than his muscles, yanked left. Answering, the
scythe arced up, over his head. Body frail with all
his eighty-two years but his determination
sharpened by a lifetime of persevering, of refusing
to give up, he knew that in conviction rather than
sinew he would find his strength. As the scythe
swooped to kill, the old man threw himself
backward and rolled, to come up on his feet facing
away from the deathbed. He held the implement
braced in front of him, the curve of its edge
looming above his head. In an instant, he knew
without thought, as he had known the difference
of prokaryotes, that his age meant nothing in the
sepulchral role he played. If Death's blade was
preternatural steel, the spirit of Bigger MacGregor
was adamantine, and he would not be forced to
carve even his enemy.
The scythe did not yield. It was not capable of
yielding, but in this moment neither was the being
charged to carry it. Bigger turned carefully,
maintaining his grip on the instrument straining to
chop and slice the figure in the bed. With hardwon deliberateness, he allowed the point of the
blade to sink without hurry toward its target's
chest. He could not impart grace to the
movement, nor dignity, but, really, he had no
interest in granting the developer a graceful or
dignified death. What he could do, and what he
did, was allow Duane Tremaine III to go quietly
into never-ending night.
The blade sank inches into the expiring body, its
fury reined as its tip pierced the center of a
floundering heart. Bigger held it there motionless
for a fraction of a second, refusing to allow the
steel to buck and shred. Then, as Tremaine's life
flowed up and out, he passed the razor curve
through the new corpse in a single, smooth stroke.
The developer's life force washed through the
agent of his demise, leaving a residue of energy in
both old man and implement as the now released
livingness flowed on to wherever it went. Already
dead, Tremaine's body gave up its last breath in an
almost inaudible sigh.
MacGregor wasted no time over the body. He
turned and stepped toward the door to the room.
Immediately, he was outside. Another step found
him at the lip of the ditch, and another found him
back in the hall of his home, at the door of the
restroom. Death stood waiting, eyes hidden in the


plumage of its winged arm again folded close like

the deep sleeves of a robe. Bigger held out the
scythe, and Death took it. For a moment the
specter appeared to regard him curiously, but he
would never know for sure what went on in the
recesses of that hood. When the figure turned to
leave, the man said, Guess I'll see you soon.
Death stopped, seeming to hesitate. Once more,
words formed in Bigger's mind.
Not today.
The mortal nodded. The Reaper turned away,
fading as it did so, leaving no trace of its time in
the bathroom except an overwhelming smell of
calla lilies.
MacGregor stood in thought until a small voice
called out, Papa? Turning, he saw his great
grandson standing at the end of the hall.
Paulie? the old man asked. What are you
doing up, son?
Papa, I had a dream. It scared me.
Bigger moved toward the boy.
I'm sorry, little one. Come on. He knelt,
opening his arms to the child. Let's go in the den,
and Papa will rock you back to sleep.
The boy sniffed as he stepped into Bigger's
Papa, what's that smell? he asked.
Flowers, I think, Bigger told him. Nothing to
worry about. It'll be gone by morning.
Daybreak found man and boy asleep in the
rocker, the child upon his great grandfather's lap,
head against the frail, old chest. The boy's mother
woke her grandfather when she lifted her son to
carry him to his bed.
Papa, are you all right? she asked.
I think so, sweetie. Bigger stretched, his joints
cracking as he straightened. We just had
Another six months elapsed before Death's
appointment with Bigger MacGregor. The passing
was not entirely painless, and it did not come
when he was asleep, but the old man managed it
with dignity and grace. His granddaughter had
lifted a drowsing Paulie from his lap scarcely ten
minutes before Bigger, again in the rocker,
breathed his last.
Years later Paulie would note that his great
grandfather had been wrong about the smell. Over
time, it grew less cloying, but it never entirely
disappeared. Even after centuries, the house long
crumbled away, the subdivision turned, first, to
desert, then slowly, ever so slowly again to
savanna, a traveler passing the spot where the
bathroom once had been would note an

unaccountable odor of calla lilies.


The Realms of Chirak


It has been two thousand years since the
Final War, the Apocalypse that sealed the
fate of the world and left the Twelve Gods
of the Zodiac Stones to bleed their last
upon the mortal soil of the world. Though
it was long ago, the consequences of this
ancient war still linger on a ravaged land
as civilizations strive once more to rebuild
in the face of a shattered cosmos.
This complete fantasy setting is fully
compatible with the 4th edition of the
world's greatest fantasy role playing
system, and includes details on a vast
fantasy world, its gods, denizens, heroes
and villains.
Available in PDF at
In print at


Blue Moose Press Update

The news for close observers of Robert Stikmanz
and the various products of my imagination is that
a thorough reset has been in progress over recent
My basic contact information remains the same:

Robert Stikmanz
P.O. Box 66696
Austin TX 78766
Anyone interested in finding out more about my
fiction and art, or staying current on all matters
Stikmantic, can visit my website
( for all
manner of explanatory textincluding my
irregularly updated blog. For more topical, social
media connection, Facebook is host to both my
personal profile (
and a page devoted to my art and fiction

Blue Moose Press
( will
rerelease my existing novels on the following
Prelude to a Change of Mind, Book One of The
Hidden Lands of Nod, on June 15, 2010
Entranscing, Book Two of The Hidden Lands of
Nod, on July 15, 2010
Sleeper Awakes, Book Three of The Hidden Lands
of Nod, on September 15, 2010
Blue Moose Press will also rerelease my fantasy
divination system, Nod's Way, or Hidden Dragon,
on August 15, 2010

Other books by Blue Moose Press include:

Rowan of the Wood by Christine and Ethan Rose
YA Fantasy. 978-0-9819949-0-1 $12.95
Indie Excellence Award Winner
After a millennium of imprisonment in his magic
wand, an ancient wizard possesses the young boy
who released him. When danger is nigh, he
emerges from the frightened child to set things
right. Both he and the boy try to grasp what has
happened to them only to discover a deeper
problem. Somehow the wizards bride from the
ancient past has survived and become something
Witch on the Water by Christine and Ethan Rose
YA Fantasy. 978-0-9819949-2-5 $12.95
Cullen thought he had enough trouble surviving
school, dealing with his miserable home life, and
being possessed by Rowan, a 1400-year-old
wizard. But when Rowans wife, the sadistic
vampire Fiana, comes back seeking revenge,
Cullen and his band of misfits must do what they
can to stop her. This time Cullens favorite teacher
is Fianas first target.
Avalon Revisited by O. M. Grey
Paranormal Romance. 978-0-9819949-5-6 $10.99
Arthur has made his existence as a vampire
bearable for over three hundred years by
immersing himself in blood and debauchery.
Aboard an airship gala, he meets Avalon, an
aspiring vampire slayer who sparks fire into
Arthurs shriveled heart. Together they try to solve
the mystery of several horrendous murders on the
dark streets of London. Cultures clash and
pressures rise in this sexy Steampunk Romance.
--Robert Stikmanz


The day THEY came!

By Gregory J. Saunders
John Cooke lay on the carpet staring wide-eyed
at the ceiling and the bright balloons floating
there. Yellow, green and blue; trailing streamers of
silver ribbon, each swaying lightly in unseen
currents of air as if dancing to music only they
could hear. Each one shimmering iridescent with
reflected light from the single square of sunshine
that filled the room. Soft shag caressed him on one
side as he basked in the natural heat on the other,
watching the colored orbs through motes of dust
that appeared as if by magic as they passed
through the beam of sunlight. It was magical. It
was his birthday. His gifts shimmered with equal
joy; their foil wrappings catching the brightness as
they surrounded him on the floor, throwing
rainbow colors throughout the small room. Each
carefully and strategically placed so as not to lose
track of a single one. John was seven years old and
waiting as patiently as he could for people to
arrive while listening to his mother putter about
the kitchen preparing her delicious
wonders. Waiting. Anticipating.
A memory!
Johns eyes flutter open and he is suddenly cold,
not realizing sleep had overcome him. His
sunbeam is nowhere to be found. Outside his
window the world is still bright and sunny. In fact
the neighborhood is sun-drenched everywhere
except around his house. It is as if a small cloud
has parked itself over his roof alone conspiring to
rob John of his joy. The balloons seem dull without
the sun, the small wrapped boxes less thrilling,
almost plain. Bleary eyed and shivering he begins
to call to his mother, yet an opening door makes
him pause; curious because no doorbell or knock
nor greeting accompanied the sound. Another
shiver having nothing to do with the cold races
through him. Though he doesnt know why, there
is a niggling of dj vu. Suddenly a breathless and
trembling, Oh My God! issues from the
kitchen. His mothers scream is terrified, the sound
sending shock waves like jolts of electricity
through his body, stabbing his brain and flaring
wide his eyes. Never in his young life had John felt
true fear. Never until now.
Hide John, run and-! Her scream is cut of, the

sudden silence deafening. But John has nowhere

to run. Every avenue of escape leads to the kitchen
and past whatever horrible thing is happening
there. He whimpers softly and crawls behind the
couch, laying down and making himself as small
and invisible as possible, wishing he could curl into
a ball and squeeze his eyes shut to stave off the
terror. But he cant so he peers out from
underneath and between the heavy oak legs,
hyperventilating within a body that has now
passed far beyond his control. Great shivers and
sobs wrack his thin chest, his breath doing what
the vacuum couldnt, sucking up the old dust,
effectively choking him. Worse still, from here he
can see into the kitchen and see his mother laying
face down on the tile.
Her eyes hold his, pleading with him though he
doesnt know why. Shadows surround her,
indistinct yet odd and frighteningly shaped. Each a
fragment from a nightmare that begs to be
remembered. A mind nearly shattered registers a
single fact; this has happened before!
He can neither blink nor remove his vision as a
bright stabbing beam of red flashes behind her
head scribing a thin sharp line through the
air. Wisps of smoke curl up from her skull for a
single instant, then the light is gone, the gray mist
dissipating to nothing. Another device
flashes. Through his tears his mothers familiar
face distorts and ripples, but the cause is not the
moisture in his eyes. Instead it is a grinding and
tearing that drives him further towards
madness. Yet even now there is a moment of utter
clarity as an arm reaches down. He hears a soft
puckering sound as if suction is suddenly released
and his mothers brain rises bloodlessly from her
head gripped in a steel grey hand. His vision locks
with his mothers as the light in her eyes dims then
fades to glassy lifelessness.
John cant even scream in his terror, frightened
to the point of paralysis. He wants to move. Wants
desperately to save her, knowing nothing he could
possibly do could help. John realizes the greatest
fear one can know; I am powerless! Instead, John
squeezes his eyes tightly shut as if darkness alone
can erase the memory. Yet his mind still sees the
scene with perfect clarity and hideous unforgiving


detail. Involuntarily his eyes pop back open as his

body experiences a new rush of horror, one that
stops his heart, freezing all bodily function. Wide
are his eyes, but he cant see the hand that grips
him by the back of the neck nor the thing that
holds him seven feet in the air. But he does feel.
The iron grip of long boney fingers and the sudden
burning in the back of his skull. All the more
terrifying because he knows what comes
next. What pain there is fades completely. He feels
a tug and his senses darken. No sight. No
sound. No taste or feeling. He simply floats in
nothing as if he is lighter than air in a lightless
A memory!
John is allowed only these two memories. One
pleasant and one not. His keepers know that this
balance is necessary to stimulate his brain and
keep it viable. Without them it would die. Yes, this
is all John has, two memories that play over and
over in a never-ending cycle of love, terror and
pain. A hell unique to him and the hundreds of
others that were harvested. John is also
aware. Aware of the one-hundred and forty three
other souls that make up his pod. Aware of the
one-hundred and forty four pods that comprise
the vast living gray-matter processor that runs the
vessel. Each brain and each brainstem locked in
individual chambers not unlike a giant

honeycomb. Each connected to one-another and

to the ship. John sees as the ship sees. A barely
changing picture of endless and far away stars as
the ship travels through one sprawling arm of the
galaxy at very near the speed of light. Mind
numbingly and mind killingly monotonous. If it
werent for the memories.
It is said that humans use only a fraction of the
brains potential. A vast pool of computing power
wasted on little more than emotion. John knows
the beings that captured him only as the
harvesters. Beings incredibly advanced and totally
alien. Yet the harvesters have solved the
mystery. They hold the key. They alone have the
knowledge and the technology to use the human
brain entire, to the eternal woe of John and those
like him. John will never know hunger. He will
never know disease or old age. He will never know
more than he does right now. Never have more
than two memories and the emotions they evoke.
Forty-seven years twenty eight hours three
minutes fifteen seconds and forty-five light years
separate John from his seventh birthday. A day
that is endlessly sunny and bright and full of
promise. A day of ultimate horror. The day he
prayed hed died because, it was The Day They


An Interview with Gregory J. Saunders

By Jeremiah Griffin
Greg Saunders writing career started in 2002
on a whim. The intent was to write a book. Simple
as that. As a first step he began with the line, T
minus 3 and counting. Some of you may find that
line in the first book, Light Of A Distant Star.
Several years were spent on that single tome, and
from one it grew to three and the trilogy,
Unknown Country. His genre of choice is
Adventure with a taste of Sci/Fi and a dash of
Fantasy, but he also steps out into thrillers with a
bit of horror - as in the novella, Zahir and the
forthcoming Heart Wood.
Greg does have a real job two actually. He
works for the state of New Mexico as the Deputy
Executive Director and Chief Information Officer
for the Gaming Control Board, which is a casino
regulatory body. In addition, he is an adjunct
instructor at the Central New Mexico Community
College. In his spare time he writes book reviews
for and
Reviews for Gregs books can be seen on the website, and he has
several posted on his own site under author
reviews. Greg also has a couple of magazine
articles published. One appeared in the November
2002 Indian Gaming periodical and was specific
to gaming regulation. The second is in the
forthcoming Bugle Magazine published by the
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
Speaking of this, Greg lives in the states largest
city, Albuquerque, but is an avid outdoorsman and
puts much of his hunting experience into his work.
As he tells it, I reside in the city, but my spirit is
usually chasing elk and my day dreams dance
within the wonderful and myriad worlds of fiction.
Whether it is with Niloc and the world of Mith-sulanroth, (Unknown Country Trilogy), or the evil eye
of a Zahir, I find life richer with the endless
possibilities of the impossible, improbable and
Jeremiah Griffin: Well, Mr. Saunders you have
an interesting book series going. How many books
have been published so far?
Greg Saunders: Jeremiah, first of all, thank you
for the opportunity to appear in your news letter.
So far my publishing encompasses three novels
and one novella, though I have a fifth book near

completion and others in the works. The novels,

Light From A Distant Star, Light Of An Alien Sun
and Light Of The Home World are a trilogy of first
alien contact. Basically, what happens if first
contact were an accident? This trilogy has been
described by one reviewer as reminiscent of Edgar
Rice Burroughs. A statement of which I am
obviously very proud. The novella was a diversion
for me. Something different to write after
completing the trilogy. The book is called Zahir and
is a thriller set deep in the rain forests of the
Amazon where oil speculation runs into the
protectors of the forest. Basically my version of
the chupacabra.
Perhaps you could describe a bit about
the setting of your series?
Ive always been fascinated by the
probability of alien life and alien civilizations. I will
state the obvious here; for them to reach earth
they would be incredibly advanced and not
necessarily benign. But I also have a deep love for
swords and sorcery. I find my mind wandering
such worlds as Shanarra and Midkemia or treading
the Underdark with Drzzit. So many writers have
brought to life armies of elves and other creatures
of faerie or ancient lore. Or simply dredged
fantastic monsters from the deep recesses of their
minds. I guess Tolkien didnt know what he started
with his Mr. Baggins. I read them all and they stuck
with me. When I decided to write I wanted to do
something a bit different. Im certainly not the first
to combine spaceships and aliens with swords and
fantasy, nor will I be the last, but I think my
approach is unique. My world is Mith-Sul-Anroth.
A world that flourished thousands of years ago and
was a world between. A galactic Switzerland
where the various space faring empires met to
hammer out their trade agreements and
differences. Until war devastated the planet. Fast
forward to the present and the world is now
creeping through its own version of the Bronze
Age. Only in this world the tribes and clans who
war against each other are the decedents of the
varied aliens who survived the final battle and
were stranded with no way home. Their memories
of what was are now legends, myths and
prophecies. It is a brutal world where the
astronauts from one of our space shuttles are


accidentally marooned. With no technology, no

escape and no choice they try to survive in a kill or
be killed world. Let me tell you, it was an
adventure and a great pleasure creating this world
and these characters.
How would you describe the general feel
of your 'Light' series?
With a single word; visceral. I want my
readers to feel the world around them. To
become so immersed they taste the snow on the
wind or the strike of an arrow as it meets flesh.
Many of the novels I read lack that flavor. You
know our hero is traveling through a valley or up a
mountain, but you never feel the granite beneath
his feet. The author tells you its cold with a stiff
breeze, but does the reader feel it bite the flesh.
Does the reader actually feel the thrill or the fear,
or just read it? The reviews Ive gotten tell me I hit
the mark. The world of Mith-Sul-Anroth is
brooding and beautiful at the same time. You will
know youre on an alien planet and you will feel
the same shock, awe and thrill the characters do.
Are you still writting the series, or do you
think you have wrapped it up now?
The series is complete sort of. The
three books are a complete story, but I did leave
the door open to further adventures. My
intention is to go back and write at least two more
books. Thats the nice thing about creating your
own world. I only touched the surface. There is so
much more to do, so many more paths to travel.
After I finished the series I took a two book
detour. Both thrillers back on earth. My next
project will probably be called The Inner Light.
Given the other titles maybe that gives you a
So are you planning to write any other
series' in the near future?
Boy, what a great question. All I need is
time. I do have an idea or two, though as you can
see there are a few projects in front. I would love
to do a pure fantasy series next. Perhaps A swords
and sorcery takeoff of Attila the Hun. He
conquered so much of the ancient world, believed
in auguries and had his own warrior priests that
could loosely be called wizards. Imagine his
stepping off the plains and into a gloomy
forbidding forest. How would he handle an army
of elves? I could supplant Attila with Caesar,
Hannibal or Scipio. Anyone of them would make a
great story. We will just have to see.

I could not help but notice the very fine
cover art on your books. Can you tell us a little
about your artist?
Im glad you asked that question. The
artist is Andres (Andy) Rodriguez and he is a local
painter from here in Albuquerque. He and I have
collaborated on four covers so far and I really
appreciate his talent and perspective. I tell him an
idea and he says, Whatever you want. We can do
it. We went through quite a few ideas and
paintings to get to the final results. Andy prefers
painting with acrylic and charcoal on canvass and
his favorite subjects are horses, wolves and
southwestern themes. It was stepping outside the
box for him doing the alien on the back cover of
Light From A Distant Star, or the beast on the
cover of Zahir, and he did the concept of the twothumbed clan sword for the third book, Light Of
The Home World. Basically, he paints it, we
convert the image to digital and then use the
computer to put it all together. If you look at the
website under the tab cover art, you can see the
process. Andy has donated a lot of his artwork to
various charities including the shared table in Taos,
New Mexico and the American Diabetes
Association in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. His work
has also been published in the New Mexico Blue
Book which is pretty prestigious. I count myself
fortunate to have him because he makes my ideas
You talked a little about some of the
books you have enjoyed. Are there any writers
you would like to recognize as influences? Are
there some you feel influenced you more than
Another great question. I read as many
genres as possible and glean ideas from each. But
as for influences, here Im torn. I grew up on De
Camp and Carter, Norman and of course, Tolkien.
But as I began to write I looked for authors that
wrote the way I aspire to. I can tell you that one
author in particular totally captured my
imagination. That was David Gemmell. I just loved
the way he wrote heroic fantasy. As I read his
stories I feel totally connected. I can name a few
other, authors whose books I just have to have
whenever they come out. R.A. Salvatore on the
fantasy side and Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
on the thriller side. These are complete writers
and I am never disappointed. I could probably go
on listing authors endlessly, but these are
especially important to me.


Could you tell us a little bit about your
Sure. Unknown Country LLC is my own
company. I opened it specifically to publish my
work, but I'm looking to expand and offer a couple
of other authors. Really it was a business decision.
I looked at traditional publishing houses and at
the so called vanity or on-demand publishers.
Both have advantages and disadvantages, yet
after working through the business plan I decided
this was my best option.
Does that mean you are looking for
writers to publish? What are you looking for in a
As a small company Im not soliciting
writers, but I am on the lookout for one or two
authors whose work would compliment my own.
In writing its the author that sells to the
publisher. For the proper person I may break that
mould. Again, the idea is to build a symbiotic
relationship with a small group that can be
effectively marketed. Well see, but thats
definitely in the future.
Is there anything you feel our readers
should know before they start reading one of your
One of the best comments I received on
my writing was that it is esoteric. I know the word
has many meanings and I took it as a huge
compliment. Im not trying to fit a true genre with
any of these stories. I love to write pure adventure
and I love to throw the reader a curve or two. Just
read the short story attached to this interview to
see what I mean. Zahir is a combination of
changelings and the protectors of the forest. A
thriller with a combination of shock and horror
that ends with a twist only I can bring. The trilogy
is a different animal altogether. On the surface it
feels SciFi with a sentient alien warship,
wormholes and a telepathic alien cat. The story
crosses back and forth giving the feel of true
fantasy with prophesy, visions, and powers that
seem other worldly. Humans befriended by dualthumbed sword wielding alien clansmen and
pursued by the hideous Aranu, the remnant race

that was the original owners of a planet that was

blasted to the edge of oblivion two thousand
years before. Its 21 century humanity meets 28
century alien technology meets bronze-aged alien
survivors. And just when you think you know who
in this case what the enemy is, I change the
game. The stories are pure adventure at their
heart, but I believe they will intrigue and entertain
fans of either genre.
Would you like to make any closing
First of all, I love reader input. Good or
bad, its incredibly important and helps any
author improve. In fact I wish I could sit down with
everyone whos read my books just to kick
around ideas. Another fact Id like to point out is
that I published all four books the same year.
Why? Im an avid reader as well as a writer. I
knew that publishing one book in a series as a
new and unknown author would never work. The
audience wants to know the rest of the story will
actually get written. I waited until they were all
complete and did them all at once. So if you start
reading know the story is complete. Finally, I hope
whoever reads this gives my books a chance. I
love writing stories and I get totally immersed in
other worlds, and its even better when people
come along for the ride. My thanks, Jeremiah, for
doing the interview. Your questions were well
thought out and allowed me a great venue to
present my work. And thanks to all my future
fans. I cant wait to meet you.

Websites where you can find out more

about Greg Saunders and his novels:


Interview with Kirt Hickman

By Jeremiah Griffin
Kirt Hickman was born in 1966 in Albuquerque,
New Mexico. He earned a Bachelor's degree in
electrical engineering in 1989 and a Master's
degree in opto-electronics in 1991, both from the
University of New Mexico. Since then, he has
worked in research and manufacturing fields
related to high-energy lasers, microelectronics, and
micro-machines, fields that he leverages to enrich
his science fiction. Kirt made his publishing debut
with Worlds Asunder.
Jeremiah Griffin:
Mr. Hickman, you have just released a very
entertaining science fiction book. How many
books have been published so far?
Kirk Hickman:
Two so far. My first book, the sci-fi thriller youre
referring to, is titled Worlds Asunder, which was
published in 2008 and released in paperback last
fall. My second book, a how-to book titled,
Revising Fiction: Making Sense of the Madness
released last summerpresents a practical
approach to writing and revising short and novellength fiction.
Could you give us an idea of some of the
major influences on your writing?
The most important influence is my wife,
Lisa. Shes the one who challenged me to write in
the first place. As for the subject matter and style
of my writing, my most significant influences are
Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen R. Donaldson, and Mike
Without giving too much away, could
you give us an idea of the setting for "Worlds
Most of the action occurs on Earths
moon, about eighty years in our future.
Perhaps you could introduce us to some
of the main characters?
The hero, Chase Morgan, is a NASA
accident investigator, who is nearing retirement.
His past failures, both personal and professional,
have blinded him to his accomplishments and
have caused him to question the value of the life
hes lived. In Worlds Asunder, Chase is working
on his last case, when the death of the Secretary

of Energy turns his case into a fight to avert war.

The stakes, both personal and professional,
increase and ultimately offer him a chance at
personal redemption if he can solve the case in
Jack Snider, Chases boss, driven by a need to
protect his reputation, pressures Chase to solve
the case quicklyto a point well beyond
reasonable expectations.
When evidence of sabotage and Chinese
government involvement surfaces, US President
Victoria Powers and her cabinet get involved.
Additional attacks ensue and Powers is required
to walk the fine line between violation of
international law and the preservation of
American interests in space.
Dana McCaughey and Bill Ryan, the
commanders of two US Covert Armed Tactical
Spacecraft (or CATS), are deployed to protect
American citizens on the Moon. Combat, of
course, ensues. This does not prevent these two
military fliers from pursuing a troubled romance.
There are many other characters, but these are
the major players. I wont discuss the identity of
the villain, in order to preserve the mystery
element of for your readers.
I believe I heard somewhere that you
have a back ground in science and technology. Did
you happen to call on previous experience while
writing this book?
Of course. My engineering background
includes microelectronics, micro-machines,
optics, high-energy lasers, vacuum technology,
and other fields relevant to science fiction. I draw
upon my experience, and extensive research in
any technical areas that Im not as familiar with,
to keep the science in my stories authentic. I
believe science fiction readers expect that. And as
sci-fi authors, we owe it to them to provide that
What can long-time sci-fi fans expect to
find familiar about "Worlds Assunder?"
Worlds Asunder is not the long-ago-in-agalaxy-far-away science fiction that is prevalent
on todays bookshelves. The settings and timeframe are more akin to those of sci-fi greats Isaac
Asimov (I, Robot), Ray Bradbury (The Martian


Chronicles), and Arthur C. Clarke (Venus Prime

and 2001). Worlds Asunder doesnt venture
beyond our solar system or more than a hundred
years into our future. Whats different about
Worlds Asunder is that we know a lot more about
our solar system than we did in the days of
Asimov, Bradbury, and Clarke. We no longer
need to speculate about what these worlds are
like. Therefore, the settings portrayed in Worlds
Asunder are more authentic than those portrayed
in science fiction from decades past. Long-time
sci-fi fans will also appreciate that, like many of
the classic works, the futuristic elements of in
Worlds Asunder rely upon an extrapolation of
science, technology, and politics, rather than
upon the supernatural.

technology to begin colonizing other planets,

albeit in small habitats, within the next hundred
years. I dont believe we have the motivation to
make it happen within that time frame, However.
In my story, I create the impetus through such
factors as overpopulation and stress upon Earths
natural resources, though these issues are not the
focus of the story.

What about your story do you think will
appeal to readers who are not long-time fans of
Absolutely! Worlds Asunder is not your
classic science-fiction story. Its a political
conspiracy thriller in a futuristic setting. It
contains plenty of action, intrigue, and suspense.
In his review of the book, David J. Corwell
described it as a superb interweaving of futuristic
adventure, political conspiracy, and personal
drama. The story has a lot to offer any reader.

Could you tell us a little bit about Venus
Venus Rain is about a planetary science
student. She gets trapped on a space station,
caught in the crossfire between a ruthless tyrant
who wants to use the station to hijack Venus and
a spy who wants to use her to oppose the tyrant.
She just wants to find her missing bother and get
off the station alive.

The action in your novel is highly
affected by the actions of several countries,
countries that currently exist. How did you go
about deciding who the major players would be 80
years in the future?
I looked at who the major players are
now in terms of world politics, economy, and
most importantlyspace technology and
participation in space-related activities and
programs. Then I imagined where the
technologies and politics might go in future in
which humans have begun to populate space.
Well, based upon your knowledge of
science and recent advancements in space
technology how likely do you think it is that we
might be colonizing other planets in a hundered
Other planets? Probably not. I think its
more likely well put people semi-permanently on
the moon by then, which is where much Worlds
Asunder takes place. I think well have the

So are you working on any other books?
Several, actually. Venus Rain, the sequel
to Worlds Asunder, is scheduled for release on
Jun 30, 2010. Ive also written a fantasy trilogy
titled The Age of Prophecy. Fablers Legend,
the first book of the trilogy, will be released
sometime next year.

Well, that sounds exciting. Any idea so
far when we can expect it in stores?
Venus Rain should be available by in July.
(Editor's note: Venus Rain was released on time
and is now available for purchase)
I look forward to reading Venus Rain.
Perhaps you could let us know a little bit about
"The Age of Prophecy"?
The Age of Prophecy is a traditional
fantasy trilogy with all the usual suspects: elves,
dwarves, dragons, demons, and sorcery. It
centers around a no-nonsense son of a farmer
who becomes embroiled in the fulfillment of a
dark prophecy hes determined to prevent.
During his quest, the loyalties of his companions
shift to the point where he can no longer
determine who is actually on his side. Its a goodversus-evil tale, twisted into several shades of
gray. The first book of the trilogy, titled Fablers
Legend, should be available sometime next year.


Star Wars Roleplaying Game Races not found in Saga books

By Elijah Hammond
Elijah Hammond has been busy compiling a list of all the aliens pecies previously available in the Star Wars
Role Playing Game as playable races that were not adapted in to the Saga Edition of the system. Since Wizards
of the Coast is no longer producing Saga Edition books, this conversion should help Star Wars gamers more
easily use their older edition books!
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-30, Young Adult 31-65,
Adult 66-150, Middle Age 151-220,
Old 221-300, Venerable 301+
Languages: Abyssin
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-13, Young Adult 14-18,
Adult 19-44, Middle Age 45-55, Old
56-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Adarese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Con, +2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-14,
Adult 15-33, Middle Age 34-42, Old
43-54, Venerable 55+
Languages: Advb, Basic
Average Height: 1.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-49, Middle Age 50-76, Old
77-89, Venerable 90+
Languages: Amanese (speak only)
Average Height: 2.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-13, Young Adult 14-17,
Adult 18-45, Middle Age 46-70, Old
71-94, Venerable 95+
Languages: Anomid (visual), Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis
Size: Large
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-54, Middle Age 55-79, Old

80-109, Venerable 110+

Languages: Anx, Shusugaunt, Basic
Average Height: 4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-18,
Adult 19-44, Middle Age 45-76, Old
77-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Arconese, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis, -2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-7, Young Adult 8-12, Adult
13-44, Middle Age 45-55, Old 56-79,
Venerable 80+
Languages: Ayrou
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-15,
Adult 16-39, Middle Age 40-52, Old
53-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Balosar
Average Height: 1.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Con, -4
Size: Medium
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-17,
Adult 18-44, Middle Age 45-71, Old
72-89, Venerable 90+
Languages: Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Con, -4
Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-3, Young Adult 4-5, Adult
6-45, Middle Age 46-69, Old 70-89,
Venerable 90+
Languages: None
Average Height: 1.9 Meters

Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-12, Adult
13-48, Middle Age 49-60, Old 61-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Besalisk, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Con, -2 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-85, Middle Age 86-112, Old
113-133, Venerable 134+
Languages: Bimm
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Cha, -2 Con
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-44, Middle Age 45-57, Old
58-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Caarimala, Basic, +1
Average Height: 1.0 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2
Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Large
Speed: 4 sq. (10 on home world)
Age: Child 1-10,Young Adult 11-20,
Adult 21-142, Middle Age 143-210,
Old 211-250, Venerable 251+
Languages: Limited telepathy.
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Int, +2
Con, -6 Cha
Size: Large
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-3, Young Adult 4-5, Adult
6-33, Middle Age 34-55, Old 56-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Charon
Average Height: 2.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-13, Young Adult 14-18,


Adult 19-40, Middle Age 41-62, Old

63-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Chevin, Basic
Average Height: 1.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Dex, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-18,
Adult 19-155, Middle Age 156-211,
Old 212-256, Venerable 257+
Languages: Chevin, Basic
Average Height: 1.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Dex, -2
Wis, -6 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-4, Young Adult 5-7, Adult
8-33, Middle Age 34-49, Old 50-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Colicoid, Basic (noticeable
buzz when speaking in basic)
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Int
Size: Large
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-7, Young Adult 8-14, Adult
15-69, Middle Age 70-86, Old 87-119,
Venerable 120+
Languages: Cragii, Basic
Average Height: 3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: -2 Int, +2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-69, Venerable 70+
Languages: Dantari
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-44, Middle Age 45-64, Old
65-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Devaronese, Basic
Average Height: 1.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-44, Middle Age 45-64, Old
65-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Devaronese, Basic

Average Height: 1.6 Meters

Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-3, Young Adult 4-7, Adult
8-25, Middle Age 26-55, Old 56-89,
Venerable 90+
Languages: Drallish, Basic
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-14,
Adult 15-45, Middle Age 46-59, Old
60-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Dressellese, Bothese
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 4 sq. (8 sq. when climbing)
Age: Child 1-13, Young Adult 14-17,
Adult 18-45, Middle Age 46-69, Old
70-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Ebranese
Average Height: 1.5 Meters

Con, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-10, Adult
11-50, Middle Age 51-70, Old 71-75,
Venerable 76+
Languages: Farghul, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 10 sq. on 4 legs and 4 sq. on
two legs
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-14,
Adult 15-39, Middle Age 40-55, Old
56-69, Venerable 70+
Languages: Filordian, Basic (with
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-13, Adult
14-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-84,
Venerable 85+
Languages: Frozian
Average Height: 3 Meters

Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Str, -2
Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-65, Old
66-89, Venerable 90+
Languages: Elom (Difficulty to speak
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-12, Adult
13-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-72,
Venerable 73+
Languages: Elomin, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-53, Old
54-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Em'liy, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2

Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. and 12 sq. when flying
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-35, Middle Age 36-50, Old 51-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Geonosian
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-35, Middle Age 36-50, Old 51-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Geonosian
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-13,
Adult 14-44, Middle Age 45-62, Old
63-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Gossam, Basic
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.


Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult

11-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old 60-84,
Venerable 85+
Languages: H'nemthe
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex
Size: Large
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-74, Old
75-89, Venerable 90+
Languages: Ho'Din
Average Height: 2.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, +2 Con, -2
Wis, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-15,
Adult 16-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old
60-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Houkese
Average Height: 2.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-16,
Adult 17-44, Middle Age 45-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Tranese, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Dex, -2
Str, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-4, Young Adult 5-8, Adult
9-29, Middle Age 30-54, Old 55-69,
Venerable 70+
Languages: Jenet
Average Height: 1.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, - 2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-44, Middle Age 45-57, Old
58-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Kerestese
Average Height: 2.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2
Size: Medium or Small
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-40, Middle Age 41-64, Old
65-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Basic
Average Height: 1.2 Meters (small) to

2 Meters (medium)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2
Dex, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (swimming 6 sq.)
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-49, Middle Age 50-69, Old
70-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Kian'thar, Basic (speak
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2
Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-10, Adult
11-60, Middle Age 61-100, Old 101120, Venerable 121+
Languages: Kitonese, Basic (slowly)
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-59, Middle Age 60-89, Old
90-124, Venerable 125+
Languages: Koorivar, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-15,
Adult 16-45, Middle Age 46-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Krish
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-13,
Adult 14-50, Middle Age 51-80, Old
81-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Kubazi, Basic (with nasal
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Dex, -4 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-12, Adult
13-59, Middle Age 60-84, Old 85-109,
Venerable 110+
Languages: Kushiban
Average Height: 0.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2

Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-17,
Adult 18-54, Middle Age 55-79, Old
80-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Lannik, Basic
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-14,
Adult 15-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old
60-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Lepese, Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters (male), 1.6
Meters (female)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2
Str, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-29, Middle Age 30-45, Old 46-54,
Venerable 55+
Languages: Menahu
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-43, Middle Age 44-68, Old
69-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Morseerian, Basic
Average Height: 1.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-50, Middle Age 51-79, Old
80-94, Venerable 95+
Languages: Muun, Binary (understand
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-69, Old
70-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Myneyrsh (speak only),
Psadan (speak only)
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2
Wis, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.


Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,

Adult 18-55, Middle Age 56-89, Old
90-124, Venerable 125+
Languages: Nazzar
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Con, +2
Wis, -4 Dex
Size: Medium, Large, or Huge
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-59,
Adult 60-1,999, Middle Age 2,0002,499, Old 2,500-3,999, Venerable
Languages: Neti, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters (medium)
10 Meters (huge)

Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-16,
Adult 17-45, Middle Age 46-64, Old
65-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Nimbanese, Huttese
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq. (climb 4 sq.)
Age: Child 1-2, Young Adult 3-4, Adult
5-24, Middle Age 25-37, Old 38-44,
Venerable 45+
Languages: Noehonese (speak only)
Average Height: 1.1 Meters

Esral'sa (Mountain Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Gluss'sa (Pale Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (swim 4 sq.)
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Kadas'sa (Green Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Kajain'sa (Red Nikto)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
M'shento'su (Southern
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-35, Middle Age 36-54, Old
55-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nikto, Basic
Average Height: 1.8 Meters

Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -4
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-12, Adult
13-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old 60-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Honoghran, Basic
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-35, Middle Age 36-49, Old
50-64, Venerable 65+
Languages: Nuknog
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-40, Middle Age 41-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Omwatese
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Dex
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-11, Adult
12-39, Middle Age 40-54, Old 55-70,
Venerable 71+
Languages: Ortolan, Basic
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old

60-74, Venerable 75+

Languages: Lowickese
Average Height: 1.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 5 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-44, Middle Age 45-69, Old
70-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Shimiese, Basic
Average Height: 1.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-16,
Adult 17-39, Middle Age 40-54, Old
55-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Phindian, Basic
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Pho Ph'eahian
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-45, Middle Age 46-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Pho Ph'eahese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +4 Con, -2
Cha, -4 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 5 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-13, Adult
14-54, Middle Age 55-74, Old 75-89,
Venerable 90+
Languages: Psadan (oral only)
Average Height: 1.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str,
-2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-42, Middle Age 43-65, Old
66-85, Venerable 86+
Languages: Quermian, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq. and 8 sq. swimming
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-40, Middle Age 41-59, Old
60-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: Qwohog (only in water),
sign language, Basic
Average Height: 1.2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int -2 Cha


Size: Small
Speed: 6 sq. or 1 sq. when burrowing
Age: Child 1-4, Young Adult 5-8, Adult
9-26, Middle Age 27-40, Old 41-54,
Venerable 55+
Languages: Ranat, Basic
Average Height: 1 Meter

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-48, Middle Age 49-74, Old
75-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Sakiyan, Basic or Huttese
Average Height: 1.9 Meters

Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-15,
Adult 16-45, Middle Age 46-65, Old
66-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Ranth
Average Height: 1.7 Meters

Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Dex, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-13, Adult
14-39, Middle Age 40-52, Old 53-69,
Venerable 70+
Languages: Sanyassan, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters

Ability Modifiers: +4 Cha, -2 Str, -2
Size: Small
Speed: 6 sq. flying (no land speed)
Age: Middle Age 35-42, Old 43-49,
Venerable 50+
Languages: Ruurese +1 other language
Average Height: 1.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Str, -2 Con
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-7, Young Adult 8-11, Adult
Languages: Ruurese +1 other language
Average Height: 1.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq. (land or water)
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-70,
Venerable 71+
Languages: Rybese
Average Height: 1.4 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (land or water)
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old 61-70,
Venerable 71+
Languages: Rybese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Con, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (land and air)
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-39, Middle Age 40-54, Old
55-74, Venerable 75+
Languages: S'kytric, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None

Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-18,
Adult 19-50, Middle Age 51-79, Old
80-95, Venerable 96+
Languages: Sarese, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. 4 sq. in water
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-9, Adult
10-44, Middle Age 45-69, Old 70-89,
Venerable 90+
Languages: Suavax
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Male or Queen
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. on two legs, 8 sq. on four
legs, and 8 sq. when swimming
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-14, Adult
15-35, Middle Age 36-55, Old 56-75,
Venerable 76+
Languages: Selonian, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Sterile Female
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. on two legs, 8 sq. on four
legs, and 8 sq. when swimming
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 9-14, Adult
15-35, Middle Age 36-55, Old 56-75,
Venerable 76+
Languages: Selonian, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: -2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-60,

Adult 61-210, Middle Age 211-360,

Old 361-500, Venerable 501+
Languages: Shi'idese
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Dex
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-15,
Adult 16-44, Middle Age 45-59, Old
60-69, Venerable 70+
Languages: Skakoverbal (spoken),
Skakoform (written)
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2
Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-4, Young Adult 5-10, Adult
11-55, Middle Age 56-84, Old 85-102,
Venerable 103+
Languages: Skrilling, Basic
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2
Wis, -4 Cha
Size: Large
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-7, Young Adult 8-12, Adult
13-40, Middle Age 41-55, Old 56-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Sludese, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-55, Middle Age 56-74, Old
75-85, Venerable 86+
Languages: Worxi or Basic
Average Height: 1.9 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-5, Young Adult 6-10, Adult
11-55, Middle Age 56-90, Old 91-115,
Venerable 116+
Languages: Ssi-Ruuvi
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex
Size: Large (male) Medium (female)
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-45, Middle Age 46-75, Old
76-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: T'surrese
Average Height: 2.5 Meters (male) 2


Meters (female)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-45, Middle Age 46-62, Old 63-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Tarasinese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-39, Middle Age 40-54, Old
55-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Tarrese, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Cha,
-4 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-74, Old
75-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Temolish, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 5 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-49, Middle Age 50-74, Old
75-89, Venerable 90+
Languages: Thisspiasian
Average Height: 1.5 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 8 sq.
Age: Child 1-6, Young Adult 7-10, Adult
11-34, Middle Age 35-49, Old 50-64,
Venerable 65+
Languages: Tiss'shar, Basic
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Dex, -2 Con, -2
Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-19,
Adult 20-48, Middle Age 50-72, Old

73-97, Venerable 98+

Languages: Toongese
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-40, Middle Age 41-60, Old
61-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Tunrothese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Tusken Raider
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-8, Young Adult 7-13, Adult
14-44, Middle Age 45-60, Old 61-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Tusken (spoken only)
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2
Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-19,
Adult 20-92, Middle Age 93-159, Old
158-184, Venerable 185+
Languages: Ugnaught
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Cha, -4 Int
(-2 Int if not in service to Hutts)
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-16,
Adult 17-44, Middle Age 45-64, Old
65-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Huttese
Average Height: 1.8 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Con
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (land) 12 sq. (flying)
Age: Child 1-10, Young Adult 11-15,
Adult 16-49, Middle Age 50-69, Old
70-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Vorese, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Dex, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.

Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-19,

Adult 20-79, Middle Age 80-139, Old
140-174, Venerable 175+
Languages: Vratix, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-11, Young Adult 12-17,
Adult 18-39, Middle Age 40-60, Old
61-79, Venerable 80+
Languages: Vuvrian, Basic
Average Height: 2 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-12, Young Adult 13-19,
Adult 20-49, Middle Age 50-79, Old
80-99, Venerable 100+
Languages: Woostese
Average Height: 1.7 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +4 Dex, -2 Str, -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 sq.
Age: Child 1-4, Young Adult 5-8, Adult
9-35, Middle Age 36-59, Old 60-74,
Venerable 75+
Languages: Xextese, Basic
Average Height: 1.3 Meters
Ability Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-7, Young Adult 8-14, Adult
15-40, Middle Age 41-59, Old 60-79,
Venerable 80+
Languages: Yinchorri, Basic
Average Height: 2.6 Meters
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq.
Age: Child 1-9, Young Adult 10-15,
Adult 16-44, Middle Age 45-64, Old
65-84, Venerable 85+
Languages: Zehethbra, Basic
Average Height: 2.1 Meters



By Jarrod Camir
New Feats That Really Work
More often than not, the artists, artisans, and laborers are simply the peoples orbiting around the PCs. They are
the skilled workers who craft the goods the characters and the common populace buy, the entertainers who
amuse them from time to time, or simply the workforce of the country. They are the walk-on part of any
campaign but if you look more closely they are also potential adventurers in development, men and women
gifted with skills and feats just like your heroes. The actor and the locksmith of yesterday are perhaps the bard
and the rogue of tomorrow, and the unique talents they have developed, the inherent feats of their respective
trades, could serve them well in an adventuring career. The very same feats can also help to shape the
background and the future of a character when the common laborer effectively becomes a player character.
You rear crops and livestock, perhaps even breed
specific species, and also know how to turn a
common tool into a deadly weapon to defend your
cattle, your sheep, your property, and also your life
if the situation requires it.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in one of the following
Professions (farmer, herder, or rancher), Skill
Focus (Profession (farmer, herder, or rancher)).
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Handle Animal,
Knowledge (nature), Ride, and Use Rope checks
and are proficient with the following weapons:
battleaxe, club, dagger, greatclub, handaxe,
javelin, light hammer, scythe, sickle, sling, spear,
and quarterstaff. Moreover, each time you use a
scythe or sickle against a creature you gain a +1
bonus on weapon damage rolls. If the creature has
the plant subtype you gain a +2 bonus on weapon
damage rolls. This bonus stacks with the ones
provided by the ranger class feature Favored
Enemy and the feat Weapon Focus but not with
the feats Butchery, From the Mines or Lumberjack.

Appraise checks made upon a decorative object,

piece of furniture, or other work of art created at
an earlier period. This bonus also applies to
remains or relics, such as (but not limited to)
statues, buildings, or coins from ancient times; you
additionally beneficiate from a +2 competence
bonus on Knowledge (architecture and
engineering) and Knowledge (history) checks.
Special: Its up to the GM to decide if an object
classifies as an antiquity or not.
You have learned something all by yourself.
Benefit: Choose any skill. This skill is considered as
a class skill for you.
Special: You can gain Autodidact multiple times.
Each time you take the feat it applies to a new


You are naturally gifted with a very melodious
Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on
Perform (act), Perform (comedy), Perform
(oratory), and Perform (sing) checks.
Special: This feat must be taken at 1st level.

You have worked with a skilled person to learn her
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in a suitable Craft or
Profession skill is obligatory.
Benefit: The Craft or Profession skill you have
chosen is a class skill for you and you have a +2
competence bonus with that specific skill. You can
gain Apprenticeship multiple times. Its effects do
not stack. Each time you take the feat it applies to
a new Craft or Profession.

Antiques have no secret for you and you can assess
the value of an old object at a glance. You have
also acquainted yourself with old architectural
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Profession (antiquarian).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on

You know many things about the design and the
construction of buildings and various structures
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (architect).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Craft
(carpentry), Craft (stonemasonry), and Knowledge


(architecture and engineering) checks.

Special: A character with the feat Architecture
obtains a +2 competence bonus on his Search
checks when he tries to find secret doors or
hidden compartments. This bonus stacks with the
synergy bonus provided to a character that has 5
ranks or more in Knowledge (architecture and
You have worked where arms and ammunitions
are made.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in one of the following
Professions (alchemist, armorer, bowyer, fletcher,
leatherworker, or weaponsmith).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Craft
(alchemy), Craft (armorsmithing), Craft
(bowmaking), Craft (leatherworking), and Craft
(weaponsmithing) checks.
Special: A fighter may select Arsenal as one of his
fighter bonus feat.
Your experience of the stage helps you greatly to
improvise in the real life; you truly know how to
please any audience.
Prerequisite: Cha 12, 5 ranks in Perform (act),
Perform (comedy), and Perform (oratory).
Benefit: You can add your Charisma modifier to
your dice roll when you aid another character with
the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather
Information, Handle Animal, and Intimidate.
Normal: You must obtain 10 or higher on your dice
roll when you aid another (consult the PHB,
Chapter 4: Skills, for more details about Combining
Skill Attempts and Aid Another).
When it comes to second-hand items you never
miss an opportunity and you bargain and obtain
more for your hard-earned money all the time.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on your Appraise,
Bluff, Diplomacy, and Search checks.
Special: Each time you sell loot you obtain threequarter its listed price, and when you buy a
second-hand item you pay only a quarter its listed
price. You cannot influence a merchant when it
comes down to trade goods and brand new items
Normal: In general, a character can sell something
for half its listed price.
Your attitude, facial expression, and pose serve you

to convey your true state of mine (as well as any

pretence) better than anyone else.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Perform (act), Perform
(comedy), and Perform (dance).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on your
Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Your intimate knowledge of the anatomy of more
than one animal gives you an edge when you are
confronted to them.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (butcher), Skill
Focus (Profession (butcher)).
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on weapon damage
rolls against all creatures having the animal
Special: This bonus stacks with the ones provided
by the ranger class feature Favored Enemy and the
feat Weapon Focus but not with the feats
Agriculture, From the Mines, and Lumberjack. A
fighter may select Butchery as one of his fighter
bonus feat.
You are quite found of maps, both old and new,
and have thoroughly studied many geographical
books and treatises.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (cartographer).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Craft
(mapmaking) and Knowledge (geography) checks.
Special: You gain a +2 competence bonus on
Decipher Script and Forgery checks respectively
made to decode a map or determine its
You have been amongst the first to settle a new
frontier and you are a model of resourcefulness in
more than one field.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Heal, Knowledge
(geography), Knowledge (nature), and Survival
Special: Once per day, thanks to your ingenuity,
you can add a +2 insight bonus on any Skill check
you make. You must stipulate that you use this
bonus before the check is made.

You have mastered a Craft or Profession better
than anyone else.
Prerequisite: Int 15 (for Craft) or Wis 15 (for
Profession), 8 ranks in a given Craft or Profession.
Benefit: Select a Craft or Profession. You gain a +3


competence bonus on checks related to that skill.

This bonus stacks with the ones provided by the
feat Apprenticeship and Skill Focus.
Special: You can gain Craftsman multiple times. Its
effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat it
applies to a new Craft or Profession.
You have delivered many messages in your career
and learned to avoid the wrath of the unsatisfied
clients most of the time.
Prerequisite: Alertness, Dex 13, Dodge, Lightning
Reflex, Improved Initiative, 4 ranks in one of the
following Professions (courier, envoy, herald, or
messenger), Skill Focus (Profession (courier, envoy,
herald, or messenger)), light or no armor.
Benefit: When foes deliver ranged attacks against
you they cannot rely at all upon the advantages
normally granted by the following feats: Far Shot,
Improved Precise Shot, Many Shot, Mounted
Archery, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid
Shot, and Shot on the Run. You must be aware of
the attack(s) in order to beneficiate from this
extraordinary power; if you are caught flat-footed
the opponents are not penalized and can use any
such feats at their fullest.
Special: A fighter can select Dont Shoot the
Messenger as one of his fighter bonus feat.
You practice your trade since long and know the
best way of doing it.
Prerequisite: 8 ranks in a given Craft or Profession
Benefit: Your workmanship or professionalism is
highly prized and recognized. You earn about
three-quarter of your check result in gold pieces
per week of dedicated work.
Normal: When you practice your trade you earn
about half your check result in gold pieces per
week of dedicated work (consult the PHB, Chapter
4: Skills to know more about the skills Craft and
Special: You can select Down To a Fine Art
multiple times. Each time you take the feat it
applies to a new Craft or Profession.
You have mastered eloquence, imitation, and
mimicry to such a degree that it serves you to
greatly improve any disguise.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Perform (act), Perform
(comedy), and Perform (oratory).
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus on your
Disguise check.


All your artistic creations appeal to the sense of
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on your Craft
(calligraphy), Craft (painting), Craft (pottery), and
Craft (sculpting) checks.
Special: Each time you help someone with an
Appraise check regarding an art object falling into
one of the categories mentioned above you
automatically provide a +2 insight bonus to that
Normal: You need to roll an Appraise check
against DC 10 to provide a +2 circumstance bonus.
You are a confectioner and supplier of costumes
for theatres though sometimes you also confection
fancy set of clothes for very special occasions,
creations that always fit to perfection. In fact you
have reached a rare level when it comes down to
vestments and can often reproduce a given set of
clothing even if you have seen it for a very brief
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (costumier),
Skill Focus (Profession (costumier)).
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus on Craft
(cobbling), Craft (leatherworking), Craft (weaving),
Profession (couturier), and Profession
Special: If you have access to the right fabrics
and/or materials you can reproduce a specific
outfit down to the minutest details. A character
who wears one of your reproductions thus gains a
+5 circumstance bonus on his Disguise check. If
you also have the feat Arsenal or the right Craft
skills you can moreover duplicate a given set of
armor or reproduce a fake weapon to help
someone play the part of another person more
convincingly. Creating such items is often a long
and costly process however (consult the PHB,
Chapter 4: Skills to know more about the various
Craft skills and DC that are required to create a
given item).
You have extracted coal, ores, or precious stones
from the earth and learned many useful things
while working under the mountains.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (miner), Skill
Focus (Profession (miner)).
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Appraise, Climb,
Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Use Rope
checks. You are moreover proficient with the
following weapons: light hammer, light and heavy


picks, and warhammer. Each time you use a

hammer or pick you gain a +1 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against all creatures and against any
object you try to destroy. If the creature or the
object is made of stone, be that in whole or in
part, you gain a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls.
This bonus stacks with the ones provided by the
ranger class feature Favored Enemy and the feat
Weapon Focus but not with the feats Agriculture,
Butchery, or Lumberjack.
Special: Gnomes can add the gnome hooked
hammer to the list. Characters that dont pertain
to this race must have the right Exotic Weapon
Proficiency Feat to effectively wield this weapon.
You have repaired so many things in your life that
it has become a magical gift.
Prerequisite: Int 12, Wis 12, 4 ranks in at least
three different types of Craft.
Benefit: You can repair an item by making a check
against the DC that it took to make the item in the
first place but in your case you obtain a +5
competence bonus on the check (see the PHB,
Chapter 4: Skills, and more specifically the skill
Craft for examples). In addition you can naturally
cast the spell mending three times per day and the
spell make whole once per day.
Normal: Generally, you can repair an item by
making checks against the same DC that it took to
make the item in the first place.
You know how to effectively use both alchemy and
natures gifts to cure many ailments and to treat
wounds. Even your touch conveys a small measure
of healing.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (apothecary) or
Profession (herbalist), Wis 10.
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Craft
(alchemy) (healing purposes only), Heal, and
Knowledge (nature) checks.
Special: When you use a healers kit you gain a +3
circumstance bonus on Heal checks. Moreover you
can naturally cast once per day either cure minor
wounds or detect poison.
Normal: The use of a healing kit normally provides
only a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks.
You come from a tribe of hunter-gatherers and
know many effective ways to collect food.
Furthermore, surviving in countries featuring
terrains comparable to those of your native land is

much easier.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (huntergatherer).
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge
(nature), Search, Spot, and Survival checks.
Special: Choose two types of terrain amongst the
following ones in accord with your characters
background: aquatic, desert, forest, hills, marsh,
mountain, plains. Each time you are confronted to
a Survival check taking place upon a terrain akin to
the ones from your homeland you obtain a +5
competence bonus on the check (see the DMG,
Chapter 3: Adventures, and more specifically the
section Wilderness Adventures for many examples
of Survival checks upon all kind of terrains).
You can create marvellous jewels from precious
metals and gems.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (jeweller).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on
Appraise (gems and jewels only), Craft
(gemcutting), and Craft (jewellery-making) checks.
You have pleaded in many courts of justice and for
you the law is truly a code of conduct.
Prerequisite: Lawful Neutral, 4 ranks in Profession
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy, Gather
Information, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive
Special: Each time youre confronted to a
Knowledge (local) check that specifically concerns
the laws you gain a +5 competence bonus.
When it comes to artwork, music, and
performance, you are truly gifted with an
otherworldly talent.
Benefit: Choose one of the following skills: Craft
(calligraphy), Craft (painting), Craft (pottery), Craft
(sculpting), or Perform (anyone); you gain a +5
insight bonus with that skill. This bonus stacks with
the ones provided by the feats Fine Arts and Skill
Special: You can gain Lilends Gift multiple time.
The effect does not stack. Each time you take the
feat it applies to another skill in the
abovementioned list.
You know how to wield an axe and put it to good


Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (lumberjack),

Skill Focus (Profession (lumberjack)).
Benefit: You are proficient with the following
weapons: battleaxe, greataxe, handaxe, and
throwing axe. Each time you use an axe you gain a
+1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against all
creatures and against any object you try to
destroy. If the creature or the object is made of
wood, be that in whole or in parts, you gain a +2
bonus on weapon damage rolls. This bonus stacks
with the ones provided by the ranger class feature
Favored Enemy and the feat Weapon Focus but
not with the feats Agriculture, Butchery, or From
the Mines.
Special: Half-orcs and orcs can add the orc double
axe to the list. Dwarfs for their part can add the
dwarven urgrosh and dwarven waraxe to the list.
Characters that dont pertain to these races must
have the right Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat to
effectively wield these weapons.
Your capacity to understand mechanical devices
and traps is above average.
Prerequisite: Int 15, 5 ranks in Craft (locksmithing),
Craft (trapmaking), Disable Device, and Open Lock.
Benefit: You can always elect to take 10 on Disable
Device and Open Lock even if rushed or
threatened. Moreover, when you attempt a
Disable Device check it takes you less time to do
so; you require only a single round to neutralize
simple and tricky devices and in your case 1d4
rounds are enough to deactivate difficult or
wicked devices.
Normal: When your character is not being
threatened or distracted, you may choose to take
10. It normally takes 1d4 rounds to disable a tricky
device and 2d4 rounds in the case of difficult and
wicked devices.
You have once journeyed to a holy place and
learned much during that voyage. Long

introspections have deeply changed you for the

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Concentration,
Knowledge (geography), and Knowledge (religion)
Special: A monk can add the feat Pilgrimage to the
list of bonus feats available to this class at 1 , 2 ,
and 6 level.
You have been a boy in training for knighthood.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy,
Handle Animal, Knowledge (nobility and royalty)
and Ride checks. Just like a fighter you are
proficient with all simple and martial weapons and
with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and
shields, exception made of the tower shield.
Special: This feat must be taken at 1 level.
You have altered, designed, forged or simply worn
so many kinds of armor that you automatically
know every technique and trick it takes when you
must don or remove in a hurry any type of
protection whatsoever.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession (armorer), and
Skill Focus (Profession (armorer)) or 5 ranks in
Craft (armorsmithing) and Skill Focus (Craft
(armorsmithing)) or Armor Proficiency (heavy) and
Shield Proficiency. Clerics, fighters, paladins and
characters with the feat Squire have the right
proficiencies and automatically qualify for this
feat. Characters that have Armor Proficiency
(light), Armor Proficiency (medium), and/or Shield
Proficiency can select this feat but cannot use it to
its full potential, being limited by their respective
Benefit: You can don or remove an armor or help
someone doing so more quickly than any of your
counterparts and this even in the direst of
circumstances (see table below).


Armor Type
Shield (any)
Padded, leather,
hide, studded
leather, or chain
Breastplate, scale
mail, chainmail,
banded mail, or
splint mail

1 move action
5 rounds

Don Hastily
3 rounds

free action
5 rounds (3)

2 minutes (1)(3)

5 rounds (3)

5 rounds (3)

Half-plate, or full

3 minutes (2)(3)

3 minutes (1)(3)

2 minutes (1)(3)

(1) If the character has some help, cut this time in half. A single character doing nothing else can help one
or two adjacent characters. Two characters cant help each other don armor at the same time.
(2) The wearer must have help to don this armor. Without help, it can be donned only hastily.
(3) A character with the feat Steel is But a Second Skin who helps another one who doesnt have the feat
obtains the same time results. Even if both characters have the feat Steel is But a Second Skin the
time results remain identical.
Normal: Consult the PHB, Chapter 7, Equipment, to know the normal amount of time it takes to don or remove
Special: A fighter may select Steel is But a Second Skin as one of his fighter bonus feat.
You have extensively travelled the hinterland and
cannot be hampered by a difficult terrain; this also
holds true for the ones who follow exactly in your
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in one of the following
Professions (guide, hunter, or hunter-gatherer) or
Colonist or Hunt High and Low.
Benefit: You can travel upon a difficult terrain
(rubble, undergrowth, steep slope, ice, cracked or
pitted surface, and uneven floor) or crossed an
obstacle (low wall, deadfall, broken pillar, and
such) without being slowed down (no additional
movement cost). Moreover, if crossing such an
obstacle along the way requires a Skill check
(Balance, Climb, Jump, or else) you beneficiate
from a +2 circumstance bonus in that case. The
first three characters who immediately follow you
in a single file so as to take exactly the same path
beneficiate from identical advantages, but as soon
as their courses diverge from yours even slightly
they lost this benefit and cannot regain it until
they fall in single file behind you again (the
distance between the characters cannot exceed 5
feet regardless the circumstances).
Normal: Consult the PHB, Chapter 9: Adventuring,

for more details about Movement, and more

specifically the section about Tactical Movement.
Special: A 2 -level druid or a 7 -level ranger can
both substitute Woodland Stride for Trailblazer
even if they dont meet the prerequisites.
Life is nothing more than a play into which you
interpret any role that suits you.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Profession (actor).
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on
Disguise, Perform (act), and Perform (comedy)
You have properly been trained by a mage and
know all the rudiments of magic.
Prerequisite: Int 10.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Concentration,
Decipher Script, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft,
and Use Magic Device checks. You are moreover
able to cast all 0-level wizard spells (cantrips) just
like a starting wizard does. If you ever decide to be
a full-fledged wizard and choose to specialize at 1
level you must give up two schools of magic and
lose the ability to cast the cantrips related to these



Special: This feat must be taken at 1 -level.

You have precisely and tirelessly copied an
innumerable amount of scrolls and tomes down
the years; some of these manuscripts have literally
and figuratively left a lasting impression on you to
say the least.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in one of the following
Professions (clerk, limner, scribe, or scrivener), and
Skill Focus (Profession (clerk, limner, scribe, or
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Craft
(bookbinding), Craft (calligraphy), Craft
(illumination/painting), Decipher Script, and
Forgery checks.
Special: Choose two fields of knowledge amongst
the following ones: Knowledge (arcane),
Knowledge (architecture and engineering),
Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge
(geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge
(local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility
and royalty), Knowledge (religion), or Knowledge
(the planes); you have handwritten so many books
pertaining to these two subject that you obtain a

+2 competence bonus on Skill checks related to

them. This choice is definitive and cannot be
altered later.
You have worked in the docks, tirelessly loading
and unloading ships; this exercise has significantly
enhanced your carrying capacity.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Profession
(longshoreman), Skill Focus (Profession
(longshoreman)), Str 10.
Benefit: Your carrying capacity is superior to what
your base Strength score let supposed. Add 4 to
your Strength score when it comes down to
carrying capacity, lifting and dragging. As an
example, a character with a Strength of 10 who
has the feat Work in the Docks has the effective
carrying capacity of a character with a Strength
score of 14. In addition the load you carry isnt
affecting your Dexterity, Check Penalty, and Speed
in the same way than a character without this feat
(see table below). This Strength enhancement
serves this sole purpose and has no effects
whatsoever regarding combat or else.

Max Dex



(30 ft.)

(20 ft.)


30 ft.
25 ft.

20 ft.
15 ft.


Normal: Consult the PHB, Chapter 9, Adventuring, and more specifically the section Carrying Capacity to know
more about the subject.



Lets face it. The farmers cadet who decides to leave the fields and wants to trade his scythe for a sword after
a devastating orc raid in order to take back what the humanoids have looted doesnt necessarily have enough
gold to purchase both a fine blade and a good armor. Should he give up before it all starts? No, absolutely not.
In such case his former life should be a source of inspiration; the tools of his trade can become his first
weapons and the abilities of his past the foundation of his future as a PC. Beginning an adventuring career with
limited resources, an unconventional starting kit, and feats reflecting his abilities as an artisan or laborer
means that a character must be creative. It doesnt imply that this person cannot acquire an armor or a given
piece of equipment, on the contrary: it suggests that this fellow might have to trade something in exchange,
such at his talents as an artisan. It could mean to let the masterwork artisans tools inherited from his father in
deposit until he can pay for his first armor in coin of the realm, or else pool his meagre belongings with
peoples of humble origins just like him in order to beat the odds. In short, it means challenges and role-playing
opportunities; and this is what a fair part of this game is really about after all.
A PC who decides to take one of the following starting kits renounces to the armor, gear, gold, and weapons
normally allowed to a 1 -level character most of the time. It would be a good idea to discuss with the GM
before taking this drastic step however. What role such a modest PC will have if he ever joins a band
constituted of regular characters? Will he borrow the needed equipment in exchange for a potential treasure
parcel? Will he work for the group, putting his Craft skills at their service? Regardless the circumstances this PC
mustnt play second fiddle; he ought to be an integral member of the group who helps them achieve a
common goal. On the other hand, if all the PCs agree for this choice as a starting point and form a group
composed of beginners whom are a little down on their luck or having not the funds a regular band has the
GM should be lenient and offer them a campaign that reflects their choices. Affronting the dangers with
whats available can be considered as foolhardy or courageous but one thing is sure: it is quite risky, and the
PCs who take such chances should not be punished; an XP award adjustment and/or some role-playing awards
can even be quite welcome.
Here is a list of artisans and laborers with potential starting kits (this series is based upon the DMG, Chapter 4:
Nonplayer Characters; the items forming the kits are from the PHB, Chapter 7: Equipment). This list is not at all
exhaustive and can be modified to reflect a different origin, include more types of work, or simply to better
adjust to your own campaign. The kits represent the most obvious choices for a given occupation.
Alchemist: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear, special substances and items: acid (flask), alchemists fire
(flask), smokestick, sunrod, tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, and tindertwig. The character probably has no
armor and holds a single dagger unless he had worked for an arsenal and been given access to military
Apothecary: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear, substances, and/or skill kits: acid (flask), antitoxin (vial),
holy water (flask), sunrod, tindertwig, healers kit, and a merchants scale. A good weapon for an herbalist can
either be a dagger, handaxe, scythe, or a sickle, the blade doubling as a tool, but an armor is unlikely.
Animal Tender/Groom: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear: a shepherd or a stable boy might have a faithful
dog, or else a donkey or a mule with saddlebags along with a simple weapon but not much else.
Architect/Engineer: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits: someone who has served in a
military unit (like a siege engineer) might have access to an arms depot and be fully clad in leather or even
better in steel.
Barrister: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear and clothing. A barristers armor is his robe of office but he
might occasionally sport a baton (club), dagger, or a light mace.
Clerk: 20 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits, and clothing: although a clerk is generally not the
owner of an armor it doesnt mean that shes defenseless.
Cook: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear. Unless he doubles has a hunter a cook most likely has no armor at his
disposal but on the other hand he certainly owns a weapon or two, probably a dagger and a sickle.
Entertainer/Performer (Street performer): 20 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits, and clothing. A
modest jongleur or singer has access to a common musical instrument and might possess a padded armor and
a simple weapon if lucky enough.


Entertainer/Performer (Minstrel and Troubadour): 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits,
and clothing: a musician who travels extensively and performs for noble families is potentially more fortunate
and can show off a decent armor plus a good weapon if successful enough. An actor for his part might travel
with a chest full of clothing or costumes, some theatre props, plus a disguise kit.
Laborer: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear: a conventional laborer certainly cant afford an armor and
possesses at the very best a simple weapon. The rest of his meagre possessions are most likely an ensemble of
common tools: crowbar, fishing net, hammer, miners pick, spade, or shovel.
Limner: 20 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits (or 3d4 x 10 gp if the artist is well-established): a
limner (or painter) carries many bottles of ink (or paint), a pile of paper sheets, or perhaps a couple of blank
books; the bare pages of such tomes can be later turned into illuminated manuscripts such as very unique
Maid: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear: a simple maid has almost no reason to possess an armor and perhaps
has a dagger to protect her but not much else.
Mason/Craftsperson: 20 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits: a craftswoman requires tools in
order to perform her trade therefore the right artisans tools are obligatory. Weapons that double as tools
such as axes, hammers, and picks are the most likely choices here because the character is already familiar
with them. Some craftsmen, such as bowyers, fletchers, and leatherworkers might have materials at their
disposal that can be transformed into armors and weapons or already possess some objects of this nature.
Mercenary: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment: basically, a mercenary has access to the same equipment than
any fighter.
Mercenary Cavalry: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment: a mercenary cavalry has access to the same equipment
than a fighter but an important part of this money is spent to acquire a horse and the gear that comes with the
Porter: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear: an ordinary porter rarely have the funds required to buy an armor
but perhaps owns a club or another simple weapon to protect him.
Sage: 3d4 x 10 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits, and clothing: A scholar truly believes that the
pen is mightier than the sword and the small mountain of parchments, paper sheets, and treatises that fills his
pack attest to that fact. The scholar outfit and the quarterstaff are natural choices here but maces can be used
against, say, the thick-headed.
Scribe: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits: a scribe travels with a lot of parchments, with ink
and pens, but he hardly ever wears any armor. A scrivener carries a simple weapon at best.
Smith: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear, tools and skill kits: a metalworker definitely needs artisans tools and
a light hammer is logical here but remember that weaponsmiths and armorers pertain to this section which
means a larger array of possibility for everyone involved (with the right amount of work, of course).
Teamster: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear, mounts and related gear, or transport: a teamster might begin
her career with nothing but an old cart and a duo of mules and carry the group towards its first adventure.
Valet/Lackey: 5d4 gp worth of adventuring gear and clothing: a simple valet isnt rich enough to buy an armor
but he might have a dagger to protect himself.


The feats presented in this article can greatly help a GM to enhance the NPC classes described in the DMG,
Chapter 4: Nonplayer Characters. Just imagine a scenario involving a militia constituted from simple
commoners who beneficiate from feats such as Agriculture, From the Mines, or Lumberjack which all offer a
larger choice of weapons if compares to the single one an ordinary commoner knows how to wield; let your
PCs interact with an Expert well-versed in various subjects thanks to Architecture, Cartography, or Words and
Illuminations; even better, give them the opportunity to pick these classes and turn them into full-fledged PCs.
The Adept, the Aristocrat, and the Expert are all interesting avenues worth exploring.


Valkyrie E17
A voyage made to pull the world of Orion IV from the brink of darkness
Written and created by Harrison Mallory, based on an idea by Jeremiah Griffin
This campaign was built using the D&D 3.5 system; Set in the distant future the party battles new obstacles,
monsters, and scenarios. With updated armor, new classes and new weapons many new situations can come to
On a mission to a harvest planet far from their
home world, the crew of Valkyrie E17 is
determined to save their world from starvation
and collapse, creating the jump space portal
(teleporter) will be the first step. Then while
harvesting and mining the planet of its resources,
Orion IV will become complete once again. But
before any of this the ship and its crew must reach
the planet. Deep in the perils of unexplored space
the party lays helpless in hibernation as aliens

infest the ship. For reasons unknown the party was

untouched by the first week or so of alien attack
on the crew. But now there awake, and its on.
Italicized to be read to players
1: As your ice cold deep-space hibernation pods
slide open your eyes adjust to the light, the
chamber youre in seems so familiar. The bleach
white walls and the masses of wire and tubing
running in every direction are a comforting sight


after gods only knows how long in hibernation. The

12 foot tall 4 foot wide hibernation chamber you
laid in looks as shiny and clean as it did the day you
got back in it. You gaze over at the other ten tubes
lining the wall, as you see your fellow party
members rise from there tubes you remember that
youre not alone. The captains tube and the info
droids charging bay are empty. As usually hes
probably fine tuning the coordinates you think to
yourself as you feel the numb feeling in your
fingers finally fade. The huge blast door reading
C7 (otherwise known as crew number 7) stands
before you; your equipment lockers await you on
the wall to your right.
The party may now create characters based on the
D&D 3.5 system. (Page 9)
2: you and your friends suit up and get ready to
save your home planet, all these years, the food
you need to get. It all comes down to the next few
days. If everything goes well and you set up the
teleportation ring you will be heroes. Legends as
great as those of the olden world; you and your
elite crew, handpicked to be the captains highest
aides and advisors on all matters, construction and
direction or otherwise. You punch in the code to
open the bay doors. As the 4 foot thick door slides
open a grimly scented odder fills your nostrils, and
a horrid sight meets your eyes. The hallway beyond
is filled with debris and liquids of varying colors the
lights have been smashed and flicker on and off
never creating enough light to allow you to see
(low-light and dark vision can see better but the
flickering lights makes it equally difficult to discern
more specific things) . Your captain is only a few
feet away from you at the exterior room controls.
He slumps to the ground, mining laser in hand he
gestures you to come closer. Without allowing you
to interject he quickly whispers the following
sentence attacked, need high access key card,
mine is ruined, take care, and finish the mission.
His breath leaves him as his eyes fade to a pale
grey color in seconds. His half-elf features seem to
diminish right before your very eyes. The two aids
that are with you seem to boil with rage, one takes
off down the hall the other stands next to the
captain, a yelp and a scratch from down the hall
and the first aid is not within sight, as you turn
back to your captain the second aid is gone, blood
lay in a thick coat all over that side of the room.
You are not alone.

3: as you begin to head down the hall you see

three figures laying still on the ground, the distinct
smell of laser burns touches your nostrils. As you
turn to see if your party is seeing the same thing
you see a flash out of the corner of your eye,
turning back to where the bodies were you no
longer see them, three red blotches stain the floor
where the bodies were (knowledge xenotypes DC
10 will show that the blood comes from no type of
creature aboard the ship). In front of you is a
welded together mess of wiring, metal, tubing and
a mix of other things. Although you reckon it was
quickly pieced together it is definitely humanoid
made. (a scavenger skill check DC 12 can find 2
laser batteries) To your left was a set of light
doors, but now there are two tears in the wall were
the hinges would have been and no door. To your
right is a set of doors leading to the mess hall.
4: a small room with a collapsed wall greets you on
the other side of the doors; another set of doors is
straight ahead of you (spot DC 12 shows that
directly across from the rubble of the collapse is an
indentation in the wall almost 3 feet deep, there is
currently nothing in or around said indentation).
The lights in this room dont flicker but the low
amount of power being directed to them makes it
hard on non-lowlight and dark vision creatures to
6. Several collapses have occurred in this room,
one collapse is a hallway the other is the lift to
lower levels, one which would be needed to get to
the cargo hold or engine room, along with other
places within the ship. However the VIP lift seems
to be working, it could also take you to lower
levels, and the bridge. However you would need a
higher grade key-card to access said lift;
apparently his captains aids arent important
enough to use the VIP lift.
7: upon closer inspection the VIPs lift has several
claw marks (knowledge xenotypes DC 10 show
they are not of any organism aboard this craft).
7B: here are the stairs once were, know they have
been sabotaged by some means unclear to you.
4B: this room is dark, but all types of vision can
clearly make out a pair of legs protruding from


behind a storage bin in the corners, a pool of blood

begins to seep down to the legs, a sweet smell
wafts up you, it is clear that whoever is over there
was just injured and may be still alive. If the party
runs over to the body they quickly discover that it
is a plastic dummy from the CPR training facility,
and the red pool of what was thought to be blood
is actually corn syrup, following this discovery 15
creatures (five from one doorway and 10 from
another) run into the room engaging in combat.
The party has encountered 15 hive brood-lings. as
you come into close vision of the body you discover
that the body is really just a CPR practice dummy
and the red liquid is just corn syrup, almost as soon
as you discover this 15 inhuman figures enter the
room, 10 from one door way, and five from the
other, hissing with horrific threat they follow to
engage you (roll initiative)
If the party ignores the body and attempts to
continue on they find that the other door is
blocked by something on the other side,
presuming they turn to go back the 15 creatures
enter as described above, the party should be
allowed to get to the middle of the room before
the creatures attack. The party has encountered
15 hive brood-lings. As you attempt to push open
the door something blocks your attempt from the
other side, most likely based on the amount of
debris in the other room, the door is blocked due to
a cave in. as you return the way you came 10
inhuman figures enter the room, five from each
door way, hissing with horrific threat they follow to
engage you (roll initiative)
5: with the strange creatures killed you can resume
your search for a key card, and some survivors of
whatever is happening here, you now stand in the
mess hall for this part of the ship. In the corner of
the room is the rations dispenser, it looks it good
enough condition to use. Cyber tech, Magic hack,
and Hack DC 12 will allow players to receive 30
rations. If the party does not attempt to use the
skills above to rob the machine each party
member receives 1 ration. If the party fails the
skills above the machine locks them out. Again
broken lighting and wires litter the room, a large
pool of blood sits in the center of the room, but
there is no body and no streaking, only droplets of
blood leading around the corner

9: as you come around the corner from the mess

hall you reach the main Crew room hallway. To
your right is a destroyed bay door reading C8. In
front of you is another bay door, this one has holes
in it looking to be caused by a highly acidic
substance, and finally to your left is a hallway, this
one, like all the other rooms has blood streaks,
claw markings, broken lighting, and mangled
tubing all over.
10: the room once contained the equipment and
tools necessary to maintain Deep-space
hibernation, now shattered glass and metal scraps
cover the room, the hibernation chambers have
clearly been pried open, blood soaks the inside of
each chamber, the people within long gone.
Perhaps they were seen as meals in neat 1 million
credit boxes. A small computer panel lay smashed
next to the dismantled bay door. A short and
barely audible sentence reaches your ears Ov...
Over here ssscivilians from here the party may
engage the damaged info droid in conversation,
the droid cannot access certain information
(unless a robotics check DC15 is made in which
case the droids memory is restored), the droid will
begin with requesting his voice box to be fixed by
turning a knob in his chest (which is visible due to
his state. From there the party can ask any
question they like, only the following questions
will get an informed response.
Replies will be in normal text
Replies only accessible after the party succeeds a
robotics check will be in underlined
Pplease fix my vv.voice box, you can nun
reach it through myyyyyy chest (if the party agrees
to fix it then it works and the bots speech no
longer stutters or carries on)
Who are you, or whats your name? I am Info
droid number 865TO321, my crew called me 86
What happened here, or where are the crew
members? Four average sized creatures barged
into the room, I attempted to fight them off but
they broke me into my current state, they
followed to rip open the pods stab those within it
and carry off the corpses
Who/ what attacked you? Xenotypes
What is the date/ how many days have we been in
space? My internal watch is damage beyond repair
What happened here, or where are the crew
members? I dont know
Who/what attacked you? I dont remember


Can we help you, or can you be fixed? dont bother

trying to fix me; I am beyond repair in far too
many a state
Can you come with us, or follow us? I cannot walk
After the party has gained all the information
available or leaves the bot he dies and cannot be
repaired. But he can be salvaged, one armor
implant (+1 natural AC {Cyborg/bot only}), one
mining laser.
11: this room is the same as room 10, minus the
12: this room is the same as room 10, minus the
robot, but there is one thing, across the hallway
from this room is a black swollen growth on the
wall; blood trails lead to it from multiple directions.
13: as you enter this part of the hallway more of
the creatures burst forth, varying amounts from
each of the holes in the ground around you. But
this time there are some larger, more humanoid
like types of aliens. (5 hive brood lings, 3 hive
underlings, and 2 cystic underlings)
14: like before, you see a barricaded area, but this
time a view hole and a pair of eyes accompany the
metal mix of wall that stands before you. Farther
down the hall another pile of rubble seems to block
your entry. (After some questions back and forth
between party and guard the party is let inside the
15: the complex has about 7 poorly armed guards
9 average workers and 14 or so stowaways that
have been accepted in this time of need. There is
clearly a sense of safety here; bed rolls, food,
weapons, tables, clothing, and water are all
provided here. Any party member can ask around
but will find that there is no head of the group
here. However a high ranking mechanic seems to
eye you, a VIP card hangs from his shirt collar. The
mechanic proceeds to room 17, the party may
16: A number of cut and bent pipes linger in this
area; the group has obviously created this passage
to the emergency stash.
17: as you enter this room two guards stand at the
ready, both have fully automated blaster carbines

pointed at you, welcome to our little paradise

boys and girls, here is how this shake down is
going to work. Youre going to give us all your
rations and all your guns and in return Ill give you
this little beautiful. Says the mechanic sneering as
he holds his VIP card. If the players try to fight
consider them dead, those rifles are high quality
and would likely kill most the party in the first
round. When the party hands over there food and
guns the mechanic give them his key card and
throws them out with all due haste. (The party can
make it to the VIP lift without problem, however
once at the lift they encounter * raiders coming
from the stair room {which has now been repaired
with ladders and makeshift boards}) * Same as the
party size.
18: As you ascend in the lift it jerks and clatters,
you hear grinding metal and smell smoke. Just as it
seems all hope is lost the lift bell rings and the door
slides open, 4 men stand at the entrance, guns
pointed at you. They quickly realize that your
humanoid and grab you; throwing you out of the
lift just in the nick of time before you hear a snap
and the lift hurtles down.
19: Before you may even fully realize what just
happened a deafening boom sounds at the bottom
of the shaft, followed by a gust of searing hot air,
followed still by hundreds of hissings jaws and
clattering claws. GUNNER! yells one of the
guards that pulled you out, ROGGER! yells a man
on the other side of the now apparent (and
professionally built) barricade; but before you can
even conceive whats going on three loud clicks
sound off and your thrown into another room, the
guards accompanying you.
20: your group, panting and gasping for air
realize that you were just saved by five well
equipped professionally trained militarized men.
The man behind the barricade is now visible and
unloading rounds from a mounted auto laser into a
swarm of different aliens. As you stand and regain
your breath you fully take on your surroundings.
Around you is another (smaller) barricade with a
gap in the middle. Radio technicians and
mechanics bustle across the bridge room. You
made it.
21: these doors lead to stairwells to varying places.


22: here are the escape pods, long and sterling in

there hatches they wait, however seeing as how
there are now planets within sight and your
moving at 212MPH its unlikely you will see one
short of fixing the main engine systems. This is also
were the armory is.
23: here is the primary control room, recordings
and transmissions can be intercepted and played
24: serving as a med bay a single doctor tends to
the wounded.
25: As you walk to the bridge view port you see a
tall grizzly half-giant, he barks out commands with
dashing speed, when you finally get your turn to
talk to him he speaks quickly without pause.
Welcome men, to the bridge, right now we are in
the lead among the fractions among us in terms of
quality of life, advancement in saving our hides
and ability to kill aliens. Here are your weapons
and here is the recording, play it in the other room.
Now get to it men!
The party may now go to room 23 and play the
transmission; the following is what the party
Report log
Day 1: Valkyrie E1780T5 lifts off from Orion IV, no
problems detected
Day 159: Valkyrie E1780T5 reaches slingshot
gravilaunch #471 on time without error
Day 483: Valkyrie E1780T5 reaches deep-space on
time without error
Day 985: The crews 1-25 of Valkyrie E1780T5
comes out of deep-space hibernation to eat and
check vital signs
Day 987: The crews 1-25 of Valkyrie E1780T5
returns to deep-space hibernation chamber, all
vitals checks out
Day 1254: Small meteorite penetrates hull,
systems detect no major malfunction. Life signs of
crews remain stable.
R33p0rt logg101001g.
6aY 8761235763: SYst3ms faiiilure DeteCTeD,
Loca7i0n UNkn0wn, *unreadable text* SiGnnnnal
W1th or1ion 1V 10st *unreadable text*
awakenn1ng Val7yr13 E1780123T5g$q CReews 125..

(Day 8761235763: systems failure detected

location unknown. *unreadable text* signal with
Orion IV lost. *unreadable text* awakening
Valkyrie E1780T5 crews 1-25..)
After listening to this grim AI recording a small
man or gnome (not half-ling) approaches you,
hello there, Im Garl Fixnob, the generals
secondary aid; he forgot to tell you this but he
needs you to go down to the cargo room and
restart the main engines, he has faith in you as he
has been monitoring your progress. The gnome
says in a quick but squeaky high pitched voice. I
understand how daunting this may sound but fear
not it is a quick fix, the general will organize a task
force to come to your aid when you reach the main
thrusters, I and a friend of mine will be
accompanying you to aid you in the location and
restoration of the main thrusters. The little man
finishes and continues to give you a card; he then
begins to walk off to pack his things for the trip.
The card is validation from the general to allow
you full access to the armory (22)
In their armory is cydrobin suits mark 1-3 (1of
each), 3 laser rifles, 5 batteries, 10 bottle caps, a
suit of Reinforced kobold hide, laser rifle implant
(Cyborg only). 6 vibration implants (+1 bonus to
attack and damage {melee weapons only, requires
engineer, cryptic or dock worker}). 2 grenades (see
ranged weapons).
26: thanks to the mechanics you are able to worm
your way through corridors and tunnels that are
untouched by the ravaging alien life forms. After
an hour or two of walking and crawling you reach
the engine room.
27: a massive set of writhing black vein like tubes
worm throughout the center of the room. In the
distance you hear hissing and clawing of
something massive, but thats not your concern
right now; youre concerned about the 20 or so
differing sized aliens surrounding you. (10 hive
underlings, 5 hive warriors, and 5 cystic underlings)
Note: one mechanic should be killed at all costs by
the aliens, if one dies go for the second. After
battle if one or more mechanics is alive the side
route seen on the right side of the map can be
used to bypass the black nodes. If not then the
party must attempt to cross the nodes (or make a
coordinate check DC14 to find the side route).


Each node stepped on deals 1d4 acid damage, in a

5 foot burst.
27B: (mechanic alive, or coordinate skill only) you
make your way to the vent without pause, the long
winding tubes seem as untouched as the many
others you have passed through before, when you
come out on the other side you are happy to see
that you are no longer threatened by the black
28: after crossing the black field you see a medical
station that looks to be operational despite the
large infestation of aliens in the area. (Med tech
DC 14 or magic hack DC 16 can be used to get 3
med kits (cure light wounds potion) and an
adrenalin stimulant (+1 to AC, damage, attack, skill
checks, and Hp for 1d10+con modifier rounds).
29: as you begin to approach the massive but
lifeless engine two large aliens that you have never
seen before approach you, their forward most
appendages are mostly blades, used as frontal
legs, its eyes glare red and its misshapen rows of
teeth shine in the presence of a rising sun. Yes
thats right a sun is rising over a once useable
moon. In unison they let out a hideous roar. (2 hive
30: as you finally reach the engine you see that the
only thing stopping it from working are some black
nodes, they seem to be drawing energy from the
engine. A gargantuan alien lay dormant in the
rafters of the ceiling, the black veins seem to be
running to it, grotesquely pumping fluids of all
colors and consistencies to the creatures back; A
small, tube like appendage emerges from its chest,
a sickening black mass emerges from it and plops
to the ground; the smallest of aliens you have seen
has just formed in front of you, and is rapidly
growing, but it seems to be of no threat, for now.
The black veins look weak and would be easy to
break. (2 broodings emerge every 1d4 rounds, 2
hive underlings emerge every 1d6 rounds and 1
hive protector emerges every 2d10+4 rounds) if
the party destroys the veins (10 total with 5hp
each) the size gargantuan alien awakes and
attacks, the party stands no chance, this should be
made clear; the gargantuan figure awakes, it
dismounts itself from the rafters using its nine
arms, in unison its two separate mouths produce a

terrifying noise, one of which you will never be able

to fully describe; without hesitation it opens a hole
in its throat and lets out a gush of flaming liquid. In
case you were unaware, if you dont run youre
going to die. When they flee the alien gets stuck,
they have 10 rounds to get to the stairwell or they
die. The party can now return to the bridge, the
engine is working.
26 the second time: Adrenalin pounding and the
footsteps of a massive beast pounding even louder
in your ears, you snake your way up the stairs and
vents, this time it only takes half an hour to reach
the top. Out of breath from sprinting your fastest
you reach the last set of stairs. As you finally finish
ascending the stairwell you come to the doorway
blocking entry to the bridge, as you reach to open
it you notice a red light blinking on and off, it reads
bridge launched. The bridge is gone, the people
within have abandoned you. A female tone reaches
your ears AI now operational, main thrusters
engaged. Current course set for nearest sun.
Last order received 15 minutes ago. Now it
seems ever apparent that there is no way to
escape death, your help is gone, the elevator is
crushed, your headed into a sun burning over a
million degrees Celsius and a gargantuan alien is
chasing you. Only one hope of salvation remains.
An escape pod lays operational on the stairwell
bellow. Seeing as it is your only option you sink
down and enter the pod, the nearest destination, a
moon several hundred miles from here

Light Duro-space suite (padded armor)
Grey and white, this 3 inch thick padded suit was
built to negate general injury on a space ship, light
burns, cuts, dropping something heavy on your
foot etc.
Duro-space suite (leather armor)
Like the light Duro-space suite this suit is white
and grey, although not as thick this suit has a thin
plastic inlay in-between the pads of the suit.
Reinforced kobold hide (studded leather armor)
Using the rough horn studded skin of a kobold the
Duro-space company has created a thick, resistant
outer shell of protection for its crew.
Reinforced Duro-Space suit (chain shirt)
This suit is the heaviest of the Duro-space suit line;
grey with two blue stripes over the left shoulder,
this suit is basically a new age, light weight Kevlar.


Thick kobold hide (hide armor)

Using the same kobold hides as the Reinforced
kobold hide armor the Duro-space company
coated the thick kobold hide in a spray on version
of cydrobin, however in the attempt to make a
better piece of armor by reducing bulk size the
Duro-space company had to pull back on the
armor value
Cydrobin suit mark 1 (scale mail)
Using sheets of Cydrobin and plasteel (plastic
steel) wiring, this suit came to being as the most
resistant form of armor yet.
Cydrobin suit mark 2 (chain mail)
Rather than use large single sheets, Duro-space
decided to use overlapping rings of cydrobin to
make a more effective piece of armor
Cydrobin suit mark 3 (breastplate)
By creating one large thick plate of cydrobin Durospace created a more effective piece of armor,
however it was heavier and harder no move in
Reinforced cydrobin suit mark 3 (splint mail)
Using cydrobin strips and plasteel ingots Durospace made a more flexible armor, but they didnt
stop there, inserted between each strip was a
futuristic Kevlar inlay
Light cydrobin body armor (banded mail)
Using a similar design as the Reinforced cydrobin
suit the Duro-space company created the light
cydrobin body armor, more geared for combat and
slightly tempered to allow easier movement this
suit was the first to be specifically made for
Heavy cydrobin body armor (half-plate)
Although this armor does not completely cover all
parts of the users body it is by far the heaviest,
thickest set of armor yet, however it was not
tempered and so was difficult to navigate in.
Reinforced tempered heavy cydrobin body armor
By taking the chest design from the Cydrobin suit
mark 3 and layering it, and by taking the arm and
leg design from the Cydrobin suit mark 1 and
making it into thick layered plates. The reinforced
heavy suit was by far the most armored solution to
any combat. But it was too heavy and still did not
provide total protection, to fix this the Duro-space
company had the suit tempered to provide a more
flexible suite and then had reinforced kobold hide
made into an inlay for the suite. Easier to move in
and almost completely untouched by physical

attacks and ranged one alike the RTHCBA was the

final model of space armor made.
Air lock window (buckler)
Clear and made of plasteel this make-shift shield is
light and easy to keep at hand
Gore screen (light wooden shield)
Made to keep medics clean during surgery the
clean screen quickly got its nick-name The gore
Plexiglas shield (heavy wooden shield)
Made to keep rioters at bay these were given to
the wardens aboard
Light tactical shield (light steel shield)
Plexiglas wasnt enough it seems, Duro-space
made this shield out of plasteel rather then
Heavy tactical shield (heavy steel shield)
Bigger, better, and more durable, someone didnt
have faith in the last model it seems
Airlock door (tower shield)
Its a big door used to keep the force of space itself
at bay, hope this is just an extra laying around.

Wrench (light mace)
With an adjustable grip size this baby can unscrew
bolts and heads alike. About a 1 and foot long
and made of cydrobin this red and grey wrench is
any mans companion in space.
Lucky cydrobin pipe (heavy mace)
Several feet long this old tube has been modified
to hit hard and fast.
Stun spear (long sword {nonlethal})
With a long handle reaching 3 feet long the
electricity flows to the end were a thick blue
course of shocking energy maintains focus.
Stun baton (short sword {nonlethal})
Like the stun spear a clear blue cylinder of
electricity forms at the top, the only difference is
that this one is for up close and dirty combat due
to its short hilt.
Crow bar (short sword)
If you combine this weapon with your strength you
may be able to make a free man out of yourself,
working the blue shifts as a dock worker may be
hard work, it may even take half a life to get the
money you need. But look on the bright side; this 3
foot long hook nosed pipe can tear it up out there.
Large sharpened cydrobin tube (long sword)
This Large sharpened cydrobin pipe is 5 and a half
feet long, weighs about 20 pounds and is known


for its ability to cause serious harm to those its

used against.
Screw driver (dagger)
Yellow plasteel stock and a flat head end, good old
granddad always knew what a weapon was and
what a tool was. In this case it was both.
Casting staff (quarterstaff)
This stick is ceremonial to modern day wizards,
given to them as a form of degree to prove there
learned ways. Several feet tall and covered with
varying languages and colors of writing this staff is
holy almost to its user.
Mining laser, 2d6+1 damage, x3, burning, 60ft
range (30 shots)
This weapon looks like a pistol, its small body and
stock curve to form the grip of a hand. The red
glow of the laser cartridge emanates from the tip
of the barrel.
Rivet gun, 2d6+3 damage, x3, piercing, 40ft range
(30 shots{note that when found or given this
weapon gets 60 rivets, but can only shoot 30 per
laser battery})
Much like a nail gun in size and shape
this weapon was used for riveting in
sheets of metal to girders. Using laser
ammunition to heat the strong metal
rods they can burn their way through
most things.
Laser sticher, 3d6+1 nonlethal
damage, 19-20 x2, burning, 40ft
range (30 shots)
Almost like a handheld sewing
machine, with its quickly darting
needle and its thick plasteel thread
this tool was often used to create
accurate and quick stitches on a
patient in need. But a needle to the
eye is sometimes just as bad to a laser
blast to the chest.
Makeshift gunpowder gun, 1d6+5,
x3, piercing, 60ft range (30 shots)
Held together by gum string and
rubber bands alike this small gun
looks like nothing more than a curved
tube with a couple little knobs and a
cocking mechanism on it.
Stun laser 2d8+1 nonlethal damage,
x3, burning, 70ft range (30 shots)
This weapon is a rifle, long in the
barrel big the stock and precise on the

range, used most often to keep people at bay this

weapon is one of the few things on ship made to
kill or subdue.
Laser welder 1d6+2 damage, 19-20 x2, shoots 3
bursts per 1 successful attack, burning, 35ft range
(10 shots)
Often used as a welder as the name would imply
this mini flame thrower can bite. It shoots out a
long tube of flame at its target, burning and
scorching with precision.
Laser gun 2d8+1 damage, 19-20 x2, burning 80ft
range (30 shots)
Like the mining laser, only much more lethal.
Laser rifle 4d8+3, 19-20 x2, burning 100ft range
(30 shots)
Like the stun laser, only much more lethal.
Grenade 6d4 in a 20ft burst, x4, concussion, 40 ft
range (1 per use)
Just like a modern day fragmentation grenade by
design, only this ones shell is made of plasteel and
the explosive inside of it is 7 times more explosive
than modern day grenades.


Laser batteries (30 shots or 10 shots depending on
the weapon), (soda caps10 shots {gunpowder

The following classes are newly named from an
existing fantasy class to point you in the right
direction, along with some new ones.
Dock worker (Fighter) a dock worker is another
term for intense manual labor worker. Skilled in
the use of Crowbars, this is your go to class for up
close wild combat, brought onboard to lift crates
and brake barrels these men are tough and dont
need a gym. (Str, Dex, Con based)
Medic (Cleric) although future sciences are great
for healing this and that, medics use both surgery
and divine magic to help the party out (Wis, Str,
Cha based)
Cryptic (Rouge) although most are ex cons these
men are top notched programmers, plus they
probably know how to drive screwdriver into you.
Were they came from or how they got there is a
mystery but why there here is what you should be
more concerned about (Dex, Int, Con based)
Watchman (Ranger) although they may not know
much about how to fix a ship or program a droid
these men were assigned to keep order among the
crews, dont forget about their viscous animal
guards. (Str, Dex, Cha based)
Wiggly fingers (wizard) vast are there capabilities
in magic, Chinese black magic and making people
laugh are there side shticks; but dont test a wiggly
on a bad day, he can turn soy into bacon and back
if he wanted to. (Int, Wis based)
Cyborg (new) Strong yet agile, brave but not
stupid these commandos can do just about
anything with their army knife bodys, using
robotic implants and computer powered spells the
Cyborg is the handyman of the future. (Str, Con,
Cha based)
Engineer (new) Gun loving, robot building
scholarship wielding combatant, need a better
gun? Need a larger wrench? This guys got it all,
from axels to wheels; and trusts me, those are
probably the least deadly things in his arsenal (Int,
Dex, Cha based)
Judicators (paladin) these futuristic paladins are
zealots for the companies they work for, acting as
marshals on important investments the company
has, however because they no longer worship

gods companies developed Implants for paladins

to use to give them their powers (Str con cha
To quickly generate characters use the following
rule set:
Use stats, 18, 16, 14, 14, 12, 10 for your character
Assign max hit die health for first level
Equip all starting gear
And take a quick look over your spells and abilities
With these things in mind you will soon be playing
a well balanced character

Dock worker
Same as fighter except as follows
Gear: 1 crow-bar (short sword), 1 cydrobinoxidane
(cydrobin) suit mark 1 (scale mail),
1d6+1 credits, 1 mining laser, 1 laser battery (30
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Future tech

Same as cleric except as follows
New domains: Tech, Space
Tech domain
You gain the ability to upgrade weapons and
armor as would a 1 level engineer
1. Splice
2. Static implosion
3. Rewire
4. Magic repair
Space domain
You move full speed in 0G
1. Solitary calm
2. Free mind
3. Space warp
4. Isolate
Gear: 1 lucky cydrobin pipe (heavy mace {dont ask
why you carry it}) 1 reinforced Duro-space suite
(chain shirt) 2d6 credits, 1 laser sticher, 1 battery
(30 shots), and 1 gore screen (light wooden shield)
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Med tech
Magic virus

Same as rouge except as follows


Gear: 1 screw driver (dagger), 1 Duro-space suit

(leather armor), 1d6+2 credits, 1 makeshift
gunpowder gun, 30 bottle caps (30 shots)
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Code fix (open lock)
Decipher code (decipher script)

Level 1: bio-implant slot (for armor implants),

ranged weapon implant slot, risk factor
Level 2: AI aid
Level 3: bonus feat
Level 4: none
Level 5: eye implant slot
Bio-implant slot: Cyborgs can implant a chip in
there bio-implant slot to increase their armor,
however with said implant the Cyborg can wear
medium and light armor only.
Ranged weapon implant slot: This slot stands in for
the Cyborg ranged weapon. Although no different
from a normal weapon in terms of damage,
however the Cyborg gets a +2 bonus to attack.
Risk factor: based on the fact that the robot side of
your body and the organic side of your body live in
a symbiotic relationship, if you reach 0 hit points
your body can no longer sustain your robot body
and vice versa. In short you die at 0 hp
AI aid: get +1 to one stat at 2 level and every 6
levels after, 8 , 14 , 20
Bonus feat: at 3 level and every 7 levels after
Cyborg gets a bonus feat
Eye implant slot: the Cyborg gets a eye implant
slot, these have varying affects.
Gear: 1 large sharpened cydrobin tube (long
sword), 1 metal cyber implant (+1 natural AC
{attached to body, can be replaced}) 1 Reinforced
Duro-Space suit(chain shirt), 1d6+2 credits, 1 laser
welder (attached to arm, can be replaced) 1 laser
battery (10 shots)
Proficient with all simple and martial weapons,
and medium armor

Same as ranger except as follows
Gear: 1 stun spear (long sword {nonlethal}), 1 stun
baton (short sword {nonlethal}) 1 reinforced Durospace suite (chain shirt), 1d6 credits, 1 stun laser
{non-lethal}, 2 laser batteries (60 shots {nonlethal})
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Med tech
Cyber tech

Wiggly fingers
Same as wizard except as follows
Gear: 1 casting staff (quarterstaff), 1 light Durospace suite (padded armor), 3d4 credits
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Magic hack

Hit dice: d10
Skill points = (2+int mod) x2 for first level and 2+int
mod every level after
Saves: Fort=level, Ref=3/4 level starting at 1,
Will=1/2 level
Special abilities

Cyborg Progression Table:






0 level spells

1 level spells

2 level spells

3 level spells

4 level spells

1+cha mod

0+1/2 cha mod




-0=1/2 cha mod

1+1/2 cha mod
1+1/2 cha mod

--0+1/2 cha mod

1+1/2 cha mod

---0+1/2 cha mod


2+cha mod
1+ 1/2 cha mod
3+cha mod
2+1/2cha mod
4+cha mod
2+1/2 cha mod
4+cha mod
2+1/2 cha mod
Class skills (see new skills way below)
Cyber tech
Knowledge (robotics)
Use wire (use rope)


Hit dice: d6
Skill points = (4+int mod) x3 for first level and 4+int
mod every level after
Saves: Fort=3/4 level starting at 1, Ref=level,
Will=1/2 level
Special abilities
Level 1: sentry bot, upgrader
Level 2: none
Level 3: improved upgrader
Level 4: militia bot
Level 5: Bonus feat
Gear: 1 wrench (light mace) 1 reinforced kobold
hide (studded leather armor), 1d6 credits, 1 laser
gun, 1 laser battery (30 shots)
Proficient with all simple and martial weapons,
and light armor
Class skills
Cyber tech
Knowledge (robotics)
Code fix (open lock)
Sentry bot: at 1 level you get a size small robot;
its HD is 1d4 per engineer level. AC = 10+2 natural

+ engineer level. The sentry bot can attack with

the equivalent of a mining laser.
Upgrader: engineers can take a weapon and once
per day give it +1 to attack (limit once per weapon)
Improved upgrader: at 3 level engineers can give
a weapon +1 to attack and damage once per day
(limit once per weapon)
Militia bot: at 4 level you gain a militia bot to
replace your sentry bot, its HD is 1d6 per engineer
level. AC=10+4 natural armor + engineer level
Bonus feat: at 5 level and every 5 levels
afterward the engineer gets a bonus feat.

Same as paladin except as follows
Level 1: Power Implant
Gear: 1 Large sharpened cydrobin tube (long
sword), 1 Cydrobin suit mark 1 (scale mail), 1d8
credits, Mining laser, 1 laser battery (30 shots)
Class skills
Knowledge (xenotypes

Improved bot
Cybernetic knowledge
Sturdy hands
Future medicine
Zealot Xenophobe
0G training
0G fighting

must have a sentry bot, or militia bot
Int 13
Int 13
0G training

+1 to all bot saves, stats, attacks,
damage, and AC
+2 to all repair and cyber tech checks
+2 to repair and upgrade checks
+2 to med tech and heal checks
+2 to salvage and robotics check
plusses and minuses against aliens
plusses against aliens
no minuses when fighting in 0G
bonuses in 0g and 1g

There are no mounted feats
There are no craft feats
Feats regarding skills that have been renamed still affect those skills but in the new manner
Such feats as 0G training and such skills as repair, jump, climb, cyber tech, and code fix may not become useful
until the next installment, however getting these feats and skills now will build a basis for later.


Feat descriptions
Improved bot
Requires: a sentry bot or militia bot
Bonus: your bot receives +1 to all stats, saves, AC,
attack, and damage.
Cybernetic knowledge
Requires: Int 13
Bonus: +2 to all repair and cyber tech checks.
Sturdy hands
Requires: None
Bonus: +2 to repair and upgrade checks.
Future medicine
Requires: none
Bonuses: +2 to med tech and heal checks.

Cyborg spells
0 level spells
Spark: 1d4 burning damage to one target as a
ranged touch, no save (20 foot range). You raise
your robotic hand, the tip of one of your fingers
opens like a lighter cap and spouts forth a small
electrical zap.
Heat vision: see using heat vision out to 60ft for
1d4+Cha mod rounds (this includes through walls,
meaning that if aliens are going to emerge from an
area and you have this spell active you know that
they are there). By switching on your internal eye
modification you can see heat rather than color
and depth.

1 level spells
Requires: Int 13
Bonus: +2 to salvage and robotics check.
Requires: none
Bonus: +1 to AC and saves against aliens, -1 to
attack and damage against aliens.
Zealot Xenophobe
Require: Xenophobe
Bonus: +2 to AC and saves against aliens, +1 to
attack and damage against aliens.
0G training
Requires: None
Bonus: take no minuses when fighting in or moving
through a 0G environment.
0G fighting
Requires: 0G training
Bonus: when fighting in or moving through a 0G
environment get +1 AC and Attack and no minus
to movement. When in 1G get +1 to damage and
+5ft of movement.

Repair minor injury: can heal self or other robots

for 1d8+cha mod points (touch only, +2 to healing
if you use a metal scrap). By focusing yourself you
are able to rewire and piece together broken
Laser targeting: automatic 20 on next ranged
attack for one party member of choice. A red light
makes a straight line for your target, pointing out
the best path of fire.
Made of cydrobin: gain hardness 5 for 1d4+cha
mod rounds. You force your body to redirect its
various panels and non essential wires to form a
barrier of metal and plastic.

2 level spells
Tacticians code: for every turn that the enemy
does not go your party gets +1 to attack and
damage, lasts until chain is broken. By using a
small variety of military terms and hand
movements you direct your party with flawless
You need a bigger gun: bonus 1d6+cha mod
damage on next attack. By rerouting power to
your arms or ranged implant weapon you
strengthen you blow or power charge your laser.



3 level spells
Hologram: deploys a mirror image of you,
attacking aliens must make a sense motive check
DC equal to 10 + 1/2 Cyborg level + cha mod, or
they may attack it not realizing its fake, hologram
has 10+ cha mod HP. You deploy a small square
object from one of your robotic forearm, the chip
creates a 3d image of you, the image can make
noise and make movements but cannot move out
of its 5 foot square.
Crushing arm: do 2d10 damage to nonliving
object. Being part machine you are naturally able
to find pressure point like spots on items.

4 level spells
Repair moderate injury: can heal self or other
robots for 2d8+cha mod points (touch only +2
healing if you use a piece of scrap metal). Rather
than attempt to patch up your target you actually
thin out certain parts of the technology and wiring
to redistribute material to the needed place.

New Monsters
Hive Underling
Size small xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit dice: 2d12+4 (16hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40ft. (8 squares)
AC: 14 (+2 dex +2 natural +1 ranged weapons)
Touch 12 Ranged-touch 13 Flat-footed 12
Ranged 15
Base Attack/Grapple +2/+3
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Full attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 ranged
weapons, adaptive, hive mind
Saves: Fort +2, Ref+3, Will -2
Abilities: Str 14, dex 14, con 14, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha
Skills: Hide +6, Move silently +6, climb +4, jump
+4, spot +2, listen +2
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: pair, group (3-5), swarm (6-10),

horde (12-20) or hive (22-40)

Challenge rating: 1
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance Wrench and 2
pieces of scrap metal
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 4-5 HD (Hive warrior)
Small and fast this creature resembles a mix of
species and colors, red black blue grey and
sometimes green run across its skin. Although only
about 2-3 feet tall these creatures have teeth up to
5 inches long. Its head is reptilian in shape but a
set of cat like eyes glare from its eye slits. Its body
somewhat qualifies as a humanoid figure, two legs
two arms and walking upright yes. But its chest
looks like the carapace of a beetle. Its two arms
are serrated along the forearm. The fingers are
very sharp and pointed at the ends, though only
two of these said fingers emerge from its hand.
Their legs are best described as thin and meek
looking, but there power is pronounced when the
creature shifts and you see the large cords of
muscle stricken. Its three sharpened talons
protrude from its feet. Arched like a raptors.

Hive Warrior
Size medium xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit Dice: 4d12+8 (32 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC: 15 (+1 dex +4 natural +2 melee) Touch 13
Ranged-touch 11 Flat-footed 14 Melee 17
Base Attack/ Grapple +3/+5
Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d6/x2) or Bite +4 melee
Full Attack: Claw +8 (1d6/x2) and Bite +4melee
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 melee
weapons, adaptive, hive mind, blurred movement
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will 0
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha

Skills: Hide +6, Move silently +6, Climb +6, jump

+6, Spot +4, Listen +4
Environment: any
Organization, solitary, pair, patrol (3-4) squad (1-3
hive warriors plus 1-4 hive underling)
Challenge rating: 2
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance 4 pieces of
scrap metal
Alignment: Always chaotic evil


Advancement: 6-10 HD (Hive Defender)

Taller than its underlings and much more
threatening this creature is by far the superior to
any predatory animal that you have seen or heard
of. Blue black red grey and green still mix in their
color, appearing like random paint blotches on a
black canvas. Its back arches forward, the strange
alignment in the muscles can be seen as they
tighten, waiting to strike. Like there underlings
there head is of reptilian descent and their eyes are
long and slit. Its beetle like chest carapace and its
arms are noticeably thicker and much more
dangerous. The once serrated edges of their
forearms have grown to long blade like features.
its legs are longer and larger than its predecessors,
and rather than three sharp toes this horror has 4
barbed and spiked toes protruding from its ankle.
Needless to say this 4-5 foot tall thing is a creature
of skill and gore. Pronounced most by its almost
foot long razor sharp teeth.

Cystic Underling
Size small xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit Dice: 2d12+4 (16 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
AC: 14 (+2 dex +2 natural +1 ranged weapons)
Touch 12 Ranged-touch 13 Flat-footed 12
Ranged 15
Base Attack/Grapple +2/+3
Attack: Acid spit +4 ranged (1d6-1 acid damage/x3)
Full attack: Acid spit +4 ranged (1d6-1 acid
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 ranged
weapons, adaptive, hive mind
Saves: Fort +2, Ref+3, Will -2
Abilities: Str 14, dex 14, con 14, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha
Skills: Hide +6, Move silently +6, climb +4, jump
+4, spot +2, listen +2
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: pair, group (3-5), swarm (6-10), or
horde (12-20)
Challenge rating: 1
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance Wrench and 2
pieces of scrap metal
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 4-5 HD (cystic warrior)
Small and fast this creature resembles a mix of
species and colors, bright green blotches run

across its black skin, a yellow like vapor runs from

its nostrils. Although only about 2-3 feet tall these
creatures have teeth up to 5 inches long. Its head is
reptilian in shape but a set of cat like eyes glare
from its eye slits. Its body somewhat qualifies as a
humanoid figure, two legs two arms and walking
upright yes. But its chest looks like the carapace of
a beetle. Its two arms are serrated along the
forearm. The fingers are very sharp and pointed at
the ends, though only two of these said fingers
emerge from its hand. Their legs are best described
as thin and meek looking, but there power is
pronounced when the creature shifts and you see
the large cords of muscle stricken. Its three
sharpened talons protrude from its feet. Arched
like a raptors.

Hive Broodling
Size Small xenotype (adaptive, hostile, hive)
Hit Dice: 1d12+1 (7 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 50 Ft. (10 squares)
AC 13 (+2 dex +1 natural) Touch 12 Flat footed 11
Base Attack/ Grapple +1/+1
Attack: Claw +2 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Full Attack: Claw +2 melee (1d6-2/x2)
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: xenotype traits, DR/5 ranged
weapons, adaptive, hive mind, Swarm group
Saves: Fort +1, Ref+2, Will -2
Abilities: Str 12, dex 14, con 12, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha
Skills: Hide +4, Move silently +4, climb +2, jump
+2, spot +1, listen +1
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: swarm (6-10), horde (12-20) or hive
Challenge rating: 1/3
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance 2 pieces of
scrap metal
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 2-3 HD (hive underling)
At only 1-2 feet tall these creatures most resemble
beetles. There carapace covers most of their body,
surrounded by sticky goo these look freshly
hatched or born. There body is hard to discern
based on these features. only one thing is sure,
there small arms and sharp claws combined with
their teeth are a force to be reckoned with.


Size medium humanoids
Hit dice: 2d6+4 (10)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC: 15 (+2 dex +2 natural +1 armor) Touch 12 Flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple +2/+3
Attack: Wrench +3 melee (1d6+1 19-20/x2)
Full attack: Wrench +3 melee (1d6+1 19-20 /x2)
Space/Reach 5ft. /5ft
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: none
Saves: Fort +2, Ref+3, Will -2
Abilities: Str 12, dex 12, con 12, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha10
Skills: Hide +4, Move silently +4, climb +4, jump +4
Feats: none
Environment: any
Organization: pair or group (3-5)
Challenge rating: 1
Treasure: 1d6 credits, 25% chance Wrench
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: none
These men of different race and social standing have banded together and formed a gang in order to survive,
wearing assorted clothing and lots of it they manage to make a durable suit of cloth armor, nothing a blaster
cant burn through though.


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