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Phylum : Platyhelminthes

: Trematoda
. Intestinal species
.Fasciolopsis buski
. Heterophyes heterophyes
. Metagonimus yokogawai

. Liver species
. Fasciola hepatica / Fasciola gigantic
. Clonorchis sinensis

. Lung species
. Paragonimus wastermani
.Blood species

.Schistosoma haematobium
.Schistosoma mansoni
.Shsistosoma japonicum

General characteristics


1-Trematodes are unsegmented helminthes which are flat

and broad resembling the leaf of a tree or flat fish.
2-they vary in size from the species just visible .1
to the naked eye[like Heterophyes ] to the
large fleshy fluke [like Fasciola hepatica ] .
3-Flukes are hermaphroditic [monocious] except for
Shistosomes in which the sexes are separated .
4-A conspicuous feature is the presence of muscular
cup-shaped suckers [the structure by which the worm
attached to the host] . *the oral sucker surrounding the
mouth,[the oral or the anterior sucker ] at the anterior
end .*the ventral sucker [or Acetabulum] in the middle
ventrally .
5- The body is covered by integument which often bears
spines, papillae or tubercles .
6- They have no body cavity ,circulatory or respiratory
organs .
7-The alimentary system consist of ;* Mouth surrounded by oral
sucker.* A muscular pharynx and* esophagus which bifurcates
anterior to the acetabulum to form two blind caeca [which reunite in
some species], the alimentary canal therefore appears like inverted
and the anus is absent .
8-The excretory system consist of flam cells and
collecting tubules which lead to median bladder
opening posteriorly .

9-There is a rudimentary nervous system consist of two lateral

ganglion in the region of pharynx, connecting by dorsal
commissures.From each ganglion arise anterior and posterior
longitudinal nerve trunks connected by numerous commissures
,[sense organs are almost lacking].
10- The reproductive system is well developed ,the
hermaphroditic flukes have both male and female
structures so that self fertilization takes place[though in
many species ,cross fertilization also occur] .In the
Schistosomes the sexes are separated but male and
female live in close apposition [in copula ], the female
fitting snugly into the folded ventral surface of the male
which form the gynaecophoric canal.
11-The trematodes are oviparous and lay eggs which are
operculated, except in the case of Schistosomes .
12-The eggs hatch in water to form the first stage larvae, the motile
ciliated Miracidium[Greck a little boy] .T he miracidium infects the
intermediate host Snail in which further development take place ,the
miracidium shed its cilia and becomes sac-like Sporocyst[meaning
bladder containing seeds].Within the sporocyst,certain cells
proliferate to form the Germ balls which are responsible for asexual
replication . In Schistosomes the sporocyst develops into second
generation sporocyst in which infective larvae Cercariae are
fomed.But in the hermaphroditic trematodes, the sporocyst mature
to more complex larval stage named Redia, which produce cercariae.
Cercariae are tailed larvae;
-In schistosomes have a Forked tail and infect the definitive host by
direct skin peneteration [The cercaria ] .


- In the hermaphroditic flukes,the cercariae have an unsplit tail, and

they encyst on vegetable or within a second intermediated host ,fish
,or crab to form Metacercariae which are the infective forms.
13-Infection is acquired by ingestion metacercariae encysted on
vegetables[ Fasciola hepatica, fasciola gigantic and fasciolopsis buski],
in fish[Clonorchis sinensis and Heterophyes heterophyes] or
crabs[Paragonimus westermani].The asexual replication during larval
development is of great magnitude and in some species,a single
miracidium may give rise to over half a million cercariae .

The adult form of all hermaphroditic flukes infecting humans live in
the lumen of the biliary ,intestinal or respiratory tracts . This location
affords the parasites considerable protection from host defense
mechanisim and also facilitates dispersal of eggs to the
environment.[Flukes inhabiting the human biliary tract are Fasciola
hepatica/Fasciola gigantic ,Clonorchis sinensis ,less often opisthorchis
species and rarely Dicrocoelium dendriticum]
Fasciola gigantic,very rarely infects humans[reported cases are
mainly from Africa].The life cycle, transmission,morphology, clinical
presentation and treatment of the F.gigantica trematode and its
infection are very similar to those of F.hepatica .

Fasciola hepatica [or sheep liver Fluke]

Is the largest and most common liver fluke found in human,but its
primary host is the sheep[and to less extent cattle].




It is worldwide in distributions ,being found mainly in sheep-raising

area[it causes the economically important disease"Liver rot" in sheep
].In addition, the disease, Fascioliasis, now recognized as an emerging
human disease .
Adult worm:
1-It is a large leaf-shaped fleshy fluke 300 mm long, 15 mm broad .
2- Grey or brown in color.
3-The anterior end of the parasite forms a conical projection that
broadens at the shoulders,then gradually narrows towards the
posterior end. At the narrow tip of the conical projection is the
muscular oral sucker , which surrounds the mouth of the parasite.
The oral sucker is 1 mm in diameter and the ventral sucker which
lies close behind it is about 1.6 mm .
4- lives in the biliary tract of D.H for many years [about 5 years in
sheep and to 10 years in human ]
The eggs: Large ,ovoid ,operculated , bile stained and about 140 x 80
micro-meter in size.

Life cycle;
Eggs are laid in the biliary passage and

shed in feces

water [ in egg

embryo mature in 10 days-formation of miracidium - ] miracidium escape

from egg

miracidium penetrates tissues of I.H[snail of

genus lymnaea in about 1-2 months]
Sporocst [ in snail]
miracidium progress through sporocyst to first and second generation of redia ]

Cercariae[in side redia ]


escape[from snail] to water

Cer. Encyst on aquatic
vegetation [or blades of grass]
Cercaria become
Metacercaria [infective Stage,survive long period ]
Man or sheep[Eating

water vegetation containing Metacercaria ]

Metacercaria excyst in duodenum pierce gut wall

peritoneal cavity
Liver travers liver parenchyma
Biliary passage,where they mature into adult worm in 3-4
months[the adult flukes live in the large biliary ducts of the mammalian host ]

Clinical Features ;
The disease caused by the F.hepatica called Fascioliasis[also called
Fasciolosis, Distomasis,Sheep liver rot ].Most clinical manifestations are
related to the migration of larva to and within liver until reaching the
final and its dwelling place to live in .
With this disease , it is not abnormal to find some or all of the following
clinical manifestations;Epigastric pain, fever, diarrhea, Jaundice, anemia
,urticaria ,Eosinophelia ,arthralgia ,vomiting,and nausea.etc.
*Eosinophelia is present with all infections at all stages and can be used
as diagnostic feature in ectopic and early stage of infection when eggs
are not be present in stool {fluke eggs are detectable in feces 8-12
weeks post infection, or even 4 months} .

Acute phase of infection.; Is rarely seen in humans and occur only

when large number of metacercariae are ingested at once.
Symptoms{the most frequent}* Fever,*eosinophilia,* tender
hepatomegaly and *abdominal pain.{The first three form a traid of
symptomps of diagnostic importance in endemic area } .


Chronic phase; Occurs when flukes gain access to the bile duct and
cause Obstruction and inflammation of the bile duct.
Symptoms ; Bilary cholic ,abdominal pain ,tender hepatomegaly
,jaundice , And in children severe anemia .
These symptomps reflect the biliary obstructiom and inflammation
caused by the presence of the large adult worms and their metabolic
waste in the bile duct. Inflammation of the bile duct eventually leads to
Fibrosis and condition called Pipestem Liver { a term describing the
white appearance of the biliary ducts after fibrosis}. The final outcome
of severe infection is Portal cirrhosis and even death.

Halzoun; The condition commonly known as halzoun is type of

F.hepatica infection in which the worm settles in the Pharynx .{this
occurs when an individual consumes infected raw liver,the young adult
worms there attach themselves to the pharyngeal mucosa which
cause; * Considerable pain ,* Edema[may lead to dysphagia] and
*Bleeding[That can interfere with respiration causing "possibly" air
way obstruction rarely asphyxia-] .

Ectopic Infections:
Ectopic infections through normal transmission are infrequent but
can occur in; The peritoneal cavity, Intestinal wall , Lung
,Subcutaneous tissue and very rarely in other location .

Complications[of fasciolosis ]

May be; Pancreatits ,Anemia[especially in children]

,Cholangiogarcinoma [occur rarely]. Cholelithiasis is a common late
complication in Fascioliasis.

The definitive and most widely used form of diagnosis is the
directly observed presence of F.hepatica eggs either in stool
sample,dudonel aspirate or biliary aspirate[Fluke begin produce
eggs until roughly 4 months from infection ]
*Eosinophilia is constantly present .
*serological test like FAST ELIZA [is useful].Because the fluke eggs are
detectable in feces 8-12 weeks post infection ,it is preferable to use
this fast serological test.Since specific antibodies are recognized ,by this
technic, from 2- 4 weeks post infection.Fast Eliza can also used to
confirm effective cure ,as antibody levels return to normal level 6- 12
months after the cessation of infection.

False diagnosis;
May be due to 1-Halzoun.
2-Ectopic infection.
3-Eggs of F.hepatica ,F.gigantica and Fasciolopsis
buski are indistinguishable.

Along with pharmaceutical therapy, surgery may be necessary in
very extreme cases to clean the biliary tract.



The following consideration can limit the infection:


1-Health education.
2-Preventing pollution of water sources with sheep ,cattle and
human feces .
3-Proper disinfection of water crass and other water vegetations
before consumption.*washing of water grown vegetable with 6./.
vinegar or potassium permanganate [5-10 minutes] which kill the
encysted cercaria.*Cook water grown vegetables thoroughly before
eating .*Use of molluscicide is the most frequent public health
intervention ,as it prevent the transmission of many other
trematodes .*Treatment of animals to reduce the reservoir .

Clonorchis sinensis

;[chines Liver fluke]

Clonorchiasis[name of the disease] is endemic in far east
especially in Korea ,Japan , Taiwan and south china .*I t hase been
reported in non endemic areas[including the the united states] .in
such cases , the infections found in Asian immigrants ,or following
ingestion of imported under cooked or pickled fresh water fish
containing Metacercaria .

Inhabitancy; the parasite live in the liver of humans and is found

in the common bile duct and Gall bladder feeding on bile[Belived to
be the third most prevalent worm parasite in the world] .

Morphology and life cycle;

The adult worm, live in the human biliary tract [for 15 years or
more],it has a flate transparent body ,spatulated ,pointed anterioly

and rounded posteriorly.Man is the principal D.H ,but dog and

other fish eating canines are reservoir .

The eggs; are broadly ovoid 30 X 15 micrometers with a yellowish

brown shell , it hase an operculum at one pole and a small hook
like spine at the other .

Life cycle;

Eggs passed in feces[containing the ciliated miracidium]


miracidium not hatch in water .But only when ingested by snail

Ingested,by suitable I.H.[snail as bulimus,1 st I.H] MIR.develops

through sporocyst Redia stages[ 1st and 2nd generation] 3 weks
Lophecerus cercaria[with large fluted tail] Escape from the snail [
1st I.H.] Suitable fresh water fish of the carp family[2nd
I.H] where cercaria shed their tail and encyst under the scales of the fish or in
the flesh. Cercaria become Metacercaria[infective stage] in 3 weeks on fish

Man[when fish eaten raw or inadequate processed] Metacercaria

Duodenum of D.H[excystment]
bile duct
Distal bile capillaries,[where they
become mature in one month-i.e. Adult ] .


The disease is Clonorchiasis .Migration of larva and then

dwelling in the bile duct induces an inflammatory reaction
,epithelial hyperplasia and sometime even cholangiocarcinoma . -10-

The adult worm[or even its eggs] may cause obstruction of the bile
duct leading to biliary obstruction and Cholangitis .

Patients in the early stage have;Fever,epigastric

pain,diarrhea,tender hepatomegaly,nausea,vomiting. this is followed

by ; Biliary colic, jaundice[skin and eyes],and progressive liver


Notes;Many infections are asymptomatic,Chronic infection

may result in calculus formation,A Few cases go on to biliary
cirrhosis and portal hypertension ,Some patients with chronic
clonorchiasis tend to become biliary carriers of Typhoid baccilli
-The eggs may be demonstrated in feces or aspirated bile[ entero
test is useful for duodenal aspirate]
- Eggs do not float in concentrated saline.
- Indirect haemagglutination with a saline extract of etherized
worms is specific and sensitive.
- Intradermal allergic test.

*Proper cooking of fish can prevent the infection,*Health
education,*Proper disposal of feces ,*Snails control measurement help
to limit the infection in endemic areas .

Note;Infection may also occur through fingers or cooking utensil

contaminated with metacercaria[Frozen,dried,or pickled fish may act as
source of infection]


Intestinal Flukes;


A number of flukes parasite the human small intestine

include Fasiolopsis buski[ the large intestinal fluke ]
Distrubtion;*Also called the giant intestinal fluke[it is the largest
trematode infecting man].*It is a common parasite of man and
pigs in china .* It is prevelant in Asia ,mainly central and south

Morphology;* A large fleshy worm 20- 75 mm long, 8- 20 mm

broad.* It is elongated ,ovoid , Leaf-shaped ,dorsa-ventrally
flattend.* It is characterized by blunt anterior end ,it has no
cephalic cone as in Fasciola hepatica ,with a small oral sucker and
large acetabulum .* Undulating un branched ceca.* Dentritic testes
, Branched ovary.*It has extensive vitelline follicles.* lives in the
duodenum or jejunum and when abundant can be found in the
lower areas of the intestine and stomach.

The eggs; *The typical;* Ovoid measures 130-140 micr.m X 78-85

mic .m.* Consist of an oblong undeveloped Miracidium,Equipped
with a distinct operculum. It is indistinguishable from those of
Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantic.

The life cycle;

Eggs are laid in the lumen of the intestine[25,000/day]
Passed in Feces

In water [Hatched

after 6 weeks]

Miracidium [swim about ]

Suitable I.H,Snail of
genus Segmentina [penetrate its tissue]. Develops into Sporocyst
[inside snail ] in few weeks First and second generation
Cercaria [inside 2nd generation of Redia] escape

Cercaria encyst on lotus root[or other

Aquatic vegetation]
Metacercaria eaten by man [with
Met.C.in duodenum Excyst.in duodenum
Attached to the mucosa
Develops into adult
from snail

[in about three months].

*The adult worm has life span of 6 -12 months .

*Metacercaria may exist not only on aquatic plants but
also on the surface of the water.

Pathogenicity; the disease called ' Fasciolopsiasis' .

The pathogenesis of Fassciolopsiasis is due to Traumatic,
Mechanical, and Toxic effects .
*Most infected persons are asymptomatic .
*The initial symptoms are diarrhea and abdominal pain.
*Larva that attach to duodenal and jejunal mucosa cause inflammation
and local ulceration .
*Adult worm ,in heavy infection ,cause partial obstruction of the bowel.
*Toxic and allergic symptoms appear usually as,Aedema , ascites
,anemia ,prostration ,Persistent diarrhea ,Sensitization [caused by
absorption of worm allergenic metabolites which may eventually
cause death of patients ]


or residence in endemic area suggest the diagnosis

which is confirmed by.*Demonstration of the eggs in feces* and/ or

demonstration of adult worms after administration of a purgative.

*Adequate washing of water vegetables[preferably in hot water].
*Preventing contamination of ponds and other water with human
and pigs excretion .*Sterilization of night-soil before use as
fertilizer .* Antis nail measures helps in limiting the infection .



* It has been found, in some countries ,that the incidence

of infection was prevalent in females and children ages of 10 -14 years
of age.*Disease predominantly occur in some countries of Asia ,
especially in areas where humans raise pigs and consume raw aquatic
plant .


Heterophyes heterophyes
Morphology ; It is the smallest trematode parasite of man ,1.5 X
0.3 mm,it has an elongate ovoid shape and grayish in color .The
tegument is covered by fine scale like spines ,most numerous at
the anterior end. The oral sucker is much smaller than the ventral
sucker.A genital sucker 'gonotyl' lies near the left posterior margin
of the ventral sucker. The tubular excretory bladder lies in the
posterior 5th of the body. Two ovoid testes lies side by side near
the posterior end of the body. Adults attached to the wall of the
jejunum and upper ileum.

Eggs; Are brown and of the size of 30 X15 micr.m. These resemble
the eggs of Clonorchis sinesis , except that the terminal knob is
not distinct .

Life cycle; The minute operculated eggs are passed in feces and
hatch after ingestion by I.H.[suitable water snail ] . After passing
through the sporocyst and one or two redial stages , the cercaria
escape and encyst on suitable fishes , such as mullet and tilapia[or
other various fresh water fishes ].
Fish eaten raw or
inadequately cooked
the definitive host become

Pathogenicity; The disease called Heterophyiasis .


Light infections are usually asymptomatic. In heavy infection, in the

small intestine it can induce colicky pain and mucous diarrhea .
*Occasinoly , the worm burrow into the gut mucosa, and their eggs are
carried in the lymphatic and portal circulation to ectopic site such as ;
Brain, Spinal cord ,Myocardium .Where they induce granulomas [rarely
the worms may be carried to these sites as emboli ].

Diagnosis; Diagnosis done by stool examination is difficult when adult

worms are not present because eggs are hard to distinguish from the
eggs of Clonorchis sineses.

Lung flukes
Paragonimus westermani.
Distrubtion; Most prominent in Asia and south America.It
infects an estimated 22 million people worldwide.

* Adult worm of about 10X5mm and 4mm thickness , live in the
lung[usually in pairs in cystic spaces that communicate with bronchi],
with life span of about 20 years.*Size, shape, and color resemble a
coffee-bean when alive.*The skin of the worm[tegument] is heavily
covered with scale like spines[the oral and ventral sucker are similar in
size ] .*The lobed testes are adjacent from each other ,located at the
posterior end and the lobed ovaries are off-centered near the center of
the worm[located anterior to the two branching testes]*The uterus is
located in a tight coil to the right of the acetabulum, which is connected
to vas deferens.*The vitelline glands , which produce the yolk for the
eggs are wild spread in the lateral field from the pharynx to posterior


The eggs; are ovoid [or elongated],100X50 micr.m, golden brown, -16
operculated with a thick shell',the thickness is very clear on the site
opposite to that of operculum' .

Life cycle; Eggs escape into the bronchi and are coughed up
and voided in sputum[or swallowed and pass in feces]
Hatch Free swimming Miracidium Penerteat Molluscan
snail[1st IM.H] Several developmental stages Sporocyst, redia,[in snail] .several
Many Cercaria [Microcercus .I.e. having a short tail]
Drawn into

The gill chambers of 2nd IM.H.{crabs,cray

fish,others} encystment in gill or muscles as Metacercaria

Duodenum {D.H.} After eating of 2nd I.H.[raw] . excyst in duodenum

Adolescaria Penetrate gut wall Diaphragm

near the bronchi [where they encapsulated] and develop into adult in 2-3

Notes;* The worm is hermaphroditic but usually it takes two for

fertilization.*Sometimes the migrating larvae lose their way and
going to ectopic sites as mesentry,groin or brain, striated muscles .

Pathogenecity; The disease called Paragonimiasis.

The clinical manifestation of the disease are associated with the organ
invaded by the parasite , but most clinical manifestations are pulmonary
as the lungs are the most commonly invaded[the parasite can produce
lesions in the central nervous system ,abdominal cavity,skin and few
other locations].Once in the lung or ectopic site , the worm stimulates
an inflammatory response that allow it to cover itself in granulation
tissue forming capsules.In the lung the worm lie in cystic spaces

surrounded by a fibrous capsule formed by the host tissue [the cyst

about 1 cm in diam.,are usually in communication with a bronchus].

*Inflammatory reaction to the worms and their eggs lead

to,Peribronchial granulomatous lesions , Cystic dilatation of the bronchi,
Abscesses ,Pneumoitis.

Acute phase of the disease [period of invasion and migration of larvae]

may marked by: Pulmonary abnormality ,Hepatosplenomegaly ,
Eosinophilia , Cough , Urticaria ,abdominal pain , Diarrhea ,Fever .

Chronic phase [pulmonary manifestation] include:Cough

,Hemoptysis , Chest-radiographic abnormalities ,Expectoration of
discolored sputum[the color being caused by expectorated clusters of
reddish brown eggs rather than blood ].Cases may resemble

"Pulmonary tuberculosis" .

Paragonimiasis may also be extrapulmonary But the clinical features

varying with the site affected, examples:*In the abdominal type there
may be abdominal pain and diarrhea.*The cerebral type resembles
Cysticercosis and may cause Jacksonian epilepsy.*The glandular
involvement causes fever and multiple Abscesses .

Diagnosis: *Demonstration of the eggs in sputum or fecse provide

definitives evidence. *Complement fixation test is positive only during
and shortly after active infection .* Intradermal test is useful because it
remains positive for much longer period than C.F.T.


Prophylaxis:*Adeguate cooking of crabs and crayfish .*Washing

of hand after preparing them for food can prevent human

Some useful notes:*Eggs are present in stool or sputum 2-3

months after infection. *Many other species of paragonimus
which normally live in animals can on occasion infect
man.*Paragonimiasis can commonly be misdiagnosed as

Tuberculosis .


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