AE - Waite. .Grade - Of.philosophus

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' I 1J











The arrange~lzent of tlzc Temple i s slzew?z i n the Oficial
Diagram of the First P o i d
T h e Cdcbra~ztsor Oficers of this Gradc arc tlze Master of
tlzc Temple, rlze Warden and Guide of the Paths, i u
addition to the Ostiarius, being the last C a d d a t e who
has a t m i d ndva~zccmc~tt

I f tlte T e ~ n p l eshould not ltavc been opc~tcdPreviously in o m

of thc Lower Gradcs, the ccrcmonial v c s t i q of Ojiicrs
and Mcntbcrs, the Imocalion or Prayer ad the Easl and
L ~f~crfor~~tcd
as e ~ I ~ i 6 i l c d
the assoilmcnt of t l ~ cT C ~ Jarc

The Maslcr of tltc TmzPlc assumes his Throne, holding lJzc

W a n d of his Ofccs. T h ollzcr CclcDra?tts repair lo
~lzeirstntions, a d tlzc Ordiuary Brdlrrcn are r u n g d
North and South, accordiltg to tlzc prccccle~tce o f lltcir
Grades. All Mc1tt6evs arc s c a l d , and a slzorl period
of inward rccoUcclio~tfollows.

;Ilrrsfo. of ~ / I C
order, 171-atrcsct Sororcs,
in the union of consccratcd wills. Tlw Grace of the
Lord bc with us, the Light of the Lord bc with US, tllc
Holy Spirit of tlic Most High GOD be with us hcncefor-th and for cver. In I-lis Name M'ho is Icing of tllc
IIcavcnly Armics, assist me to opcn thc Templc which
\vc have built for His scrvicc in thc Gradc of Philosoplius.
. . . . . Fratcr Ostiarius, in tlic spirit of conformity,
I dircct you to scc that this I-Iousc of t l x Iiosy Cross is
~ u a r d c dagainst the spirit of the world.

thc will of thc world and

the \\;ill of unrcconcilcd 111~11,it is closcd, 0 Mastcr of
the Tcrnplc.
i Y m f c r 0slict~ius.-Against

tllc will of GOD and to

those who arc born of GOD, be it opcn for cver, my
Ercthrcn. . . . I-Ionourable Guide of the Paths, assure
yoursclf that all present have bccn establisl~cdin thc
solemn dedication of tliis Gradc of IVisdom.
X n s l c r of fhc Tci12filc.-To

Guide of Ihc Paths.--17ratrcs ct Sororcs, by ihc iourfold bond of our I;cllo\vship and Ihc yoke of thc ICosy
Cross, I dcnlnncl illc S i ~ nol a I ~ l ~ i l o s o p h ~ ~ s .

G Z L L o~ Lj the
' P(zt/ls.-Honourable nlIastcr of tlic Tcmplc,
they 11avc given rnc the Sign of tllc will restored in purity.

Mtrslcr of tlzc Tc~u$e.--Unto them bc fruit ion tllcrein,

and tllc Sacrcd SEPHIRA NETZACII dcclarcd in tllc
spirit of the Urotherhood. J EI-IOVAII TZAEAOTH,
COD of tllc Great Arnlies, give us joy in the sight of

IYardcn of tlzc Tci?lplc.-May the gift of undcrstandi~~g

i r ~our symbols and the ful~icssof their inward ~ncaning
I)c rencwcd in tlic spirit of thc I~cllowsl~ip.Lct us
dcclarc the Mystcry of this Gradc in the sacrarncntal
attributions tlicrcof.

Alastcr of tlic Tmz@c.-The Grade of Philosopl~usis

tllc Gradc of tllc SEPIIIIIA NETZACH, and it is in
symbolical a t tribution-wi th the
inacrocosmic clcrnent 01 Firc. But this is tlie Fire of
I3rigI1tncss, symbolising- tllc wilI of man in its union with
the Divine Will.
W a r d c ? ~of Ihc Tc~i~plc.--Tl~cstar of thc Philosophical
Gradc is the planct Venus spiritualiscd, and great is
thc mystcry thereof. EST ORINIS ANIRIAVENUS, i11
which doctrine is the secret of the Second Birth and the
Scicncc of Union.

Guitlc of lltc Pdhs.-Tllc W a y of Attainment is tlic

\Yay of I'rogrcssion in tlic Trcc by t11c Path of PE, cvcn
unto the Victory wliicli is XETZACH and i l ~ eprcscncc
of S H E K I N A H tlicrein as the \\Wte Rosc of our
Purpose, awaiting our rebirth in GOD.
A.(us~ct*of 1Lc T~~iplc.--j--Opcn the Gatc, 0 Lord, by
which we sllall go out of our exile.

Maslcv of lltc Tcrri.plc.-l\'c h a w worshipped Thcc as

ELOHIM TZABAOTII on the side of Thy Justice, and
we have seen Thy Glory, whicli is NOD. We adore
Thee as JEI3OVAI-I TZA13AOTI-T1for tllc Victory of Thy
Mercy has becn shewn to us in the SEPHIRA NETZACH.
Turn upon us the cyc of Thy conlpassion, thc eyc of the
world of life, the blcssing of Thy pcoplc, Israel. Place
us in Thy Grcat Asscnlbly betwecn JEHOVAH and
ELOHIM, in the equilibrium of T h y Mercy and T h y
Justice. The deliverance of Thine Elect is hidden in the
Sacranlent of Thy Holy Namc.
The Mastcr of thc Tcsrtplc lztrm Wcslward zuillz u@+d
Muslcr of ~ J L C Tc11~Plc.-1\1y will is to do the will o j
Rim that sent mc. Takc a w a y my spirit of rcbcllion
Suffer Thou my will in Thy service.
Thc Master ntoacs slowly Sozcl/zua~d,and s u p in his
pcrssing :Maslcr of tltc Tcnrplc.--Grcatcr love than this no inan
he should lay down his life for his iricnd.
I lovccl my life and I havc lost it. I laid it do\vn i n my
dcsirc for Tlicc, and it \vas clissolvcd in T l ~ ylovc. I
would livc, but not I : live Thou, 0 Lord, in 1nc.

Afnstcr of the Tcmfilc.-Let

there be lights in the firma.

mcnt of heavcn, in the nlicrocosnlic llcaven within. Let
tllc grcatcr light 01 tlic Sl)irit rule ovcr the mind bclotv .
so sllall it bc as day tl~crcin-sunslli~ic of Divine Will
and transforming purpose. Let the lesser liglits of t h t
mind rule ovcr our earthly part, in tllc night of material
things. And GOD set them in tile firmrtment, t o rulc
thcrcin. I n the Namc of ELOI-IIM, Who dispenses to
the world in Justice ; in thc Name of JEHOVAH
TZABAOTI-I, Supernal Grace, Life of the World to comc
a n d Minister of Mercy, let t h e will of our natural manhood
and its purposc shaping life, adore the Lord anu GOD.

t h e Namc of hIicllacl, thc

grcat Angel, whose ~nissic.)nis to ki~idlct l ~ cs;~crcdfirc
on earth, as it is nlaintaincd i n heaven, and ill tlle
Mystical Sign of the Lion, yc Living l\'iils of Xcn, adw-c
your Lord and GOD.


chc Tcut+Lc.--In

Namcs about tlic quarter of the South, b l a ~ o n e din a

l m v c n of light, lct ihc rcctificd will of man adorc o u r

Lord and GOD.

iMastcr o/ thc Tc~@lc.--In the sanctification of undivided sclf, in thc uttcr dedication of our being, in the
Name of JEL-IOVA1-I 'I'ZAUAOTL-I, mighty armics of
our nature and the GOD Who rules therein, 1 declarc
that the Tcmplc is opcn in the Grade of Phiiosophus
and of tllc will that is turned to Him.

Hcrc c ? d s l h S o Z c ~ wCc'rc~~zo~zy
of O#cnil~gI11.c TCIIZ-PIC
tlzc Grade of Pltilosopl~us.


Master of tlce Tcmj5Ze.-Fratres et Sorores, may we

come by the study of the Doctrine to know the Iileflable
Name of our hfaster. May we scc Him witli our owl1
eyes. May we llearken witli our own cars to the utterance
of the Great Voice. The Lord be with us until that day
of unveiling, a n d the Lord be with us now in tlic work
which wc arc about to pcrform for the Glory of His
A1fanifcstcdName. I3y the power to me conlmiltcd under
the dispensation of the Third Ordcr, I open that Gate
which leads to tlic Sanctuary in NETZACH, through
the Sacred Path of I'E, for the advancer-ricnt of our
Uclovcd Fratcr Advcniat Iicgnum (vcl ~zomcn ali14d).
Hc shall look upon the hlystcrics tlm-cin . . . . . .
Honourablc Frater Tl~coreticus,you a r e the Guidc of
the Paths. Heaven and cart11 may pass away, but t11c
mercy which you symbolist shall abide in the world
u-ithin until GOD is A11 i n all. G o thci-eforc unto o u r
l'ostulant and Brother. Say to hiin that we have Iieard
his voicc, crying in the watchcs of the night, and tilat
GOD sllall give llim his dcsirc i n t h c prcsence o f a cl~oscn

Gziiric of ~ / L CPatJls.-I-Ic s l d l know that the IZeconcilcr

is wit11 us. I will proclaim the Mystcry of Redcnlption
and tlic time of salvation at liaud. Tlic llcaven and thc
cart11 wcrc crcatcd for Tllinc clcct, 0 Lord. Their place
is in Thy Holy Temple.
Talzijtg a i l l t ltinz zltc Sncmt)tc~ttalLnvacrum frolit its
place o n tltc Allar, tlzc Guide of the Paths passes by
South cmd Wcst lo the Door of Ilce Tcutplc and lhcrc
gives tltc Sign of tlzc Gradc. The Door i s sccurd
Zlchilld /tint.
N.B.--TIzc Oricdation of tlte Tcnz$lc i s purely arbitrary
and for purposes of convc?tic?zce o d y in Ihc Path of
Mastcr o/ tlzc Tc1it+lc..-Fratres et Sorores, our Frater
Adveniat Rcgnum (vcl ?to?1ac7taliud) has beheld the light
of our symbolism on the plane of material things. He
has been purificd in his earthly part. In the free spirit
of the Air lie has fclt thc IVind of the Spirit and has been
consecrated in his mind to GOD'S service. We have
hallowed the sea of his emotions and declared the presence
of GOD in his psychic part. 0 Lord, save his soul.
May Ilc give unto Thec his will for ever. May he know
that his path is in Tlicc. Take him, that lie may be
wholly Thine and that nothing may bc left within him
that docs not belong to Tliinc union.
tltc ~ ~ t c a ~ t t i m
l l c~,cGuidc of lltc Pallzs has grcclcd the
Poslzila~tlO I L dte furlltcr side of 2ltc Porlal, sayitzg :-


Guide of tlzc Paths.-I

come in the purification of the
will. Glory be t o GOD in thc Highest and peacc of
fuliillcd purpose to scckcrs for Divine Union in the Light
,3f tlic Kosy Cross.



The Guide of the Paihs prcpaves tlze Fmter Practicz~sO!

fZaci?zg in his hands tlzc Vcsscl of Sacra~ne~ztal
and about his ?zcck tlzc Calvary Cross of Tcn Squ,a?,cs.
Gztide of the Pnllzs.-Purify the will, 0 Lord ; redirect
the heart's intention ; sanctify the purposes of man.
And remember on your part, my Brother of the Rosy
Cross, that it is the quest after GOD and His union which
turns the whole nature. Hcrcin is the Second Birth.
I say unto you tllcrefore, 0 Frater Advcniat Regnum
(vel ~zontc?z
aliud), be the quest of our end before you, and
hallowed be your will.
The Guide of llze Patlts gives the Baticry of the Gradc-

1il i

When this has been donc in tlzc precincts, tlte Fratcr

Ostiarius tur?ts dowu' Ihc lighls and opens tl~eDoor.
116 llze act of opening :-

Master of the Teq5Zc.-In

the Name of the GOD of
Grace and Captain of Mercy : enter in the Name of thc
Living GOD.
The Guide of the Paths brings in 111~
Postulant, saying :Guide of the Pall~~.--Kindle in the soul and the heart
the desire of the eternal hills. Shew unto us the Sun of
Righteousness, shining in the Temple of the Most High.
The Door is secured beltinal tlzcnt. Tlzc Guide of the
Patlts pauses with the Postula~tlat or m a r the enlra?tcc
Master of the Tenzplc.-In thc darkness of Nature, ifi
the gloom of the winterrtide, tcacll us, Thy children, to
remember that life is in Thee, Amcn, for ever and evermore, Give unto them the Life of life. Give unto Thy
beloved the sleep that is sweet in Thy rcfuge and to
awakcn in thc Sun of T h y Beauty.



Tlze Guide 01llzc Pallzs leads ilzc Poslulanl a d fdaccs
h i m bctwcc~zillc Pilln~s. A s tlzcy arc p n s s i q slowly
forward :-

Guide of the Paths.-Wc move in thc shadow of light.

iVc offer up the new light declared in the heart.

As tlzcy stand bclwcc?~the Pillaus, the Guidc b c i q a few

i? tllc Fratcr Pmcticz~s:Ariastcr of tltc Tctrrfl1c.-Fratcr
Advcniat Rcgilunl
(VCZ t~omcnalizd) , tcstify concerning your titles. Give
rne thc outward signs of tllc Inward Grace communicated
to thc purificd hcart in thc Mystcry of HOD.
TItc Guide of thc Paths Itns takcgz the Vcsscl of Walcr
from the Izalds of the Postula.rzt. Hc dictates tltc
answer of tltc a?&zt~dcrlo~zc.
TItc Frnteu Practicus.-I rcccivcd the Sign of the Grade
:is a testimony t o thc Trcc of Life rooted in the heart of
the Postulant. ( H e gives tl~cSign.) There were communicated to mc the Sacrcd Words ELOHIM TZABAOTH,
signifying Lord of Hosts. The Pass-Word of the Grade
t s ELOHA, which is also a Name of GOD, formed by
(.he Ictters ALEPH, LAMED, HE. The Mystical Numbcr drawn from this Name, is 36. I was givcn the
Symbol of Water in the Iicbrcw word MAIM, and the
title AfONOKEROS DE ASTRIS, for the consecrated
soul is a virgin and the Daughter of the Bright Stars.
Tltc G Z ~ofCthe Pall1.s rcplaccs tlzc Vcsscl of Watcr
llre ltauds of Ilze Postulant.


Maslcr of Iltc Tcmfilc,-Fratcr Adveniat Regnurn (vcl

t:on~c?taliud), earth and lleavcn are founded on the
.rlliancc of GOD i h t h man, The Mystcries of this Tcrnple



are Mystcries of a Divine Covenant. Will you take the117

into your heart as such ? Will you keep them as secrets
of GOD ? Will you enter the Sanctuary, by the Path
which leads thereto, as into the inmost place of your
spirit, and place upon its Holy Altar the oblation 01
your consecrated will in conformity with the Divine
Tlze Fmtcr Practicus (who is prou~fitedby tlzc Guide o j
the Paths).-As a fire upon the Altar of GOD, I will
purge the fire of the will. I place it in the hands oj
Michael, tlie great Angel. Sacrifice me among the souls
of the j u s t . 1 ~ will
~ 1 keep the Mysteries. of the Path and
the Holy Temple.
Thc Guidc of the Patlzs takes tlzc Vessel of Water and,
moving behind hint, raiscs it ovcr the head of tlw
Guidc of thc Pat1zs.-Fratfes et Sorores in the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, I testify that tlie purified desire
of humanity is zeal of the City of GOD, and therein is
the Water of Life.
The Master of the TewzpZc gives a Battery of one knockand riscs in his place, with uplifted arms.


Mastcr of the TcnzpZe.-By the fire in the heart which

purifies, the fire of the mind which enlightens, and the
fire of the will when the spirit is turned to GOD, may
you be carried up the Holy Mountain. nllny you walk
in the light of your fire.
He rcsulltcs his Tl:ro?ze. The Guide of tlze Patlzs moves
with tltc Sun, deposits the Vcsscl of Water 09% the
Northcrlt side of tlze Altar.alul rcturns with tlzc Sacra.~tzcdalLamp, which he places in lhc hands of the
Postula.rlt a d tlzcn rcsunres his statio~r D~lti.izdIhc



Afustcr of thc Tci~z$c.-Pratcr Advcniat R e p u r n (vcl

rzolrtelz aliud), I now bid you lmccI down (tlze Guide
assists tho PosLulat~l)
. IZaisc u p the ~acrarncntalLamp
ivith both hands, and say in a clcar voicc : I will consecrate tlic firc of thc will. I seek alter thc will of GOD.
Make me one with Thy Divine Purpose, which moves
through all the worlds : shapc n ~ cto Thinc Ends, 0

Masicr of the Tcq%c.-Kise,

Frater Practicus, a n
accepted Postulant for Advancement t o the Grade of
The Postulant rises. Thc Guidc of the Paths directs
him i n a low voice 10 L?'ft ZLPt h Sacrn~rze~ztal
to tl~cfull ltciglti of Itis arms ajtd say aficr him
clcarly :-

The Frntcr Practicus (following lltc Guide) .-Into Thy

hands, 0 Lord, for the work of the Rosy Cross, I commend
my life of will.
Hc lowers the Lamp. The Guide of the Paths should
perform this part of t/za Cerc~~zony
so that attcntio?~
is divcctcd to the Poslulalat ratlzer than to his own
Ilfusler of tlzc Temple.-May the Victories of Wisdom
in the Supernal World of CI-IOKMAH be reflected into
tllc life of your being.
The Guidc of thc Paths lrtovcs roulzd slowly with the Sun
a d faccs the Postulant, whom he draws between the



G d c of tlcc P(ctlzs.-I say unto you that the darkncss

grows toward morning and that tlic Day of thc Lord
is nigh.

He lakes his filucc o u tlzc right Jta~rtlof Ilcc I1astulant.

Both arc fuci~tg tlzc East.
Master o j I l ~ eTeqblc.-There is a ~nysteryconcerning
the Paths which lead from the SEPHIRA HOD to the
SEPHIIIOTI-I and Gradcs that are beyoid. I t is i x d i catcd by t l ~ c13anncrs of tllc ~ 3 r d; ~ n d25th 1';~tlls in
the North-West of the Tcrnple, inscribed respcctivcly
with the letters MEM and SAMECH. The heights
loom about you as you advance further, undcr the
obcdience of the Rosy Cross ; but-as on previous occasions-not every Path on the tllresllold of which you
stand is free for your travelling. The SEPHIIIA HOD
is in comnlunication with worlds bcyoiid your kcn and
two of its gates of issuc arc in darkncss of great darkness,
which the eyes in this Temple are not meant to penetrate.
By the power to me deputed, 1 have opened before you
the Sacred Path of PE, as a lineal mode of cornmunication between HOD and NIJTZACH. Thc Guidc of
tlic Paths shall lead you, seeking a goal of yucst, with
all your will in the darkness directed toward 'lllings
TItc Guide of tltc PatJzs movcs forward shwLy, Lcndiq
the Posliclant.

G ~ c i a cof tltc Paklts.-Let us enter this Path of Rcconciliation, undcr a bond of Compassion and Judgment.
The fire of Divine love is bchind the univcrsc, and thc
lieart of Justice is Xlcrcy.
life-giving herit of Divine
nfustcr of llzc Tcm$lc.-The
Lovc is rcvcalcd to the soul in its darkness. Thc
saving will of the soul reachcs up toward Divinc cnds.

Wn&n of fllc Tcntfdc.-The will of the soul is lovc,

mrl this lovccan unitc you with tllcnivinc in the universe.
Tlic root of thc soul is the root of tlic world, my 13rothcr.

Guide of illc Pn//i.s.--If I dwell in the noon, I am with

Tlicc. If I abide in the ~nidnigllt,I sllall scc Tllcc. In
tllc veiling of Thy light I will havc faith in tlic coming
of Thy pcrfect splcndour. Thou art my glory and my
star. Illy stcps sllall not falter. I shall behold thc Light
that is in Thcc.
TJztcy Jznvc rcaclm? tltc Wcstcr~tside of tlzc Altar, which
stmtds ~ C I ~ Ctl~c
C ITL~ O I L C STltc
. Mastcv of tlzc TcmPlc ltns risen willz ~dfilificdaiwts.
Mastcr of the Tcmplc.-Lct the sons of the priestllood
put fire upon thc Altar of thc Hcart.
Guidc of llzc Patlts.--Plcad with thc Fire of our Love.
Plead wit11 us in Thy Holy Firc.
Give answer in heaven
to our longing.
Ilfastcr of tltc Tct~z@c.--Descend upon our mountain,
0 Mastcr, and the bushcs shall burn with firc. Come
into our Temple and consecratc thc fircs therein.
'Tltc Wardc~tof Iltc TemPlc ltas risen with uplifted arnzs.
Wardm of tltc Tc~rzplc.-The desire of tllc soul is to
Thy Namc and lo thc rcmctnbrance oi Thcc. Thy
worsliip is a Trcc of Life. Wc scck the knowlcdgc oi
Thy ways.
T l ~ cFratcr Ostinrius turns up Ihc Ziglzts of the Tc~~tfile.
TIrc AIrrslcr rniscs ltls Jzmuls ovcr tltc lzcad of Ihc

Masky of tlzc Tcnzplc.-Be

unto us' a Consuming
Firc and purge our grosser wills. Entcr into our purpose

ant1 purify ; colne into the will and consecrate. . . Open

111)- Tcnlplc, 0 13rother of thc Rosy Cross, and rccci~,c
the Will 01 the Holy One.

Gztidc of tltc Patlts.-0

Glorious SIlEI<INAI-f, Holy,
Holy Spouse, bring us into the White Rose of thy
presencc, symbol of that Divinc Alliance wl~icllsustains
the worlds.
Wartlcn of tlzc Tc~ltPlc.-Lead us, 0 Lord, in Thee to
tllc union of CHOI<PIAH a ~ i dBINAH.
Thc Gziidc rcsu~izcsItis scat.
Mnslcr of Ihc Tcm$lc.-Frater
Adveniat Regnuxn (vcl
rto~ite~tczliud), between thc Pillars of Severity and
Mercy, you havc: followed a Path which leads to a place
sf Mercy, because it signifies a state of. union between
:he active intention of Juan and that Law of Eternal
Being which is undcrstood as Divine Will. I t is by
such integration that the soul fulfils itself and attain.;
thc perfect fruition of its own being. The will. wl1ic11
dies to itself, in the pcrsonal or separate sense, cntcrs
into true lifc. I t does not thcrcfore die but is changed
by a ncw birth in time, and moves tliereaftcr in concurrencc with the yurposc of tllc Cosmos. Tlic purc allpcnctrating flame of that Divine purposc will transmu tc
the iircs of your nature and will pcrmeatc your wrllole
being. Tlic flarnc is also light, intelligible light ol mind,



a word speaking within and leading into all truth. He*

who listens in his heart and he who hears it within him
becomes himself the true and the good. When it syeaks
in your heart, my Brother, hearken to the Voice of
There is Itere the pause of a moment.
Master of the Temple.-The Cross which you bear on
your breast, as one of your titles of admission to the
Path of PE, is the unfolded form of the cube, and herein
is a great mystery- not to be declared in this Grade.
When the cube is closed up it represents the Altar of
.Incense, upon the material correspondence of which,
'in the Temple of the Rosy Cross, you have offered up
yourself in sacrifice-signifying sanctification and selfattainment in GOD. The Calvary Cross is inscribed with
the names of the SEPHIROTH. May the cross of your
manifested personality, my Brother, be written within
and without by the graces and virtues which are signified
by those titles. So shall there be a crown of your life
and a kingdom of GOD within you.
Wardejz of the Tentple.-The Path by which you have
travelled is that from which you will enter the Holy
SEPHIRA NETZACH in the Second Point of the Grade.
It is called the 27th Path and also the Active Intelligence,
a spirit which informs all things and is the motion thereof.
It is an allusion to the mystery of the will, and in the
first place to that of the Divine Being, wherein is the
root of activity, the perfection and consummation of
all things ; but in the second place to that of man as the
native power-which
under the Eternal Guidancecarnes him through the Paths of Eternity. Its work
is by the way of intentness, desire and love. The Banner
of this Path is displayed in the due East.



The Warden of the Tc?rzPlcrises with uplifted Wand.

Wmden of tlzc Tcncplc.-Give us, 0 GOD, recollection.

Give unto us aspiration and desire. And give unto us
a knowledge of those Secret Ways through which we
shall pass behind material reason into the Living Sun of
Thy -Truth.
He resumes his seat.

Warden of the Temple.-The 28th Path of TSADDI,

which is a channel of communication between NETZACH
and YESOD, is called in our Secret Tradition the
Natural Intelligence. I t is said to perfect, after its
own kind, the nature of every being under the orb of
the sun. It refers more especially t o the mind, which
is allocated to the SEPHIRA YESOD. The ascent
into NETZACH is not through the natural mind but
by that directing power which works within it. There
is also the 30th Path of RESH, which connects NETZACH
and MALKUTH. It is called the Collective Intelligence, and the tradition which we have reeceived tells
us that herein is the Law of Judgment concerning
celestial signs and the stelIar influences. SAPIENS
DOMINABITUR ASTRIS, and such intelligence is for us the
Law of Grace and lovingkindness which obtains in all
things. It is also an art of wisdom by which we overrule all things in virtue of that Law.

The Warden has indicaled the several Banners at the

proper poi?tts of his discouusc.

Master of the Temple.-All

these Paths are in communication \kith the Pillar of Mercy, which is mystically
on the masculine side of the Tree, and their meanings
are explained and extended by the Great Pictorial
Symbols attached to the Paths. Each of them illus-



trates the operation and influence of SHEKINAH, not

only as the Guide of the Soul in the Paths which are
actually travelled but in those which are only passed
by on the ascent of the Holy Mountain. The Symbol
which lies uppermost on the Altar is that of the 27th Path.
It represents SHEKINAH as the Lady of Reconciliation
and Lady of the Pillar of Benignity, intermingling and
reconciling the influences of CHESED and GEBURAH,
regarded as cleansing water and saving fire. They are
poured forth from two cl~alices,which have a meetingpoint a t YESOD and descend thence a s a River of Life
in MALKUTH. I n the ascent of the Tree this symbol
signifies the will toward re-birth, being the last Mystery
unfolded by the Grades of the Rosy Cross a t t h a t point
where the World of Formation nlerges in thc World
t h a t is beyond. I n the descent of the influences from
above it signifies the virtues and graces of the Pillars on
the right and the left uniting with those which come
down from the Middle Pillar, represented by SHEKINAH,
who is herself the vesture of Messias. Her Chalice is
a Chalice of Salvation, a principle of sacramental life.
Her Cup is a Cup of Benedictions. I t is a n Eternal
Cup of Mercy, uplifted in tl-lc worlds of the Trce. I t is
also a well of cleansing, cven a s the Laver of Moses, and
a deep water of illumination, likc the Sea of Solomon.
Open your heart, my Brother, and its blessing shall
descend upon you. It shall be as the Cup of your consecrated being, hallowed by the desire of KETIitER,
thc crown and tcrm of all.

TJzc Master of the Tcnzplc cxltibi/s tlzc Sccond Synzbol.

Mastcr of the Temple.-The Symbol of the 28th Path
rcprcscnts SHEKINAH as the new hloon on the side of
Mercy, looking towards the glorious Sun of TIPHERETH



and reflecting its sacred radiance. The animals below

are the unregenerate instincts of the natural man in
MALIiUTH, while the cray-fish reaching up toward
the land is the evil part of our nature. SHEKINAH
is the soul-part shining in the region of material darkness,
ignorance and savage fear. She reflects over the sad
region of our suffering estate the Divine Light of the
Self-knowing Spirit. The two towers signify the ramparts
of the visible world, and the space between them is
the issue into the unknown. In another and not less
important aspect, the Moon is the natural mind, the state
of reflected and partial light, the illusion, the glamour
and the uncertainties of the lbgical understanding in
the presence of the great problems. I have said that
the new Moon is on the side of CHESED ; in the waning
it is on that of GEBUICAH ; and a t the full it is said
to reflect tlic Sun of Beauty and Righteousness. These
also are aspects of the mind, which in the glory of its
fulness reflects the Mind of Christ, thus corresponding
to SHEKINAH, whom I have termed the vesture of
T h Mastcr of the Tcm+Ze exlzibits the Third Symbol.
Master of the Te?)zpZe.-The Symbol of the 30th Path
is an analogue of that which stands first in the present
sequence. I t is SHEKINAH again in the act of dispensing the powers and virtues from above. The Pillars
of Mercy and Severity are represented by their
SEPI-IIROTH in the form of stars. TIPHERETH
is immediately above and appears as a star of six
points, by reference to thc Cluist-nature. She herself
bears upon her breast the star which corresponds to
YESOD, and a t her feet is MALRUTH, whereon her
urns of life are emptied. They are urns of water and



of fire-the Rain of Doctrine, the Dew of Divine Speech,

thc Grcat Watcr of Undcrstanding ; and thc Firc of the
Holy Spirit, the tongucs of Flamc, the Splendour of
Supernal Wisdom.
Thc Guide oj- tlzc P a l l ~ scolncs up divccl from his scat
and taJzcs charge of tlrc Postztlant.
Mastcr of tlzc Tcnt$le.-Frater
Adveniat Regnum (vcl
twnzcn aliztd), you havc now passed in our symbolism
through a complctc consecration of personality. May
the Divine Will rule henceforth therein and rcalise in
your life itself the things which we have presented in
Ritual. You havc traversed that P a t h which leads t o
tlic Victory, which is NETZACI-I. I salute you as Son
of the Path. I bid you go forth in peace, t o contcmplatc
its Mysteries and to prepare for your final experience
in the World of Formation.

T h Guidc of the Paths leads tlzc Postulant to the Door

withoul passing tl~rouglztlzc Pillars. TIzc Poslulant
leaves the Twzplc. Tltc Door is sccurd belzind him.

Here ends the Ccreuw~zialAd~izissionof a Fratcr

Practicus into the Path of PE.


4= 7




The avr~angementof the Temple is shewn in the O f i i a l
Diagram of the Second Point. T h Tenzple i s i ? ~
Master of the Temple.--GOD save you, Fratres et
Sorores. Our Frater Adveniat Regnum (vel tzomen
aliud) has offered up his willing sacrifice. That is the
act of dedication on lis own part. We have communicated to him the Mystery of those Paths of grace and
enlightenment which lead from SEPHIRA to SEPHIRA
and in fine to the Sanctuary of NETZACH. That is
the consecration in symbolism which we have performed
upon our part. Another phase of Rosicrucian Doctrine
will now be committed to his charge. Then will the
Worlds of Action and Formation have given to him that
which is theirs-a light dawning in the darkness and the
evidence of a light beyond. . . . Honourable Guide of
the Paths, as the priest of mediation in this Holy Temple,
say unto our Beloved Brother that the time of. contemplation is over, that the Mystical Gate is open and
the Sanctuary awaits his presence.



As the Guide of the Paths rises from his seat and movcs
zeritlz the Sun Westward :Guide of the Paths.-In the Name of Supernal Wisdom,
of the Word which restores the worlds, prevailing from
end to end, strongly and sweetly over-ruling all things,
and in the perfect sanctification of will, he shall know
the Victory which is NETZACH. I will teach him the
way of prudence.
HE has now reached the Door, and-giving the Sign of
the Grade-he leaves the Temple. The Door is secured
behind him.
Master of the Tentpk-There is a Water of the Wise
in C H E E D . There is a Fire in the Water of the Wise.
That Sacred Fire is an influx from CHOKMAH, communicating to the purified will in NETZACH the wisdom
which is above understanding and preparing it toward
the Second Birth. Fratres et Sorores, may that Fire
descend upon us for the re-integration of our wills in
GOD. May it descend upon him who is about t o be
rcccived among us a t this pregnant epoch of his progress.
Nay he look toward the Hidden Sanctuary and the
desire of the eyes in TIPHERETH, as one who knows
that his Redeemer liveth and that after the captivity
of Zion there is the freedom of the Spiritual City. 0
Wisdom from the Mouth of the Most High, Sceptre
of the House of Israel, Immanuel, our King and LawGiver, come and set us free in Thy Mercy. Delay no
While this takcs place in the Temple, the Guide of the
Paths preparcs the Frater Praclicus in the PICtincts by decoraling lzinz with a Badge or Collar



corresponding to that which is worn by a Warden of

the Temple, but ?tot with the other insignia belonging
to ttzis High Ofice. While so doing :Guide of the Paths.--Purified in the body and mind,
consecrated in heart and will, 0 Brother of the Rosy
Cross, remember, I pray you, t h a t the High Mystery
of the Soul in union begins in a Mystery of the Will.
The Guide of the Paths directs the Frater Practiczss
to give the Battery of tlzc Grade on the outer side of
the Door, thus-;


The Ostiarius opens the Door am? the Guide lends




Guide of the Paths.-Beneath him are the Everlasting

Arms, and the Shadow of the Wings is over him.
The Guide of the Paths pauses with the Practicus i n
the NortJz-West of the Temple. The Door is secured
behind them.
Lord has heard his voice
Master of the Temple.-The
crying i n the. wilderness of material things.
Guide of the Paths.-Thc
Lord has raised him up and
brought him through a Sacred Gate into a H o l y Place.
As the Guide of tlzc Paths leads the Practicus and places
him betweetz the Pillars :Warden of the Te7ttple.-We have opened the Gate of
Light, that in GOD he may see light.
When the Guide a d tJte Practicus s t a d between thePillars :Master of the Temple.--Frater
Adveniat Regnum ( v d
nonzen aliud), open .your gates, open your spiritual
portals : so shall the Icing of Glory come in and abide



in your secret Temple. S o u heard in the Grade of

Practicus concerning a Secret Church and a higher state
of soul, represented in our symbolism by the Mystical
Garden of Eden. You are again on the threshold of
that Sanctuary and are called to enter thcrein, as one
who would search more deeply into the Hidden
Mysteries of Union.
Wardelt of the Temple.--By what Sign do you enter
this House of Victory, 0 Son of Consecrated Will ?
The Frater Practicus (as pronzpled by the Guide).--It
is borne on your own heart, 0 Honourable Frater
Practicus : it is borne also on mine. It is the symbol
of the SEPHIRA HOD ; it is the Sacred Letter HE
and the Sign of Consecrated Hearts.
Warden of- the Tenz$le.-Remember,
0 Fratcr Adveniat Regnum (vel 7wnte;iz aliud), that man dot11 not
yield himself to GOD and the Divine Purpose utterly,
save only by the fortitude of his sanctified will.
The Master of the Temple descends from his Throm
and pazlses before it, faciltg West.
Master of the Temple.--By the dedicated will of the
Postulant, by his complete consecration of personality,
and in the Name of the all-hallowing GOD, bring him
across the threshold.
Guide of the Paths.-The
will of man in redirection
ascends like a pure fire toward the Supreme Being,
Whose essence is also will,

As the Master of the Tem.ple afiproaches the Western

side of the Altar :Master of the Tenrple.--The will of man in its union
is of the substance of Divine IVill.



The Guide of the Paths leads the Postuknt to the Western

side of the Altar, where the Master i s m w standing,
and then resumes his seat.
Master of the Ternfile.-The
Banner which overshadows the Altar in this Grade represents that Divine
estate in Paradise which preceded the condition depicted in the Grade of Practicus. Some intimations
of it have reached you already in the legend recited
therein, and the two allegories-taken
together under
our mystical interpretation in the light of the Rosy
Cross-offer lessons of deep importance. I n the mystery
which was unfolded on the severity side of the Tree you
heard rumours also concerning the traditional Fall of
man, which brought about a separation between the
Divine Son and the Immaculate Bride who is
SHEKINAH. That separation had its ,high purpose in
the scheme of human redemption, as presented by the
Secret Tradition of Israel ; but one of its results was
a Division in the Sacred Name, for-as it is said-the
HE fell to earth ; and it is only in the fulfilment of the
scheme--or at the end of the redeeming process-that
perfection will be restored to the Name. But that
which is to come is that which has also been, and in this
great allegory of being and of states the past depicts
the future, while the future restores the past.
You see no longer before you a SHEKINAH in exile
abiding in a desecrated kingdom of this world. She is
now located in TIPHERETH-that
is to say, in the
heart of her Eternal Spouse. She is again contained
within Him, and the hercourse of this union is ineffably more perfect than when she was brought forth
like Eve from Adam, so that she was face to face with
llcr Spouse and dwelt with Him in the state delineated

to you as that of mystical marriage. The latter is like

moonlight in its contrast with the darkness and frustration of love in carthly intercourse. The former is
like sunlight in its comparison with both and dissolves
them in its own splendour. Thc Tree of Life is itself
transfigured by the union, and the Divine Name is
perfect in the depths, as it is also perfect in the heights.
You will see that MALKUTH carries the Crown which
is KETHER, that Mercy presides over Judgment and
that the names and titles of the SEPHIROTH are
counterchanged everywhere. I t is indeed a new heaven
and a new earth, for He that sits upon the thronc has
said : Behold, I make all things new.
Were these things, my Brother, but the bones of
some old theosophy, they could have no place in our
Rosicrucian inheritance, if that is to be accounted a
house of living treasures. But we have told you already
that SHEKINAH in our mystical allegory is the proclamator of unity and the guide of man therein. As
the HE final in MALIWTH, she is in the state of separation or exile, and so also is the soul of man, apart from
the Spouse of the soul. In the state of union, which
is the state of the Middle Pillar above MALKUTH,
the HE is in union with the VAU, as exhibited by the
Diagram before you and as represented, also traditionally, in Rabbinical Hebrew by the exclamation VAH,
which expresses a state of joy. But this union, which
begins in YESOD and is so symbolised therein, is
perfected in TIPHERETH, where the Lover and Beloved are no longer face to face, in simple union no
longer, but in the condition which is called UNITAS,
wherein thcre is no passage between subject and object,
for all things which belong to love have been made one



in the heart of love. But this, my Brother, is not only

the traditional history of SHEKINAH ; it is that of
your own soul and all souls of election on the way of
their return to GOD. In a most particular manner it
is the scheme of your proper advancement through the
Grades of our -Fellowship, and because this illustrates
a real experience within, I have intimated that our Secret
House of Initiation contains a living treasure and not
the disjecta membra of dead theosophical lore. As
an illustration out of due time of that which awaits
you beyond the Second World of Rosicrucian knowledge
-and t o mark its harmony with tradition and with
mystical experience-those
who enter TIPHERETH
find that the Guide of their Paths, who is the living
symbol of SHEKINAH, no longer leads them on the
visible way. At Ieast for the time being, her work seems
done. She has gone inward into the Christ-State, and
the Beloved is hidden in the Lover.
You were told in the Grade of Practicus that we are
concerned with Divine Principles, not with personalities.
SHEKINAH is not for us either a Person in the Godhead or a great emanated Angel. She is a Principle,
in virtue of which we go back whence we came. We
all come forth from the Centre and-because of this
Centre draws us back. The name of
this Principle is Love, and Love is the power whereby
the Will of GOD-which works toward union-is done
on earth, even as it is done in Heaven. When you
were told- also in the Grade of Practicus - that
SHEKINAH is the soul in the universal sense, the same
truth was intimated in synonymous words, for the soul
is Love-Love in dereliction for most of us, Love in the
night of divorce, Love in the paths of loss and a thousand
morganatic marriages, but always and only Love.



Brother of the Rosy Cross, I give you the last message

of this unfolded Mystery.
Your soul is itself
SHEKINAH ascending towards TIPHERETH, or union
with the Divine Son, Who is called Messias in the tradition of Israel and Christ under the New Law. Awaiting
that hour of attainment in the realisation of living
experience, the Portals of a symbolical TIPHERETH
may open in our Fellowship to receive you. Remember
in both respects that when- according to the Apocalypse
-the Spirit and the Bride, say, Come, the answer of
the faithful witness follows in a white flame of aspiraLord and our
tion : Even so, Come therefore-our

The Master goes back to his Throne. The Guide of
the Paths moves forward, places the Postulant with
his back to Ihe North a7zd assumes a position facing
Guide of the Paths.-Frater
Adveniat Regnum (vel
numen aliud), the Sign of this Grade is given by raising
the arms a t full length above the head, with the palms of
the hands outward and the thumbs joined a t the tips. I t
refers t o the Ten SEPHIROTH r u h g over the whole
personality and the direction of the will toward the
heights of mystical attainment. The Sacred Words are
JEHOVAH TZABAOTH, signifying God of Armies,
and they are the complement of ELOHIM TZABAOTH,
referred in the Secret Tradition to SI-IEKINAH as
Lady of Battles, allocated t o the SEPHIRA HOD.
The latter is on the feminine side of the Tree, while
NETZACH is on the male side. The Pass-Word of the
Grade is CADAD, meaning Sparks and alluding t o the
flight upward. Its numerical value is 28, and this is the
Mystical Number. I invest you with the Girdle of a



Philosophus, the colour of which is green, being that

assigned to NETZACH in the symbolism of the Rosy
Cross. I t has also an allusion to the planet Venus
spiritualised, because the soul is in search of espousals
through the path of the Second Birth and the growth
of that life which is in GOD. The planet of the Grade
is Venus and it is traditionally a star of birth. , . . In
the spiritual mystery of the elements, the Grade of
Philosophus is in corrkspondence with Fire, symbolising
the will of man. I t is this that we seek to re-establish in
conformity with Divine Will. . . The four-square
Tablet which is placed in the middle South of the Temple,
containing Divine and Angelical Names referrable to the
Southern quarter of 'the heavens, is in correspondence
with the element of Fire, and is set up as a symbol
in our Temple for the sanctification of the will of man. . .
The Banners before you are symbolical Banners of the
Paths leading from the Grade of Philosophus to the
Mysteries of the Third Order. The Banner in the due
North represents the Path by which you have entered
NETZACH. This SEPHIRA is d I e d in the Secret
Tradition a Recondite or Hidden Intelligence, and it
is so termed because it is the Refulgent Splendour of
all the intellectual virtues which are perceived with the
eyes of the mind and are attained in the ecstasy of
The Guide turns the Postulant so that he faces ihe ~ a s i
and h e n goes b u k to his @ace.

Master of the Temple.--You are entitled to receive

in this Grade and-by the power to me entrusted-f
now confer upon you the Mystical Title of Pharos
Illuminans, signifying a Tower of Light. I give you
also the Symbol of AESH, being the Hebrew name of



Fire. Let them both be memorials of your inward

dedication and your consecrated life henceforth. It is
written, my Brother, that the Fourth River is PHRATH,
or Euphrates. And because you have other worlds to
conquer I give you that Word, to keep green in your
memory when the heart is athirst within you, when
you long for the Paradise that is above and listen in
all the vistas for a voice which cries : Whosoever will,
let him drink of the Waters of Life freely. Remember
also that the waters were parted and became into four
heads. . . Honourable Guide of the Paths, I bid you
announce that he who was Frater Practicus in the
Fellowship of the Rosy Cross has been advanced to the
Grade of Philosophus.

. .

The G d e of the Paths comes forward and taking the

Posllllant by the right hand leads h i m about the Altar,
where they tzcrn to the West, so thal he i s in the general
sight of the Brdhren.

the Name of JEHOVAH

Gzcide of the Pat?zs.-In
TZABAOTH, and by the ordinance of the Honourable
Master of the Temple, I proclaim and testify that Frater
Adveniat Regnum (vcl nontetz aliud) has been admitted
to the Grade of Philosophus in virtue of a lawful communication, that he is a son of the 27th Path, and
that he has received the Mystical Title of PI-IAROS
ILLUMINANS, with the Symbol of AESH and the Word
PHRATH, being the Fourth River of Eden.
The Guidc of the Palhs t u r m Eastward with the

Master of the Temple.-As regards your further progress

through the Worlds and Grades of our Fellowship I
have neither counsel nor information to impart. The



power to me entrusted reaches its term in NETZACH,

of which I am the representative and spokesman. The
course of your advancement through the First and
Second Orders should have taught you that the great
secrets are under a great reservation, and that it is given
to those only who keep themselves unspotted from the
world to break the s d s of the Inner Sanctuary or to
open the Book of Life.

The Guide of the Paths leads the Postulant with the

Sun to his proper place in the Temple, beitzg that of
Ostiarius. He returns to his owetn seut.

The AUocution of the Grade follows and is deliver&

by the Imperator, k t him failing by his Substitute,
or by the Master of the Ternfile,




GOD'S Providence overtakes us in many places,

that we may be directed into Paths of Light, Paths of
Intelligence and high Paths of Grace. In the following
of these, we who a t some time-when we h o w not,
GOD knoweth-went
forth upon the outward Quest
shall be drawn on the Quest that is within, and He shall
give us back unto Himself, after worlds of separation
and exile. The soul and the Divine Spouse are both,
meanwhile, in widowhood. Let us pray therefore that
the grace of the centripetal attraction may continue
to draw and draw, preventing and defending on all
sides. May that grace also enlighten in the public
thoroughfares of life, but us above all and with all-in
the mystical ways of knowledge. Therein, by His
special election, he has brought us already a certain
distance in the Quest that is ours and His. I n this
spirit, Fratres ct Sorores, and realising-as we are called
to do-that for every step which we can take with our
feet of desire, the Divine Lover advances on His own
part through a world of distance, to meet and forestall
us at the term of union-I invite you to lift up your
hearts, to hear and accept therein the Allocution
belonging to the Grade of Philosophus.
In thc symbolism of this Grade, the Wings of the
hlorning arc uplifted alrcady in tllc Orient of Mystical



Life. The clouds dissolve and the Face of the Beloved

begins to be reflected in the soul. It is but the image
of the ICing in 15s beauty, yet the night and its shadows
are .over ; a star in the East goes before us, and the vision
of the Sun of Righteousness is a t hand. The path of
search is truly a path of consecration, but the language
of our concern has suffered a certain change.
alliance between GOD and man is no longer a tongue of
symbolism but a principle of work in common, a n unity
and integration of will and a marriage with the purpose
of the worlds. The difficulty is not to do the will of
GOD but to know it, for many earnest hearts in the
world without. I n the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross
we-have learned that Love is the key which opens every
gate, and especially the gate of will. It has been said
to you that will is Love. Marriage with Divine Purpose
postulates antecedent love, and the Purpose of GOD in
the world is one a t the root and one in development
with that which obtains in respect of every soul. The
end is union.
We are told in our Secret Tradition that the sole
object for which man was sent into this world was t o
know that JEHOVAH is ELOHIM, or that GOD and
His SHEKINAH are one. There are many deeps of
meaning in the doctrine thus briefly fornlulated. I t
signifies that SHEKINAH is the Divine Energy which
sends out from the Centre and draws back thereto ;
that every soul come forth from GOD, in virtue of thc
principle of u'nion, is by necessity on the quest of Himthrough all its worlds of being and manifestation ; and
that it can attain true rest only in return to Him. But
seeing that the principle, the need, the end are summed
up in the word Love, the union with which they are
concerned is formulated rightly and always in terms of



marriage. SHEKINAH presides over marriage, is the

Beloved in search of the Lover, the Bride joined to the
Spouse and abiding in His heart.
All symbolism which can be derived from the cosmic
and microcosmic world is taken to illustrate the path
of advancement toward this end in the ritual sacramentalism of our Fellowship. From Grade to Grade the
Brother of the Rosy Cross is led through successive consecrations, ending in that of the will a t the height of the
Second Order. I t signifies the conversion of his whole
object in life and nature. He stands therefore now upon
the threshold of a Second Birth, as if a change in the
substance of his being. Frater Adveniat Regnum (erd
nomen aliud), the Second Order delivers you, who have
been advanced this day among us, to the keepers of the
Greater Mysteries, as one who in the ritual sense has
been made white within and without, even as the White
Rose of SHEKINAH in the sphere of NETZACH. May
you so work and so attain that our symbolism shall
become life in you, and when in a yet deeper symbolism
you are called t o the Second Birth, may you be truly
born again. So shall the Recondite or Hidden Intelligence descend into your soul, my Brother, and be
realised by the consciousness of the soul in the Ecstasy
of Faith.
If the Minules of any previous Meeting or other o f i i a l
business are to be taken i n the Grade of Philosophus,
the TemPh t w s t bc rcduccd at this point lo the Grade
of Neophyte. By the power of his Wand, the Master
should close i n the superior Grade, open i n the lower
by Fiat, and after the business has been discharged
he should close sintilarly therein and re-open i 9 z the
Gradc of Philosophus.





Master of the Te~nplc.-v

Master of the Temple.-To

order, Fratres et Sorores.
The Kingdom which is above sends down its perfect
voice, and the kingdom that is below sends up its voice
of gratitude, in the humility and reverence of which
assist me to close this Temple in the Grade of Philosophus. . . . . Frater Ostiarius, guard our Sanctuary
of the will and the graces of dedication symbolised
in the Mystery of this Grade.

The Frater Ostiarius, having seen that the Door as

secured :Frater 0stiarius.-Honourable Master of the Temple,
where the will of the Lord is done, we are delivered
from the will of our enemies. The Temple is surely
Master of the Temple.-Honourable Frater Theoreticus,
Guide, of the Paths and Grades, the Secret Law is
CHOKMAH and its tradition is a Sabbath, the rest
whereof is reflected into the SEPHIRA NETZACH.
Assure yourself t h a t all present have known its repose
in their hearts.
The Guide of the Paths, stalding in his place, lifts up
his Wand of 0_41ce.



Guide of the Paths.-Fratres et Sorores in the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, give me the Sign of Dedication
belonging to this Gradc of Wisdom.

HE turns in successio?z to the four quarters and reccivcs

the Sign of the Grade from all $resent, tlzc Master
of the Tefizple excepted. The Guide turns to the
Master, giving it on his o w ~ cpart.

Guide of the Paths.-Honourable Master of the Temple,

the parts of our personality are as a chariot, and the will
which cleaves to GOD is the Spirit which rides therein,
prevailing as a victor over all things, and imposing peace
on all. They have given me the Sign of this Spirit.
The Sign i s repeated by tlte Master.

Master of the Temple.-It was said : Let there be light

and the same is perfect love.
The Master and Warden descend from their Thrones
and face East, with Watzds uplifted. All preselzt
face East.
Master of the Temple.-May we who have incurred
the judgment, lest we die therein, be saved by the Name
of Thy Mercy, JEHOVAH TZABAOTH. Thy Word
is the protection of those who are united by faith in
Thee. Send down the Ambassador of Thy Mercy, send
down Thy Holy SHEKINAH to abide in us, full of
celestial benediction. Man cannot enter her Hidden
Palace and behold her glorious face until he is re-born
in Thee. Grant that after such regeneration we may
live in her Holy Light and may die by the Kiss of Thy
SHEKINAH, that we may enter into the Mystery of
Thine Union.



The Master and Warden turn again lo the West, and

with his Wand uplifted :Master of thc Temple.--Fire of the heart and fire of
the mind, fire of the will which seeks in GOD for wisdom.
May the Spirit descend upon us in tongues of flame,
and--even as flame leaps upward-so on the wings of
purpose may we ascend to Him.
Then, with raised eyes and both arms uplifted :Master of the Temple.-The peace of Messias be upon
you and the blessing of the King of Peace. Depart in
the fire of fore-knowledge concerning His coming.
Warden of the Tem~le.-Go, but return at your call
to the work of consecrated wills.
The Maskr and Warden return to their Thrones, borl
remaitt standi~zg
Master of the Temple.--Fratres
et Sorores, the Palace
of SHEKINAH is open to all prayers. Pray, therefore,
for ever in our hearts; seek in our wills for ever the
coming of the Icing. In the Name of JEHOVAH
TZABAOTH, in the Name of the Glorious MESSIAS, I
close this Holy Temple in the Grade of Philosophus.

7 7 7

Warden of the Tentple.--7

Guidc of the Paths.-.)

Here ends the RduZ of the Grade of Philosophus, und

Here ends the Secottd Order of tlre Rosy Cross.
G. WHITE, frinter, 396. King's Road. Chelsea, S.W.-10.

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