Protecting Pollinators - Native Bees and Pesticides

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P rotecting Pollinators:

Native Bees and Pesticides

The pesticides, insecticides and herbicides we use on a day to day basis have long term and far reaching environmental
consequences. Native bees’ invaluable role as pollinators of agricultural crops and other important plant species is
threatened by the use of pesticides. Many pesticides used in forestry, agriculture, along highways and in our own backyards
can be highly toxic and will kill bees that are exposed to them.

How do bees get exposed Most bee poisoning

to pesticides and other occurs when:
A toxic substance is applied to a crop in bloom
Spray drifts over to flowering plants or to bee habitat
Bees are affected by pesticides, insecticides and herbicides used Flowering weeds are sprayed
in commercial agriculture and forestry as well Bees collect contaminated pollen and nectar
as by homeowners and backyard gardeners. Bees come into contact with insecticide residues on
Most chemical related bee kills (99.5%) plants or in water
occur when bees pick up insecticide
residues while foraging on flowers.
Pesticides and herbicides applied
How do these toxins
to plants stay on the plant surface
for a long time after application. When
affect bees?
bees begin to collect nectar and pollen Chemicals can poison bees either through acting as stomach poisons

from the flowers of the treated plants, they very or by affecting the bee’s nervous system. With slow acting pesticides

easily pick up the chemical residue that lingers on the bee often has the opportunity to return to the hive and expose

the plants surface. Bees gathering nectar and pollen may be directly other bees or bee larvae to contaminated nectar and pollen. The

exposed to pesticides or they may carry contaminated pollen back females of native solitary bees both forage and rear young.

to nests and hives and expose other bees to it. Bee poisoning may Contamination of these bees can be especially detrimental as it

result from contaminated nectar and pollen in flowers as well as will affect both the female and her offspring. Chemicals such as

from leaves, soil or other materials used by bees in nesting. those in herbicides can also eliminate nectar sources and nesting
materials that are essential to bee survival.

Up to 90% of pesticides applied never reach the intended
targets. As a result, many other organisms sharing
the same environment as the pests
are accidentally poisoned.
W hat You Can Do:
Reducing the Harmful Effects of Pesticides
on Native Bee Populations

Support Organic Agriculture FACT:

There is a long history of bee kills resulting from pesticide use in
According to a 1994 study, 29.6% of British Columbian
Canada. Large scale bee kills have resulted from intensive spraying
households use chemical pesticides. This widespread
in both forestry and in agriculture. Canola, a main food source for
use could have tragic consequences for bee
bees in many areas, is also one of the most intensively sprayed
populations if pesticide users are not being
crops. In Manitoba in 1995, spraying canola for the Bertha
careful about what kind of pesticides
Armyworm caused hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to
they use and how they are applied.
honey bee hives along with an unquantifiable amount of damage
to native pollinators. Use of organic pest control techniques could
prevent the destruction of these invaluable pollinators. Purchasing
organic food will provide economic incentives for growers to invest
in organic, pollinator friendly pest and weed control methods.

Use Pollinator Friendly Garden and Lawn Care Techniques

Prevention: Significant bee kills also result from residential use of Organic Controls: If preventative measures don’t work there
harmful chemicals. We can reduce the need for these chemicals by are a number of organic pest controls that are not harmful to bees.
using alternative methods of pest control. The first step in pollinator Some organic controls available in stores include:
friendly pest control is prevention. Gardeners should: Safer’s Insecticidal Soap
ensure plants are healthy and pest free prior to purchasing wasp traps, fly strips, mosquito cones
maintain fertile soil, optimum watering and air circulation Wilson’s Rotenoe Insect Dust for a variety of beetles, aphids and
time planting of annuals to avoid the main generations of certain other pests
pests, and plant a mixture of vegetables, flowers, herbs and Wilson’s Green Earth Tree Guard Tape and Tree Guard gum,
ornamentals great for caterpillars, moths and other climbing insects
These steps will ensure a healthy and balanced garden ecosystem Horticultural Oil and Dormant Oil for summer and winter use
where pest populations are often taken care of by other insects and against leafrollers, aphids, pear psylla, scale and mites
animals. Prevention also includes using techniques such as crop rotation Lime Sulphur for pests and diseases including pear scale,
and companion planting and also using barriers such as floating row rose scale, canker, twig bore and black spot
covers over crops such as onion, carrot, cabbage, broccoli and turnip there are also homemade controls that can be used such
that are susceptible to root maggots. as hot pepper or garlic spray for aphids
U se Caution:
If You Do Use Pesticides, Be Sure to Use
These Precautionary Measures
Pesticides are poisons, they wouldn’t work otherwise! They should be used as a last resort and with extreme caution.
Make sure to follow these guidelines:

How to Apply Type of Application

Sprays are generally less harmful to bees than powders and dusts.
Always use the least toxic pesticides and make sure to follow
Granular methods are usually the safest method of treatment. Any aerial
instructions on label carefully for application methods. Use
application of a pesticide posses a potential threat as bees may come
the lowest recommended dosage.
in direct contact with toxins in the air or toxins that have drifted to non-
Apply pesticides only to plants requiring treatment, not as a
target plants such as flowering weeds.
routine or a broadcast measure.

Broadcast applications of pesticides kill off beneficial insects
as well as the pests, which can lead to more serious pest
problems later on.
Some herbicides containing 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic
Do not spray crops in bloom.
acid (2,4-D) can be highly toxic. Herbicides with 2,4-D
Do not spray when weeds are in bloom, or remove them before
can also cause serious harm to native bee populations
through severely reducing bee plant forage species
Pay special attention to remove weeds that attract bees once
such as sweet clover. Instead of using 2,4-D,
the treatment has been made such as aster, dandelion,
keep your lawn well watered and fertilized.
mustard, sweet clover, milkweed and goldenrod.
A healthy lawn is an effective weed
These modification and application techniques can reduce bee
deterrent. Dig out weeds by hand.
loss up to 50% but remember, any loss is still very detrimental to
bee populations.

Timing of Application
Do not apply chemicals during hours when bees are collecting
Learn More
nectar and pollen. Generally, bees forage between dawn and There are a variety of sources for learning about organic gardening
dusk. The best time to apply chemicals is in the evening after techniques that can help you create a healthy garden ecosystem
bees have left for the day. Evening applications provide the longest that is pollinator friendly. Integrated pest management (IPM), a
possible time for the spray to dry and for the active ingredient to method of managing rather than controlling pest populations, is
start breaking down. However, heavy dew the next morning can one well known way to create pollinator friendly gardens. For more
make the chemical more likely to stick to bees. Use preventative information on IPM techniques, consult the Ministry of
measures early in the season when insecticides may be more Environment’s Integrated Pest Management Manual for Home
effective and crops are not blooming. and Garden Pests in BC, available at
Write a letter!
We can benefit local pollinators greatly by reducing our use of pesticides in the home.
As well, we can help them out by encouraging local parks, schools and highway maintenance crews to adopt pollinator friendly
techniques. We can also encourage policy makers to devise programs that reward farmers for implementing practices to protect the
habitat of wild pollinators and for using non-toxic growing practices. Write a letter to your local MP (federal) and your local MLA (provincial). Tell
them how important our local pollinators really are!!

This information has been brought to you by:

LifeCycles Project Society
LifeCycles is a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating
awareness and initiating action around food, health, and urban
sustainability in the Greater Victoria community. If you have any
questions or comments about the bee project, or any other projects that we
support, please stop by our office or give us a buzz:

527 Michigan St.

Victoria, B.C.
V8V 1S1
Phone #: (250) 383-5800
Fax #: (250) 386-3449

LifeCycles’ Bee Fact Sheets were made possible by:

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