Chemistry Project

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Chemistry project
Presence of pesticides in fruits and vegetables




This is to certify that the above mentioned

student of class XII-E section, Jawahar higher
secondary school, Neyveli has completed the
chemistry project during the year 2024-2025 for
the AISSE as prescribed by the CBSE.

Submitted on:



I wish to express my sincere gratitude to

our Principal, Mrs. M. Sethumani for
providing all facilities to complete this
project successfully.

I extend my hearty thanks to our

Chemistry teacher, Mrs. P.Kavitha ,for
her valuable guidance and support in
completing this project work.

I would also like to extend my sincere

thanks to my parents and friends who
helped me with their valuable
suggestions and guidance in project
The intensive development of agriculture means
that more and more toxic organic and inorganic
compounds are entering the environment. Because
of their widespread use, stability, selective toxicity
and bio accumulation, pesticides are among the
most toxic substances contaminating the
environment. They are particularly dangerous in
fruit and vegetables , by which people are exposed
to them. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide
residues in fruit and vegetables using all available
analytical methods. We present results from the
literature in the context of Maximum Residue Levels
(MRLs) of target pesticides in fruit and vegetables
samples. We also discuss about the presence of
pesticide and insecticide in fruit and vegetables
Pesticides are a numerous and diverse group
of chemical compounds which are used to
eliminate pests in agriculture and households.
They enable the quantities and quality of crops
and food to be controlled, and help to limit the
many human diseases transmitted b insect or
rodent vector. However, despite their many
merits, pesticides are some of the most toxic;
environmentally stable and mobile substances
in the environment.
Pesticides are of enormous importance in
increasing the yields and quality of agricultural
products. They are used to:
Control the number of pests destroying
whole plants or their parts.
Increase the production of animals and
plant biomass.
Kill the harmful organisms in farm
buildings, the home, hospitals, stores and
The widespread use of pesticides not only
contaminates water, soil and air, but also
causes them to accumulate in crops (eg.:
fruits and vegetables).
In the decade, there has been a tremendous
increase in the guilds of various crops to meet
the demand of our growing world population.
This method of forming and by expensive use of
fertilizers and insecticides.
Pesticides may be a chemical substances,
biological agent antimiobial disinfectant or
device used against any pest.
Pest Includes insects, plant pathogens insects,
mollusks, birds, mammals, fish nematodes and
microbus that destroy property, spread disease
or are vector for disease or cause a nuisance.
Farmers use insecticides to protect their crops
from insect damage. In urban areas, public
health officials use them to fight mosquitoes
and those insect carry germs. People use
insecticides to control pests and ants and
Pesticides have many advantages, but they also
do much harm to the environment. In view of
both positive and negative effects of pesticides
: we should aim to achieve full selectivity of
their action.
Each year 140000 tones of pesticides are
sprayed on to crops in the European Union (EU)
alone. Fruit and vegetables are the crops most
likely to be contaminated by pesticides,
particularly grapes, citrus fruits and potatoes.

The diversity of their chemical structures,

action and which can be categorized :
Purpose of application
Chemical structure
Environment stability and
The pathways by which they
penetrate target organisms
Structurally, they can be divided into
inorganic and organic compounds the
inorganic include arsenic insecticides,
fluoride, insecticides, inorganic
herbicides and inorganic fungicides,
while the organic comprise
organochlorine, organs phosphorous
and organonitrogen pesticides

Organo phosphorous pesticides

(opps),(e,g: fenitrothion malathion)
are the principal group of
compounds used to protect plants.
They include all organic compounds
containing phosphorous and are
used to combat pests in industrial
plantations, orchards and vegetable
cultivation. Opps usually have an
ester structure, decomposing fairly
easily on the surfaces and interior of
plants , and in soil. The use of
pesticides decreases the general
biodiversity in the soil. Soil quality is
higher without chemicals and this
allows for higher water retention,
necessary for plants to grow. Plant is
necessary for the growth of many
large plants, is hindered by
pesticides that can be found in soil.
This can lead to a large decline in
crop yields. Application of pesticides
to crops that are in bloom can kill
honeybees, which act as pollinators.
Pesticides classified according to the pests they
control. The four main types of pesticides are,

herbicides fungicides


rodenticides insecticides
Herbicides eliminate plant threats grow
where they are not wanted. Frames use
them to reduce weeds in such public areas
as parks and ponds.
Herbicides can control weeds
where other methods are impossible
due to plant arrangement or timing.
Reduces number of tillage
operations required, which can protect
the soil and environment. This also
results in decreased fuel costs and
lower carbon emission
Reduces human effort required to
manage weeds.

Herbicides can be expensive to apply.

Applying herbicides can require a pesticide
applicator’s license and some special
There can be negative effects on non target
organisms, including toxicities to humans.
Herbicide resistance in weed populations
rocan develop, making the herbicide
Certain fungi cause disease and may infect
both plants and animals including human
beings. Fungicides control plant diseases
that infect food-crops-wood used for
building houses in often berated with
fungicides to prevent dry not.
It is specially used to kill fungi or
insects in plants.
Fungicides prevent or stop their
Pasts or insects can cause severe
damage in agriculture.
This thing can be used in agriculture
and fight fungal infections in plants.
Fungicides can prevent fungi growth
without damaging the crop.

Fungicides will become less effective
against surviving fungi from pervious
Best to rotate materials or fungicides
with different modes of action to avoid
fungi resistance.
Harmful to beneficial insects like bees
and possibly the environment.
Fungicides including throat irritation,
sneezing, and coughing.
Saaf fungicides is effective against all
stages of fungal.
Colloquially “Rat poison” is typically non-
specific pest control chemicals made and
sold for the purpose of killing rodents.
Some rodenticides are lethal after on
exposure while others require more than
one. Rodents are disinclined to gorge on
an unknown food, preferring to sample wait
and observe whether it makes them or
other rats sick.
With rodenticides, you can control
and get rid of more pests with less bait.
Child resistant-some rodenticide
bait stations
Rodenticide toxicity symptoms are
more variable and are dependent on the
chemical and dose.

These are toxic products that cause
severe health damage and even death in
nontarget wildlife, pets and people.
Because of their toxicity and the weak
safety standards for their use and
distribution, rodenticides are a serious threat
to any living thing that accidentally ingests
Farmers use insecticides to protect their
crops from insect damage. People use
insecticides indoor to control pests and ant
and cockroaches.
Insecticides improve the quality of
Consumers expect to get pest-free
fruits and vegetables and insecticides
directly play a role in ensuring the crop
quality isn’t hampered by insects.
Controlling agricultural pests
(including diseases and weeds) and
vectors of plant diseases.

Non-target organisms-Insecticides can
kill more than intended organisms and
are risky to humans.
When insecticides mix with water
sources through leaching , drift , or run
off, they harm
Aquatic wildlife.
When birds drink such contaminated
water and eat affected insects, they die.
Heat a small piece of dry sodium in
fusion tubes, till it melts. Then add take
different kinds of fruits and vegetables
and cry them into small piece separately.
Transfer the cut of piece various fruits
and vegetables and cut them into small
piece separately.
Take different beaker of each kind of
fruits and vegetables and place the
crushed fruits and vegetables in these
beakers, and add 10ml of alcohol to each
of these.
Evaporate the alcohol by heating china
dishes one by one over water bath and
let the residue dry in an oven. And filter
collect the filtrate in separate china
One of the above residue from china
dish to the fusion tube in china dish
containing about 110mll of distilled
water. Break the tube and boil the
contents of the china dish of about 5
minutes to cool and filter solution.
Collect the filtrate.
To the filtrate add 1ml freshly prepared
ferrous sulphate solution and acidity with
the dilute HCL acid, if a blue or green
precipitate or coloration is obtained, it
indicated the presence of nitrogen
containing insecticide.
Repeat the test of nitrogen for residue
obtained from other fruits and vegetables
and record observations.

Name of Test for Presence of

Serial no. presence of
fruit/vegetable insecticides/pesticide
1 Tomato Positive Yes

2 Grapes Positive Yes

3 Carrot Negative No

4 Potato Positive Yes

Thus from the above experiment we
conclude that fruits and vegetable that
we consume especially grapes, tomato,
and potato contain nitrogen insecticides
and pesticides.


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