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A Guide To

Managing Tree Fruit Pests

in the Home Garden

Revised June 2017

Introduction Pesticides
This guide provides cultural practices and Home gardeners can only use pesticide products that
recommended pesticides to control common diseases include the word DOMESTIC on the label.
and insect pests of fruit trees in the home garden in
The table on pages 7-8 lists the common names (active
British Columbia.
ingredients) and trade names of pesticides. The
Be aware that legislation and local by-laws in the common name appears in the guarantee statement on
Interior fruit-growing regions require that certain pests the product label.
on fruit trees in home gardens be controlled. Poorly
Use pesticides only when necessary, and according to
managed trees are a source of infection and infestation
the principles of integrated pest management (IPM).
for near-by commercial orchards.
Combining cultural management strategies with
pesticide sprays will provide better control.
Cultural management
When selecting pesticides, use the least toxic product
Use gardening practices that discourage or prevent available that is effective for the pest. Products that are
development of pest problems: generally accepted for use in organic production (and
are thus considered relatively safe) are indicated in the
 Select disease-resistant varieties when planting. table on pages 7-8.
 Prune trees in dormant season or summer to open
up canopy to improve exposure of fruit to sun, air Always read the pesticide label or enclosure for proper
circulation and spray coverage. application rates, mixing instructions, safety
 Remove all fruit from the trees at harvest and precautions, and minimum waiting period before
destroy any insect-infested or disease-infected fruit harvesting. Avoid contact with the treated plants for at
to reduce the risk of problems the following year. least two days after spraying, or as the label instructs.
 Healthy trees are more resistant to many pests. Provincial pesticide regulations were changed in 2016.
Maintain trees in a healthy state with balanced Home gardeners now require a Residential Applicator
fertilizer, adequate water and judicious pruning. Certificate (RAC) to use certain pesticides in
 Encourage natural predators such as ladybugs by landscaped areas on private land. A RAC is not
not using insecticides unless needed. required to use pesticides on food crops, including tree
fruit. See for
Identification of Pests further information on the new regulations.
Managing fruit tree pests with the limited Domestic
Proper identification of insect pests and diseases is an pesticides available can be challenging. Consider
important step before attempting to control the pest. having your fruit trees professionally treated.
Not all plant problems are caused by pests; some are Commercial pest control companies with licensed
caused by cultural, nutritional or environmental pesticide applicators have access to newer and more
conditions. effective agricultural pest control products that are not
available to the home gardener.
Consult local nurseries, garden centres, Master
Gardeners, or the Home & Garden Pest Management
Guide for British Columbia for more detailed Poison symbols on the pesticide label indicate
the toxicity in diminishing order:
information on fruit tree pests and management
practices to prevent pest problems and improve fruit DANGER WARNING CAUTION
quality and quantity. Information on tree fruit pests,
including pictures of pests and their damage can also be
found on the Ministry of Agriculture website at:
Insect & Mite Pests of Tree Fruit Scale Insects

Aphids There are several species of scale insects that can

attack fruit trees. Look for small round or shell shaped
stationary scales, 2 to 5 mm wide on small limbs and
These small (2 to 3 mm) sap-sucking
twigs. Heavy infestations will retard tree growth and
insects are found on leaves and shoots,
reduce vigour. They may also cause fruit damage.
and usually occur in colonies. Damage
from feeding may distort leaves and Management: Scrape scales off the infested limbs
fruit. Some species transmit plant with a knife. Prune out heavily infested branches and
virus diseases. consider removing large old trees with encrusted
scale. Apply a dormant oil spray in late winter or early
Management: Apply a dormant oil spray in late
spring up to pre-pink stage of bud development.
winter or early spring before the pre-pink stage of bud
Ensure thorough coverage. Trees that receive dormant
development. This treatment will kill the
oil every spring seldom have problems with scale.
overwintering eggs of aphids and mites.

Do not overfertilize trees. Aphids are favoured by Mites

conditions that produce rapid growth. Encourage
control by natural enemies such as lacewings and Mites are tiny spider-like animals, barely
ladybugs by withholding insecticide sprays until at visible without magnification. Several
least 6 leaves of the terminal (end) shoots are infested species can affect the health and vigour of
with aphids. If predators are not present and fruit trees.
populations are high enough to cause damage, spray
with an insecticidal soap or summer oil. Management: Apply dormant oil each
year in early spring (just prior to budburst). Encourage
predatory (beneficial) mites by avoiding use of
Leafrollers and Other Caterpillars
harmful products such as permethrin and carbaryl. If
damage occurs in the summer, wash mites from leaves
These small caterpillars attack a wide range of fruit
by sprinkling trees with a garden hose or treat with
and ornamental trees. Some feed from within rolled
insecticidal soap or summer oil at label rates.
leaves; others skeletonize leaf surfaces. Damage to
leaves and fruit may occur throughout the growing
season. Fruit that is clustered together is more likely to Codling Moth
be damaged by leafrollers.
Codling moth larvae are small caterpillars that burrow
Management: Thin fruit to singles to reduce fruit into apple, crabapple and pear fruit to feed. Look for
damage and increase fruit size. Watch plants for signs entry and exit holes on fruit plugged with dark masses
of feeding damage in the spring. Treat infestations of reddish-brown excrement. When mature they exit
with Btk (Bacillus thuringiensis). Btk is a bacterium the fruit and find a sheltered site on the tree trunk,
that kills only caterpillars and is harmless to bees, base of the tree or major limbs to spin a cocoon in
other insects and wildlife. It is especially preferred in which to pupate or spend the winter. There are 2 to 3
areas frequented by children or pets. Carbaryl or generations each summer.
malathion can also be used. NOTE: Carbaryl applied
post-bloom is also a fruit thinning agent. Management: As part of the area-wide Sterile Insect
Release (SIR) program, codling moths MUST be
controlled in home gardens in the Okanagan,
Shothole Borer and Ambrosia Beetle
Similkameen and Shuswap Valleys. For further
information, contact the SIR office at 1-800-363-6684
Trees stressed from transplanting, poor soil drainage
or visit
or mechanical injury are most often attacked. They
appear wilted, and numerous small holes 1.5 to 2 mm To help reduce codling moth numbers, remove and
in diameter appear in the bark anywhere on the tree. destroy any infested fruit and early dropped fruit. Thin
Beetles are dark brown to black and about 2 mm long. fruit to singles to reduce damage. Harvest all fruit
completely in the fall. Consider stripping all fruit from
Management: Keep trees healthy and free of stress.
the tree or removing unwanted host trees to control the
Irrigate and fertilize to encourage tree vigour and
codling moth in regulated areas.
resistance to infestation. Remove dead or dying limbs
or trees and any wood showing beetle damage. Burn In mid-June, wrap a 10-cm-wide cardboard band
or chip prunings; do not keep any fruit tree firewood (open corrugation against tree) around the base of
with intact bark. Firewood with bark may continue to hosts trees and major limbs. First-brood larvae will
breed insects for 2 or 3 years. spin-up in and under the bands. Replace the bands in

mid-July and destroy the old bands and any cocoons Management: Watch for wilted shoots and destroy
on the tree. Remove and destroy the second bands any larvae present. If the pest was a problem the
anytime during the winter. (SIR may apply and previous year, apply carbaryl at pink and husk fall
remove the bands for you if your home is near a stages.
commercial orchard.)

Several insecticide applications may also be required Western Cherry Fruit Fly
to protect the fruit over the summer. The first spray
should be applied about 2 weeks after 90% of the The western cherry fruit fly
petals have fallen or when fruit damage is first overwinters under cherry trees
noticed. Apply another treatment one to two weeks as a pupa in the soil. About the
later. To control the second generation, apply a spray time cherry fruit begins to turn
again in late July or early August or when fresh larval pink, adults emerge and lay
entry holes are noticed. Insecticides available to the their eggs in developing fruit.
home gardener for codling moth include permethrin Eggs hatch into white maggots
and carbaryl. Btk does not provide sufficient control. that feed around the pit of cherry fruit. There are no
Follow all label instructions carefully. visible signs on infested fruit until the maggots are
nearly mature and have cut exit holes through the skin.
Consider having your tree sprayed by a trained The maggots drop from the fruit, burrow in the ground
professional pesticide applicator. They have access to and may remain in the soil for 1 or 2 years.
more effective spray materials and the equipment to
properly apply the sprays to fruit trees. Management:

All owners of cherry trees in the Okanagan, Creston or

Peach Tree Borer Similkameen areas are required by law to prevent and
control infestations of cherry fruit flies. Contact your
This pest attacks peaches, apricots, local Regional District By-Law enforcement officer
cherries and several other stone fruit for further information. Owners should carefully
trees. Look for gumming at the base consider the costs and benefits of growing backyard
of the tree, caused by cream- trees before planting, and remove trees that will not
coloured, brown-headed larvae that get adequate care.
feed on inner bark at or just below
the soil line. Young trees may be Non-chemical control requires removal of all fruit
girdled and die. Older trees may be seriously before the larvae emerge. This reduces breeding
weakened and become susceptible to other pests such sources and fruit fly populations for next season. It is
as bark beetles. important that all fruit remaining on the tree after
harvest be removed and destroyed to prevent fruit fly
Management: Remove borers after cutting into their production.
tunnels with a sharp knife or by probing with a piece
of stiff wire; metal coat hangers work well. Protect A new non-chemical option for controlling cherry
trees from re-infestation with trunk-collars made from fruit fly involves preventing the fly from reaching the
tar paper, thin aluminum or plastic sheeting. The fruit to lay eggs. ‘Kootenay Covers’ are large,
collars must cover the area around the base of the tree specially designed net bags that can be placed over
and 45 cm up the trunk to exclude the larvae. Make cherry trees up to 18 feet in diameter. The covers must
sure the top of the collar is well sealed against the tree be applied before cherry fruit fly emergence, and
trunk. Polyester batting wrapped around the base of secured around the tree until after harvest. For more
infested trees prior to adult emergence will trap and information see: .
remove emerging adults.
Chemical Control: The only insecticide available to
There are currently no registered insecticides for the home gardener for cherry fruit fly control is
homeowners for the control of peach tree borers. carbaryl. The first application should be made when
Commercial pesticide applicators can use Thionex or fruit begins to colour. Repeat every 5-7 days as
Rimon. necessary to ensure the fruit remains protected until
harvest. Observe pre-harvest intervals and remove all
Peach Twig Borer fruit at harvest. Commercial spray services have other,
more effective products available for use.
Peach twig borer larvae bore into the developing
shoots causing them to wilt and die. The caterpillars
also attack the ripening fruit, creating holes and
furrows at the stem end.

Diseases of Tree Fruit

Spotted Wing Drosophila Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that infects leaves
Spotted wing drosophila is a serious new fruit fly pest and fruits of apple, cherry, crabapple, pear, peach, and
of soft fruit and berries. It is now widespread in nectarine. Look for a greyish-white, powdery growth
Coastal and Interior fruit growing areas of B.C. on the surface of shoots, leaves and blossoms.
Infection can cause russeting of fruit.
Unlike most vinegar flies which normally infest
overripe, fallen, decaying fruit, spotted wing Management: Prune for good air circulation and light
drosophila females lay their eggs inside intact ripening penetration to reduce mildew and other diseases.
fruit. Larvae hatch and begin to feed within the fruit, Remove infected “white tipped” apple shoots during
causing softening in the area of feeding. Known hosts dormant season pruning. For stone fruit, rake and
in B.C. include cherry, peach, plum, nectarine, apricot, remove or compost leaves in the fall to help reduce
strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, disease pressure.
mulberry, salmonberry, thimbleberry, fig, table grape, Apply a fungicide containing sulphur or a summer oil
Oregon grape, currant, elderberry and honeysuckle. (Purespray Green) beginning at pink bud, and repeat
every 10 to 14 days as required. Do not apply sulphur
Management: Good sanitation practices are critical to to apricots. Avoid spraying during hot (over 26 °C)
controlling spotted wing drosophila. Clean up leftover temperatures. The biofungicide Regalia is also
and fallen fruit. Seal fruit in plastic bags or freeze for registered for suppression of mildew. A dormant
at least 48 hours before disposal. Home composting of application of lime sulphur will help to reduce
infested fruit will not kill flies. overwintering mildew on apple and cherry.
Harvest on time, pick clean and often, as overripe
unharvested fruit serve as sources of infestation.
Fire Blight
Refrigerate fruit as soon as possible after picking. Fire blight is a serious bacterial disease of pear, apple,
quince and other woody ornamentals in the rose
Insecticides containing pyrethroids or malathion family, such as hawthorn, mountain ash and firethorn.
registered for control of other fruit pests in the home Leaves and branches rapidly wilt, appear scorched and
garden will provide control of spotted wing die. Dead shoot tips often form a crook. Discoloured,
drosophila. Read and follow label directions and do slightly sunken areas called cankers develop on twigs
not apply when bees are present. and branches. Fresh cankers often ooze bacterial
slime. Fire blight infection can kill young trees.

Management: Fire blight is a highly infectious

disease that can be spread by rain, wind, insects, and
tools. Cut out infected shoots and branches as soon as
noticed, and burn or take cuttings to the landfill. Make
cuts well below any visible signs of infection.
Disinfect tools after each cut by dipping them in a
10% solution of Lysol, 70% rubbing alcohol or 10%
household bleach. Continue to monitor for and remove
new infections. Reduce nitrogen fertilizer
applications and soil moisture to limit susceptible new
growth. Avoid running sprinklers that wet the blossom
of susceptible trees during warm weather.
During the dormant season, remove overwintering
cankers by making cuts 15-30 cm below the canker
margin. If planting apple, select varieties that are less
susceptible to fire blight.
There are no chemical sprays that can cure fire blight
once a tree is infected. Preventative sprays with
copper may used during the blossom period, but may
cause injury (russeting) to the fruit. Copper octanoate
is less likely to cause fruit injury than copper sulphate.

Pear Trellis Rust Brown Rot
Pear trellis rust is a common disease of pears and Brown rot is a fungal disease that begins at the
junipers in the coastal area. It was detected for the first blossom stage. Infected blossoms wilt, shrivel and
time in the Central Okanagan in 2014. When pears are become covered with greyish mold. On peaches and
grown within 30 m of infected junipers, numerous apricots the infection may spread to twigs causing
orange or yellow spots will appear on the pear leaves. dieback. Fruit rot first appears as small, circular brown
In late August, the spots swell up and spore-bearing spots that increase rapidly in size causing the entire
fungal structures emerge from the lower leaf surface. fruit to rot. Light brown to greyish spores appear in
In severe cases, fruit may also be infected and twigs tufts on rotted areas. Infected fruit eventually turn into
may have overwintering infections in the form of shrivelled, black mummies that may drop or remain
swollen galls. Spores produced on pears can infect attached to the tree through the winter. Brown rot can
junipers, while spores produced on junipers can infect be serious on injured fruit such as cherries split by rain
only pears. or damaged by insects.

Management: In areas where the disease is present, Management: Remove rotten fruit from the tree and
do not plant junipers and pears close to one another. fallen fruit from the ground to reduce disease spread
They should be at least 30 m (100 feet) apart to and overwintering potential. Prune out cankered or
minimize damage. Remove old, infected junipers dead twigs as they are found. Thin fruit to reduce
close to pear trees before April to prevent infection of fruit-to-fruit contact. Remove all mummified fruit
pear leaves. Pick off infected pear leaves (if not too during winter pruning, and thin out excessive branches
numerous) before August to prevent infection of to allow for increased air flow. Avoid injuring or
junipers. There are no registered fungicides. bruising fruit when harvesting, and discard all fruit
with brown rot spots before storing. To reduce brown
rot in peaches being ripened for canning, spread them
out in a single layer so that they do not touch one
Scab (Apple and Pear) another.
Scab is a common fungal disease Trees with a history of brown rot may require
of apple and pear trees. Early leaf fungicide applications. Spray trees at the blossom
infections appear as olive-green stage and again during fruit ripening with a fruit tree
spots with feathery margins that spray containing captan. The biofungicide Regalia is
become brown to black. Fruit also registered for suppression of brown rot.
lesions are circular, brown to Commercial applicators have access to newer and
black in colour, and become more effective brown rot fungicides.
corky in appearance. The apple and pear scab fungi
are closely related but not identical. The disease does
not spread from one to the other. On apples, the Coryneum Blight (Shot Hole)
fungus overwinters on fallen leaves. On pears, it
overwinters on leaves and also on infected twigs. Warm, wet weather favours this
fungal disease which infects buds,
Management: Avoid planting highly susceptible blossoms, leaves, fruit and twigs.
varieties in wet coastal areas where scab is a serious Leaves develop numerous small, tan
problem. Scab resistant apple varieties are available. to purplish spots that drop out
Rake up and remove or compost fallen leaves to causing a shot hole appearance. Red
reduce the overwintering fungus. Prune for good air to purplish spots also form on the fruit and can be
circulation and light penetration. accompanied by a clear, gummy exudate. Gummy
twig and branch cankers also occur.
Fungicide sprays are not usually necessary in the
home garden in dry Interior areas if good sanitation is Management: During the dormant season rake up and
practiced. If needed, apply a recommended fungicide destroy fallen leaves and prune out and destroy
at bud break in the spring and repeat at the pink-bud branches with cankers. Avoid over-tree sprinkler
stage; one week after petal fall and then two weeks irrigation. To prevent fruit infection, spray at the husk
later. Additional sprays may be needed in wet climates fall stage with a fruit tree spray containing captan
on susceptible varieties. Use a fruit tree spray according to label directions. Do not use sulphur
containing captan, copper octanoate, sulphur or lime sprays on apricot.
sulphur, according to label directions. A biopesticide
containing garlic powder as the active ingredient is To prevent twig and bud infections, apply a copper
also registered for suppression of scab. fungicide after harvest on peach, or early September
(before fall rains) on apricot and cherry.

Peach Leaf Curl protected from rain or by erecting a temporary shelter
over trees. The fungus attacks buds and newly-
Leaf curl infection of peach and nectarine occurs in developing leaves so trees require most protection
late winter or very early spring, as soon as buds begin from rain during the early spring. Prune off and
to swell. In spring, infected buds produce leaves with dispose of dead twigs or branches.
a reddish tinge, a thick, crisp texture and curled
growth. A white dusting of the fungus forms on the Apply a protective spray of lime sulphur before the
leaf surface and the leaves may drop early. In wet, buds break in the spring. Complete coverage is
cooler seasons, secondary leaves may also become essential for effective control. Control measures are of
infected. Repeated defoliation weakens trees, and can no value after the disease becomes evident.
lead to tree death in 2 to 3 years. Application of copper sulphate or copper octanoate
after harvest in September will give adequate control
Management: No peach variety is immune to leaf of leaf curl in most years in the Interior. However, in
curl, but ‘Pacific Gold’ and ‘Renton’ are partially wet years or in wet climate areas, the late winter
resistant, and ‘Redhaven’ and most varieties derived dormant spray is also needed.
from ‘Redhaven’ have some tolerance. Avoid
infection by planting and training trees under the
eaves of buildings or other sites where they are

BC Ministry of Agriculture
200-1690 Powick Rd
Kelowna BC V1X 2H2

Pesticide Products Registered for Tree Fruit in the Home Garden (2017)
Home gardeners should only use “Domestic” labeled pesticides. Agricultural producers should refer to the appropriate Ministry of Agriculture production guide for current pest
management recommendations. The products listed below were registered for use by Health Canada at the time of publication in 2017. The registration status of pesticides in
Canada is constantly changing, as new reduced risk products are introduced, and older products are taken off the market. Always check the current label and follow all label
instructions and precautions when using pesticides.

Active Ingredient(s) Product Name Crops PHI1 AI typically Pests Controlled and Comments
(AI) (Days to allowed in
harvest) organic
tribasic copper sulphate Green Earth BORDO apple, peach 1 day yes Controls anthracnose, coryneum blight, peach leaf curl. Best
Copper Spray used as a dormant or fall spray to avoid injury to fruit and
copper octanoate Cueva all fruit trees 1 day yes Controls fire blight, apple scab, peach leaf curl, coryneum
blight and brown rot
calcium polysulphide Lime sulphur apple, cherry, pear, 1 day yes Use as dormant spray to control peach leaf curl, mites, scale
(lime sulphur) peach, plum and aphid eggs. Lower rates can be used in summer for apple
scab and powdery mildew. May be phytotoxic in hot weather.
Do not use on apricot.
sulphur Garden Sulphur, Safer’s apple, pear, cherry, 1 day yes Used for powdery mildew and apple scab. Slightly effective
Defender, Green Earth peach, plum, for brown rot. May be phytotoxic in hot weather. Do not use
Garden, King Eco-Way on apricot.
Fruit Tree & Garden
mineral oil 99% PureSpray Green apple, cherry, 0 days yes For suppression of powdery mildew when used as a summer
Concentrate peach, plum, spray. Do not exceed the recommended concentration or plant
apricot, nectarine injury may result.
garlic powder Bioprotec Fruit Tree apple, pear 0 days yes For suppression of apple scab and pear scab.
Reynoutria Regalia Liquid Fungicide all fruit trees 0 days yes Suppression or partial suppression of powdery mildew and
sachalinensis extract brown rot
carbaryl King Fruit Tree and Garden apple, apricot, 7 days no Toxic to bees. Spray pre-blossom and after petal fall. Controls
+ malathion Spray cherry aphids, apple maggot, cherry fruit fly, codling moth, leafroller,
+ captan peach tree borer, pear slug, scale, scab and brown rot. Will
cause fruit thinning on apple if applied within 25 days of

Active Ingredient(s) Product Name Crops PHI1 AI typically Pests Controlled and Comments
(AI) (Days to allowed in
harvest) organic
acetamiprid Acetamiprid RTU apple and pear 7 days no For aphids, leafhoppers and leafminer.

Btk (Bacillus BTK Bioinsecticide, All fruit trees 0 days yes Biological control of caterpillars such as leafrollers and
thuringiensis) Bioprotec ECO, Safer’s fruitworms. Non-toxic to bees and beneficial insects. Apply in
BTK Biological Insecticide dry conditions.
carbaryl Sevin All fruit trees 7 days no Toxic to bees and beneficial insects. Controls aphids, apple
maggot, codling moth, cherry fruit fly, fruitworm, leafhopper,
leafminer, leafroller, mealybug, pear slug, scale. May cause
fruit thinning on apples.
malathion Malathion All fruit trees 7 days no Organophosphate; strong odour, toxic to bees. Controls
aphids, codling moth, leafrollers, leafhoppers, mealybug,
psyllya, scale, spider mites.
mineral oil Superior Liquid Insecticide All fruit trees n/a yes Low toxicity dormant application for insect and mite eggs,
Oil Spray for dormant trees including aphids, scales, pear psylla.
mineral oil Purespray Green All fruit trees 0 days yes Dormant and summer oil spray.
Concentrate, Green Earth Controls aphids, scales, pear psylla, mites, mealybugs,
Horticultural Oil whitefly.
permethrin Ambush Tree & Garden, Apple, pear, peach, 7 days no Synthetic pyrethroid; harmful to bees and beneficial insects;
Wilson Fruit Guard, Bio- nectarine, plum repeated use will cause a build up of mites. Controls codling
Environmental Permethrin, moth, leafroller, bud moth, fruitworm, apple maggot,
Later’s Origins Yard & leafhoppers.
Garden, Wilson Bug-X,
Garden Protector
potassium salts of fatty Insecticidal Soap Fruits 0 days yes Low toxicity contact insecticide for aphids, scales and spider
acids (soaps) mites; low toxicity to bees and beneficial insects.
pyrethrins Trounce, Safer’s All fruit trees 1 to 3 days yes Natural insecticides obtained from pyrethrum flower; repeated
End-All, Scotts EcoSense use will cause a build up of mites. Controls aphids,
Bug-B-Gon, Doktor Doom leafhoppers, earwigs, beetles, whitefly. Some pyrethrin
Botanics, Konk Plant and formulations acceptable in organic production.
Vegetable Spray
AI = active ingredients
PHI – Pre-harvest interval: The number of days you must wait before harvesting edible plants, vegetables or fruits after applying a pesticide.
AI typically allowed in organic production – Active ingredients are generally accepted by organic growers associations for use on certified-organic crops or plants, but
particular formulations may not be compliant. Certified organic growers should consult product lists provided by their association.

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