From Third Wave To Fourth Wave - A Critical Quantum Shift
From Third Wave To Fourth Wave - A Critical Quantum Shift
From Third Wave To Fourth Wave - A Critical Quantum Shift
A special Note
Some of the concept and ideas presented goes to the depth of spiritual
scriptures where barriers between religions would break down. It also
reorients the well-established scientific thinking and evolves it towards its
goal To Understand Nature and Cosmos.
Human Nature is to resist the foundation on which it exists and functions. It
tries to clings to the power it holds. Therefore, I am sure all religious
institutions will resist any thoughts that shake its foundation. I am not
interested in debating religions. I have spent more than three decades in
search of Truth after I left a lucrative career in applied biotechnology. I am
not here to prove and win. I struggle against odds, because I am
compassionate. What I point out through this writing is the endangered state
of our Earth and our existence in it and how simple change in our thoughts
could help humanity, not only to survive, but enter the Golden Age or
Kingdom of God
Religions ruled our mind until 16th century and had to give way to science.
However, from the first part of last century, especially after the discovery of
E=mc2 and Uncertainty Principle, foundation of science broke down. The
field now opened up for all. The religions have begun to make reentry. This
also coincides with new spiritual waves and movements. Now we have great
debates going on between science and religions. Both are taking destructive
path than becoming light bearers to Humanity. Their failure to evolve reflects
in the instability of Earth and the endangered state of biosphere. Science
without perceiving the whole truth is exploiting Earth and Earth is reacting
violently. With all the weapons of mass destruction in hand Religions are
fighting and killing once own species in the name of life giving God. If we fail
to evolve to know Truth, we are heading towards a mass destruction.
I understand the net is full of well-presented spiritual information of the
ancient as well as scientific struggle of humankind. We also have people
trying to present the unity of science and ancient knowledge. I have listed
few videos towards the end that I felt are good.
The crux of failure of science exists in its inability to understand wave
particle duality. The wave is the phenomenon on which matter exist. The
reality manifest when wave collapses. Until the wave collapses, what exist is
complexity and illusions. I here focus on Certain Non-Equilibrium Ratio
Design and Principle on which motion manifest in particle and all
systems formed from it, including Cosmos. In the process, I attempts to
advance and unite the scientific concepts in simplicity and show how our
universe is Conscious and Intelligent Living System as the east spoke to the
Index 2-7
Preface and Introduction ----- Page: 7
The Intelligent Design Page: 11
Part -1
Evolving Science - Reinventing the Concept of Gravity, Light, Matter
and Motion from visions of Strings The Truth of Cosmic Creation
and Existence - Page:15
Abstract Page: 16
Introduction Page :18
God particle for common person Page: 18
The Big Bang origin for common person Page: 19
Non Linear Science and Origin for common Person Page:19
The Light and Energy for common person Page: 20
Fundamental Fallacy of Science- Page:21
Chapter -1
The Figures that can help understand Fundamental Concepts like
Force, Light, Matter, String and Motion --- Pages: 23
The structure of string, its quantum dance, the cause for wave particle
duality Page:24
The Turning Point from simplicity to complexity in Science The Fallacy
of understanding force Page:26
The formation atoms, matter and Gravity Page:27
Imaginations that can give platform to comprehend the
developments in science, in a sensible and simple manner Page:31
The formation of Micro Black holes and Space that stores Black Energy
Page: 32
The formation of Living molecule Page:32
The back radiation from Black hole - Three levels of resistance to
Gravity and collapse to Singularity Page: 33
The Creative Vision - The Formation of DNA Page: 34
The Cosmic Picture - The Creation of Super massive black holesPage:40
Chapter -3
Living Reality of Nature and Cosmos The Manifestation of Life
Page: 44
Chapter -4
Understanding Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario Exploring Spiritual
Secret of Cosmos Page: 48 [Very Important]
The Secret how Earth sustains its Heat and Temperature, it relevance
to Global warming Climate Change and Cosmic Uniformity Page: 49
Chapter -5
Is science in search of Lost Knowledge - The Mind of God Page: 52
Chapter -6
Understanding the Reality of Cosmos Page :56
Chapter -7
The Calvary and Black Hole Secret The Twin Clocks Page 59
Summary of part -1 page 61
Chapter -8
Possible New Technology for energy generation and its efficient use Page: 66
The Quantum Water Cycle - New Technology for Conservation of Water
and its Efficient Use Page:67
Part 2
The Truth concealed in Scriptures and failure of
Introduction Page: 72
What I understood from Scriptures Page: 72
What I did not understand The question that led me in trail of Truth
and God Page:73
My perception of Root of Evils on Earth- Page -74
My path towards God A Testimony - Page -75
God, Scriptures, Religion, Society As Revealed to me 82
The Parallel in Science, Scriptures -The key point where both fail
Two phases of life as way to understand scriptures and the Kingdom of
God Page: 100
Holy Spirits from the Point of Science Page: 103
The closing of gates Page: 106
7 Step Creation The Cosmic Kundalini rising - Page: 107
The structure of Kingdom of God Page:111
Characteristics of Kingdom of God- Page:111
What is End Time Where are we going from here? Page: 113
Why End of Third Wave becomes highly painful? Page: 115
Where Pentecostal Churches and Traditional Churches are going
wrong Page: 117
How Miracle cures and Awakening manifests in Retreat Centers?
Page: 120
Is awakening and New Life only meant for Christians? Page: 124
What do you mean by Born in Spirit and Baptized by Water
Unity of East and western Spirituality Page:141
The Critical End of Third Wave the importance my conscious callPage: 134
The Gaps in Bible- Page: 136
The Tree of Life Page: 141
The Truth of Holy Communion - Four faculties that sustain Life and
Crux of Spirituality Page:143
The Holy Communion
Five steps in Spiritual World and Holy Communion
Where Organized Christianity is failing
The knowledge of East as Superior knowledge that can lead us to
knowledge era or Golden Age
Preface and Introduction
This write up has nothing do with Religion called Christianity though it
focuses to Calvary Sacrifice and the Spirit of God released to free human
souls and up lift him. It is an exploration of Truth of Nature and Forces
governing it. It aims to see the core of all spiritual scriptures in simplicity
and bring unity of all spiritual scriptures such that humanity awakens to Truth
and Light concealed in it. It aims to evolve science such that it comprehends
its own conceptual developments in simplicity and sees its unity with the
ancient scriptures and the Knowledge concealed in it.
God Concept has remained with us from time immemorial. This has been
exploited by many. God is pictured as Absolute Power, Absolute Good, Peace,
Order and True Prosperity. We live in a world of information and
communication. Here media brings out the picture of what is happening
around the world by the second. What we observe in the world is opposite of
what the spiritual preachers speak. We observe a world that is tending to
great disorder.
Here the evil minds, the crooked, the unlawful and untruth
seems to thrive. When people look from outside into churches
and ministries, they see the preachers, the ministries,
foundations, religious institutions growing financially and the
common people suffering. They find huge gap between
preaching and practice. The Earth is going fragile, the social
system is fragmenting, the biosphere is collapsing and future
scriptures and science and unite them such that humanity can
evolve to Higher Knowledge.
I was a non-believer in God. I had an accidental encounter with Spirit of God
and a Transformative experience. I call it death of I. This write up
comes from the backdrop of this death of I and rebirth experience and a
conscious call. I am not striving to become saint or an angel. I do not have
power to heal. I am not aspiring to be a prophet. I have no church or I am
not associated with any institutions or organization. I do not intend to build
one either. If Lord permit, I only wish to return to do research and
transform some simple idea that I picked from Nature such that it
can be of some use for Humanity.
I love and believe Jesus Christ. I believe in the Spirits that He
released at Calvary for the sake of all of humanity. I am a lone warrior
cornered and yet fighting for decades towards a single purpose of Truth and
Light. I am looked down upon for I did not make money my first priority.
Even my loving wife an ardent Catholic is not exception to it. It does not
mean she is bad, she is a loving wife, a great gift to me from God,
but her mind, like millions of people on Earth, is slave of Church and
The problem with the world, led by west and its spiritual institution
[Christianity] is that it has held humanity as slave at the basal level of the
five levels of spirituality. The first level of spirituality is bread and water
that sustains the physical body. Other levels are, the level of life [Prana], the
level of Mind [Manas], the level of Knowledge, and the level of happiness. I
find much of organized Christianity, actually has held humanity in the base
level. Right now, I see Christ consciousness and Intelligence awakening souls
to the second level giving New Life. We are yet to grow and evolve to higher
I respect all religious scriptures, respect all temples, churches and mosques
and Sanctum Sanctorums, to which millions lean, focus their eyes, listens
and lives with hopes of protection and hopes of glorious future to them and
their children. I respect and salute from the depth of my heart, priest,
clergies, speakers, who speak scriptures from Sanctum Sanctorum and
strives to fallow what they speak at least by 50%. I also respect all those who
preach the scriptures with Power outside Church, Temples and Mosques and
honestly strive to bring peace to individuals and the world.
practices are becoming a great determinant for us to evolve into light and
life. On the other hand scientific community stands as barrier. Our
survival exists knowing God beyond name and religions as science that
all can accept only then the Good News and beauty of Calvary Sacrifice
can emerge to manifest the Kingdom of God.
The Good News is that, the Spiritual Wave is bound to take us
ashore, saving humanity and Earth. Earth and Cosmos is
designed to survive. It will separate the evil from the good.
Science itself says that Out of Great Disorder order can arise
spontaneously. In other words, light and knowledge of higher
order will arise out of the information era leading us into
Golden Age or Knowledge Era. Once new time is conceived
and initiated nothing can stop it. Conceived Child cannot be
held in the womb beyond some point, it will emerge. The
battle was won right at Calvary.
God is real. As the third wave of spirituality gives way to Fourth Wave
we are bound to enter higher level of knowledge of Life, Nature and
Cosmos to bring peace and order to humanity. We would see Mind of God.
The evil minds that thrive under the cover of religion and God then will
wither away. The era of evil people ends and good reigns. We are due to
enter Golden Age with New Technologies in every field of human interest
that are Nature compatible.
My writing and the knowledge revealed to me by Grace is nothing new. It
existed in the past and is already well written in ancient scriptures. It is
only being given new plate in relation to present situation. It is a
compassionate effort to alleviate the pains of transition or
birthing into higher level and give platform to reinvent lost
knowledge and recreate the Golden Age. Science is the dominating
culture influencing humanity. Here I give platform where all developments
is science can unite in simplicity and lead us to the spiritual secret
written in Spiritual scriptures such that humanity can awaken to save
Earth and enter the much wanted Golden Age
the Spirit of God can revamp it in the End of Time. In effect, Church
became a Mother Conceived.
The evil and powerful minds that entered the Church began to rule it. They
began to amass wealth in the name of God and rule people with iron fist [Ref48]. Prophet Mohammed came warning about the judgment to come;
unfortunately [to be more correct, by design], this too became another
powerful religion taking the wrong way. Then came modern Science as a
quest to discover lost Truth beyond religions. Evil mind entered even these
New Temples as it made every discovery to exploit Nature and common
The world we live-in today is the world of science. Science began its pursuit
carefully avoiding clash with powerful religious clergies. They assumed
universe as material, avoided terminologies like God, Soul, consciousness,
faith and slowly broke into the teachings of Christianity. When Newton
framed his famous laws, conceptualized motion and showed how motion of
planets and objects on Earth can be predictable, religion had to take back
seat. With science, human mind was liberated from the clutches of religions
to think and explore Truth.
There is a wrong notion that scientist are all atheist. In fact all Great Scientist
are true spiritualist, they were seeking God from a new perspective and
working to liberate humanity from clutches of religions. Science entered a
turbulent period and split up when it started studying light and discovered
Wave Particle Duality and encountered Uncertainty Principle.
Nearly one century has passed since these developments took place. We still
do not have answers to many fundamental questions and have failed to
make another level of intellectual advancement. The developments in
Quantum Mechanics showed there is depth in ancient knowledge; especially
of the east. A book named Tao of Physics written by Prof. Fritjoff Capra
speaks this elegantly. The sculpture of Lord Shiva in His dancing pose at the
headquarters of CERN [LHC] in Switzerland is Tribute to ancient India. The
developments opened the gate for all. The religions began to make re-entry
as science was failing.
Note- LHC or Large Hadron Collider is the largest experimental facility
instituted by cooperation of many western nations, to seek the secrets of
Atom. All Physicist look to this facility bring out proof for their theoretical
visions of atom and the universe.
new order. Today with our industrial and technological activity and by our
intrusion into night phase, we are exponentially increasing the heat of the
environment. Earth is struggling to sustain her temperature. This is leading
to accelerated change. This is bringing destruction from Natures forces as
never before. The biosphere and ecology in which we all live is breaking
down because of heat. Our mind is becoming restless. The restless minds are
becoming sitting ducks for evil self-centered minds that seek power and
position. Even the Creative, Life giving and Life Sustaining force called God is
being used by self-centered evil people to advance their self. In short, two
fundamental ignorances are playing havoc on Earth. They are
Part -1
Evolving Science
Rediscovering basic Concepts and Theories of
Science -
We all know physics split into two incompatible theories Relativity and
Quantum Mechanics and entered turbulent phase. The need to unite them
and develop a Unified Theory, has led to String Theory, Parallel World and
Ekpyrotic Scenario of Creation [ Ref- 12, 42, 45,33,26, 20 ]. It is highly
debated and is in embryonic stage. The very concept of space-time is now
questioned [Ref- 32, 10, 25]. All developments are taking the biological way.
The father of Quantum Mechanics Max Planck said Mind is matrix of all
Matter thus bringing humanity and his mind to the center stage of cosmic
existence. He probably was suggesting the fact that the search for cosmic
secret is a search for Mind of God, In other words, Glory or Light and
Knowledge of God. He also said Science cannot solve the ultimate
mystery of Nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we
ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve
There is critical difference between the knowledge of the Ancient
East and the Modern west. Modern west, believes only what it
sees, that which can be expressed in mathematical language and
can be put into experimentation. A scientific theory becomes
valid only when some of its prediction becomes valid. Western
thinking is founded on the perception universe is material and
truth exist out there in space or in here in atom; this is now being
increasingly questioned.
One must note, Noble Laureate James Lovelock did prove to the world that
Universe is a Gaia or Living one [Ref 56,58]. However, he failed to
incorporate Adult human mind into it. All life is anti-gravitational. It works
round the clock to sustain Cosmos from collapsing to singularity. The only
exception to it is Adult humans who lives a mind-centered life. He is selfcentered and is slave to material force and thus he directs his force with
gravity field that leads the system to collapse to singularity in black hole.
Science evolved from simplicity to complexity. Scientists have failed
miserably when it comes to understanding gravity and motion in particles. It
has failed to know how particle manifest into atom and goes to form complex
systems. It has failed to explain the origin and existence of Cosmos. Concept
of Gravity is central to science. Gravity is a centripetal force that directs to
collapse into singularity in black hole. Science fails to find a cause for its
origin out of black hole and its perpetual existence [Ref 15, 32]. Newton
visualized gravity as instantaneous force acting and binding two systems one
big and another small. When light phenomenon challenged Newtonian world,
matter, light is not influenced by gravity. It was found that Light moving
towards earth and gravity or away from earth all have the same speed. The
speed of light is not influenced by gravity. Einstein came up giving new
visions and thinking about Nature. He proved that matter or mass is nothing
but energy and that energy can be converted into mass and mass can be
converted into energy. In a way, he showed that atom is the product of
light E=mc2 [This may not be the way scientist Think].
strings not point particle. This theory and its advocators say that in time oneworld shrinks, pierces the other, and comes out to expand thus, surviving
time [Ref-74, 24, 26, 33,]. This is Called Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario.
However, they fail to tell us how the string vibrates and what causes
one world to pierce the other in time.
All scientific theory speaks of some basic reality of Nature.
However, they have failed to perceive, comprehend and put
them together in a sensible way. It could be compared to five
blind men touching an Elephant and interpreting it. Central to
this lack of understanding is the lack of comprehension of
wave particle duality. Thus scientific discoveries exists as
information but has not translated into Knowledge and
wisdom that can help us take guard of Earth and live in
harmony with oneself, others and with Nature and her forces.
some force that resisting gravity and thus sustains the universe
force the existence of conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the
matrix of all matter Max Planck
2] Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of Nature. And that is
because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we
are trying to solve Max Planck
Chapter -1
Important Points
1] The Quantum Collapse and reorganization [Quantum Dance] of the
particle in three-dimensional space is unhindered and thus particle moves
with maximum speed creating waves.
2] These four steps are universal for all particles atoms, all system formed
from it, including life and Cosmos.
cannot stop time. It thus begins to collapse into the fourth part, where
disorder peaks. However, system survives by a seed of order growing
from within. This means time is reversible. We will understand it as
we go by
The figure-4 shows school level experiments that led to the invention of
existence of second force and discovery of electromagnetic force. The third
picture interprets the experiment from the spiral vision of force or particle in
motion in space. This could be proof of theoretical vision I am trying to
present. This vision already exists on the net. I am not sure who is the
source. But I find it very much advocated by School of Nassim Haremain
[ Ref- 4, 5]
An important reality of Nature is duality. The above experiment, gravity,
relativity, string theory and everything in Nature presents a duality and
paired existence. Gravity necessitates existence of two objects one dominant
the other recessive. This also reflects very much in life sciences. This nonequilibrium or dominant and recessive are a necessity because
of its space-time position in relation to a center. In other words,
energy contained in it differs
Important Note -The initial action of ejection of particle of light takes place
from A that is dominant. It instantaneously triggers an ejection of photon
from all objects B, C, D in space. This means ABCD are quantum entangled.
The ejection from A is powered by attraction with the opposite D. The
hydrogen atoms however are formed not by collision of particles
from A and D but collision of A and B and C and D.
These two atoms will have opposite twist. The atoms formed have
their equilibrium point centralized.
In three-dimensional space, they are not stable and hence they tend to form
H2 molecules that are in more stable state. A still higher stability in threedimensional space is reached when they fuse to form helium atoms. The
process we know releases energy and heat and are the source of radiation
from stellar system. Helium atom can be of two types a right winding
and left winding. They form the parallel worlds. One must note that
the non-equilibrium design means helium atoms develops an inner
space that is closed but is amenable to opening and interactions in
three steps.
Chapter -2
Important Point
The double torus by design has dominant component and recessive
component [male and female]. One is Right winding and other is left winding.
As a system, time in double torus tends to the center of the black
hole in the recessive component. We must note and underline that
gravity is a centripetal force and that it can have only one direction of
winding right or left not both. This means dominant by Nature opposes the
gravity, feminine by instinct opposes gravity but gets aligned with gravity
when stressed. It becomes the seat of Dark Energy.
In short, time in double torus tends to accumulate energy and information in
latent form in the black hole of the recessive. Time is inevitable this means
as the ratio tends to 3:1, the balance of the whole system is endangered,
and a reordering becomes inevitable. The dominant component or masculine
which experienced the gravity as winding stress, now breaks down to
conceive in the feminine and explodes. In short, it conceives to recreate. This
could be understood from sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction is
conquering of time and death in a controlled Big Bang explosion of
information that takes place in an Ekpyrotic way. [Ref- 26].
Life survive resisting gravity with constant exchange of information with its
right left [breathing], a second level of resistance manifest by creativity and
mitotic division [we will see more about it as we go by]. The third level is
conquering of time and death, which involves the parallel world. Here male
information de-differentiates and reduced its information [2n to n state],
leaves its body to unite with similarly reduced information to conquer time
and death and ensures the perpetual existence.
1] First Level- First level is pulsation that sustains the motion and life. In
response to gravity and its winding force, inert atoms simply pulsate to
dispel the force acting on it [see fig- 8]. Imagine breathing here where life
receives energy [O2] and eliminates toxic CO2 thus sustain life. Physicists
understand it as particles or information falling into black hole and radiating
back Hawking Radiation [Ref 14A.]. Breathing in life is a form of information
exchange. O2 brings the latest information about the system and CO2
releases information from life into the environment such that environment
can be modified. [Reference- Gaia hypothesis -61]. Information are packets
of energy or heat being exchanged, such that life can sustain certain a
temperature. This temperature regulation is vital to Life. It is vital
Earth [See Gaia hypothesis Ref 61, 60, 59]. It is also vital to
Cosmos. The temperature of the universe is smooth throughout and is a
riddle to cosmologist. Living Vision of Cosmos can only answer it.
This exchange of information help the system balances its temperature.
Black holes of one inert atom is instantaneously communicated to the
oppositely twisted helium atom [We can call it parallel helium atom that are
quantum entangled]. They thus develop the information pathways.
Near second critical point, the system can add non- inert matter on to
itself, such that the winding stress of gravity and the central hole is
balanced by opposing forces See fig 9.
centromere of chromosomes and pulls them apart and thus TWITCHING two
cells out of one.
Important point- We see here parallel world male and female, pairs of
information, pairs of inert atoms. The stress disturbing the stability of inert
atoms can have two choices; one is stress by compression or winding force
and another stress manifesting as unwinding force. The gravity we know
is winding force. It has one choice winding right to left or left to
right not both. In the living molecule, we saw one atom as right winding
and other as left winding. This means one atom under gravity is stressed to
winding limit and another part is stressed simultaneously to unwinding limit.
One opposes the gravity and other also opposes gravity but in time
aligns with gravity. This means the black hole of masculine constricts and
black hole of feminine expands to balance under gravity and eventually
reaches a critical point 3:1 at which system is bound to collapse. This
necessitated a third level of resistance and exchange of information between
the black holes of the two component parts.
The genes and DNA that we think as the source of information that
creates and sustains life, is not actually the source of creation and
sustenance. Source of Information or force that creates and sustains
exists in the black hole or the internal space of inert atoms, [at system
level inner space of life], which exist in pairs and can interact with
external space in three quantum steps to survive in it. Life needs to
be understood as interaction of three spaces. A fourth space
exists when we consider Parallel world.
What this means is that all life and the whole Cosmos has a framework
of inner space. That is instantaneously communicated and has creative
and sustenance potential. It also has a communication with outer
space, which takes place in time. This communication is well explored
by in life by a new field in biology called Epigenetics [Ref 36D and
In complex organism, the first cell when divide, one goes to form internal
realm and another to form external realm. As the cells divide, it create a
web of internal space that becomes critical to carry and execute information
in time
Life has male and female, dominant and recessive or
parallel worlds. Both have heart [central field] and
mind [external body field]. The heart is life giving, it is
directed against Gravity. What creates time is mind
that slowly moves like a needle of a clock. The clock in
masculine and feminine seems to have opposite
direction. This eventually stresses the system to first,
second and third critical point. We saw that universe can be right or left
twisting not both. In a double torus one of the pair is always opposing the
universal time direction. In contrast, the feminine clock aligns with Gravity
after the first two phases and tends to unwind and loose kinetic energy and
accumulate potential energy. A new equilibrium can only be attained
when the core unites. This is sexual reproduction in Life. This vision
needs to be extended to cosmic level. This then becomes the Ekpyrotic
Scenario of Creation It needs to be understood from eastern point of view
of consciousness and intelligence unfolding and enfolding.
Readers should note that our thoughts are laying a foundation to explore
universe as living one as the ancient east taught the world. However, its full
comprehension needs some more extensions and incorporation of thoughts.
Important Point - The light particles that make up the male and
female inert atoms become stressed in the process gravity and time.
The masculine part is stressed by coiling energy and the feminine by
uncoiled energy. Here we see how energy is infused into
The figure -13 and 16 [Page 35 and 46 ] speaks what happens at the third
critical point, when the whole system reaches 3:1 in favor of collapse into
black hole. The masculine here is coiled to the critical point, with 3:1
Kinetic energy and directed against gravity of material world. The
feminine in contrast reaches 3:1 in favor of potential energy and directs
to collapse into black hole. The conception of the masculine resists this
collapse, reverses the time direction, takes it 3:1 in favor of Anti-gravity
and initializes the system. At birth, system initializes into New Time
Cycle. We will see this in detail as we go on. This reality at cosmic level
makes sense only when we understand it as unfolding of information.
Black holes are very much discussed aspect in scientific circles and they
remain enigma see Reference -12, 13,14,14A. 14B, 14C, Early vision was that
it is supposed to eat up all information [energy and matter] and go into
singularity. However, it made no sense. Later it blew up into an intellectual
fight between Stephen Hawking and Leonard Susskind Ref 14C. I feel reader
should see this video to understand a black hole in simplicity and how
scientist have made compromise and complexity out of it.
2] Time and Gravity siphoning of energy particles or light from black hole
through to a Cosmic Center leads to
Since this particle is spiraling to the cosmic center it also can produce
back flow of energy and thus giving stability to the system. Recall a
drill working. A drill cannot move one bit unless it displaces
the field it is drilling.
Though the back flow can give stability, it cannot stop gravity
and time directed to Cosmic Center and time invariably
means a flow favors a direction to Cosmic Center. The cosmic
center now becomes the drama field of everything we witness.
To understand the Big Bang the picture now needs to be
inversed and understood from the depth of the Cosmic Center.
Everything originates from it and returns to it in cycles.
3] Now, we can
visualize a Quantum
Coupled helium
molecule [Double
Torus] or Living
Molecule at Cosmic
center, one right
winding and another
left winding one
dominant the other
recessive. Their
dance can create
force that opposes the time direction to Cosmos [see fig -14] to
make the system self-sustaining. The three basic processes
discussed before makes it capable of existing in time.
The key aspect is the dominant atom opening up to be deposited
in the feminine world to form the seed that conquers time and
death and evolves the system to survive time. In life, we
understand it as reproduction where information dedifferentiates mixes to evolve to survive time. In reality, it is two
space-time realities carrying energy and information mixing to
create a new order.
The dance we saw in a particle in the beginning this write up [Fig-1], can be
visualized in a living atom [helium atom] which is quantum entangled with
another particle in the parallel living Atom at the center. Their coupled dance
reverberates to the whole Cosmos. Their union conquers time starts the
creation process and their separation initializes the system.
4] The three basic processes, along with creativity that we discussed before,
make it capable of existing in time. This thinking makes us to visualize
creation from one Supreme Central double Torus or Living molecule
directing to the center, and another space-time field of Life that directs from
the center to the outside and thus sustains the material world. The ancient
east called Universal Conscious and intelligent field or God field, in which
everything else exists.
back as the core idea took shape in me. I gave it up when, when I realized
that these high priest of temples of science are inaccessible to any thoughts
outside their perimeters. The fact that there is no place for a chemist and
Noble Laureate late Ilya Prigogone and James Lovelock [Father of Gaia
Hypothesis], in their world further discouraged me. However, when the
internet became accessible to me, I could not resist my conscious call. I
began to write spontaneously and keep it open on net leave the rest to time
and His will. I keep writing when I see common person suffering for the
failure of intellectual community ruling us from temples of science and
religions. This is yet another effort.
The question arises Are we at the center? Is Earth off
centered center of Cosmos as heart is off-centered center of
life? It most likely is. I am sure the world of Physicist would
call me nuts. It does not matter to me. It is worthwhile to
recall the quote from Max Planck A scientific truth does not triumph by
convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents
eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it
Chapter -3
torus possibly gives rise to the plant kingdom. Here two black holes interact
to balance right and left of the system through information exchange. The
system as a whole has left or right winding orientation. The right winding
system is quantum entangled with left winding pair. Since the system
struggles to sustain certain equilibrium and resist move toward the center or
away from the center all plant species prefers to mix the information, than
self-pollinating. This means, when we attempt to clone life, we are actually
destroying the species inherent potentials to evolve and survive time. The
picture we gain of cosmic world is that of Tree where parallel worlds
exist as one
3] From periodic table, we note that, neon and argon atoms have
inner structure and outer structures see Fig -15.
The DNA molecules in these cases are built on the outer structure. The outer
structure in neon atom is open structure in three-dimensional space capable
of communicating with internal black hole. They seem to form animal
kingdom. However, in argon it is a closed structure in three-dimensional
space. These eight black holes when compressed to second critical point
form a Great Black Hole or a Portal that communicates with external
world. The argon structure is possibly the basis of human kingdom. This 9th
black hole forms the seat of mind in humans that becomes ego, selfcenteredness and gets disconnected from central space. From this
fundamental point, I visualize plants and animals being more conscious and
The above figure [Fig-16] expresses the time direction and singularity in
parallel worlds and the conquering of time and its initialization. We discussed
it in the previous chapter also [ Fig 13]. What is conceiving and giving birth is
the Cosmic Intelligence.
The figure is explanatory. As the system, tends to third critical point and the
ratio reaches 3:1 non-equilibrium state, a seed from the masculine
penetrates to take the center position. This now becomes the center point to
which all energy flows and accumulates. This ensures a resistance to the fall
of the whole system in to singularity and collapse. In time, it leads to
reversal and restoration to start a New Time Cycle.
Important Point
Theoretical scientist, try to build cosmic picture upon Einsteins work
end in a singularity and collapse which they fail to explain. Earlier we
noted a simple cyclic explanation to it. The new theory of Strings and
Parallel world presents an Ekpyrotic Scenario of Creation, [Suggested
by Dr. Neil Turok, Prof. Paul Steinhardt and Prof. Burt Ovrut, [Ref -74,
26, 24, 33] makes sense also from our above thinking and brings forth
the living vision of universe that was known to the ancient east. This
is a controlled expansion and contraction.
The parallel world and Ekpyrotic Scenario could be visualized from
two Primal Inert Atoms that break down into two strings of information
or DNA [n state] that comes together to unite to form a pair of
strings. It then creates its own image and then separate to form two
and multiple worlds. The original information is now separated into
two worlds. This original information is quantum entangled and is
conscious. When the system is endangered it comes together again.
We did trace life to single pair of Supreme Inert Atoms and the real
information of the system is enclosed in the inner space of these inert
atoms in energetic manner. This inner space is the conscious and
intelligent field. The system evolves as the atom opens up, exchanges
information and create mirror images and then collapses to create two
and more worlds. Universe now needs to be understood as consciousness
and intelligence of creator [supreme inert atom] unfolding and enfolding.
It is information or light emerging and diminishing.
We are in a fortunate era of information that is poised to give
birth and lead us into Knowledge and wisdom era; an era
where humanity exists liberated from all religions and exists
in True Light.
Chapter -4
Time direction is inevitable reality that one has to account when it comes to
explaining the cosmic existence. Both western materialistic vision and
eastern living vision makes sense only when we account for time direction.
We did see it in simplicity, how an Ekpyrotic Scenario can manifest with a
double torus and living molecules at the center
In Ekpyrotic creation, the scientist propose that one-half of the cosmic
system condenses to a point penetrates the other half to emerge to cause
the continuity. This is incomprehensible, much the same way as Big Bang,
where we are forced to visualize all matter of the universe condensing to a
point and explode. We need a new vision to account and visualize the
Big Bang and Ekpyrotic Scenario. This can only come when we view
universe as living one as the ancient east did. Before exploring it, Let us see
how Earth sustains its heat and temperature within a limit
Chapter -5
Birds eye view of history of civilization speaks that there were advanced
civilization on Earth in the past, but these civilization seems to have
vanished for unknown reasons. The cities beneath Earth and sea do speak of
huge turbulence that destroyed these civilizations. Before science came into
existence, the religious institutions ruled the realm of knowledge. The
spiritual scriptures of these religions seem to hold Truth, in subtle manner so
that it can emerge back in time. In spite of all advancement in science,
science has failed to deliver Truth in simplicity. Consequently, religions have
emerged to influence us, influence the nations, and they exist as great
threat. As I said earlier, human survival on Earth is endangered by reckless
human intervention into Earths functioning and the religions of the world.
This means we are living in the darkest period of time cycle. We are living in
Illusion. The need to evolve our knowledge to know Truth and Light and get
liberated from the bondage of religion has become crucial to humanity.
Scientists struggle to know Truth is going terribly in a wrong way. The fact
that science still falls back on spirituality and ancient scriptures reflects in
naming of the Higgs Boson particle as God Particle. It is interesting to note
that the Large Hadron Collider [LHC], a multibillions dollar experimental
universal being. We have no independence separate from the whole and the
whole has no existence without the parts. The ancient east thus logically
deuced Life and Cosmos to a faculty called Brahman or Spirit [Holy Spirit,
al-Ruh al-Quds, Chi or Life Force] that perceives and acts to create and
destroy thus eternally sustains the system in an eternal balancing or dancing
state. This means, when something is created in one place, something is
destroyed in another place. It visualizes two parallel world masculine and
feminine that are one. They have depicted their knowledge in Sculpture of
Dance of Lord Shiva Nataraja. The installation of this Sculpture of
Lord Shiva in at CERN is symbolic of the Future to come from the
The problem with physicists is that they fail to liberate themselves from the
Platos Chair of Science at the Mouth of the cave, [Ref- 47] to see the
Truth from a point of freedom. Forgive me if I am wrong. There is a form of
ego in Physicist that resists them seeing Nature and Cosmos from the point
of simplicity. They are failing to review the foundation or frame work that
they laid as they set forth challenging the religious institutions. Much the
same way as High priests failed to perceive their God and Light manifested
as Jesus because of their ego, the physicist are failing to perceive the fact
that the Universe is Living. The time is stressing them to come out of their
illusion [Ref -9.10,12,13,14C,15,30,32] all speak it. Both science and religion
fail utterly when it comes to comprehending creation and perpetual
existence of Cosmos in time. Here is a list of parallels between knowledge
written in spiritual scriptures and Science.
Table-2 : Parallel between Science and Religious Scriptures
Spiritual Scriptures
1 Visualizes unseen Spirit,
[Brahman, Holy Spirit, al-Ruh alQuds, Chi --] as the basis and
the matter, Life manifests out of
2 It visualizes two spirits
masculine and feminine or
dominant and recessive that coexists as one. They visualized
them as quantum entangled
male and female or parallel
worlds that coexist as one and
Energy is the basis and it manifest
into matter.
dances as one
3 Spirituality visualizes Spirit/Soul
as indestructible entities.
However, it is free to evolve
FORCE or away from it. It says
souls can evolve toward God and
Light or away from it. It says
that the Living Universe Sustains
it Self against time through
TRANAFORMATION of souls with
Free Will. It says the Creator
Creates and destroys to
recreate. It struggles to sustain
the BALANCE They visualize
universe as dance of the spirits
to create and balance the
system. Truth and Justice is thus
is the Key
4 It says that God resist time and
its flight towards darkness or
death. However, it says time and
deterioration is inevitable. God
only Resists it. Scriptures subtly
says that Time and deterioration
starts from Gods own People.
God thus is forced to intervene
to destroy and recreate.
Religions fail to explain this
cyclic existence in simplicity - I
feel religious scholars resist
people from becoming
3 Masculine Spirit is understood as
creative and life giving entity
and feminine spirit supports the
process. Together they create
and sustain the system. It
speaks of Creator Spirit
awakening the latent energy and
recessive in latent form. In short, one atom gains kinetic energy the other
gains potential energy and as the critical point of collapse is reached,
dominant breaks down, enters the recessive to conquer time and reverse the
direction The picture it brings is of Living Tree manifesting from a seed.
The complete reality unfolds, when we extend to look at it as
Cosmic Man with a Cosmic Heart and Mind or PURUSAUnfolding his consciousness and intelligence to create and
initialize the system.
Chapter -6
We saw Argon atoms and its inner space as the basis of Human life. Humans
have a heart and Mind. This mind becomes the problem as well as solution.
When it becomes ego, self-centered and salve to material world, it becomes
the problem. Today this mind is enquiring into Truth and Light or knowledge
that once existed with humanity but is lost, when it was used for self.
Scriptures visualize universe as living being. Bible says we are created in the
image of God and we were given the Dominion. This invariably means we
had all the knowledge of life, the Art of Living in peace with oneself, with
others, and with Nature and its Creator.
Scientist today strives to seek Truth in Atoms. Argon atom has inner core and
outer core. It has an inner black hole. The outer cover has 8 black hole, when
it winds to second critical state it form the 10th black hole of the system. This
black hole we saw as the seat of Mind /Brain. The inner black hole is carrier
Chapter -7
Summary of Part -1
All development in science, the confusion, the paradoxes the
complexity in science dissolves into simplicity when we visualize the
Design of a String and understand the Principle that drives the
Quantum Dance, its manifestation into atom and complex system like
a living being. The symmetry we witness in life is a passing state in
Quantum Dance. It is sustained by expenditure of energy.
The fundamental fallacy of Science [even religions] is that it fails to observe
Nature from the point of freedom. It tries to capture Nature in chosen
mathematical formula than trying to experience and figure the Truth. It is
over 100 years since we came to realize that behind matter there is energy
and its dance. What we lack is the knowledge of this dance and ability
to dance with it. It made experimental proof and predictability its main
scale of validation of theory and propositions.
There are flaws in the interpretation of first experiment of Galileo so also the
turning point experiment that introduced the second force or
electromagnetic force to science. The truth is that everything is
electromagnetic pulse that moves in spiral manner, including
Gravity. What drives it is a fundamental Principle and Design. This
Design and Principle that governs the motion in particle, atoms, and the
whole Cosmos is same. Time and energy in light particle is directed to
outside towards parallel world. Time and energy in atom is directed to the
inside. Atom is formed by the collision two or more light particles. E=mc2
speaks this. Scientists failure exists in their inability to perceive their role in
Balls of different weights would not have gone to the top of the table, without
direct and indirect participation of Galileo. The ball gave up the energy
imparted to it as it rolled to initial state. One can visualize and interpret that
the time taken to dispel the energy imparted was proportional to weight.
Similarly, the work done to lift the ball also is proportional to weight.
Newton used Euclidean geometry and thus humanity tended
to visualize force acting in straight line. This error seems to
be rectified and advanced to another level by Einstein in a
complex way. He perceived underlying curvature.
Incompleteness of this vision led to Uncertainty Theory. The
next advanced thinking is what we discussed The Quantum
There could have been simpler way to understand Nature. We did sew how a
simple change in perception of motion of particle in straight line to spiral can
explain electromagnetic force, open a new dimension of thinking uniting
concept of gravity with electromagnetism [See fig -3 and 4]. I have dealt the
developments in science from a point of simplicity in an article HasScience-Made-Nature-and-Life-Complex-as-Religions-Made-God-Complex
The Nature from smallest particle to whole Cosmos is built on
non-equilibrium design and everything is pulsating. They are
governed by instinct to seek higher and higher state of
equilibrium. However, equilibrium is denied by design leading
to Perpetual Quantum Dance. The energy a particle carries
can differ. Two forces, gravity and anti-gravity, which are
paired, sustain the particle, atom and the whole universe.
They are inseparable and they give way to one another
forming the breath of Cosmos. Ancient east rightly
understood anti-gravity field as conscious and intelligent field
and visualized it as the base substance that sustains the
Life plays important role. Life and its inner space is the
source of anti-gravity. However, life is not beyond gravity and
Chapter -8
Warning This seed idea however needs to be explored and used with
good intent. The different facets of this technology, its short and longterm implications have to be contemplated and discussed in depth. This
should not go the way nuclear inventions went. Thus I stress a
spiritual awakening should precede technological up- gradation.
Water is the most essential aspect to sustain life. The thoughts and thinking
discussed in the first part tells us that, just as life, Earth also needs a water
cycle to sustain itself. It is the principle way it sinks the heat and disperses it
such that the temperature of Earth is sustained within a limit and biosphere
is protected. Without water, life and ecology cannot exist. Great Civilizations
have emerged always linked with rivers and water bodies. In India and in all
ancient civilizations, rivers and water bodies are revered with great respect.
In contrast, the modern civilization that has lost connectivity with Nature has
actually misused it.
4] The energy of the cycle however is prone for change. When energy of
the system increases, the fluctuation becomes accelerated and gain
immense power causing two-fold destruction by unwinding and winding
force. The energy contained in the cycle is often released at the three
transition points of quantum climatic cycle. We are witnessing this
around the world as increased fire/wind bound accidents. This is also
accompanied by flash floods/snows. The winding reaction of Earth to cool
itself is also is leading to Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We
discussed them earlier
The figure explains the Quantum Water Cycle. We can easily relate it to
climatic cycle. We make huge cry when cycle stresses and water level drops.
As Nature reacts to precipitate and ease water stress, we forget and continue
to stress Earth. We are fast reaching limit point where water cycle can
become destructive. We are experiencing it.
Important Note Scientist overlook the reaction of Earth and the
increasing natural catastrophes, quoting the bigger catastrophes have
struck in the past. The Earth struggles to sustain certain equilibrium. We
saw that it has left and right that is communicated and exchanges energy.
However, any great disturbance to the cycle above the limit, it leads to
trapping of energy in the cycle. This trappings takes place in balanced
manner, therefore the system is safe. The system tries to diffuse it or expel
it in the next cycle. These trapped energies also can merge resulting in
violent release leading huge natural catastrophes. However, there is
difference between what happens at around the first, second and third
critical point. This can be understood from life that is afflicted by diseases. A
child and adult have more chances to counter the disease than an aged
person. We humans by intruding into night cycle and recklessly destroying
greenery, we have severely impeded the functioning Earth. We are in for
great reactions from Earth and her forces.
This has many ramifications that effects life and the ecosystem
How it works
I feel the Fig.19 is self-explanatory.
Water stress is manifesting on two
main counts. One is the environmental
heat that leads to evaporation loss in
quick time and the other is flash floods that is increasing the runway water
washing the top soil and at the same time reducing the amount of water
percolating to replenish the water table. Both these critical problems can be
handled from the above concept and its modification depending on needs
We can modify it to arrest flowing water and help replenish the water
table by opening both ends of the hourglass.
We can modify it in scale and size to trap water, store water and use it
for various purposes.
We can modify this concept to apply it to kitchen gardening to large
scale plantations.
We can use it turn desert into green.
It can be used in small and big scale at various levels of society and its
Transpiration rate can further be reduced by filling the body with micro
hour glasses, such that randomness and resistance comes in against
accelerated force of transpiration
The efficiency of capillary feedback can be increased with spiral
When it comes for use of feeding water to the root zone of plants the
body can be filled with sponge or other absorbents that store and
release water.
In short, it can be extended to any scale and modified to suit the needs. This
concept can alleviate the sudden peaking and falling of energy and
destructive end to which we are moving. The concept would help fight
drought and fresh water problem that humanity is going to face due to
increased and accelerated changes in climate.
Caution The scaling should not be done with greed, it has to take
into consideration Global Reality and natural cycles. In addition, the
material used for storing should be carefully chosen. I am against
filling Earth with plastic Junk. We need to choose material that
deteriorates over a period of time.
Ending Note
As an ending note, I must say that ancient people knew Truth of Nature and
Life in simplicity. Their culture and practices were simple, advanced and
Nature compatible. India and its culture holds goldmine of information and
knowledge that can revamp our knowledge of life, food, health and medicine.
Part - 2
and Souls in it as good. Likewise it picture hell as bad field and souls in it as
bad. The Middle field is Earth where we human souls exist, having
opportunity to evolve upwards or downwards with free will. The heaven
Earth and hell are separated. However, the souls in it get an opening go up
and fall down, when the system revolves in time cycle. All spiritual
scriptures picture the basic Nature of God as Love and Truth and
Justice. He is the Giver of Life taker of Life and sustainer of Life. He
takes the soul to heaven, allows souls to fall to Earth or locks them
in hell, he also liberates them from hell.
shout in support of evil. I feel the situation is worse and has become
Global. We must note the population under the priests shouted for
the release of a looter and murderer in place of Jesus. Today we have
democracy, but we still vote on caste and religion, vote for thugs, looter and
the unlawful to lead us. It speaks of the gravity of the situation. It reflects the
lack of awakening.
The modern world that is material and self-centered is direct reflection of
priestly class built in Jesuss name. People have learnt the Art of Living
from these Priests. People live unconnected to their consciousness,
speaking one thing and practicing something else. They down load
their sin every weak in churches and returned to do the same with more
Vigor. The churches have grown and flourished in dirty money. The old
church before Christ at least declined the Blood money. Today they
accept it too.
I do see some change, thanks to Pentecostal movement and
spirit of Christ or God working. It has spread into churches. I
see some welcome change in Pope Francis. However, the
stigma of self and religion exist. Thus, it is failing to lift
humanity from darkness into Light and help complete the
purpose for which Christ shed His Blood. The only way out is
to understand Calvary as science of Life.
I needed rest, nearly 8 years of day and nights work, especially the stress
and uncertainty I had to endure as I was writing my thesis was speaking on
my health. I returned to my home to be with my parents. My parents resided
in an interior village, surrounded by Forest. It then had no proper road,
electricity, communication. My father was a Flight Sargent with Indian Air
force and Mother a Nursing superintendent in government District hospital. I
wondered what made them settle in an interior village. When I asked him
once, he said he had taken oath to live with his brothers. However, I
suddenly began to feel some attachment with Nature and developed a
strange communication with Nature. I made it my laboratory; I began to
observe Nature, society intensively. I settled taking up the responsibility of
my family, doing agriculture as means of livelihood.
My mind began to take up the most fundamental questions about life, which I
had hoped to take up in the university. I would travel 120 kilometers to the
University, spend 2 day a month brushing up and reading new developments
in science and would return, buying few Soviet published [USSR] books on
science especially on conceptual developments in physical science. The
Soviet books I felt were cheap and written in thought provoking manner.
My Mother was early member of Pentecostal Movement. After her marriage,
she returned to organized Church. My Father was not a big church follower. I
would say he was more humane. Both upheld certain Principalities. My
mothers only complaint against me was that I did not believe in God.
As my rapport with Nature grew and as I dug deep into science I began to
see serious flaws in the foundation of science. I opened up my horizon to
social science, religions and various philosophies and Scriptures. It did not
rest only in reading. I yielded to my Mother, initiated, and participated in
building small church. I participated in church activities, all the while
observing and studying its positive and negative points. I even risked my life
opposing ruling powerful political party, my community and even my family
to seek some change and give a message to the politicians, who play on the
communal card to fetch votes but fail to do any developmental works. I broke
the barriers of religion to support a Hindu [RSS activist] and a Party that had
religious orientation. The man whom I supported won for the first time by
less than 150 votes. He has gone on to become Chief Minister of my State
and today a Cabinet Minister in the power center of my country. I know him
well, yet I have not approached him with personal demands and favor even
in my worst times. I felt that society deteriorates, when people use power
and contacts for self. Therefore, I restricted my relationship with him only for
public needs.
Delinking my research from my means of livelihood gave me freedom. As a
farmer, I began to have insight into life. The forest around me gave reference
point. I learned much more about life than what I studied in the University
and being inside a Lab. My ancestors were traditional Ayurvedic Practitioners.
One of my uncles was still practicing it. Moving with him, I began to see and
experience its depth. This prompted me to look up to ancient Indian Cultures
and change my attitude to the old Knowledge, which we all sideline.
As a child and youth, I had felt God as invention of the intelligent to
Rule ignorant. My thoughts and visions were already pointing to a future,
where science and its development in the absence of whole Truth leading to
a biosphere collapse. Another worst scenario that came before me is
religions leading the world to self-destruction in the name of God. Thus,
constructing models of Unification Theory, which explains the whole
Truth of Nature and God became my principal quest and hobby. My
mind contemplated on it, when I am in the field and into late night, when I
slept staring at the sky.
As I opened up my mind, my stand on God had to change. My slogan
became If there is no God we have to invent one. This phrase, which I
read somewhere appealed to me. For it speaks of a reference point. A God,
an Absolute Supreme Good personality I felt is a necessity for the
deteriorating world as a guiding star. I also found the need of
institutions in the society that constantly remind us about Good and the need
to walk in it. The words in Bible where Jesus spoke to His disciples to listen to
what Priest preach but not fallow them [ Mathew 23: 1-4] helped me
overcome my aversion to priests. This made me participate in Church
activities and develop good rapport with Priests.
A dramatic incident occurred in my life in November of 1996. I happened to
attend a Christian Retreat Center, [Divine Retreat Center led by Fr. George
Panakal, a charismatic Priest of immense power] which was known for many
miracle cure in those period. As a scientist, I always believed that everything
should have scientific explanation. From the day, I came to know about this
retreat center and my father, my brother retreated in it, I had developed a
picture of what should be happening there. I wanted to visit it as an
observer but the visit did not manifest. However, after my marriage, my wife
an ardent Blind Catholic Christian coaxed me for it. She probably had many
At the same time, I also realized call to reduce scriptures down to some
simple fundamentals.
The aim was to unite all scriptures and unite it with science. I realized only
this can bring forth Good News and Calvary as a Salvation secret for all of
Humanity beyond religion. I felt, this as the only way to make quantum leap
in evolution of our understanding of Nature and God. This is a necessity to
survive great disorder and destruction that is coming.
In the first part of this writing, we saw the Principle and Design of String
and how it manifests into particle, produces the Quantum Dance creating a
wave and dissipating energy and information before it collapses back into
new order changing the direction of the flow. We saw how these particles
manifest into non -inert and inert atoms. We also saw how the inner space of
inert atoms towards the cosmic center [Earth] can show creativity to form
DNA and eventually evolve to form a complex Living system. We saw how life
opposes Gravity and builds force against Gravity and the Collapse.
In discussing global warming, we saw how Earth is self-organizing with plants
and animals. We then saw how introduction of adult human beings into this
picture brings a time direction to it. Human mind is self-centered and it is
slave to material world, thus it aligns with material force directed to disorder
and collapse. We also discussed how we are fast heading towards the
collapse of biosphere due to instability of human mind that is taking selfdestructive path influenced by religions.
In discussing the origin, we noted everything possibly originated from pair of
Supreme Souls or inert atoms at the Cosmic Center that contained
all the information. Creation possibly occurs when one Supreme Soul
[masculine soul] winds to the maximum and attains maximum kinetic energy
and explodes to leave its world. Simultaneously its pair [female] would have
unwound to maximum potential energy state leading to a possible total
collapse. The masculine soul then conceives in the feminine. This starts a
little perturbation that triggers the creative and restoration phase. This
phase completes when the conceived information gains power to emerge out
to start a New Time Cycle. In other words, we saw creation as Ekpyrotic
Scenario, which includes the Big Bang. We saw the universe as spirit or
information unfolding and enfolding. It could be compared to a mother
conceiving and giving birth. This means universe is living as the ancient
scriptures directly and indirectly taught and wrote down.
The kingdom of God is Truth and Justice and thus the principle objective of
humanity is to live a Justified Life. The kingdom deteriorates, when humanity
fall salve to evil mind manifested to create his kingdom. If you look back
spiritual scriptures and the related epics and stories, we see God manifesting
in human form on earth mediates for Truth and Justice and even participates
in the war for Truth and Justice.
There is exception in Jesus Christ. Here we meet God who had capacity
resurrect the dead, feed 5000 people out of nearly nothing, surrendering
Himself as a sacrificial Lamb. He human God, who does not use the powered
bestowed on Him for self. He was fulfilling His Fathers call with absolute
faith. He is executing the Divine Plan of conquering time and death and
restoring the Kingdom back to God. Kingdom of God is Truth and Justice. This
means the very purpose of Christ and His Calvary sacrifice is to
restore Truth and Justice. This is war happening n spiritual realms led by
Christ. Bible clearly says that Christ manifested at a time when there was
none who could be justified before God. Possibly of the souls in heaven, so
also on earth had turned against Him upsetting the balance. Souls in heaven
had violated the laws of heaven, fell down, took earthling as salves, and
turned them against God. This meant God the Father had to intervene to
restore the system back to Golden Age.
This restoration process in taking place through the Spirit that Christ
released. The Second Coming, is the Coming of Light It is coming of Truth
and Justice. When the light reveals we will know where we stand in relation
to Christ and God. Bible speaks this in term of Judgment, the separation and
restoration. We will discuss how this takes place later.
anointed warriors, Bhisma, Dhrona and Karna responsible for the Great war
of Kurukshetra. Their ego, Self and Pride led them to side the evil and this
precipitated the war. The deterioration that starts in spiritual institutions then
percolates down to lower levels. It does not mean that all priests are bad; we
must note the majority rules.
The above fact discussed summarizes the scriptures, all the rest are the
drama unfolding as the fallen angels and humans work to build their
kingdom at the cost of Kingdom of God. We are all stage actors through
whom God is unfolding the drama. We are psyched by religious people
saying God is there in Churches, in temples. We are psyched that God is
pleased by our material offerings. God will punish you if you do not go to
churches and so on. All this are creation of evil mind to exploit humanity.
The modern Christianity was built around last supper of Jesus,
where Christ offered Himself as Bread and wine. We are now
in the time period where science has proven that what works
behind the Bread is the Spirit. Yet organized Christianity
resists the people awakening to the Spirit. We must note and
underline that the first wave Pentecostalism emerged in
parallel to Einsteins discovery of E=mc2
We live in a world where we have religious leaders, leaders of nations and
authorities existing as slave to rich business houses and favoring the crooks
and corrupt and working to advance their self. There is huge gap between
what a preacher preaches and practices. God does not need our wealth, He
does not need our gold and silver, and He does need the food we grow. All
this are needs of us and of our brothers and sisters.
All that God needs is you. He loves you and seeks your Love,
He wished we all love each other and walk the path of Truth
and Justice and resist the evil forces. We are part of His
Bible clearly tells that evil has its time but in the end, it will be cast down
mercilessly. As of now God stands a witness to all that is happening and
giving free will to all souls. We are in era where Bishops and Priest allows
desecration of the Sanctum Sanctorum for more power and money. We are in
an era where the position of Bishop are created at will and is done under
political and influence of money. We are in era where church leaders would
have crony evil rich business people, politicians, evil lawyers, who dare to
forge Judges signature and use his stamp, such that they can advance
materially. In short, our society exists in the most deteriorated state.
Bible and Jesus are preached around the world, some with power, some
without power, some with good intent and some with material intent. The
Word of God is awakening humanity. However, this awakening is not
changing the social scenario, where untruth is growing exponentially. There
is increasing oppression of breadwinners and common person. Does God only
hear to the rich, evil with lots of money to offer to him?
Will he not listen to the cries of those billions who are farming
and suffering in the field and are exploited. Will He not listen
to cries of ordinary people who are denied the Justice?
The Truth is that God listens to the prayers of Good souls, stores the
tears of justified people. In the Nirguna or impersonal mode of Holy
Spirit or Brahman, He allows the evil minds and imposters to grow,
but handles them as He enters the Saguna or personal Mode of Holy
Spirit or Brahman or al-Ruh al Quds. This is well-spoken in Bible in the
parable of weeds and owner of vineyard. Mathew 13: 24-40, 24:40-42.
Note -We will explore the Nirguna and Saguna phase of Holy Spirit in later
very process of asking determines the end. Thus judgment in Bible speaks of
surprises, where front becomes back and vice-versa. Who stands to gain is
the one who served compassionately and did his duty honestly and truthfully.
Upanishad speaks elegantly about how the right questioning
brings right answers. It prepares mind to introspect and ask
right question to seek the Truth.
It is a call to adhere and direct once power with Gods Spirits and
resist the spirit of the material world.
It is call not to become self centered and use his power for self
It is resistance from disconnecting from once consciousness
and intelligence within and become slaves to outside forces. It is a
call to hear the voice within your heart. Jesus clearly told his
followers to hear what the priest preach, but never try to fallow them.
This is because a scripture holds Truth and Light and helps us
connects to consciousness. Hearing it would awaken us. He also had
reverence for Temple and spiritual institutions for they are needs of a
society. However, His emphasis was developing personal relationship
with God. In short, it was a call to connect to consciousness,
listen to whispers of Super Consciousness.
It is call to drop once own ego, or I and identity with religions
and develop one to one relationship with God.
One can visualize this as resistance from dipping into singularity
in black hole to which material space-time field and its forces point.
In short, one can deduce it one call of God 'Love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This in
retrospect means all of us are part of Him, much like cells of one whole living
We have no independent identity separate from Him [God],
and we are called to serve Him, by Loving Him and by walking
the path of Truth and Justice.
What you make out from this is that the time direction to deterioration
If you are chosen one, Gods grace cannot work for you when you are going
against your consciousness, your parents and loved ones. God disciplines His
children Hebrew 12:4-6. The Hindu philosophy gives huge emphasis on
respecting parents. The devil might work, in the favor of evil minds
bringing financial prosperity for some period, but cannot help you in
the end. It cannot save your soul. God is God of all three
The time direction continues even in this disorder and reaches the critical
state of collapse. Here it leaps in to iron-age or age of darkness or total
disorder, where Truth and justice touches the lowest level. The Divine Plan
is executed as third phase gives way to fourth phase. Fourth phase gives
way to first phase as cries of common and justified people rattles the Throne
of God. In each of these phases, God manifest to save and lead the world.
Jesus is the manifestation of God in this last phase.
This cycle can be understood from the life cycle of human life. The first part
is childhood when we exist in the protection of Father and Mother. The
second part is adolescent part when you are half in and half out. The third
part is adult hood when our I manifests. The culture and practices possibly
are instituted in this state, some as resistive methods, and some for
exploitation of humans. The fourth part is old age moving to death.
The Universal Living Being plunging into death is nonimaginable. It means the Kingdom of God Collapsing into
nonexistence. It is here both science and religion reaches a
dead end. Understanding this scientifically calls to look at
universe as living one that survives through information
Unfolding and Enfolding.
Religions say that Spirit/Soul is not created or destroyed, but can grow
towards the Absolute or away from it. It can awaken, acquire
information and knowledge to move towards light or lose it to move
towards darkness. Science says energy/matter is not created or
destroyed in the universe. The system works on TRANSFORMATIO. It
says potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy and viceversa.
Plan unfolded through Christ to conquer time and death and initialize the
Kingdom of God. Bible predicted that at the End of Time, God would pour out
His Spirit on all and all people will awaken. This means we will be freed from
the bondage to religion. The spirit of God is already working to awaken
humanity in pockets. However, it is failing to go global because Spirit of God
is held in names and tags of religions
Christ never asked His disciples to institute a religion and
build churches for Him. He asked them to be in Prayer to gain
the promised Spirit, and go out to spread Good News and
Transform Souls. The most disgusting part of human history
is that this Living and moving Spirit was reinstalled into
temples and renamed them as Churches and new generation
arose to rule humanity in the Name of God. One Good News,
is that God the Father and Son knew it would happen. Thus,
we see the modern day Pentecostalism, Charismatic and New
Age Movement, which is breaking the foundation of
Traditional Christian Religion. The Spirit of God is choosing to
anoint individual directly, beyond religions and is doing
miracle through them ensuring that Kingdom of God
eventually manifests
The core philosophy of east, the VEDAS, writes that kingdom of God as
Golden Age when Truth and Justice shined maximum. This period
deteriorated in time after few generations. Then it made quantum leap into
second phase of Universal Cycle of time called Silver Age. Here uncertainty
manifested. We can understand these two phases from the first two part of
our Life Cycle. The first part of childhood is the most innocent where heart
and its intelligence works and God force rejoices. The second phase is period
where individuals reach the puberty. Here a form of uncertainty comes into
existence. Children are half attached to heart and to the father and mother,
half to maturing mind and external world and the opposite sex. It is a
disturbed time where devils act. This is a period where the friends and
society influence the mind. This is the time when I factor in we humans
begins to manifest.
The knowledge to resist evil path becomes vital here. The priestly
class, the gurus the education faculty of society becomes responsible to
train them to oppose the Negative thought such that health of individual,
family community and society is kept in favor of positive. The first and most
Modern day priests are not walking in the path of Christ. They speak but
fail to practice. The important criterion of priest is that he should have
come into self-realization encountering the Spirit of Christ. He must be
empowered by the spirit of God and should have knowledge to guide not
only individual, but also the king and the whole system that administers
the society. They are understood as light bearers of the Kingdom of GodThe soldiers of God protecting Truth and common people. Without this,
they are as good as blind and become the cause for fall.
Just because one studies scripture and wears white cloth, one cannot
become a priest. We have too many false priests who live and act in
contradictions to their consciousness and have fallen to depth. The
deterioration of individual and society and kingdom of God starts from this
I believe that Adam and Eve were thrown out, when they failed to connect
the consciousness and seek His guidance but fell a Pray for Gods own
people cast down from heaven.
Evil Age is the age when uncertainty, disorder, and
destruction peaks. This is the period when one religion will
desecrate, abominate and desolates another religions
Sanctum Sanctorum. This is the time, when sects within in
religions fight to annihilate one another. This is the age
self, ego, pride and total material centeredness. This is the
age where priests, kings and authorities are corrupted and
builds an empire of theirs on the tears of common people and
the breadwinners. This is the age when children desert
Modern science came into existence, when Christianity built in the name of
Jesus and His Supreme Sacrifice, was virtually exploiting humanity. They
were ruling the west with iron hands, infusing fear, suppressing people and
their mind. They had kept people as salves to amass wealth. Anyone who
opposed the church was persecuted ruthlessly [Ref- 48].
Few thinking minds at this period revolted. They decided to approach the
Truth from a realm that the priestly class preached as evil. They assumed
universe is material. They emphasized and developed a culture and
generation that believes in that which can only be seen, predictable,
and that which can be shown through experimentation. Science
culture took upper hand, when it began to predict movement of planets and
stellar objects. It exploded when it conceptualized force in matter and
learnt to unleash this force and predict it. Their problem manifested
when they began to study light, break atoms, and see the world inside it.
They then began to perceive an uncertainty and eventually began to
perceive that matter they see is not the reality. The reality is built
on energetic fields and the matter we see collapses into reality at
the moment of seeing. In others words, it meant that spiritual realm
determines the material realm.
Science split at this point, giving scope for ancient spiritual scriptures.
Physicists now began to see parallel between science and the Mystic
Knowledge of East. This is the beginning of revival of spirituality. [Ref-47A]
The drawback of Science is that, it fails to perceive, how and why
energy manifest matter and how it sustain the system in time. The
failure of spiritualist also related to it. They fail to understand the
Spirit God, How it creates and sustains everything in time.
Two unflinching laws of science relates to conservation of energy and matter.
The first law says that nothing is created or destroyed. The system is
sustained by TRANSFORMATION. The second law says that in every
Transformation, some energy is lost as heat and thus system has a time
direction. This loss and time direction led scientists to dead end such as Big
Bang, Run Away Universe and so on at which all the laws of science fails.
Note The First part of Bible Speak of laws for humans. The initial law that
God laid with creation was resistance from eating from tree at the center.
We did see what it meant. In simplicity it was call to humanity not to
disconnect from his consciousness and intelligence within and align with
matter and its force. It was resistance from seeking self. When souls seek
self they try and create their Kingdom. They break Truth and Justice and
deteriorate the Kingdom of God. Later we saw more laws being placed
through Moses. When Christ manifested Bible says everybody sinned and
took the forbidden path. All fell to the trap of Satan. The Law and Judge
now made no sense. Christ manifested to give forgiveness to those who
truly repent and thus recreate His Fathers Kingdom and seat Him as Judge.
Scientist, led by physicist seeks the secret of creation and cosmic existence
in external material world that compose of atoms and its interactions to form
molecules and complex systems. They also seek it by breaking atoms to its
component parts. Concept of space-time as a field is important to science to
integrate particles and understand the formation of atom, atoms into
molecules and its influences on other atoms to form complex systems. The
concept of space-time and laws of physics break down as it is traced
back to beginning point.
In contrast to this, the spiritualist of the ancient sought it in Life. They sought
it within and explored a field within, which they called Conscious and
intelligent field that links and holds the whole system called life into one.
They knew that their mind that seeks God and His secret has an important
role to play. In fact, they realized that, mind that has polar existence, has to
be transcended to connect to the consciousness. At higher level, they
realized this is only an initial step towards knowing Truth.
At higher level of meditation, they could enter the Universal
Consciousness to develop a communication with the Spirit.
This forms the basis of Spiritual knowledge of the ancient
East. This is the basis of prophesy and visions that the New
Born Christian preachers have developed. The only difference
is that, today it is coming to us as Grace. The Kingdom of God
however cannot manifest out of such communication. Nor will
this ensure an entry into Kingdom of God. All scriptures
clearly write that the Ultimate or Absolute Truth or God cannot be
sought by our mind, but God comes in search of us and reveals
Himself with a Purpose. The purpose is to reestablish Truth and
Justice and restore the Kingdom of God. What it means all our efforts
to know God becomes futile. Human whenever seek something seeks
with an intent.
All religious scriptures centers on human life, its relationship to form family,
community and its ultimate relationship with one Absolute Personality called
God. It centers on a Supreme Absolute Spirit/Soul, Heart, Mind with which
everything becomes relative. It says very clearly that spirit/souls are
indestructible, but can transform and evolve towards the Supreme or away
from it. It says that we are individuated beings existing in the Supreme
Spirit/Soul, Heart, Mind and body. In short, we are like cell of one living being.
The body of this being deteriorates when cells in it begins to fall and fail to
execute its duty. We previously saw how self-centered human minds are
destroying Earth. How we have endangered planet Earth by our intrusion into
its working to sustain certain equilibrium. How religions of the world is
leading the world to a possible destructive war in the name of God.
Survival of Kingdom of God now needs a TRANSFORMATION
and RESTORATION of human souls and illumination of the
intellect. In short, the Supreme Spirit/Soul should restore its
own body by transformation and giving New Life to His Body.
Christ and the Spirit He released seem to be doing this.
released the Creative Spirits to recreate and restore the Kingdom of the
Father. We now see a unity of scripture and science. Scriptures says Divine
Plan of restoration is a plan involving Transformation souls and
illumination mind. In parallel fundamental laws of energy and matter in
science says, nothing is created or destroyed and the system exist by
transformation. Further science says that reality manifest, when mind
observes the system. This constant observation of self is what east taught
the world. When this culture is lost, he became self-centered and the system
began to deteriorate. God through Jesus and His self-sacrifice arrested this
deterioration and ensured that humanity returns back to the Glory.
Spirits that Christ released is creating the Spiritual Body of the God or the
Living Universe with free will and transformation of souls. He is restoring His
Fathers Kingdom through transformation of Souls. The Vedas do speak of
this deterioration in terms of deterioration of Truth and Justice. However,
what it fails to account is the return back to Golden Age or Dharma Yuga or
Kingdom of God. Jesus and His Calvary Sacrifice fill the missing link of cyclic
unfolding to create New Order. This lifting of souls is also associated with
displacement some souls downwards. Thus, we evil is flourishing in parallel
to awakening of people in God and His Force. However, the scenario changes
the moment Truth or Light emerges. Evil cannot thrive, it already exist
Emergence of Truth or Light can be understood from DNA duplication in
fertilized egg cell. The pairs of information coming together to from the
zygote, conquers time. They create their images
and separate to form two cells, which later forms
the whole being. The original information is
separated into two worlds but exist quantum
entangled. They exchange information
spontaneously and they form the conscious
and intelligent field that sustains life. They
come together when the system is endangered
2] Sustenance phase This starts with Birth and Golden Age. Here the
Spirits of God works to Sustain Life. Holy Spirit works as balancing agent or
the giver of Breath. Here Nirguna or impersonal phase of Holy Spirits ends
and Saguna or personal or self-determining mode of Holy Spirit comes into
being. In Bible it is judgment. Since time is inevitable, Resistance comes into
effect. It resists life from aligning with material force.
At cellular level, the emergence of light and truth can be understood from
appearance of a bright radiating object called CENTRIOLE merging on one
side of cell after the DNA duplicates its information. The centriole then splits
to move to the poles in the process it creates spindle fibers that attaches to
Centromere of DNA, they are pulled apart, and cell divides. This process is
associated with opposing spin and twitching of the one cell into two. This
starts the phase of Duality, which is the reality. Further division leads
to formation four, eight and so on.
In Bible, this moment of centrioles emerging is pictured an End of Time. End
time in fact is the beginning of New Time. Jesus compared the end time to a
pregnant women. It also speaks it as light emerging in east and spreading to
west. We need to understand this as Light of Life or Knowledge and
wisdom of God emerging in full Glory. It is awakening of human
consciousness and intelligence such that he sees the Truth of God. It is the
rise of lost Eastern Knowledge.
Case in Universal Time Scale. There are other cases such as Lord
Krishna. The case of Jesus and His Self-Sacrifice becomes important,
because it is the creation phase. The others like Krishna Lord Krishna are
cases related to sustenance. We earlier saw a Universal Time Cycle, which
deteriorates in four phases. Jesus manifested in the last phase when
Quantum Universal Cycle became 3:1 in favor darkness and death. The
Universal Time Cycle begins when the Spirits completes the creation. The
Birth is the beginning of Saguna or self -determining mode of Holy Spirit.
Here the Holy Spirit exists as Judge. He also exists as resisting factor.
Primal strand of DNA in the fertilized egg cell and formation of Centriole. The
Spirits that Created now takes Saguna State. One must note here that Dr.
Stuart Hameroff and famous quantum Physicist Dr. Roger Penrose, attribute
consciousness to centriole and spindle fibers. They have come close to the
reality. However, my stand goes one point ahead to say that Consciousness
and intelligence exist in inner space-time field. The centriole and spindle
fiber are physical manifestation of the same that appears and disappear
back into the space-time. The life survives by basic process in which
information moves from inside to outside and outside to inside.
The purpose of Christ and His Calvary Sacrifice is to bring
humanity back to knowledge era or Golden Age. This is
liberation of Adam and Eve or Humanity from evil minds. The
institutions called religions has to break open and grow
beyond self and intuitional interest to the interest of Christ
and His Spirit.
Today we are in the fourth phase of Quantum Universal Cycle. We are
peaking in uncertainty and disorder. The plan for revival and restoration
comes into effect in this phase. This plan has come to work through Christ
and His Calvary sacrifice. Here the Creating Spirits has gone into Nirguna or
impersonal mode. From non-linear science, we can say we are in the peak of
disorder ready to collapse into new order around a Great Attractor. From
Quantum science, we are in for a Great Quantum collapse and
reorganization. This is summarized in Fig -21
In short, With Christs Calvary Sacrifice, The Creating Spirits entered the
Nirguna or impersonal state giving free will to all souls to take new position
in the New World being formed. This is not Religious stuff. It is a Science
of Creation and Restoration at work. To understand it as science we
need to bring the vision of what advocators of String and Ekpyrotic Universe
Scenario speak to us [Ref- 74, 26, 33]
Scientifically speaking Christ consciousness and Intelligence is
within and initializing the system. It means Heart and Mind of God revealing
to recreate and restore. We already saw how cosmic system works on two
spirits one masculine and other recessive feminine and how it has two modes
of existence; creation and sustenance.
We saw, how, when the system is endangered by time, it goes into creation
mode, in which the two Supreme Quantum entangled Spirits or fields,
existing in two different worlds comes together and goes into Nirguna or
impersonal mode. Once creation is complete these parental field separate to
from two and multiple worlds.
The two parallel worlds, which are one, contain many worlds. One of these
worlds carries the original
information. We visualized
a condition of time [3:1] at
which inner space of one
world gets stressed [winds]
to maximum kinetic state
and other is stressed by
unwinding force to reach
maximum potential state.
At this point, parental
information comes alive.
The masculine world that is
stressed to maximum
kinetic state breaks
expands into a string and
wriggles [moves] to
conceive in its pair in
opposite world that
similarly would have
reached maximum
stressed state by
Unwinding force. This
creates that little
perturbation of life. The spirit of the Father here gives New Life.
In discussing global warming and climate catastrophe, we noted the stress to
the cosmic system comes from humanity and its mind that become ego, self
and material centered. We today, at the physical level and spiritual level are
experiencing the peak of this stress.
The way out of this stress is Truth. The scientist who gave the knowledge of
exploiting the material power is miserably failing to comprehend the Truth.
They are feeding fear of collapse of Earth and humanity. Many top scientists
speak of abandoning the planet. We also saw how religious people who are
partially awakened, existing in uncertain state, leading the system to great
conflict in the name of God. Behind, the war and terrorism and destruction
we witness in the world there is direct and indirect hand of religious minds.
The world cannot come out of this endangered situation unless it knows Truth
and God.
This lifting of human souls and giving New Life and initialization of the
System into New Time cycle is happening through Christs sacrifice and the
Spirit He has released. The forces acting from within and the steps involved
are shown in the Fig 23Kundalini [see fig -24] explains pair and complementary pair or four
stands in life. Much of the material centered minds actually exist in the
lowest two states. The minds that are directed in the forbidden path do
so by the ignorance of Truth of Nature and God. It is pushing the system
to great disorder. The central wave that is growing up is Cosmic
Kundalini rising. It is Christ consciousness and intelligence
The kingdom of God has a Throne of Light [White hole], followed by four
parts. An upper part or space, [called heaven in scriptures] the middle part
called Earth, which consists of two parts, then there is a dark space and its
throne [Black hole] See Fig -25. The system is created and sustained by
pure flow of Spirit or Life Force. There is spiritual body to the
kingdom of God through which spirit flows. The material world that
we see exists on top of it. In short, the Spirit actually manifests and
moves the material world. Even modern science has come to Know
to this reality.
There is no law, but a forbiddance exists from going away from Him
into world of darkness as the one world differentiates into two.
The spiritual body is the reality. It sustains the material body or Cosmos we
see. Every cell of the body every atom has spiritual frame work that supports
it. As the spiritual framework changes every atom, every cell of the system is
forced to change. This spiritual framework of Cosmic Being we noted comes
from a Single Supreme Soul or Life with a Supreme Heart and Supreme
Mind that is formed from two worlds; Heaven and Earth. Everything in nature
changes as time changes. The only thing that fails is the human mind that is
ego and self-centered. Thus Truth becomes a necessity for smooth
Transformation and transition of Cosmos into New Time cycle.
Important point
Inert atoms in upper realm or heaven cannot form material body
through creativity. The same is true for the inert atoms in lower realm
or hell. The inert atoms moves to the lower or upper levels
depending on what power it accumulated in it, in its freedom and in
its material manifestation on Earth. The Vedas have described this
aspect in terms of karma. Earlier we saw that how every human
mind that has acquired power fails at the 18thdoor. This call for Gods
direct intervention to save humanity and restore His Kingdom
Just as when cells and organs of the body fail the system fails, the Cosmic
Being and its living field is stressed when we the created souls in His image
fail to connect to the consciousness and walk the path of Truth and Justice.
All spiritual scriptures speak of a Great Soul [God] manifesting on Earth
when Truth and Justice is endangered. God the Spirit is the balancing
Spirit. The motion we witness in physical world is the Constant Motion of the
Spirit in spiritual worlds. There are two worlds masculine and feminine. Thus,
eastern philosophy depicts Cosmos as Dance of the God Shiva and Goddess
Parvathi. Traditional Christianity considers Mother Mary as God. The New
Age Pentecostal churches fail to perceive the importance of Mother. We will
see the fallacy and shortcomings of Traditional and New Age churches later.
Whens the created spirits souls to the left and right of parent souls, fails to
uphold Truth and Justice, the spiritual framework loses its power. [Note when
I speak creation it has to be understood as transformation of souls and giving
New Life]. In short, cosmic living system is stressed when souls fall and take
the forbidden path. When of the souls fall the Position of God as a Judge
and sustainer is endangered. This necessitates recreation and restoration.
The masculine world now conceives into feminine and goes into creation
state. What rules during this period is the inferior mind or Mind of the Body
that connects to the external material world. Vedas clearly tells that the
knowledge that mind of the body gives is inferior. The gravity and force and
fall of souls is now directs to conceived soul and it powers the system back to
the initial state [A ratio opposite to the earlier force]. This is birth and
restoration. I have expressed it in the Figure 21 .
We also saw how the forbidden center is taken over by Christ,
feeding the souls Fig 16. This is what we need to understand
from what Christ said Eat from my flesh and drink my blood to
come alive
At the cosmic level, it needs to be understood as TRANSFROMATION and
uplifting of indestructible souls and its restoration. It needs to be understood
as giving New Life and illumination of intellect of human Mind, such that
humanity can emerge from darkness and slavery to religious institutions and
emerge into light. I believe it is Heart and Mind of God revealing. It is
cosmic Kundalini Awakening.
There is huge cry about end time. The fear of end has become a fishing field
for many. God and His name, His power is being used abundantly, some with
good intent aligned with Holy spirits other with self-centered intent. The
traditional churches are threatened by out poring of spirit on individuals and
starting of new churches and ministries. This is predicted in Bible, yet the
traditional churches resist it. This pouring of Holy Spirit on people and their
awakening has reached a threshold, where confusion reigns.
The confusion can only vanish when truth emerges. Only then Good News
becomes a Global reality beyond Religion. Right now there is huge
resistance to Good News and Spirit of Christ. The miracle cure that is
happening in many, ministries in the name Jesus attract people. However,
those who had no miracle or transformative experience, question it. The
scientific world that has failed to grow to perceive and explain such miracles
are not ready to accept it. The new generation that is being educated
scientifically and is part of material centered world fails to comprehend it.
Traditional Christianity who ruled us, in Gods name opposes the human
awakening to Christ and His Spirit tooth and nail. They fear danger to their
institution. Further the very separation of humanity in the name of religions,
actually hinders the Good News and Spirit of Christ to lead us from darkness
to light.
All the awakening in this flesh body has some attachment with this
material world. This is natural. Most awakened spiritual speakers do show
material weakness, do show ego or I factor, that leads to their fall. This
gives advantage to evil. However, one thing stand out in the whole process is
that Christ Spirit is growing in power. Nothing can stop.
The path that no religion questions, which all religions and all
people use is science. The only way the Good News can break
barriers and Spirit of God can become Global force to
manifest Kingdom of God is to Know Christ and His Calvary
sacrifice as Science beyond Religions.
God is a nonlinear science phenomenon. The Holy Spirit that Jesus released
through His self-sacrifice is emerging as a STRANGE ATTRACTOR STATE.
Souls are attracted to it and are being transformed in this central field by
various measures. Mind of most People in this modern world exists in the first
two levels [See fig -25]. They exist principally influenced by money and its
power. They could be religious but not spiritual.
The present state of the world is that of an uncertainty where the paired Holy
Spirit fields of Cosmic Kundalini is rising vertically from below in the middle.
See Fig 24 . The Souls today exists distributed in the flow between realms 1
to 5. Some have also entered the sixth level, gaining special powers. One
can count them as highly anointed preachers whose touch creates miracle
cures and who have power of prophesy. The core is a flux; nobody can stay in
the core all the time. Thus, we see spiritual power of souls peaking
and falling. The one who is unattached and has no intent to build His
kingdom rather wish to work for God, is easily and repeatedly connects with
the Spirit Ascending. The Divine Plan works through them.
However, because of want of TRUTH all the souls exist in
uncertainty. The Life force always directs to heaven. The material
force directs to hell. Both these forces are peaking. Thus, we see
waves that are showing dramatic ups and downs. When system
touches the birthing point the kingdom of God manifests. This
means the Life Force or God Force WINS THE BATTLE. This is
the end of Third Wave of New Age Movement and beginning
of Fourth Wave.
This happens when 3/4th of the souls are drawn into the central core
[Become Conscious and intelligent] and they direct the forces to the
White Hole. The need of the hour is to bring Christ and His Sacrifice
out of Religion and understand it as science. Only then, the evil
can be defeated and goodness can prevail. It will happen.
However, the world would go through huge pain and suffering much the
same way pregnant mother goes through before she delivers the Child;
We are drawn to the core where force is flowing towards White Hole. This is
so because we are all created in His image. We have Spark of His Life
within all of us. We all have His character deep within. We all are one in Him.
The spark of His life, in us is awakening as the system is poised to enter
Birthing Phase. Bible says. 'In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on
all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men
will see visions, your old men will dream dreams [Acts 2:17, Joel
We feel uncertainty because the Spirit of God has duality and is constantly
dancing as it is rising up. The uncertainty chaos is increasing because
the opposing force to life is also increasing. This is Creating huge
disorder. The scenario changes when we comprehend Truth of Christ beyond
religion and enter the Fourth Wave. In other words, when the Spirit of God,
leads us to Birth and initialization into New Time Cycle
Everything happening on Earth can be explained from the Figure -25. The
spiritual or energetic world and physical world both are in a huge flux. It is
violently peaking and falling. The spiritual and physical fields both realities
of life. We are failing to strike a reality between the two. The world today is
at the peak of materialism. Here we see even God being made a means of
gaining material wealth. Consequently, the physical world is breaking down.
The Good News is that flux within is growing against it and it is attracting us.
However, when we return from retreat center to the physical world, we are
increasingly experiencing the physical force that drives us down. Thus, even
the best of spiritually awakened person feels helpless.
It is impossible that any human can resist the downward force of the
Physical World. The Second Coming of Christ and
state. They stand as observers with free will to all Souls. God
is giver of what we seek. The act of seeking determines
eventual end you find in.
In short, Gods Grace is open to all and is beyond religion. I have seen
people from other religions, experiencing the Spirit of Christ much more
powerfully than Christians do. How much to what magnitude one experience
the spirit depends on what soul seeks. However, all who enters this field
returns with vigor and Power. How he uses it in Gods Nirguna or impersonal
creative mode is left to the participators will. The rewards for Truthfulness
manifest when the Spirit changes its mode from impersonal to personnel or
Nirguna to Saguna mode. This is a short phase when gate to kingdom of God
opens and then closes. In scientific context, it is when a quantum collapse
and reorganization occurs. It happens when the balance reaches 3:1 in favor
of Good. This is inevitable.
Very Important
Denying Mother Mary is equal to denying Jesus His only Son,
the heir to Kingdom of God. It is denying once own reality.
The character of God, love, mercy, forgiveness that
manifested through Christ that facilitated New Life and Power
to the anointed Pentecostal preachers actually came from the
feminine aspect of God Reality that came from Mother Mary.
Fathers contribution is the Resurrection power. Nobody can
get New Life experience unless God the Father has called.
However, the same God the Father who rises up the souls and
give Angelic position, throws them down when they become
Ego and Self-centered. Therefore, it is important one needs to
be humble and compassionate to enter the Kingdom
God the Father is True, Jesus is True, so also the Holy Spirit that God
released through Jesuss Calvary sacrifice. The Truth is that the
Holy Spirit has two parts the dominant and recessive the masculine
and feminine Nature of God. One is contribution from the Father
and other from Mother.
All religious organization on earth has a Spiritual and Earthly component. In
early days, the Christian church was Spiritual; people in it were filled with
Holy Spirit. When the Earthly component in them dominated, they focused
on wealth and expansion. However, they took the Bible around. Every
Pentecostal Churches should accept the fact that without them the Bible they
preach would not have survived. The wealth of traditional churches
accumulated was invested to buy largely Land. However, this type of open
wealth accumulation and exploitation of common person, in the name of
unseen God, beyond a limit, attracted thinking mind and revolt. This we all
know seeded the modern Science that challenged the teachings of the
Church about God. As they found that science is contributing to exploit the
material world, they joined in. I strongly feel that the root of present day
Economy and Banking cartels corporate thinking all lies in traditional
The minds in traditional churches adopted education and health as a means
to percolate, spread and establish the Churches and increase the wealth.
Many Pentecostal preachers are also taking the same route. However,
everywhere they went they also preached Bible. They Instituted Holy
Sacrament. They developed the present culture that bound people together
and keep them together and through them they amassed wealth. What they
amassed in one place they invested elsewhere thus expanded in corporate
style. What lacked in them was the power of Holy Spirit - The ability
to Heal and give New Life.
Human being. This aspect we discussed in the first part, deducing it down to
atomic levels.
Our Mind is not independent of the Spirit/Soul. Mind connects to the external
world through the five senses. When these senses and the mind becomes
slave to material world, it disconnects with the internal world of spirit/soul
and hinders the proper functioning of the system. Thus, all life, including
Earth is designed with a sleeping phase where the mind sleeps and
internal world [consciousness and intelligence] that does not sleep
works round the clock to create order. Those of you who know
something about sleep know that it has four quantum stages. We hardly go
to the fourth stage.
The Truth and life exist in the inner realm. Life can exist in
brain dead state, but cannot exist in heart dead state. This
tells us the importance of the inner world and the need to
give space-time for inner realm to work. Health of humans
has direct relationship with it. The ancient east knew this as
they inculcated into their culture and education as yoga and
Every cell has same structure as the whole. The whole system called life
that we see is the differentiated product of information from one cell. Every
cell carries the information of the whole, but the information is truncated.
The information exists in pairs. The system is capable of dedifferentiating
this information to reduce it from 2n to n and mix it with parallel world
and thus evolve the information to survive time and change. This is the
sexual reproduction in Life. What we call uncertainty actually is Divine Plan
or Intelligent Design for species to survive.
Note Every cell has complete information of the species. In appropriate
condition, it can dedifferentiate and differentiate complete information. This
knowledge of differentiation and de-differentiation is the foundation of
commercial cloning technologies and cell and organ culture in labs for
transplantation. I was associated with this field for many years. I felt that
cloning is human greed and is intrusion in to species inherent design to
survive in Nature. This conscious feeling made me leave my career.
Important point is that every cell has a mind and soul. It is when the mind of
the person sleeps the cells are able to work properly in tandem with the
primal soul field to the set the system to gain new order. The same is true to
human mind and our relationship with Gods Mind. Thus, east inculcated
culture and practices that help transcend the mind such that individual can
connect to the consciousness and help it heal. They extended this approach
to connect to the Universal consciousness. The knowledge of East is thus
priceless Gem.
Time we noted is inevitable to all living system. The universal
Living system is not beyond it. Thus, it should have phase where
its Mind sleeps and gives space for His Conscious field and Spiritual
information field to work to create a new order in the body. With
Calvary we are in this phase.
We did see in the first part how original information is enfolded in spiritual
form within the space of the soul [inert atoms] and how the whole
information is spread in two Primal Souls [God souls]. How the dominant and
masculine part conceives in the feminine part to start a recreation and
restoration phase. Thus, God the Father has a sleep phase in which His mind
surrenders to its own recessive or feminine part and goes into recreation
The Crux of our discussion is that, the paired information of Primal
God and Goddess existed in Christ and when He made self-sacrifice,
He made amends to what, His fathers people did by virtue of the
power He entrusted on them. They developed Ego, Pride and self and
extreme greed for material world. The reordering process is occurring
through Christ and His Calvary Sacrifice. Christ released the basal Primal
Information thread to unfold to create new order. In effect, Four Threads or
fields are dancing one pair towards Light or Life [God force] and another pair
towards Darkness and Death. This is evident in Kundalini awakening Fig -24.
We have freedom to be attached to any string. However, most of us are
material centered and tend to attach to the string that leads down wards to
black hole See Fig -25
The world today lives totally as slave to material world. We are not trained to
be connected to the consciousness and intelligence and work from the living
field [conscious field]. Hardly any ones mind sleeps properly. Consequently
everyone is stressed. In our greed, we even are upsetting the functioning of
Earths its natural rhythm. We have intruded into the night cycle of Earth in
which she works to cool and create new order. Our ego, pride and self has
one moving towards the dark end. All of us come to Light field, with an
intent that is attached to the dark field.
The great knot is that, no ordinary human will come to retreat without a want
that is attached with this material world. This is natural for the physical body
of we earthling is as natural as spiritual one. No one who is conducting the
retreats will ever think to see God among the pupils who have come to them.
Thus, Jewish priest missed Christ their savior. The mind or I cannot seek God
and Truth. Thus, Christ said Truth is accessible to only those who are Childlike. Truth comes to a mind that surrenders and constantly accepts death.
Thus, Calvary where God himself accepted Mind death is the only
Source for humanity to Know Truth. In short Truth is Grace that is going
to come to us. No wonder, Christ said I am the path to Life. We cannot know
Truth and Christ and attain life, by being religious, studying scriptures or by
going to churches. The only way is accepting death. The surrender of I and
ego. Very often our position, our affiliation, thoughts fed into us becomes
limitations to know Truth. You have to be revolted like Christ to know Truth.
Thus, an atheist, who deny God, but is human and compassionate has more
chance than a pope to see Truth.
In a retreat center, when a group of awakened people come together, they
are able to raise the consciousness or resonance of the group to higher level
thus miracles, life transformative changes occur. A powerful core of
people is critical to a Good Retreat Center. The awakening of the inner
spirit of God takes place through certain steps
1] All retreat centers have a powerful sound system and music group. We all
know energy is the basis of life. When harmonious music strikes you, your
body cells are de-stressed. This has soothing effect on your mind. One must
note that music is based seven notes or swaras.
2] When powerful speakers, who are anointed or who have previously
experienced Mercy and Grace of God, finding miraculous deliverance from
acute diseases, financial problems and so on your mind and its thoughts
begin to surrender.
3] When large number of people focus and surrender their thoughts, they
unknowingly open the portal to the inner world and let the consciousness
and intelligence works to heal the body. It releases the misbalancing or
accumulated energy. We must note here that the Ayurveda and acupressure
together. The powers of awakening that work behind the scene in a Retreat
Center are the heart-felt prayers of these awakened souls. A priest of
Charismatic movement in India, Fr. James Manjakal, does speak openly
that his initiation to Holy Spirit and Charismatic Movement actually
occurred through a young Hindu awakened to Spirit of Christ.
Pentecostal movement and Charismatic movement is virtually shaking
the foundation of traditional Christianity and awakening souls to the reality
that you are speck of the Divine, free in Spirits of God to take any position in
kingdom of God that is manifesting. Bible does speak of God pouring His
spirit on all to awaken [Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17]. We are all one in Cosmic
Purusha, or Son of Man, who is taking New Life. However, what type of cell
what position one takes depends what you seek, what intent you carried
when you approached Him. He is knower of intent of all souls. At Judgment
He comes down upon on all evil minds hiding in power centers. It probably
begins with Temples and Churches. It is interesting to note that core of
Jewish people, the true people, have not built a temple and still
prays on the wall of ruined temple.
A simple over view of Bible tells us that, Jesus spoke to His disciples with
authority and in Parables and not one disciple could understand it. Even the
scholars of Bible, the Priest and Clergies failed to grasp Him. He condemned
the clergies saying, These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are
far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules
Mathew 15:8-9
Here are some Jesuss words that was spoken with authority
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things
will be given to you as well. Mathew 6:32-33
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me John 14:6 .
I am the bread of life, the light of the world, the resurrection and
the life John 6:48
I and My Father are one John 10:30
All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows
the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son
and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Mathew 11:27
"Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they
are born of water and the Spirit. John 3 :5
Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats
my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up
at the last day. John 6:53-54
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather
with me scatters. Mathew 12 :30
Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no
one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the
kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Mathew 11:11
But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among
you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a
servant. Luke 22:26
The disciples could gain the understanding of His teaching when the Holy
Spirit filled them and they had Powerful New Born Experience.
Here are some key words that prophetic people and Apostles spoke
I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." Mark 1:8
But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you
have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing
teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no liejust as it has
taught you, abide in him. 1 John 2:27
"For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or
Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one
Spirit." 1 Cor 12:13
We must note that Christ choose ordinary and simple people and empowered
them with His Spirit. There are others, who followed Him, when they realized
that He has potentials to heal and create miracles. However, He did not take
one pupil from the learned class [The priest and clergies]. In spite of seeing
healing, miracles, rising of the dead, there was a huge group of people who
existed as salves to the priest and clergies, they shouted for the release
of the thief, looter and murderer in place of Christ. These people were
shaken by the events that happened at Christs death.
When His disciples filled with Holy Spirit began to create miracles and cure
diseases, there was a shift. The immense popularity of Christianity in early
days, led to kings and the rich make entry into it and dominate it. The evil
hearts that Christ condemned thus made reentry into Christianity. The
present Bible was probably compiled at this stage to protect the words of
Jesus and Light He shed. However, it was a compromised with old culture and
ways. This reflects in the dress, culture and practices of Christianity. They
built their empire on Jesuss name and the Last Supper. Largely they are
same people that Christ condemned.
The name is important for without it no one can reach a destination.
However more important is the key to open the door to the Kingdom. The
key was hidden in last Supper at which He lifted Bread and Wine
blessed it shared it with His disciples, and symbolically said
This is my blood of the]covenant, which is poured out for many
for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this
fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new
with you in my Fathers kingdom Mathew 26 28-29.
Christ never said to hang around His name, build churches, seat Him in four
walls and amass wealth in His name. He asked them to be in Prayer to
receive Holy Spirit and walk His path. He asked them to go out spread Good
News, heal people and most importantly TRANSFORM Souls. He said He is
the path, Light, Truth and Life. He asked them to give themselves to peoples
in service much the same way He gave Himself for all.
The laws of science say nothing is created or destroyed and that it works
through Transformation. We saw Earth is self-organizing and this selforganizing picture breaks down and takes time direction because of self
and extreme material centeredness of human mind. In short, Cosmic man or
Son of Man or Cosmic Purusha is endangered by self-centered human minds.
The restoration of Cosmic Man or Son of Man, has to happen through not
only transforming every cells and giving it New Life but illuminating the
Human Minds with His Mind. It has nothing to do with religions. it is a
process in which we are participants. The system collapses into new order as
the Truth or Light emerges. Recall quantum collapse of the system as it is
Since Kingdom of God is Truth and Justice and Christ
manifested to restore it, all those who are connected to
the consciousness and walk the path of Truth and
Justice are automatically are in His or Christs Path. You
do not have to be a Christian.
Note -The Pope Francis has aired this attitude as he accepted atheist, even
homosexuals. He was inclusive to all who do well to society and are not
harmful to society. He has dared to condemn his pupils. We must wait and
see how much he succeeds in his house cleaning or will the fantastic evil
minds that dominate suppresses Him. I have always felt that most
priests as wolves coming in the coat of lamb. I would salute the
highest leader of my community only when he takes a decision and orders
His pupils to keep open to public the wealth each one has accumulated and
lead the way.
God knows our intent. God respects our material needs. It becomes a grave
mistake to call oneself God people and yet be salve to material world. Thus,
Christ chose ordinary people as His disciples. Even the modern day
awakening to Spirit of God is coming from ordinary people. Except for few
Priest associated with charismatic movement I honestly dont see any
priest working for God. They work for institutions.
Priest hood, once service in Sanctum Sanctorum, the effort you put to study
Bible will not matter, if you are not aligned with Truth and Justice and Life
Force. We are in dark phase where untruth and injustice is growing in leap
and bounds. Its root exists in failure of His own people [Religious
Institutions]. When light bearers themselves are leading Humanity to friction
and disorder because of their ego, self, and I, there is no chance that any
humans could create a reverse flow to restore the Kingdom.
Thus, Divine Plan through Christ was instituted. Gods Divine plan is to
liberate humanity and Bring Him to Light and Lost Glory. God does not find
fault for the fall of His Kingdom with Humans but His own people. Thus, a
total revamp and reordering with free will to all souls became necessity. We
see evil growing in parallel to spiritual awakening because we are in a phase
of great disorder. It is in a turbulent phase that is
easy to Fish. Christ did prophesize, that during the
end of time; many would rise up in His name
[Mathew 24:5]. As the down force or forces of evil
increases, it is facilitating upward lifting of the
systems through the central core. Imagine a drill at
work or think of pumping water through an external
core that is linked with internal core See fig 26-.
The new birth in Holy Spirit is Transformation of our
thought and thinking. This experience can be mild or
powerful, lifting you to various stages See Fig 23.
However, once experienced it remains in conscious
manner and you are brought into memory. It calls you to join the force that is
driving up. The collective awakening now leads to a state where a flow
reversal takes place. Much the same way 3:1 in favor of darkness
necessitated the manifestation Christ, a 3:1 force in favor of Light, brings the
Restoration of the Kingdom. It is the Birth of Cosmic Man conquering time.
This is the Second Coming or Awakening to Truth.
Mathew 11:11 and Judgment part of Bible speaks one basic reality that the
Kingdom of God cannot be ensured by any individual, serving in Sanctum
Sanctorum, going to Church and Temples. The only way is to Transcend
through the Spirit of God or by being born in Holy Spirit and being in service
to kingdom of God and humanity. Kingdom of God belongs to those who
surrender their Ego, self and accept death of I and who then live a Truthful
Life being merciful to humanity.
Note that Christ manifested at a period when the cosmic system is
accelerating and plunging into darkness. No soul born of flesh could swim
against this current, thus God Himself had to manifest. In this modern world
of democracy, we still have situation in which, any one speaking against
religious authority is silenced ruthlessly. So no, wonder that Christ was
sacrificed ruthlessly, in spite of all-good things he did to society, so also his
The role of spiritual institutions is to bring humanity back into self-realization.
A true spirituality is developing a one to one relationship with God. It is being
conscious and walking the path Truth and Justice. No religion, no priest, no
prophet can lead you there. Therefore, God intervened showing the Path in
Calvary. By His Calvary Sacrifice He Created the New Path out of darkness.
The situation is no different today; in fact, it is worse than the period of
Calvary. Evil mind have crept into religion built in the name of Christ and is
exploiting humanity more than never before. However, Hope exists in the
Spirits that Christ released.
I am sure the statement of mine will not go well with religious
institutions that directly or indirectly rule the mind of masses.
I am not interested any spiritual debate, the leaders of
Religious institutions needs to realize that the future of
humanity is at risk. The fanatic minds, within all religions
actually rule roost. With all the weapons of mass destruction,
like biological and chemical weapons amenable, we are at risk
of self-destruction in the name of God. This is in addition to
the destruction that humanity is experiencing by aggravated
natural forces. It is up to people to awaken come to life, save
earth for their Children and evolve into Golden Age of Light
Knowledge and Wisdom.
explores external world, this period has uncertainty, the devil act in this
It then becomes caught in vortex of self and slavery to material world and
flesh. It then forgets its Creator, the God who is Master of all three
worlds. In short an adult has tendency to lose connection with its
consciousness and intelligence within and get lost in wilderness. The
education, the culture and practices of the east are directed to resist this loss
of individual souls into the fold of darkness. Bible winds it up with one
sentence in Gods resistance to eat from the Tree at the Center and blames
the fall of humanity and Kingdom of God on Adam and Eve.
In contrast, East gave immense practices such as yoga, meditation,
classifications to know once personality, medical, food practices that can
help resist deterioration of body mind and soul. When we, who form cell of
the one Cosmic Being, deteriorate, it inevitably means the Cosmic Being
deteriorate. At any stage the souls becomes aware of it and repents,
the Super Soul intervenes. This is the crux of all scriptures. The role
of priest and people in spiritual intuitions is to help humanity connect to the
consciousness and intelligence with in and walk the path of truth and justice.
The religious world and scientific world we live in is direct reflection of
deterioration of the spiritual knowledge and total slavery to material world.
We are fast spiraling into Black hole and into great disorder. Humanity has
lost connection with his consciousness and intelligence. It has lost
connection with spiritual world within. We have not only become like birds
eating the fruit but are termites eating the tree itself. Lord Krishna finds not
the ordinary people for the Great War and destruction. He finds the three
blessed Great warriors who sided the evil kings.
In short, knowledge deterioration actually emerges from the very institutions
that were instituted to uphold light and Resist people taking the dark path.
We can interpret this as the failure of Light bearers on Earth. Scriptures
speaks deftly that it is Gods peoples who are the cause for the fall of
Kingdom of God. The only people whom Jesus condemned are Priests and
clergies; only place where He lost his control is the temple when He saw it
being made as place of business.
Hindu philosophy speaks time and deterioration as natural process.
Christian philosophy relates it to sin. The Birth and Death Cycle is inevitable.
Birth gives way to death, death gives way to Birth. Bible says death
manifests when the created souls forgets His Creator and sustainer and
becomes salve to material world. The eastern Rhishis meditated to
connected to the consciousness and even went beyond it to connect to the
Universal Consciousness as they wrote elaborate scriptures, parables, culture
and practices to resist the souls from treading in wrong path and ensure
longer life.
Bhagavad Gita 2.22 says "Although the two birds are in the
same tree, the eating bird is fully engrossed with anxiety and
moroseness as the enjoyer of the fruits of the tree. But if in
some way or other he turns his face to his friend who is the
Lord and knows His gloriesat once the suffering bird
becomes free from all anxieties."
Living Universe, that ancient taught is not beyond time. In other words, it has
to go through in cycles of Birth and death. Living Light shined in east and
waned. By the time Jesus Christ, it had come to 3:1 in favor of darkness. The
souls and minds are lost to darkness and the Tree of Life had come to point
of collapsing to singularity or death. God now is forced act to recreate and
restore. A reverse flow and restoration had to be created.
This secret of restoration is in progress through the Spirit of
Christ. No wonder Christ called out to eat His flesh and drink
His blood to come alive. It was a call to be part of New Tree
being formed within the old. Bible very clearly tells us not to
eat His flesh and drink His blood with evil intent.
Most of us who come before God actually tend to seek Wealth and Power.
Those who have lost health seek health and restoration, once restored he
ends up to seek wealth and power. Hardly few actually retreat to know God.
Wealth and power can come to you from Satan and Devil too. Jesus
was temped by Satan immediately after his 40 days fasting prayer. He
offered Him all the kingdoms of the world. Luke 4:5-7. But Jesus knew that His
Father is the real King of all three worlds, Heaven, Earth and Hell and that
Satan is trying to deceive Him to defeat Gods plan of restoration of
humanity and His kingdom. Eve and Adam fell for it but Jesus did not.
The laws of science tell us very clearly that nothing is created or destroyed.
The system works on TRANSFORMATION. We saw Earth is self-organizing. It
takes a time direction when we Adult humans lose connection to his Parents
and self-centered and go to any extend protect their empire. With weapons
of mass destruction in hand and religions having influence on governments,
they have potentials to create hell on Earth.
I know beyond doubt that Good God will prevail, but not sure how much pain
and destruction humanity has face before it awakens. All those who are
spiritual realm knows, the Devil is nearly powerful as God, and when people
or churches grow closer to God, they are prone to attack by the Devil.
This could be highly destructive period unless the spiritual leaders of
churches, the leaders of traditional churches, and leaders of different
Religions come together beyond their ego, self and pride to access the
situation . The biggest problem with the modern world is its
excessive materialism and black money. The root of slavery to
materialism emerged from religious institutions. Most religious institutions
especially Christianity sits on top of large wealth and enjoys immense power.
Thus, they coming together appears a distant possibility, the only possible
approach is to Know Truth through Science, so that all religions leaders and
leaders of nations are forced to yield to Truth. This is the conscious
society and is ruling the roost. Every religion has become hideout evil minds.
It is the safest place to hide. It is time we get rid of evil minds in Churches
and Temples. I feel Christianity has to take the initiative.
Let me wind up this write up calling your attention to a famous thought
experiment in Science. It is called Schrdingers cat in a Box.
Here a cat is kept in a box, with just enough space for it to move to the right
or left. At any one moment, cat can be on the right or left of the box not
both. Now imagine a shooter shoots a bullet at the box. The chance the cat
is alive or dead is 50%. The state of the cat reveals only when one opens
the box and looks at the cat. The paradox is that the chance that cat is alive
or dead is same even after shooting it a billion times. The state of the cat
reveals only when we open it. That is impossible for any humans to
when God opens it. This is Quantum Collapse of the system into New Time
Cycle. This will be accompanied inevitable fall of many evil souls.
Note This is does not mean we have to make compromise with
evil. The deterioration of kingdom God happens when people
make compromise with evil. The call of God is to fight Evil minds.
First gap in Bible First gap exist in description of Humanity and his
Life in the Knowledge of God. I am pointing to the first phase of the
Time Cycle when the Spirit of God awakened humanity and gave Him
dominion. This is the period to which Jesus and His Spirits is trying to
lead us. This is the period when humanity is free from bondage of
religions and sees the oneness. Somehow, I feel religions resist this
awakening of Humanity.
However, it is inevitable. The knowledge that God gave humanity
deteriorated as generation passed by. The institution installed to hold
light begins to fail too. We noted Quantum transitions are associated
with loss. When the first critical point is reached See fig 26. Some of
those fallen Angel gain entry into Earth. As light and knowledge
deteriorates to second critical point, the fallen Angel [Devil] acts to
build his kingdom on Earth by capturing human minds as slaves. This is
the time Eve and Adam falls. Thus, humanity enters the dark period.
This calls for intervention of God. This intervention happened through
The Second Gap in Bible -This gap is surprising. This is the gap
of 18 years in Christs life. There is reference to Christ as a child of
12 years. Then Jesus emerges into seen at the age of 30 leaving a gap
of 18 years. This is the age when mind and I manifests. This is the
collapses into New Order. The Parallel World and Ekpyrotic Scenario of
Creation is Reality, So also the Big Bang. It has to be understood from
biological point as information unfolding and enfolding from a point
The Spirit that Christ released through His Calvary Sacrifice is the Life Force
or Brahman or Holy Spirit, al-Ruh all-Quds. The Vedas understood its
existence in two modes, Nirguna or impersonal mode and Saguna or
personal mode. We are in Nirguna or impersonal mode due to enter Saguna
or personal Mode. The Nirguna mode the Holy Spirits are in creation and
restoration mode. It is in a singularity mode where the Father exists in the
womb of the feminine as the Creative Force conquering time and death.
When the Spirits of Father and Mother enter Saguna Mode or
personal mode, the duality manifests into existence. We can
visualize it from DNA of fertilized Egg cell carrying all
information duplicating and dividing into two.
The basic Laws of science say nothing is created and or destroyed, the
system works through transformation. Life exist working against material
world that directs to collapse into singularity. One look at Earth with life says
that Earth and Cosmos is self-organizing. However, this self-organizing
Nature of Earth and Cosmos fails when we include adult humans. Adult
humans live a mind-centered life. They are self-centered and they align with
material force. Bible says all sinned and fell from Grace of God, thus a revival
of human souls and intellect became necessity. This process is happening
through Christ and His Calvary Sacrifice. One need to understood it as
Since Christ Calvary Sacrifice, the Spirits that Christ released is attracting
souls, transforming them with free will, creating a new spiritual body. We
are now called to eat from the Tree at the Center. Tree at the Center
is Jesus. Universe is Kundlaini of Cosmic being rising. We are called
to participate with Free Will.
In the first phase of Bible after creation God forbids to eat
from the tree at the center. In the second phase Jesus Christ
Himself becomes Tree at the center inviting all to eat from it.
The intent by which one eats it, determines the new spacetime position one gains as this phase gives way to the Next
Phase. God works through a person who approaches Him with
All spiritual scriptures hold Truth and Light. The need is to reinvent in respect
to the present time. Unfortunately, people taking high positions in temples of
science and religions are failing because of their pride and ego. In the end,
they become responsible for the world. The judgment I feel would be heavy
on them. Bible speaks this.
The original intent of those who made religion always was good.
They were formed to resist people from being lost. Life and peace cannot
come unless we grow beyond self and commune with the Life force or God
force that sustains us. I call it Selfless Self or Supreme Self. This can
only happen when we come into self-realization. We need to become
spiritual than religious. Spirituality is a journey to light and life. It is journey
towards Kingdom of God. We must note that when Christ instituted a
symbolic act to remind His selfless sacrifice by offering bread and wine to His
disciples and do the act in His remembrance, He was actually resisting them
from falling further down. The Spirit of Christ manifested on 50th day after
Calvary and is still active, but the religion called Christianity is still stuck with
bread and wine.
This is a journey towards awakening of consciousness and intelligence.
Beyond certain threshold souls seem to gain special power. One bad trend
today is that, many of these awakened people end up selling God and seem
to fail to march to the destination and deliver humanity from bondage to
darkness and lead them to light. They are failing to give foundation on
which humanity as a whole can awaken to find peace order and life.
It is increasingly leading humanity towards friction, war and self-destruction
in the name of God. This can stop, only when we know Truth and God beyond
This world we live in, where people are self-centered, fail to take
responsibility of the parents and family, society and Earth we live in,
where individuals are extremely material centered and take any path to
gain it, where people kill in the name of Life giving God, is led by the west
and its intellectual power. Christianity is the dominant spiritual institution
of the west. It has to take the responsibility for it. Present world is the
reflection of inner reality of religion called Christianity.
This is not what Christ preached to His disciples, He never asked His
disciples to create a religion, place Him in Sanctum Sanctorum of gold
and silver plated churches and amass wealth in His name. These are all
The word Communion relates to word communicate and goes deeper.
Life works on this essential basis. Every cells of a human body is
communicated and works coherently. Our body consists of over 100 trillion
cells but all of it actually comes from a single cell. Chromosomes and DNA
helices inside the cell, molecules and atoms in it are communicated and
works as one. Each cell has complete information of the whole system, but
information is truncated and such that it serves the whole. The information
and energy for its sustenance comes from within.
In Short, Life works on communication. The living Universe or
God and His Kingdom therefore should be working on
information. The Biblical Creation and sustenance, the
manifestation of Christ and His Calvary Sacrifice, should be
deduced to Information and Knowledge or Living Light
unfolding and enfolding
The single cell from which the whole being originated comes from the union
of information of two cells [Parallel worlds male and female, Heaven and
Earth]. We in the first part extended this to atomic level [Inert atoms] and
God Particles. We saw how two Primal Inert Atoms could open as strings,
come together and dance as one to exchange information thus de-stresses
and collapses into new order by separating. We saw a cosmic picture of
duality that become one in time and separate in time. We saw that this fits
the Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario that string theorist advocate. We saw
that universe is explosion of information and Knowledge that leads us to
Kingdom of God and initialization in time. We also saw how this phenomenon
is related to Christ and His Calvary Sacrifice.
The basal form of energy and information is Heat. Those of you who use
laptop, can perceive this, when you delete or burn lots of information in your
Laptop the laptop heats up indicating information is lost as heat [Ref- 37 ]. In
other words, heat and cold are information fields. We must recall that ancient
east spoke of two forms of heat, the heat that brood Life into existence
and the heat that destroys. Today we are peaking in both in increasingly
uncertain manner.
Note When you have transformative or New Born experience through Holy Spirit,
many account it as immense heating of the body or a mild electric shook .
easy living and work for development of their religious institution. They
concentrate on number than qualitative transformation of people.
The only people Jesus condemned are Priests. Organization called
Christianity after first few centuries is in filtered by evil minds. This is
unconsciously reflecting into the minds of people. With globalization it has
spread to the world. They count on heads; make church a means of obtaining
power. They have turned religion into corporate business house in the name
of God and Service to humanity. They are more oriented towards, building
their institution and bringing more soul into slavery, than liberating them in
Light and Truth. I have felt common person having more respect to Sanctum
Sanctorum, than priests and Bishops. They preach but fail to practice. They
have no hesitation to desecrate the Sanctum Sanctorum for money
and power.
Bible writers have deftly written that the serpent of Bible is a
fallen Angel. Which clearly tells that deterioration actually
comes from People who exist in His name? The fall of Adam
and Eve happens, because Adam and Eve failed to connect to
the consciousness and the Lord within, but listened to Fallen
Today we know that every cell of the body has complete information of the
system and has potentials to de-differentiate and differentiate complete
information. There is Speck of the Divine Light in all of us that works from
internal space to give life and sustain life. The mind that is negative and
connected to external world cannot know this, thus east spoke of
transcending the mind to connect to the consciousness as the first
step to Know Truth and God.
This transcending process becomes impossible when the flow
of mass is directed to darkness. We understood it from
Quantum Reality in terms of 3:1 ratio of souls being directed
towards darkness. This is cosmic time directed to black hole
or death. I believe that it is here the intervention of God
through Christ happened to reverse he direction.
In short, there are two worlds or Forces or Spirits within all of us. The mind
body and external Space contributes to the dark spirits. The internal space
[heart field] and its mind that works against it is the space of Divine. When
mind body surrender to Soul and its Mind, it gains life is the crux of
spirituality. In short Spiritual awakening happens when our I or
Ego breaks. We have the freedom to grow towards Divine Light or Darkness
when the system is in creation state. This freedom will not exist once Truth is
revealed and Quantum Collapse occurs.
An individual comes into New Life by experiencing the Spirit of Christ, when
the individual surrenders, His ego or I and breaks down before Spirit of
God. The New Life and transformative experience is qualitative change. It
can be of different magnitude. We did see them as Kundalini stages. In the
present end time, every individual is stressed to transform. Many have
transformed, but all exist in some confusion, because in parallel evil is
growing. The manifestation of Kingdom God will only happen when the Ego
or I of religious institutions breaks. However, religious institutors are bound
resist it. Thus, I foresee religions as great threat to humanity, than
aggravated Mother Nature. Only thing that can facilitate survival of humanity
and relief to Mother Nature is Birthing of Truth or Living Light beyond
We individuals are like cells of one whole being that works to sustain life. The
religions are like organs of the body. The cells are communicated and so also
all the organs. When all cells or organs, serves the first cell from which it
came into being, the system is healthy. However, when they become selfcentered they become cancerous. This calls the Divine Force to interfere to
recreate the deteriorating body. The Creating Spirits recreates its body
through transformation of souls with free will. The Spirit that Christ liberated
through His Calvary sacrifice is creating a new spiritual body. This is due to
take New Life. It is inevitable it happens. What gives New Life is Truth that is
beyond religions. My conscious call to advance science thus has become
dear to me.
We saw that a human being can be traced to one cell level. We saw that
it could further be traced back beyond cell to a pair of inert atom and pair
of unstable Quantum Particles [God Particle] that are Quantum Entangled
and Quantum Dances as one. As individual beings, we can also relate
ourselves to One Cosmic Being, who is the Union of Heaven and Earth
[Feminine] to which all of us become relative. The crux of this book is a
struggle to point out this Cosmic Being is Jesus Christ, who is Full man
and Full God who Conquered time and death and showed the path back
to Life.
Our body needs food and water to repair and sustain. It is constructed
out of it. It obtains it from the external world. The mind and its five
extensions actually supply energy /information and matter for building
sustaining the body. The east understood this in terms of Annamaya
Kosha or Gross Material Body. This is further divided into three parts
by quality, the Sattwic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Sattwic is characterized
by peace combined with harmonic activity. Rajasic is dynamic activity
of energy that can go violent. Tamasic is dull and inert. The Rajasic and
Tamasic complement each other. Sattwic is harmonious balance of
these forces. Indian saints characterizes individual into three types
based on his dominant force [Vatha, Pitta and Kapha]. These
characters are influenced by food and climatic cycles. The east thus
also characterizes foods and advocates foods to be taken in relation to
ones nature and climate. This knowledge has translated into of
Ayurveda of East.
universe within. Modern science deals with only one part and gives
least importance to the experience part that is crucial.
The ancient east in contrast through meditation transcended the mind
and its polar existence to focus its power to inner world. Thus they
spoke of inner conscious field and intelligence. This is the first level to
minds quest to know Truth. The second level is to gain communication
with Universal Consciousness and Intelligence, where mind understand
the oneness. One who enters this level gains power of various orders.
Here too it fails to Know Truth. This is so because it enquires Truth with
motive or intent. The powers one gain in this process is prone for loss,
when it is used for self.
Since mind is essentially negative, Truth is beyond Adult minds. Every
Adult mind seeks Truth with intent. Thus scriptures say that Truth
cannot be sought.
In short, an adult mind seeks the truth with a motive. However, at the
18th gate, the seeker sees death thus he utters, This is Not. Every
individual is given choice to return or accept it. I feel Christ meditated
for 18 years to overcome the Natural tendencies of flesh and as He
entered the 18th door, He encountered the same. The difference is that
He took the Choice of becoming the sacrificial lamb; such that He could
conquer time and death restore the Kingdom back to God the Father. In
Hindu philosophy there is reference to Character called Nachiketa who
goes after death and defeats death.
This means Truth Exists with God and the Spirit that Christ released. It
cannot be sought by any human mind but is going to come as Grace at
an appointed time for an appointed purpose. The great conclusion we
can make is that the corrupted environment, corrupted air, corrupted
society all comes from within. When inner thought is set right,
everything begins to gain order. However, this is impossible for
humans. Thus, God manifested to release His Spirits to change our
It is time Christianity as a religions built on Christs name to make an
introspection of its inner core. The members of this religion instead of
growing in Spirit of Christ, and bring qualitative transformation in
individual [bring individuals to New Born Experience] are more
engaged in quantitative and material growth. Most exist in the lowest
They thus distinguish the enemy. They can perceive a hungry lion and the
one that is fully loaded. All this are written in scriptures. The plants can
sense change is energy and information of the system. In contrast human
mind that is self-centered is negative.
Thoughts can be positive or negative; it comes from the inner space of heart
and is expressed through the mind. A self-centered heart can never produce
thoughts that are positive, it ends up using all powers of his mind for self.
Aldult humans are self-centered. Thus, human mind fails to see the non-selfcentered Heart and Mind of God or Cosmic Man or Son of Man. Thus
Scriptures say you have to be like a Child or should be reborn through the
Spirit of God to enter the Kingdom
We need to understood ourselves as cell of His Body
of Christ and work to transform people. In short they were supposed to help
people connect to the consciousness and walk the path of truth and justice.
At the least level, they are supposed resist people going the opposite way.
Unfortunately, they have failed in their duties. They have become slaves to
money and material development, thus causing the deterioration of the
The world has evolved to understand that behind matter, energy or spirit
exists. There is no value to the food, unless its energy is released by fire. The
priests have failed to acquire Holy Fire and speak the words with power
to awaken humanity and give them New Life. Most exist in first level.
Only few who fallowed Pentecostal movement and adopted Charismatic
movement has moved to second and third levels. The core of Christianity still
exists directed towards money and power at all cost. Thus, they are failing to
make people connect to the consciousness and walk the path of Truth and
Justice. In fact I see them leading the opposite way.
Religion and cultures creates boundaries, much of these boundaries are often
created with Good Intent and was a need of the time. However, evil mind in
time infiltrate the religious realm. The Holy Spirit is Light, it is Knowledge, it
is an expanding force, and nothing can bind it. It is beyond evil minds. As
written in Bible it is awakening heart and minds of people. The evolution
force is breaking the veils of ignorance put on human minds. Science has
great contribution towards it. God and Good News cannot reach out to the
world and manifest onto a lasting Platform unless we evolve it beyond
religions into a Science. Both science and religions have to evolve into Light
and Knowledge to bring order to heaven [environment or space] and earth
[The material reality embedded in it]
Intellectually, both the core of science and spiritually are in the third phase of
evolution, poised to make a shift into fourth phase, where information era
gives way to knowledge era and humanity moves to the final state of
happiness in Glory of God and Light. Jesus compared it to Pregnant woman
having labor pain. There is uncertainty in the core of Science and in New
spiritual awakening. The organized Christianity and its culture and
practices are lagging behind at the first stage of Annamya Kosha.
What Christ instituted was resistance such that humanity does not fall below
into dark pit. He created a core group who works for Him, who resist further
fall and creates a force that grows against the material force tending to black
Spirit of Christ came back on 50th day and took over leading the disciples to
next phases and this Spirit of Christ is still working to awaken people. I
believe a core group, though small in number, has always been working for
Christ honestly. The spirits of these souls released are working one with
Christ, ensuring that evil minds can never succeed. The Truth is that we all
have speck of Divine spark within all of us. We are called to awaken in Christ
and come alive. Organized Christianity and people in it instead coming alive
and calling peoples attention to this Truth, are engaged in exploiting them.
We are being called to awaken to the Spirit of Christ and find freedom.
Science much the same way as religion is failing to grow. The
famous physicist Dr. Micho Kaku rightly called modern
civilization type Zero Civilization living on energy obtained
from dead plants [Ref-73]. To refresh our memory of Christ,
we have been eating Flesh and drinking the blood of Christ for
last 2000 years. We have been listening to the words of God,
yet we are failing to come alive and take New Life. As
predicted in Bible it is happening now. However, this
awakening is yet to break the womb and come to light, such
that all beyond religions awaken.
The return of Christ is written as light emerging in East. No wonder the CERN
the biggest experimental facility of Science has Idol of Shiva at its head
We are supposed look to the Divine and hold His Light such that darkness
does not grow. We are supposed to be warriors of light serving the Divine. In
short, we are supposed to connect to the consciousness and walk
the path of Truth and Justice. It is much better that one remains in
the middle than growing towards the Light with self-centered intent
either personal or as part of religious institution.
All scriptures find the cause for deterioration of the Kingdom of God to
people in spiritual institutions. Hence, Judgment in Bible says that people in
the front will find themselves at the back. The time and situation is calling us
to awaken beyond religion to Know Truth and manifest Kingdom of God.
Christ manifested when 3/4th of the souls from His kingdom became selfcentered and slave to money. We world today exist directed to zero state
[End time]. By grace many has changed direction and evolved to second,
third, fourth and few to the fifth level, the ruler of this world is still is
darkness. The flow direction of the whole system Changes when sufficient
number souls by Grace enter the Vijnanmaya Kosha. This then manifests
into Golden Age or Kingdom of God
status in His World. However, when the power is used for self it leads to fall
of the Soul. Scriptures thus speaks that kingdom God falls because of His
own people.
My Humble Appeal
I know that as I take a stand and criticize my community and
religions as a whole I am in for trouble. I have failed to bring
my own people beyond slavery to religion and take conscious
path. One has gone to the extent to be party to bunch of
clergies desecrating Sanctum Sanctorum. It does not matter
to me losing all. What matters to me is that I stay in my path
and my conscious call. I am not interested in debating to win;
I am not here to prove anything. What makes me connect to
you all is a compassionate conscious call. Our Earth and
humanity is in endangered state. The money you have
accumulated, the house you built, the education you gave to
the children will fall short to create a future. We are entering
the darkest period of History of time where only True or
Higher Knowledge from Spirit Christ can save us.
Earth is already stressed with exponential increase in heat. The ratio of
energy to matter is favoring energy and climatic cycle is gaining immense
power. We are in for huge destruction by fire, wind, flashfloods/snows,
Earthquake and volcanic eruptions. Our intrusion in to night cycle in which
Earth cools, exponential loss of greenery and increased CO2 is upsetting yet
another vital ratio of O2 to CO2 is favor of CO2. Mass death of fish and birds
into self-realization and know how we are influencing the cosmic system and
being influenced by it.
If any one of you find substance in my help share and viral it up.
Note -References makes little bit obsolete in world of information is at
fingertip. 30 year down the lane, tired and moving alone, I have lost much
energy and enthusiasm left in me to dig back to give every thought, every
books and reference that molded me. Since I am weak in mathematics,
since I have not understood of mathematics of the scientific schools, since I
fallowed them by them conceptually I am including some videos that brings
the development of ideas in science and where it stands. I am also choosing
some school of thought that I came across that have parallel thinking to what
is unfolded in me
1] School of Russel Walter
2] School of Nassim Haremein
3] Perimeter Institute of science and people like, Dr. Neil Turok,
Prof. Paul Steinhardt, Prof. Burt Ovrut, Dr. Lee Smolin and so on. I
also some people from Princeton University speaking elegantly on
emerging thinking
Science of Walter Russell
2] A New Concept of the Universe", by Walter Russell, part 1 3] A New Concept of the Universe", by Walter Russell, part 2 Nassim Haremain
He has school called Resonance Project He speaks of fruit of life, seed and
life and such fundamental geometry and connected universe. He speaks of
spin. But I have not come across him speaking the cause of spin, spiral
motion and how it manifest. I differ with him in that I see a fundamental nonequilibrium design that is built on ratio and perceive how black hole develops
4] The Truth About The Universe... Nassim Haramein
5] Nassim Haramein - Secrets of the Universe
6] Nassim Haramein: Resonance, Black Holes, Sacred Geometry and Unified
Field Theory
7] Nassim Haramein Double Torus Figure -
8] How to Create Reality
30] Neil Turok at 2012 Massey Lecture Kick Off "The Universe Within"
31] Quantum Entanglement Documentary - Atomic Physics and Reality
32] Space-time is Doomed - MESSENGER Lecture 3 - Nima Arkani-Hamed
33] Neil Turok Explains The Cyclic Universe Theory
34] Dr Quantum: Wave particle duality and the observer!
35] Is the Universe a Hologram?
36] The Holographic Universe (Part One) [ part -1] [part-2] [part-3] [part-4] [part-5]
36A] Ilya Prigogine
36B] Ilya Prigogine: Science, Religion and the new Utopia,
36C] What is Epigenetics? with Nessa Carey
36D] Bruce Lipton Epigenetics
36E] The Future of Consciousness: Stuart Hameroff at TEDxTucson
37] Quantum Entanglement Documentary - Atomic Physics and Reality
[ Speaks the Great conflict between Bohr and Einstein The split point in
38] BBC Documentary - Atom 1: The Clash of the Titans
39] Dancing in the Dark The End of Physics - BBC Documentary 2015
40] Order out of chaos full documentary
41] The Fabric of the Cosmos Quantum Leap - Science Documentary
Quantum Leap [Full Documentary]
48] BBC Documentary Christianity: God and the Scientists BBC Horizon
49] Theory of DNA Science MESSAGE FROM GOD BBC Science Documentary
50] Ancient knowledge full video
50A] This will change your life, true knowledge of consciousness a MUST SEE
for the human race
5i] Holographic Universe from - Bible preachers [Part-1] [Part-2]
52] The Sacred Geometry of The Universe
53] Quantum Physics - Universe & Consciousness
54] Latest Scientific Evidence for God's Existence - Hugh Ross, PhD
55] God's Existence Documentary -
56] Beautiful Minds - James Lovelock - The Gaia Hypothesis / Gaia Theory
57]James Lovelock - A Final Warning: by Nature Video 58] The Vanishing Face of Gaia [ part-1] [part-2] [part-3] [part-4] [part-5]
62] Has Science Made Nature and Life Complex as Religions Made God
63] What is consciousness?
64] Mind Science, Consciousness, and the Quantum Universe Science
65] Spirit of Eastern Wisdom: The Intelligence Within
66] The Great Cycles or 'YUGAS' Isha Fondation- Sadhguru
67] New Results from CERN Indicate There Is Something Very Wrong With
Particle Physics
69] BBC Science Documentary* Understanding Electromagnetic Primer Fields
*Full HD, Discovery
70] Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity -- Jim Al-Khalili BBC Horizon
71] Secret Life of Isaac Newton (HD) - Full Documentary
72] Electromagnetism: A Brief Big History (H2) | Big History Project
73] Michio Kaku 3 types of Civilizations
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Address [Permanent]
Mr. John Paily
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