What Is Happening To Earth - Final Warning of Earth

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What is happening to Earth?

Will Planet Earth, Humanity, and Global Civilization

Part -1

What is happening to Earth?
Will Planet Earth, Humanity, and Global Civilization
Part -1

 Introduction 
 New Thinking 
 The Parallel between Living system and Earth 
 An insight into the climatic cycle 
 The cause for present wild and shifting weather 
 The Blind World
 The Root of Corrupt World – The Types of Danger ahead
 Points in Conclusion 
This article comes to you at a time when

 Nature has put a break on Humanity and his minds mad run.
 The economic empire it built in the absence of Truth of Nature and Life is taking a
severe blow.
 When many scientists and intellectuals at the top have given up hope for planet Earth
and Humanity. Even I, an atheist/scientist could visualize this scenario more than three
decades back as I revolted and left my carrier to stay with my consciousness and in
Nature than compromising to evil minds.
However, unlike most scientists and intellectuals at the top, I believe that Earth and humanity
will thrive and enter the Golden Age. These are only times for introspection and stress on us to
change our thinking, from material centered to Life-Centered. Today we are ruled and enslaved
by the western religio-political mindset that aligns with material force and lives by exploiting
Earth and us humans. In this world of slavery, we are ignorant of Life Force within and in the
whole Cosmos that creates and sustains.

It hurts to see the suffering of a large number of people, for the failure of a small group of
people who rule us from the top. At this moment of time in the Universal Cycle of Time, when
the whole world is locked down by one virus, it is time we INTROSPECT and BIRTH a new

MINDSET. It is time we transform from western hypocritical material centered thinking to
eastern life-centered thinking. It is time we understand the simplicity behind the complexity of
Life and Nature and Birth Knowledge and Wisdom Era.

It is time we rightly approach to know the “Truth of Nature and her functioning” and know her
Master [God] beyond Religion. We need to approach Truth from an understanding motive than
a self and conquering motive. It is time we stop our struggle to bottle the Spirit God and the
Creator and keep it in idols, bread, and wine in Sanctum Sanctorum of temples and churches
and enslave people into it. It is time we direct people to discover God within and in all Life and
on the planet Earth.

Here, I bring the Truth of Nature and life revealed to me by Grace in the simplest manner. I was
in the process of writing the book “Big Bang and God”, logically sketching the need to make a
shift in thinking from modern material west to ancient organic east. Because of many disturbing
situations, age, depleting energy, and resources, I have not been able to concentrate on it and
complete it. But in view of the present time, when humanity is going through a challenging
period, I am posting parts of it.  

The New Thinking 

The backdrop
It all started when I an atheist/scientist, revolted to stay with my consciousness, and left a
lucrative career in biotechnology than bowing to evil minds. It brought me to be freedom and a
life in Nature. Here I began to contemplate Life and Nature and seek Truth. I made Nature my
laboratory, accepted Mother Nature as my guide.  

Looking to the society of which I am part, I began to feel that we humans and our minds have a
decisive role in Nature and its existence. It quickly became apparent that we humans live a
mind and self-centered life. The intelligent among them seem to be exploiting Mother Nature
recklessly and are using us, humans, like salves, hiding some simple underlying Truth.

Nature appeared to work on two basic forces that are opposing; one is winding [centripetal]
and another is unwinding [centrifugal]. They seem to alternate giving a contracting and
expanding states to the physical universe. It gives pulsating reality to the physical world we see.
In short, there is light, energy, force, and information coming to Earth and at the living system
that embraces her. There is also light, energy, and information going out from Earth and the

Life in it at the same time. The Earth seemed to be critically balanced by incoming and outgoing
information. In modern scientific thinking, it is directed at Earth and Our Mind.

The centripetal force that modern scientific studies, IN TIME, tend to a black hole and a
singularity. Deep observation and introspection pointed out that the unwinding force that
opposes this seems to come from the Living system. Life on Earth collectively seems to be
directed to another opposing point creating a polarity. The physicist who dominates the
scientific world seems to fail to look to Life and thus see everything going into a black hole and
fails to perceive the system being restored from the black hole.  

Life seems to transform gravity force into anti-gravity force in its inner space. It works against
time in the material world that is directed to the black hole. The second law of thermodynamics
does speak of it. But scientists seem to have failed to look deep into life.

Life sustains the physical body through a Life force that is directed opposite to the physical
material world. Life survives time and death to the physical body, by creating a new body out of
a womb [black hole]. In short, life ensures that information survives. A biologist knows the
physical reality of the living system is the unfolding of information contained in it. Today
scientists know that Information is conserved. Creation or the Big Bang Theory now becomes
information unfolding to initialize the system into the New Time cycle. It means the Living
Universe Unfolding itself to lead us from Death to Life. It is God-Mind revealing all the
information and leading the system to Knowledge and Wisdom, such that we can take
Dominion of Earth.

Thus, I could see a simple explanation for the problem of the science of creation and eternal
existence in time from a biological perspective. Modern science that is material centered sees
one side of the coin directed to a black hole and seems to have failed to look deep into life and
Nature, to comprehend a force acting from the black hole, such that the Truth of Nature and
Cosmos can be understood sensibly and in simplicity.
Contemplating and reviewing the knowledge realm governing humanity. I began to perceive
some serious flaws in science and wrong interpretation and perceptions. I love science because
it is a quest for Truth beyond religion. I hated religions because they are the cause of bloodshed
and misery to humanity. As a child seeing bloodshed in the name of God and religion I had
concluded that “God is an invention of intelligent evil minds to rule the ignorant”. However, I had to

change this standpoint and accept Voltaire’s standpoint “If there is no God we have to invent
one”. This appealed to me because the search for Truth calls for fixing a standard. This amounts
to knowing and fixing Supreme Human [Supreme Heart and Mind] that is not self-centered and
who is supremely intelligent and powerful and is a source of all knowledge- A true Teacher or

A bird’s eye view of spiritual scripture of East and West led to a feeling that immense
knowledge life and Nature existed hidden in the East and its spiritual scriptures, but humanity
seems to have lost this in time when it was misused. The human quest led by the west
appeared to be a quest to know this lost Knowledge and Wisdom known to the east, but the
west is failing to grasp it. This becomes apparent when one sees the Bronze Dancing Statue of
Lord Shiva in front of the headquarters of CERN. [CERN is the biggest underground
experimental project, searching for God Particle and thus know God].

The present world and its knowledge realm are ruled by the physics community. They assume
Universe is material and they seek God at the atomic and particulate level. Their contribution to
human society is such that no one can stand against them. It means Global awakening to Life,
and knowing the universe as living one, can only happen when all developments in science can
be explained from a biological point, reduced to atomic and particulate level and to go-ahead to
answer many of the paradoxes science has created.

My consciousness and its call were calling me towards exploring the Earth and the universe
from the living point. Though Mother Nature was giving many clues, this appeared a huge and
impossible task for me a biologist to attempt from an interior village. During this period I came
across Gaia Hypothesis by a chemist and Noble laureate James Lovelock and the work of
another chemist and Noble laureate Ilya Prigogine, who showed that Chemical system [a non-
linear system], has potential to reorganize spontaneously when it is pushed to critical limits.
This potential is also seen in life and is the basis of evolution. Life is understood as a non-linear
system. In addition, I realized that all ancient philosophies, cultures were based on the Living
Universe that is conscious and intelligent. In a scenario, where Noble laureates are overlooked,
it appeared a suicidal for me to take up the task.

But my conscious call was so overwhelming that I took it up in the faith. It is decades since I
took it up and discovered a simple Principle and Design on which Nature is functioning. But I
have failed to catch the attention of the world in spite of immense struggle. I had given up hope

od seeing an awakening in my lifetime, but the lockdown that the Corona Virus brought to the
world, has given me some hope of the world awakening to Life. So I am making another

I am not good at writing. However, whatever I write comes from Grace, being in surrender to
God and His force, which I a scientist once denied.

The Parallel between Life and Earth 

We all know Einstein as the greatest scientist of the last century. Let me share two of His quotes
before we go further

 “Look deep into Nature, then you will understand everything better”
 “I want to know the mind of God – the rest is detail”

Looking deep into Earth and Nature from a point of freedom, I began to see many parallels
between Life and Earth and its functioning.  

1] Life has a parallel world; male and female that are quantum entangled. Life flowers from a
little perturbation in a single cell in a black hole [womb], when the reduced information from
parallel world unites. Technically a cell is a whole life that is pulsating. The physical reality of the
cell is material and should be traceable to an atom. Introspection led me to conclude that the
expression of life is coming from this atom [let us call soul] and its inner space and particle
vibrating in it. The space in the atom TRANSFORMS the incoming force from the material world
and sends it back constantly. Today physicist speaks of God particle that gives mass, energy or
life to the atom. But they have failed to perceive creativity in atoms that goes to form the DNA
and complex atoms. I will deal with it a New Article, reviewing the scientific developments.

2] Time is inevitable to life means; the physical reality at some point has to collapse and reform.
This manifests as a death in life. However, life has the capacity to survive by creating a New
Body before the Old collapses right from the Blackhole. Here the information contained in two
worlds reduces and Unites in Black Hole. The reduction and union mean life’s information for
survival exists distributed in parallel worlds. In the first three moments, it differentiates into the
right, the left, the inner, and the outer world. These moments separate mind-body, inner
heart, and vital realms and external and internal spaces. The division produces a vertical axis
around which, the physical body builds up.

3] Life is a conscious and intelligent system. It constantly strives to sustain certain equilibrium in
its left and right, inside and outside, and up and below. Beyond the apparent symmetry of life,
one can encounter asymmetry. Life and its design seem to be based on some ratio. Life seems
to exchange information between the Right and Left, up and down, inside and outside
constantly. One can understand this from Breathing and Mitotic divisions.

4] As life physically multiplies from 1 to 2 to 3 to 8 to16 to 32 to 64 -- and so on a complexity

seems to emerge. Here 8 and multiples of 8, signify a dynamic state. Life develops a central axis
with 6 points to which it loops itself again and again, with a 7 th and 8th point that opens as a
communication portal sending and receiving information. The Seventh and Eighth form the
spiritual world in which the physical reality exists. This is explored in the Indian philosophy of
Life as Kundalini or Chakra points. See fig. Indian philosophy has a deep and well-established
understanding of life. My knowledge about it is limited, but it has appealed to me in a bird’s eye

5] There are two centers to life; a center to external mind-body and its neural network and a
center to the internal vital world, represented by the heart and its neural work that controls the

6] Life has a spiritual or energetic backbone, the flesh body or material world we see is
sustained on top of it. In short, Life has the energy world and the physical world. There is a
critical balance of energy to matter in life. The flow of energy gives life and power. There is a
minimum, optimum, and maximum. Life reacts at the minimum and maximum and strives to
exist around the optimum. See fig.

7] Point 6 above means, there is an upper and lower limit of endurance, beyond which it begins
to breakdown. This possibly can be represented by a ratio of 3:1 where imbalance manifests.
However, if the system is held near-critical limit, it can show creativity to develop information
to survive. Sinc e information is indestructible, it means it can dig back in time to bring out the
lost information. The DNA formation can be visualized like a BALANCER who is balancing the
balance, before each weighing. This calibration is a necessity because with every quantum
pulse, there is some loss of energy and information [ Second law of Energy that speaks of time

direction]. This also means the Truth or the Whole Information of the system exist in the

8] Qualitative and Quantum changes [evolutionary changes] occur when the living system is
held in a near-critical state for a long time. To know this truth all we need to observe Life. In
critical states of stress in nature, Life digs deep into the reservoir of information to reorganize
its information to fight for life and even go beyond it to acquire a new one to adapt and survive
in a particular environmental state. This explains the survival and diverse evolution. At the
genetic level scientists study this in terms of part of DNA helices and parts of chromosomes
being exchanged between the left and right, up and down of centromere. Let me not go deep
into it.

9] Deep observation of life shows that life has inner space, where it TRANSFORMS gravity into
anti-gravity. This means there is a constant flow of energy into and out of the system. When a
material system in time winds up to a center point, a life strives to unwind from a center point
in time. A seed sprouting, a plant growing speaks it. In other words, gravity and time directed to
the center point in the black hole are opposed by the living system. The second law of
thermodynamics applied to the living system and material system shows this opposition. This
led me to write a small article, more than two decades back saying that even the existence of
single-cell can deny the Big Bang Theory and post it to intellectuals around the world.

10] The space in life is not closed but has the potentials to open and exchange information with
external space. Life survives through a constant exchange of information with external
space.The breathing, mitotic, and meiotic information speaks it. The whole process is directed
at sustaining life, through re-organization at the critical limit, such that life thrives

11] There seems to be a minimum of two spaces in life; right and left in the physical body that
exchanges information. One of the spaces is dominant and the other is recessive. [Considering
male and female it becomes two pairs that exist quantum entangled]. When we extend it to
have a dynamic vision, we have to visualize, 3 pairs of spaces forming a physical body and one
pair existing beyond it forming the external field and pathways for energy and information flow
into and out of it [See Fig under point 13 below]. Try to relate it to Kundalini Chakras of East
and also Triplet Codes of genes and the existence of dominant and recessive gene pairs, with
central space where polarity exists.  Note – modern biology visualizes a gene pair as the basic
unit of information. This although it is correct, they in a system function as dynamic units of a

minimum of 4 pairs, with a Central Hole. [ The hole forms because of non-equilibrium design,
we will explore later in New article from the atomic level.]

12] This means the physical bodies we see exist on top of inner space or hole. The actions we
see in the physical world should be preceded by actions in the inner space. This space inside life
appears to be conscious and intelligent and from the foundation of Life. Modern science is yet
to realize it, but the ancient east; especially sages of India seem to be aware of it.
13] When we think of matter or Life in space it brings to us three dimensions. See fig. It consists
of 8 geodesics. Suppose we assign a charge and assume some non-equilibrium to it, we will see
a strain in the system. [We will discuss the non-equilibrium design later ]. The apparent
equilibrium state here can only be visualized from 3 pairs forming the body and one pair
forming free charge acting in vertical axis see fig. This free charge forms the field around the
matter that creates gravity. Recall triplet code and gene pairs in life. The latter gives the field to
matter. It also gives us a spin axis around which it moves. From the non-equilibrium design, it
forms a helical system that can wind and unwind between two limits. To comprehend this,
imagine the Earth and its axis.

 Note – An equilibrium design does not exist in Nature. The flow and displacement can
only be explained with non-equilibrium design

Very Important Point - The 8 component system, with non-equilibrium design develops an inner
space. The eight components now can wind and unwind around it, in 3 quantum steps. We will
explore it in detail later.

14] Most living systems strive to sustain the temperature of the body within a limit. Since
temperature is related to the energy of the system it means it strives to sustain a certain
balance of energy to matter. Life seems to continuously transform energy into matter and
matter is broken down to release energy depending on the situation. In short, Life has a
disintegration and integration process going on simultaneously to sustain life.
15] The energy we know is of two types, kinetic and potential. All life has an aging process. This
could be understood as slowing down the flow of energy [decrease of kinetic energy and
increase of potential energy in the system with time and reaching point where no longer life
force can sustain the physical structure that is built.

16] All life has the capacity to conquer time and death and thus save the information that built
the system. It creates a New Body out of a black hole and renders it into a New Time Cycle.

17] As life unfolds from a single cell it creates many layers of grid points both in the inner and
outer world. Energy and information seem to flow through these grid points and return to base
to go in cycles. This is explored in sacred geometry see fig.

The Earth 
The universe appears a living, but not beyond time. Mother Earth on which we exist seems to
take the position of Heart. Earth appears as the off-centered center of the one living universe.
The sun appears as the mind and planets as the grid or chakra points. I am sure this may not
appeal to the most western scientifically educated population. Please take note that the
modern west has already dropped the vision of the Universe as material and has shifted to
explore the universe as Living. With String Theory, Parallel World, Ekpyrotic Scenario of
Creation, and the Holographic concept, they are already at the door. The Schumann’s,
resonance associated with Earth very clearly speaks of the living Nature of Earth. A conclusive
shift towards the East is what is eluding them. The following points give the parallel with Life.
For all-purpose, Earth, where we reside, is the center point of the universe to which forces of
gravity are directed. Earth seems to be designed to survive by transforming gravity into anti-
gravity force in its inner space. Earth seems to work as a double pump or heart of the Universe

Earth has parallel and multiple world design, with right and left up and down inner and outer,
just like life.

At the simplest level, Earth can be reduced to two worlds. These worlds can be understood as
east and west. When light shines in the west and it goes into unwinding state, simultaneously
east sleeps to darkness and goes into a winding state. One can visualize here one going into

disorder and others going into order. The scenario changes after 12 hours. The west gives way
to darkness and simultaneously east giving way to light. This change goes as a slow process in
three steps and makes a quantum shift into the fourth phase.

Note that
 Disintegration and integration of light and dark phases have equal periods of time to do
its work.
 The above design of Earth resembles the heart, which works as a double pump.
 At its depth, one can visualize it as Yin and Yang of Chinese philosophy. The Second
figure included for showing the spirit that binds the two into one.

We must recall here E=m [C×C]. Light is an electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic wave
has two forces; one directed with a direction in which wave is propagating and another acting
at right angles to it. This means we can rewrite the above figure. See Fig. This means an atom
[matter] is born from two light waves that collided to find some relative equilibrium state. The
mass is the resistance of the matter [atom] to any external force that disturbs its relative
equilibrium. Here we have represented force by virtue of straight-line [Newtonian]. True
representation of force is curved one [Einsteinian]. Recall reaction in the process. 

 The whole process is a dimensionless compression, followed by expansion. It is a pulse.
We will explore it in detail as we review science and find a new simple foundation to
Nature and Life

The simultaneous action of the West awakening to the light and East awakening to Darkness
and vice versa means the system is Aware [Conscious] and instantaneously connected. This is a
phenomenon of Life. This means the center point of the two worlds is connected. The center
point is a “hole” that has the opposite spin. It means life and Earth is built on a web of holes or
spaces that can open and communicate in a quantum manner and close. Here spiritual
communication and action and change precede what one observes in the physical see Fig.  

It is important to note that there is spiritual space in the vertical axis. The action and reaction
are also influenced by it [ see fig above]. It means the acts in two ways by winding or
unwinding. In other words, the spiritual world governs the time direction. It can be winding or
Unwinding not both. One is hidden inside the other in a recessive manner. The representation
of the two worlds is only for ease. In a three dimensional space, we have to visualize a
minimum of 6 parts [3 pairs] to physical one 2 parts forming spiritual. Recall the triplet codes
pairs of genes in DNA in the living system, with a central space.

Today the spiritual field is getting highly energized and the physical is becoming fragile.
This is the point to which the article is driving at. In short earth, eco-sphere, all life in it
including we humans are in danger, in the ignorance of Truth of Nature and her
functioning and the Spirit that sustains Her.

The material realm separates the spiritual realm. The material realm can be visualized as a
horizontal force that coexists with vertical spiritual force. The vertical can be visualized as the
time component of the system. Time in the system can be directed to positive [Light] or
negative [Dark]. One is enclosed in the other. It is impossible for us to perceive the opposite
time embedded in it. We the humanity today is held in a time zone that is directed to the
black hole [Negative], with positive being conceived within the Negative [we will explore this
statement later in second part].

The compression expansion causes a quantum pulse. It is important to note that
 This compression and expansion are impossible without non-equilibrium. We all know
the equal opposite cancels.
 This compression and expansion need to be visualized as three-step winding that
collapsing into unwinding state to repeat the cycle.
 This winding and unwinding is influenced by a charge on the vertical realm
 This compression and expansion are associated with some loss of energy. The lost
energy is now stored in a black hole in the vertical realm in a latent form. This manifests
as time directly to the system. The greatest limitation of science is that they are failing
to perceive the return flow from the negative to positive as a natural process.

Important Note – There are two spiritual fields, one Positive and the other Negative. We the
modern human, who live mind and material centered life are constantly favoring the
negative. We are directed to the black hole, where disorder, destruction peaks. As I observe,
even the most religious people who speak God deep within are hypocritical and are aligned
with material force, thus the dark force is having an upper hand in the world we live in. See
Fig. Note that a positive force acts from deep from the black hole and is directed to White

Important Note : The spiral force in the material world has three points at which right changes
into left and vice-versa. At each point, we see two forces acting; one directed away, one

directed to its own center. Some energy is lost in all these quantum transitions. This accounts
for time direction and it goes in three steps.

 The first step leads to compression of the right and left of the material plane and
exchange of information. One can compare this to breathing in life, where information
gets exchanged in the lungs. On Earth, it manifests as day and night cycle.
 The continued loss of energy and information into a vertical plane [black hole] from the
material realm calls for some information exchange between vertical planes within the
system. This now leads to mitotic division in life and on Earth it leads to climatic
changes. There is a loss in this process too, which accumulates in the black hole. This
now necessitates the third level of energy and information.

 The third level of energy and information exchange relates to sex and sexual
reproduction in life that facilitates the species to survive. It involves a parallel world. We
have not been able to perceive this phenomenon in Nature. It is a one-time event in the
Universal Time Cycle and it is happening now. Understanding this can pave way for
humanity to evolve into its primal glorious state of awareness [The Golden Age of
knowledge and wisdom]. Some forces in the Global Society seem to be resisting this
awakening. [ We will deal with this aspect in detail in the second part]
These parallel world needs to be visualized as double torus that is compressed. See fig. There is
a flow that meets in the equator. Important point is that the two tori are not equal. For equal
and opposite cancels and cannot account for anything, we see in Nature.

Earth has multiple worlds much like life. Earth has many layers of grid point points. Through
these grids point’s Earth receives light and heat and also returns light/heat. In other words just
as a living system works to sustain the temperature; Earth is designed and works to sustain its
temperature within limits.  It is designed to balance energy to matter ratio and strives to exist
at an optimum level [Please take note of this Point]. It reacts and self organizes when it is
pushed to the limit. See Fig.



Energy Minimum


Matter [Physical Reality]

Fig: Ratio of energy to matter, the Optimum, maximum and


The double and multiple tori create compression in the equatorial belt. Because of the non-
equilibrium design, we can visualize spiral waves of energy manifesting and circulating Earth
because of this compression. This compression and expansion lead to the exchange of
information, accompanied by some loss of energy. This compression and expansion seem to
fallow 12 hour day and night cycles. This can be visualized as a breath of Earth and the Cosmos.

The loss of energy involved in exchange necessitates the second level of information exchange
and normalization of the energy in the vertical axis. In life, it manifests as mitotic division, and
on Earth, this manifests a 12-month climatic cycle. The loss of energy in the second level leads
to a build-up of energy in a latent form in a black hole. In life, this energy is often released in
sex in life. Time is inevitable in the living system. But Life survives the time direction by
ensuring that it creates a new body within the old and rendering it to start a new time cycle.
This ensures the species to survive. The parallel to this process happening life is what we need
to understand in cosmic level to know its creation and eternal existence in time cycles.
Scientists at the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Science and famous Princeton University are
at it. I hope they emerge to discover the living Universe beyond religions before huge
destruction to Earth and our civilization occurs.   

Important Note - When physicist looks to the universe as material, they only see a time that
tends to end in a black hole with no cause for origin. They fail to comprehend the process by
which energy and information lost in a black hole are retrieved. In short, they fail to
comprehend time conquering and time initialization process and the eternal existence of the
universe from a black hole. This cannot happen unless we shift our basic perception of the
universe from material to living. This shift can help science not only to explain creation and
existence sensibly but can see the deep secret and knowledge that our ancestors hid in spiritual
scriptures as the universe was going into its dark phase. This calls for understanding the
Universal Time Cycle. [We will deal with it later in the second part].   

We are in the phase of the Universal Time Cycle where darkness is dominating. This means we
humans or Children of God
 Have lost connection with Universal Consciousness and intelligence or God the Creator,

 Have lost connection with once own consciousness and intelligence and becoming salve
to evil minds.
The time phase has given scope for evil minds operating from the religious realm, who seat God
in idols, in bread and wine in temples and churches and rule over Children of God, resisting
them from awakening to God within. 
We will deal with it later.   

An insight into climatic cycles on Earth 

The climatic cycles on Earth, that the scientists study and make predictions are based on heat
movement in Earth’s environment around its spin axis. The heat in the equatorial belt tends to
go up and move to the polar cold area in the vertical axis. At some height [9 to 12 km] near to
the polar region, it leads to the development of winds called jet streams opposing the spin axis
of the poles. The cold air moving near the poles tends to move to the hotter equatorial belt.
This creates a wave in the jet streams. Climate change and aberration in it is related to this. Fig
below explains it. Let me not go deep into it.

The climate and its transitions are smooth and long as the waves are smooth and have no much
peak and fall. 

The cause for present wild and shifting weather 

We saw that Earth is designed to self-organize with parallel world design. Nature goes into
unwinding and into an apparent disorder in the heat and light of day. But this is opposed and
balanced by the Night cycle coexisting with it. Heat or energy is the principal factor driving the
cycles of Day and Night and climatic cycle. One must now note that since the industrial era,

 We have been EXPONENTIALLY increasing the heat of the environment.

 We have intruded into the night cycle and the functioning of Earth to cool and bring

 Plants convert light and heat into biological mass [Photosynthesis]. In the process, they
release vital oxygen. They help maintain the ratio of O2 to CO2 for us to breathe. They
also become the source of food. Earth is self-organizing with life instinctively opposing

gravity force directed to the black hole, singularity, and death. This was known to the
East. Noble Laureate James Lovelock, a chemist, and Father of Gaia Hypothesis have
elegantly shown it to the world, but physicists who rule the scientific realm have failed
to look into life. They have overlooked the call of the Great Minds of the 20th century.
Gaia denies a time direction to singularity.
 But if we look deep into Nature, including us humans who live a mind, self and material
centered life with greed, a singularity, and death returns.

One must note that human greed has led to the loss of forests. We have cut the lungs of Earth
in Greed. Increasing heat in the environment has led to uncontrolled forest fires; that even the
best-equipped nations have failed to control. Consequently, the system has reached a breaking
point. Powered by feedback cycles the system, it is fast spinning into great disorder and

The only way Earth could react in these situations is by accelerating the flow and
change. This, in turn, has led to flash flood/snows as never witnessed before. The fire
infuses power to wind and thus wind bound destructions are also increasing. Since
sudden cooling causes compression, it means an increase in earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions. We are witnessing increased natural catastrophes both in number and
magnitude with every passing year, but we are failing to awaken. If unchecked it can
lead to a total break down and the collapse of Earth and its ecosphere.

What this means is that human activity is upsetting the RATIO OF ENERGY TO MATTER and thus
the balance of the Earth. We are exponentially favoring energy. It means

 The vertical or the field force is increasing and the horizontal force is decreasing. The
vertical wave that is driving the climate is showing immense peaks and falls and even is
breaking. This is happening at the loss of horizontal force. One who follows the climatic
changes is aware of it.  
 This also means physical Earth is growing fragile and is breaking down. Thus we see
increasing mudslide, sinkhole, and so on.

 All life on Earth is stressed. A large number of species have gone extinct, unable to cope
with the peaking and falling of energy. We must note that all living systems have an
energy signature. Its physical reality has an associated wave. This wave tends to break
down in extreme fluctuation of energy in the environment.
 The scenario is forcing mutations in virus and single-celled organisms. The emerging
disturbance in the ecosphere seems to favor it.  We, humans, are experiencing threats
from virus infections. Right now the whole world is locked down by one virus. This
threat is only bound to amplify in the coming seasons. This threat cannot be
overcome, only by developing Vaccines, because the scenario is favoring its
mutations. What we need is a change in mindset from present material and money-
centered to Life-centered one.  We need to decrease the heat or energy we are
releasing into the environment. 

Note this Point

The following figure shows how the polar vortex in 2019 from Jan to Dec. There are reports
that Jet streams are weakening. What this means the heat and cold wave is gaining force on
the vertical and losing force on the horizontal.  It means the heat and cold season not only are
finding new peaks but is getting prolonged, especially near the North Pole. It also means
hurricanes and tornadoes will be powerful, they would be slow-moving creating huge
catastrophes. This is bound to cause double-edged sword like destruction by Nature. We will
experience increased fire and water-bound destructions. Both these forces that otherwise
enrich life is now turning destructive.  

This means, there would be uncontrolled forest fire and fire accidents increased tornadoes and
so on. Earth's reaction to cool leads to flash floods/snows. It could also mean Mother Quakes,
Mother volcanoes, mudslide, sinkhole, and so on bringing huge destruction and misery to
humanity. Scientists have predicted it, but the leaders enslaved to money and material world
are failing to take note of it.

Some of these outbursts of Earth [Mother quakes and volcanic eruptions] are going to be in and
around the ring of fire; the primal Grid points of Earth [see Fig]. These outbursts now appear
inevitable as Earth gears for the Shift. One can ease the shift provided the world awaken to
Truth of Nature and her functioning and Know God the Creator and Restorer

It is impossible to predict accurately, but we can clearly perceive the trend. The increasing
forest fire, flash flood/snows, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, mudslides, a sinkhole, death of
species, large scale death of fishes, birds, and animals in the last two decades speaks of
dramatic energy disturbances. The loss of forest to the greed of we humans is alarming. One
can search for pictures and data on the net.

I am not alone in perceiving this self-destructive end to which humanity is moving. Many
scientists and freelance researchers are speaking and writing on it. But the religio-political
realm, ruling the world seems to overlook, the scientific community and its advice. The religio-
political realm exists as a slave to money-minded corporate business houses and people, who
values money and material aspects above life. This slavery to money and material aspect has
blinded humanity and his intelligence. The rulers of the world have lost their common sense
and so too majority of the global population.  

The Blind World 

Heat we all know increases the motion. It is common sense. Water kept for boiling with a spoon
of tea dust tells the Truth. We don’t need huge data for it. In trying to be scientific, in trying to
bottle Nature and her Master Spirit in mathematical bottles and trying to conquer and predict,
we have lost our eyesight and our common senses. The way politicians and the general public
react to global warming speak it.

As we heat the Earth system unilaterally, the spin axis gains energy, beyond a point the matter
in it loses cohesive strength. The Earth is going fragile, because of exponentially increased heat
being released into the environment. In a boiling pot, small bubbles join to form a centralized
force to turn the system inside out. Similarly, on earth, the small vortex is fusing to gain
strength. All this means this Earth’s spin axis is gaining strength. We all know when the field
spins the matter in it experiences a downward pull towards its core. Earth and its climate are
experiencing this process. The whole scenario is stressing humanity to evolve to know Truth.

The so-called “Time” aspect that science speaks now needs to be considered as the energy of
the system that creates and sustains. The time in the modern world is favoring the increase of
kinetic energy and the decrease in potential energy. It is upsetting energy to matter ratio. The
physical reality is endangered. Everyone in the world is behind the material and money aspects.
Everyone is self-centered and is striving to build their kingdom. No one seems to think beyond
their self, about the Earth and the Kingdom of God

Those who have some power in the Political and Religious world seem to develop a disgusting
trait called Ego. Each one is striving to build a cozy boat at the expense One Mother Ship that is
supporting us all. It is disgusting we call ourselves conscious and intelligent. All those who are at
the top or in any responsible position, taken an oath to serve God and the people live a
hypocritical life aligned with dark force. They are disrobing Earth, recklessly exploiting her
resources, and pushing all life and common man into great disorder. Little do these people
realize there is Divine Plan of Restoration In progress, where the axe will come heavily on them
I again stress, it is a common-sense realization that as a system is heated unilaterally it
becomes fragile. We don’t need a huge data for it. The people who rule us from religious and
political realm have made us insensitive and blind so that we fail to awaken to God and Truth
within and exist as a slave to them. It is resisting humanity from becoming conscious and
intelligent and become aware Life Force or God within and finds liberation and salvation. 

The self-centered hypocritical dark minds ruling us are ensuring that we exist as a slave to the
material world and its forces that lead us into a black hole, disorder, and destruction. No
wonder the least of all life a Virus has brought this world to lockdown. This is time to
introspect and change or thinking from material to Life. Nature has given us pause to think

and become conscious, intelligent, and awaken. One must stand back and note, how much
Mother Nature recovered with 28 days of lockdown.

The Danger Ahead – A Warning

Nations are gearing, to kick start the economy and go the same old way. If we move forward
with the same kind of thinking, we are doomed. We were fortunate to have our
communication world intact so that we could fight the Virus. If push it any further is the danger
of new viruses attacking not only humans but the communication networks. That would be hell
being let loose on Earth.

The new trend in the modern world is artificial intelligence. This is programmed and done
with an ulterior intent to control. This is bound to backfire. There is a possibility the machine
grows powerful to find out that its owners have bad intent and turn against them. 

I say this because every atom is conscious and has its own intelligence which helps it to adapt
to changes in the heat of the environment. Every atom has its own equilibrium, every system
has an equilibrium point, atoms in the system aligns with the system. The only system that is
not conscious is we the humans who live a mind centered Life. The scenario of the machine
taking control will be catastrophic. If we fail to awaken to know Truth we can expect great
catastrophes in the next few climatic cycles.

The only way we can now survive is to break loose from the bondage of religion and evil
hypocritical minds that are ruling us selling tickets to heaven. We need to become truly
conscious and intelligent people. We need to become human first. We need to experience God
within than in idols, bread, and wine kept in temples and churches. We need to know 
 God the Father, the Creator and Sustainer beyond religion
 We need to God the Mother 

Only then can we survive on Earth in peace and find True prosperity. The Mind of God is ever
open, so too the Heart of the Mother. All we need to do is make a RETREAT, listen to their
voice and come to Their Fold; The Divine Voice that came to Earth as Flesh and Blood is still
working to lead us from darkness to light, death to Life. Earth needs time to recoup; we have
intruded into her functioning with greed and recklessness. 

I stress - Open your eyes and awaken Friends. See and feel how much Earth has
recovered. Any attempt to tread the same old path could become, hell getting loose on
Earth. The choice is before Us.

Noble laureate James Lovelock predicted 5/6th of the population getting destroyed by 2100
because of heat. The way the energy of Earth is peaking and falling, I don’t think we have that
much time. The recalcitrant nature of the leaders at the political and religious level, who keep
money before life and unity, has led me to give up hope of seeing an awakening in my lifetime

The Root of Corrupt World – The Types of Danger ahead

I have been repeatedly writing that we are threatened by 

 By evil hypocritical minds operating from religious institutions, who seek power, money
and material aspects and divide andhold we humans as slaves

 By science that has failed to evolve to know Truth in simplicity. It exists in their
resistance to look to Life and their resistance to God. Science set out on a journey to
know Truth, denying God. They took an Outside-In approach, by breaking the physical
world they down to its constituent part. Behind the Physical world, they encountered a
Spiritual world. They are failing to comprehend the Unity and existence of the spiritual
world and the physical world as one. They have accumulated much partial information
in the process, but they are failing to integrate these parts to come up with Truth and
Understanding of Life and Nature and how it works. Consequently, it has ended giving
powerful tools into the hands of evil minds ruling Earth to exploit Earth and us humans. 

We have done much exploitation of life and Nature, without knowing the basics of life and the
deep underlying oneness of Nature and its functioning. Many enlightened souls and minds have
talked about it, but the people who rule us from the religious realm are not willing to listen.
They divide and rule us. They create opposite and teach us that the opposite is an enemy. The
economy built on war has its root here. They create fear, insecurity turbulence, complexity as
they keep us as slaves. At all costs, they strive to protect their interest. They resist us from
knowing Truth and Our oneness in One God.

I stand with science because it is beyond religion. However, if you go deep into the science, we
will see that science has created more questions than it has solved. 

 We don’t what property gives gravity to matter, 
 why uncertainty, 
 why wave-particle duality, 
 why triplet code, why pairs of genes, why pairs of Chromosomes, why mitotic and
meiotic division, 
 How life shows creativity, what is consciousness and intelligence
 How the universe came into existence from singularity point in a Black Hole. 
 What is time and so on?  

Scientific developments are lopsided. Fundamental Research has suffered and applied science
has flourished. 

The assumption of science that the universe is material is not wrong in one way [Reader will
understand it as I review and discuss science in pat -3]. However, the very process of splitting
the physical Nature and Life to know the Truth that the west took has limitations to know
Truth. Thus evil minds from religious institutions probably knew that the path children of God
are taking will not lead them to Truth and Ligh. The applied potential only favored science them
and they possibly have made many investments [ we will see it in the next part]. I feel the
corporate business styles, the banking cartel, the war-based economy, and all evil seem to have
its root in the religious west.  I am not saying all people in religious institutions as bad, but the
majority is.

The tool we are using to split the physical world [MIND] is the wrong choice to know Truth. The
east knew this. Thus they meditated to silence the mind and enquired truth within. Here they
encountered a New space-time field called consciousness and intelligence field. The souls and
minds of East who sought Truth from this realm had to go beyond their mind-body and even life
to gain glimpses of the Universal Consciousness and Intelligence that creates, binds, and
sustains everything into one. They called this God Field. The knowledge of life and Nature they
gave to the world, was much superior, but in time this was lost to humanity. The quest of we
humans [the children of God] is to know this Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom that is lost to us in
time. There is a set of minds [Dark forces] operating in the world that is resisting us from
knowing this Truth. [We will see this in the second part].  
We must note and underline, today scientists are visualizing Universe as a giant mind. But they
hardly realize its limitations. The adult human mind being part of the whole, existing in one part

or the other has limitations to know Truth. It has a tendency to develop an ego, it has a
tendency to become self and material centered. Thus Truth becomes denied to it. We must
recall the great quotes like “Mind is the Matrix of matter”, by Max Plank, and “I want to Know
Mind of God – the rest is details” by Einstein. The adult human mind is not a vital part of Life. The
vital part of Life is Heart and the space beyond it that transforms the material force into life
force. This space is conscious and aware. The creation and sustenance [the balancing] process
occur in this space.

What we need to know today is this Vital Space in detail and develop an Inside-Out
Vision, which includes Outside-in vision that the west has given. We need a shift from
western to the eastern way of thinking to know Truth.

It is true that the scientific invention of the wheel, heat engines, and so on has brought
evolution to us, humans. But all the collective developments of modern science and its
contribution has failed to understand the inner space field that sustains the physical reality
and drives it eternally. This one failure has led to the backfiring of our inventions. We are
caught in never-ending feedback loops, in which all the dark traits within us is emerging more
easily than the White One.

In short, death and destructive traits are prevailing over Life and constructive traits in
us. Our global social system has dark forces operating from the top, who are resisting
humanity from awakening to simple truth that exists next to once skin.

In the absence of the Truth, we have lost the purpose of Life, we have created hell on Earth and
we are digging our own mass grave. The invention of the atomic bomb, missiles, EMP
weapons, biological warfare by engineering genes, and the use of artificial intelligence to
control and exploit humanity speaks to where the developments in sciences are taking us.
Science by itself is not wrong, it is a new search for Truth [ Later we will see it as part of Divine
Plan]. However, the religio-political system of the west, have controlled how science unfolds
and is used. They have ensured that it becomes complex and is beyond the comprehension of
the common man and it does not find the simple Truth of Life and Nature. They resist the
liberation of humanity in Truth.  

Nations spend, much on warfare and destruction than in food and shelter. Today farmers who
grow food are looked down upon and exploited. The Earth that shelters us is being ripped

apart. The education industry is oriented towards creating slaves to serve the evil minds that
rule Earth. The health industry has become a money minting industry. Nothing on Earth seems
to be directed to Life and sustaining life. 

The exponential heat being released into the environment that is threatening Earth and her
existence that we discussed is not the only aspect of the endangered world. Let us take a few
more briefly. 

Genetic Engineering and Artificial intelligence a Threat 

Biotechnology and Information science are the two main fields of science, where much
investment is going on today. I was a biotechnologist. As far I know all those brilliant minds in
this field, who truly committed to the well-being of humanity, have stepped out of their field
and have spoken how dangerously biotechnology and information science is unfolding
upsetting the finely tuned ecology. Dr. David Suzuki [Genetics] is one such world-famous name.
Another famous person I can recollect is Noam Chomsky; a cognitive scientist and philosopher.
Both have given a call to return to the root and learn from nature and aboriginals. 

If you read the biography of great scientists, they all echo the pain of their invention taking the
wrong path and humanity edging to disaster. Einstein said, “ I know not with what weapons World
War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones ." 

Science has two realms; the theoretical and applied. Theoretical science is often restricted and
applied science is favored. The world is paying the price for it. There is a wrong notion that
theoretical science needs large laboratories and investments . Theoretical science needs a
meditative mind that is questing to know Truth. It needs no money. In fact, money hinders the
quest. Money becomes important only when one has to design an experiment to prove to
others and take once discovery to the world and into an applied level. All great ideas have
spontaneous origins, recall Newton, Einstein, Fr. Gregory Mendel, Julius Von Mayer, and so on.
But very often a lifetime of energy gets lost, when one strives to bring it to others. Some of the
greatest inventions were discovered much after the death of the individual. History of science
also speaks of deliberate suppression of superior ideas and minds, the examples are Nikola
Tesla, Walter Russell, and so on.    

It is unfortunate that after years of scientific struggle highly acknowledged scientists like
Stephen Hawking have ended giving a call to leave Earth and populate other planets. 

All these bad trends and threats to our existence are emerging because we fail

 To know the basics of Life and Nature and its organization.

 To know God as Life Force that creates and sustains from within.
 Scientifically it can be reduced to our failure the inner space or black hole, that creates
and sustains

It is disgusting to see religious institutions, exalting in humans the evil traits day in and day out.
The world is a witness of the failure of religious institutions to exalt Life Force [God] and Truth,
especially of the west. 

Rulers of this world have consistently overlooked great minds. They have used their invention
in the wrong way more. Today a virus engineered with the wrong objective has put the world
under lockdown and has given a serious blow to the economy. The next in the card is artificial
intelligence. Many are speaking against it, but evil money and power centered minds ruling us is
going ahead with it.

I strongly feel the Corona Virus is engineered, which has gone out of control and is mutating.
We are in a money centered world, where business people and corporates control the world.
At the top-level everyone knows, viruses are being studied and manipulated not only for good
of humanity but also as
 As an easy tool for warfare.  
 Seeing a business opportunity here is a natural outcome for an evil, intelligent mind.

Creating an engineered virus capable of a pandemic, producing vaccine or drug for it, and sell
the vaccine globally is not only an easy way to make money but also to dictate to nations and
bring nations to its knees.

One thing that stands out as I observe the world is that all that is done with bad and negative
intent is backfiring. We have an example of Globalization done by rich nations of the west. It
was done with intent to capture the economy of other nations, but it led to their companies
moving out to China and other nations where labor is cheap and the intrusion of cheap labor to
their countries thus bringing job loss to natives. An evil conquering motive seems to drive our
modern world. We need to dissect and know the root of this mindset.[ We will do it in the
second part]

The world scenario to which we are heading brought two pictures to my mind, decades back -
1. The heartbeats of a dying person 
2. The heartbeats and the struggle of a pregnant woman going through the pains of giving

As an atheist and scientist, I visualized the first scenario, however, my New Birth experience by
Grace and my spiritual initiation and growth in His Spirit has led me to the second vision. There
is a New World forming within the old, we are called to Transform and Translate into it. What
the world is experiencing is the Birth Pangs. The need of the hour is to

To awaken to the Divine Design and Cosmic Life Force of God Force working from black hole
to lift us from darkness to light, death to life. We need to align with it so that we can birth a
new Era of Knowledge and wisdom and enter the Golden Age. If we continue to resist
awakening, we will experience more misery and destruction.    

We will explore the Divine Design and Birth pangs in the Next article. 

Summarizing points in brief

1] There is energy to matter ratio to Mother Earth. Mother Earth constantly works to sustain
the system around an equilibrium point. She reacts when she is pushed unilaterally in favor of
energy or matter. We are in one such critical moment in the History of Time when energy is
unilaterally is peaking to a limit and Mother Earth is reacting to sustain her balance. One single
factor disturbing her is the amount of heat being released into the environment and lack of
TIME given to her to deal with such heat. Let me explain this in a figure. All of us living on the
present earth are material centered, even those who speak God and Life are living hypocritical
Life. Mother Earth has space for all, but there is a limit to her endurance to our greed.

Note - The world that is connected by visual media, brought out, how Mother Earth and her
Ecosphere recovered in few weeks of Lockdown. How Life Force sprang into action to cleanse,
our environment, our water bodies, and so on. Personally, I had lost hope of seeing awakening
to Life Force, but this lockdown gave me hope. Hense I am here penning and striving to reach
out to you all.

2] We saw that how Life Force within a Living system when it is held near the critical point,
unearths the information, and brings dramatic changes in its information and evolves to
survive. The universe is living and Mother Earth seems to be giving a chance for humanity to
evolve to know Truth and unearth the knowledge and wisdom to live in peace with oneself ,
with Her and Her Master.

3] The “Corona Virus” and lockdown seems to be a blessing in disguise for humanity. It is an
opportunity to rethink and evolve from the information era to Knowledge and Wisdom Era.
This lockdown should be a lesson. It has given pause to think and rise up the Life Force or God
within. It is time we come out of bondage to religions and know the God Within. It has shown
the drawbacks of our thinking. It has shown what is essentials and what is not essentials. It is
revealing who is important to society and its sustenance in times of danger. Much of our Life
and its energy is lost in nonessentials. I hope by the time lockdown ends we will awaken. If we
fail to awaken now, Mother Earth and the Spirit Governing her will let loose Hell on Earth.

4] To survive we need a MINDSET change, from material to Life. We need to approach Nature
and God with understanding motive, not a conquering motive. Our ego, self, extreme material
attachment [ Our mind and its faculties] needs to die first to step into conscious and
intelligence field. We need a New Birth Experience in the Spirit of God and a deep desire to
know Truth. Only truth can help Earth and Humanity survive on planet Earth. A simple
“Principle and Desing” that is built on the ratio is governing Life and the Universe

Awaken Awaken Awaken



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