The Shaping of The Multipolar Pre-Planetary Nebula CRL 618 by Multi-Directional Bullets

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The Shaping of the Multipolar Pre-Planetary Nebula CRL 618 by

Multi-directional Bullets

arXiv:1603.00199v1 [astro-ph.SR] 1 Mar 2016

Po-Sheng Huang1,2 , Chin-Fei Lee1,2 , Anthony Moraghan1 , and Michael Smith3



Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, P.O. Box 23-141, Taipei 106,


Institute of Astrophysics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan

Centre for Astrophysics and Space Science, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NH,



In order to understand the formation of the multipolar structures of the preplanetary nebula (PPN) CRL 618, we perform 3D simulations using a multidirectional bullet model. The optical lobes of CRL 618 and fast molecular outflows at the tips of the lobes have been found to have similar expansion ages of
100 yr. Additional fast molecular outflows were found near the source along the
outflow axes with ages of 45 yr, suggesting a second episode of bullet ejections.
Thus, in our simulations, two episodes of bullet ejections are assumed. The shaping process is simulated using the ZEUS-3D hydrodynamics code that includes
molecular and atomic cooling. In addition, molecular chemistry is also included
to calculate the CO intensity maps. Our results show the following: (1) Multiepoch bullets interacting with the toroidal dense core can produce the collimated
multiple lobes as seen in CRL 618. The total mass of the bullets is 0.034 M ,
consistent with the observed high-velocity CO emission in fast molecular outflows. (2) The simulated CO J = 32 intensity maps show that the low-velocity
cavity wall and the high-velocity outflows along the lobes are reasonably consistent with the observations. The position-velocity diagram of the outflows along
the outflow axes shows a linear increase of velocity with distance, similar to the
observations. The ejections of these bullets could be due to magneto-rotational
explosions or nova-like explosions around a binary companion.
Subject headings: planetary nebulae: general stars: AGB and post-AGB stars:
mass-loss stars: winds, outflows



Pre-planetary nebulae (PPNe) are transient objects between the asymptotic giant
branch (AGB) phase and the planetary nebula (PN) phase in the evolution of low- to
intermediate-mass stars. In less than a thousand years, PPNe will transform into PNe
when the central stars evolve to hot white dwarfs and photoionize their envelopes. Most
PPNe are aspherical and found to possess bipolar or multipolar lobes (Corradi & Schwarz
1995; Sahai 2001; Sahai et al. 2007) with kinematic ages less than 1000 yr (Bujarrabal et al.
2001). Bipolar lobes can be produced by fast winds ejected from around central stars near
the end of the AGB phase. However, multipolar PPNe may not be produced in the same
way, because the fast winds, even if precessing, have difficulty producing the multipolar
CRL 618 is one of the most well-studied multipolar PPNe, and thus a good candidate
for our study of the mass-loss process in multipolar PPNe. In the Hubble Space T elescope
(HST ) images, multipolar optical lobes were observed in the east-west direction (Trammell
& Goodrich 2002). These optical lobes are expanding rapidly away from the center (Sanchez
Contreras et al. 2002). Infrared observations in H2 (Cox et al. 2003), and (sub)millimeter
observations in CO J = 21 (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004), J = 32 (Lee et al. 2013a,b),
and J = 65 (Nakashima et al. 2007) revealed fast molecular outflows along the optical
lobes. A dense core was detected around the central star (Lee et al. 2013a) surrounded by
a tenuous spherical halo (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004).
Two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations have attempted to reproduce the lobe
morphology of CRL 618. Lee & Sahai (2003) and Lee et al. (2009) used a collimated
fast wind (CFW) model to produce one of the well-defined lobes in the west by using the
ZEUS-2D hydrodynamics code. In the CFW model, the PPN lobes are a result from the
interaction of the fast winds with the surrounding AGB halo. The CFW can reproduce the

structures and kinematics of the outflow lobe. However, the CFW may need to be more
confined like a cylindrical jet in order to produce enough shock emission.
On the other hand, Dennis et al. (2008) showed that a massive clump (bullet) model
can also produce the structure and kinematics of a lobe in CRL 618. Recently, Balick et al.
(2013) measured proper motions of the optical lobes and found that the fingertips of the
lobes have the same expansion ages of 10015 yr. Therefore, these optical lobes likely
all resulted from a spray of bullets in different directions. As a result, Balick et al. (2013)
followed up with the bullet model and included the periodical density enhancement in the
AGB halo in order to produce the observed ringlike structures in the lobe.
Later, the fast molecular outflows at the tips of the optical lobes are also found to have
similar expansion ages to the optical lobes (Lee et al. 2013b). This suggests that the optical
lobes and the fast molecular outflows likely all resulted from the same spray of bullets.
Additional fast molecular outflows are found near the source along the outflow axes with
ages of 4525 yr, suggesting a second episode of bullet ejections. But the origin of the
bullets is still unknown. The bullet ejections could be due to magneto-rotational explosions
(Matt et al. 2006) or nova-like explosions (Lee et al. 2013a).
More recently, Riera et al. (2014) adopted a precessing jet model (Velazquez et al.
2012, 2013) to reproduce the multipolar morphology of CRL 618. If the jet source is also
pulsing and the precession period is an integer multiple of the pulsing period, the jet can
produce multiple lobes. But this model can only produce point-symmetric lobes. In order
to reproduce the asymmetric lobes as seen in CRL 618, a complicated asymmetrical jet
ejection mechanism (Montgomery 2012) is required (Velazquez et al. 2014).
In this paper, in order to understand the formation of the multipolar structures of CRL
618, we perform 3D simulations using a multi-directional bullet model. Unlike previous
bullet models, our AGB halo has parameters close to those derived from the observations of

CRL 618. In addition, a dense core around the center is also included, as in the observations.
The inclusion of the dense core is important to derive the masses of the bullets accurately,
because the resulting velocity of the bullets depends on the interactions of the bullets with
the dense core. For the first attempt, we only model the lobes in the east of CRL 618. As
suggested in Lee et al. (2013b), two episodes of bullet ejections are assumed, first with
two bullets to produce the two major lobes, and second with three bullets to produce
the fast molecular outflows near the source. The numerical settings and assumptions are
given in section 2; we compare the 3D simulations and simulated CO intensity maps with
observations in section 3; in section 4 we discuss the results and possible origin of bullets;
and we summarize this work in section 5.



We perform the simulations of the bullet model using the ZEUS-3D code, which is
a grid-based computational fluid dynamics code (Clarke 1996, 2010). The code has been
expanded to include molecular and atomic cooling by Suttner et al. (1997). In addition,
molecular chemistry is also included to calculate the fraction of molecular hydrogen and
atomic hydrogen (Smith & Rosen 2003). The material is assumed to consist of mostly
molecular hydrogen. Helium is also included with the number density nHe = 0.1nH , where
nH is the number density of the hydrogen nuclei. The CO-to-H2 relative abundance is
assumed to be 2104 , as adopted in Sanchez Contreras et al. (2004).
In our simulations, a Cartesian coordinate system is used. The x-axis is the polar axis.
The y- and z-axes are in the equatorial plane, perpendicular to the polar axis. We use
576400400 cells with a resolution of 12.5 AU per cell to cover from 0 to 7200 AU in the
x-axis, 2500 to 2500 AU in the y-axis, and 2500 to 2500 AU in the z-axis. We adopt a
distance D = 900 pc for CRL 618 (Sanchez Contreras & Sahai 2004). The resolution of

12.5 AU corresponds to an angular resolution 000. 014, high enough to show the details of
the lobes and the outflows to be compared with the HST (e.g., up to 000. 07 in Balick et al.
2013) and SMA observations (e.g., up to 000. 5 in Lee et al. 2013a) of CRL 618.
In our simulations, a number of bullets are ejected from the central source, interacting
with the surrounding to produce the multipolar lobes. The surrounding consists of an AGB
halo with a dense core at the center.



Figure 1a shows the optical lobes of CRL 618 in the H image, taken by the HST in
2009 August. The outflow lobes labeled with E1, E2 and E3 are clearly detected in optical.
The labels E4 and E5 indicate the positions of the two molecular outflow lobes detected
in the high-velocity CO emission map (Lee et al. 2013b), as shown in Figure 1b. In our
models, bullets are used to produce the optical lobes and the fast molecular outflows along
the lobes. According to the observations (Lee et al. 2013b), there would be two episodes
of bullet ejections. In Model 1, two bullets (bullets 1 and 2) are ejected from the central
source in the first episode at a simulation time of 90 yr ago in order to produce the two
major lobes, E1 and E2, in the east of CRL 618. In order to avoid the collision between
the two bullets, the second bullet is ejected 6 yr after the first bullet. In Model 2, we add
a second episode of three bullets (bullets 3, 4, and 5) at 40 yr after the first episode, in
order to produce the additional fast outflows (lobes E3, E4, and E5) near the source in the
east of CRL 618. Again, in order to avoid the collision between the bullets, we assume that
bullets 3, 4, and 5 are ejected one by one with a time delay of 6 yr. Notice that lobe E3 was
assumed to have a similar dynamical age to lobes E1 and E2 in Balick et al. (2013). Here
it is assumed to have a similar dynamical age to lobes E4 and E5, as in Lee et al. (2013b).
This assumption is reasonable because lobe E3 has a similar length and radial velocity to

lobe E5.
All the bullets are assumed to be ejected from the center. They are cylindrical with
a diameter db = 200 AU and a length lb = 200 AU. In the observations of CRL 618 by
Sanchez Contreras et al. (2004), most of the gas in the fast outflows are at temperatures of
200 K. Therefore, we set the temperature of the bullets to 200 K.
The ejection velocities of the bullets in CRL 618 are unknown, but their lower limits
can be estimated from the transverse velocities (proper motions) of the optical lobes, vt
(Riera et al. 2014) and the radial velocities of the fast outflows, vr (Lee et al. 2013b).
Table 1 shows the lower limits calculated with v = (vt 2 + vr 2 )1/2 . The ejection velocities vb
must be higher than the lower limits but not by much, because the bullets are much denser
than the surrounding. Therefore, in our simulations, we set the ejection velocities to be
slightly higher. As shown in Table 2, the ejection velocities vb are 330 and 350 km s1 for
bullets 1 and 2, 280 km s1 for bullet 3, and 240 km s1 for bullets 4 and 5.
The ejection orientation of the bullets is defined by the position angle, p , and the
inclination angle, i = tan1 (vr /vt ), of the outflow axis of the optical lobes and fast outflows,
as listed in Table 1. For example, we assume bullet 1 to be ejected along the outflow axis
of lobe E1 which has p = 90 and i = 24 (Fig. 2). This axis is also set to be the x-axis
in our simulations. Since no fast outflow was observed at the tip of lobe E2, the inclination
angle of lobe E2 can not be determined. Lobe E2 is assumed to have i = 32 , lying
slightly in front of lobe E1. The inclination angle of lobes E4 and E5 are set to 35 and
45 , similar to the observed values. For lobe E3, the transverse velocity and thus the
inclination angle are uncertain. We set i = 45 for this lobe, like lobe E5.
The bullet mass is set to 0.011 M for bullets 1 and 2, and 0.004 M for bullets 3,
4, and 5. The total mass of the bullets is therefore 0.034 M . This value is about half
of the total mass (0.065 M ) estimated from the total flux of the fast molecular outflows

in the east and west of CRL 618 (with |v| > 20 km s1 , Lee et al. 2013b). Therefore, this
value is consistent with the observations. The density of the bullets is given by
b =

(db /2)2 lb


where db , lb , and Mb are the diameter, length, and mass of the bullets. As mentioned earlier,
db and lb are both 200 AU. Therefore, the density of the bullets is (0.41.0) 1015
g cm3 , and thus the number density of hydrogen nuclei in the bullets is b /(1.4mH )
(1.64.4)108 cm3 (Table 2).
In our model, the densities of the bullets are higher than those adopted in the previous
simulations: Balick et al. (2013) adopted a number density of 4 104 cm3 for the bullet
in their model. Unlike their model, there is a dense core present in our model. Riera et
al. (2014) and Velazquez et al. (2014) adopted an average density of 106 cm3 for the jet
in their precessing jet model. In their model, a dense core is included, with a density of
106 cm3 near the source. In our model, the dense core has a density of 108 cm3 near
the source (as described in the next section), which is 2 orders of magnitude higher than
that in their precessing jet model. Thus, higher-density bullets are needed to excavate the
holes in the dense core. As discussed earlier, the total mass of the bullets is 0.034 M , still
consistent with the submillimeter observations.
The mass-loss rate is given by
M b = ( )2 vb b ,


which is 4 103 M yr1 for bullets 1 and 2, and 103 M yr1 for bullets 3, 4, and 5.


The AGB Halo and the Dense Core

The AGB halo is assumed to be spherical symmetric with a constant mass-loss rate.

Thus, the density of the AGB halo is given by
(r) =

M a
4r2 va


where M a is the mass-loss rate assumed to be 5.5105 M yr1 (derived from the
number density of molecular hydrogen in Table 1 in Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004, with
Helium added), r is the radial distance to the central source, and va is the expansion
velocity that was found to be 16 km s1 (Lee et al. 2013a). Since the bullets move much
faster than the AGB halo, va is set to zero for simplicity, after the density of the AGB halo
is calculated. In observations, the halo of CRL 618 was found to have a temperature of
1045 K (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004). Here we set the temperature of the AGB halo to
be 10 K. These two settings of the AGB halo will not affect the dynamics of the outflow
lobes to be produced.
The outer part of the dense core has been detected in CRL 618 with a radius of
1100 AU (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004). However, the actual radius of the dense core
should be larger. Thus, in our simulations, the radius of the dense core Rc is assumed to be
1500 AU. The density distribution is assumed to be toroidal instead of spherical (Fig. 3)
because the dense core seems to be the inner part of the expanding torus detected in the
equatorial plane extending to 5000 AU from the center (Sanchez Contreras & Sahai 2004).
For a toroidal density distribution, the simple form can be written as
c (r, ) = (A + B sin2 ) (r), with (r) =

M c (r)
4r2 vc (r)


where is the angle measured from the polar axis, A is the isotropic parameter, and B is
the toroidal parameter. The density structure would become spherical when A = 1 and
B = 0. Here, for our toroidal structure, we assume A ' 0.03 and B ' 2, so that the density
at = 45 is about half of that at the equator at the same distance. M c (r) and vc (r) are
the mass-loss rate and the expansion velocity of the dense core, respectively. The density

profile in the r-axis, c (r), is unknown because existing observations do not have enough
resolution to resolve the dense core. Here we assume c (r) rp . If p = 2 or 3, the density
at the center would become too high for the bullets to penetrate, therefore we use p = 1.
In the observation of Lee et al. (2013a), vc (r) was found to be linearly increasing with the
vc (r) =

va r ,
v ,

if r < ro


if ro < r < Rc

where ro = 630 AU. After substituting vc (r) into our density profile and rearranging, we


8 104 r M yr1 , if r < ro

M c =

2 10
M yr1 , if ro < r < Rc .


Therefore, the mass-loss rate of the dense core is 40 times that of the AGB halo at
r = Rc , and it decreases to that of the AGB halo at r ' 170 AU. The mean value of the
mass-loss rate of the dense core is 103 M yr1 , similar to that obtained by Lee et al.
(2013a), which is 1.15 103 M yr1 .


Model 1: Two-Bullet Model

Figure 4a shows the column density in Model 1 at 90 yr. As the two bullets are ejected
into the dense core and AGB halo, they produce two collimated lobes, E1 and E2. For these
two lobes, the lengths are 6000 AU and the transverse widths are 1000 AU, similar
to the observed lengths and widths of the two major lobes, E1 and E2, of CRL 618. The
column density shows that the majority of the bullet mass is still at the tips, which could
be traced by the fast molecular outflows (Lee et al. 2013b).


Model 2: Five-Bullet Model

In Model 2, five bullets are ejected in two episodes, producing the five eastern lobes of
CRL 618 (Fig. 4b). In the first episode, two bullets are ejected, producing lobes E1 and E2.
In the second episode ( 40 yr after the first episode), three bullets are ejected, producing
lobes E3, E4, and E5. Lobe E3 has an inclination angle of 45 in the northeast, and it is
the smallest lobe with a length of 2200 AU, as seen in the observation. The lengths of
lobes E4 and E5 are 2800 AU and 2300 AU, respectively. A U-shaped cavity wall is seen
at the base, consisting of swept-up material in the dense core.


Comparison with CO Observations

Since Model 2 can reproduce the structures of the five eastern lobes of CRL 618, here
we choose this model to be compared with the observations. Since CO J = 32 has been
observed at very high resolution of 000. 5 and found to trace the fast molecular outflows
reasonably well (Lee et al. 2013b), we calculate the CO J = 32 intensity maps and the
position-velocity (PV) diagrams from Model 2 and compare them to the observations of
the molecular outflows in the east of CRL 618. We use a radiative transfer code with an
assumption of local thermal equilibrium (LTE) to calculate the CO emission. The x-axis is
tilted toward us from the plane of the sky by 24 . The systemic velocity is 21.5 km s1 ,
as adopted for CRL 618 in Lee et al. (2013a).
Figure 5 shows the comparison of low-velocity (LV) CO J = 32 emission between the
observation and the model for the east side of CRL 618. The figures are plotted over the
HST H image of CRL 618 (Lee et al. 2013b) in order to show the relative distribution of
the molecular outflows along the optical lobes. In the observation (Fig. 5a), the low-velocity
emission shows a U-shaped cavity wall encompassing the two major lobes, with the northern

part around the northern edge of the E1 lobe and the southern part around the southern
edge of the E2 lobe, extending away from the central source. A similar cavity wall is seen
around the western lobe as well. These structures are also seen in the lower transition line
of CO at J = 21 (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004).
In the model (Fig. 5b), the low-velocity emission also shows a U-shaped cavity wall
encompassing the E1 and E2 lobes, extending to 100. 7 from the source. The emission is
from the swept-up material in the dense core, which has a radius of 1500 AU ( 100. 7).
Unlike the observation, however, no emission is seen extending over 100. 7 from the source
to 400 to the northeast. In our model, that region is within the AGB halo. Thus, in
order to produce detectable emission there, the AGB halo could be denser than currently
assumed in our model.
Figure 6 shows the comparison of high-velocity (HV) CO J = 32 emissions between
the observation and the model. Both panels are also plotted over the HST images of CRL
618. In the observation (Fig. 6a), high-velocity (183.2 to 114.1 km s1 ) emission is
observed at the tips of lobes E1, E3, E4, and E5, but not observed at the tip of lobe E2. In
the model, high-velocity emission, with a similar velocity range to that in the observation,
is predicted to be seen at the tips of all the lobes. The velocity of the emission increases
with distance, similar to that seen in the observation. Notice that the emission intensity
in our model is about half of that observed and thus more bullet mass may be needed to
produce more HV CO emission. The reason for no HV emission being detected at the tip
of and along the southern edge of lobe E2 is unknown.
Figures 7a and 7b show the PV diagrams of the observed outflows in CO, cut along
the axis of lobes E1 and E2. Figures 7c and 7d show the same PV diagrams but calculated
from the model. In these diagrams, lobes E4 and E5 can also been seen. In Figures 7c and
7d, the bullets are seen at the tips of the outflows and thus are traced by the fast molecular

outflows. The diagrams also show that the velocities of the molecular outflows decrease
linearly with the distance to the central source, as seen in the observations. The slope of the
PV structure is roughly equal to p/vr = t/tani , where p is the projected distance from the
center, and t is the time after ejection. Therefore, different slopes are seen for the outflows
in different ejection episodes. Notice that since no molecular emission is detected for lobe
E2, no PV structure is detected for lobe E2 in the observation, as shown in Figure 7b.



Physical Properties of the Dense Core

In order to test our bullet models realistically, the physical parameters of the dense
core are set to be close to those derived from the observations. The dense core is assumed
to be toroidal, because the dense core seems to be the inner part of the expanding torus
detected in the equatorial plane extending to 5000 AU from the center (Sanchez Contreras
& Sahai 2004). In addition, bipolar and multipolar PPNe are often seen with dense tori
at their waists (Kwok et al. 1998; Su et al. 1998; Volk et al. 2007; Sahai et al. 2008). The
dense core is assumed to have a mean mass-loss rate of 103 M yr1 , similar to the
observed values [ 0.7 103 M yr1 in the outer part (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004,
with Helium added) and 1.2 103 M yr1 in the inner part (Lee et al. 2013a)].
On the other hand, the density profile of the dense core is uncertain and assumed to
be proportional to r1 in our models for the first attempt. In the observations, the outer
part of the dense core was observed with an angular resolution of 100. 1 and thus was not
resolved (Sanchez Contreras et al. 2004). The density profile there was assumed to be
proportional to r2 to model the observed emission. The inner part of the dense core was
observed with an angular resolution of 000. 5 and thus was also not resolved (Lee et al.

2013a). The density profile there was assumed to be proportional to r3 , in order to have
a constant mass-loss rate. These two density profiles are steeper than the density profile
used in our models. If we used those steeper density profiles, the density in the innermost
part of the dense core would be higher and thus more massive bullets would be needed
to penetrate the dense core. Observations at higher angular resolution with the Atacama
Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) are needed to resolve the dense core in
order to better constrain the density profile of the dense core and thus the parameters of
the bullets.


Multipolar Features: Precession or Bullet Ejections?

Precessing jet models have been used to reproduce the multipolar structures of CRL
618. However, a standard precessing jet model would produce point-symmetric multipolar
lobes about the central source (Riera et al. 2014), inconsistent with the observations,
which show asymmetric multipolar lobes about the central source. In order to produce the
asymmetric multipolar lobes, Velazquez et al. (2014) adopted an asymmetrical jet-ejection
mechanism for the precessing jet model. In this case, the morphology and the kinematics
of the lobes can be in reasonable agreement with the observations. Nonetheless, the
jet-ejection mechanism is complicated, requiring an alternation in the ejections of the jet
from two sides of the precessing accretion disk around a binary companion.
Here, we extend the one-bullet model studied earlier in Dennis et al. (2008) and Balick
et al. (2013) to the multi-directional bullet model in order to produce the multipolar lobes
in CRL 618. In order to have a more realistic comparison with the observations, we also
include the dense core detected recently in CRL 618 (Lee et al. 2013a) and set the physical
parameters of our bullets using the fast molecular outflows recently detected in Lee et al.
(2013b). As discussed earlier, our model can reproduce the morphology and the kinematics

of the multipolar lobes in the east of CRL 618 reasonably well. Since the lobes in the
west are different from those in the east, a different set of bullets are needed to produce
them. Notice that two episodes of bullet ejections are assumed in our model, based on the
observations of fast molecular outflows in Lee et al. (2013b). However, since all the optical
lobes were found to have similar dynamical ages (Balick et al. 2013), the bullets could also
be ejected at the same time. Further observations are needed to determine this.
Although both of the precessing jet model and our multi-directional bullet model can
produce the multiple lobes, there is an observational difference for the shock structures at
the tips of the lobes between the two models. As seen in Figure 4 of Velazquez et al. (2014),
the synthetic image shows that the shapes of the shocks produced by precessing jets are
blunt (U-shaped). In our bullet model, on the other hand, the shapes at the tips of the
lobes are sharp (V-shaped). In the observations of CRL 618, the shapes of the shocks are
as sharp as those seen in our simulations.


The Origin of Bullets

The origin of the bullets is still uncertain. Dennis et al. (2008) argued that the bullets
may be driven by an explosive magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) mechanism (see Matt et
al. 2006). Near the end of the AGB phase, the central star rotates very fast so that the
magnetic field can be highly twisted near the central star. If the magnetic field is strong
enough, the magnetic pressure force can drive a magneto-rotational explosion. Such an
explosion event could produce multiple bullets simultaneously, producing the multipolar
lobes of CRL 618. Further study is needed to determine if this kind of explosion can occur
twice, as needed in our simulations.
Interestingly, extremely low isotope ratios of


C/13 C ( 10) and


N/15 N (tentatively

found to be 150) were found in the dense core at the center (Lee et al. 2013a). These
low isotope ratios are unexpected to be seen in a C-rich dense core (Milam et al. 2009;
Palmerini et al. 2011), such as that in CRL 618. As suggested in Lee et al. (2013a), these
low ratios could be due to a hot CNO cycle as in a nova-like explosion. If this is the case,
then the bullets could be ejected by these explosions. Theoretically, a nova requires a close
binary system with the secondary being a white dwarf, and it is triggered by the accretion
of hydrogen gas from the primary onto the white dwarf. The hydrogen gas can be pulled
onto the surface of the white dwarf and then form an envelope massive enough to ignite
the hot CNO cycles. If this is the case in CRL 618, then the center would be a binary
system. This binary system in turn could produce the flattened common envelope around
the center, seen as the expanding torus.
In our model, there are two episodes of bullet ejections. The first episode occurred
about 90 yr ago, and the second episode occurred about 50 yr ago. Interestingly, by
studying the HII region at the center, Tafoya et al. (2013) found that CRL 618 turned from
a PPN into a PN at the center about 50 yr ago. Thus, it is possible that the second episode
of bullet ejection is related to the formation of the HII region at the center and thus the
evolutionary phase change of the central star.



With hydrodynamical simulations, we have studied the shaping mechanism of the

multipolar PPN CRL 618 using a multi-directional bullet model. In our simulations, we
include a spherical AGB halo with a mass-loss rate of 5.5 105 M yr1 and a toroidal
dense core with a mean mass-loss rate of 103 M yr1 , as found in previous observations.
Also, based on previous observations of fast molecular outflows in the east of the central
source, we assume two episodes of bullet ejection, with the first at 90 yr ago and the

second at 50 yr ago, and with a total mass of 0.034 M .
We find that our simulations can reproduce the morphology of the multipolar lobes in
the east of CRL 618. The simulated CO emissions show the structure and the kinematics
of the molecular outflows similar to those seen in the observations. At low velocity, the
emission shows a similar cavity wall to that seen in the observations, surrounding the two
major lobes in the east extending to 100. 7 from the source. However, in order to produce
the observed emission extending from 100. 7 to 400 , the AGB halo might need to be denser
than that assumed here. At high velocity, the emission is distributed at the tips of all the
lobes. The velocity increases with the distance, similar to that seen in the observation.
Since the intensity is about half of that observed, more massive bullets might be needed.
The origin of the bullets is unknown. The ejection of these bullets could be due
to magneto-rotational explosions or nova-like explosions around a binary companion.
Interestingly, the more recent ejection at about 50 yr ago could be related to the formation
of the HII region at the center when CRL 618 turned from a PPN into a PN.

Use of ZEUS-3D, developed by D. A. Clarke at the Institute for Computational

Astrophysics ( with financial support from the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), is hereby acknowledged. P.-S.H,
C.-F.L, and A. M acknowledge grants from the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC
101-2119-M-001-002-MY3 and MoST 104-2119-M-001-015-MY3) and the Academia Sinica
(Career Development Award). The authors acknowledge the support of the Theoretical
Institute for Advanced Research in Astrophysics (TIARA) in Academia Sinica Institute of
Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA). P.-S.H. is grateful to Bruce Balick, Mark Morris,
and Raghvendra Sahai for the valuable discussions during the PRCSA meeting.

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This manuscript was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2.


Fig. 1. Upper panel shows the H image of CRL 618, taken by the HST in 2009 August
(Camera=WFC3/UVIS1, Filter=F656N, exposure time=560 s, pixel size=000. 04). The eastern lobes are labeled with E1 to E5. Lobes E1, E2 and E3 are clearly detected in the H
image. Lobes E4 and E5 can not be identified in the H image but they have been observed
in the high-velocity CO emission (Lee et al. 2013b), shown in the lower panel.


Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of five bullets ejected from the central source. The position
angles p of the bullets are set to those of the optical lobes and the molecular outflows of
CRL 618. The inclination angles i can be obtained from the proper motions of the optical
lobes (Riera et al. 2014) and the radial velocities of the molecular outflows (Lee et al. 2013b).
Here we show the angles of bullet 1 (B1) as an example.


Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the AGB halo and the toroidal dense core, with the first two
bullets. The dense core has a radius of 1500 AU.


Fig. 4. Results of ZEUS-3D simulations of (a) Model 1 and (b) Model 2. The colors
show the column density, integrated along the z-axis. Panel (a) shows the result of Model
1, including the E1 (position angle of 90 , toward the east) and E2 (position angle of 108 ,
toward the southeast) lobes. Panel (b) shows the result of Model 2, including the E1 and
E2 lobes, and also the shorter lobes E3 (toward the northeast), E4 (toward the southeast),
and E5 (toward the east).


Fig. 5. Panel (a) shows the observed low-velocity (LV) CO J = 32 emission (contours)
plotted on the H image of CRL 618 (Figure 2 of Lee et al. (2013b)). The LV CO contours
show the U-shaped cavity walls in the redshifted (averaged from 16.9 to 8.5 km s1 ) and
blueshifted (averaged from 35.2 to 26.8 km s1 ) emission. The systemic velocity is 21.5
km s1 . The contour levels start at 50 mJy beam1 with a step of 100 mJy beam1 .
The synthesized beam is 000. 53 000. 35 at a position angle of 83 . Panel (b) shows the
simulated CO J = 32 emission in the low velocity (averaged from 26 to 22 km s1 ),
showing the cavity wall in Model 2. The contour levels and the synthesized beam are the
same as in Panel (a).


Fig. 6. Panel (a) shows the observed high-velocity (HV) CO J = 32 emission (contours)
plotted on the H image of CRL 618 (from Figure 2 in Lee et al. (2013b)). The velocity
ranges of the contours are: (blue) 183.2 to 160.6, (cyan) 157.8 to 132.5, and (green)
132.5 to 114.1 km s1 . The contours start at 1 Jy beam1 km s1 with a step of 2 Jy
beam1 km s1 . The synthesized beam is 000. 53 000. 35 at a position angle of 83 . Panel
(b) shows the simulated HV CO J = 32 emissions (contours) in Model 2, with similar
velocity ranges to those in Panel (a). HV CO emissions are seen at the tips of the E1 to E5
lobes. The contours start at 0.5 Jy beam1 km s1 with a step of 1 Jy beam1 km s1 . The
synthesized beam is the same as that in Panel (a).


Fig. 7. Panel (a) and (b) show the position-velocity (PV) diagrams of CO J = 32
emission of CRL 618, along the E1 and E2 lobes, respectively (from Figure 5 of Lee et
al. (2013b)). The velocities linearly increase with the distance to the central source. The
contours start from 40 Jy beam1 with a step of 80 Jy beam1 . Panel (c) and (d) shows the
simulated CO emission produced by bullets 1 and 5, and bullets 2 and 4, respectively. The
contours start at 20 Jy beam1 with a step of 40 Jy beam1 .


Table 1: Observation values of the optical lobes (a Riera et al. 2014) and CO outflows of
CRL 618 (b Lee et al. 2013b).

vt a

vr b

v = (vt 2 + vr 2 )1/2

(km s1 )

(km s1 )

(km s1 )

Projected length

Kinematic age


600. 8

288 18


314 17





600. 3

243.3 14




200. 3

84 18


163 10





200. 5

158 18


193 15





200. 3

158 18


228 13




Table 2: Bullet parameters in our models.






(M )



(km s1 )

(cm3 )

Bullet 1





4.4 108



Bullet 2





4.4 108



Bullet 3





1.6 108



Bullet 4





1.6 108



Bullet 5





1.6 108



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