Molecular Lines in Bok Globules and Around Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Molecular Lines in Bok Globules and Around Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Molecular Lines in Bok Globules and Around Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Istituto di Spettroscopia Molecolare, C.N.R., Via de’ Castagnoli, 1 -
40126 Bologna, Italy
Dipartimento di Astronomia, Università degli Studi, Via Zamboni, 33
and I.T.E.S.R.E./C.N.R. Via de’ Castagnoli, 1 - 40126 Bologna, Italy
Onsala Space Observatory, S - 43900 Onsala, Sweden
This paper is intended as part of a more extensive molecular line survey in star forming
regions along the evolutionary track of a collapsing cloud toward a young stellar object.
We have studied a sample of seven small dark clouds (Bok globules) and eight Herbig
Ae/Be stars in the J=1→0 transition of HCO+ , H13 CO+ , HCN and H13 CN. The choice of
these molecules is determined by the simple chemistry and the predicted high abundance of
the reactants leading to their formation. The isotopically substituted species (isotopomers),
H13 CO+ and H13 CN, were observed in order to determine, whenever possible, the optical
thickness of the main species. The most abundant isotopomers were found in almost all the
sources (detection rate 70-90%). Those sources which exhibited the strongest signals were
also searched for the 13 C isotopomers. H13 CO+ was found in one dark cloud and around
three Herbig Ae/Be stars, while H13 CN around only one star. The column densities for each
species and the physical conditions of the objects were derived whenever the observational
data allowed it.
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thickness of the main species. In paragraph II observations at the telescope are described.
In paragraph III the criteria adopted to select the two observed samples are illustrated; for
each source a brief description is given. Results are summarized in paragraph IV and the
source physical properties derived. A summary of the paper is given as conclusion.
Observations were made in February and May 1990 with the 20m radiotelescope at
Onsala. The half-power beamwidth of the telescope was 45” at 90 GHz. The spectrometer
used was a 256-channel filter-bank with 250 kHz resolution (0.83 kms−1 ). The SSB-tuned
SIS receiver was operated in a dual beam switching mode and a chopper wheel calibration
technique was used. The main beam efficiency (ηmb ) was determined to be 0.43. We position
switched, with one on-source per off-source measurement and 90s integration time on each
position. The pointing error, checked every three hours, was found to be better than 4” rms
on all occasions.
LBN594. Optical dimensions 6.7’ × 5.6’ and IRAS source 00259+5625. It has been ob-
served in CO (CB). Recently Scappini et al., (1991) have detected maser emission 1 arcmin
south of the cloud center. CO outflow has been discovered by YC.
LBN613. Optical dimensions 9’ × 3.4’ and IRAS source 00465+5028. It has been observed
in CO (CB).
L1534. Also called TMC-1A, dark cloud in the Taurus cloud complex, IRAS source
04365+2535. The area, 0.87 square degrees, is larger than that of the other dark clouds
of our sample (Lynds, 1962). It has been observed in CO by Heyer et al. (1987) and in NH3
by Benson and Myers (1989).
CB34. Optical dimensions 4.5’ × 2.2’ and IRAS source 05440+2059 (CB). It showed CO
outflow (YC).
L810. Optical dimensions 10.1’ × 6.7’and IRAS source 19433+2743 (CB). It has been ob-
served in HCO+ , in NH3 and in H2 CO by Wootten et al., 1982. A near infrared source about
at the center of the cloud has been discovered by Nekel et al., (1985), together with a nearby
616 →523 water maser emission. More recently Harju (1989) has mapped the dark cloud in
HCN(J=1→0) and measured the ratio of the integrated intensities HNC/HCN towards the
cloud center to be 0.4±0.1. CO outflow has been first discovered by Xie and Goldsmith
L797. Optical dimensions 6.7’ × 4.5’ and IRAS source 20037+2317 (CB). CO outflow has
been discovered (YC).
L1262. Optical dimensions 11.2’ × 5.6’ and IRAS source 23238+7401 (CB). First observed
in CO by Parker et al. (1988), showing evidence of outflow associated with the embedded
IRAS source. A millimeter-wave interferometry map in CO by Tereby et al. (1989) has
confirmed the presence of a spatially compact low-velocity outflow. The 12 C/13 C abundance
ratio was obtained by measurements of the optically thin species 12 C18 O and 13 C18 O to be
75±8(1σ), close to the solar value 89. Similarly, the 18 O/17 O and 16 O/18 O ratios were mea-
concerning the column density of HCO+ and HCN were not specifically reported, even if
these molecules were detected.
RRTau. A spectral type classification as A6 was given to this star by Cohen and Kuhi
(1979). A 3’× 3’ map in CO shows no outflow (Cantò et al., 1984).
HD250550. The star is classified as B6 by Cohen and Kuhi (1979). P-Cygni profiles in
the Balmer lines were observed by Herbig (1960) and more recent CO mapping (Cantò et al.
1984) showed evidence of peculiar activity in the direction of the NE arc-shaped associated
BD463471. The Hα lines have P-Cygni profiles with absorption at about -200 Km/s (Her-
big, 1960). A bipolar outflow was observed (Levreault, 1988) as well as infrared emission in
the 1.5 - 2.3 µm range (Harvey, 1984). The interpretation of this emission is that it arises
from recombination in a HII region around the star.
LkHα234. Ae star contained in the bright nebulosity NGC 7129 together with the Be star
BD 651637 (Loren, 1977). Both stars were classified by Herbig (1960) as young massive
stars. However the star BD 651637 is in a more advanced stage of evolution and has had
more time to disperse the circumstellar gas (Strom et al., 1972). It has been shown that
the maximum of the T∗A (CO) in the NGC 7129 cloud is associated with LkHα234 rather
than with BD 651637 (Loren, 1977). The 616 →523 water maser emission was observed at
-14.9 kms−1 (Rodriguez et al., 1980). Besides having been mapped in CO, other species,
such as CS, SO, HCN, H2 CO, and HCO+ were detected in the surrounding molecular cloud.
However the somewhat limited angular resolution (2.6’ beamwidth) prevented detailed in-
formation on the molecular distribution (Loren et al., 1977).
LkHa233. The spectral type is estimated as A7 (Herbig, 1960). Carbon monoxide emis-
sion in both the CO and 13 CO J=1→0 lines has been observed from the region surrounding
the star (Loren et al. 1973). From H2 CO observations the density of the cloud core was
estimated to be about 5x103 cm−3 and the kinetic temperature 28K (Loren, 1981). The star
excites the NGC 1788 nebula, which is embedded in a small dust cloud (Loren, 1981).
MWC1080. Classified as B0 by Cohen and Kuhi (1979). The CO outflow map shows
that the regions of blushifted and redshifted emission are concentric and centered on the
star. This indicates either an isotropic outflow or a bipolar outflow observed along its axis
(Cantò et al., 1984; Levreault, 1988). A more detailed map by Yoshida et al. (1991) suggests
that the outflow is not exactly isotropic but bipolar. Herbig-Haro emission east of the star
and poorly collimated has been found by Poetzel et al. (1992). HCO+ (J=1→0) has been
observed by Koo (1989).
a) The Survey Data
The transition frequencies of the J=1→0 lines of HCO+ , H13 CO+ , HCN and H13 CN,
together with the electric dipole moments and the N-nuclear quadrupole coupling constants
are to be found in De Lucia and Gordy (1969), Pearson et al. (1976) and Bogey et al. (1981).
It is worth summarizing the dominant reactions which produce the observed species. For
HCO+ ,
Among these the most important is the reaction with the abundant species H3+ (Huntress
and Anicich, 1976). For HCN,
CH3+ + N → H2 CN + + H (4)
NH3 + C + → H2 CN + + H (5)
HNC + HCO + → H2 CN + + CO (6)
HNC + H3+ → H2 CN + + H2 (7)
H2 CN + which has three isomeric forms, leads by dissociative recombination to HCN and
HNC in a ratio which seems to depend very much upon the ambient conditions (Walmsley,
Table 2 gives the results of the observations, that is the peak antenna temperature T∗A ,
corrected for atmospheric losses, the FWHM linewidth, and the LSR velocity of the peak
emission. A Gaussian profile was numerically fitted to each line to obtain the peak an-
tenna temperature T∗A , linewidth ∆v (FWHM), and center frequency. In the case of HCN
and H13 CN the nitrogen quadrupolar nucleus splits the J=1→0 line into three components
corresponding to F=1-1, F=2-1, and F=0-1, with theoretical intensity ratios 33:56:11, respec-
tively. These spectra were fitted simultaneously to the expected hyperfine pattern of three
lines. The spectra of MWC1080 (J=1→0, HCO+ ), LBN594 (J=1→0, HCN) and LkHα233
(J=1→0, HCN) appear contaminated with extra features and/or noise. They were fitted us-
ing the above described procedure together with the known vLSR of CO emission (see Table
The quoted T∗A for HCN and H13 CN in Table 2 is the sum of the peak temperatures of
the three components. All errors in Table 2 are only 1σ fitting errors and all limits are 3σ.
HCO+ was detected in all seven Bok globules and around six Herbig Ae/Be stars. HCN
was found in five globules and around five stars. In those sources where HCO+ and HCN
exhibited the strongest signals we searched also for H13 CO+ and H13 CN. H13 CO+ was found
in one Bok globule and around three Herbig Ae/Be stars and H13 CN around one star. Typical
spectra are presented in Figs. 1 to 10.
From the spectra of HCN and H13 CN it can be seen that the intensity ratios between
the hyperfine components do not correspond to the theoretical ones. In fact, while the
two strongest lines retain approximately their theoretical ratio, the third is more intense
than it should. Cernicharo et al., 1984 have suggested that in cold dark clouds scattering
in the surrounding envelope changes the HCN hyperfine ratios formed in the core so that
the optically thinnest line, F=0→1, shows up enhanced relative to the other two hyperfine
1 R
In Table 3 we present the integrated line intensities I(X) = ηmb TA∗ dv for the observed
species (X = HCO+ , H13 CO+ , HCN, and H13 CN). The ratios I(HCO+ )/I(H13 CO+ ) and
I(HCN)/I(H13 CN) are also given, whenever the corresponding intensities were measured.
HCO+ and HCN have been mapped (9-10 points in steps of one beam size) in CB34 and in
LkHα234 and Figs. 11 and 12 show the corresponding integrated line intensity distribution.
The position of the peak of the molecular emission coincides with the position of the center
of the cloud or of the star within, at most, one beamwidth.
b) Physical properties
We derive estimates of the optical depth from the ratio of the 12 C and 13 C isotopomer
line intensities, I(12 C)/I(13 C). Assuming that the lines of the isotopomers are at the same
excitation temperature and that the beam filling factors are similar (here they are taken to
be unity) one has,
I(12 C) 1 − exp(−τ12 )
= (8)
I( C)
13 1 − exp(−τ13 )
where τ12 and τ13 are the optical depths of the 12 C and 13 C isotopomers, respectively. Adopt-
ing the solar isotopic abundance ratio τ12 /τ13 = 89, this expression can be solved for τ13 . Table
4 reports the calculated optical depths for HCO+ and HCN, whenever the ratio I(12 C)/I(13 C)
has been determined.
The excitation temperature Tex can be calculated from the observed value of T∗A in the
optically thick case,
( " #)−1
hν10 /k
Tex = (hν10 /k) ln 1 + (9)
Jν (Tbg ) + TA∗ /ηmb
where hν10 /h ∼
= 4 K at the frequency ν10 of the J=1→0 transition, the background temper-
ature Tbg = 2.7 K and the function Jν at background temperature is,
hν10 /k
Jν (Tbg ) = (10)
exp(hν10 /k Tbg ) − 1
Values of Tex derived in this manner, for the ascertained optically thick cases, are listed in
Table 4. For the excitation temperature to be equal to the gas kinetic temperature Tk the
critical density is calculated to be n(H2 ) ≃ 106 cm−3 and this condition may not be always
fulfilled for the objects under investigation.
The column densities, for optically thin emission (τ << 1), are obtained with the relation,
where A10 is the Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission, B0 is the rotational constant,
and Jν (Tex ) is the radiation temperature of a black body at temperature Tex .
In the optically thick limit (τ >> 1) the integrated line intensity has to be multiplied by
the optical depth to obtain corrected column densities.
Table 5 reports the column densities for the observed species calculated using Eq.(11)
in the optically thin limit and, assuming Tex = 10K for all sources (Myers, 1985). Only
for those objects for which the optical depth was calculated, see Table 6, an optical depth
correction factor was introduced. The column densities of HCO+ and HCN calculated in the
remaining objects may be underestimated. Moreover, the isotopomers H13 CO+ and H13 CN
are assumed to be optically thin in all the observed objects.
The assumed excitation temperature Tex = 10K in the Bok globules and in the gas
around the Herbig Ae/Be stars is supported by the values obtained in Table 4. From this
temperature a thermal linewidth, for the molecular observations reported here, is calculated
to be ∆v ≃ 0.13 kms−1 . The observations reported in Table 2 show linewidths much larger
than thermal ∼ 1.1-3.1 kms−1 , implying bulk motions over some unknown length scale.
In order to contribute molecular data on star forming regions we have measured several
molecular transitions in Bok globules and Herbig Ae/Be stars. The selection criteria for
the Bok globules were intended to include those with characteristic features of possible
star formation. For the Herbig Ae/Be stars the criteria aimed at objects with outflows.
Specifically, we have searched for the J = 1→0 ground state transition of HCO+ , H13 CO+ ,
HCN, H13 CN in seven Bok globules and in eight Herbig Ae/Be stars. The detection rate
was very high for the normal isotopes (HCO+ = 90% and HCN = 70%), and lower for the
C isotopomers, but these have not been searched in all objects.
The HCO+ /HCN column density ratio distribution among the investigated Bok globules
is 0.3 - 1.3 and among the Herbig Ae/Be stars is 0.4 - 1.9. This shows that there is a
large overlapping density interval between the two categories of objects. Table 6 compares
the HCO+ /HCN column density ratio, excitation temperature, density and linewidth of the
present sample with those of other known regions. The chemical and physical scenario of
the investigated objects looks similar to that found in cold regions, but linewidths are larger
than thermal broadening alone. It is worth noting that in two Bok globules (LBN594 and
L810) as well as in two Herbig stars (V645Cyg and LkHα234) water emission was found
(Scappini et al., 1991; Nekel et al., 1985; Lada et al., 1981; Rodriguez et al., 1980).
A few maps of the objects exhibiting the highest molecular abundance give an idea of
the total line area and of the almost symmetric distribution around the object position.
Even if our results have to be considered very preliminary, still their analysis suggests a
quite similar scenario of abundances and physical conditions in the observed Bok globules
and in the gas around the Herbig stars. These similarities together with the already discussed
features, such as embedded infrared sources, water maser emission, CO outflow, and large
CO linewidths, suggest that the presently studied globules are likely to be sites of low-mass
star formation.
As discussed in Section III, HCN is produced by dissociative recombination of H2 CN+
with electrons, and this produces HNC as well. It would be interesting to search for HNC
and the correlated species NH3 in the same objects. In an investigation over twenty dark
clouds cores Harju (1989) has found that the average HNC/HCN(J=1→0) intensity ratio is
of the order of one. Furthermore the HNC distribution in L1551 is very similar to that of
ammonia, while HCN behaves somewhat differently, supporting the idea of different chemical
origin between the two isomers.
Future observations will be aimed at other molecular species and also at more quiescent
globules in order to eventually detect composition differences between active and inactive
We would like to thank OSO for technical support and Prof. A. Dalgarno and Dr. L. Av-
ery for critical reading of the manuscript. F.S. and G.G.C.P. acknowledge financial support
from Agenzia Spaziale Italiana; G.G.C.P. was also supported by Ministero per l’Università
e la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica. We are also grateful to Mrs. M.G. Balestri for data
bank search and typing. A quite long interaction with the referee has improved the paper
to the present stage.
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Figs. 1 to 10 Line profiles of the J=1→0 transitions of HCO+ , H13 CO+ , HCN and H13 CN
in a number of sources. The telescope pointing positions correspond to the coordinates
given in Table 1.
Fig. 11 Contour maps of the integrated line intensity distribution of HCO+ (solid line) and
1 R
of HCN (dashed line) in CB34. Levels are ηmb TA∗ dv = 1,2,3,4,5 KKms−1 .
Fig. 12 Contour maps of the integrated line intensity distribution of HCO+ (solid line) and
1 R
of HCN (dashed line) in LkHα234. Levels are ηmb TA∗ dv = 3,5,7,9,11 KKms−1 .
Source α1950 δ1950 vLSR Comments
name (hms) (o ’ ”) (kms−1 )
Bok globules
REFERENCES.- (1) Clemens and Barvainis 1988; (2) Meyer et al. 1987;
(3) Nekel et al. 1985; (4) Lada 1985; (5) Loren 1981; (6) Levreault 1988.
From CO millimeter-wave measurements in the clouds (CB) and in the star
environments (Cantò et al. 1984).
Scappini et al., 1991.
Neckel et al., 1985.
Lada et al., 1981.
Rodriguez et al., 1980.
TABLE 2 (continued)
Standard errors are in units of the last digit.
a 1
I(X) = TA∗ dv for X = HCO+ , H13 CO+ , HCN, and H13 CN, respectively.
a b
Source τ13 τ12 Tex
name (K)
τ13 refers to the 13 C isotopomer of H13 CO+ or H13 CN.
τ12 refers to the 12 C isotopomer of HCO+ or HCN.
Assuming τ12 (HCN) ≃ τ12 (HCO+ ).
FWHM linewidth.
Irvine et al., 1985; Irvine et al., 1987.
Present work. The density of the Bok globules is taken from Leung, 1985.
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