Line Ratios From Shocked Cloudlets in Planetary Ne

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Line ratios from shocked cloudlets in planetary nebulae

Article in Astronomy and Astrophysics · October 2008

DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20079157


45 53

5 authors, including:

A. C. Raga Alejandro Esquivel

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Pablo Velazquez
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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Gas Dynamical Simulations of the Large and Little Homunculus Nebulae ofCarinae View project

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A&A 489, 1141–1150 (2008) Astronomy
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20079157 &

c ESO 2008 Astrophysics

Line ratios from shocked cloudlets in planetary nebulae

A. C. Raga1 , A. Riera2,3 , G. Mellema4 , A. Esquivel1 , and P. F. Velázquez1

Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, A. Postal 70-543, 04510 México, México
e-mail: [raga;esquivel;pablo]
Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear, EUETIB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Compte d’Urgell 187,
08036 Barcelona, Spain
Departament d’Astronomia i Meteorologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Stockholm Observatory, AlbaNova University Centre, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Received 27 November 2007 / Accepted 7 April 2008


Context. Some PNe and PPNe show compact knots, travelling at high velocities away from the central sources.
Aims. We compute a number of models from which we obtain predictions of the emission-line spectrum, which can be compared with
the spectra of the observed knots.
Methods. We completed a series of 11 axisymmetric simulations of an initially spherical cloudlet, travelling away from a photoion-
izing source, into a uniform medium. The simulations included a multi-frequency transfer of the ionizing radiation, and a 33 species
non-equilibrium ionization network.
Results. From our simulations, we computed emission maps and spatially-integrated emission-line spectra. The predictions show a
transition from spectra similar to those of shock wave models (for simulations with lower photoionization rates) to spectra similar to
those of photoionized regions (for simulations with higher photoionization rates).
Conclusions. The spectra from our photoionized cloudlet models have a range of line ratios that agree approximately with the ob-
served spectra when shown in two-line ratio diagnostic diagrams. The predicted and observed spatial distributions of the emission
(with high ionization lines extending more towards the source than lower ionization lines) agree in a qualitative way.
Key words. ISM: kinematics and dynamics – ISM: jets and outflows – planetary nebulae: general

1. Introduction FLIERs from shock-excited objects and “normal” photoionized

A fraction of Planetary Nebulae (PNe) show small-scale struc-
tures that have significantly different line ratios and/or radial ve- The actual configuration of FLIERs is not at all clear. Several
locities than their surroundings. Some of these features are dense models were developed to reproduce their main observational
clumps embedded in a fast stellar wind or an expanding neb- charateristics. FLIERs were modeled as ionization fronts, bow-
ula, which are subject to a flux of ionizing photons. As a result shocks (analogous to HH objects), and photo-evaporated clumps
of the hydrodynamical photoevaporation and/or ablation, these (Balick et al. 1993, 1994; Mellema et al. 1998). FLIERs show
clumps show a cometary-like tail (e.g., the cometary knots in unusual excitation conditions if these are identified with ioniza-
NGC 7293). Of particular interest are the strings of knots that tion fronts, apart from the fact that they move supersonically.
appear as symmetrical pairs, point-symmetrical features, or jet Alternatively, FLIERs have been identified with either the work-
structures, which move supersonically with respect to the main ing surface of a jet or a shocked cloudlet (analogous to HH ob-
body of the nebula, and are often referred to as FLIERs (fast low jects). The difficulty with this model is that the observed ioniza-
ionization emission regions). tion stratification is the opposite to that expected for a bow-shock
FLIERs are characterized by low-ionization spectra (with (i.e., the more highly-ionized species are observed to be closer
prominent lines of [N II], [S II] and [O I]), arcsecond scale sizes to the central star, in the region that would correspond to the
(or ∼1016 cm, at a typical distance of 1 kpc), and larger Doppler bow-shock wings).
shifts (±25–200 km s−1 ) than the more slowly expanding nebu- Both axisymmetric and 3D simulations of externally-
lar gas (see, e.g., Balick et al. 1987; Corradi et al. 1996). Balick irradiated clumps have been computed. For example, Lefloch &
and coworkers explored the spectroscopic properties of FLIERs Lazareff (1994) and Mellema et al. (1998) computed axisym-
in a group of PNe (reported in a series of four papers: Balick metric simulations of neutral clumps that are compressed and
et al. 1993, 1994, 1998; and Hajian et al. 1997) and found that accelerated by the back reaction of the photoevaporated wind.
the physical conditions (electron density and temperature) in the Raga et al. (2005) computed 3D simulations of initially station-
high-velocity knots and jets are, in most cases, similar to the ary photoevaporating clumps, immersed in an expanding nebula.
conditions in the surrounding nebula (see Gonçalves 2007, for All of these simulations consist of initially neutral clumps that
a review of the physical conditions in microstructures of PNe). are slowly photoevaporated by the passage of a D-type ioniza-
Riera & Raga (2007) discussed the spectral features that separate tion front.

Article published by EDP Sciences

1142 A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets

These models of the photoevaporation of a neutral clump ionizing, photon field is not considered, and CII and SII were not
are appropriate for objects such as the cometary knots in the allowed to recombine. The version of the “Coral” code which we
Helix Nebula (NGC 7293, see, e.g., López-Martín et al. 2001). have used is described in detail by Mellema et al. (1998).
Even though the knots are accelerated by the back reaction of All models were computed in a 3-level, binary adaptive grid
the photoevaporated winds, they do not reach the high veloc- with a maximum resolution of 3.91×1013 cm, in a computational
ities (∼100 km s−1 or even higher) observed in some FLIERs. domain of (16, 2) × 1016 cm (axial × radial) or (16, 4) × 1016 cm,
They show bow-shaped structures with heads pointing towards depending on the radial spread of the cloudlet flow in the simu-
the ionizing source, which do not correspond to the morphology lations. A reflection condition was applied to the symmetry axis,
observed in many FLIERs. and outflow conditions to all other grid boundaries.
The axisymmetric simulations of Poludnenko et al. (2004) In the initial configuration, we had a spherical cloudlet of
and the 3D simulations of Raga et al. (2007) are more relevant (atom+ion) density nc = 1000 cm−3 , temperature T c = 104 K,
for the high-velocity, compact structures in PNe. In these simu- and radius rc = 1016 cm, which moved at a velocity vc = 40,
lations, an initially rapidly moving clump (with vc ∼ 100 km s−1 ) 70, 100, or 150 km s−1 along the axis, and centered at a position
ploughs through a uniform environment, producing a com- xc = 1.5 × 1016 cm along the symmetry axis. The parameters
plex shock structure. The production of such high-speed bullets chosen for the cloudlet are within the observed parameter range
would probably require the existence of a more compact com- of FLIERs (see, e.g., Balick et al. 1994; Gonçalves 2007). The
panion to the red-giant star (which ejected the nebular material), remainder of the computational domain is filled with a uniform,
to produce jet- or bullet-like flows from the disk formed as ma- stationary medium of density nenv = 100 cm−3 and temperature
terial from the red giant spirals into the binary companion (see, T env = 104 . Both the cloudlet and the environment have initially
e.g., Soker 2006, and references therein). singly-ionized H, He, C, O and S, and neutral N and Ne. Within
The simulations of Poludnenko et al. (2004) and Raga et al. a single timestep of the time-integration, the ionization state re-
(2007) do not include the effect of ionizing radiation from the laxes to the (generally higher) ionization state that is produced
exciting source of the nebula. We present axisymmetric simu- by the interaction with the incident ionizing photon-field.
lations of initially ionized, dense cloudlets that move at veloci- We note that the standard, ram-pressure balance argu-
ties vc ∼ 40 → 150 km s−1 away from the exciting source, tak- ment provides bow-shock velocities of 76 and 114 km s−1 , for
ing into consideration the effect of the ionizing radiation field. cloudlets with vc = 100 and 150 km s−1 , respectively, for our
By considering cloudlets interacting with different ionizing pho- nc /nenv = 10 cloudlet-to-environment density ratio. The cool-
ton fluxes, we obtain models in which the shock excitation is ing distances (to 104 K) behind plane-parallel shocks have val-
important, and also models in which the flow is mostly in pho- ues of 1.5 and 15 × 1013 cm, for models with shock velocities
toionization equilibrium. of vs = 80 and 100 km s−1 , respectively, with self-consistent
In our simulations, we compute the non-equilibrium ioniza- preionization and a preshock density of 100 cm−3 (see Hartigan
tion state for a number of ions. We are able to compute the emis- et al. 1987). Therefore, the stagnation-recombination regions are
sion in many lines and compare the predicted line ratios with unresolved in our vc = 100 km s−1 models, and resolved with
observations. We note that Dopita (1997) proposed that FLIERs ∼4 points in our vc = 150 km s−1 models. In our lower-velocity
could be photoionized shocks, and computed models of plane- models (vc = 40 and 70 km s−1 , see below), the stagnation-
parallel shocks in which an external (stellar) ionizing photon recombination region is resolved with a few grid points.
flux illuminates the surface of the shock front. The models that We adopted the abundances of Kingsburgh & Barlow (1994),
we discuss in the present paper are dynamically more complex namely He: 0.1, C: 5.5 × 10−4 , N: 2.2 × 10−4 , O: 4.8 × 10−4 , Ne:
(with a full, axisymmetric solution of the shocked cloudlet prob- 1.23 × 10−4 , and S: 8.32 × 10−6 , by number, relative to H.
lem), and produce emission in a bow-shock that is illuminated For the photoionizing source, we assumed that we had a
by an ionizing flux from the post-shock direction. black-body source with a luminostiy L∗ = 5000 L , and effec-
The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we present the tive temperatures T eff = 5 × 104 K (corresponding to a S ∗ =
numerical simulations and in Sect. 3 a discussion of the flow 3.41 × 1047 s−1 ionizing photon rate) or T eff = 7 × 104 K (cor-
structures that are produced, as well as predictions of emission responding to a S ∗ = 4.66 × 1047 s−1 ionizing photon rate). The
line maps. In Sect. 4, we discuss the predictions of emission line source wss located at distances D∗ = (3.0, 1.0, 0.3) × 1018 cm to
intensities and line ratios (integrated over the whole emitting the left of the computational domain, along the symmetry axis
structure of the cloudlet flows). In Sect. 5, we present a compar- (the distance between the source and the initial position of the
ison with observed line ratios. Finally, we summarize our results cloud therefore being D∗ + xc = D∗ + 1.5 × 1016 cm, see above).
in Sect. 6. For the T eff = 5 × 104 K source, we obtained ionizing pho-
ton fluxes F∗ = (3.0, 26, 273) × 109 cm−2 s−1 at the position of
the cloudlet, for the source at distances D∗ = (3.0, 1.0, 0.3) ×
2. The numerical simulations 1018 cm, respectively. For the T eff = 7 × 104 K source, we ob-
We computed a series of axisymmetric numerical simulations of tain ionizing photon fluxes F∗ = (4.1, 36, 373) × 109 cm−2 s−1
a dense cloudlet moving away from an ionizing photon source (for the three chosen distances to the ionizing source). These
through a uniform medium. The simulations were performed ionizing photon fluxes correspond to ionization parameters for
using the binary adaptive grid “Coral” code, which integrates the undisturbed cloudlet Γc ≡ F∗ /(cnc) (where c is the speed of
the gasdynamic equations, rate equations for a number of ions light and nc is the initial cloudlet density) of Γc ∼ 10−4 → 10−2 .
(HI-II, HeI-III, CII-VI, NI-VI, OI-VI, NeI-VI and SII-VI), and a Our models would of course be appropriate for other combi-
three-frequency radiative-transfer of the ionizing radiation from nations of parameters that provide similar ionizing photon fluxes
a point source (the three frequencies corresponding to the edges at the position of the cloudlet (or, alternatively, similar values if
of HI, HeI and HeII). The ionizing photon field is then uti- the cloudlet ionization parameter
√ Γc ). For example, models for
lized to calculate the photoionization and heating rates. The cloudlets at distances of 1/ 10 times the distance chosen for our
non-equilibrium ionization state is used to obtain the cooling models, but with ionizing source luminosities of only 500 L
function, which is included in the energy equation. The diffuse, would produce similar results to computed models. Models of
A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets 1143

Table 1. Model parameters, predicted Hα luminosities and line ratios relative to Hα = 100.

Model: a100a b100a c100a A100a B100a C100a A150 B150b C150b C70b C40b 80c 110d
vc [km s ] 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 70 40
T eff [104 K] 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
D∗ [1018 cm] 3.0 1.0 0.3 3.0 1.0 0.3 3.0 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.3
LHα [10−3 L ] 4.10 2.34 4.79 0.58 2.30 3.73 0.63 1.91 4.45 1.73 0.81
0.57 2.90 7.26 0.55 2.54 7.18 0.37 1.65 6.07 2.26 0.77
[O II] 3726+29 36 65 12 203 130 16 125 68 25 7.26 1.65 31 142
170 62 10 245 113 15 200 95 26 6.43 1.58 222
[O III] 5007 4.31 27 44 47 74 202 61 65 105 235 207 0.05 101
7.88 20 34 36 94 245 80 76 140 255 250 115
[O I] 6300 1.97 4.1 0.03 22 6.0 0.02 12 5.9 0.51 0.00 0.00 4.5 37
12 1.2 0.02 14 4.2 0.01 14 5.0 0.08 0.00 0.00 6.8
[N II] 6583 50 89 16 159 138 12 69 90 38 4.29 0.75 37 147
133 69 11 181 79 9.3 103 103 24 3.35 0.64 138
[S II] 6716+30 6.36 16 1.1 52 15 1.0 25 12 1.7 0.59 0.18 3.7 35
42 8.8 0.03 39 7.5 1.1 30 12 1.6 0.01 0.17 19
The two line intensities correspond to t = 200 yr (first value) and t = 400 yr (second value) time-integrations.
The two line intensities correspond to t = 150 yr and t = 300 yr time-integrations.
Plane-parallel shocks with a preshock density of 100 cm−3 and a shock velocity of 80 km s−1 moving into a medium with self-consistent
preionization (first value) and into a fully preionized medium (second value).
Plane-parallel shock with a preshock density of 100 cm−3 and a shock velocity of 110 km s−1 moving into a medium with self-consistent

cloudlets that are close to the edge of a photoionized region,

such that a substantial fraction of the stellar ionizing radiation
field was absorbed by the nebula, would resemble the computed
model for the appropriate value of the incident ionizing pho-
ton flux F∗ . In this case, some differences would be expected
because of the hardening of the ionizing photon-field which is
caused by the nebular absorption.
We computed 11 simulations, with the same values of nc , T c ,
rc , xc , nenv , T env , and L∗ , but with different combinations of the
initial cloud velocity vc , effective temperature T eff , and distance
D∗ to the ionizing source. The chosen parameter combinations
are given in the top three lines of Table 1.

3. Model results
To present the results of our simulations, we describe the flow
structure obtained from models a100 and C100. Our model a100
is the simulation with the lowest photoionization rates, which are
due to the fact that the model has the combination of the largest
(D∗ = 3 × 1018 cm) distance to an ionizing source and the lowest
(T eff = 50 000 K) effective temperature (see Table 1).
Figure 1 shows the (atom+ion) number density and neutral-
hydrogen fraction (nHI /nH ) stratifications obtained from model
a100 for four integration times. We see that the flow evolves in a
qualitatively similar way to that found in previous, axisymmet-
ric simulations of shocked cloudlets (see, e.g., Poludnenko et al.
2004), with a fragmentation of the fully-shocked cloudlet, by a Fig. 1. Density (top half of each plot) and neutral-hydrogen fraction
series of vortex-shedding events. (bottom half) obtained for t = 100, 200, 300, and 400 yr integration
times from model a100. The displayed domains correspond to physical
We note that in all of our simulations, the shocked cloudlet sizes of 1.6 × 1017 cm along the axis, and 4 × 1016 cm along the cylin-
preserves its initial velocity. This is a direct result √
of the fact that drical radius (2 × 1016 cm above and below the symmetry axis). The
the “cloudlet shock crossing time” tc ≈ (2rc /vc ) nc /nenv (see, logarithmic density stratification is given (in cm−3 ) by the bar at the
e.g., Poludnenko et al. 2004) has a value tc ∼ 502, 287, 201, and top right, and the logarithmic neutral-hydrogen fraction stratification is
134 yr, for vc = 40, 70, 100, and 150 km s−1 , respectively. As can given by the bottom right bar.
be seen from Table 1 and Figs. 1–2, our time integrations only
extend to times ∼tc , and therefore the cloudlet material mantains
a velocity close its initial velocity vc . stagnation region of the bow-shock, the post-shock density is
Since our simulations include an ionizing photon source, sufficiently high to trap an ionization front. Because of this,
we obtain an effect that is absent in previous studies. In the the post-shock material can recombine (see Fig. 1). Also, the
1144 A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets

quite dramatic, producing a much broader bow-shock structure,

and less fragmentation than in the more neutral model a100 (see
Figs. 1 and 2). The fact that the fragmentation is lower is consis-
tent with the results found in the 3D simulations of Raga et al.
(2005), who studied a different moving cloudlet/ionizing source
From the ionization and temperature stratifications obtained
in our simulations, we computed emission-line coefficients for
Hα (considering the recombination cascade and collisional ex-
citations from n = 1 → 3), and for the [O II] 3726+29, [O III]
5007, [O I] 6300, [N II] 6583, and [S II] 6716+30 forbidden lines
(solving the appropriate 5-level atom problems). These emission
coefficients can be integrated along a line of sight, in order to
produce emission-line maps.
Figures 3 and 4 show emission-line maps obtained from
models a100 and C100, respectively (see Table 1), for t = 200
and 400 yr integration times (see Figs. 1 and 2). These maps
were computed assuming that the symmetry axis lies on the
plane of the sky.
In the maps obtained for model a100 (Fig. 3), we see that
at t = 200 yr the emission of most lines is dominated by the
stagnation region of the bow-shock. However, at t = 400 yr,
the emission is dominated by the bow-shock wings, which move
into the photoionized, off-axis region of the preshock medium
(see Fig. 1).
In the maps obtained for model C100 (Fig. 4), we see that the
emission of all lines reaches a maximum close to the stagnation
region of the bow-shock. However, it is clear that the emission of
the low excitation line [O I] 6300 is more concentrated towards
the head of the bow-shock than the high excitation [O III] 5007
In Fig. 5, we show intensity cuts along the symmetry axis
for all emission lines, at times t = 200 and 400 yr, for models
a100 and C100. From these cuts, we observe that for both models
(and both integration times) the [O III] 5007 emission shows the
longest extension away from the bow-shock head, towards the
Fig. 2. Density (top half of each plot) and neutral-hydrogen fraction photon source (i.e., to lower x values). The [O I] 6300 line in
(bottom half) obtained for t = 100, 200, 300, and 400 yr integration all cases shows spatially the most concentrated emission, in a
times from model C100. The displayed domains correspond to physical narrow peak away from the direction of the incident ionizing
sizes of 1.6 × 1017 cm along the axis, and 6 × 1016 cm along the cylin- photon-flux (i.e., to larger x values). The Hα, [O II] 3725+29,
drical radius (3 × 1016 cm above and below the symmetry axis). The [NII] 6583 and [S II] 6716+30 lines show mostly intermediate
logarithmic density stratification is given (in cm−3 ) by the bar at the
spatial extensions, which in some cases are more compact and
top right, and the logarithmic neutral-hydrogen fraction stratification is
given by the bottom right bar. in others more extended structures.
This discussion of the flow stratifications and emission maps
is only an illustration of the results obtained from our simu-
lations. The main focus of our paper is to study the spatially-
material ahead of the bow-shock is then shielded from the ex- integrated line-ratios predicted by the models. To this effect, we
ternal ionizing photon-field, and therefore also recombines. Of integrate the computed emission-line coefficients over the entire
course, in the presence of a substantial diffuse ionizing photon- emitting volume (or, equivalently, integrate the predicted emis-
field (as discussed above, a diffuse photon field is not considered sion maps over the plane of the sky) to compute the emission-
in our simulations), this effect would be either less pronounced line luminosities. In the following section, we discuss the Hα
or almost absent. Interestingly, the wings of the bow-shock are luminosities and the ratios of the other predicted lines to Hα,
not sufficiently dense to trap an ionization front; they therefore from our eleven shocked-cloudlet simulations.
have a relatively low neutral fraction (<10%), and the off-axis
pre-bow-shock region remains photoionized (see Fig. 1).
Model C100 is a high photoionization-rate model, which 4. The predicted spectrum
has the smallest (D∗ = 3 × 1017 cm) distance to an ionizing
4.1. General discussion
source of the largest (T eff = 70 000 K) effective temperature (see
Table 1). Figure 2 shows the (atom+ion) number density and Table 1 provides a tabulation of predicted line intensities (inte-
neutral-hydrogen fraction (nHI /nH ) stratifications obtained from grated over the entire emitting volume) for the eleven cloudlet
this model for four integration times. models that we computed. The Hα luminosity and the ratios of
In model C100, the flow remains photoionized throughout a few chosen lines to Hα (in units of Hα = 100) are given for
its evolution, with maximum neutral fractions of less than 1%. two integration times, to illustrate the time variability of the line
The effect of the stronger photoionization on the flow structure is emission.
A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets 1145

Fig. 3. Hα (top), [O II] 3725+29, [O III] 5007, [O I] 6300, [N II] 6583 Fig. 4. Hα (top), [O II] 3725+29, [O III] 5007, [O I] 6300, [N II] 6583
and [S II] 6716+30 (bottom) intensity maps computed from the t = and [S II] 6716+30 (bottom) intensity maps computed from the t = 200
200 (left) and 400 yr (right) stratifications obtained from model a100. (left) and 400 yr (right) stratifications obtained from model C100. The
The intensity maps for each emission line (computed assuming that the intensity maps for each emission line (computed assuming that the sym-
symmetry axis of the flow lies on the plane of the sky) are shown with metry axis of the flow lies on the plane of the sky) are shown with loga-
logarithmic scales that span a dynamical range of 3 orders of magnitude, rithmic scales that span a dynamical range of 3 orders of magnitude, and
and are given (in erg s−1 cm−2 sterad−1 ) by the bars to the right of each are given (in erg s−1 cm−2 sterad−1 ) by the bars to the right of each pair
pair of plots. The t = 200 yr time frames (left) are subsections of the of plots. The t = 200 yr time frames (left) are subsections of the com-
computational domain extending from x = 4.69 → 8.68 × 1016 cm putational domain extending from x = 3.91 → 9.11 × 1016 cm along
along direction of the flow, and extending ±2 × 1016 cm on each side of direction of the flow, and extending ±2.6 × 1016 cm on each side of the
the symmetry axis. The t = 400 yr time frames (right) are subsections of symmetry axis. The t = 400 yr time frames (right) are subsections of
the computational domain extending from x = 8.59 → 14.59 × 1016 cm the computational domain extending from x = 7.81 → 15.61 × 1016 cm
along the direction of the flow, and again extending ±2 × 1016 cm to along the direction of the flow, and again extending ±2.6 × 1016 cm
each side of the symmetry axis. These regions were chosen to cover to each side of the symmetry axis. These regions were chosen to cover
most of the emission produced by the a100 cloudlet model (also see most of the emission produced by the C100 cloudlet model (also see
Fig. 1). Fig. 2).
1146 A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets

ionizing source of luminosity L∗ = 5000 L , and effective tem-

perature T eff = 7 × 104 K; and models A150 → C150, which
have a cloudlet moving at vc = 150 km s−1 , an ionizing source
of luminosity L∗ = 5000 L , and effective temperature T eff =
7 × 104 K; see Table 1. The three models in each of these se-
quences correspond to distances to the source (from the initial
position of the cloudlet) D∗ = 3 × 1018 , 1018 and 3 × 1017 cm
(with decreasing D∗ from model A to C).
Finally, Table 1 presents two more models (C70 and C40),
which have an ionizing photon source of luminosity L∗ =
5000 L and effective temperature T eff = 7 × 104 K (i.e., the
same as models A100 → C100 and A150 → C150), a D∗ =
3 × 1017 cm distance to the source, and initial cloudlet velocities
vc = 70 (model C70) and 40 km s−1 (model C40). Therefore,
models C150, C100, C70 and C40 are a sequence of models
with identical parameters appart from the initial velocity vc of
the cloudlet.
In general terms, the predicted spectra resemble a shock-
wave model for the models with lower photoionization rates, and
a photoionized region for the models with higher photoioniza-
tion rates. In the following subsections, we discuss the spectra in

4.2. Models a100, b100 and c100

Models a100, b100, and c100 have a cloudlet moving at vc =
100 km s−1 and are photoionized by a star of luminosity L∗ =
5000 L and an effective temperature T eff = 5 × 104 K (cor-
responding to a S ∗ = 3.41 × 1047 s−1 ionizing photon rate).
Our model that has lowest photoionization rates (model a100)
provides predicted line ratios that, for early times (i.e., for the
t = 200 yr integration time, top value of each pair of line ra-
tios), are for the most part, consistent with the vs = 80 km s−1 ,
“self-consistent preionization”, plane-parallel, shock model. For
later times (i.e., for a t = 400 yr integration time, lower value of
Fig. 5. Cuts along the symmetry axis of the Hα (top), [O II] 3725+29, each pair of line ratios), most line ratios predicted by model a100
[O III] 5007, [O I] 6300, [N II] 6583 and [S II] 6716+30 (bottom) in- (namely, the ratios of [O II] 3726+29, [O I] 6300, [N II] 6583
tensity maps for t = 200 (left) and 400 yr (right) of models a100 (solid and [S II] 6716+30 to Hα) fall closer to the values predicted
lines, see Fig. 3) and C100 (dashed lines, see Fig. 4). The x-axis has by the vs = 80 km s−1 , “fully preionized”, plane-parallel, shock
distances (in cm) measured from the left edge of the computational grid model. This result is consistent with the fact that at t = 200 yr,
(see, e.g., Fig. 1), and the y-axis has line intensities normalized to the
peak intensity in each cut.
model a100 has a substantial, on-axis region that is self-shielded
from the external ionizing photon-field (see Fig. 1), such that
a large fraction of the bow-shock moves into a mostly neutral
preshock medium. At t = 400 yr, the emission is,however, dom-
We tabulate the line ratios calculated by Hartigan et al.
inated by the bow-shock wings (see Fig. 3), which travel into an
(1987) from steady, plane-parallel shocks with a pre-shock den-
ionized pre-shock medium.
sity of 100 cm−3 and shock velocities of vs = 80 km s−1 , which
are equal to the stagnation-region bow-shock velocity of mod- If we consider models in which the ionizing photon source
els a100 → C100) and vs = 110 km s−1 (i.e., the bow-shock is closer to the shocked cloudlet (from model a100 → b100 →
velocity of models A150 → C150). For vs = 80 km s−1 , we pro- c100, see Table 1), then the low-excitation lines (i.e., [O I] 6300
vide the line ratios for a model of a shock that is moving into and [S II] 6716+30) become progressively fainter (relative to
a medium with self-consistent preionization, and for a model Hα). In model c100, all lines become fainter (with respect to
with a fully preionized medium (see Hartigan et al. 1987). For model b100), appart from the high excitation line [O III] 5007,
vs = 110 km s−1 , we provide the line ratios only for a model which becomes progressively stronger relative to Hα from mod-
with self-consistent preionization. For the three plane-parallel, els a100 to c100; see Table 1.
stationary shock models that we tabulate, we corrected for the
differences between our abundances of O, N, and S and those 4.3. Models A100, B100 and C100
adopted by Hartigan et al. (1987), by scaling their line ratios by
the ratios of the appropriate abundances. Models A100, B100, and C100, have a cloudlet that moves at
Table 1 presents three sequences of models,of three mod- vc = 100 km s−1 and are photoionized by a star of luminosity
els each: a100 → c100, which has a cloudlet that moves at L∗ = 5000 L and effective temperature T eff = 7 × 104 K (corre-
vc = 100 km s−1 , an ionizing source of luminosity L∗ = 5000 L , sponding to a S ∗ = 4.66 × 1047 s−1 ionizing photon rate). If we
and effective temperature T eff = 5 × 104 K; models A100 → compare model A100 with model a100 (see Table 1), we see that
C100, which have a cloudlet moving at vc = 100 km s−1 , an A100 has line ratios (at both t = 200 and t = 400 yr integration
A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets 1147

times) that are consistently similar to the t = 400 yr, a100, line understood as follows. For the models of cloudlets close to the
ratios, appart from the [O III] 5007 line, which is an order of ionizing source (models c100, C150, C100, C70, and C40, with
magnitude stronger in model A100. D∗ = 3 × 1017 cm, see Table 1), the shock heating and ionization
When we consider models in which the ionizing photon is a small effect compared to the ionization and heating due to
source is closer to the shocked cloudlet (from model A100 → the absorption of UV photons. Therefore, the principal effect of
B100 → C100, see Table 1), the low-excitation lines become the shock is to compress the preshock gas (fixing the density of
progressively lower with respect to Hα, and reach values of the shocked cloudlet material), while the ionization and thermal
less than 1% for model C100. The intermediate-excitation lines balance of the material is determined by the interaction with the
([O II] 3726+29 and [N II] 6583) also become lower, reach- UV radiative field. √
ing values of approximately 10% of Hα for model C100. The Using the relations vs = βvc /(1 + β) (with β = nc /nenv , i.e.,
high-excitation, [O III] 5007 line becomes stronger as the pho- the standard relation deduced from the stagnation-region, ram-
ton source approaches, reaching twice the value of Hα for C100. pressure balance) and ns = (vs /cI )2 nenv (where ns is the post-
bow-shock density and cI = 10 km s−1 is the sound speed of the
photoionized gas, i.e., the compression in an isothermal shock),
4.4. Models A150, B150 and C150 we can estimate the ionization parameter of the post-bow-shock
Models A150, B150, and C150 have the same ionizing photon material:
source as models A100, B100 and C100, but have a cloudlet  2  2
F∗ 1+β cI
thart moves at vc = 150 km s−1 (see Table 1). These models Γ= = Γenv , (1)
show the similar trends (as models a100 → c100 and A100 → cns β vc
C100) of increasing excitation with decreasing distance between where c is the speed of light, F∗ = S ∗ /(4πD∗ 2 ) is the incident
the cloudlet and the ionizing photon source. ionizing photon flux, and Γenv = F∗ /(cnenv ) is the ionization
Model A150 (with the source at D∗ = 3 × 1018 cm from the parameter of the undisturbed environment. Thus, increasing the
cloudlet, see Table 1) has stronger [O III] 5007 emission than value of vc has the effect of decreasing the environmental ion-
model A100. This appears to be a clear effect of the extra ion- ization parameter by a factor of vc /cI (with cI ≈ 10 km s−1 , see
ization produced by the faster bow shock. Also, A150 has low above). This effect produces lower ionization for increasing ve-
and intermediate-excitation lines that are weaker (relative to Hα) locities of the cloudlet.
than those of A100. Most of the line ratios of A150 are similar to
the predictions of the vs = 110 km s−1 , “self-consistent preion-
ization”, plane-parallel, shock model of Hartigan et al. (1987), 5. A comparison with observed line ratios
for which the most significant deviations occur for the [O I] 6300
line (for which the plane-parallel shock model provides a value In the following, we compare the predicted surface-brightness
of approximately three times higher relative to Hα than model distributions of several emission lines with those of the bow
A150). shock-like structures of IC 4634 and NGC 7009. We consider
the outer FLIERs of IC 4634 and NGC 7009 as prototypes of
If we compare models B150 and B100, which correspond to
irradiated bow-shocks (Riera & Raga 2007).
D∗ = 1018 cm (see Table 1), we see that their spectra are simi-
Figure 6 illustrates the S-shaped morphology of IC 4634,
lar for all emission lines. Interestingly, the spectra predicted by
where the outer bow-shock structures are marked with arrows.
models C150 and C100 (with D∗ = 3 ×1017 cm) differ quite sub-
These features show a wealth of small-scale structure whose ex-
stantially, with C150 producing weaker [O III] 5007 and stronger
citation, physical, and kinematical conditions are studied in de-
intermediate and low excitation lines than C100. This is a result
tail by Guerrero et al. (2008). The ionization structure of the
of the fact that considerably higher post-shock densities are at-
outer pair of FLIERs of NGC 7009 was studied by Balick et al.
tained in model C150, and that the effect of the shock heating
(1998). In both objects, the outer pair of FLIERs were mea-
(and the resulting collisional ionization) is a weaker effect (rel-
sured to have low Doppler-shifts due to projection effects. In
ative to the photoionization process) than in models B150 and
both cases, the bow-shock structures, however, receded at veloc-
A150. This effect is discussed in more detail in Sect. 4.5.
ities of ∼100 to 150 km s−1 , with respect to their central sources
(Fernández et al. 2004; Rodríguez & Gómez 2007; Guerrero
4.5. Models C150, C100, C70 and C40 et al. 2008).
Figure 7 shows the Hα, [O III] 5007 and [N II] 6583 surface-
This is a sequence of models with cloudlets at a distance D∗ = brightness distributions (or “1D profiles”) projected along the
3 × 1017 cm from a star with a luminosity L∗ = 5000 L and axis that passes through the outer FLIERs and the central star
an effective temperature T eff = 7 × 104 K (corresponding to a of IC 4634, obtained from narrowband WFPC2 HST images.
S ∗ = 4.66 × 1047 s−1 ionizing photon rate), but with decreasing Both bow-shocks have single-peaked distributions in the three
initial cloud velocities vc = 150, 100, 70 and 40 km s−1 (for emission lines shown in Fig. 7. From these distributions, it is
models C150, C100, C70, and C40, respectively, see Table 1). clear that the [O III] 5007 and the Hα emission extend away
Interestingly, if we look at the spectra in order of decreas- from the head of the FLIERs towards the central source, and that
ing vc , we observe a sequence of decreasing excitation : all lines both differ from the [N II] 6583 distribution, which shows a more
(appart from [O III] 5007) become weaker with respect to Hα compact structure. This behaviour is also observed in the outer
(for decreasing values of vc ). On the other hand, [O III] 5007/Hα FLIERs of NGC 7009, as illustrated in Fig. 8, where we show
increases between vc = 150 and vc = 100 km s−1 (from ∼120 the Hα, [O III] 5007 and [N II] 6583 “1D profiles” of its eastern
to ∼230 in units of Hα = 100, see Table 1), and remains ap- outer FLIER. The spatial distributions of the observed emission
proximately constant (with values of ∼250) in models for lower qualitatively agree with the spatial distributions predicted from
values of the cloudlet velocity vc . most of our numerical simulations, as illustrated in Figs. 5 and 9.
This unintuitive behaviour of increasing excitation in the From Figs. 7 and 8, it is clear that the [N II] 6583 distri-
spectrum, as a function of decreasing shock velocity, can be butions observed in the bow-shocks of IC 4634 and NGC 7009
1148 A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets

Fig. 8. Normalized emission-line brightness distributions along the

symmetry axis that passes through the eastern outer FLIER of
NGC 7009. Distances are measured from the central star (in arcsec).
Ten data lines (or 1 arcsec) of the HST images were added to form each
pixel of the displayed distributions.

Fig. 6. [O III] HST WFPC2 narrow–band image of IC 4634. The outer

bow-shock structures are marked on this image. A distance of 2.3 kpc
was adopted. Fig. 9. Normalized emission-line brightness distributions along the
symmetry axis passing through the t = 400 yr intensity maps obtained
from model C100 (see Fig. 4). The distance from the left edge of the
computational grid is given in cm. The stratifications of the Hα (solid
line), [O III] 5007 (dots), and [N II] 6583 lines (dashes) are shown. The
spatial resolution of the distributions was reduced by convolving with a
box car function with a full width of rc /2 = 5 × 1015 cm.

peak at larger distances from the central source than the Hα and
[O III] distributions. We note also that the observed Hα distri-
butions peak at larger distances from the central star than the
[O III] 5007 distribution.
The mean spatial displacement, between the Hα and [N II]
6583 peaks, in the bow-shock-like structures of IC 4634, when
adopting a distance of 2.3 kpc, is ∼1015 cm, while the spatial
displacement between the [O III] 5007 peaks and the [N II] 6583
peaks is ∼5 × 1015 cm. In the outer eastern FLIER of NGC 7009,
the spatial displacement between the Hα and [N II] 6583 peaks
is ∼2 × 1015 cm, when adopting a distance of 0.86 kpc.
In Fig. 9, we observe that the predicted [N II] 6583 distri-
bution peaks at larger distances from the central source than the
Hα and [O III] distributions, in good agreement with the ob-
served displacements. However, the predicted [O III] 5007 dis-
tribution peaks at larger distances from the source position than
the Hα profile (see Fig. 9), which is the opposite to what is
observed. The predicted spatial displacement of [N II] with re-
Fig. 7. Normalized emission-line brightness distributions along the spect to [O III] and Hα is approximately a few times 1015 cm in
symmetry axis that passes through the outer FLIERs of IC 4634. The model C100 (see Fig. 9), which roughly agrees with the observed
NW bow-shock is shown in the top panel and its SE counterpart in values.
the bottom panel. Distances are measured from the central star (in arc- In Figs. 10 and 11, we present a set of diagnostic diagrams,
sec). Twenty data lines (or 0.9 arcsec) of the HST images were added involving several emission-line ratios commonly used to dis-
to form each pixel of the displayed distributions. criminate photoionized nebulae from shock-excited objects. In
A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets 1149

Fig. 10. Diagnostic diagrams including several de-reddened emission- Fig. 11. Diagnostic diagrams including several de-reddened emission
line ratios. Black symbols: PPNe [squares: Hen 3-1475 (Riera et al. line-ratios. Red and green symbols as in Fig. 10. Blue symbols: pre-
1995, 2006), triangles: M 1-92, M 2-56 and OH 238.1+4.2 (Trammell dicted emission line ratios (this work); filled circles = models a/b/c100;
et al. 1993; Sánchez Contreras et al. 2000), stars: CRL 618 (Riera open circles = A/B/C100; open squares = A/B/C150, open triangles =
et al., in prep.)]. The red symbols correspond to ground-based spectro- C70,C40.
scopic data of NGC 6543 (circles), NGC 7009 (triangles) and IC 4634
(squares) are taken from Balick et al. (1994), Gonçalves et al. (2001),
Guerrero et al. (2008). Green symbols: synthesized spectra of different From Fig. 11, we see that the predicted line-ratios cover re-
regions of NGC 6543, NGC 7009 and IC 4634 obtained from WFPC2 gions of the diagnostic diagrams which are similar to the regions
HST images (Lame et al. 1997; Riera & Raga 2007). The filled symbols covered by the observed line-ratios. This can be seen, in partic-
correspond to FLIERs, the open symbols correspond to rims and shells. ular, in the [O II]/[O III] vs. [O III]/Hα diagram (Fig. 11, top
right), in which both the models and the observations fall on a
more or less linear sequence. In the other diagnostic diagrams,
these diagrams (see Fig. 11), we show the predictions of our we see that the models appear to have too low [O III]/Hα line
models with the line ratios observed in a sample of different ratios, such that the points corresponding to FLIERs systemati-
kinds of objects. cally fall just to the right of the predicted points (top left, bot-
The sample of proto-PNe defines the region of (pure) tom left and bottom right graphs of Fig. 11). However, it is clear
shocked objects (see Fig. 10). This sample shows a large scat- that our models produce a range of line ratios that correspond
ter in the [N II]/Hα ratio due to the combined effect of N/H approximately to the observed values.
abundance variations and different shock velocities. We include
ground-based spectroscopic data and the spectra synthesized
from the WFPC2 HST images of different regions of NGC 6543, 6. Summary
NGC 7009, and IC 4634 (described in Riera & Raga 2007). We have computed a number of axisymmetric numerical simu-
In Figs. 10 and 11, the open symbols correspond to rims and lations of a dense cloudlet that moves away from a photoion-
shells and are included to trace the locus of “normal” photoion- izing source into a uniform (also photoionized) environment.
ized gas. The irradiated shocks (i.e., the FLIERs) are plotted as These simulations, which include a more or less detailed cal-
red (ground-based spectroscopic data) and green (values derived culation both of the transfer of ionizing radiation and the non-
from WFPC2 HST narrowband images) filled symbols of vari- equilibrium ionization state of the gas, are intended to model the
ous forms. The size of the symbol is an indication of the distance high-velocity knots in PNe.
from the feature to the central stars, such that larger symbols rep- In our models, we have fixed the initial cloudlet and envi-
resent features at larger distances from the star. ronmental densities, and explored the effects of changing the
The [O II]/[O III] vs. [O III]/Hα diagram includes fewer data initial velocity of the cloudlet and its ionization parameter. We
points than the other diagrams because few measurements of obtain different ionization parameters by changing the distance
the [O II] 3727 Å line are available. The emission-line ratios between the cloudlet and the photon source, but similar effects
obtained from the WFPC2 HST images resemble those from would be obtained by considering cloudlets with different ini-
the spectroscopic data. This provides support to the use of nar- tial densities, sources with different ionizing photon production
rowband images in such analyses, in which with HST images rates or by considering the absorption due to recombinations in
have the added advantage of covering the entire nebula and a the nebular gas between the source and the cloudlet, the latter
higher spatial resolution. Furthermore, the high resolution of the possibility would, however, produce a hardening of the spectrum
WFPC2 images enables the isolation of emission from specific, that is not considered in our calculations. Therefore, the values
small scale components of the nebulae. of the distances quoted in Table 1 should be viewed as a way
1150 A. C. Raga et al.: Line ratios from shocked cloudlets

of determining the ionization parameter, and not taken as repre- or not the observed spectrum definitely comes from a shock
senting the actual value of the distance between a clump and the wave. Therefore, it is difficult to decide purely on the basis of
central source of a particular PN. observed line ratios whether one is seeing the photoionization of
For two of our 11 models (see Table 1), we present a descrip- a more or less stationary, neutral clump, or whether one is see-
tion of the time-evolution of the density and ionization stratifi- ing a shocked/photoionized high velocity cloudlet (such as the
cations of the flow (Figs. 1 and 2), and predictions of maps ones described in the present paper). However, these two kinds
(obtained by integrating the emission coefficient along lines of of flows should have very different kinematical and morpholog-
sight) for a number of emission lines (Figs. 3 and 4). From these ical signatures, which could be used to decide which is the rele-
maps, we also extract intensity cuts along the axis of the flow vant model for a given object.
(Fig. 5). The way forward in this complex situation will be to run
From our simulations, we have computed predictions of the models tailored to specific objects, and compare the observed
Hα luminosity and of a number of line ratios (see Table 1) com- and predicted line-ratios, as well as spatially resolved line pro-
puted with the integral of the emission coefficient over all of files. In particular, some FLIERs have cometary structures with
the emitting volume of the flow. The predicted spectra have a heads pointing towards the central star of the nebulae. For such
range of properties, some of which resemble the predictions of objects, it is evident that the models discussed in the present
standard shock-wave models, and others that resemble more to paper are inappropriate, and that the flow configurations that
the spectra of photoionized regions. These spectra are useful for should be chosen to model them should be along the lines of pre-
comparing with observations of high velocity-knots. vious work related to the photoevaporation of neutral cloudlets
Finally, we have performed a qualitative comparison be- (see, e.g., the work of Mellema et al. 1998; and Raga et al. 2005).
tween some of our predictions and spectra of different regions
of PPNe and PNe. We find that the spatial distributions (in par- Acknowledgements. We thank Bruce Balick (the referee) for many helpful com-
ments. A.R., A.E. and P.V. acknowledge support from the DGAPA (UNAM)
ticular, cuts along the outflow axis) of the emission observed in grant IN108207, from the CONACyT grants 46828-F and 61547, and from
some FLIERs are to some extent reproduced by our models (see the “Macroproyecto de Tecnologías para la Universidad de la Información y la
Figs. 7 and 9). In particular, the fact that the observed higher ion- Computación” (Secretaría de Desarrollo Institucional de la UNAM). The work
ization lines (i.e., [O III] 5007) have larger extensions towards of ARi was supported by the spanish MCyT grants AYA2005-08523-C03-01 and
the photoionizing source is also observed in our models. AYA2005-08013-C03-01.
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four two-line ratio diagnostic diagrams (see Fig. 11). In these References
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