Income Under Head Profits and Business or Profession
Income Under Head Profits and Business or Profession
Income Under Head Profits and Business or Profession
Any sum received by an employer from Keyman insurance policy taken on the life
of the employee shall be:
(A) exempt
(B) taxable under the head business and profession
(C) taxable under the head other sources
(D) taxable in the hands of employee
R, who was carrying on agency business received a sum of Rs.5,00,000/- from his
principal for termination of agency. Compensation amount so received shall be:
(A) exempt as it is a capital receipt
(B) fully taxable under the head business and profession
(C) taxable under the head other sources
(i) If the house property used for business or profession is taken on rent, tick the
expenses which shall be allowed as deduction u/s 30.
(A) Rent
(B) Current repairs, other than expenditure in the nature of capital expenditure
(D) Insurance premium
(E) Rates and taxes though due
(F) Rates and taxes actually paid only
(G) Rates and taxes paid or due subject to section 43 B
(C), (D) & (G)
(ii) Which expenses shall be allowed if the premises in occupied by the assessee
otherwise as tenant.
(B), (D) & (G)
Where the machinery, plant and furniture is used by the assessee for the purpose of
carrying on business and profession, he shall be entitled to deduction u/s 31 on
account of:
(A) current repairs other than expenditure in the nature of capital expenditure
(B) revenue and capital expenditure on repairs
(C) any repairs
Depreciation is allowed in case of:
(A) tangible assets only
(B) intangible assets only
(C) tangible and intangible assets
Tick the tangible assets which are subject to depreciation.
Tea bushes
(B), (C), (D), (G) & (I)
Where a part of block of assets is sold for a price more than the opening W.D.V.
plus cost of asset acquired during the year, if any, the assessee shall be subject to:
(A) balancing charge
(B) short-term capital gain
(C) short-term or long-term capital gain depending upon the period after which
the block is transferred
Where a part of a block of asset is sold for a price less than the opening W.D.V.
plus cost of assets, if any, acquired during the year, the balance amount shall be
treated as:
(A) short-term capital loss
(B) terminal/balancing depreciation
(C) written down value for purpose of charging current year depreciation
Where the entire block of the asset is sold for a price more than the opening
W.D.V. and asset, if any, acquired during the year, the excess amount shall be
subject to:
(A) Balancing charge
(B) Short-term capital gain
(C) LT or STCG depending upon the period for which block is held
Where an electricity company claiming depreciation on straight line method on
each asset separately sells such asset for a price more than its W.D.V. then the
excess amount shall be taxable:
(A) as short-term capital gain
(B) balancing charge under business head
(C) balancing charge to the extent of depreciation allowed in the past and the
balance, if any, short-term capital gain
(D) balancing charge to the extent of depreciation allowed in the past and the
balance, if any, long-term or short-term capital gain depending upon the
period for which such asset was held
Where the entire block is sold for a price less than the opening W.D.V. and the cost
of asset, if any, acquired during the PY, the balance amount shall be treated as:
(A) terminal/balancing depreciation
(B) short-term capital loss
(C) written down value
(D) short-term or long-term capital loss depending on the period for which the
block was held
The maximum deduction for Site Restoration Fund under section 33ABA shall be:
(A) the amount deposited in the scheme
(B) 20 % of the profits from such business
(C) 20 % of the amount deposited in the scheme
Tick the case where the amount withdrawn from Site Restoration Account shall not
be taxable:
(A) amount withdrawn for the purpose specified in the scheme
(B) closure of business
(C) death of an assessee
(D) partition of HUF
(E) dissolution of a firm
(F) liquidation of a company
Expenditure on scientific research incurred by the assessee shall be allowed if such
(A) is related to the business of the assessee
(B) may or may not relate to the business of the assessee
(C) is related to the research specified by the Government
If an assessee carries on any scientific research related to his business, he shall be
allowed deduction u/s 35 on account of:
(A) revenue expenditure
(B) capital expenditure
(C) both revenue and capital expenditure
(D) both revenue and capital expenditure excepting expenditure incurred on
acquisition of land
Certain revenue and capital expenditure on scientific research are allowed as
deduction in the PY of commencement of business even if these are incurred:
(A) 5 years immediately before the commencement of the business
(B) 3 years immediately before the commencement of the business
(C) any time prior to the commencement of the business
Tick which expenses on scientific research related to the business are allowed a
deduction in the PY of commencement of the business although incurred within 3
years immediately before the commencement of the business.
any revenue expense on scientific research
payment of salary to employees engaged in scientific research
purchase of material used in scientific research
repairs and maintenance expenses on the asset acquired for scientific research
land acquired for scientific research
building constructed for scientific research
plant and machinery acquired for scientific research
(B), (C), (F) & (G)
Where a scientific research asset is sold without having been used for other purpose
then the sale price to the extent of the cost of the asset already allowed as deduction
in the past shall be treated as:
(A) business income
(B) short-term capital gain
(C) long-term capital gain
(D) long-term or short-term capital gain depending upon the period for which
such asset was held
Where the sale price in the above exceeds the cost of acquisition of such asset, such
excess shall be treated as:
(A) business income
(B) short-term capital gain
(C) long-term capital gain
(D) long-term or short-term capital gain depending upon the period for which
such asset was held
If the income of a business before claiming revenue expenditure on scientific
research is Rs.50,000 and the revenue expenditure incurred on scientific research
related to the business of the assessee is Rs.80,000, then Rs.30,000 shall be:
(A) business loss
(B) unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research
(C) none of these two
If the income of a business before claiming capital expenditure on scientific
research is Rs.50,000 and the capital expenditure incurred on scientific research
related to the business of the assessee is Rs.80,000, then Rs.30,000 shall be:
(A) business loss
(B) unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research
(C) none of these two
Brought forward unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research can be
carried forward:
(A) for any number of years
(B) for 8 years
(C) for 10 years
If any amount is donated for research, such research should be in the nature of:
(A) scientific research only
(B) social or statistical research only
(C) scientific or social or statistical research
If donation is made for scientific or social or statistical research, such research:
(A) must relate to the business of the assessee
(B) may or may not relate to the business of the assessee
(C) none of these
R Ltd., paid Rs.1,10,00,000 during the previous year 2010-11 for acquiring the
telecommunication rights which were effective for 11 years. It commenced the
business of operating the telecommunication service with effect from PY 2011-12.
R Ltd., shall be entitled to a deduction of:
(A) Rs.10 lakhs w.e.f. PY 2010-11
(B) Rs.11 lakhs w.e.f. PY 2011-12
(C) none of these two
R had acquired a licence to operate telecommunication service in the PY 2009-10
for Rs.2 crores and its life was 10 years. During the PY 2010-11 it had sold the
licence for Rs.1,50,00,000. It shall be allowed a deduction under section 35ABB
during the PY 2011-12 to the extent of:
(A) Rs.20 lakh
Rs.10 lakh
None of the above two
(i) R had acquired a license to operate telecommunication service in the PY
2007-08 for Rs.2 crores and its life was 10 years. During the PY 2011-12 it has
sold the licence for Rs.1.90 crores, the sale price in excess of its W.D.V. shall be
treated as:
(A) Business income taxable under section 35ABB
(B) Long-term capital gain
(C) Not taxable
(ii) In the above case, the business income taxable shall be:
(A) Rs.40 Lakhs
(B) Rs.30 Lakhs
(C) Rs.37,19,875
(iii) If the above license is sold for Rs.2.20 crores instead of Rs.1.90 crores, then:
(A) Rs.60 lakhs will be taxable as business income
(B) Rs.40 lakhs shall be taxable as business income and balance 20 lakhs as
long-term capital gain
(C) Rs.40 lakhs shall be taxable as business income and balance 20 lakhs as
short-term capital gain
(D) Rs. 40 lakhs shall be taxable as business income and excess/deficit of
Rs.2.20 crore over the indexed cost of Rs.2 crores shall be treated as longterm capital gain/loss
R, had acquired a license to operate telecommunication service in the PY 2007-08
for Rs.2 crores and it has a life of 20 years. Part of the license is sold in the PY
2011-12 for Rs.1 crore. R shall be allowed deduction to the extent of:
(A) Rs.3.75 lakhs per year for the remaining 16 years
(B) Entire Rs.60 lakh in the PY 2011-12
(C) None of the above
For claiming deduction under section 35AC, the payment for eligible project and
scheme should be made to:
(A) a public sector company
(B) a local authority
(C) to an institution or an association approved by the National Committee
(D) to any of the three mentioned in (A), (B) and (C)
A company assessee shall be allowed deduction under section 35AC on account of
eligible project and scheme if:
(A) the payment is made to the specified institution
(B) if it incurs expenditure itself
(C) both for payment made to specified institution and for direct expenditure
incurred by itself
Preliminary expenses incurred are allowed deduction in:
(A) 10 equal instalments
(B) 5 equal instalments
(C) full
In the case of non-company assessee, the total preliminary expenses incurred are
allowed deduction to the extent of:
(A) 2 % of the cost of the project
(B) 5 % of the cost of the project
(C) 10 % of the cost of the project
In case of company assessee, the total preliminary expenses incurred are allowed as
deduction to extent of 5 % of:
the cost of the project
the aggregate capital employed
the cost of project or the capital employed
Expenditure incurred on prospecting, etc., of minerals shall be allowed as
deduction in:
(A) 5 equal instalments
(B) 10 equal instalments
(C) full
In case the assessee follows merchantile system of accounting, bonus or
commission to the employee are allowed as deduction on:
(A) due basis
(B) payment basis
(C) due basis but subject to section 43B
Interest accrued before the commencement of the production is to be:
(A) capitalised
(B) treated as revenue expenditure
(C) either capitalized or treated as revenue expenditure
Contribution by the employer to gratuity fund and any other welfare fund of
the employee
Interest on term loans from finance companies
(A), (C), (D), (G), (I), (K), (L) & (M)
(i) A person carrying on specified profession is:
(A) required to maintain books of account
(B) required to maintain prescribed books of account
(C) not required to maintain books of account
(ii) A person carrying on specified profession is required to maintain the prescribed
books of account of the current PY if the gross receipts of such profession in
all the three preceding PYs exceed:
(A) Rs.40,00,000
(B) Rs.10,00,000
(C) Rs.1,50,000
(D) Rs.60,000
(iii) A person carrying on specified profession is required to maintain:
(A) prescribed books of account in all cases
(B) prescribed books of account if the gross receipts of all the three preceding
PYs exceeds Rs.1,50,000 otherwise no books of account are to be
(C) prescribed books of account if the gross receipts of all the preceding PYs
exceeds Rs.1,50,000 otherwise such books of account as will enable the
Assessing Officer to compute his business income
If a person sets up a specified profession during the current PY, he is:
(A) required to maintain prescribed books of account
(B) not required to maintain prescribed books of account
(C) required to maintain prescribed books of account if the gross receipts of
such profession is likely to exceed Rs.1,50,000 otherwise such books of
account which will enable the Assessing Officer to compute his total
A person who has been carrying on non-specified profession is:
(A) not required to maintain any books of account
(B) required to maintain books of account of the current PY if the gross
receipts of such profession exceeds Rs.1,50,000
(C) required to maintain books of account of the current PY if the gross receipts
of such profession of any of the preceding PY exceeded Rs.10 lakh
(D) required to maintain books of account of the current PY if in any of the
preceding 3 PYs his total income exceeded Rs.1,20,000 or gross receipts
exceeded Rs.10 lakh
(i) A person, who has been carrying on business is required to maintain books of
account of the current PY if:
(A) his total income of any 3 preceding PYs exceeded Rs.1,20,000
(B) his gross turnover or sales of any of 3 preceding PY exceeded Rs.10 lakh
(C) if condition mentioned either in (a) or (b) is satisfied
The income of a non-resident from shipping business under section 44B shall be
presumed to be 7 % of:
(A) the amount paid or payable whether in India or out of India to the assessee
on account of carriage of passengers, livestock, mail or goods shipped at
any port in India
(B) the amount received or deemed to be received in India on account of
carriage of passengers, livestock, mail or goods shipped at any port outside
(C) both the amount mentioned in (A) & (B) above
In case of non-resident, who is engaged in the business of operation of aircraft, his
income shall be presumed to be:
(A) 7 % of certain amount
(B) 5 % of certain amount
(C) 10 % of certain amount
The expenditure incurred on payment under voluntary retirement scheme shall be
allowed as deduction in:
(A) the previous year it is paid
(B) equal instalments in 5 assessment years starting from the AY in which it is
(C) not allowed at all
Which of the following taxes are allowed as deduction while computing the
business income
(A) Wealth Tax
(B) Income Tax
(C) Sales Tax
(D) Securities Transaction Tax
Which of following expenditure for which payment is made to a resident are not
allowed as deduction unless the tax is deducted at source and deposited before the
due date of furnishing the return under Section 139(1)
(A) Salary to employees
(B) Interest
(C) Commission or brokerage
(D) Payment of contractors
(E) Payment to sub-contractors
(F) Rent
(G) Fee for professional services
(H) Fee for technical services
(I) Royalty
(B, C, D, E, F,G,H, I)