Advanced Tax Laws and Practice: PP-ATLP-June 2009 24
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice: PP-ATLP-June 2009 24
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice: PP-ATLP-June 2009 24
NOTE : All references to sections mentioned in Part-A of the Question Paper relate to
the Income-tax Act, 1961 and relevant Assessment Year 2009-10, unless stated
(Answer ANY TWO questions from this part.)
Question 1
(a) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given options in respect of the
following :
(i) The benefit of amortisation of preliminary expenses under section 35D has
been extended to ––
(a) Manufacturing companies
(b) Post-commencement preliminary expenses of service sector units
(c) Non-resident companies
(d) Non-resident individuals.
(ii) No disallowance under section 40(a)(ia) shall be made in the case of a
deductor in respect of expenditure incurred in the month of March, if the
TDS on such expenditure has been paid before —
(a) 31st December
(b) 30th September
(c) Due date for filing of the return
(d) 30 days from the date of tax deduction.
(iii) With effect from assessment year 2009-10, the rate of tax under
sections 111A and 115AD, on short-term capital gains, arising from the
transfer of equity shares in a company or a unit of an equity oriented funds
where such transaction is chargeable to securities transaction tax (STT)
(a) 20%
(b) 15%
(c) 10%
(d) 25%.
(iv) Depreciation on new plant acquired and kept as standby in anticipation of
an order of supply of goods is ––
(a) An allowable expenditure on an asset kept as standby
(b) Not allowable as asset acquired but not put to use
(c) Partly allowable
(d) None of the above.
25 PP–ATLP–June 2009
(v) Lease rental income derived by a foreign company, by leasing its immovable
property situated at Ahmedabad, India, to another foreign company whose
payment in US Dollars has been made outside India as per the agreement
which is also executed outside India is ––
(a) An exempted income in India
(b) Chargeable to income-tax in India as it relates to property situated in
India, and deemed to accrue or arise in India
(c) Subject to DTAA agreement entered into by Indian government with
another country wherein foreign company is located
(d) None of the above. (1 mark each)
(b) Re-write the following sentences after filling-in the blank spaces with appropriate
word(s)/figure(s) :
(i) Expenditure incurred by a company after its incorporation and after its
business had been set-up, on development of website for conducting its
business partly through website could be considered as ___________
(iv) Where there is a failure to deduct tax at source or to deposit the tax deducted
at source by a company, the company and the Principal Officer shall be
deemed to be an _________________ under section 201.
(v) Deduction in respect of contribution given by any person other than company
under section 80GGC of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to a political party
is_______________. (1 mark each)
(c) “All companies are not liable to wealth-tax, even those which are liable have
scope for minimising it.” Comment. (5 marks)
Answer 1(a)
(i) (b) Post-commencement preliminary expenses of service sector units
(ii) (c) Due date for filing of the return
(iii) (b) 15%
(iv) (a) An allowable expenditure on an asset kept as standby
(v) (b) chargeable to income tax in India as it relates to property situated in India,
and deemed to accrue or arise in India
PP–ATLP–June 2009 26
Answer 1(b)
(i) Expenditure incurred by a company after its incorporation and after its business
had been set-up, on development of website for conducting its business partly
through website could be considered as revenue expenditure.
(ii) Interest on borrowed funds utilised for acquisition of an asset as part of extension
of business, could be capitalised till the asset put to use .
(iii) Subsidy received by a company operating a sugar mill, which could be utilised
only for re-payment of term loans taken by it for setting-up of new units and
extension of existing business would be treated as Capital receipt .
(iv) Where there is a failure to deduct tax at source or to deposit the tax deducted at
source by a company, the company and the Principal Officer shall be deemed
to be an assessee in default under section 201.
(v) Deduction in respect of contribution given by any person other than company
under section 80GGC of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to a political party is
Answer 1(c)
Only those companies whose net wealth on the corresponding valuation date exceeds
Rs.15,00,000 will be chargeable to Wealth-tax. Non-profit making companies registered
under Section 25 of the Companies Act are exempt from levy of wealth tax. Where the
company is not resident in India, its assets and debts located outside India shall be
excluded from the computation of net wealth.
Companies can minimize their Wealth-tax liability:
(i) By avoiding investment in taxable assets like jewellery, motor cars, other
unproductive assets;
(ii) In unavoidable cases, investment in the said assets could be made out of loans
or debts may be incurred in relation thereto by way of furnishing a security for
the loan, so that such debts could be claimed as deduction in computing net
(iii) Likewise, purchase house property ,likely to be used by the Directors /Managers/
Secretary, as their residential accommodation or by any other employee having
substantial interest in the company could be funded out of loan/raising debts
Question 2
(a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or
(i) The cascading effect of dividend distribution tax is minimised in the case of
holding and subsidiary companies.
(ii) The provisions of tax deduction at source do not apply to interest on corporate
securities under certain circumstances.
27 PP–ATLP–June 2009
(iii) An assessee can be asked to pay interest under section 234A for default in
filing of return in time or for non-filing of return and also under section 234B
for non-payment or short payment of advance tax even though there is
overlapping of some period under the two provisions. (2 marks each)
(b) A new weighted deduction has been introduced recently to encourage outsourcing
of scientific research. Explain briefly its scope, applicability and advantages
from the tax planning point of view. (5 marks)
(c) A company had taken some unsecured loans by way of inter-corporate deposits
(ICDs) from three other companies for use in its business and paid interest on
those ICDs, which were offered for taxation by the recipient companies.
The income-tax officer contends that the unsecured loans are taxable as deemed
dividends under section 2(22)(e). Can he do so ? Explain. (4 marks)
Answer 2(a)
(i) True : Section 115-O(1A) provides that while determining the tax on dividends
distributed payable by a domestic company, the amount of dividends received
from its subsidiary company will be reduced if the subsidiary company has paid
tax under this section on such dividend and the domestic company itself is not
a subsidiary of another company.
(ii) True : With effect from 1st June, 2008, section 193 has removed the requirements
of deducting tax at source from interest payable to a resident on any security
issued by a company where such security is in dematerialized form and is listed
on a recognized stock exchange in India.
(iii) True : Defaults under section 234A and 234B are independent of each other.
Therefore, interest is payable under both the provisions, despite there being
some overlapping of same period under the two provisions [Roshanlal Jain (AOP)
v. Dy CIT]
Answer 2(b)
As a result of the new Clause (iia) inserted in Section 35, w.e.f. 1.4.2009, an amount
equal to one and one-fourth times (125%) of any sum paid to a company by any assessee,
to be used by the donee company for scientific research, will be allowed as deduction.
The donee company must be a company registered in India with the main object of
scientific research and development and it should be approved by the prescribed authority
for this purpose.
The High Court observed that the charges cannot be framed and criminal prosecution
cannot be permitted to continue against the petitioner once adjudication proceedings on
merits have been found in favour of the petitioners.
The High Court observed that the Department had failed in adjudicatory process
against petitioner and yet continued to contend that criminal proceedings must go on.
The High Court observed that the legal system by which we are governed is adversarial
in nature. But there is a special responsibility on Government and public authorities to
act reasonably and in fair manner. The High Court opined that the already over-burdened
legal system could not be further burdened by unnecessary cases.
The above contention is as per judgement in case of Anil Mahajan and Another v.
UOI and another (Del) 5 February, 2008.
Answer 7(b)
The appellants are engaged in drilling operations for exploration of offshore oil, gas
and other related activities under contract. The drilling operations are carried on at Oil
Rigs/Vessels, which are situated outside the territorial waters of India. Until around
November, 1993 the appellant and all other similarly situated companies which were
engaged in oil and gas exploration and exploitation were permitted to transship stores to
the oil rigs without levy of any customs duty regardless of the fact whether oil rigs were
operating within a designated area or non-designated area.
The Supreme Court observed that the principle underlying under section 86 and 87
is that the stores are consumed on board by a foreign going vessel. If the so called
foreign going vessel is located within territory over which the coastal state have complete
control and has sovereign right to extend its fiscal laws to such an area with or without
modifications and the stores were consumed in area to which the Customs Act has been
extended. Reference or reliance to the vessel being a foreign going vessel shall be of no
consequences and the customs duty would be leviable as the goods are consumed
within the territory to which the Customs Act has been extended as per the Maritime
Zones Act, 1976 and the International Conventions ‘UNCLOS, 1982.
The Court further observed that the stores are unloaded and consumed within the
maritime boundary or within the limit of Customs Act, Section 12 will be attracted as it
would be construed that there would have been an import within the territory of India to
which Customs Act applies.
The above contentions are as per judgement in the case of Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore
Ltd. v. UOI (SC) 11 April, 2008.
Answer 7(c)
As per Section 23, where the imported goods have been lost without pilferage or
destroyed at any time before clearance for home consumption, duty on such goods
would be remitted. Here ‘loss’ means that the loss is forever and there is no possibility
of tracing it or recovering it.
39 PP–ATLP–June 2009
In the given case 300 metric tons of metal bars have been lost in the custody of port
trust after the order for clearance was passed and duty payment was made. The
weightment certificate issued by Port Trust Authorities also substantiates the same.
The company is therefore entitled to remission of the duty on the lost goods i.e., 300
tons, under Section 23 of the Customs Act.
Question 8
Attempt any four of the following :
(i) Re-write the following sentences after filling-in the blank spaces with appropriate
word(s)/figure(s) :
(a) Countries that employ explicit policies designed to attract international trade
oriented activities by minimisation of taxes and reduction or elimination of
other restrictions on business operations are described as _____________.
(b) The authority for advance ruling will not allow consideration of any question
involving determination of ______________ of any property.
(c) The ruling given by the authority for advance rulings will be binding on
(d) Indian income-tax law does not provide any exemption in case of
amalgamation of an Indian company with a foreign company wherein the
resultant amalgamated company is a ___________.
(e) ___________ means any area outside India which may be notified as such
by the Central Government for the purpose under section 90A of the Income-
tax Act, 1961. (1 mark each)
(ii) If a tax payer has legitimately reduced his tax burden by taking advantage of
treaty, the benefit cannot be denied to him on the ground of loss of revenue.
Explain in the context of decided case law. (5 marks)
(iii) A resident of India has paid tax in a foreign country in respect of his income
which accrued in that country. India has no double taxation avoidance agreement
with that country. Such income is also taxable in India. Is there any relief
available to him in respect of the tax paid by him ? Explain. (5 marks)
(iv) Distinguish between ‘international transactions’ and ‘cross border transactions’.
(5 marks)
(v) Can a public sector undertaking which has undertaken a transaction with a non-
resident, seek an advance ruling in respect of tax liability of the non-resident
and also its own liability ? Indicate the scope of applicability of such advance
rulings. (5 marks)
(vi) “Under the special provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, any income arising
from an international transaction shall be computed having regard to the arm’s
length price.” In this context, briefly indicate when the provisions of arm’s
length price will apply and when it will not apply and also state its scope.
(5 marks)
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Answer 8(i)
(a) Countries that employ explicit policies designed to attract international trade
oriented activities by minimisation of taxes and reduction or elimination of other
restrictions on business operations are described as Tax Havens .
(b) The authority for advance ruling will not allow consideration of any question
involving determination of fair market value of any property.
(c) The ruling given by the authority for advance rulings will be binding on both
parties before it.
(d) Indian income-tax law does not provide any exemption in case of amalgamation
of an Indian company with a foreign company wherein the resultant amalgamated
company is a foreign company .
(e) Permanent establishment means any area outside India which may be notified
as such by the Central Government for the purpose under section 90A of the
Income-tax Act, 1961.
Answer 8(ii)
The need for agreement of Double Tax Avoidance (DTAA) arises because of Rules
in two different countries regarding chargeability of income based on receipt and accrual,
residential status etc. As there is no clear definition of income and taxability thereof,
which is accepted internationally, an income may become liable to tax in two countries.
In such a case, the possibilities are as under:
The two countries have an agreement for Double Tax Avoidance in which case
possibilities are:
(i) The income is taxed only in one country.
(ii) The income is exempt in both countries.
(iii) The income is taxed in both countries, but credit for tax paid in one country is
given against tax payable in the other country.
If the two countries do not have an agreement for Double Tax Avoidance between
them. In such a case the domestic law of the country will apply. In the case of India, the
provisions of Section 91 of the Income Tax Act will apply. The Central Board of Direct
Taxes has clarified vide circular No.333 dated 2nd April, 1982 that in case of conflict in
the provisions of the agreement for tax avoidance of double taxation and the Income
Tax Act, the provisions contained in the agreement for Double Tax Avoidance will prevail.
The Government of India has entered into numerous tax treaties as well as trade
agreements with various foreign countries to provide stability and certainty to the tax
laws and commercial relationship between parties in India and abroad. The large number
of judicial pronouncements including Advance Rulings in the recent years under the Tax
Laws, both Direct and Indirect, have added to the confidence of non-residents being
inspired with Indian Fiscal and Judicial Systems. The wealth of judicial decisions from
Supreme Court as well as High Court and the Tribunal in deciding numerous tax disputes
help to remove the uncertainties and ambiguities in the tax system and administration.
The tax treaties have helped both the collaborators from abroad and the Indian enterprises
41 PP–ATLP–June 2009
in the private and public sectors to know precisely the nature extent and scope of tax
liability as also the country in which tax is payable.
In the case of Union of India v. Azadi Bachao Andolan (2003 132 Taxmann 373
SC). Supreme Court clearly laid down that the benefit of DTAA can not be denied even
if it leads to loss of revenue.
Answer 8(iii)
Yes, he can claim the unilateral relief provided under Section 91 of the Income Tax
Act, 1961.
If any person who is resident in India in any previous year proves that, in respect of
his income which accrued or arose during that previous year outside India (and which is
not deemed to accrue or arise in India), he has paid in any country with which there is no
agreement under section 90 for the relief or avoidance of double taxation, income-tax,
by deduction or otherwise, under the law in force in that country, he shall be entitled to
the deduction from the Indian income-tax payable by him of a sum calculated on such
doubly taxed income at the Indian rate of tax or the rate of tax of the said country,
whichever is the lower, or at the Indian rate of tax if both the rates are equal.
Hence, he will be entitled to a deduction from the Indian Income Tax payable by him
of a sum calculated on such doubly taxed income so included in his total income, at the
Indian rate of tax or the rate of tax of the said country, whichever is lower or at the Indian
rate of tax, if both rates are equal.
Answer 8(iv)
A transaction will be considered as international Transaction if it satisfies the following
two conditions cumulatively:
(a) It must be a transaction between two associated enterprises; and
(b) At least one of the two enterprises must be a non-resident.
A transaction is considered to be a cross-border transaction if it originates in one
country and gets concluded in another country.
A cross-border transaction may or may not be an international transaction within the
meaning of Chapter X. Similarly a transaction which is not a cross border transaction
may still be an international transaction for the purposes of Chapter X if it falls within the
ambit of the definition of international transaction.
Answer 8(v)
A public sector undertaking, being a resident, has been notified by central government
vide notification No. 725(E) dated 03-08-2000 in exercise of power conferred by sub-
clause (iii) of clause (b) of section 245N as applicant for the purpose of advance ruling
and if it has undertaken a transaction with a Non-resident and it can seek an Advance
Ruling in respect of tax liability of non-resident as per Section 245N(i)(ii).
The fact that such resident is a public sector undertaking (PSU) notified under
Section 245N(b)(iii) should not make any difference. It cannot, however, seek any ruling
in respect of its own tax liability. (In re Airport Authority of India (2008) 168 Taxmann
158 AAR, New Delhi).
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The ruling pronounced by the authority is binding on both parties before it. It will be
(i) On the applicant who had sought it;
(ii) In respect of the transactions in relation to which the ruling had been sought;
(iii) On the Commissioner and the income Tax Authorities subordinate to him, in
respect of the applicant and the said transaction.
Answer 8(vi)
Under the provisions of Section 92(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 any income
arising from an International Transaction shall be computed having regard to the ‘arms
length price’. When the international transaction comprises of only an outgoing, the
allowance for any expense or interest arising from the international transaction shall
also be determined having regard to the arm’s length price.
Thus the provisions of ‘arms length price’ shall apply not only to income generating
transactions (e.g. sale of goods, royalty, fees for technical services, know-how, etc. for
providing services) but also to transactions resulting into expenditure (purchases, interest
on loan, etc.)
The provisions will not apply if their application results in decrease in the overall
incidence of tax in India in respect of the parties involved in the international transactions.
Where the computation of income or determination of the allowance for any expenses or
interest or any cost or expense allocated or apportioned, as the case may be, computed
under section 92(2) has the effect of reducing the income chargeable to tax or increasing
the loss computed on the basis of entries made in the books of account in respect of
previous year in which the international transaction was entered into, the provisions will
not apply [Section 92(3)].
‘Arms length price’ means a price which is applied or proposed to be applied in a
transaction between persons other than associated enterprises, in controlled conditions.
It is the price that would have existed between enterprises not associated or related with
each other [Section 92F(ii)].