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Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Overview of Kaufman Brief

Intelligence TestTest-Second Edition
Webinar Presented by:
Gloria Maccow, Ph.D.
Assessment Training Consultant

2 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011


Describe the KBIT-2.

Describe administration, scoring,

interpretation of the KBIT-2.

Describe technical properties of the


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Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

What is the KBIT-2?

Brief, individually administered test of

verbal (crystallized) and nonverbal (fluid)

Appropriate for examinees aged 4 to 90.

Quick and easy to administer.

Can be useful in a variety of clinical,

educational, vocational, and research

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KBIT-2: Purposes and Uses

The KBIT-2 is designed for those circumstances in
which a brief measure of intelligence will suffice.

Screening to identify high-risk students.

Selecting students for gifted/talented.

Testing adolescent job applicants to facilitate hiring

or placement decisions.

Re-evaluating intellectual ability.

Estimating cognitive functioning of children referred

for assessment of specific learning disabilities.

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Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Composites and Subtests

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Administration and Scoring

Bilingual Examinees
Do you test bilingual examinees who speak
both Spanish and English?
Although the KBIT-2 Crystallized (Verbal) Scale
must be administered in English, correct
responses in other languages are given credit.
The KBIT-2 provides correct Spanish language
responses on the record form for the Riddles
subtest, making scoring easier and more

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Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Administration Time

Average Test Time

(in minutes)



10 15


16 45


46 90


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Calculate Chronological Age






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Subtest 1: Verbal Knowledge

Consists of 60 items measuring receptive

vocabulary and range of general information
about the world.

For each item, the examinee sees an array

of six full-color illustrations or photographs.

The examiner says a word or asks a generalinformation question, and the examinee
points to the picture that shows the meaning
of the word or the answer to the question.

12 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Administering Verbal Knowledge

The examiner says a vocabulary word or asks a general
information question, and the examinee points to the
picture that illustrates the word or fact.
Giving the Subtest

Position yourself to see the examinees side of the


Read each prompt aloud, verbatim, from the

record form. Do not change the wording of the
prompt. You may repeat an item if the examinee asks
you to, or if you suspect the examinee did not hear.

After Item 31, turn the easel around and continue.

13 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Administering Verbal Knowledge

Teaching the Task

Teaching Items: None

If the examinee does not respond to the initial

prompt, encourage the examinee to respond, then
repeat the prompt.

Do not tell the examinee the correct answer to any



For credit, the examinee must identify the correct

response by pointing to or saying its letter.

The answer key is shown on the record form.

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Basal Rule & Discontinue Rule

If the examinee scores 0 on any of the first
3 items given drop back one start point.
Discontinue after 4 consecutive scores of 0.

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Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Start Point

Start Point










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Subtest 2: Matrices

Matrices is a 46-item nonverbal measure

composed of several types of items
involving visual stimuli, both meaningful
(people and objects) and abstract (designs
and symbols).

All items require understanding of

relationships among the stimuli, and all are
multiple choice, requiring the person either
to point to the correct response or to say its

17 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Administering Matrices
The examiner finds a relationship or rule in a set of
pictures or patterns, and points to the picture or pattern
that best fits the relationship or rule.
Giving the Subtest

Position yourself to see both sides of the easel.

On the sample items, you may want to use a piece of

paper to cover the response options.

If the examinee spends a great deal of time on an item

and does not seem to be making progress, say Make a
guess and go on to the next item. Give credit if the
examinee responds correctly.

18 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Administering Matrices
Teaching the Task

Teaching Items:

Sample A and Items 1 and 2

Sample B and Items 10 and 11
Sample C and Items 23 and 24

Always teach following an error on these items,

regardless of how many items the examinee has taken.

Do not teach on Items 15 and 16, even if the examinee

starts at Item 15.

Score only the examinees first response to each

teaching item.


For credit, the examinee must identify the correct

response by pointing to it or saying its letter.

19 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Basal Rule & Discontinue Rule

If the examinee scores 0 on any of the first
3 scored items given (not counting the
sample items), drop back one start point.
Discontinue after 4 consecutive scores of 0.

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Start Point

Start Point


Sample A, 1


Sample B, 10


Sample B, 15


Sample B, 10

21 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Subtest 3: Riddles

Consists of 48 items that measure verbal

comprehension, reasoning, and
vocabulary knowledge.

The examiner asks a riddle, and the

examinee either points to a picture that
shows the answer to the riddle or says a
single word that answers the riddle.

22 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Administering Riddles
The examiner says a verbal riddle, and the
examinee points to the picture (Items 1-8) or
says the word (Items 9-48) that answers the
Teaching the Task

Teaching Items: Items 1, 2, 9, and 10.

Score only the examinees first response to

each teaching item.

23 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Administering Riddles
Giving the Subtest

For Items 18, position yourself to see both sides of the


For Items 18, a correct oral response is acceptable.

For example, if the examinee says shoe instead of
pointing to the foot for Item 7, score 1. However, if the
examinee gives an incorrect oral response, say Point to
the answer, and score according to the examinees
pointing response.

Before giving the first non-picture item (Items 948),

say Ill ask you some questions. Each answer is
just one word.

24 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Administering Riddles
Giving the Subtest

For Items 948, read each item aloud verbatim

from the record form. Do not change the wording
of an item. You may repeat a question if the
examinee asks you to, or if you suspect the
examinee didnt hear it.

If the examinee gives a response with two or more

words, say Remember, the answer has to be
just one word. Tell me the best word. The
prompt is meant to remind the examinee of that

25 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Basal and Discontinue Rule

If the examinee scores 0 on any of the first
3 items given, drop back one start point.
Discontinue after 4 consecutive scores of 0.

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Start Point

Start Point









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Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant


Demographic Information

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Standard Scores

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Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.


Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Profile, Score Comparison

31 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Verbal Ability

Both subtests that make up the Verbal score

measure verbal skills by assessing a persons
knowledge of word meanings.

In addition, the Verbal tasks measure the

examinees verbal concept formation, reasoning
ability, and range of general information.

The KBIT-2 verbal score measures the Broad

Ability known as Crystallized Ability (Gc). Gc
reflects the amount of specific knowledge that
a person has acquired within a culture and the
persons ability to apply this knowledge

32 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Nonverbal Ability

The Nonverbal score measures the persons

ability to solve novel problems, those that are
not specifically taught or trained.

To solve the problems presented in the

Matrices subtest, the examinee needs to
perceive the pictures various attributes,
generate hypotheses about how the pictures go
together, and test out the hypotheses to arrive
at a solution.

The Matrices subtest measures Fluid Reasoning

(Gf) and Visual Processing (Gv).

33 | Copyright 2011 | 09/28/2011

Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.


Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Technical Properties

Internal-Consistency Reliabilities












Ages 418

Ages 1990

Ages 490

IQ Composite

Weighted mean, using Fishers z transformation

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Correlations with Other Tests

See administration manual for correlations with

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Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.


Overview of Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2

Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Gloria Maccow, Ph.D.
Ph 724-766-7692

Copyright 2011. Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.


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