Imperative (Imperativo)

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Imperativ fakticki nije vreme nego nacin (ali kada ga posmatramo u vremenskom kontekstu
onda se odnosi iskljucivo na sadasnje vreme).
1. lice jednine (yo) ne postoji u imperativu. Naime, ne mozemo sami sebi nesto narediti, a i kada
to radimo koristimo 2. lice jednine kao da se obracamo osobi u nasoj blizini (npr. pricamo sami
sa sobom ili 'mrmljamo sebi u bradu').
Tvorenje imperativa
Znamo da se tri konjugacije glagola dele u dve osnovne trase: AR i ER/IR.
Imperativ tvorimo tako da samoglasnicima u nastavku zamenjujemo trase: AR a > e; ER/IR e,i
> a.
Imperativ pravi isto kao za prezent, s tom razlikom sto se medjusobno zamenjuju trase sa
nastavcima. Tako ce prva trasa (AR) dobiti nastavke -e, -en, -emos (umesto -a, -an i -amos), a
druga (ER/IR) a, an, amos (umesto -e, -en, -emos).
Hable en espaol, por favor! Govortite spanski, molim!
No comas este! Ne jedite ovo!
Diga lo que quiere! Recite to sto zelite!
No lo tomes! Ne uzimaj to!
ZAPAMTI - Izuzetak su 2 lice jednine i mnozine i to samo u pozitivu!!!
2. lice jednine (t) - ne zamenjujemo nastavke (a>e, e,i>a) i ne dodajemo 's' na kraju!!!
Habla en espaol! Govorti spanski!
Tomalo! Uzmi to!
2. lice mnozine (vosotros) - ima nastavak d kada od infinitiva odbacimo r, drugim recima
infinitvna osn. + -ad, -ed, -id.
Comed este! Jedite ovo!
Decid lo que queris! Recite to sto zelite!
prva grupa (1)
t -a, vosotros -ad
t -es, vosotros -is
druga grupa (2a)
t -e, vosotros -ed
t -as, vosotros -is
druga grupa (2b)
t -e, vosotros -id
t -as, vosotros -is
Vidimo da se podgrupe (2a i 2b) medjusobno razlikuju samo u afiramtivu u 2. licu mnozine
U imperativu go-go glagoli postaju ga-ga glagoli

Konjugacija u imperativu (negative mod) je ista kao i u konjuktivu prezenta (presente

Affirmative imperative (imperativo positivo)
Pronoun subject -ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs
-a / -
-e / -
-e / -
nosotros/nosotras -amos
vosotros/vosotras -ad
Negative imperative (imperativo negativo)
Pronoun subject -ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs
-es / -
-as / -
-as / -
nosotros/nosotras -emos
vosotros/vosotras -is

Nosotros - imperativ

U 1.pp (nosotros) refleksivni glagoli afirmativnog imperativa odbacuju -s ispred zamenice -nos
koja se obavezno dodaje na kraju:
lavmonos (not: lavmosnos)
no nos lavemos
acomedirse acomidmonos (not: acomidmosnos)
no nos acomidamos (ponuditi se za
atengmonos (not: atengmosnos)
no nos atengamos
(prilagoditi se)
resintmonos (not: resintmosnos)
no nos resintamos
Odbacivanje 's' iz nastavka kada su prikacene zamenice
Kada imamo zajedno indirektnu i direktnu objektnu zamenicu i kada se indirektna zamenica
pojavljuje u se formi (se lo-s, se la-s, ), slovo s imperativnog nastavka se odbacuje:
Pongamos el abrigo al chico? S, pongmoselo. (Not: pongmosselo)

Vosotros - imperativ

U 2.pp (vosotros) svi refleksivni glagoli afirmativnog imperativa odbacuju -d.

lavaos (not: lavados)
no os lavis
(kupati se)
alegraos (not: mirados)
no os alegris
(veseliti se)
ateneos (not: atenedos)
no os atengis
(prilagoditi se,

pokoriti se)
atreveos (not: atrevedos)
no os atrevis
Takodje, kod IR glagola i ispred os dobija ortografski znak ():
acomedirse acomedos
no os acomidis
desmedirse desmedos
no os desmidis
no os resintis

(usuditi se)
(ponuditi se za

Ispustanje -d je zbog toga da se ne bi mesalo sa mnozinom participa proslog:

acomedido acomedidos
desmedido desmedidos
Za 1.pp imperarativ (afirmativ) se vrlo cesto koristi fraza vamos + infinitiv:
hablar > hablemos > vamos a hablar

Other Ways of Making Commands and


Although the imperative mood is frequently used to tell or ask people to do something, other
verb forms also are used. This lesson covers some of the most common non-imperative ways of
giving commands.
Infinitives as impersonal commands: The infinitive (the unconjugated verb form that ends in
-ar, -er or -ir) is frequently used, especially in print and online rather than verbally, to give
commands to no one person in particular. It is seen most commonly on signs and in written
No fumar. No smoking.
Hacer clic aqu. Click here.
No tocar. Do not touch.
Sazonar los frijoles y servirlos en un plato. Season the beans and serve them on a plate.
Colgar el telfono y esperar. Hang up the telephone and wait.
Use of present and future tenses to give commands: As in English, the present and future
indicative tenses can be used to issue emphatic commands. Using the present and future tenses
in this way normally wouldn't be done when you're trying to be diplomatic; more likely, they
would be used when simple persuasion hasn't been successful or if you're trying to be
particularly matter-of-fact.

Comers el brcoli. You WILL eat the broccoli.
Me llamas maana. You call me tomorrow.
Indirect commands: By using the subjunctive mood in a clause beginning with que, it is possible
to indirectly give a command to someone other than the person being spoken to. As the
following examples indicate, a variety of English translations can be used, depending on the
Que Dios te bendiga. God bless you.
Que vaya l a la oficina. Have him go to the office.
Que me traiga ella sus archivos. Tell her to bring me her files.
Que en paz descanse. May he rest in peace.
First-person plural commands: There are two ways to give a command to a group that includes
yourself: use vamos a followed by the infinitive, or use the first-personal plural subjunctive
form of the verb. These are typically translated in English by using "let's." In the negative form
(let's not), the subjunctive form (not no vamos a) is typically used. To say "let's go," use vamos
or vmonos; to say "let's not go," use no vayamos or no nos vayamos.
Vamos a comer. Let's eat.
Comamos. Let's eat.
No comamos. Let's not eat.
Vamos a hacerlo. Let's do it.
Hagmoslo. Let's do it.
No lo hagmos. Let's not do it.
Semos honestos... Let's be honest... Budimo posteni... (uzrecica)

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