Ansys Exercises
Ansys Exercises
Ansys Exercises
NAME OF STUDENT:_________________________________________
2D Truss Structure
Analysis of a power transmission tower
Introduction: In this example you will learn to use the 2-D Truss element in ANSYS.
Physical Problem: A power transmission tower is a common example of a structure that is made
up of only truss members. These towers are actually 3-D structures, but for the sake of simplicity we will
take a cross-sectional face of the tower. The tower is mainly subjected to loading in the vertical direction
due to the weight of the cables. Also it is subjected to forces due to wind. In this example we will
consider only loading due to the weight of the cables, which is in the vertical direction.
Problem Description:
The tower is made up of trusses. You may recall that a truss is a structural element that experiences
loading only in the axial direction.
Units: Use S.I. units ONLY
Geometry: The cross section of each of the truss members is 6.25e-3 sq. meter.
Material: Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=200 GPa.
Boundary conditions: The tower is constrained along X and Y directions at the bottom left corner, and
along Y direction at the bottom right corner.
Loading: The tower is loaded at the top. The load is in horizontal direction only, and its magnitude is
5000 N.
To determine deflection at each joint.
To determine stress in each member.
To determine reaction forces at the base.
The five trusses at the top are each 3m in length.
Problem Description:
The tower is made up of trusses. You may recall that a truss is a structural element that experiences
loading only in the axial direction.
Units: Use S.I. units ONLY
Geometry: the cross sections of each of the truss members is 6.25e-3 sq. meter.
Material: Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=200 GPa.
Boundary conditions: The unit is constrained along X and Y directions at the bottom right corner and
the top left corner.
Loading: The tower is loaded at bottom left corner (6000N). The load on the top right corner equals 6000N.
To determine deflection at each joint.
To determine reaction forces at the mounted corners.
You are required to hand in print outs for the above.
The units are as explained below, kept simple to expedite the test (all horizontal and vertical links
are 5m long)
2D Beam Structure
Analysis 2-D Beam structure
Introduction: In this example you will learn to use the 2-D Beam element in ANSYS.
Physical Problem: Structural analysis of the frame shown below.
Problem Description:
The structure is made up of beams. You may recall that a beam is a structural element whose length is
very large compared to the other two dimensions.
Units: Use S.I. units ONLY
Geometry: The members have a annular cross-section. The cross sections (A) of each of the truss
members is 5.5e-3 sq meter. The polar radius of gyration (R) is 5.5e-2 meter. (hint: Use the values of
A and R to find Izz then find the value of the outer diameter (The beam height))
Material: Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=210 GPa.
Boundary conditions: All the DOFs are constrained at the bottom end, i.e. the bottom end is a built-in
Loading: The structure is loaded at the ends of the two arms. The load is in the negative Y direction.
The load value is 5000 N each.
To determine deflections at the points of application of load.
To determine the maximum stress in the structure.
Also determine the maximum possible load the frame can take. Look up for the value of yield stress
for steel. Assume a factor of safety of 1.25.
Problem Description:
The cycle frame is made up of hollow aluminum tubing. These members can be modeled as 3D
Beams. 3D beams experience bending in two directions perpendicular to the length of the beam.
Units: Use SI units only
Geometry: The tubing has an outer diameter of 25mm and a wall thickness of 2mm.
Material: Assume the structure is made of aluminum with modulus of elasticity E=75 GPa.
Boundary conditions: The structure is constrained in the X, Y and Z directions at the bottom three
Loading: The cycle frame is subject to loading of 600N at the seat (point 2) and to a loading of 200N
at the pedal crank location (point 1).
To determine deflection at each joint.
To determine the maximum stress.
Now assume that your friend needs a ride home and she (he) sits on the back seat (point 5).
Determine the maximum stress now. Remember the extra loading depends on the weight of your
friend. :)
Problem Description:
Model the bracket as a solid 8 node plane stress element. By a plane stress element we are assuming
that there are no stresses in the thickness direction of the bracket.
Geometry: The thickness of the bracket is 3.125 mm
Material: Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=200 GPa.
Boundary conditions: The bracket is fixed at its left edge.
Loading: The bracket is loaded uniformly along its top surface. The load is 2625 N/meter.
Plot deformed shape
Determine the principal stress and the von Mises stress. (Use the stress plots to determine these)
Remodel the bracket without the fillet at the corner, and see how principal stress and von Mises
stress change.
Problem Description:
odel the bracket as a solid 8 node plane stress element. By a plane stress element we are assuming
that there are no stresses in the thickness direction of the bracket.
Geometry:: The thickness of the bracket is 3.125 mm
Material:: Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=200 GPa.
Boundary conditions:: The bracket is fixed at the screw holes.
Loading:: The bracket is loaded at one point in the center of the large hole. The load is 2000 N.
Plot deformed shape
Determine the principal stress and the von Mises stress. (Use the stress plots to determine these)
Remodel the bracket without the fillet at the corner, and see how principal stress and von Mises
stress change.
Physical Problem: One day while using his hammer, you attempt to drive a nail into the floor of
his home. Unbenounced to you a layer of pure steel had been installed under the wooden floor. The nail
doesnt move and so a point force of 100N is exerted on the head of the hammer. Plot the nodal solution
of the deformation and stresses on the hammer.
Problem Description:
We will model the object using solid Tetrahedral 10 node element.
Material: Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=200 GPa and a Poisons
Ratio of 0.3.
Boundary conditions: The hammer is fixed at the base..
Loading: The object is has a point force of 100N at the head.
To plot deformed shape.
To determine the principal stress and the von Mises stress. (Use the stress plots to determine these.
Do not print the stress list)
What is the maximum load the object can take. Clearly mention the yield stress that you have
assumed for steel. Also assume factor of safety of 1.25.
10 cm hexagonal handle, radius 0.02m, theta=300 at (0,0)
15 cm circular solid, radius 0.015m at 0,0)
5 cm hexagonal head joint, radius 0.04m, theta=270 at (0,0)
18 cm top cone, radius=0.03m
Problem Description:
The outer material of the composite wall is steel with thermal conductivity of 20 W/m K
The insulating material has a thermal conductivity of 0.1 W/m K.
Units: Use S.I. units ONLY
Geometry: See figure.
Boundary Conditions:
2.75 (estimate)
FIRST LAYER Undergarments (Such as cotton)
SECOND LAYER Fleece (polyester)
OUTSIDE LAYER Overcoat (fur or equally insulating material)
The bulk temperature outside is 273K. Your body generates heat and we are going to estimate a
skin temperature of 310.1 K
Intermediate layers are AIR with conductivity = 0.021
To determine the heat flux through the layers.
To plot the temperature distribution.
Problem Description:
We assume that our rod is made of steel (melting point = 1644 K) and the molten metal is grade A
bronze (at its melting point 1323 K)
All units are S.I.
Boundary Conditions:
2) The steel rod is subject to convection with coefficient h = 1 W/m2-K
and bulk temperature TB = 322 K
3) The molten bronze is at its melting point of 1323 K
5) The steel rod (K = 20) has a grip around the end length
of it made of a material with conductivity K = 1
Material Properties:
h = 50 W/(m2-K)
k(steel) = 20 W/m-K
k(grip) = 1 W/m-K
k(bronze) = 47 W/m-K
Objective: To determine the nodal temperature distribution and heat flux properties of the rod.
Dimensions specified below in millimeters
Physical Problem: All electronic components generate heat during the course of their operation.
To ensure optimal working of the component, the generated heat needs to be removed and thus the
electronic component be cooled. This is done by attaching fins to the device which aid in rapid heat
removal to the surroundings.
Problem Description:
For the sake of simplicity we assume that the electronic circuit is made of copper with thermal
conductivity of 386 W/m K. Also it generates heat at the rate of 10e6 W.
The enclosing container is made of steel with thermal conductivity of 20 W/m K.
The fins are made of aluminum with thermal conductivity of 180 W/m K.
Units: Use S.I. units centimeters ONLY
Geometry: See figure. Please note that the heat generating copper is only 3 cm long, and
does not extend to the end of the base!
Boundary conditions: There is convection along all the boundaries except the bottom, which is
insulated. The Film Coefficient is 50 W/m2K and the Bulk Temperature is 20oC.
To determine the nodal temperature distribution.
To determine the maximum value of temperature in the component.
Physical Problem: A composite wall is widely used in cold places to insulate buildings from the
cold outside surroundings. It typically consists of insulating material packed inside a wall. The insulating
material is usually in two layers and is staggered. In this problem we will model a section of such a wall
and determine the heat flux through the wall. This gives an estimate of the amount of heat that needs to
be supplied to maintain the room temperature.
Problem Description:
The outer material of the composite wall is steel with thermal conductivity of 20 W/m K
The insulating material has a thermal conductivity of 0.1 W/m K.
Units: Use S.I. units ONLY
Geometry: See figure.
Boundary Conditions: The bulk temperature on the left of the wall is 220K, and the Film Coefficient
is 200 W/m2K. On the right side the bulk temperature is 300K, and the Film Coefficient is 20 W/m2K.
To determine the heat flux through the given length of the wall.
To plot the temperature distribution.
To generate the vector plot of the heat flux.
Problem Description:
We assume that our phone is a rectangular solid, with filleted corners as they appear in the image.
All units are S.I.
Boundary Conditions:
2) All faces except that of the battery have convective boundary layers.
3) The battery generates heat at a rate of 50 W/m^2/s.
5) Heat is uniformly generated in the bock at a rate of 20 W/m^2.
Material Properties: (Steel)
h = 50 W/(m^2*K)
k(innards) = 10 W/m-K
k(lithium) = 84.8 W/m-K
k(plastic) = 0.18 W/m-K
Objective: To determine the nodal temperature distribution and create contour plot.
1. Cellphone: 0.1143m long x 0.0254m thick x 0.0508m wide (4.5 inch x 1 inch x 2
inch )
2. Battery: Length: 50.8 millimeters Thickness: 10.16 millimeters Width 38.1 millimeters (2
inch x 0.4 inch x 1.5 inch)
Note that the actual dimensions of the battery are: Length: 53 millimeters Width 37 millimeters
Thickness: 10 millimeters (2.087 inch x 1.457 inch x 0.3937 )
We will use approximations because the heat transfer will still display the same general distribution
The dimensions of the drawing are in English because the specs of the phone given on the web are in
English (making the CAD drawing easier to build in English)
Note: .1 inch = 2.54 mm
Also, R0.50in = 0.0127m
Physical Problem: We will model a rectangular slab with a hole in its center. It is maintained at
a constant temperature at one end and there is convective heat transfer at the other end. The top and
bottom of the slab are insulated.
Problem Description:
The slab is made of material with density 5000 kg/m3. Its specific heat is 200 J/Kg K, and thermal
conductivity is 5 W/m K.
The bulk temperature on the right of the slab is 293K, and the Film Coefficient is 100 W/m2K.
On the left side the temperature on the boundary is 773K.
Units: Use S.I. units ONLY
Geometry: The hole in the center has a radius of 1cm. The hole is located at the center of the slab.
See figure for the rest of the dimensions.
Boundary conditions: There is convection along the side walls. The top and the bottom walls are
insulated. The initial temperature of the slab is 293K throughout.
To plot the temperature field in the slab 50 seconds after the boundary conditions have been
suddenly applied to the slab.
To animate the temperature field to see how it develops as time elapses.
Problem Description:
We assume that our pan is a wok made entirely of steel.
All units are S.I.
Boundary Conditions:
1) The top has a convective boundary layer (h = 44 W/m2-K and TB = 293 K).
2) The sides are insulated.
3) The bottom side has constant heat flux over only a portion of the area because the wok is
not centered over the stove coils/flames.
Material Properties: (Approximate the Rice and Vegetables with the values of water for simplicity)
Conductivity (W/m-K)
Density (kg/m3)
Objective: To determine the nodal temperature distribution and create a contour plot of the
temperature gradient within the rice and vegetables.
Assume the circumference of the vocal chords are connected to the larynx and are completely fixed in all
degrees of freedom. The chord material is assumed to be solid and material properties are constant and
To determine the natural frequencies of vibration
To generate animations of these vibrations.
The cylinder that defines the membrane that forms the vocal chords is 2 mm thick. It has a radius of 0.025
The triangular prism that defines the air column in the center of the vocal chords is positioned at (0, -0.025),
has a radius of 0.048 m, set at an angle of 90 and has a depth of 0.015m.
Physical Problem: The reed is as defined below. The model is simpler than a true reed so the
general idea is so determine the behavior of a closely similar physical model using the exact material
model. The frequencies will be similar. It is firmly attached along the back 3cm of its length.
Problem Description:
Assume the reed is connected to the mouthpiece and is fixed in all degrees of freedom. The reed is
solid and has material properties that are constant and isotropic.
To determine the natural frequencies of vibration
To generate animations of these vibrations.
Physical Problem: To determine the natural frequencies of the turbine shown in the figure.
Modal analysis means the calculation of the natural frequencies of a mechanical system. It also involves
the calculation of the mode shapes.
Problem Description:
We will model the turbine as a disk with blades fixed on it ('blisk'=bladed disk). The inner radius of the
hub is 10 cm, outer radius is 40 cm, blade length is 20 cm, blade width is 5 cm, and the thickness is
2.5 mm
Material: Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=210 GPa and has a
Poisson ratio of 0.3 and density of 7.21e3 kg/cubic meter.
Boundary conditions: The blisk is fixed around the inner diameter of the disk.
Loading: The blisk is not loaded.
To determine first three family of modes.
To animate the mode shape of the first 3 modes.
You are required to hand in print outs for the above. You don't have to hand in the animation files
but you will have to give at least 3 captured frames of the animation for each of the three modes.
Physical Problem: The wing is uniform along its length with cross sectional area as defined
below. It is firmly attached to the body of the airplane at one end.
Problem Description:
The chord of the airfoil has dimensions and orientation as shown in the figure.
The wing is made of low density polyethylene with a Young's modulus of 38e3 psi, Poisson's ration
of 0.3, and a density of 8.3E-5 lbf-sec2/in4.
Assume the side of the wing connected to the plane is completely fixed in all degrees of freedom. The wing
is solid and material properties are constant and isotropic.