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Automation and Accident Reporting Using ARM Processor in Bikes

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International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE)

ISSN: 2279-0500
Special Issue: pp- 425-429

Automation and Accident Reporting Using ARM Processor

in Bikes
Ms. V Jeyalakshmi Devi1, Krishna V S2, Sam Sanders S3, Santhosh Kumar S4
Faculty1, UG Scholar2,3,4 Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai-119.

Every time when a person starts riding a bike it is
advised to check for quantity of fuel available,
turn off the indicators/head lights if not necessary
and primarily wear a helmet for safety. In order
to enhance the safety and comfort while riding
two wheelers, it is necessary to monitor the bikes
status automatically and use the stored energy
effectively and efficiently. Normally much
technical advancement are designed for four
wheelers whereas the two wheelers which are also
the major mode of transport is not given the same
importance. So this paper aims to put forth a safe
and energy efficient system that can be installed in
bikes. The safety system includes Anti-crash
warning system which helps to intimate when an
accident occurs to a predefined contact with the
help of the GPS and GSM. It also includes an
LDR for automatic switching ON/OFF of the
headlights and a fuel lever sensor for numeric
indication of the fuel level. By this it is ensured
that any accident is reported within a specific time
and rescue action can be implemented right away.

a automation model that when implemented can

report to a pre-specified contact in case of an major
accident, along with this the system under
consideration also aims at introducing a new way fuel
level display for the riders convenience and
automatic switch ON/OFF of headlights of a bike.
This is done using Embedded Technology,
which is now in its prime and the wealth of
Knowledge available is mind-blowing. Embedded
System is a combination of hardware and software.
Embedded technology plays a major role in
integrating the various functions associated with it.
This needs to tie up the various sources of the
Department in a closed loop system.

Bikes have become the most used form of
transport now-a-days. The Indian two-wheeler (2W)
industry has shown a strong volume growth over the
last two-years, having grown by 25% in 2010-11 and
27% in 2012-13 to reach 13.3 million units. This
strong double-digit growth has been driven by
multiple factors. In the rate at which the usage of
bikes increased the accidents that occur to the riders
has also increased in the last few decades. In case if
an accident occurs then the primary need is to give
first aid to the victim and get them to a hospital
immediately if necessary. This is feasible in a place
with frequent human intervention on the contrary if
there are only scarce human movement in the place
then death becomes inevitable in case of major
accidents. In order to resolve this we hereby propose

Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014

425 | P a g e

International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE)

ISSN: 2279-0500
Special Issue: pp- 425-429

Fig 1 Circuit Diagram

Fig3, Fig 4, Fig 5, Fig 6 all belong to sensing

vibration shocks that gets produced when an accident
occurs. The former two show us the vibration sensor
picking up the input and GSM initializing to send a


In the circuit connections shown in figure 1,
8 pins from the port 1 are interfaced to the LCD
which forms the user interface section in the output.
There are three parameters that are to be monitored,
firstly the LDR which monitors the intensity of
ambient light, delivers the measured value to pin 11.
Based on the value received from the LDR the ARM
controls automatic switching ON/OFF of the
headlight which is connected to pin 38 by comparing
it with the threshold value already provided in it.
Secondly a fuel level sensor connected to pin 13 of
the ARM continuously senses the fuel available in
the tank and displays it as a numeric value using the
LCD. Lastly a vibration sensor which acts as a
medium to detect shock waves produced during
accidents feeds its value to pin 15 where the
processor recognizes whether it is a major accident
and in turn fetches the respective location using a
GPS modem connected to pin 34, the location that is
being fetched is transmitted to a predefined contact
with the help of a GSM modem with its receiving and
transmitting ends connected to pins 19 and 21

message. The latter two is the GSM sending message

and it getting delivered at the receiver end in a
mobile phone.



The following circuits discussed below from fig
2 to 7 shows the various simulated outputs of the
project under discussion. With these the clear picture
of the function of the project can be obtained.
Fig 2 shows the LDR picking up low intensity of
the ambient light after which the headlights are
turned on automatically. Fig 3 shows the display of
fuel level being monitored on a regular basis.

Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014

Fig.2 LDR output

Fig.3 Fuel level output

426 | P a g e

International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE)

ISSN: 2279-0500
Special Issue: pp- 425-429

Fig.7 Received GPS location

Fig 7 is the receiver end of the module it

contains the GPS co ordinates of the location where
the accident is occurring. This GPS location can be
used to look up for the name of the received
Fig.4 Vibration
ration Sensing output

Fig.5 message sending output

Fig 8 Block Diagram

Fig.6 Message sent output

Advanced RISC Machine (ARM): The ARM

processor in fig 8 is the main component of the
circuit which controls all the operation that is taking
place. The ARM used here (LPC2129) is very much
self sustained system. It consists of 16kb on chip
static RAM, 128kb on chip flash program memory,
64 pins(shown in fig 9) of which 46 are assigned for
I/O pins, 4 are for 10 bit ADC, multiple serial
interface including two UARTs, fast I2C and 2 SPIs.
The processor is fed with two power supplies one for
operating CPU, ranging from 1.65-1.95V
and the
other is I/O power supply, ranging from 3.0-3.6V.
ARM there is embedded trace macrocell which
enables non-intrusive
intrusive high speed real time tracing of
the instruction execution. Apart from these it also has
two inbuilt 32 bit timers, a PWM unit, a real time
clock and a watchdog timer.

Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014

427 | P a g e

International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE)

ISSN: 2279-0500
Special Issue: pp- 425-429

very wide spectral response and ambient temperature

Global Positioning System(GPS): The Global
Positioning System can be used to find the location of
a person, place or a placee anywhere around the globe.
This system shown in fig 11 fetches information from
the various satellites revolving around the earth,
figure out the distance between each, and use this
information to deduce the location. This operation is
based on a simple mathematical principle called
trilateration. It corresponds to the location in terms of
latitude and longitude co-ordinates.

Fig.9 ARM processor

Fig 10. Vibration sensor, Fuel level sensor and Light

Dependent Resistor

Vibration Sensor: Vibration sensor shown in fig.
10(a) is a type of transducer which is used to detect
the shock waves that occurs during an accident and
converts it into an electrical signal which is
transferred to the controller for further processing. IIt
has a very high linearity, a sensitive axis in the plane
of chip and a 22KHz frequency structure.
Fuel level Sensor: The Fuel level sensor shown in
fig. 10(b) is used to measure the level of the liquid
inside the tank. Depending
pending upon the fuel level the
voltage output of the sensor changes. Readings are
very stable and even a change of 1mm can be
accurately measured and also it fits into a wide range
of pipe diameter.
Light Dependent Resistor: LDR shown in fig. 10(c)
senses the intensity of light and gives out equivalent
value in terms of resistance. It is of low cost, has a

Fig 11 GPS Modem

Global System for Mobile Communication

(GSM): A GSM modem is a wireless modem that
works with a GSM wireless network. A wireless
modem behaves like a dial-up
up modem. The main
difference between the two is that a dial-up
sends and receives data through a fixed telephone
line while
hile a wireless modem sends and receives data
through radio waves. The working of GSM modem is
based on commands, the commands always start with
AT (which means ATtention) and finish with a <CR>


Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014

428 | P a g e

International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE)

ISSN: 2279-0500
Special Issue: pp- 425-429

In this competitive world, all the

automobiles have been modernized and advanced
using automation. This automation has played an
important role in improvising the comfort and safety
of the automobiles. This paper aims at achieving
more safety while driving by implementing the
immediate reporting of accidents that occurs, ensures
the optimum usage of battery and provides an
accurate measurement of fuel level. The processor
ARM7 LPC2921 is the modernized integrated chip
that has brought automation into picture. The
proposed model of ARM processor has several
distinct advantages over the existing technology.
Beyond what has been proposed, this system can be
advanced to facilitate real time monitoring of
vehicles exact location, provide voice aid to the user
with the information about various routes for a
destination and periodically update about the various
parameters such as maximum distance that can be
travelled with the remaining fuel, temperature of the
engine and appropriate functioning of various parts
thus ensuring a safe journey.

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Safe Path Planning Strategy for Bike Net
2013 IEEE
[2]. Chih-Ching Hsiao, Hsin-Tsung Ho, Pan-Chia
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[3]. www.microchip.com
[4]. www.arminterfacing.com

Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014

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