Automation and Accident Reporting Using ARM Processor in Bikes
Automation and Accident Reporting Using ARM Processor in Bikes
Automation and Accident Reporting Using ARM Processor in Bikes
ISSN: 2279-0500
Special Issue: pp- 425-429
Every time when a person starts riding a bike it is
advised to check for quantity of fuel available,
turn off the indicators/head lights if not necessary
and primarily wear a helmet for safety. In order
to enhance the safety and comfort while riding
two wheelers, it is necessary to monitor the bikes
status automatically and use the stored energy
effectively and efficiently. Normally much
technical advancement are designed for four
wheelers whereas the two wheelers which are also
the major mode of transport is not given the same
importance. So this paper aims to put forth a safe
and energy efficient system that can be installed in
bikes. The safety system includes Anti-crash
warning system which helps to intimate when an
accident occurs to a predefined contact with the
help of the GPS and GSM. It also includes an
LDR for automatic switching ON/OFF of the
headlights and a fuel lever sensor for numeric
indication of the fuel level. By this it is ensured
that any accident is reported within a specific time
and rescue action can be implemented right away.
Bikes have become the most used form of
transport now-a-days. The Indian two-wheeler (2W)
industry has shown a strong volume growth over the
last two-years, having grown by 25% in 2010-11 and
27% in 2012-13 to reach 13.3 million units. This
strong double-digit growth has been driven by
multiple factors. In the rate at which the usage of
bikes increased the accidents that occur to the riders
has also increased in the last few decades. In case if
an accident occurs then the primary need is to give
first aid to the victim and get them to a hospital
immediately if necessary. This is feasible in a place
with frequent human intervention on the contrary if
there are only scarce human movement in the place
then death becomes inevitable in case of major
accidents. In order to resolve this we hereby propose
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Vibration Sensor: Vibration sensor shown in fig.
10(a) is a type of transducer which is used to detect
the shock waves that occurs during an accident and
converts it into an electrical signal which is
transferred to the controller for further processing. IIt
has a very high linearity, a sensitive axis in the plane
of chip and a 22KHz frequency structure.
Fuel level Sensor: The Fuel level sensor shown in
fig. 10(b) is used to measure the level of the liquid
inside the tank. Depending
pending upon the fuel level the
voltage output of the sensor changes. Readings are
very stable and even a change of 1mm can be
accurately measured and also it fits into a wide range
of pipe diameter.
Light Dependent Resistor: LDR shown in fig. 10(c)
senses the intensity of light and gives out equivalent
value in terms of resistance. It is of low cost, has a
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