Issue 149
Issue 149
Issue 149
ISSN 1837-0136
PARTS & MACHINERY Issue 149 Wednesday 30 March 2011
AUTHORISED DEALER FOR Your free weekly guide to life in and around locally first!
The Better Life Canowindra “How do you
measure up?’ campaign has finished with
MOWERS, TRACTORS, RTVS, the end of the swimming season.
Registrations for this years’ program were
STATIONARY ENGINES & GENERATORS strong with 110 people signing up for the
& campaign. Canowindra Health staff
involved in running the program Sue, Ash,
Angela and Julie would like to say a “BIG”
HAY MOWERS, RAKES & BALERS thank you to Canowindra residents who
continue to support the program and its
COME IN AND SEE THE RANGE ideals by joining up or finding their own
way to exercise regularly.
Mill Street CANOWINDRA A special thank you goes to Jarrod and Lisa
P: 02 6344 1208 F: 02 6344 1845 at the pool for being so accommodating
M: 0427 247 736 and allowing the classes to run over closing
time. To their livewire sons Connor and
Cabonne Council has accepted a
Mitchell, thanks for being so helpful with
getting out and putting away our
Glow: The Balloon Glow & Night quotation from a consultant to prepare a
Markets will be held Saturday 9 April equipment and being goalies for our water-
long term plan for the future of the polo games. We so enjoyed your energy
at the Sports Oval from 5pm. Entry is
Canowindra Pool.
$5 per adult & $10 per family of 4. and cheeky natures!
The successful firm, Lantz Marshall, was To Gaskill Greens and Jo Gaigals, thank
Website: The BEC is running 2 day one of nine to submit quotations to
web development courses - If you you for helping us promote our health
undertake the project which will look at a message “Go for 2 serves of fruit and 5
can use Microsoft Word you can do number of options for the development
this course! Participants MUST have a serves of vegetables every day”. The
ABN to register. Cowra Sat 2 & Sat of the pool and ways to generate more recipes published during the program
9 April 2011 9-3:30pm. Bathurst (oruse. More information regarding Lantz came from Healthy Food Fast, part of the
Orange depending on demand) Fri Marshall will be published next week, campaign, and recipes from this book will
6 May & Fri 20 May 9-3:30pm following their meeting with Cabonne continue throughout the year to remind
To register please visit: Council Wednesday 30 March. you to eat healthily and happily. Thanks A public consultation process will be part also to Lodge Canowindra for managing
workshop-registration-form.html of the process, which is expected to take the financial side of the program.
Chamber: the new executive commit- about 10 weeks. Next year will probably see changes to the
tee for the Canowindra Business The study will investigate the structural program to fit in with staffing, whilst still
Chamber comprises: President David condition of the pool and its amenities striving to deliver a program to meet every-
Cullane; Vice President Nick Carne;and examine whether it is more suitable one’s needs. During 2011, the Canowindra
Secretary and financially viable to carry out
Jo Gaigals; Treasurer Health team will also be working on a
renovations or construct a new pool on
Graham Rice. The next meeting of the proposal to develop the top oval with a two
Chamber will be held Wednesday 20 another site. metre wide cement walking/cycling track
April at 7pm in the CWA Rooms. It will also provide costings for any and fitness stations. This will provide an
options included in the plan.
Filming: Essential Media & Entertain- environment which will allow all age groups
The decision to prepare the long-term
ment have submitted an application to to exercise more easily and safely.
FilmCentral NSW to shoot a documen-plan follows a meeting at Canowindra Many community groups and councillors
tary in Canowindra on Friday 25 where the community asked the Council have received information about this idea
April. The documentary is titled to defer plans for a major refurbishment and have responded very positively to it. If
until an overall plan was developed for
“Australia: The Land that Time Forgot” anyone in the community or community
and will focus on the fossil history
the pool’s future. group would like to know more about this
around Canowindra. Essential Media After obtaining a $100,000 Government project, please contact Julie Middleton at
& Entertainment will have 2 crew grant, the Council had allocated $350,000 the Canowindra Health Centre on
members on site. There will be no in its current Budget to upgrade the 02 6344 1314.
disruption to traffic or business as
amenities block, build a shade structure
usual for this project. and erect additional lighting.
Mozzies: a reminder to cover up andCabonne Mayor Bob Dowling said he was
prevent mosquito bites. A number ofdelighted there had been such a strong
viruses are transmitted by mozzies response from interested consultants and
and prevention is definitely betterhe looked forward to Lantz Marshall
than cure. So when you’re outside in
working with the Canowindra community
the evenings, wear long loose fitting
to achieve the best outcome.
clothes & spray with herbal deterrent
“This plan will provide Council with vital
or a DEET based repellent. guidance and direction when it considers
Moorbel: the new executive committee
the future of the swimming pool,” he
for the Moorbel Hall comprises: said.
President - Pat Grimshaw; Vice
President Michael Britt; Secretary
Jackie Gilbert; Treasurer Warwick
Bowd. For Hall bookings please
The Country Mile...
contact Warwick on 02 6344 2025. dinner on the balcony
Daylight: savings ends this Sunday 5 courses for $75
3 April at 3am when clocks are put
BACK one hour.
Roast: dinners $10-$12 every Sunday
Monday 11 April
at The Junction Hotel. Great value, Local seasonal produce &
with a range of local wines stocked traditional Australian cooking 56 Gaskill Street Canowindra
and cold beers on tap. with a modern twist 02 6344 1009
To the editor... Following a meeting with Canowindra tasteCanowindra
I was a visitor to Canowindra on the Health Centre staff and interested men in
42 Ferguson Street Canowindra
weekend 12th March and attended a December 2006, Canowindra Men’s Shed
couple of most enjoyable and well was established in the old Scout’s Hall in
seats available at the table
organised functions. the first half of 2007.
However, I was very disappointed on Now, with over 20 members the
Canowindra Men’s Shed is a place for men
this Friday night
my morning walk of Gaskill Street to booking essential
find the area so in need of a good (and women) of all ages to meet, share
clean! From the ATM to the Blatchford knowledge, socialise and just get out of
Street corner, the place is really the house for some friendly support. It’s a new exhibition of works
bad—the birds can be kept out with safe environment for men to discuss
issues with each other, get involved in
by Joanne Kundel
bird wire or a good builder. I’m projects to increase self confidence, pride
hoping you will encourage the owners and satisfaction of achievement. Breakfast from 8-11am
of these buildings to have a good
look and a clean up before more Canowindra is part of the Independent
Men’s Shed Alliance which includes
Saturday & Sunday
visitors are ‘put off’.
Jan Banks, Kingsford
Grenfell, Cootamundra, Temora and
Boorowa. Every four months
10 tickets left for
representatives from each shed meet at an Steph Miller & Winter
The Annual General meeting of the
alternate venue for an Alliance meeting, Station on Sat 2 Apr
which allows members of other sheds to
Canowindra Historical Society & Museum share skills and ideas, and encourages a
Inc will be held at 11am on Tuesday bit of friendly rivalry. This Saturday men
5 April in the CWA Hall where all will be travelling to Boorowa for the or phone 02 6344 2332
members are invited to attend. Alliance meeting. WATER REFILLING STATIONS
The meeting will be followed by a short One of Canowindra’s Men’s Shed’s Cabonne Council will be doing its bit for the
lunchtime talk by Kirsten Davis of Sydney, successful projects was to build a “Touch & environment by installing water bottle refill-
who will explain her role as newly Feel Wall” for Holman Place Special School ing stations in six of its towns and
appointed Museums Adviser to the in Cowra. Built for a fraction of the cost of villages to reduce reliance on bottled water.
Regional Sustainable Collections Project, a a commercially produced item, it allows In a joint project with Central Tablelands
joint initiative of Cabonne, Blayney and students to experience different textures Water, the refilling stations will be placed in
Orange Councils. Alison Russell of and provides tactile stimulation. The Molong, Canowindra, Eugowra, Manildra,
Orange City Council will accompany her. Canowindra Men’s Shed do take small jobs Cudal and Cargo over the next five years.
Members are asked to bring something on commission, but have stringent criteria Mayor Bob Dowling said the stations would
for lunch to share at the CWA Hall. in accepting jobs so they are not taking help to encourage people to switch from
business away from local tradesmen. buying bottled water to refilling water
If you are interested in becoming a bottles with filtered tap water. “Hopefully it
member of Canowindra’s Men’s Shed and will be an environmental and financial win
share in the vision: “To enjoy each others for everyone,” he said.
company, promote self worth and work “Australians spend half a billion dollars a
ethics while developing and sharing skills year on bottled water and research
for the benefit of both the individual and provided by CTW shows that producing and
the community”, then call into the Shed delivering a litre of bottled water can emit
Monday, Wednesday or Friday from hundreds of times more greenhouse gases
9am-1pm. Have a cup of tea, sit and chat than a litre of tap water.
to the members...and who knows: you may “Australia’s annual use of bottled water
just find some new friends, learn some- generates more than 60,000 tonnes of
thing (or teach THEM something) new and greenhouse gases, the same as 13,000 cars
feel good about yourself. generate each year.”
The Council will share the cost of installing
the refilling stations, estimated at $4000-
$5000, with Central Tablelands Water and
will develop a five-year rolling program to
carry out the project under its Local Area
Improvement Program.
Best mechanic in town!
with personalised service
& honest advice
+ PLUS +
NRMA Insurance
Business & Personal
Thursday 31st March 10am RTA inspections
Friday 1st April 10am Mechanical repairs
Saturday 2nd April 6pm
Sunday 3rd April 11am 02 6344 1075
at Canowindra Public School Hall
Gold coin donation please
Contact Julia Andrews 6344 2670
at rear AH 0429 441 075
With only 10 days left before the 17th
This Australian National Balloon Champion-
week’s ships and the Canowindra Challenge,
Canowindra is well prepared for the event
Specials at which will begin 9 April. The skies above
our picturesque village will be a carnival of
colour with up to 30 balloons flying each you!
Local Fuji apples $2.50kg morning and afternoon, weather
Sebago potatoes 4kg bag $5 permitting.
A highlight of the event will be the
Local cucumbers $3kg Balloon Glow on Saturday night 9 April,
Fennel bulbs $2.50ea where tethered balloons will light up the WILL BE
Phone orders: 6344 1011 evening in a spectacular display choreo-
LUNCH 12 noon to 2.30pm
Pool comp every Thursday - 8pm start
DINNER 6.00pm to 8.30pm