Research Updates 2019 - Saving The Underground Bibles - Dr. Miles R. Jones

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Research Updates 2019 – Saving the Underground Bibles – Dr. Miles R.

The Research Expedition to save the Underground Bibles proved far more successful than I would have
believed possible. The emphasis now shifts to the analysis of the manuscripts obtained, the search for
more Hebrew manuscripts, and the dissemination of that information to our clients.

My premise for making this trip sprang from my translation of the Hebrew Gospels from
Catalonia which revealed many of the differences between the Hebrew and the Greek Gospels. Then I
became aware of another manuscript – the Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew – that deserved analysis, as it
turns out they are both from the same original Hebrew source. Not only that but I have been able to
prove that the Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia came from a first century source. [Sons of Zion vs Sons
of Greece has the detailed analysis.] Then I discovered yet another manuscript of the Gospels in
Romaunt which showed every indication of being translated from the Hebrew Gospels as well. The
Hebrew Gospels have been targeted for extinction but that first line of attack has not succeeded. The
second line of attack is to totally discredit their very existence, not to mention their validity.

So, having all this evidence in hand I calculated that The Hebrew Gospels had indeed survived
both in Hebrew and in translation from Hebrew into the languages of the Underground Church, the Neo-
Messianic Movement that resurged in the Middle Ages in Europe, It was put down. Its people and their
Scriptures burned. Nonetheless, it was not destroyed. It just went further underground. Those
manuscripts which had not been destroyed were being ignored.

The Hebrew Gospels were deemed a myth, they never existed. They were banned and burned
whenever possible. They were forbidden! [Of course, if they were a myth that would not be needed.]
Those that popped up from time to time were considered nothing more than translations from the
Greek or Latin, heretical as well [Again, if they were a direct translation they would not be heretical.] In
any case, they were not worth studying. So the survival of The Hebrew Gospels has been ignored! My
brief 30-day Expedition uncovered numerous manuscripts of The Hebrew Gospels and translations of
the Hebrew into Romaunt and Catalan!

Research Update #1

Dec 6, 2019 Manchester, England –

Day 3 of a 30-day Expedition to Save the Underground Bibles!

I arrived in England Dec 4. The first day we drove north to meet with Dr. Richard S. Harvey, an
expert Messianic Judaism (He is a Messianic Jew himself). He has worked for years to reconcile the
mainstream Christian Church with the Messianic Church. We did a wonderful video interview with him
on post-supersessionism among other topics. That has already been posted on our YouTube channel
“Writing of God.” Just go on YouTube and search for Writing of God.

My first full day in country we went to the Cambridge University Library. I was assisted by a very
good friend whom I met for the first time, Wayne Kranz a fellow Hebrew Roots congregant from
Manchester, England who has set up the first leg of this journey. This entire trip is based on the premise
that documentary evidence of the Hebrew Manuscript Tradition, when not destroyed, was being
ignored. After all, the Hebrew Gospels were forbidden to Christians became of their foundational belief
in Greek Primacy of Scripture.

In other words, Greek Primacists’ central belief is that God has provided the most authoritative
Scripture in Greek, so all else either did not exist or can be safely ignored as a translation from the
Greek, unimportant in any case. Jewish scholars were no better since it was forbidden to them as well.
The Hebrew Gospels are considered to be the source of their oppression by Christians and a corruption
of their beliefs.

Considering this prohibition on both sides of the aisle, the only scribes and scholars preserving and
recopying the Hebrew Manuscripts of the Gospels were Messianics. They were the only souls willing to
risk being burned at the stake to preserve the Hebrew Gospels. Whenever we find a Gospel in Hebrew it
is a marker of the presence of a Messianic community for which it was preserved!

As the Messianic Movement spread the new converts were mostly Gentile now but always and
everywhere they were devoted to the restoration of the first century Messianic Church. So the Hebrew
Gospels were also translated into the vernacular languages of early Europe, like Romaunt, Catalan, and
Provencal. My premise was correct. There is much more documentation of the survival of The Hebrew
Gospels than anyone expected. Of course, mainstream of Christian theologians believe there is none at
all. That is a pretty low bar.

At Cambridge we found a trove of Hebrew Gospels previously unheard of!

We have a complete, and excellent, digital reproduction of the following 4 manuscripts:

1) The entire New Testament in Hebrew (except Revelation)

2) The Revelation of Saint John in Hebrew
3) Acts of the Apostles, Romans, 1st & 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians all in Hebrew
4) The Gospel of John in Hebrew
5) The Hebrew Gospels of Matthew, Mark. Luke, and John in a beautiful Hebrew manuscript

They were recovered from Cochin, India in Kerala Province. These were discovered in 1806 at the
synagogue of the Black Jews of Cochin – the territory of St. Thomas’ missionary work in the first century
AD). This is a supremely important find once authenticated! In any case, it is convincing evidence of
the survival of an important enclave of the Messianic Church along with their Hebrew Gospels, Hebrew
Epistles and the entire New Testament in Hebrew.

According to Eusebius, “The Gospel according to Matthew had been taken to India by the
Apostle Bartholomew [1st century]… written in ‘Hebrew script’ and preserved there until the visit of
Pantaenus [c. 190 AD].” “Pantaenus brought [a copy of] Hebrew Matthew with him on his return from
India to Alexandria.” There, it was available in the time of Origin [3rd century] who compiled his famous
Hexapla - a comparison of all the Hebrew and Greek Gospels extant at the time.

Evidently, The Cochin Hebrew Gospels were preserved and expanded upon as the Epistles of
Paul became widespread. Historical evidence indicates the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistles of James
and Jude the brothers of Yeshua, the Epistles of Peter and the Book of Revelation were originally written
in Hebrew. Others were written in Greek and translated into Hebrew for compilation with the Hebrew
Matthew was originally written in Hebrew and Luke as well, although when Luke was translated into
Greek more material was added so Luke is kind of a hybrid. Mark and John appear to be originally
written in Greek but early fathers cite a Hebrew translation of both John and Acts, for example, in the
library at Caesaria in the 4th century, where many Jews studied them and were converted. So early
translations from the Greek were being made to compile them with the Hebrew parts of the N.T.

We now have a complete manuscript of the New Testament in Hebrew and multiple Hebrew
manuscripts of all the Gospels!!! All this from the previously undiscovered Cochin manuscripts!

An important note here, after Cambridge I went to Manchester John Rylands Library. There I recovered
a fifth manuscript from the Cochin Collection. This one was a very beautiful, manuscript of all four
Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in Hebrew. I am calling it the Cochin Gospels. The calligraphy
of the Cochin Gospels is far better done, very precise, almost looks like a printed book, truly impressive
and easy to read. This sort of care implies the importance of the manuscript and its preservation to the
Messianic community who copied it.

Keep in mind that the Cochin Gospels have never been reproduced or digitized nor were they even listed
in the catalogue of the John Rylands Library! This would never have been discovered if we had not
actually gone there. We have been in touch with the curator of the Rylands Library for some weeks
which is how I knew a Hebrew manuscript was there. I did not know what it was until I saw it.
It was a fabulous moment even after the first discoveries above!

Even before I left for Europe I had obtained copies of the Epistles of James & Jude in Hebrew from the
British Library along with 1st Peter in Hebrew and the Hazon manuscript of Revelation, only the first
seven pages of Revelation, also in Hebrew. Now we have the complete text of Revelation in Hebrew!
Again, we want to wait for authentication before we get too excited. Greek Primacists will always claim
these manuscripts are simply translations from the Greek or Latin. Now, however, due to my initial
translation of the Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) we know how the
Hebrew Gospels differ from the Greek Gospels and can compare these newly recovered manuscripts to
see if they match those markers.

Research Update #2

Dr. Miles R. Jones – Paris, France – Dec 13, 2019 –

day 10 of a 30 day Expedition to Save the Underground Bibles.

In Paris I have purchased a reproduction of one of the most beautiful manuscripts I have ever
seen. It is the New Testament complete in Catalan! The illumination is gorgeous. This is a world-class
Bible. As far as the historical evidence shows, this was definitely translated from the Hebrew Gospels.
There is plenty of historical attestation and analysis to prove that fact. Such a conclusion has been
dismissed by critics, but it is much harder for critics to dismiss when we now have the Hebrew Gospels in
our hands, as well as vernacular versions that were translated from The Hebrew Gospels, like the
complete New Testament in Catalan.

You may remember in my fund-raising letter I bemoaned the fact that an entire collection of the most
ancient manuscripts of the Waldensians, held at Cambridge Library, had disappeared! The Waldensians
were the oldest Messianic-Apostolic Church on the continent, older than the Roman Church, of which
they were never a part. For this reason they were declared heretic and expelled from Rome. They
moved en masse to Northern Italy in the area of the Piedmont, particularly in Lombardy. The preface of
the Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia mentions the Christians in Lombardy had the Hebrew Gospels with
them! That is an extraordinary witness to their devotion to the Received Text.

They took their Hebrew Gospels with them to Lombardy along with the oldest compilation of the Word,
the Itala Bible in Latin. This is the Received Text - later put into Greek by Lucian of Antioch centuries
before Rome began making it’s own versions of Scripture. For the last two thousand years there has
been this standoff between the original Messianic-Apostolic Church (in N. Italy, S. France & Spain &
other places) which preserved the Received Text - and the Roman Church - which did everything in its
power to massacre the Waldensians, and other Neo-Messianic groups like the Cathars in France and
Conversos in Spain, and burn their Bibles. The survival of these manuscripts tells their story.
They were not martyred in vain!

In any case, finding out about the missing Waldensian manuscript collection was at the top of my list.
At least I wanted to know what happened to them. I inquired of the Curator of the Manuscript
Collection, Frank Bowles, and got the whole story. This is reason for great joy! The Waldensian
Collection, missing for centuries, has been found!!! A previous Curator, Henry Bradshaw, found them.
Because they were a different size binding they were placed on different shelves in the archives then the
other Waldensian documents – and apparently - with no evil intent, simply forgotten! Many have
heard of the disappearance of this oldest collection of Waldensian manuscripts but few know of their
rediscovery. One of these manuscripts is a mostly complete New Testament (in Romaunt), the oldest
N.T. in the Waldensian archives anywhere. It has never been reproduced, so almost no one has seen it
for about 500 years! I am now having it reproduced for our Messianic archives – for study and
distribution, and to aid in the recovery of the Received Text.

The oldest New Testament of the Waldensians has been recovered!

You all are responsible for that happening… it would not have happened without your support!


Put yourself on the email list for Research Updates by going to to the donation
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our clients now, rather than in ten years. If you could donate any amount on a monthly basis – it will
put you on our Research Updates list to receive cutting edge discovery and analysis like this as it
happens, not years later. Or you can go to Paypal,, put the promo code “Bibles”
on the notation provided.

Research Update #3

Day 15 of a 30-day Expedition to Save the Underground Bibles

Dec 18, 2019 on a train from Rome to Venice

I have spent the last few days at the Vatican Library where some momentous things happened.
I got to examine the original manuscript of the Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia, Vat. Ebr. 100 which I
have been translating for the past several years. There is much you can tell from the original
manuscript. There are sometimes notes that were not included with the reproduction. The binding is
important for dating purposes. This was very useful to me. I am not going into the details of medieval
book binding but considering doing a YouTube video on them. I will let you know. Also got to study Vat.
Ebr. 101 which is the Vatican copy of the Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew. I ordered a digital reproduction
of that manuscript. Some of the pages in the Vat Ebr 100 were ink-stained and parts impossible to read.
I ordered an infrared scan of them. That should allow me to read those important pages. Such a scan
has to be done from the original document. I found what appears to be a surprising medieval
commentary on the Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew. That might turn out to be extremely important but I
won’t know until I translate it from Hebrew. It was surely done by a Messianic believer, who else would
wish to analyze it? We have so little direct commentary from the Messianic Church. This may help a
great deal.

I realize that I have not shared with you some of the personal moments of my trip so I thought I
would do so now. There are only a handful of scholars worldwide who have studied the Hebrew
Gospels. At the Vatican Library I met one of them, Dr. Delio Proverbio (author of Vangeli Ebraico,
Hebrew Gospels). He was suddenly there as I was explaining the importance of the manuscript to the
Vatican staff, who were gracious and helpful beyond belief, and he was very interested what I was
saying. I asked his name and when he told me I was stunned. I had read his work. I was looking at a
fragment of a new Hebrew Gospel in Vat. Ebr. 530 (fragment 11) which is really the famous Vatican junk
box of fragments. This is what I mean about examining the original manuscript. I have a copy of these
pages, the first page of Luke and John and a couple of other pages but in the original they are all on the
same page. It is roughly an 11x17 inch page with the two title pages on one side and the two other
pages on the back. That means it is part of a “quire.” Say you have several 11x17 pages like that folded
down the middle and laced together and numbered. Then this quire is stacked up with all the other
quires and bound into the covers of a book. Anyway the Vat Ebr 530 (fragment 11) was part of such a
quire so it was surely part of a complete Hebrew Gospel. This single page of the manuscript is different.
It has the name of Yeshua and the name of Yehovah with all the correct vowel pointing. (Hebrew
indicates the vowels by points usually below the consonant. These are often left off because Hebrew
speakers don’t really need them.) Thankfully, in this case they are there putting to rest the argument of
how the sacred name of God is pronounced and whether it was spoken by Messianics or not. (Some did,
some didn’t)

In any case, I expressed to Dr. Proverbio the importance of this manuscript (from fragment 11
above), to my mind, the most important manuscript in their entire Hebrew manuscript collection which
I have reviewed in its entirety to make sure I did not miss anything of importance. Something like 652
manuscripts. He agreed with me about its importance, also that there were surely other manuscripts of
the Hebrew Gospels out there. We looked at all the miscellaneous fragments in the Hebrew Collection
at the Vatican Library.

Then, on the second day, I brought up the question of whether it might be in the Secret
Archives. Yes, they exist, nor is their existence at secret. I said they might be there because they were
considered heretical. He replied with a smile, “They still are!” There is a new policy of openness in the
Vatican. My guidance is that if Yehovah wants those manuscripts released and he has paved the way,
the one willing to knock on the door and ask for them will receive them. I asked Dr. Proverbio if he
considered the manuscript (exemplified by fragment 11) important enough to go into the Secret
Archives and find out. He said definitely! He agreed to do so and let me know what he finds.
He said getting in and out was an involved process, clearly a pain in the backside. I will be in contact
with him. I am sure he would not do this if it were not possible to release things from the Secret
Archives. I imagine it is a bureaucratic hassle. This is what I planned to do all along, knock on the door
and ask to see any manuscripts they have yet to release. So, I accomplished that. We will see what
comes of it.

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