Ulti Board
Ulti Board
Ulti Board
1) Experiment Overview
NI Multisim is a powerful schematic capture and simulation environment that engineers,
students, and professors can use to simulate electronic circuits and prototype Printed
Circuit Boards (PCBs). This article shows you how to capture, simulate, and layout your
first design in Multisim. The example circuit in the article is an amplifier circuit. This
non-inverting operational amplifier configuration consists of one active component (the
operational amplifier) and two passive resistor components that will be used to complete
the feedback network to provide gain in this circuit. In preparation for this we need to
take into consideration that sources (power, signal) and ground are virtual components,
therefore, they cannot be transferred to Ultiboard
2) Equipment
Circuit Design Suite 13.0Multisim 11.0
3) Procedures
Part A: Transferring to PCB Layout
Now ready to transfer the Multisim design to Ultiboard for PCB layout. In preparation for
this we need to take into consideration that sources (power, signal) and ground are virtual
components, therefore, they cannot be transferred to Ultiboard. Also, all components
must include footprint information. It is a good practice to replace power sources and
ground with connectors
1. Draw the schematic circuit as shown in the next figure:
Figure 1. Schematic
3. Click OK to accept all the actions listed in the Import Netlist window. Ultiboard
will create a default board outline. Note that all the parts are placed outside of the
board outline and the yellow lines (ratsnests) identifying the connections between
For this exercise we will use a 2x2 inch board. Follow these steps to resize the board outline.
4. Locate the Design Toolbox on the left side of the screen.
5. Select the Layers tab and double-click Board Outline to enable this layer, as
shown below.
Figure 8. 3D Preview.
5) Discussion
a) Ultiboard
Electronic Printed Circuit Board Layout program which is part of a suite of
circuit design programs, along with NI Multisim.
Interface enables efficient layout and routing of PCB design.