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Eagle - Schematic Demo (Part 1) : 1.control Panel

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Eagle _ Schematic Demo [Part 1]

In order to design a PCB, you need to complete the following steps:
1. Create a schematic sheet & add components
2. Add nets to the schematic (connect components)
3. Check schematic (Electrical Rule Check or ERC)
4. Create a board outline
5. Position components on the board
6. Route tracks between the components
7. Check board (Design Rule Check or DRC)
8. Pour copper to fill empty spaces on the board
9. (optional) Add text legends to PCB layout
10. Perform Final Checks.

There are three main parts of an eagle project

1.Control Panel

Set The directory , Options->Directories

Create New Project, File->New->Project.

Rename The Project, Right-click->Rename

Save The Project, File->Save as

2.Schematic File

Create New Schematics, Project name ->New->Schematic

Save The Schematics, File->Save as

3.Board File

Create new board file from schematics

First, we will go through the general options using a sample project, then we will make a new
one for practice,
Step 1: Schematic Creation:
1. Open component libraries

By default all the standard EAGLE libraries are,


USE -* <this closes all the standard libraries>

USE < this displays an open file dialog box to find and open your library>

2. Add components to your schematic

Edit->Add-> Select component.

Each open library in the ADD window

3. Add a frame to your schematic

To make the schematic look neater add a frame (Draw->Frame)

4. Operating on groups of components

You can operate on many components at once - for example to move them -
with the Edit->Group command. Edit->Group followed by either left-click and drag
to select rectangle, or left-click any number of times to draw a polygonal boundary
followed by right-click. Now the grouped components will be highlighted in red. If
the group is wrong just repeat the operation till you have the correct group. Then
Edit->Move and right-click will select the group for moving, left-click will terminate
the move.

Step 1.2: Add nets to schematic:

1. Draw Net
Use the Draw->Net command to connect components. DO NOT use Draw->Wire.
Left-mouse click on end of source pin or wire, left-mouse click when a change of
direction in the wire is required, left-mouse click on the destination.

2. Add I/O pads

To get signals on and off the PCB you need either connector components or
connecting wires. The best way to join wires to a prototype PCB is via terminal pads
3. Entering Component values
Resistors and Capacitors should have values displayed on the schematic (and parts
list) as well as names. Use Edit->Value to set values

4. Changing the position of names & values

Component names & values will often clutter up the schematic and get in the
way of other components. Also if you have rotated the component the names &
values will be rotated. You can move & rotate names and values relative to the
symbol itself with the Edit->Smash command. After a symbol has been "smashed"
you will be able to use Edit->Move (or left-click->move) to move (or rotate, right-
click) individual parts of the symbol

5. The Layout grid

 EAGLE uses a layout grid to make it easy to align components. You should
always use the default layout grids when positioning components (View->Grid
changes this, but should never be needed). You can get finer control over where
items are placed by using the finer alternative default grid accessed by pressing
the Alt key while moving a component.

 This is useful when you are repositioning component names and

values. To get the finer grid, press Alt during a move operation,
and the mouse will move items with 10X greater resolution.
 This can be also used to reposition correctly connected
components with a fine resolution, but be warned that it makes
connection of the repositioned components much more difficult,
since any new nets must be aligned with the component end-
points using the 10X finer grid also - they will fail to connect
using normal grid. Rule of thumb - don’t do this!
 You may find a higher zoom factor (View->Zoom in) useful when
doing fine positioning.
 You can print a parts list for a schematic (including resistor and capacitor values)
with File->Export->Partslist.
 You can export an image of the schematic (.png) at a specified resolution to a file
using File->Export->Image. This can then be printed. Alternatively you can print
the schematic with File->Print.

Sample Voltage Regulator circuit,

Library Components:
Pads > testpads
+12v > supply1
GND > supply1
Regulator > linear
Cap _ceramic > rcl
Cap _Elect > rcl
Resistor > rcl
Led > led
Step 2: Board File Creation:
Generating a Board File
Load the file .sch and click the BOARD icon :
With this command you create a board file with the same name as the loaded

As a first step recommend is to draw the board contour. It is made up of

wires in the layer 20, Dimension.
WIRE and choose a fine wire width in the parameter toolbar. Now begin to
draw the board contour. Start at the coordinates origin (0 0) with a left
mouse click. Move the mouse cursor and draw the outline. Each mouse click
fixes the line segment that follows the mouse cursor. The board contour
should end at the starting point.

Component Placement
Pick and Place the components somewhere in its center and move the cursor inside
the board outlines.
Do you want to have a component fixed at its location? Then use the LOCK

Routing Manually
The ROUTE command transforms the airwires into routed tracks.
ROUTE in the command toolbar.
starting point of an airwire or type in the signal's name in the
command line. The starting point of the track is next to the current
mouse cursor position.

Board Changes
Once you have completed the routing of the board you can make changes,
e.g. you can:
move and arrange wire segments and components with MOVE
and SPLIT ,
use the RIPUP command to change routed tracks to airwires,
use DELETE to erase signals (only without Forward&Back
replace package variants with CHANGE PACKAGE
modify the Design Rules (for example, Restring settings),
use SMASH to detach texts from components in order to
MITER wire joints.

The DISPLAY Command

It is often easier to maintain a good overview if some information is not
shown. Deselect with your mouse the layer 21, tPlace, which shows the top side
silkscreen of the board, and 23, tOrigins, 25, tNames, 27, tValues, and 51,

The CHANGE Command

Use the CHANGE command, to change the width of wires or to move a
wire to another layer. To change the width of the wire:
WIDTH in the popup menu
the value for the new width

To move a wire segment to another layer :

desired layer
wire segment

The RIPUP Command

If you would like to turn for example the routed signal tracks GND and
VCC into airwires (this process is called ripup), click the RIPUP icon in the
command toolbar and type:
Pressing F9 twice reverses the action.
If you would like to ripup all signals except GND and VCC, type:

The SHOW Command

Use the SHOW command to highlight airwires, wires or components

Refresh Screen
Use the F2 key to refresh the screen contents or click the Redraw icon.

Undo/Redo Function
All actions mentioned can be reversed with the UNDO icon in the
action toolbar (F9) and repeated with the REDO icon (F10).

Copper Pouring with the POLYGON Command

The POLYGON command enables you to define areas which belong to a
signal, connecting all of the related pads to this signal with Thermal symbols
Click the POLYGON icon in the command toolbar and type:

Design Check Rule

When starting the layout development you should already think about the
Design Rules. Rules that have to be confirmed with the board manufacturer
as well. You can define them with the help of the DRC dialog.
Click the DRC icon and verify or change the default values

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