Eagle - Schematic Demo (Part 1) : 1.control Panel
Eagle - Schematic Demo (Part 1) : 1.control Panel
Eagle - Schematic Demo (Part 1) : 1.control Panel
In order to design a PCB, you need to complete the following steps:
1. Create a schematic sheet & add components
2. Add nets to the schematic (connect components)
3. Check schematic (Electrical Rule Check or ERC)
4. Create a board outline
5. Position components on the board
6. Route tracks between the components
7. Check board (Design Rule Check or DRC)
8. Pour copper to fill empty spaces on the board
9. (optional) Add text legends to PCB layout
10. Perform Final Checks.
There are three main parts of an eagle project
1.Control Panel
2.Schematic File
3.Board File
First, we will go through the general options using a sample project, then we will make a new
one for practice,
Step 1: Schematic Creation:
1. Open component libraries
USE < this displays an open file dialog box to find and open your library>
You can operate on many components at once - for example to move them -
with the Edit->Group command. Edit->Group followed by either left-click and drag
to select rectangle, or left-click any number of times to draw a polygonal boundary
followed by right-click. Now the grouped components will be highlighted in red. If
the group is wrong just repeat the operation till you have the correct group. Then
Edit->Move and right-click will select the group for moving, left-click will terminate
the move.
Library Components:
Pads > testpads
+12v > supply1
GND > supply1
Regulator > linear
Cap _ceramic > rcl
Cap _Elect > rcl
Resistor > rcl
Led > led
Step 2: Board File Creation:
Generating a Board File
Load the file .sch and click the BOARD icon :
With this command you create a board file with the same name as the loaded
Component Placement
Pick and Place the components somewhere in its center and move the cursor inside
the board outlines.
Do you want to have a component fixed at its location? Then use the LOCK
Routing Manually
The ROUTE command transforms the airwires into routed tracks.
ROUTE in the command toolbar.
starting point of an airwire or type in the signal's name in the
command line. The starting point of the track is next to the current
mouse cursor position.
Board Changes
Once you have completed the routing of the board you can make changes,
e.g. you can:
move and arrange wire segments and components with MOVE
and SPLIT ,
use the RIPUP command to change routed tracks to airwires,
use DELETE to erase signals (only without Forward&Back
replace package variants with CHANGE PACKAGE
modify the Design Rules (for example, Restring settings),
use SMASH to detach texts from components in order to
MITER wire joints.
Refresh Screen
Use the F2 key to refresh the screen contents or click the Redraw icon.
Undo/Redo Function
All actions mentioned can be reversed with the UNDO icon in the
action toolbar (F9) and repeated with the REDO icon (F10).