Dies Mann 1999 Stable
Dies Mann 1999 Stable
Dies Mann 1999 Stable
two-dimensional models, the effective mass falls steeply as wavelength decreases. In three-dimensional models, in a fairly broad
frequency range near the response peak, the effective mass becomes
substantially less sensitive to wavelength14,15. In light of this behaviour, and the intuitive argument above, the observed lack of
frequency sensitivity in the penetration depth does not seem all
that surprising.
I thank H. Nakajima, E. de Boer, L. Sohn, N. Cooper, S. Staggs, R. Brawer, R. Austin and
L. Page Jr. This work was supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders.
Pressure sensor
A sensor consists of a glass capillary (inner and outer diameters 100 and 170 mm,
respectively) tipped with a gold-coated polymer diaphragm. Light from an LED is
delivered via a bre optic threaded into the capillary, and reects from the diaphragm. The
amount of light returning to the bre optic for transmission to a photodetector varies
linearly with the pressure-induced bending of the diaphragm. The acoustic impedance of
the sensors is an order of magnitude larger than that of the cochlea, and their presence does
not `load' the cochlea outright. Nevertheless, in some animals small reversible changes in
compound action potential (CAP) threshold and/or scala vestibuli pressure occurred
when the scala tympani sensor was close to the basilar membrane. However, the derived
uid velocity close to the basilar membrane was similar to that measured directly by
others11,12, suggesting that the sensor's presence does not cause large changes in cochlear
Experimental procedure
Animal procedures were approved by the Princeton University IACUC. The experimental
animals were young adult gerbils. A gerbil was deeply anaesthetized and its left cochlea was
exposed. Tones from a loudspeaker were delivered to the ear via a tube tted to the left ear
canal. The level of the tones was calibrated in the ear canal at the beginning of each
experiment. Basal scala tympani pressure measurements were made by inserting a pressure
sensor through the round window opening after removing the covering membrane. Scala
vestibuli and turn-one scala tympani measurements were made through small holes handdrilled in the cochlear bone. In basal experiments it was possible to see the basilar
membrane in order to position the scala tympani sensor. In turn-one experiments it was
positioned by using anatomical landmarks and referring to widely opened excised
cochleae. It was not practical to systematically check the precision of positioning in each
experiment. However, the grouped data indicate that incorrectly positioning the sensor
towards the spiral ligament caused substantial damage, and that incorrectly positioning
the sensor over the spiral lamina caused greatly diminished pressure gradients. The
distance between the basilar membrane and the sensor was determined by touching the
former with the latter, which produced a characteristically noisy signal.
Stimulus generation and recording was performed with a Tucker Davis Technologies
DA/AD system. With typical signal averaging times of 3 s, sound pressure above the level of
6070 dB SPL (2060 mPa) could be reliably measured.
As a gauge of cochlear health, an electrode at the round window measured the CAP
response of the auditory nerve to tones. The CAP threshold is the minimum sound level
required to elicit a reliable neural response. Initial thresholds in the turn one experiment
were <30 dB SPL at 15 and 20 kHz, and 50 dB SPL at 25 kHz. Close to the time of
measurements, these thresholds were 40, 40, and 5060 dB SPL. Initial thresholds in the
basal experiment were <60 dB SPL at 30 kHz, and 80 dB SPL at 40 kHz. Close to the time
of measurements, they were 60 and .80 dB SPL. At the frequencies of interest, the initial
CAP thresholds in the turn one experiment were in keeping with those of Muller6, those in
the basal experiment were elevated somewhat. The degree of nonlinearity observed in the
scala tympani pressures was consistent with the health of the cochlea as indicated by the
CAP thresholdthe basal experiment was nearly linear, and the nonlinearity in the turnone experiment was strong, but not among the strongest in the literature9.
Received 1 June; accepted 4 October 1999.
1. von Bekesy, G. Experiments in Hearing (McGraw Hill, New York, 1960).
2. Olson, E. S. Observing middle and inner ear mechanics with novel intracochlear pressure sensors.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 34453463 (1998).
3. Brownell, W. E., Bader, C. R., Betrand, D. & de Ribaupierre, Y. Evoked mechanical responses of
isolated cochlear outer hair cells. Science 227, 195196 (1985).
4. Liberman, M. C. & Dodds, L. W. Single neuron labeling and chronic cochlear pathology. III.
Stereocilia damage and alterations of threshold tuning curves. Hear. Res. 16, 5574 (1984).
5. Spoendlin, H. Innervation densities of the cochlea. Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh.) 73, 235248 (1972).
6. Muller, M. The cochlear place-frequency map of the adult and developing mongolian gerbil. Hear. Res.
94, 148156 (1996).
7. Dancer, A. & Franke, R. Intracochlear sound pressure measurements in guinea pigs. Hear. Res. 2, 191
205 (1980).
8. Rhode, W. S. Observations of the vibration of the basilar membrane in squirrel monkeys using the
Mossbauer Technique. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 49, 12181231 (1971).
9. Ruggero, M., Rich, N. C., Recio, A., Narayan, S. S. & Robles, L. Basilar membrane responses to tones at
the base of the chinchilla cochlea. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 21512163 (1997).
10. Lighthill, J. Energy ow in the cochlea. J. Fluid Mech. 106, 149213 (1981).
11. Sellick, P. M., Yates, G. K. & Patuzzi, R. The inuence of Mossbauer source size and position on phase
and amplitude measurements of the guinea pig basilar membrane. Hear. Res. 10, 101108 (1983).
12. Xue, S., Mountain, D. C. & Hubbard, A. E. Electrically evoked basilar membrane motion. J. Acoust.
Soc. Am. 97, 30303041 (1995).
13. Cooper, N. P. & Rhode, W. S. Basilar membrane mechanics in the hook region of cat and guinea-pig
cochlea: Sharp tuning and nonlinearity in the absence of baseline position shifts. Hear. Res. 63, 163
190 (1992).
14. de Boer, E. Auditory physics. Physical principles in hearing theory. II. Phys. Rep. 105, 141226 (1984).
15. Steele, C. R. & Taber, L. A. Comparison of WKB calculations and experimental results for threedimensional cochlear models. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 65, 10071018 (1979).
16. Plassman, W., Peetz, W. & Schmidt, M. The cochlea in gerbilline rodents. Brain Behav. Evol. 30, 82
101 (1987).
Stable propagation of synchronous
spiking in cortical neural networks
Markus Diesmann*, Marc-Oliver Gewaltig* & Ad Aertsen
Department of Neurobiology and Biophysics, Institute of Biology III,
Albert-Ludwigs-University, Schanzlestrae 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
The classical view of neural coding has emphasized the importance of information carried by the rate at which neurons
discharge action potentials. More recent proposals that information may be carried by precise spike timing15 have been challenged by the assumption that these neurons operate in a noisy
fashionpresumably reecting uctuations in synaptic input6
and, thus, incapable of transmitting signals with millisecond
delity. Here we show that precisely synchronized action potentials can propagate within a model of cortical network activity
that recapitulates many of the features of biological systems. An
attractor, yielding a stable spiking precision in the (sub)millisecond range, governs the dynamics of synchronization. Our results
indicate that a combinatorial neural code, based on rapid associations of groups of neurons co-ordinating their activity at the
single spike level, is possible within a cortical-like network.
Evidence is accumulating that cortical neurons in vivo are capable
of producing action potentials with high temporal accuracy. In
recordings of multiple single-neuron activity in behaving monkeys,
precisely timed action potentials have been systematically related to
stimuli and behavioural events, indicating that these instances of
precise spike timing play a functional role13. Independent evidence
for precise spike timing in cortical neurons came from intracellular
recordings in vitro4,5. But can an instance of synchronous spiking,
once it has occurred, be successfully propagated by subsequent
groups of cortical neurons? Under which input conditions can a
group of cortical neurons engage in precisely coordinated spike
timing, and are such conditions feasible in the cortical network?
How can we clarify and quantify the notions of `well timed' and
`reliable', which gained such a prominent role in the on-going debate
on temporal coding in the brain?710 Clearly, these questions must be
resolved to determine whether cortical computation on the basis of
precise spike timing is possible. Preliminary results have been
presented in abstract form11,12.
To address these questions, we have studied the ne-grained
temporal response properties of the `integrate-and-re' neuron, a
widely used class of model neurons capturing essential properties of
* Present addresses: Department of Nonlinear Dynamics, Max-Planck-Institut fur Stomungsforschung,
Gottingen, Germany (M.D.); Future Technology Research, Honda R&D Europe, Offenbach, Germany
letters to nature
a in
Time (ms)
Time (ms)
out (ms)
0 ms
1 ms
3 ms
5 ms
a in (spikes)
in (ms)
letters to nature
the state space into two regimes. In the basin of attraction, all
trajectories converge into the attractor. A spike volley starting
anywhere inside this regime rapidly (that is, after only few stages)
reaches a stable conguration (,95 spikes) with submillisecond
dispersion. Volleys starting outside the stable regime decay after
only few stages; too weak or too dispersed activity rapidly dies out.
Note that neither the relationship between input and output activity
(Fig. 3a) nor that between input and output jitter10 (Fig. 3b) alone
determines whether synchronous activity survives. The nonmonotonic evolution of these variables along a trajectory (Fig. 3c,
coloured curves) demonstrates this fact. An initial increase in
temporal spread may still support stable propagation, provided
that the number of spikes in the volley is large enough (blue). If,
however, this number is too small, the volley dies out, in spite of its
initial increase (purple). Conversely, synchronous activity may still
vanish with an initial decrease in dispersion (red), unless the volley
is large enough (green). Thus, the system dynamics are governed by
the interaction of the two state variables.
Evidently, the number of neurons per group inuences the
evolution of the activity (see Fig. 3a). The analysis in Fig. 3 was
made using the group size w 100. To determine how many
simultaneously ring neurons are needed to guarantee that synchronous activity survives in the network, we examined how the
structure of the state space depends on the groups size (Fig. 4). For
increasing numbers of neurons per group, the two xpoints move
apart, thereby increasing the basin of attraction (yellow). The
regime over which synchronous spiking survives in the network
increases accordingly. By contrast, for decreasing groups size, the
two xpoints approach each other until, at some critical value (here
w 89), they merge into a single saddle node. Below this critical
value, no xpoint exists and, hence, all trajectories lead to extinction
(Fig. 4a). Thus, a minimum of some 90 neurons per group is needed
to maintain precise spike synchrony. This lower bound is essentially
determined by the ratio of the distance from mean membrane
potential to spike threshold and the postsynaptic potential (PSP)
amplitude; stronger intergroup synapses reduce this number (see
Methods: Fluctuations).
Our results show that for a wide range of amplitudes and
dispersions of spike input distributions, the response of successively
activated groups of cortical neurons is governed by an attractor,
which describes a stationary conguration of activity in (a,j) space.
However, unlike the Hopeld attractor22, this attractor describes a
dynamic activity conguration in neuron space, that is, different
neuron groups, one after the other, contribute single spikes to the
propagating synchronous wave. The basin of attraction guarantees
robustness of the propagating synchrony against perturbations
exceeding the response variability accounted for by the transmission
function (Fig. 2). Thus, temporal dispersion due to differences in
axonal or dendritic delays, uctuations in synaptic transfer properties or correlated background uctuations will not destroy the
synchronous transmission, as long as they do not push the network
outside the basin of attraction.
b 3
out (ms)
aout (spikes)
40 60 80
a in (spikes)
in (ms)
a (spikes)
a (spikes)
w = 80
3 0
w = 90
Figure 4 Dependence of the spike synchrony state space on the size of the neuron
groups. ad, State-space portraits of propagating spike synchrony for four different
group sizes w, increasing from w 80 (a) in steps of 10 up to w 110 (d). In each
NATURE | VOL 402 | 2 DECEMBER 1999 | www.nature.com
3 0
w = 100
3 0
w = 110
panel, the continuous red line indicates the a-isocline, the red dashed line indicates the jisocline (see Methods: Isoclines). The intersections of the two isoclines dene the
xpoints. The basin of attraction is indicated in yellow.
letters to nature
In the stable state, essentially all response spikes in a volley fall
within 61 ms. This temporal precision is consistent with the
accuracy of observed spike patterns in cortical recordings13.
Thus, in contrast to other studies using this neuron model7,8, we
conclude that precise synchronous ring of cortical neurons is
indeed feasible, in spite of the membrane time constant of 10 ms
or more (see Methods: Membrane time constant). The notion of
pulse packets yields a natural solution to the question of whether the
cortical neuron acts as `integrator' or `coincidence detector'a
question raised many years ago18 and revived recently710 by
embedding these two conceptions in a single framework. The
temporal structure of the input determines which of the two aspects
is emphasized.
For each neuron in our network model, the synapses delivering
activity from the preceding group and the synapses delivering
background activity were set at equal strength. Our ndings show
that stable transmission of synchronous spiking does not require
dedicated strong synapses, provided enough neurons can be
recruited in successive groups. Each neuron in a group contributes
a single spike to the passing volley. Once the neuron recovers from
refractoriness, it is ready to engage in another group. Thus, each
neuron may participatespike by spike, not limited by a specic
arrangement of synaptic weightsin multiple volleys with different
neuron compositions, provided its engagements differ by more than
the refractory period. Hence, the network only needs to be locally
feed forward. Several such volleys may propagate through the
network simultaneously, allowing multiple synchronous processes
to coexist while maintaining their identities23,24. Their degree of
temporal coupling may differ, depending on overlap (numbers and
arrangement of shared neurons and inputs)23,25. This scheme indicates that a combinatorial neural code, based on the continual
reconguration of the cortical network into short-lived functional
groups depending on the immediate computational demands, is
compatible with biological constraints.
As conrmed by network simulations (M.-O.G., manuscript in preparation), the statespace portrait derived here describes the evolution of synchronous activity in the mean,
that is, by subsequent values of the expectation (a,j) across trials with different background activity realizations. Around each point of a trajectory, these realizations form a
distribution with width determined by a, j, w and intergroup connectivity. This width
becomes more important near the separatrix because of the increased probabilityeven
for trajectories stable in the meanthat individual realizations leave the basin of
attraction (and vice versa). Upscaling the synaptic weights by a factor up to 10 while
downscaling the groups size accordingly does not alter the structure of the state space,
except close to the separatrix where the probability to leave the basin of attraction
increases. The contribution of individual input spikes grows; consequently, uctuations in
membrane-potential response to pulse-packet realizations with identical parameters and,
hence, trial-by-trial variability, increases.
Background activity
Background activity in different neurons was considered independent, stationary Poisson.
However, on-going cortical activity is known to exhibit coherent spatio-temporal
structure30. Hence, anatomically nearby neurons within a group tend to be excited
(inhibited) together. This affects the pulse-packet properties needed to make these
neurons re simultaneously. The impact of such coherence in background activity is
currently being studied.
Model neuron
Simulations were performed using a leaky-integrator with voltage-threshold model13,14,
with physiological and anatomical parameters taken from experimental literature. The
model neuron (membrane time constant 10 ms, resting potential -70 mV, spike threshold
-55 mV, absolute refractoriness 1 ms, relative refractoriness (t < 15 ms) modelled by Kconductances) was supplied with synaptic noise input, reecting on-going activity in the
cortical network (20,000 synapses: 88% excitatory, 12% inhibitory)26. Postsynaptic
currents (PSCs) were modelled by an a-function to yield realistic PSPs (peak amplitude
0.14 mV, time-to-peak 1.7 ms, half-width 8.5 ms)27. Identical values were used for intergroup and background connections; excitatory and inhibitory PSPs only differed in sign.
Background ring rates (excitatory, 2 Hz; inhibitory, 12.5 Hz; all uncorrelated stationary
Poisson) were chosen to yield an output rate of 2 Hz. At this consistency condition, output
statistics were approximately Poisson, membrane potential shot noise (mean 8.25 mV, s.d.
2.85 mV) was close to `balanced' excitation/inhibition28. It can be shown that details of the
construction of background uctuations are not essential. Simulations were performed in
0.1 ms time steps using the simulation tool SYNOD29.
Threshold packet
The (ain,aout) curves (grey) in Fig. 3a cross the diagonal (dashed) in two points. Here, the
number of output spikes equals the number of input spikes. The lowest intersection (at the
left-most vertical line) occurs with the curve for fully synchronized input (jin 0),
dening a lower boundary on the size of the threshold packet, that is, the minimum input
spike number needed to reach the attractor. Smaller packets cannot survive, since for other
curves, the output spike number is even smaller. Decreasing the group's size rotates the
diagonal relative to the (ain,aout) curves counterclockwise around the origin; the intersection points approach each other and the threshold packet size increases. Thus, for
decreasing w, more curves fall below the diagonal until even the curve for fully
synchronized input only touches (short-dashed oblique line intersection with right-most
vertical line). For smaller groups, all curves run below the diagonal; the attractor vanished,
and stable propagation of synchronous spiking is no longer possible.
The a-isocline is the collection of states for which the spike number in a volley does not
change from stage to stage, irrespective of j (Fig. 4bd, solid red curves). The j-isocline
contains all states maintaining temporal spread, irrespective of a (Fig. 4ad, dashed red
curves). Thus, the isoclines are the loci of horizontal/vertical ow. The xpoints (neither a
nor j changes) are the intersections of the isoclines. The j-isocline is independent of w
(Fig. 3b). The spike number, however, is proportional to w (Fig. 3a). Hence, with
decreasing w (Fig. 4d to 4a), the a-isocline shrinks and moves left until it ceases to exist.
Thus, the group's size w acts as bifurcation parameter, controlling the existence and
separation of xpoints.
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We thank M. Abeles, E. Bienenstock, S. Grun, I. Nelken, A. Riehle, S. Rotter and C. von der
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Forschungsgemeinschaft, the GermanIsraeli Foundation for Scientic Research and
Development, and Human Frontier Science Program..
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.A.
(e-mail: aertsen@biologie.uni-freiburg.de).
Membrane-anchored aspartyl
protease with Alzheimer's
disease b-secretase activity
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