Ambika Forging

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Ambika Overseas a government of Indias recognised export house is an ISO

-9001 Registered company & a prestigious part of Ambika Group of Industries.
The company is engaged in the production of wide range of hand tools, such as
spanners, pliers, pincers and wrenches etc., conforming to the international
standards and safet norms.
Ambika Overseas is headed by a team of persons having vast technical know how
and worldwide experience in customer relationship and has a modern research and
development wing to develop new items to cope with the changing items. The
company has an excellent infrastructure, including a modern tool room and a well
equipped testing lab.
Ambika Hand Tools are exported throughout the world and the company is
always looking for the new markets. Complete dedication to quality system has
bough this co. International recognition, which is now fully accredited to use GS
Test Mark on its spanners.
Ambika Overseas is committed to maintain its quality system and would like to
establish a long lasting business relationship with all its customers and will
welcome all valued enquiries for the complete range of hand tools.

1. Name of the Company

2. Address


Ambika Overseas
Model House Road, Basti
Sheikh, Jalandhar- 144002
E-mail :
Website :

Fax: +91-181-2232387; 2432127

3. Type of organization
4. Scope


5. Major Production Process

Manufacturing & Supply of
Hand Tools.
Forging, Machining, Heat
Treatment, Short Blasting,
Electroplating, Painting.

6. Raw Material Used

Carbon Steel, Chrome

Vanadium Steel

7. Sales Set up
8. Turnover
9. No. of Workers
10. Commonly Spoken Language


Direct from the company.

Approx. 10 Crores
800 (approx.)
Hindi & Punjabi.


Keeping in view significant place in Ambika Overseas has occurred in region and
detailed study with mentioned objective has been undertaken. These objectives are
as follows :1. To know about history of the organization, its structure and functioning of
the Ambika Overseas.
2. The quality policy of the company and quality functions.
3. The manufacturing process of the tools in which the company deals.
4. The ISO-9002 elements, which are applied by the company in their quality
5. To know about the various standards come under ISO 9000
The project report is based on information collected from both primary and
secondary data. After a detailed study an attempt has been made to present
comprehensive analysis of functioning of quality system in the company.
1. Primary Sources : Firstly the data is collected through primary source that
is regular visits to factory were made to obtain the required information and
learn about the structure of the organization and routine working of the
industry. Data collected from 40 respondents.
2. Secondary Sources: Annual report, catalogue or other magazines published
by the company from time to time constitute the secondary sources of
information for the project report. So in this way the project is completed in
one month by collecting data both from primary and secondary sources.


1. Shortage of time Period :

The first limitation comes in my study is

shortage of time period. Time period of one month was too short for
analyzing the long experience, expertisation of persons engaged in
production process and supervision under every step.
2. Hesitation : Generally, intelligent businessmens

hesitate to give

information regarding there factory. So I felt very inconvenience while

collecting my material regarding topic.
3. Sometimes managers and accountants did not have time to provide
necessary information.



1. Meaning :
Quality is a customer and determination, not a producers or suppliers
determination, it is based upon the customers actual experience with the
product or service, measured against his or her requirements. Quality is
referred in several ways such as fitness for use, fitness for purpose.
Customer satisfaction. The complete definition of quality as : The totality
of features and characteristics of a product or service, that bear on its ability,
to satisfy stated or implied needs.
2. Quality Functions :
An organization produces and markets its products or services through a
series of specialized activities carried out by the several functional
department. The quality system typically applies to & interacts with all
activities pertaining to the quality of products or services. It can be explained
through a quality loop, which involves all phase from initial identification to
the final satisfaction of requirements and customer expectations.
3. Quality Policy :
Quality policy is the overall quality intentions and directions of an
organization as quality, as formally expressed by top management. The
responsibility for and commitment to quality policy belongs to the highest
level of mgt. The realization of quality policy requires the identification of
primary goals for establishing quality objective.
4. Quality System :
Quality system is the organization structure, responsibilities, procedures,
process and resources for implementing the quality management. The
quality system is documented to ensure that the product conforms to

specified requirements. The quality system normally is documented by

means of a quality manual.
5. Planning for Installation of Quality System :
The installation process is very important part of quality system, it includes
the identification of what needs to be done to meet the ISO 9000 quality
system requirements ? preparing the organization to meet those
requirements, implementing the documented quality system in actual
practice and finally getting the quality system verified and certified by a
qualified certification body.
6. Time Required to Install a quality system :
Time required for installation of quality system depends on several factors
such as existing level of quality management in the organization, the will of
management and personal to adopt the quality system, characteristics of
products, competence and skill of employees, size of the organization,
promptness in taking corrective actions etc.
7. Quality Department :
Quality department is that aspect of the overall management function, which
determines and implements the overall quality intentions and directions of
the organization with regards to quality, as formally expressed by the top
management in its quality policy.
In every organization different- different departments are set to perform or
attain the objectives of the organization by imparting the responsibility and
authority to each department individually.
In Ambika Overseas there is one quality department which performs many
important Tasks according to the objective of study. The head of quality
department in Ambika is Miss. Kiran. Under the supervision all other
qualified engineers worked to attain the objectives this department also does
the auditing of the organization. Various records, which are prepared under
the quality system, are checked by Miss. Kiran and kept under her

supervision in quality department. Other important works performed by this

department are : Appointed qualified engineers and supervisors.
Prepared training programs given to employees.
Prepare quality objectives, quality manual and quality policy for the
Set programs and plannings for internal quality auditing.
Prepare all required documents related to quality system and then kept
those records safely.
Head of the department supervise the engineers and employees
whether they met with the requirements of ISO 9002 quality


Quality Functions :
Quality functions in Ambika Overseas can be explained through a quality loop.
The Various phases of activities of quality loop include :

1. Marketing
Ambika Overseas believes in fair dealings with its customers. Any sort of
malpractises which breaches the norms of business are strictly avoided.
Ambika overseas does not exploit its customers by over charging them and
the quality is something which has been always superior to this firm.
2. Design & Product Development :
Design control is not part of ISO 9002 therefore it is not applicable in
Ambika overseas. Well product development in an Ambika Overseas is
important part. They instantly change and modify their product according to
the consumer needs.
3. Procurement :
The procurement is done through documented procedures to insure that the
product confirms to the specified requirements. For this the following steps
of evolution and selection of contractors or vendors are under taken :i)
Selection : The company select vendors and contractors on the basis
of their ability to meet the requirement of the customers taking in
consideration the set standards of quality.


Controlling : After selection, the company exercises control over the


vendors by comparing the available and required material.

Record : The company also maintains the quality records of the

acceptable contractors and these records are maintained thereafter.

4. Process Planning : Then in Ambika Overseas Company production is
planned systematically. The production process is carried under controlled
conditions. Process control is achieved through the following steps :
Use of standard work instructions.
Use of define production equipments.
iii) Compliance of standard procedures.
iv) Control of suitable process parameters.
Preventing & breakdown maintenance.
5. Inspection : Inspection is of three types which helps in matching the actual
and the standards work procedures.

Receiving Inspection : Ambika ensures the incoming products are not

used until these have been inspected or otherwise verify as per the


specific requirements.
Inprocess Inspection : Ambika inspects the products during production


also so that they are matched with standards.

Final Inspection : Ambika does final inspection that to ensure the

finishied product is manufactured in accordance to standards.

6. Packaging : Finished products are packed and masked as per documented
procedures. In Ambika packaging material is inspected before acceptances.
7. Sales : Ambika receives orders from all over the world systematic channel
and mode of communication through E-mail and fax taxes places. The
custoerms are made contended through anticipated demonstration and cisits.
The goods are transported through shipment.
8. Installation : The update and highly advanced machine are installed in
ambika. The equipments are updated regularly.
9. Technical Assistance : The production process is carried out through
assistance of technical and highly qualified to maintain the standards which

have been set. In Ambika very highly qualified assistance is maintained to

carried out properly the production process.
10. Maintenance : In Ambika every machine is taken up for preventive
maintenance once in a period of six months. Then the capacity of machine
are regularly checks daily checks of cleaning and oiling are made by


The Ambika Overseas would constantly endeavors to manufacture world class
products to create a long lasting relationship with our international customers
satisfying them in entirely.
Quality objective of Ambika are :
1. To do defect free production.
2. To improve employee skills by qualifying them through continues training.
They are committed to implement and maintain a quality system which is in line
with ISO-9002.
In order to meet the quality objective and implementation of quality police, the
Ambika company should establish on organization in such a way that the technical,
administrative and human factors affecting the quality of its products and services
are under control. The Control can be exercised in Ambika.


Definfing the responsibility and authority of the personal who manage and
verify the work affecting quality.
Identify the verification requirements and provide verification resources and
personal for inspection, testing, production, installation and servicing
Ambika can appoint a management representative who will have well
defined authority and responsibility for implementation of ISO 9002 quality

Firstly , the quality manual which provides complete description of quality

management system. It communicates quality policy and objectives of company to
customers and personnel of company. It is the foundation of the system so in
Ambika it is followed properly.


Then in Ambika quality plans are used which define the quality system
requirement for a specific class of products. Then third tier in Ambika is
maintaining quality activities which gives detailed description of a particular job or
process. And, Last tier in Ambika is quality records that is used for recording
quality activities pertaining to design, testing, inspection, survey, audit etc.


Quality system in Ambika is well implemented. The three major steps in
developing and implementing quality system are :1.

Documentation of quality system
Internal quality Audit.
TRAINING : well trained personnel are more critical to successful
performance of an organization than any other single factor. Ambika
Overseas has a documented procedure for identifying training needs which
are identified as follow :
a) Induction Training : This training is on the requirements of ISO 9000
standards which is provided to all personal performing activities affecting
b) Development Training : This training is provided to personal
performance speficifc task. Training effectiveness is evaluated and

further they are qualified on the basis of defined training. Records of

training are also maintained.
2. DOCUMENTATION : Documentation of quality system is the bed rock for
implementing ISO 9000 series of standards. Ambika Overseas has a
documented procedure to control all documents and data relates to the
requrirements of ISO 9002.

3. Internal Quality Audit : The company has a documented procedure for

planning and implementing internal quality audits. Internal quality audit is
necessary to verify.
Whether quality activities and related results comply with planned

To determine the effectiveness of the quality system.
To afford an opportunity to improve the quality system.
To Provides input to management review activities.

In Ambika Overseas Internal quality audits are scheduled in such a manner that
every activity gets audited once in every six months. However depending upon the
status and importance of activity the duration between audits is decreased. Audits
are carried out by personal dependent of those having direct responsibilities for the
activity being audited. Internal quality auditors are trained. Then in Ambika
International the results of audits are recorded and brought to the notice of the
notice personal having responsibility in the area audited. The


personal responsible for the area take timely corrective action on deficiencies
found during the audit.



Through the ISO 9000 series of standards in itself provide complete guidelines for
design, development and installment of a quality system in any industrial
organization the installation, process of Ambika company can be broadly divided
Phase 1 :

Preparations for ISO 9000 quality system.

Phase 2 :

Implementation of ISO 9000 quality system

Phase 3 :

Registration & certification of quality system.

These three, phases has been further sub divided into various activities which can
be performed in 15 steps.


Step 1 :

Managements commitment to ISO 9000.

Step 2 :

Set up an implementation committee

Step 3 :

Starts ISO awareness programme.

Step 4 :

Conduct status review and prepare action plan.


Step 5 :

Develop organization structure for quality management.

Step 6 :

Develop quality system documentation

Step 7:

Prepare the resource system to meet the requirements of standards.

Then, next four steps comes under the heading of implementation of quality


Step 8:- Implement the documented quality system.

Step 9:- Establish internal quality audit systems.
Step 10:- monitor & stablilize the quality system.
Step 11:- Conduct pre-registration internal audit.
And, at last 4 steps covered under the registration and certificate of quality
system which completes the planning of installation.

Registration and certification

Step 12: Apply for registration.

Step 13: Adequacy audit certification body.
Step 14: Compliance audit by certification body.
Step 15: Certification.



Preparation being with the commitment to top mgt. accepting the philosophy of
quality system as per ISO 9000 standards. Following seven step can follow in
preparation plan of quality system in Ambika Company.


Step 1: Management commitment to ISO 9000

Since the responsibility for quality of the product or service supplied by the
organization, always remains with the top mgt., therefore in Ambika Company
the managing representative of the company should make a commitment and
determination for implementation of

ISO 9000 quality system in this

organization. It can be demonstrated by: Making the organization people to understand and implement the quality
Taking appropriate action for establishment and implementation of
quality system.
Not permitting any deviation in quality activities from quality systems

Setup an implementation committee:

The next step to be taken by Ambika Overseas set up an implementation

committee for implementation of quality system and appointing an ISO 9000
coordinator who will co-ordinate all quality system activities. The
committee may have 4 to 6 members selected from various displines such as
quality assurance, purchase, design, production, marketing, personal etc. in
Ambika Oversas ISO 9000 coordinator will work as a mgt. Representative
and have authority for successful implementation of quality system.
Step 3:Starts ISO awareness compaign:
ISO 9000 introduction and implementation in any org. requires a quality
oriented change in attitude of every employee, which can be brought by
bringing quality awareness in personal through seminars, work shop and
training programmes in Ambika company. This awareness programmes held
in Ambika international to communicate the employees of all levels the

purpose of introduction of ISO 9000 quality system, it advantage how it will

work and what will be their role.
Step 4:Conduct status review and prepare an action plan:
In this step Ambika company firstly list out the requirement in terms of what
is needed to install the quality system then upto what extent these
requirements are being met in the orgabization? Then at last what actions to
be taken to meet the requirements of quality system? In this questionnaires
are prepared and filled by personal pf concerved department.
Step:5 Develop and organization structure for quality management:
In order to meet the quality objectives and implementation of quality policy
a quality management organization is to be designed. In Ambika Company
there is highly quailed and well quality management organization is
designed for controlling the technical, human and administrative factors.
Step:6 Develop Quality System Documentation:
To meet the requirements of ISO 9000 quality system all the elements and
provisions management can be dowmented in a systematic and orderly
manner in the form of written policies and procedures. In Ambika Company
quality system is normally documented by means of a quality manual. The
quality manual states the quality policy and describes the quality system of
an organization.
Step7 : Prepare the system to meet the requirements to standards:
For an effective system it is essential that production activities are carried
out under controlled conditions and process used for production are capable
to meet the products standards.


Therefore effective implementation of quality system in Ambika Overseas,

process technology should be upgraded and processing equipments should
me modernized or repair to make sure that the required level of quality can
be achieved.

Implementation in an organization start with selecting an appropriate quality
system model and ends with verification and certification of quality system by a
recognized certification body.
Implementation mean to applied the various plans and policies for quality
system in an organization. In ambika overseas maily four steps are described:
Step:8 Implementation the documented quality system:
Ambika Overseas involves documented quality system of implementation. It
involves quality related activites as per the quality policies, procedures, work
instructions as defined in quality manual and other quality system, for start of
implementation process in Ambika firstly a date is to be set up for all quality
system. All the personal should be property trained in Ambika before the tasks
to be done to achieve the quality objectives. This process may begin on the
same set by the company in all areas of organizational activities.
Step 9: Establish internal quality audit system:
the quality audit is the key management tool for achieving the objectives set out
in quality policy. In ambika team of internal auditors heads by a lead auditor
should be formed

in the organization. The auditors should be trained the

purpose of internal auditing is to determine that various elements with in

the quality system are effective and suitable for achieving the stated quality
oibjectives. In Ambika Overseas audit can be conducted after 4 months of
operating the ISO 9000 quality systems.
Step 10: Monitor and stabilize the quality system:

The implementation of ISO 9000 quality system should be continuously

monitored to ensure that all activities are being performed as planned. In
Ambika Overseas monitoring responsibilities can be distributed to various
functional heads with defined areas of their activities then in Ambika Company
the observations of monitoring should be regularly received and reported to top
mgt. in permanent and systematic order. Then the periodical audit, appropriate
corrective action can be taken up, to stabilize the quality system.
Step 11: Conduct pre-registration internal Audit:
Then the time comes to registration for quality system certification. So in
Ambika firstly an internal audit of the quality system should be conducted to
determine whether all the requirements of quality system are being met to
quality for certification. This internal audit can be conduct by the quality
auditor of the organization. A check list id prepared by the company for internal
audit during pre-registration assessment of quality system.

Quality System Check list



& Applicable

to Status

Action to be





1. Is there a clear written policy on quality

2. Is there an organization for excuting this?
3. Are there defined procedures?
4. Is there a clearly defined organization with
responsibilities stated?
5. Are the Verification steps and responsibilities
6. Is there assigned authority ?
7. Is there a training programme
Design & Design
Applicable to
Change control
1. Is there a control system for design and


design changes?
2. Is there manufacturing interface controlled?

2. Design & design Change Applicable to 9001, 9002 Status

Action be


Yes No

1. Is there a control system for design and design

2. Have the following criteria been identified:

3. Are the above related back to contract or
product/service brief?
4. Does the system control

all documentation

including production procedures and end uses?

5. Is there design manufacturing interface
6. Is there an approved system for changes?
7. Is there security, back-up, mirror or shadow
processing, or other for changes and updates?
8. Is there traceability?
9. Are all finished products covered by completed
specifications including user instruction.
3. Procurement

Applicable to 9001,9002






1. Is there a supplier assessment system?

2. A supplier register?
3. Have specifications & standards been identified for

all incoming materials.?

Is there requirement with supplier on quality
Management procedures?
Are there performance records?
Are suppliers experted to conform to ISO 9000?
Is there documentation systems?
Is there traceability and identification

4. Procurement

Applicable to 9001,9002



1. Is there formally reviewed with customer?
2. Is contract reviewed with customer brief?



3. Do advertising promise constitute contact of brie?

4. Are Promise bring met?
5. Are Capacity and equipment capable of meeting
contract requirements.

5. The quality system

Applicable to 9001,9002,9003 Status





1. Does the system confirm with the requirement of

the relevant standards?
2. Are there written procedures?
3. Are there relevant controls?
4. Is there proper quality audit system?


Documentation Applicable to 9001,9002,9003 Status




1. Is there quality manual controlled including all

issue and page updates?
2. Are all documents including procedural manuals
and work instructions controlled?
3. Is all documentation available where needed?





Applicable to 9001,9002,9003 Status





This will very so greately from company to Company that

one should construct ones own checklist based on the
1. Write down every elements of the app. Standard on
process, traceability, and production.
2. Ensure that the following steps are covered:
Complete documented procedures, Drawings, parts
explosions, diagrams, setting instructions, model,
patterns, preference models.
3. Ensure that app. Instructions are in the relevant
places-manuals per unit, instructions in plastic
envelops provided at each operation position.
4. Ask yourself what the inspector will seen on the
5. Ask yourself whether all necessary controls and
inspection points are manned any documented?
6. Is there a system for pass, in doubt or fail?

8.Inspection and test

Applicable to 9001,9002,9003


Action be

1. Is there a procedure for inspection on incoming material?


2. In non-conforming material controlled?

3. Where traceability is required, is the clear at the inspection
4. Have inspection staff authority to release and prevent
5. Is there in-process inspection or nonitoring in accordance
with the quality plan and documented procedures?
6. Does corrective action halt faulty tands, allowing avoidance
of non-conformance and removal of the fault?
7. In non-conforming material identified segregated of fault?
8. Are the holding, quarantine areas proper controlled?
9. Are there final inspection, double inspection on patrol
10. Is there a specification or standard against which final
inspection is made?
11.Have inspectors authority to refuse release non-conforming
12.Is there a system for segregation, return re-work, scrap of
non=conforming products?
Are re-worked items inspected?
9.Inspection measuring & Applicable to 9001,9002,9003


Test equipment

Action to
be taken

1. Is there an inventory of all equipment?
2. Is there a system of calibration against documented
3. Are reference standards traceable to external standards and
external calibration?
4. Is there a maintenance system and plan for equipment?
5. Is equipment labeled for frequency of check and calibration?
6. Are non-conforming piece of equipment controlled?




storage Applicable to 9001,9002,9003


Action be

and delivery



1. Are all areas-stores, production, non-conforming items, finished


goods-clearly segregated and controlled?

Are all items marked in accordance with the above status?
Can handling methods damage the products?
Are items exposed to theft or malicious damage?
Is an item controlled from final inspection to acceptance by the

6. Is there a feedback mechanism?
So in this way all thirteen elements are set and then the questions are set regarding it.


Registration is the act of being recorded as having achieved the ISO 9000
system, whereas certification is the procedure and action a duly authorized
body of determining, verifying and attesting in writing to the qualification of
quality system in accordance with the applicable ISO 9000 standard.
In Ambica Overseas after establishing and operating the quality system
then it to be verified and certified by an independent certification body
that is by an outsider body. There are fours steps in relation to registration
and certification are:Step12: Apply for Registration:
Every country has one or more recognized certification agencies. In India
bureau of Indian standards is a qualified process starts with the submission of
an application along with the following documents.
Application Performa: It is supplied by certification body. In this the
company filled up its location, product details, type of certification
needed, the existing standards applicable to company, the name and


designation of mgt. representative, organization structure, size of

compant etc.
Questionnaire:- In this they ask more information the quality mgt.
practices of the company.
Quality System Documentation: These are quality manual and quality
procedures bring set up in the company.
Registration Fee: it is prescribed amount of fee to be deposited at time
of registration by company.

Step 13: Adequacy audit by certification body:

Then the audit is done in the company at regular intervals. It is made by the
certification agencys auditor to get to know the applicant organization, thrie
physical location, verification of quality system and to make the assessment of
audit content for audit preparations and planning. In Ambika Overseas auditing
is done by outside certification body after the internal of six months.
Step 14: Compliance audit by the certification body:
This is also a audit by certification body. In Ambika the audit is dine to
determine the extent to which the documented quality system is implemented
and observed by the organization personal. In Ambika a team of auditor visit
after interval of every sis months the clients, quality system and perform the
audit in following sequence, opening meeting assessment, closing meeting and
submission of assessment report all is done in Ambika Overseas.
Step 15: Certification:
Then based upon the findings of auditors and their final recommendation an
ISO 9002 quality certificate is issued by the certification agency to the Ambika

company if the organization fails to maintain the quality system the certificate
may be drawn or suspended by certification body.
Thus from above mentioned fifteen steps under preparation implementation
and registration which explains the installation of quality system in Ambika


Quality and customer satisfaction are the most important objectives of Ambika
Overseas. In Ambika there are three key aspects of a quality system:1. Management responsibility
2. Personal and material resources.
3. Quality system structure


This structure shows that customers is focal point of the quality system. The
customer satisfaction can only be assured when there is perfect harmony of
interaction between the management responsibility, the personal and material
resource and quality system structure.

In Ambika Overseas firstly mgt. takes responsibility for establishing a policy

for product quality and customer satisfaction. For clearly met with objectives
the ambika can prepare five major decisions regarding mgt. responsibility: Stating the quality policy
Define the quality objectives
Assign quality responsibility
Provide required personal and material resources
Conduct periodical review.
The material resource required for ambika oversea include:Equipments, store transport, testing facilities supervision progrramme, operational
and technicial documentation etc. and at last quality system structure of ambika
overseas consistes of four main operational elements.
Marketing Process.
Design Process

Delivery Process
Performance analysis improvement.


Ambika Overseas mainly deals in following Hand Tool Products:1.

Pipe wrenches
Water pump plier
Carpenter tools
End cutting nippers
Garden tools
Leather products.

Those products are further divided on the basis of their size and shape. But
Ambika Overseas mostly manufactured four products:1.

Water Pump Plier
Tower Pincer
Slip joint plier.


QUALITY CONTROL IN AMBIKA OVERSEAS:In Ambika Overseas three type of testing are done at manufacturing stage of

In Ambika Overseas first testing is done by executed a programme for error

correction in quality control system and secondly verification is done in simulated
environment and at last validation which is done in real environment that is where
actually the manufacturing process is bring done.



1. Forging:- Firstly long carbon steel and chrome vanadium steel rods are
forged which means these are cut in to shapes of a product like spanner
2. Trimming: After forging the extra material cut down from the product this
process is known as trimming. The extra material is cut down with the help
of machine installed in factory.
3. Grinding: Then after that grinding is done which means the product is given
in its actual from like if there are holes in tools then they are made with
4. Barreling:- Then the products are put into barraling process. That products
is heated into the fire with barreling with the help if barreling the product
being improved. It makes very strong so that whenever it is used to open any
then it will not braked.
5. Shot Blasting:- It is surface treatment. In this the product is cleaned after its
trimming griding and barreling.
6. Initial Fitting:- Then after that the fitting of a product done. Of the product
is wrenches then its all parts are combined together to form a full product.
7. Machine Shop:- In machine shop the all parts of a products are comes and
then make them combined.
8. Heat Treatment: Then after that final heat treatment is given for hardening
the product.
9. Electroplating: Then on a product a black plating is done. If there is
spanners then a steel plating is done on the product. Then after its inspection
it is ready for sale.
10.Assembly: In assembly shop all other product are assembled.
11.Black Burnish: It is not done all the products but where it is necessary like
in wrenches. If is to be done black polishing on the products.
So above mentioned is the manufacturing process of hand tools. So in Ambika
Internal at every shop of maufactuing the work is done under supervision so that

the requriemnt of quality system ISO 9002 can be met. There is one supervision
every shop of manufacturing the work is done under supervision so that the
requirment of quality system ISO 9002 can be met. There is one supervision under
very step which helps in ensuring the quality of production process.


One of the most common objective of every organization, whether large or small,
engaged in production of goods or service is to attain excellence in its economic
performance. The good economic performance is most essential for survival and
growth of any organization in the highly competitive circumstances of today, then


the single most important factor which leads to good economic performance of the
organization is, the Quality of its products.
1. What is ISO?
International organization for standardization (ISO) is a world wide federation
of national standards bodies, having its head quarter at GENEVA in
SWITZERLAND. The objective of ISO is to promote the development of
standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating
international exchange of goods and service and countries represent as ISO
member body and get involved in formulation and approval of international
2. What is ISO 9000?
ISO 9000 is a series of 5 international standards for quality management and
quality assurance systems which can be adopted by all types of organization
producing goods, service or software. These standards are generic, not specific
to any particular product and can be used by manufacturing and service
industrial alike.

ISO 9000 standards tells produces and supplies the requirement of a quality
oriented system, it defines the basis disciplines and specifies the procedures and
criteria to ensure that the output of the organization consistently meets the
customers requirements
ISO 9000
Provides for development of

Quality system achieve:

Quality of products and
Customer satisfaction.
3. ISO 9000 Series of Standards:
A series of 5 international standards on quality management and quality
1. ISO 9000
2. ISO 9001


3. ISO 9002
4. ISO


Selection & Use

Production, Installation & Servicing
Production & Installation.
Guidelines on quality management
& quality assurance

4. Quality Management System:

Primary objective of any company is to produce a quality product or service which
should meet the well defined needs, satisfy customer expectations, conforms to
applicable standards, available at competitive price and provides

Good profit to the company. These can be achieved through a quality management
A quality management system organizes overall activities of the company in such a
way that the technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality of its
products or services are under control. All such controls are oriented towards the
reduction, elimination and most importantly starts with identification of customer

needs and quality requirements and ends only when the products has been placed
in the hands of customer who remains satisfied. The quality management system
guides the coordinated actions of people, machine and information to achieve the
quality objectives. Thus ISO 9000 standards are intended to develop and establish
a quality management system to accomplish the qualitu objective of the company.



Then at last after auditing make product development policy that is provided
innovation and improvement in products in the basis of customers feedback.
Quality System For Design, Development Producing, Installation servicing has
twenty elements, which has to be established and complied of, for ISO 9002,
eighteen requirements are to be met and for ISO 9003, twelve requirements are to


be met , ISO 9004 provides guidance for development and establishment of there
*Applicable NA not applicable




ISO 9001

ISO 9002

ISO 9003


Management Responsibility


Quality System


Contract Review



Design Control




Document Control





Purchase supplied product



Product identification & teraceability *


Process Control



Inspection & testing



test *

Non-Conforming *




Inspection & Test Status





Corrective Action



Handing, Stroage, Packaging


Quality Record


Internal Quality AUdits










Statistical Techniques

7. Three Models:
Stage Design/
ISO 9001




Demonstration of capabilities in design, development, production

installation & servicing.

ISO 9002

Demonstration of capacities in production and installation.

ISO 9003

Demonstration of capability for inspection and test to final product

When an industrial organization decides to adopt ISO 9000 then it must decide
which of the three quality assurance models will be most appropriate to the
activities and output of the organization.
The international standard ISO 9000 provide guideline for selection of the
appropriate model for various types of organizations. For selection of a model the
help of the following decision tree can be taken:


ISO 9001: It is adopted by those organization who need to assure their customers
throughout the completer cycle including design, development, production,
installation and service. This is the most comprehensive and complete standard.
ISO 9002 : It is adopted by those organization who need to assure their customers
that conformance to specified requirements is met during the production stages.
This quality system aimed primarily at preventing and detecting any conformity

production and installation

and implement the means to prevent its

recurrence. This is most commonly used standard in manufacturing organizations.


ISO 9003 : For use when conformance to specified requirements is to be assured

by the supplier solely at final inspect on and test. Thus this requires demonstration
of supplies capability to detect and control the disposition of any product nonconformity during final inspection & test. This standard is generally used by small
shops, distributors within an organization. This is least used model.
The purpose of ISO 9000 standards are :
a) To clarify the distinctions and inter relationship among the principal quality
concepts or objective of the organization.
b) To provide guidelines for the selection and use of a series of international
standards on quality systems.
10. BENEFITS OF ISO 9000 :
Adoption of ISO 9000 standards by an organizations provides several benefits of
ISO 9000 standards are :1) Customer Orientation : ISO 9000 meets the customers requirements by
providing quality products or services to satisfy the customer needs.
2) Marketing Advantage : ISO 9000 certified companies are accepted by all
customers, which helps in better marketability of the companys products
and services in national and international market place.
3) Confidence Creation : ISO 9000 creates confidence to mgt. To deliver the
quality products and confidence to the customer about the capability of the
company improves morale of the employees.
4) Consistency in Quality : ISO 9000 helps to maintain consistency in quality
of products or services. Any non-conformity or deviation is immediately and
appropriate corrective action is taken.
5) Legal Aspect : It is legally accepted by several countries. It eliminates
products liability disputes by ensuring the delivery of only conforming
products from the factory.


6) Productivity Improvement

: ISO 9000 results into improvement of

productivity of the organization by effective utilization of material, technical

and human resources.
7) Improves Financial Performance : By reducing the quality cost and
improved productivity, financial performance of the company improves.
Better return on investment is achieved.
8) Brings Clarity : It defines the job specification, delegates authority,
identifies responsibilities of each employee, which brings clarity in working.


1. Management Responsibility : The first element is mgt. Responsibility
which is fully applicable in Ambika overseas. It is responsibility regarding : Development & statement of quality policy.
Defining the quality objectives.
Development, establishment and implementation of a quality system.
2. Quality System : Quality system includes quality loop i.e. quality functions.
It involves all phases, from initial identification to final satisfaction of
requirements and customer expectations. All the quality functions in Ambika
properly laid down or performed.
iii) Procurement
iv) Process Planning
vi) Testing & inspection
vii) Packaging
The structure of quality system is properly laid down in Ambika Overseas. Firstly
the quality responsibilities and authorities are identified, then organization

structure is to be established, then personal and material resources are provided for
achievement o quality objectives and at last operational procedure for control of
quality, system is to be formulated.
3. Contract Review : The contract review is prepared in Ambika Overseas by
managing representative. In each contract is reviewed by the Ambika to
ensure the: Purchase needs
Any requirement differing from tender.
Then M.R. meet the contractual requirements.

4. Design Control : The purpose of design function is the translation of

customer needs from product brief into specifications for materials, process
and products. In Ambika process the product is designed in such a way
which provides customer satisfaction at an acceptable price which further
gives satisfactory return on investment to the company. While designing a
product the Ambika Company clear in its mids the safety, performace and
reliability of a product.

5. Document Control : To meet the quality system requirements, the Ambika

Overseas maintained various types of document like quality manual,
procedures, plans, forms, records, books, files, test certificate etc. these
quality system document in Ambika Overseas should be controlled at its
issue, distribution and administration stage.
6. Purchasing : The purchased material, components and sub assemblies
become the part of companys final product and therefore directly influence
the product quality. In Ambika overseas firstly the purchasing procedure
should be planned by assistant managing reprehensive. In this they select
competent vendor, provide complete purchase specifications and verify the
purchased items.
7. Purchased supplied Products : After purchasing the supplied products the
supervisor in Ambika overseas checks the products upon its quality, its
identity and detect any demage in transit. Then its proper storage,
identification and use of material and performance of final product is all this
prepared by supervisor. Then supervisor in ambika gives information of
assistant managing representative that he has received right material from
purchase as per contract.
8. Product Identification : After the product is placed at its particular place a
identification is given to the product for its location. In this ambika overseas
set following question regarding product identification. Provide marking or
tagging on products.
Provide marking or tagging on products.
Provide identifiers for tools, batches.
Provide identifies for persons who perform the work.
9. Process Control : The desired product quality can be attained by effective
process control to present non conformities at various stages of process. This


element is also applied by Ambika international regarding their quality

Identify the control critical characteristics of products.
Monitor & control critical characteristics by appointed qualified staff.
They identify the critical features of product which affect the quality
& continuously monitored & controlled them until its removement.
10. Inspection & Testing :- Inspection & testing of material is also very
necessary. In Ambika International inspection is done at every level or at
every stage of its product before reaching at its final stage or before
dispatch. There are also some points regarding inspection in Ambika.
Verify at receiving stage i.e. receiving raw material.
Conduct in process inspection & tests.
Maintain all test records.
11. Inspect, measure & test equipments :- This is regarding the inspection,
measurement & test of equipment used in production process. Because these
equipments are the main sole on which quality system depends. They
maintain proper procedure for measuring, select suitable measuring
equipment etc.
12. Control of non conforming products : Non conformity is the absence of
one of more quality characteristics from specified requirements. In Ambika
overseas :
Non conforming items are identified.
Then they evaluate & review the nature of non conformity.
Then they decide how to dispose off in Ambika.
13.Corrective Action:- Whenever any non-conformity is find is the process of
production the Ambika company can take corrective action to prevent its

recurrence. The Ambika international can:Investigate the cause of non conformance

Initiate preventing action
Control the corrective action
Record changes to prevent recurrence

There are main cause which result into non-conformities failures,

malfunctions, deviations, in incoming material, tools, equipment etc. in
which material is handle, stored, tasted etc.
14.Handling, storage, packaging & deliver:- The handling storage, packing &
delivery planning of Ambika International is very good. Proper handling is
done of the material to prevent them from damage, deterioration or
contamination. There is proper & big store for storage of final or finished
products under good supervision department. The packing of hand tools are
also very good. The delivery of goods are done through shipping.
15. Quality Records:- The Quality management system requires sufficient to be
maintained to demonstration achievement of required quality. The Ambika
International prepare all quality records which helps to know about the smooth
functioning of company & also provide evidence that quality system elements
falling with in the requirement of ISO 9002 have been implemented. The
commonly used quality records are inspection reports, test data, test data,
validation, reports, audit report, material review reports, quality cost report etc.
16. Internal quality audit:- Quality audit is a systematic & independent
examination to determine whether quality activities & related results company with
planned arrangements. As the name specified internal audit, it is done by the
management of company himself to verify whether the various elements of quality
system are effective & suitable in achieving quality objectives. In Ambika
International internal audit is done by collectively management representative &
managing director & then follow up action can be carried out if here is any defency
in the documented procedures.
17. Training:- The training of the personal an org. is central to the achievement of
quality. In Ambika International training is given to improve their specific skill &
to increase their quality awareness. The appropriate records for training are also
maintained & qualified person are appointed to impart training is given on the

requirement of ISO 9000 stadards & development training is provided to perform

specific task.
18. Statistical techniques:- And the last element falling within the requirement of
ISO 9002 in Ambika International is statistical techniques. In ambika various
statistical techniques are used for verifying the acceptable of process in good
manner. The various statistical techniques are verifying the acceptability of process
on good manner. The various statisitical techniques are: Collection of Data
Analysis of data
Draw inference
Take appropriate action
The use of statistical methods may be beneficial in a wide range of
circumstances, including data collection, analysis & application.
Thus in this Ambika international satisfy all the elements of ISO 9902


During survey in the response to my questionnaire by the employees. I observed
that Ambika Overseas provided

many welfare facilities and provide labour

security scheme to many employees on the basis of response, which is given, by

the employees, I made clear study and my study is as follow:Are You aware of ISO Grade?


No.. of Respondent






Not at all



Above Figure shows that 60% of respondents have knowledge above ISO grade.
However only 10% employees know absolutely about it. Further 10% employees
know absolutely about it. Further 30% of employees have no knowledge about it.
More of the employees have knowledge although not absolute. It may be due to
reason that employee are properly involved in implementing companies policies
regarding quality assurance.
Are you satisfied with the quality policy of Ambika Overseas?


No. of Respondent

% of workers

High Satisfied











Above diagram shows that 10% of employees are highly satisfied, 26% of
employees are satisfied whereas 24% are unsatisfied. Further 40% of employees
are indifferent from the quality of Ambika Overseas.
Most of employess are indifferent regarding the quality policy. It may be due to the
reason that employess are mainly concerned with their work. However literate
employees are fully satisfied with the quality policy.
Is the installation of quality effective in Ambika?


No. of Respondent

% of employees








Interpretation:Above data conceals that 60% of employees agree that the quality in effectively
installed. However, 40% of employees disagree with this fact.
Major portion of employees state that the installation process of quality is effective
in Ambika overseas. It may be due to the reason that policies framed regarding the
installation are strictly laid down and followed.
Is there any workers participation in Management?


No. of Respondent

% of Employee








Above data reveals that 70% of employees participate in management decision
through may be through their representatives. However 30% do not participate.
Some worker do not participate in the management it may be because they are
casual workers.
Has suggestion made by you any practical impact on quality level?


No. of Respondent

%age of employees






Cant Say



INTERPRETATION:Data collected clearly shows that 70% of employee believed that the
suggestions made by them have practical impact while 20% disagree
with this fact. However 10% has no knowledge regarding it.
Suggestion made by lower level mgt. have practical impact. It may be
due to the reason that the production process is actually carried or by
them and they have more knowledge regarding the quality improvement.
What wage system is followed in the organization?

No. of Respondent

% of employees

Price rate system


Time rate system





Data collected reveals that 80% of employees get wages according to incentive
system while 20% get according to time rate system.
Major Portion of employees get incentive, because the quality can be improved by
motivating the Employees.
How quality standard are assured?

No. of Respondent

% of Employees






Advance communication



INTERPRETATION:Data collected reveals that quality is mainly stressed at the time of production
process. While purchasing the quality of raw material is also taken into
consideration. However less marketing is given 3rd rank & packing is given 4th
Is there any grading system for worker also?


No. of respondent

% of employees







Above table shows the worker are also classified according to their nature of work,
i.e. there is a grading system followed for worker also.


While taking training in Ambika International. I have found mainly following
points:1. It has been found that products while are manufactured arespanners, pipe
wrenches, prices, pliers etc., each product have its own manufacturing
process. The raw material used in all these products are carbon steel &
chromes vanadium steel.
2. Then knowing about the quality system of Ambika International. It was
found all quality functions are known to me like Marketing, Design of
product, Procurement, process planning, production, inspection etc.
3. Then installation of quality system was analyses which gives the
requirements of ISO 9002, the main points in installation are planning,
implementation & registration. It covers mainly 15 steps under installation.
4. To solve the electrical problem there are 3 high power generator installed.

5. The company is progressing during the last few years because there is no
shortage of any raw material, not any employees problem. so it is has
standard of ISO 9002 which implies that this company met with
requirements of quality management system.
6. This is mainly exporting industry. It exports all its hand tools. So it helps the
govt. or our country to exporting goods to several countries & with the
foreign exchange for our country.
7. For avoiding the wastage of time by employees each work or job is divided
into different department of different jobs. Like in Ambika International
there is firstly forging department, then trimming, then shop department,
assembly, oiling department are under the control if highly qualified
supervisor which knows about the quality policy objectives of the company
& helps the employee in improving the quality of products.
8. At last it was found that Ambika International provides fods bags & its
proper packing or products to the customers. It provides various leather
products to customers which provides safety while using the tools.
So there services provide by Ambika International increase the sales of this
company & its good behaviors also helps in increasing the sales.


1. Like Ambika is a competitive company & has grown from last few years but
if they give proper attention for manufacture of traditional as well as non-


traditional items, they will increase their profits.

Proper advertisement should also be made through good medical
advertisement which helps in increasing the demads of products of the
Quality is essential for survival & growth of any organization.
Survival is not compulsory for every organization.
For every organization?
Choice is his own:
Survive or vanish?

An overview of quality system.


Q.1 Are You aware of ISO?
a) Absolutely
b) Somewhat
c) Not at all

Q.2 Are you satisfied with the quality policy of Ambika Overseas?
a) High Satisfied


b) Satisfied

c) Indifferent
Q.3 Is there installation of quality effective in Ambika overseas?
a) Yes
b) No
Q.4 Is there any workers participation in management.
a) Yes

b) No

If No, then why.

If Yes, to what extent
Q.5 Has suggestions made by you and practical impact on quality level?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Cant Say

Q.6 What wages system is followed in the organization?

a) Price rate System
b) Time Rate System
c) Incentive
Q.7 How quality standard are Assured?
a) Communication in advance
b) Strict supervision
c) MBO
d) All of above
e) None of these
Q.8 Is there grading for workers also?
a) Yes
b) No

Q.9 Give your valuable suggestion that can be effective to increase your
contribution for quality enhancement..


Thanks for participating in the survey


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