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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.

8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011

ISSN (Online): 1694-0814


A Graphical Password Based System for Small Mobile

Wazir Zada Khan1, Mohammed Y Aalsalem2 and Yang Xiang3

School of Computer Science, University of Jazan

Jazan, PoBox # 114, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

School of Computer Science, University of Jazan

Jazan, PoBox # 114, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia

221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, VIC 3125, Australia

Passwords provide security mechanism for authentication and
protection services against unwanted access to resources. A graphical
based password is one promising alternatives of textual passwords.
According to human psychology, humans are able to remember pictures
easily. In this paper, we have proposed a new hybrid graphical
password based system, which is a combination of recognition and
recall based techniques that offers many advantages over the existing
systems and may be more convenient for the user. Our scheme is
resistant to shoulder surfing attack and many other attacks on graphical
passwords. This scheme is proposed for smart mobile devices (like
smart phones i.e. ipod, iphone, PDAs etc) which are more handy and
convenient to use than traditional desktop computer systems.
Keywords: Smart Phones, Graphical Passwords, Authentication,
Network Security.

1. Introduction
One of the major functions of any security system is the control
of people in or out of protected areas, such as physical buildings,
information systems, and our national borders. Computer
systems and the information they store and process are valuable
resources which need to be protected. Computer security
systems must also consider the human factors such as ease of a
use and accessibility. Current secure systems suffer because they
mostly ignore the importance of human factors in security [1].
An ideal security system considers security, reliability, usability,
and human factors. All current security systems have flaws
which make them specific for well trained and skilled users
only. A password is a secret that is shared by the verifier and the
customer. Passwords are simply secrets that are provided by the
user upon request by a recipient. They are often stored on a
server in an encrypted form so that a penetration of the file
system does not reveal password lists [2]. Passwords are the
most common means of authentication because they do not
require any special hardware. Typically passwords are strings of
letters and digits, i.e. they are alphanumeric. Such passwords
have the disadvantage of being hard to remember [3]. Weak
passwords are vulnerable to dictionary attacks and brute force

attacks where as Strong passwords are harder to remember. To

overcome the problems associated with password based
authentication systems, the researchers have proposed the
concept of graphical passwords and developed the alternative
authentication mechanisms. Graphical passwords systems are
the most promising alternative to conventional password based
authentication systems.
Graphical passwords (GP) use pictures instead of textual
passwords and are partially motivated by the fact that humans
can remember pictures more easily than a string of characters
[4]. The idea of graphical passwords was originally described by
Greg Blonder in 1996 [62]. An important advantage of GP is
that they are easier to remember than textual passwords. Human
beings have the ability to remember faces of people, places they
visit and things they have seen for a longer duration. Thus,
graphical passwords provide a means for making more userfriendly passwords while increasing the level of security.
Besides these advantages, the most common problem with
graphical passwords is the shoulder surfing problem: an
onlooker can steal users graphical password by watching in the
users vicinity. Many researchers have attempted to solve this
problem by providing different techniques [6]. Due to this
problem, most graphical passwords schemes recommend small
mobile devices (PDAs) as the ideal application environment.
Another common problem with graphical passwords is that it
takes longer to input graphical passwords than textual passwords
[6]. The login process is slow and it may frustrate the impatient
users. Graphical passwords serve the same purpose as textual
passwords differing in consisting of handwritten designs
(drawing), possibly in addition to text. The exploitation of smart
phones like ipod and PDAs is increased due to their small size,
compact deployment and low cost.
In this paper, considering the problems of text based password
systems, we have proposed a new graphical password scheme
which has desirable usability for small mobile device. Our

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

proposed system is new graphical passwords based hybrid

system which is a combination of recognition and recall based
techniques and consists of two phases. During the first phase
called Registration phase, the user has to first select his
username and a textual password. Then objects are shown to the
user to select from them as his graphical password. After
selecting the user has to draw those selected objects on a touch
sensitive screen using a stylus. During the second phase called
Authentication phase, the user has to give his username and
textual password and then give his graphical password by
drawing it in the same way as done during the registration phase.
If they are drawn correctly the user is authenticated and only
then he/she can access his/her account. For practical
implementation of our system we have chosen i-mate JAMin
smart phone which is produced by HTC, the Palm Pilot, Apple
Newton, Casio Cassiopeia E-20 and others which allow users to
provide graphics input to the device. It has a display size of
240x320 pixels and an important feature of Handwriting
recognition. The implementation details are out of the scope of
this paper.


[15]. Many token based authentication systems also use

knowledge based techniques to enhance security [7].
2.2 Biometric Based Authentication:
Biometrics (ancient Greek: bios ="life", metron ="measure") is
the study of automated methods for uniquely recognizing
humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral
traits [9]. It is based on Something You Are [8]. It uses
physiological or behavioral characteristics like fingerprint or
facial scans and iris or voice recognition to identify users. A
biometric scanning device takes a user's biometric data, such as
an iris pattern or fingerprint scan, and converts it into digital
information a computer can interpret and verify.

The structure of our paper is organized as follows. In Section II,

the classification of all existing authentication methods is
described. In Section III, all existing graphical password based
schemes are classified into three main categories. Section IV
reviews existing research and schemes which are strongly
related to our work. Section V discusses the problems of all
existing graphical password based schemes. In Section VI our
proposed system is described in detail. In Section VII we have
compared our proposed system with existing schemes by
drawing out the flaws in existing schemes. Section VIII provides
discussion. Finally Section IX concludes the paper.

2. Classification of Current Authentication

Due to recent events of thefts and terrorism, authentication has
become more important for an organization to provide an
accurate and reliable means of authentication [14]. Currently the
authentication methods can be broadly divided into three main
areas. Token based (two factor), Biometric based (three factor),
and Knowledge based (single factor) authentication [7], also
shown in the Figure 1.
2.1 Token Based Authentication:
It is based on Something You Possess. For example Smart
Cards, a drivers license, credit card, a university ID card etc. It
allows users to enter their username and password in order to
obtain a token which allows them to fetch a specific resource without using their username and password. Once their token
has been obtained, the user can offer the token - which offers
access to a specific resource for a time period - to the remote site

Fig. 1 Classification of Authentication Methods

A biometric-based authentication system may deploy one or

more of the biometric technologies: voice recognition,
fingerprints, face recognition, iris scan, infrared facial and hand
vein thermo grams, retinal scan, hand and finger geometry,
signature, gait, and keystroke dynamics [19]. Biometric
identification depends on computer algorithms to make a yes/no
decision. It enhances user service by providing quick and easy
identification [20].

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

2.3 Knowledge Based Authentication:

Knowledge based techniques are the most extensively used
authentication techniques and include both text based and
picture based passwords [7]. Knowledge-based authentication
(KBA) is based on Something You Know to identify you For
Example a Personal Identification Number (PIN), password or
pass phrase. It is an authentication scheme in which the user is
asked to answer at least one "secret" question [17]. KBA is often
used as a component in multifactor authentication (MFA) and
for self-service password retrieval. Knowledge based
authentication (KBA) offers several advantages to traditional
(conventional) forms of e-authentication like passwords, PKI
and biometrics [16].

3. Classification of Graphical Password Based

Graphical based passwords schemes can be broadly classified
into four main categories: First is Recognition based Systems
which are also known as Cognometric Systems or Searchmetric
Systems. Recognition based techniques involve identifying
whether one has seen an image before. The user must only be
able to recognize previously seen images, not generate them
unaided from memory. Second is Pure Reacll based systems
which are also known as Drwanmetric Systems. In pure recallbased methods the user has to reproduce something that he or
she created or selected earlier during the registration stage. Third
is Cued Recall based systems which are also called Iconmetric
Systems. In cued recall-based methods, a user is provided with a
hint so that he or she can recall his his/her password. Fourth is
Hybrid systems which are typically the combination of two or
more schemes. Like recognition and recall based or textual with
graphical password schemes. Detailed classification of systems,
involved in these four categories is shown in Figure 2.

4. Related Work
Haichang Gao et al. [55] have proposed and evaluated a new
shoulder-surfing resistant scheme called Come from DAS and
Story (CDS) which has a desirable usability for PDAs. This
scheme adopts a similar drawing input method in DAS and
inherits the association mnemonics in Story for sequence
retrieval. It requires users to draw a curve across their password
images (pass-images) orderly rather than click directly on them.
The drawing method seems to be more compatible with peoples
writing habit, which may shorten the login time. The drawing
input trick along with the complementary measures, such as
erasing the drawing trace, displaying degraded images, and
starting and ending with randomly designated images provide a
good resistance to shoulder surfing. A user study is conducted to
explore the usability of CDS in terms of accuracy, efficiency and
memorability, and benchmark the usability against that of a


Story scheme. The main contribution is that it overcomes a

drawback of recall-based systems by erasing the drawing trace
and introduces the drawing method to a variant of Story to resist
Password based

Pure Recall

n [22]
Use Your
Illusion [23]

Cued Recall

Unlock [34]


Hybrid Schemes

Scheme [44,
Scheme [46]

Story [24]


[41, 42, 43]

Dj vu [1]

DAS [31]

CCP [47]


BDAS [32]

PCCP [48]

VIP [26, 27]

PassGo [5]

n [49]

n [28]

YAGP [36]

Convex Hull
Click [29]



[38, 39]

CDS [55]

Two Step
ions [59]

3D Scheme


Fig. 2 Classification of Graphical Password Based Systems

P.C.van Oorshot and Tao Wan [59] have proposed a hybrid

authentication approach called Two-Step. In this scheme users
continue to use text passwords as a first step but then must also
enter a graphical password. In step one, a user is asked for her
user name and text password. After supplying this, and
independent of whether or not it is correct, in step two, the user
is presented with an image portfolio. The user must correctly

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

select all images (one or more) pre-registered for this account in

each round of graphical password verification. Otherwise,
account access is denied despite a valid text password. Using
text passwords in step one preserves the existing user sign-in
experience. If the users text password or graphical password is
correct, the image portfolios presented are those as defined
during password creation. Otherwise, the image portfolios
(including their layout dimensions) presented in first and a next
round are random but respectively a deterministic function of the
user name and text password string entered, and the images
selected in the previous round.

5. Problem Domain
There are many problems with each of the graphical based
authentication methods. These are discussed below:
5.1 Problems of Recognition Based Methods:
Dhamijia and Perrig proposed a graphical password based
scheme Dj Vu, based on Hash Visualization technique [11].
The drawback of this scheme is that the server needs to store a
large amount of pictures which may have to be transferred over
the network, delaying the authentication process. Another
weakness of this system is that the server needs to store the
seeds of portfolio images of each user in plaintext. Also, the
process of selecting a set of pictures from picture database can
be tedious and time consuming for the user [7]. This scheme was
not really secure because the passwords need to store in database
and that is easy to see.
Sobrado and Birget developed a graphical password technique
that deals with the shoulder surfing problem [3]. In their first
scheme the system displays a number of pass-objects (preselected by user) among many other objects as shown in Fig: 3.
To be authenticated, a user needs to recognize pass-objects and
click inside convex hull formed by all the pass objects. They
developed many schemes to solve the shoulder surfing problem
but the main drawback of these schemes is that log in process
can be slow.
Another recognition based technique is proposed by Man et al
[63]. He proposed a shoulder-surfing resistant algorithm which
is similar to that developed by Sobrado and Birget. The
difference is that Man et al has introduced several variants for
each pass-object and each variant is assigned a unique code.
Thus during authentication the user recognize pre-selected
objects with an alphanumeric code and a string for each passobject. Although it is very hard to break this kind of password
but this method still requires the user to memorize alphanumeric
codes for each pass-object variants.
Passface is another recognition based system. It is argued by
its developer that it is easy for human beings to remember
human faces than any other kind of passwords. But Davis et al
[12] have found that most users tend to choose faces of people
from the same race. This makes the Passface password


somewhat predictable. Furthermore, some faces might not be

welcomed by certain users and thus the login process will be
unpleasant. Another limitation of this system is that it cannot be
used by those people who are face-blind [6].
5.2 Problems of Recall Based Methods:
The problem with the Grid based methods is that during
authentication the user must draw his/her password in the same
grids and in the same sequence. It is really hard to remember the
exact coordinates of the grid. The problem with Passlogix is that
the full password space is small. In addition a user chosen
password might be easily guessable [6]. DAS scheme has some
limitations like it is vulnerable to shoulder surfing attack if a
user accesses the system in public environments, there is still a
risk for the attackers to gain access to the device if the attackers
obtained a copy of the stored secret, and, brute force attacks can
be launched by trying all possible combinations of grid
coordinates, ) Drawing a diagonal line and identifying a starting
point from any oval shape figure using the DAS scheme itself
can be a challenge for the users, and finally Difficulties might
arise when the user chooses a drawing which contains strokes
that pass too close to a grid-line, thus, the scheme may not be
able to distinguish which cell the user is choosing.
PassPoints is the extended version of Blonders idea by
eliminating the predefined boundaries and allowing arbitrary
images to be used. Using this scheme it takes time to think to
locate the correct click region and determine precisely where to
click. Another problem with these schemes is that it is difficult
to input a password through a keyboard, the most common input
device; if the mouse doesnt function well or a light pen is not
available, the system cannot work properly [6]. Overall, with
both PassPoints and Passlogix, looking for small spots in a
rich picture might be tiresome and unpleasant for users with
weak vision.
In Viskeys scheme the main drawback is the input tolerance.
Pointing to the exact spots on the picture has proven to be quite
hard thus Viskey accepts all input within a certain tolerance area
around it. It also allows users to set the size of this area in
advance. However, some caution related to the input precision
needs to be taken, since it will directly influence the security and
the usability of the password. In order to practically set
parameters, a four spot VisKey theoretically provides
approximately 1 billion possibilities for defining a password.
Unfortunately this is not large enough to prevent off-line attacks
from a high-speed computer. Therefore no less than seven
defined spots are required to overcome the likelihood of brute
force attacks.

6. Proposed System
Taking into account all the problems and limitations of graphical
based schemes, we have proposed a hybrid system for

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

authentication. This hybrid system is a mixture of both

recognition and recall based schemes.


Step 6
After stroke merging, the system constructs the hierarchy.
Step 7
Seventh step is the sketch simplification.
Step 8
In the eighth step three types of features are extracted from the
sketch drawn by the user.
Step 9
The last step is called hierarchical matching.

Fig. 3 A shoulder surfing resistant graphical password scheme [3].

Graphical Representation of our proposed system is shown in

Figure 5.

Our proposed system is an approach towards more reliable,

secure, user-friendly, and robust authentication. We have also
reduced the shoulder surfing problem to some extent.
6.1 Working of Proposed System:
Our proposed system comprises of 9 steps out of which steps 1-3
are registration steps and steps 4-9 are the authentication steps.
Step 1
The first step is to type the user name and a textual password
which is stored in the database. During authentication the user
has to give that specific user name and textual password in order
to log in.
Step 2
In this second step objects are displayed to the user and he/she
selects minimum of three objects from the set and there is no
limit for maximum number of objects. This is done by using one
of the recognition based schemes. The selected objects are then
drawn by the user, which are stored in the database with the
specific username. Objects may be symbols, characters, auto
shapes, simple daily seen objects etc. Examples are shown in
Figure 4.
Step 3
During authentication, the user draws pre-selected objects as his
password on a touch sensitive screen (or according to the
environment) with a mouse or a stylus. This will be done using
the pure recall based methods.
Step 4
In this step, the system performs pre-processing
Step 5
In the fifth step, the system gets the input from the user and
merges the strokes in the user drawn sketch.

Fig. 4 Some examples of objects shown to the user

During registration, the user selects the user name and a textual
password in a conventional manner and then chooses the objects
as password. The minimum length for textual password is L=6.
Textual password can be a mixture of digits, lowercase and
uppercase letter. After this the system shows objects on the
screen of a PDA to select as a graphical password. After
choosing the objects, the user draws those objects on a screen
with a stylus or a mouse. Objects drawn by the user are stored in
the database with his/her username. In object selection, each
object can be selected any number of times. Flow chart of
registration phase is shown in Figure 6.
During authentication, the user has to first give his username and
textual password and then draw pre-selected objects. These
objects are then matched with the templates of all the objects
stored in the database. Flow chart of authentication phase is
shown in Figure 7. The phases during the authentication like the
pre-processing, stroke merging, hierarchy construction, sketch
simplification, feature extraction, and hierarchical matching are
the steps proposed by Wing Ho Leung and Tsuhan Chen in their
paper [13]. They propose a novel method for the retrieval of
hand drawn sketches from the database, finally ranking the best
matches. In the proposed system, the user will be authenticated
only if the drawn sketch is fully matched with the selected
objects template stored in the database. Pre-processing of hand

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

drawn sketches is done prior to recognition and normally

involves noise reduction and normalization. The noise occur in
the image by user is generally due to the limited accuracy of
human drawn images. [14]. A number of techniques can be used
to reduce noise that includes Smoothing, filtering, wild point
correction etc. Here in the proposed system Gaussian smoothing
is used which eliminates noise introduced by the tablet or shaky

or specifically in two dimensions

Where r is the blur radius (r2 = u2 + v2), and is the standard

deviation of the Gaussian distribution.

Fig. 5 Graphical Representation of Proposed System


In case, if user draws very large or a very small sketch then the
system performs size normalization which adjusts the symbols
or sketches to a standard size. The Stroke merging phase is use
to merge the strokes which are broken at end points. If the end
points are not close, then that stroke is considered as open stroke
and it may be merged with another open stroke if the end point
of one stroke is close to the end point of the other. The strokes
are then represented in a hierarchy to simplify the image and to
make it meaningful for further phases [13]. In the next step of
sketch simplification, a shaded region is represented by a single
hyper-stroke. After sketch simplification three types of features
are extracted from the user re-drawn sketch. These features are
hyper stroke features, Stroke features, and bi-stroke features.
In the last step of hierarchical matching, the similarity is
evaluation the top to bottom hierarchical manner. The user is
allowed to draw in an unrestricted manner. The overall process
is difficult because free hand sketching is a difficult job. The
order in which the user has selected the objects does matter in
our proposed system i.e. during the authentication phase, the
user can draw his pre-selected objects in the same order as he
had selected during the registration phase. So, in this way the
total combinations of each password will be 2n 1, n being the
number of objects selected by the user as password during the
registration phase.

Fig. 6 Flow chart for Registration Phase

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

7. Comparison of Proposed System with Existing

Our system offers many advantages over other existing systems
as discussed below:
Comparing to the Passface system, our system can also be
used for those who are face-blind. We have used objects instead
of human faces for selecting as password because later on during
the authentication phase, the user has to draw his/her password
and it is a much more difficult task to draw human faces than
simple objects. Also we believe that as compared to human
faces, objects are easier to remember which are in daily use. Our
system has eliminated the problems with grid based techniques
where the user has to remember the exact coordinates which is
not easy for the user. Our system just compares the shapes of the
objects drawn by the user during authentication.


scheme. This is because in his scheme the user has to remember

both the objects and string and the code. In our method the user
has to remember the objects he selected for password and also
the way he has drawn the objects during registration.
Comparing to Van Oorschots approach, our system is more
secure since users not only select graphical password but also
draw their password, making it difficult to hack. In our proposed
system, even if the textual password is compromised, the
graphical password cannot be stolen or compromised since the
user is also drawing the graphical password. Our proposed
system differs from CDS in that the user has to first select a
textual password and then a graphical password, making it more
secure. Comparing to Two Step Authentication system, our
proposed system works in the same way as Two Step
Authentication system i.e the user has to choose a textual
password before choosing a graphical password but difference is
that in our system during authentication, after giving the
username and textual password, the user has to draw his
graphical password which is matched with its stored template
drawn by the user during the registration phase. This approach
protects from hacking the password and prevents them from
launching different attacks. Thus our system is more secure and
reliable than two step authentication system. As with all
graphical based systems our system will also be slow. The
normalization and matching will take time. An important issue
of our system is that it is somewhat user dependent during
authentication. It depends upon the users drawing ability. Thus,
the system may not be able to verify the objects drawn by the
user and as a result the actual user may not be authenticated.
The possible attacks on graphical passwords are Brute force
attack, Dictionary attacks, Guessing, Spy-ware, Shoulder surfing
and social engineering. Graphical based passwords are less
vulnerable to all these possible attacks than text based passwords
and they believe that it is more difficult to break graphical
passwords using these traditional attack methods. Our System is
resistant to almost all the possible attacks on graphical
passwords. The comparison of our system to existing schemes
and systems in resisting attacks on graphical passwords is shown
in table 1.

8. Conclusion & Future Work

Fig. 7 Flow Chart for Authentication Phase

Our scheme is less vulnerable to Brute force attack as the

password space is large. It is also less vulnerable to online and
offline dictionary attacks. Since stylus is used, it provides ease
to the user for drawing objects and also it will be impractical to
carry out dictionary attack. Our scheme is better than Man et al

The core element of computational trust is identity. Currently

many authentication methods and techniques are available but
each with its own advantages and shortcomings. There is a
growing interest in using pictures as passwords rather than text
passwords but very little research has been done on graphical
based passwords so far. In view of the above, we have proposed
authentication system which is based on graphical password
schemes. Although our system aims to reduce the problems with
existing graphical based password schemes but it has also some
limitations and issues like all the other graphical based password

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

Graphical Password
Schemes/ Systems
Blonders Scheme [62]
DAS [31]
BDAS [32]
Qualitative DAS [65]
Syukri Algorithm [64]
PassPoints [41, 42, 43]
PassFace [10, 25]
PassGo [5]
Passlogix [40]
PassMap [66]
Passdoodle [38, 39]
Viskey SFR
Perrig and Song [11]
Sobrado and Birget [3]
Man et al Scheme [63]
Picture Password Scheme [60]
CDS [55]
WIW [57]
Association based scheme
Dj Vu [1]
Haptic Password Scheme [37]
YAGP [36]
Photographic Authentication
Two Step Authentication [59]
Our Proposed System

Type of Scheme

Brute Force



Resistant to Possible Attacks

Nave Key

Recognition Based
Table Recall
1: Comparison
Based Of Graphical
N password Schemes
Y resistant toYdifferent AttacksN
Pure Recall Based
Pure recall Based
Pure recall Based
Cued Recall Based
Recognition Based
Pure Recall Based
Cued Recall Based
Pure Recall Based
Pure Recall Based
Pure Recall Based
Recognition Based
Recognition Based
Recognition Based
Recognition Based
Recognition Based

Phishing Attack



Recognition Based

Recognition Based
Pure Recall Based
Pure Recall Based




Recognition Based

Note: Y= Yes resistant to attack N=No not resistant to attack




techniques. To conclude, we need our authentication systems to

be more secure, reliable and robust as there is always a place for
improvement. Currently we are working on the System
Implementation and Evaluation. In future some other important
things regarding the performance of our system will be
investigated like User Adoptability and Usability and Security of
our system.
The authors wish to acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for
valuable comments.

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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814

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Wazir Zada Khan is currently with School of Computer Science, Jazan
University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He received his MS in Computer
Science from Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan. His
research interests include network and system security, sensor networks,
wireless and ad hoc networks. His subjects of interest include Sensor
Networks, Wireless Networks, Network Security and Digital Image
Processing, Computer Vision.
Dr. Muhammad Y Aalsalem is currently dean of e-learning and assistant
professor at School of Computer Science, Jazan University. Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Sydney
University. His research interests include real time communication,
network security, distributed systems, and wireless systems. In particular,
he is currently leading in a research group developing flood warning
system using real time sensors. He is Program Committee of the
International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and
Engineering, CAINE2011. He is regular reviewer for many international
journals such as King Saud University Journal (CCIS-KSU Journal).
Dr. Yang Xiang is currently with School of Information Technology,
Deakin University. He received his PhD in Computer Science from
Deakin University. His research interests include network and system
security, distributed systems, and wireless systems. In particular, he is
currently leading in a research group developing active defense systems
against large-scale distributed network attacks and new Internet security
countermeasures. His recent research has been supported by the
Australian Research Council (ARC), the University, and industry partners.
Dr. Xiang has published more than 100 research papers in international
journals and conferences. He has served as Program/General Chair for
many international conferences such as ICA3PP 11, IEEE/IFIP EUC 11,
TrustCom 11, IEEE HPCC 10/09, IEEE ICPADS 08, NSS
11/10/09/08/07. He has been PC member for many international
conferences in distributed systems, networking, and security. He is
regular reviewer for many international journals such as IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Information
Security and Forensics, IEEE Communications Letters, and IEEE Journal
on Selected Areas in Communications. He is on the editorial board of
Journal of Network and Computer Applications.

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