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Secure Authentication Using 3D Password

Article  in  International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology · February 2022
DOI: 10.46501/IJMTST0802029


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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 8(02): 176-179, 2022
Copyright © 2022 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
ISSN: 2455-3778 online
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0802029
Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol8issue02.html

Secure Authentication Using 3D Password

Anjana V R* | Sangeetha J

Department of Computer science, St. Alberts College (Autonomous) Banerjee Road, Cochin, Kerala.
*Corresponding Author Mail Id: anjanavr876@gmail.com

To Cite this Article

Anjana V R and Sangeetha J. Secure Authentication Using 3D Password. International Journal for Modern Trends in
Science and Technology 2022, 8 pp. 176-179. https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0802029

Article Info
Received: 20 January 2022; Accepted: 14 February 2022; Published: 20 February 2022.

Textual passwords, biometric scanning, tokens or cards (such as an ATM), and other password models are now available to
users. Textual passwords, for the most part, use an encryption method. Biometric scanning serves as your natural signature, while
Cards or Tokens serve as proof of your identity. However, some people despise having to carry their cards with them, and others
reject to have their retinas exposed to powerful IR (Biometric scanning). Nowadays, most textual passwords are kept basic, such
as a phrase from the dictionary or their pet names. Klein used to do these tests and could crack 10-15 passwords every day. With
the advancement of technology, fast computers, and a plethora of Internet-based applications, this has become a child's game.As
a result, 3D passwords are a more customised and intriguing method of authentication. Passwords are now predicated on the fact
that humans have memory. Simple passwords are usually used so that they may be remembered easily. In our concept, the human
memory must go through the processes of recognition, recall, biometrics, and token-based authentication. The 3D password GUI
appears once you've implemented it and logged in to a secure site. This is a second textual password that the user can type in. A
3D virtual room will appear on the screen after he completes the first authentication. Let's imagine we're talking about a virtual
garage. In today's garage, one will find a variety of tools, equipment, and other items.

KEYWORDS:3D password, multi-factor Authentication, Recall, Recognition, Token, Virtual Environment

1. INTRODUCTION plethora of Internet-based applications, this has become

Textual passwords, biometric scanning, tokens or a child's game. As a result, 3D passwords
cards (such as an ATM), and other password models are a more customised and intriguing method of
are now available to users. Textual passwords, for the authentication. Passwords are now predicated on the
most part, use an encryption method. Biometric fact that humans have memory. Simple passwords are
scanning serves as your natural signature, while Cards usually used so that they may be remembered easily.
or Tokens serve as proof of your identity. However, IJSDR (2019) [1] the human memory must go through
some people despise having to carry their cards with the processes of recognition, recall, biometrics, and
them, and others reject to have their retinas exposed to token-based authentication. The 3D password GUI
powerful IR (Biometric scanning).[2] Nowadays, most appears once you've implemented it and logged in to a
textual passwords are kept basic, such as a phrase from secure site. This is a second textual password that the
the dictionary or their pet names. Klein used to do these user can type in. A 3D virtual room will appear on the
tests and could crack 10-15 passwords everyday. With screen after he completes the first authentication. Let's
the advancement of technology, fast computers, and a imagine we're talking about a virtual garage. In today's

176 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

garage, one will find a variety of tools, equipment, and [8] .Authentication, or the process of confirming the user,
other items.Each one has its own set of characteristics. is a critical security risk. Human authentication
After then, the user will interact with these attributes as approaches can be categorised into the following
needed. In 3D space, any object can be moved around in categories: 1) Textual based: Recall based techniques
a (x, y, z) plane. Each object's movement attribute is require the user to re-create a previously twisted secret.
this. This is a property that all things in the space share. Identification-based methods require the user to
Let's say a user checks in and goes into the garage. He classify and be aware of a secret or part of a secret that
finds a screwdriver and takes it up (starting position in the user has carefully selectedpreviously[3]. 2)
xyz coordinates: 5, 5, 5) and transfers it 5 places to his Graphical based: This strategy is suited those who can
right (in the XY plane, i.e. (10, 5, 5). This is what is remember and identify films better than they can
known as authentication. Only a true user words. Some of the graphical password schemes
comprehends and identifies the thing from which he require a significant amount of effort to implement.
must choose. This is where human memory's Recall and Furthermore, the majority of graphical password
Recognition functions kick in. schemes are vulnerable to shoulder surfing
. attacks.3Token-based: In banking authentication
STRUCTURE OF PAPER structures, token-based systems are necessary in
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 1, addition to knowledge-based authentication systems
the introduction of the paper is provided along with the such as textual and graphic-based systems. Many
structure. In Section 2 we have the complete instances have revealed, however, that tokens can be
information about 3d password. Section 3 shares lost, forged, or stolen using easy means [8]. 4) Biometric
information about the working of 3d password and also based: A variety of biometric techniques have been
the state diagram. Section 4 tells us about the proposed, including fingerprints, face recognition,
methodology and the process description. Section 6 voice recognition, retina recognition, and palm prints.
tells us about the future scope and concludes the paper However, all schemes have their own set of restrictions
with acknowledgement and references. and downsides, which are determined by a variety of
characteristics such as acceptance, distinctiveness, and
OBJECTIVES consistency. One of the major disadvantages of using
When compared to existing authentication schemes, biometrics is that it is insensitive to a user's personal
the new technique must provide more secure characteristics [8].
authentication. It is designed in such a way that it is
[2] A.B.Gadicha[2]To overcome the benefits and
simple to grasp and very user-friendly authentication
drawbacks of previously available authentication
approach, giving the user the option of selecting the
solutions. The new authentication system, which is
sort of techniques to be used in password generation.
based on previously existing techniques, is introduced.
For hackers and crackers, the new method must supply
The "3 Dimensional Password" is a combination of
secrets that are easy to remember or memorise while
passwords. Which is a multifactor method that
also being difficult to guess. give secrets that are a mix
combines all of the above-mentioned memory,
of authentication patterns based on Recall, Recognition,
recognition, graphical, and biometric based schemes, as
Biometrics, and Tokens, or a mixture of two or more
well as many more. All of these strategies are used to
systems. Only authenticated users will be able to
create 3d Password in a virtual three-dimensional
update or remove them under the new scheme.
world. The user will interact with many virtual things
2. RELATED WORK in this virtual environment. A distinct 3D environment
will be created for each user, and the environment will
There are numerous works that have been done
vary as the person changes. The 3D password is created
related to image processing machine learning
by analysing the user's interaction sequences [2].

177 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Currently, research on 3D passwords suggests using a
virtual environment. International global journal for
engineering research (2014) [3] The main concept in this
virtual environment is to create a virtual room where
everything exists within the screen of a computer or
laptop, similar to the environment created when we
play video games. Vishal kolhe. (2013) [5] However, as
technology advances, we now have access to a variety
of electronic devices that can assist us in creating a 3D
password system with real-time environment. As a
result, the suggested system specifies that the user
would have the ability to select the amountof items he
wishes to use.Thencan choose the type of thing he
wishes to utilise, which may be a cylindrical object, a
conical object in the shape ofa cap, or a conical object in
the shape of a hat., a cuboidal object, such as an eraser,
any real-time object Laptops, duster, marker, and other
items are all readily available.Theobjects must then be
arranged in a specific order. Barthi (2016) [7] Only the
user who needs to go through the process will Fig.1 State Diagram of 3d password
knowauthentication using a password This set-up
would be discovered. We can use a variety of sensors  The architecture of the 3D virtual environment and
and devices that we have onhand. As a result,The the type of object selected within it decide the 3D
objects can be arranged in an infinite number of ways. password key space.
Sonker s k (2011) [12] The 3D Password is the best  Consider the size of a 3D virtual environment space
method to provide security which can be used with the to be G x G x G. In a three-dimensional virtual
combination of all possible password together. It is world, virtual objects are distributed with unique
more efficient than other authentication, hence it is a (x,y,z) coordinates[4].
tightly secured authentication system. Moreover, it  To give security to the email client system, we are
shows how the attacker will acquire knowledge of the using a three-dimensional password system. To use
most possible attacks. Shoulder surfing attacks are still the mailing services, the user must first create an
possible and effective against 3D password therefore a account. To create an account, the user must fill out
possible solution is a field of research. personal information such as user id, name, and
address, as well as a password that is a 3D
Working of 3d password password.
The following diagram is the state diagram of 3d  After filling out the profile details, the user travels
password. around in a three-dimensional virtual environment.
 The user will then navigate within the 3D virtual
environment and interact with virtual items using
any input devices available, such as a keyboard and
 The user is now in a virtual art gallery in a 3D
environment. Many paintings can be found in an art
gallery. In that art gallery, the user must choose
from a variety of pointer photographs.

178 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

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research goal is to develop a 3-D password for mobile

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Authors declare that they do not have any conflict of

179 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

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