IGCSE Year 8

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The document outlines the curriculum and assessments for several subjects at the British School in Bahrain for Year 8 students.

The Arabic curriculum covers units on legends and myths, celebrity persons, travel and trips, as well as grammar topics. Assessment includes oral, written, content and language criteria.

In Art & Design, skills in observational drawing, applying techniques, interpreting other artists' works, and evaluating pieces are developed.

Arabic Language

Subject Content

Teaching Groups

The students are taught in ability groups.

Unit 1:Legend and Myth

Unit 2 :Celebrity persons
Unit 3 : Travel and trips
Short stories
Personal projects
Grammar: Revision, Al Masdar, Esm Al fa3l,
Esm Almaf3oul, Siyagh Al mobalagha, Esm
Al tafthil, Esm Al aala, Esm AL marra and
Esm Al Hayaa, esm Al Zaman and Al
makan, Esm al Tasgheer Irregular plural,
General revision.

Skills acquired/developed
Understand and analyse language,
content, structure, meaning and
significance of both familiar and previously
unseen oral, written and visual texts.
Compare and contrast works, and connect
themes across and within genres. Analyse
the effects of the authors choices on an
audience. Express an informed and
independent response to literary and nonliterary texts. Compose pieces that apply
appropriate literary and/or non-literary
features to serve the context and
Create work that employs organisational
structures and language-specific
conventions throughout a variety of text
types. Organise ideas and arguments in a
sustained, coherent and logical manner.
Employ appropriate critical apparatus.
Use appropriate and varied register,
vocabulary and idiom. Use correct
grammar and syntax. Use appropriate and
varied sentence structure. Use correct
spelling/writing. Use language to narrate,
describe, analyse, explain, argue,
persuade, inform, entertain and express
feelings. Use language accurately.

Assessment is an integral part of teaching
and learning, the use of assessment in a
formative sense to judge regularly the
effectiveness of both teaching and learning
processes, is essential to allow teachers
and students to identify strengths and
Arabic criteria: Oral, content, language
and organisation.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Most work is differentiated by outcome
although extension work is offered at each
stage of a programme of study. Gifted and
able students will be encouraged to develop
their understanding of technique and theory
relating to the specific topic being covered
and will be given opportunities to display

The Programme in Year 8 build on skills
learned in Year 7. Students continue to
develop their skills through their study of the
current level.


Bahrain Ministry curriculum

Arabic book
Different Arabic curriculum
Different Arabic books
Arabic story books

Useful websites


British School Bahrain / Year 8 / Overview 2013

Art & Design

Subject Content


Term 1 Portraiture
Learning Objectives:
To be able to use guidelines to accurately
record proportions of the face
To be able to create tone through mixing and
blending colour
To be able to evaluate personal work and that
of others, identifying areas for improvement

Assessment is carried out on a regular basis for

both classwork and homework. Every unit of work
is assessed using general assessment criteria in
conjunction with National Curriculum levels, this is
broken down into four assessment objectives:
1. Research & Investigation
2. Using materials & techniques to make art
3. Contextual studies: looking at the works
of others
4. Evaluating & developing ideas
Self and peer assessment skills through a range of
activities from evaluation sheets to group
discussions to common assessment tasks are used.

Term 2 Line & Pattern

Learning Objectives:
To be able to record accurately from
observation- with particular focus on contour
line and depth
To know and understand the concepts behind
Op Art, with particular reference to the work of
Bridget Riley
To be able to analyse and evaluate personal
work and that of others
Term 3 Composition
Learning Objectives:
To be able to construct a composition based on
understanding of success criteria
To understand the concepts behind Cubism
To know how to analyse the work of others
both descriptively and subjectively

Skills acquired/developed
Observational drawing skills: How to see
contour lines, angles & proportions, negative
space and shape and shading
Application of technical knowledge skills to
manipulate the qualities of materials,
processes and the formal elements when
designing and making
Accept creative risks, exploring and
experimenting with ideas independently and
inventively, using a range of appropriate
resources imaginatively to develop, design and
create work
Interpret and explain how ideas and meanings
are conveyed by artists, craftspeople and
designers, recognising the varied
characteristics of different historical and
cultural contexts
Provide reasoned evaluation of the purpose
and meaning of their own work and that of
Views and practice are informed by critical

Teaching Groups
The students are taught in their tutor groups.

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Most work is differentiated by outcome although
extension work is set with each activity. Gifted and
able students are encouraged to develop their
understanding and sensitivity of technique and
theory to suit specific intention. They are
encouraged to be more adventurous in their
decision making and questioning, pushing their
creativity whilst taking bigger risks within their
exploration of ideas, materials and approaches.

The programme implemented in Year 8
compliments and builds upon what students have
already completed by the end of Year 7, extending
knowledge and broadening experiences with
materials. The Year 8 curriculum is specifically
designed to develop progression of key skills to
continue study into Year 9.

All practical materials are available to the children
in the classroom during their lessons
At home it is essential that they have basic
materials in order to complete homework tasks:
A set of shading pencils
A black inky pen for drawing
A set of colouring pencils
Poster paints & paint brushes
It is also beneficial that our students have access
to the internet and a colour printer at home so
that they are able to complete research tasks

Useful websites

Subject Content
Murder Enquiry (improvised topic focusing on
skill development)
Teen Talk
Genre (Theatre style)
Physical theatre (Theatre style)
Devising from a stimulus

Skills acquired/developed
Working effectively, responsibly and
responsively as members of a group
Developing their critical thinking about texts,
issues and situations through work in role
Translating initial ideas and responses into
drama, which might include a tableau,
improvisation or a script
Using specialist vocabulary confidently and
sustain discussion on a text
Using drama techniques and conventions to
interpret texts and make meanings
Selecting and shaping material into a coherent
and effective piece which reveals deepening
understanding of a text or situation
Using voice, gesture and movement to convey
meaning to an audience, making disciplined
use of the conventions of performance
Analysing and account for their responses to
Developing their reading skills through
engaging critically with the techniques and
intentions of writers and directors
Developing their writing skills through
exploring and scripting plays and a variety of
other texts
Transferring and applying to other curriculum
areas the skills and understanding developed
through drama
Evaluating their own progress and set personal
targets for development

Process The process of creating drama and

working creatively and imaginatively with others
Product-The performance of drama tasks for a
recognised audience of peers
Performance- The process of appraisal and
evaluation of practical work to inform future
Students will be encouraged to reflect upon their
own work and evaluate their progress through the
Drama levels within the curriculum. Students will
have an understanding of their own attainment
and level in Drama and are encouraged, with
guidance and regular self-assessment to actively
involve themselves in individual target setting and
the setting of realistic but challenging personal

Provision for the Gifted and Able

As a subject Drama allows for inclusion of
students of all abilities; within the classroom
students are given opportunities for extension
and development in practical and creative tasks
and are given structured opportunities to expand
and develop their evaluative work with insight
and analysis.

Units explored in Year 8 are specifically designed
to build upon and expand skills learnt in Year 7 to
allow students to further progress in their abilities
and levels, which are assessed frequently where
students can track their progress through the
drama levels and match their abilities to the
descriptors provided by the Arts Council Drama in
Schools (2nd Ed.)


The students are taught in their tutor groups.

Students have access to a range of resources

including costume and props to inspire
imagination and technology to support
performance including lighting and sound.
Technology is also used regularly as a teaching
tool and teachers often use internet based
resources and teaching examples during classes.


Useful websites

Students are assessed across three main

objectives in each unit of work. These objectives


Teaching Groups

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Subject Content


An emphasis is placed on written genres in

this programme. Students are encouraged
to continue to widen their reading
experience, both for enjoyment and in
order to develop their appreciation of
Study of a modern novel
Study of literary non-fiction, including
Study of a Shakespeare play, with close
attention to selected scenes
A study of a film as a text
Study of poetry, including poems from
other cultures
A comparison of two short stories (pre1914)
An introduction to media texts, including
Students are encouraged to enjoy a range
of fiction in their private reading
Grammar and spelling are taught within
the context of the units that are studied.

Students undertake a wide range of

assessment in English.

Skills acquired/developed
Reading for meaning
Understanding and beginning to analyse
the writers choices and their effects on
the reader
Exploring the structure of texts and the
effect on the reader
Exploring the context in which a text is
written and how this impacts on the
readers understanding
Using a range of literary devices and
understanding their effect on the reader
Develop writing for different purposes and
Using structure effectively in speech and
Choosing an appropriate register when
Listening with care and responding
Performing dramatic roles with conviction

Teaching Groups
Students are banded in ability groups.

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Speaking and Listening

Persuasive speeches
Short stories
Persuasive writing
Descriptive writing
Original poetry, with analysis
Scripting a play scene
Comparative essays
Evaluations and commentaries
Comprehension and analysis

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Students discuss their interests with their
teacher so that they can negotiate the
requirements of more stimulating and
challenging tasks. They are encouraged to
become more adventurous in their choices of
reading material.

Now that their reading is widening, students
can compare and contrast texts. Students
continue to develop their understanding of
the writers craft by examining contextual


Literature texts
Non-fiction texts
Grammar resources

Useful websites

Food Technology
Subject Content
The function of ingredients
Explore how products contribute to
lifestyle and consumer choices
Research the cultural development of food
Multi-cultural foods with an emphasis on
Apply knowledge of materials and
production processes to design products
and produce solutions that are relevant
and fit for purpose
Explore how products are made
Reinterpret and apply learning in new
design contexts and communicating ideas
in new and unexpected ways
Experiment with new materials
Function and construction of packaging
Exploring the impact of commercial
Incorporate the use of new technologies
and modelling

Skills acquired/developed
Developing practical and food preparation
Using electrical equipment
Identifying of high risk foods (cross
Analysing food products
Understanding how products evolve
according to the users and designers
needs, beliefs, ethics and how they are
influenced by local customs, traditions and
available ingredients.
Design and make new products using
computer aided design (CAD)

Teaching Groups
The students are taught in their tutor groups.

Students undertake a wide variety of
assessment in food technology which are
carried out in class and through various
homework tasks. At the end of each term all
students will undertake a Common
British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Assessment Task. These assessments are both

Formative and Summative and are designed
to evaluate the progress of each student and
build up a profile of their development. This
information is also used by the department to
track each student so that we can help them
to reach their potential. All students sit an end
of year examination.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Differentiated activities have been included in
our schemes of work to enable us to challenge
our more able students. Extension activities
have been designed to meet the needs of our
students. All food technology students are
encouraged to explore and carry out
independent learning including cooking at
home and reading around the topics being

The programmes of study in year 8 build on
the theoretical and practical skill which
students are taught in year 7.


A selection of text books

Visual and auditory resources
Information and work sheets
A wide variety of kitchen utensils
A wide selection of food products
ICT Nutritional analysis programme

Useful websites

Subject Content

Identifying time sequences in texts

Module 1 Metro 2 Vert - Salut!

Talking about yourself and your friend
Saying what you do after school
Saying where you go and what you do in the
Talking about a special day out
Review of the present tense and major
irregular verbs
Module 2 Metro 2 Vert - Ma vie
Talking about what you do in the morning
Saying when you get up and when you go to
The twenty-four hour clock and reflexive verbs
Talking about what you are going to do
Module 3 Metro 2 Rouge - Famille et copains
Talking about your family
Saying how tall people are and making
Naming parts of the body
Saying what is wrong with you and giving
Module 4 Metro 2 Rouge Dans le pass
Saying what you did yesterday
Saying where you have been and what you
have done
Talking about a special day out
Past tense of regular and major irregular verbs
Module 5 Metro 2 Rouge A table!
Saying what you have for breakfast and lunch
Shops and shopping for food
Saying how much you want
Ordering food and drink

AT4 Writing
Writing short essays containing two or more
Writing about events using more than one
Using dictionaries

Skills acquired/developed
AT1 Listening
Listening for gist and detail
Understanding simple conversations
Understanding and noting main points
Identifying different tenses
AT2 Speaking
Asking and answering questions
Summarising and reporting
Taking part in dialogues
Giving presentations
Referring to present, past and future events
AT3 Reading
Reading short texts on familiar topics with ease
Reading for specific information
Understanding new vocabulary using
prediction and contextual clues.
British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Teaching Groups
The students are taught in their tutor groups.

There are short mini tests approximately every
two weeks. Additionally there will be one formal
assessment per term which will test the students
attainment in the key skills. There is a final
examination covering the whole years work at
the end of the academic year.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

The course provides for differentiated activities
and there are additional exercises for the more
able. Most speaking and written tasks are open
ended allowing each student to be creative and
use the target language in new ways.

Year 8 begins with a consolidation of all Year 7
work, giving weaker students a second chance
and allowing more able students to refine, perfect
and extend their skills.


Metro 2 Vert, Metro 2 Rouge

Metro 2 Cahier dexercices Vert et Rouge
Teacher produced worksheets.
Internet sites

Useful websites


Subject Content
Importance of the coast
Coastal processes
Coastal Landforms
Impacts of coastal erosion
Managing the coast
Climatic Regions
What are the major climatic regions and
their link to ecosystems?
Factors affecting climate.
Cloud and rain formation
Climate graphs
Rainforest climate
Rainforest ecosystem
Deforestation causes and consequences
Desert climate and ecosystem
Climate Change
Environmental issues
Green futures Eco footprint
What can we do? Green products
Alternative Energy
Act local think global

Skills acquired/developed

Reading and writing

Map reading skills
Analytical skills
Making use of internet research
Presentation skills
Group work
Using a variety of sources, including photos,
maps and diagrams as a tool for
understanding and explaining geographical
ideas and issues.
Spatial awareness
Use of appropriate graphing techniques
Data collection, interpretation and analysis

Teaching Groups
The students are taught in their tutor groups.

Students undertake a wide range of assessment
in Geography. This is done through assessments
carried out in class to various homework tasks.
These can take many forms. They are designed
to develop the skills mentioned above. At the
British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

end of each Unit all students will undertake a

Common Assessment Task which tests different
skills to build up an assessment of each childs
progress. This assessment is both summative
and formative in the sense it informs the
department where our pupils are and how we
can help them to progress further. All students
sit an end of year examination that tests them
on the content of that academic year.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Students are encouraged to discuss their
interests with the teacher and their peers. They
are often set tasks which will allow them to
demonstrate their ability and understanding
allowing for differentiation by outcome.
Students may also be given extension work once
they have completed the common tasks. Able
pupils are encouraged to undertake
independent research tasks and to read widely
around the topics being studied in class.

The programme in Year Seven builds on the
skills and topics taught in KS2. We liaise with our
colleagues in the Junior School. Between year 7
and 9 skills are regularly re-visited in the context
of the study in which they are undertaking.
Often links are made between topics and often
there are cross curricular links. Topics and skills
developed in Key Stage 3 are closely linked to
GCSE and A level Geography.


A wide selection of text books

Audio visual resources
Work sheets and information sheets

Useful websites

Subject Content

Teaching Groups

The Tudors
Tudor society
Divine right of Kings
Henry VIII and his six wives
The English Reformation
Edward VI and Bloody Mary
Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots
1588. The Spanish Armada
The Stuarts
Charles I and problems with Parliament. Causes
of the Civil War
Religious divisions in England
The English Civil War
Cromwell The republic
The Restoration
Black peoples of the Americas
Africa before the 1600s
The slave trade
Slavery in the USA and Caribbean
Slave revolts
Emancipation movement
The American Civil War

The students are taught in their tutor groups.

Skills acquired/developed
Historical enquiry
Identifying and investigating, individually and as
part of a team, specific historical questions or
issues, making and testing hypotheses
Reflecting critically on historical questions or
Using evidence
Identifying, selecting and using a range of
historical sources, including textual, visual and
oral sources, artefacts and the historic
Evaluating the sources used in order to reach
reasoned conclusions
Communicating about the past
Presenting and organising accounts and
explanations about the past that are coherent,
structured and substantiated, using chronological
conventions and historical vocabulary
Communicating their knowledge and
understanding of history in a variety of ways,
using chronological conventions and historical

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Students undertake a wide range of assessment in
History. This is done through assessments carried
out in class to various homework tasks. These can
take many forms. They are designed to develop the
skills mentioned above. Once a term all students will
undertake a Common Assessment Task which tests
different skills to build up an assessment of each
students progress. This assessment is both
summative and formative in the sense it informs the
department where our students are and how we can
help them to progress further. All students sit an
end of year examination that tests them on the
content of that academic year.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Extension tasks are written into our schemes of
work to challenge and stretch the more able.
Differentiated resources are used to provide a level
of challenge appropriate to each student. Able
Students are encouraged to undertake independent
research tasks and to read widely around the topics
being studied in class.

The programme in Year Eight builds on the skills and
topics taught in Year Seven. The Tudors and Stuarts
follows chronologically from the Middle Ages taught
in Year Seven.

A wide selection of text books
Audio visual resources
Work sheets and information sheets

Useful websites

Subject Content
Spreadsheet modelling
Presentation design, development and
Digital design and development
Intermediate database design and development
Intermediate spreadsheet design and
Website design and development
Students will complete one major project
throughout the course of the year.
Space Oddity

Adding protection to worksheets

Website design and development
Page design and layout
Inserting and formatting images
Inserting and formatting text
Creating lists
Creating hyperlinks
Working with behaviours
Adding Video files
Adding sound files

Teaching Groups
The students are taught in their tutor groups.

Skills acquired/developed
Spreadsheet modelling
Entering data
Formatting cells
Using spreadsheet functions
Applying conditional formatting
Writing formulas using arithmetic operators
Developing complex What if? models
Presentation design, development and
Page design and layout
Inserting/deleting slides
Formatting slide elements
Applying Slide Master
Inserting sound/record narration
Programming using VBA
Adding ActiveX controls
Digital design and development
Using of vector drawing tools
Formatting vector shapes
Manipulation and editing of vector shapes
Intermediate database design and development
Understanding field names and data types
Creating validation rules and input masks
Designing and creating table structure for a
relational database
Designing and creating forms and sub-forms
Entering data in table and form view
Designing and creating simple and complex
Designing and creating reports
Intermediate spreadsheet design and
Entering data
Formatting cells
Using spreadsheet functions
Applying validation checks
Writing complex formulas using arithmetic

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Students complete a variety of assessment items

Skills based tests (controlled assessment)
Project work (coursework)
Internet research activities
Examination (controlled assessment)

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Projects are supplemented with extension activities
to challenge and extend students understanding of
concepts covered during the course of each project.

Projects build on the skills and knowledge attained
in Year 7 whilst preparing students for the demands
of the Year 9 ICT course. Students are provided with
the opportunity to consolidate and extend their
expertise in a range of software applications.

Resources / Applications

Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Internet Explorer | Google Chrome
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Adobe Fireworks
Adobe Dreamweaver

Useful websites

Islamic Studies
Subject Content

Introduction to the 5 Pillars of Islam

Shahada and prayers
Religious teachings about death
History of Islam
Biographies of one of the prophets
(shortening of the prayers)
The collection of the Quran
Verses from the 30th part of the Quran

Skills acquired/developed

identify and use religious words

understand religious symbols and
acquire a good understanding of the
teachings of Islam
to investigate, individually or as part
of a group, specific questions, aspects
of a religion and issues
to use a range of sources to find out
and collate information
to express ideas, feelings and develop
to present ideas and information in a
coherent and structured form
to use empathy and reflection to
evaluate their learning
to understand and memorise verses
from the Quran

Teaching Groups
Students either study Islam or Religious
Education and are taught in their tutor

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Students undertake a range of tasks to assess
their knowledge and understanding. There are
common assessment task at the end of each

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Extension tasks are set to challenge and
stretch the more able.

The course builds on the knowledge and
understanding of the key concepts and
knowledge covered in Year 7.

A selection of text books, worksheets, audio
visual resources and information sheets are
used in lessons.

Useful websites

Subject Content


Factors; prime numbers, multiples, HCF,

LCM, Prime factors
Pythagoras Theorem
Rounding and Estimation; decimal places
and significant figures
Data analysis; frequency tables, mean,
median, mode, range
Nets and surface area; plans and
Ratio and proportion
Expansion of brackets; including solving
Fraction and percentages of quantities;
percentage increase and decrease
Probability; two events
Angles and bearings

The programme in Year 8 builds on the skills

learned in Year 7. Students continue to
develop their understanding of Mathematics
through their studies.

Skills acquired/developed
Number and Algebra
Shape and Space
Data Handling

Teaching Groups
The students are set according to their
individual ability.

Students undertake a wide range of
assessment in Mathematics including
diagnostic tests at the end of each half term
The NFER test is given in May. This
assessment helps the class teacher to identify
strengths and weaknesses and to cater for the
needs of the student.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Students discuss their interests with their
teacher so that they can negotiate the
requirements of more stimulating and
challenging tasks.
Students are given the opportunity to
compete in the UKMT Junior Mathematics

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

MEP textbooks

Useful websites

Subject Content
Pentatonic Scales. Getting to grips with the
Developing compositional skills.
Blues project. Origins and influences.
12 Bar blues. Structure, improvisation,
performance and group work.
Melodic Writing.
Composing melodies for a song.
Music incorporating timbre contrasts in line
with a given brief
Different scoring methods and notation.
The cultural context of music within 1950's
Working with Chords, demonstrating an
understanding of chords by manipulating
them in a variety of styles and contexts
Two, four and eight bar phrases using piano
and guitar.

Skills acquired/developed

Listening and Analysing

Compare different pieces of music
Developing singing in groups and solo
Describing music using appropriate musical
Listening to and appraising their own and
other's work
Developing Keyboard and Guitar Skills
Identifying key works, structures and
Performing as a class with increasing control
and developing technique
Creating and developing
Understanding how feelings and emotion are
communicated musically
Demonstrating an understanding of texture
and timbre
Using ICT to manipulate and refine sounds

Students perform regularly both vocally and in
practical work solo and group ensemble work.
All composition and listening work is assessed in
written form as well as recorded versions.
The classes are assessed in every unit and have a
final listening paper at the end of the year.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

All students are encouraged to utilise the
additional tuition and facilities at school. Lessons
are all differentiated to provide for both
beginners and very advanced musicians. All
performing and composition tasks enable
similarly ability students to be stretched to
potential and additional opportunities for gifted
and talented students to perform in and outside
the classroom and are encouraged use more
advanced techniques.

Year 8 follows the National Curriculum levels.
The skills of Listening, Analysing, Performing and
Composing continue with more advanced
practical explorations. More emphases is put on
musical theory and individualised development
as well as group work. There is also far more
emphasis on practical use of instruments.

The Music Department has five practice rooms
each with keyboards, music stands and a range of
musical instruments. Each is built with a music
technology based Apple Macbook Pro with a range
of software available. There is a Mixing Desk and 2
Multi Input Audio Interfaces. We have a full class
set of Midi Keyboards and Electric/Acoustic Guitars
and Classical Guitars, 8 Violins and un-tuned

Useful websites
Teaching Groups
The students are taught in their tutor groups.

Students work falls into 4 main categories of
British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013


Physical Education
Subject Content

Games Activities
Swimming & Water Activities
Health Related Fitness

Skills acquired/developed
Becoming skilful and intelligent performers
Acquiring and developing skills, performing with
increasing physical competence and confidence,
in a range of physical activities and contexts
Learning how to select and apply skills, tactics
and compositional ideas to suit activities that
need different approaches and ways of thinking
Developing their ideas in a creative way
Setting targets for themselves and compete
against others, individually and as team
Understanding what it takes to persevere
succeed and acknowledge others' success
Responding to a variety of challenges in a range
of physical contexts and environments
Taking the initiative, lead activity and focus on
improving aspects of their own performance
Discovering their own aptitudes and preferences
for different activities
Making informed decisions about the importance
of exercise in their lives
Developing positive attitudes to participation in
physical activity
Demonstrating skills and agilities in a sequence
with control and precision
Improving stability when holding own body
weight and when supporting a partner
Learn specific vaulting and flight skills
Games Activities
Developing team strategies, tactics and
Improve techniques and refine skills
Select and apply skills appropriately
Develop and refine game plans
Focusing on developing the quality and power of
their existing strokes
Learning how to swim three strokes well, and
start to learn butterfly
Learning a range of personal survival skills

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

Health Related Fitness

Understanding how to measure fitness
Learning about different methods of training
Creating individual fitness goals and measuring
progress against them

Teaching Groups
Students are taught in single gender groups of mixed

Assessment is on-going and takes many forms. As
well as teacher assessment students are regularly
involved in both assessing their peers and their own

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Tasks are differentiated to take into account all
levels of ability within the group so that all students
are fully challenged.

In Year 8, students build upon the tactical
knowledge acquired in Year 7. Students also
undertake some new activities in Year 8, in order to
experience a wider range of activities throughout
Key Stage 3. Students are encouraged to take on
more responsibility in lessons, by evaluating the
performance of others and suggesting ways to

Students will need to wear school PE kit for all
lessons. Additional items include a towel and
goggles for swimming and shin pads for football. All
students should bring water with them to PE lessons
in order to stay well hydrated throughout. Students
should also ensure that they eat suitably before and
after PE lessons.

Useful websites

Religious Education
Subject Content

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Milestones in a persons life and rituals in

Religious birth ceremonies
Religious coming of age ceremonies
Religious marriage ceremonies
Religious ceremonies to do with death.

Extension tasks are set to challenge and

stretch the more able.

Skills acquired/developed
Identifying and using religious words
Interpreting religious symbols and rituals
Recognising similarities and differences
between religions
Identifying different groups or
denominations within a religion
Seeing how beliefs and practices of
different religions are expressed in similar
ways for example communicated through
stories, festivals and symbols
Investigating, individually or as part of a
group, specific questions, aspects of a
religion and issues
Using a range of sources to find out and
collate information
Expressing ideas, feelings and develop
Presenting ideas and information in a
coherent and structured form
Using empathy, critical thought and
reflection to evaluate their learning

Teaching Groups
Students either study Islam or Religious
Education and are taught in their tutor

Students undertake a wide range of tasks to
assess their knowledge and understanding.
There is a common assessment task at the
end of each unit.

British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

This course builds on the concepts and
knowledge covered in year 7 to continue to
make comparisons between the religions, to
identify similarities and difference in
celebrations and key stages in a persons life.

A selection of text books, worksheets, audio
visual resources and information sheets are
used in lessons.

Useful websites

Subject Content
Food and Digestion; a look at the human
digestive system and what it requires to
work well
Respiration; where and how humans
release chemical energy from their food
Microbes and disease; a look at microorganisms that are important for
understanding human health
Ecological relationships; food webs and
Atoms and elements; the periodic table
and the things that make it up
Compounds and mixtures; what the
differences between compounds and
mixtures are
Rocks and weathering; weathering and
erosion of rock
Rock cycles; different types of rock and
how they are formed
Heating and cooling; the effect of thermal
(heat) energy on different substances
Magnets and electromagnets; magnetic
substances, magnetic fields and
Light; the properties of light and colour
Sound and hearing; how sound behaves
and how humans can detect it

Skills acquired/developed
Reading for meaning from scientific text
Considering scientific evidence from
experimental work and different scientific
Using scientific language to describe and
explain scientific ideas
Working safely to accurately collect data
during practical work
Collecting data in the form of a results
Collecting data in the form of a results
table and calculating averages
Identifying anomalous results in a data set
Describing and explaining patterns in data
as shown in the form of a graph
Making conclusions and linking them to
these explanations
Experimental Work
Observation of teacher demonstrations
Experiments performed by students to
demonstrate important scientific ideas
Practical investigations
British School Bahrain / Year 8/ Overview 2013

How Science Works

Plan a fair test
Collect reliable data
Make simple conclusions from data
Link conclusions to existing scientific
Make suggestions for further investigation
Evaluating investigative work

Teaching Groups
The students are taught in ability groups.

Students undertake a wide range of
assessments in Science. Students are assessed
regularly and sit an End of Topic Test on
completion of each of the twelve topics in
each year. Each of these tests lasts for a total
of twenty minutes. Students work towards an
End of Year Exam which is sat in June, this
test paper lasts for approximately one hour.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

Extension tasks set in class, for homework and
during investigative work are used to
challenge the most able learners.

Students continue to develop important
investigative skills as well as build on the
knowledge that they have gained from Year 7.

Exploring Science 8 Textbook (Longmans)
Worksheets to accompany the textbooks
Interactive PowerPoint presentations for
QCA units
Various Science DVD and Video clips
Equipment for practical work

Useful websites

Subject Content
Module 1 - Vamos!
Introducing yourself
Getting used to Spanish pronunciation
Counting up to 31
Saying you age and when your birthday is
Learning about Spanish-speaking countries
Learning the Spanish alphabet
Classroom language
Module 2 En el instituto
School subjects
Saying what you do in lessons
Talking about your teachers
Giving opinions and reasons
Talking about snacks
Module 3 - Mi familia
Talking about your family
Talking about your pets
Talking about your appearance and
Talking about eyes and hair
Module 4 En casa
Describing where you live and your home.
Talking about activities you do at home
Describing your bedroom
Your daily routine

Skills acquired/developed
AT1 Listening
Identifying target vocabulary
Understanding simple conversations
Listening for gist and detail
AT2 Speaking
Developing good pronunciation
Communicating in pairs
Giving and eliciting information
Expressing likes and dislikes
AT3 Reading
Recognising and understanding the written
forms of the target language
Reading and understanding short texts
Reading for specific information
Deriving meaning from context.

British School Bahrain / Year 8 / Overview 2013

AT4 - Writing
Matching words and images
Gap filling
Writing simple sentences
Writing short paragraphs

Teaching Groups
The students are taught in their tutor groups.

There are two formal summative assessments
per term which test the students 'attainment
in listening, reading and writing. Speaking is
continuously assessed throughout the year.
There is a final examination covering the
whole year's work at the end of the academic
year. Additionally there is on-going formative
assessment and frequent short tests.

Provision for the Gifted and Able

The course is fully differentiated with more
challenging sections for able students. Many
tasks are open ended in order that more able
students may independently experiment with
the language and become risk takers.

This is a new subject for students in Year 8.


Mira Express 1
Mira Express 1 workbook A/B
Teacher produced worksheets

Useful websites

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