Beyond Reality No 45
Beyond Reality No 45
Beyond Reality No 45
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(please print)
No 45 SEP/OCT 1980
SAUL GOLDSTEIN 12 The Eerie World Beneath Our City Streets ..Richard Schwartzberg
GARY PARSONS 16 When Astral Company Calls .............. ...... Geri W. Jones .
RICHARD SCHWARTZBERG 20 Will President Sadat Keep His Word? . .............Joel Engel
. .
southwest editor
ELIZABETH KROL 58 Two Pre-Vision In One .. ......... ........... George Wagner
art coordinators 27 The Strange Fire Dancers Of Greece ........ ..... Gardiner James
66 Weird Enigma Of Phantom Drivers . : .... ..........Lydia Belil
graphic design
Departments .
4 Editorial ....... .... ...... ... . ...................Harry Belil
6 Letters To The Editor ......... .................. The Readers
staff illustrators
8 Books For Review ............ .............MaryB. Goldstein
10 Strange And Unknown ....................... .... Lee Walsh
. .
Cllfl.tributing editors
USPO 080-030
Beyond Reality 3
4 Beyond Reality
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Beyond Reality 5
I .etters Dear Editor: tent Office, Washington, DC 20402
First of all I want to express my - price fifty cents.
in ''Space Drive Updates #1''. It
you have the address or how I can apparently is an attempt to start
contact the Psychic Dr. Richard up a Space Drive Newsletter by the
Ireland. I have written several author of a book ( "Reactionless
6 Beyond Rality
Feet'' by Kathryn Fanning (it gave just about two years after the deep In the UFO Special1980 edition
me chills!). freeze period that is predicted for there was an article on page 11,
I'm looking forward to reading the Earth in the 1980s. called "Boy and Girl meet UFO',.,
more of your magazine. Also I According to John, the invasion by Carl Heenta.
hope to see more stories about and take-over will consist of The second paragraph reads,
strange things in Arkansas- and 20,000 flying saucers, all the craft ''Tom Kahill took his girl friend,
more stories by Kathryn Fanning! will come into the Earth's atmos Jane Tiger, to see 'The French
Is she a staff writer? Is there any phere from an easterly direction. Connection' in Mountain Lakes,
way I could get in touch with her? They will be in formation, looking New Jersey, on July 4 of this year.
I've been to Aurora, Ar. and am like a cloud of fire. It could happen But that was just the beginning of
interested in local things. during daylight or at night, either the night's excitement. Returning
Sincerely, way the number of flying saucers home, west on Route 46, he
Bette J. White would look like a cloud of fire. The noticed a strange pattern of lights
Fayetteville, Arkansas brightness of this number of off and above the left of the road,
Editor 's Note-
flying saucers in the sunlight and moving along at his speed.''
would give the effect of fire, and I've been a resident of Mountain
We have sent your request to
Kathryn Fanning and you should
the brightness caused by the heat Lakes, New Jersey for almost 21
be hearing from her shortly I
of coming into the atmosphere at years, and there has never been, or
night would cause the same ever will be a movie theatre in
effect. Either way, they will come Mtn. Lakes, zoning laws do not
Dear Editor: as described. permit it. Also, Route 46 is a very
I would like to say that I read The earth will be shaken from busy road, even in the early hours
your magazine every time it its orbit due to the great amount of the morning and especially on a
comes out. I find it simply of bombs that will be exploding holiday. Didn't anyone else see
educational and exciting. I may during the takeover. It will be this UFO sighting?
not agree with every word of it, about two-thirds burned (the Please respond with an explana
but nevertheless I like your style Earth), and will rock on it axis like tion to these questions.
and composite.. Keep up the good a drunken man.
Editor's Note-
work of telling it like it is, without Two thirds of all the grass,
A s I was told, the couple live in
holding the punches. trees, houses, and every living
the area of Mountain Lake, N.J.
I have some bad news that the creature here will be burned up.
They were returning home from
world should know about. This All of the water will become
the drive-in movie. The report
news came to me through chan poison from the intense radiation,
does not specify the exact location
nels. It originated with a man and every fish of all kinds will die,
of the drive-in.
named John, his last name es worldwide.
capes my memory. This is an actual account of Dear Editor:
John tells of a planned invasion prophesy from the Bible, and it is Please believe me when I say
by craft from another place, a measuring up to its time, shortly that I have read most (if not all) of
place other than Earth. It is from a to come. the publications of your nature.
planet named Paradice. This plan The readers of this magazine
May I assure you that your
et is somewhat smaller than Earth should take care to read this over
magazine is the best there is in
from the news I gather, but has a and follow my suggestions to the
the entire field.
race of people far superior than letter.
Beyond Reality is not only
earthlings, that simply cannot die
enlightening, illuminating as well
for any reason. Sickness, heart Jerry Faircloth
attacks anything of that nature POB 161 as educational, but it is also enter
is unheard of. They are a race Atlantic,NC 28511 taining.
which is indestructable. The subject matter, as com
This race of supermen plan to Dear Editor: pared against your competition
invade and capture Earth in the I have really enjoyed your is far superior. Thanks for a great
late 1980s. The exact time is not magazine, UFO Special, but in one magazine.
known, but according to all hints of your articles, there are some Sincerely
and available information it will loose ends that need further J. Eldridge
come about when I have stated, explanation. Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Beyond Reality 7
Books For Review
SCIENCE AND THE SUPER proof yet of the existence of the By George Sullivan, Doubleday,
NATURAL, By John Taylor, E.P. "Lost Continent". On his travels $10.95.
Dutton, $10.95. through Ecuador, he found a Containing a state-by-state list
Very candid concerning the jungle cache of artifacts of inexpli ing of archaeological sites and
unanswered questions about para cable origin. Many were gold, fieldwork opportunities, this book
psychology, Professor Taylor's bronze, and other foreign alloys- explains in layman's terms, tech
open-minded honesty on the sub 7,000 objects in all. The pieces niques professional archaeologists
ject makes for exciting as well as discovered defy all known archaeo use in fieldwork, including me
illuminating reading. logical rules for the area, with thods for locating possible sites;
The author, a distinguished workmanship too sophisticated for tools used in excavating; and
physicist and mathemaician, i primitive craftsmen and materials laboratory procedures for analyz
dentifies the several categories of too precious to be fakes. ing, dating and identifying found
phenomena that appear to defy objects.
scientific understanding. He gives IJFE FORCES: A CONTEMPO Afterwards, it provides a com
the conclusions of his own research RARY GUIDE TO THE CULT AND prehensive list of projects now
concerning them. OCCULT, By Louis Stewart, An underway in the U.S. and Canada
He discusses psychic healing, drews and McMeel, Inc., $20.00. that welcome volunteers- ana a
clairvoyance, telepathy, precogni Finally- a guide through the complete rundown of all university
tion, psychokinesis, as well as hidden mysterious worlds of the sponsored field schools in which
other areas of the supernatural. cult and occult that is both beginners can receive training and
entertaining and Comprehensive, a professional supervision while ac
ONE SMART INDIAN, By Robert "People's Almanac" for the skep actuy digging for artifacts.
J. Seidman, G.P. Putnam's Son's tic and true believer alike. The author is a free-lance writer
$9.95. The first of this book deals with and amateur archaeologist who
To the plains Indians, the fates the practice of the spiritual sci frequently spends weekends un
spoke in dreams and visions. And ences. Aimed toward both the earthing 17th and 18th-century
when Tumbling Hawk, a young skeptic and believer, the section pottery in western Massachusetts
Cheyenne, learns in a vision what leads the reader through the and New York.
his future will hold, it is-- almost ascending levels of the spiritual
incomprehensible. hierarchy- from the physical and THE COMPLETE BOOK OF
The book is epic in scope, and etheric planes of being to the astral PRACTICAL ASTROLOGY, By
the setting travels from the plains plane of out-of-the-body experi Edward 0. Hamm ach, Jr., Parker
to the East, to the cities of New 1 ences. The author winds up this Publishing Company, $12.95.
York and Washington. section with accounts of bizarre According to one of the nation's
Tumbling Hawk travels to the experiences of voodoo and witch leading astrologers, a revolution
white man's land and becomes half craft and brief biographies of ary astrological discovery now
Indian and half white. The book gurus, .mystics and charlatans. enables anyone to scientifically
chronicles one Indian's life, a life In Part Two, he investigates the forecast their future from now until
that reflects the beauty and grace various sacred texts and tenets of the tum of the century- without
of his people, and the conflict of occultists - from the story_ of any knowledge of astrology.
-the two societies he knows and Atlantis to the influence of extra ''This discovery lets you know,
loves. terrestrial visitations on human . scientifically, with no guesswork,
life. what lies ahead for you in the
LOST OUTPOST OF ATLANTIS, A student of world religions and future, for certain," says the
By Richard Wingate, Everest mythologies, the author has tra author. ''There are no interpreta
Hous $12.5. veled extensively in Asia and tions to make, no tedious analyses
The le,end of a lost continent South America, investigating pop required- just simple scientific
has haunted curious men since the ular beliefs and rituals. precision anyone can use quickly
time of Plato. and easily.''
Now, the author, an amateur DISCOVER ARCHAEOLOGY: AN Step-by-step, readers will dis
archaeologist and serious student INTRODUCTION TO THE TOOLS cover how their own personal fore
of Atlantean lore, has discovered AND TECHNIQUES OF AR casts will help them take advan
what may be the most concrete CHAEOLOGICAL FIELDWORK, tage of the best times in life, avoid
8 Beyond. Reality
Hypnoala Tapa. SIMp Programming Tapa. Authors
and hypnotlata like Dick Sutphen and Brad Steiger
have created over 200 tapa to overcome problema,
program g01l1 or have mental experiences. The
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BY MARY B. GOLDSTEIN you want aomethlng, but aubconaclaualy you crute
mediocrity or failure. Hypnoala la the ultimate way to
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Speed Reading Technlqun I Hypnoala
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What's more, this guide comes overcome and vitiated human Paat-llfe Regr111lan Course
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Telepathic Contact Hypnaala
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GATEWAY TO OBLIVION: The Spiritual Protection
UFO Hypnaala Explorations
GOLEM 100, By Alfred Bester, Great Lakes' Bermuda Triangle,
Beta to Theta Sound Induction
By Hugh Cochrane, Doubleday,
Simon & Schuster, $11.95. Powerful Slleaperaan Hypnaala
by a group of charming ladies .planes have been lost under Valley of the Sun
mysterious circumstances around Box 4276BR
whose attempts at diversion in the
V&LLTiftl 85258
theMarys burgh Vortex, a twilight
Scottsdale, Arizona
mega-city of the future result in
accidental disaster. In their enact zone at the eastern end of Lake DEVELOP POWERFUL
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leashed a rampage of rape, torture vast amounts of data on the tures! Quickly see colorful, marv
and murder. Marysburgh Vortex, including in elous visions r Instructions only
Gretchen Nunn, a master of terviews and photographs, be $2.00!
psychodynamics and Blaise Shi lieves the Vortex to be one of 14 Stephen Paslow, Dept B, Box 296,
ma, brilliant scientist, plunge "Gateways to Oblivion" scattered Bethel Park, PA., 15102
deeper and deeper into the Go across the globe.
lem's subworld in pursuit of the This
rapacious monster. What they find POLESHIFT, By John White,
leads to a shocking conclusion. Doubleday, $14.00 Publication .
Beyond Reality .9
.Strange and Unknown
outer space. For Earth is filled during the late summ er of 1954-
with anomalies- countless abnor over their city as well as in other
mal variations to the accepted parts of the state: Cincinnati,
routine of things-- which human Above the crowd Cambridge, Cleveland, and To
knowledge has yet to place a ledo.
solved sticker to. nestled in the The 1977 sighting, as the one in
The world- and the United 1954, lasted for only brief mo
States in particular- is filled with overhead clouds ments- from five to six minutes
areas which defy man's so-called in fact- and then disappeared.
sophistication and advanced tech was a huge city the However, the phantom city over
nology- areas strewn with the Ohio was not limited to these two
mystery and awe surrounding
. Ukes of which
unexplainable occurrences- from A story in the New York Sun,
ghostly appearances to abnormal
dazzled their dated March 6, 1890 told of "a
vortexes which defy nature's .large unknown city seen at 4 PM
laws, from roaming monsters to
senses. Immaculate over Ashland, Ohio Although
objects falling from the skies, and some declared it to be the New
from malevolent invisibles to mys
stone buildings Jerusalem, the majority were
terious disappearances. 1 divided between Mansfield, thir
10 Beyond Reality
This issue contains a ready reference of UFO related facts and theories by the outstand
ing ufologists, writers, scientists and researchers. The material was carefully selected by
several of our editors and Is presented here together for you serious UFO fans.
BRM Publications
Box 428, UF0-7
Nanuet, New York 10954
YES! I want a copy of the SPECIAL COLLECTOR's issue. Enclosed
please find $2.50.which includes postaqe and handling charges.
Name .....................................................
Address . .. . ...
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Hidden in the bowels of the from a litter he'd been caring for. they weren't cats. Neither were
earth- in many places not far About a dozen feet inside, he told they rats you'd usually find" down
below the steel and concrete the Toronto, Ontario Sunday Sun, there, " said sanitation engineer
surface- is a nightmare world he came across a sight he's Brian Snyder, who sat shivering in
conceived in hell that the light of certain will always haunt him . fear as he drank from the steam
day has not yet penetrated fully. ''I'll never forget it,'' he said. ing mug of coffee in police
Darkened and isolated for many ''It said, 'Go away, go away,' in a headquarters an hour later. Ac
years, the silent, shadowy domain hissing voice. Then it took off cording to Snyder, ''they walked
of drainage pipes and sewers, down a long tunnel off to the side. on two legs, arms long, dangling
stench and decay that stretch for I got out of there as fast as I could. to the floor, hunched like apes."
miles, is a world that is home to I was shaking with fear...'' He too k a deep breath, a long drag
grotesque sub-human creatures In the early Spring of 1970, on a cigarette, and shook his
scurrying through its damp and when a series of century-old head totally disbelieving what his
chilled corridors. Although many tenement buildings were demol eyes had seen. "Their eyes- or
have written of their existence, ished to make room for a modem what were supposed to be eyes
only a handful of human beings high-rise office complex, San bulged and glowed like an animal
have seen them, and by their own Francisco engineers inspecting in the darkness. I think they were
admission the experience has the foundation heard some aninial afraid of our flashlight beams.
marked them for life. sounds emmating from a natural They hissed and grunted at us and
''It was pitch dark in there. I tunnel their explosions had exca-
then scurried away.''
. saw it with my flashlight. The vated. His partner, engineer Rick
eyes werE! orange and red, slant Investigating, the workmen fol Waker, reiterated Snyder's ac
ed, it was long and thin, almost lowed a narrow passage, part of count, and added, "I think if it
like a monkey. Three feet long, the city's sewer system. Through hadn't been for our flashlights
large eth, weighing maybe 30 a darkened corridor, their flash the strong beams shining in their
pounds, with slate-gray fur.'' lights played on what seemed to eyes- they would have ripped us
These are the words of a be a colony of ape-like creatures. to pieces. We just didn't wait
Canadian, who on a hot summer '/I've heard stories of how aban around. We beat it out of there
day last August crawled into a doned cats form colonies and fast.''
small cave beneath his Toronto forage for themselves in the sewer Accounts such as these are not
apartment looking for a kitten system under city streets. But new. They have been reported
12 Beyond Reali ty
This is an artists rendering of
a tunnel monster which was
spotted by a resident of
Toronto, Canada. It crawled out
of a small cave (bottom) which
was discovered beneath his
apartment. He found the cave
by accident while searching for
his little kitten.
Beyond Reality 13
their tools,so the story goes, and symmetry of the tunnels, "as Reed tried to prove that the
crowded over each other to escape though someone had chisled out atmosphere grows warmer, not
the hideous forms which chased miles of living quarters from the colder, as one penetrates deeper,
them.'' natural rock.'' and that there is a round-lipped
Throughout China, in the cen In his ''Phantom of the Poles,'' hole through which (or into which)
turies which followed, similar written in 1906, William Reed polar explorers sail. He also wrote
accounts of beings, half-man, wrote, ''I claim that our earth is of verdant polar territories which
half-animal, hunched and gro not only hollow, but that all, or abound with animals, vegetation
tesque, living underground, have nearly all, of the explorers have and floating timber ''far from any
been printed and spoken about. known source.'' He combined
While Minister of the Interior of these findings with findings of
France in 1832, Adolphe Thies varied instances of compass ir
came across a family building a regularities and displays of the
house in the timber-rich Pyrenees Northern Lights- which he felt
at the slopes of the Pico de Aneto were reflections from within the
Mountains- the French slopes
cutting into Spain. There, he
'' It was dark in earth, of light sources.
The earth on which man stands
heard a strange account of build ere. I saw itth is as much a mystery to him as the
ers who had abandoned construc oceans and the heavens. The
tion of a church, leaving the the beam of my Pharoahs of Egypt believed that
foundation incomplete. certain high priests were in touch
The workers, .he was told, found flashlight. The eyes with an underworld which could
a series of caverns approximately be reached through secret tunnels
10-12 feet below the level of the were orange and whose entrances and exits were
. surface. Exploring these cata located within the great pyramids .
combs, they came across animal red. The creature The Buddhists held the belief that
like creatures, but resembling no there exists an underground para
animal they'd ever known, living was very thin and dise ruled by the king of the
within the caverns, their high world. The Bible calls attention to
pitched shrieks echoing it .seemed lookedUke a a pit "in the sides of the North"
for miles. where the throne of God, hidden
Throughout England and Ire monkey. It had in the clouds, is located. The
land, spread across Central Eu Incas, it is said, after being
rope, and familiar throughout tile
large teeth, weighed discovered by the white man,
escaped, carrying their goods and
Orient and parts of Asia are
scattered items in universal folk
maybe 35 pounds. It treasure, into a large tunnel that
lore, items of tunnel monsters was something out descended into the inner earth.
scurrying just beneath the surface All these were discarded as
of the earth. of a nightmare. ' ' folklore and superstition. Modem
Supporting these items are the scientists are coming to conclu
now-and-then some accounts of sions about the interior of the
the existence of vast, inexplicable earth through the science of
tunnel systems both natural and Seismology, the science of inter
artificial beneath the surface. preting earthquake waves. Many
In his ''Archaic England'', pub scientists believe that the earth's
lished 61 years ago, author Harold interior is still heating up from the
Bayley chronicles the .reports from spent much of their time past the radioactive decay of uranium,
early travele1s through Africa, of turning point, and have had a look thorium, and potassium. But their
great tunnels stretching under the into the interior of the earth.'' research is far from completed.
Kaoma River. Reed wrote of Peary, Franklin, Only recently, . the Russians,
ThQ& tunnels, he writes, were Nansen, and Hall, who penetrated French and Americans, through
reportedly so lengthy that it took deep below ground and into the combined scientific efforts have
their caravans traveling at a good world of the interior. In their launched a series of projects to
speed, half-a-dozen hours to get writings, which Reed researched, determine more about the earth's
through. he found much evidence to sup origin and composition.
While they passed, he wrote, port his theory of a hollow earth Project FAMOUS (French
they marveled at the perfect and a living world within it. American Mid-Ocean Undersea
. continued on page 62
14 Beyond Reality
'' Shortly after moving in, I noticed an
Indescribable odor In the immediate area
of the piano. I should have known .
that we were not alone in that old house. ''
The house was nine years old in keyboard, He seemed fascinated smelled anything in the hall.
August 1970 when I bought it. We by the sounds he made by hitting Mother did not. Erica, then 14
are the third family to live here; the the keys with .his paws. Suddenly, years old, not only smelled the .
house has no ppreciable history the piano was to be avoided-es odor, she walked back and forth
as house histories go. Therefore, I peCially if I was sitting there defining the xact area it was
cannot attribute my unexplainable (playing or not). Stranger still, confined to. As she haltingly tried
experiences to the house nor to its Tippy did not leave the room when to describe the odor, she lost it. I
previous occupants. my daughter practiced her music could still smell it for "quite a while
When we moved in, we put all lesson, or stumbled through popu longer be.fore it dissipated ..
the old living room furniture in the lar music-nor- when visiting I felt reassured that someone
basement family room. The only friends played the piano. else had smelled that same odor. I
thing in the living room for almost Gradually, on subsequent occa discussed my experiences with my_
a full year was the wall to wall sions, I became aware of a mother and daughter for the first
carpeting, the draperies, a floor presence that mentally communi time. Since then, I alone have
lamp, and my spinet piano and cated to me its musical likes and smelled the odor. I still smell it
bench. The only time I spent in the dislikes. I never found this pre when at the piano-:as long as no
living I'oom was at the piano. (I sence alarming, but I did go one else enters the room. I get the
frequently spend hours at the through a Period of wondepng imprssion that my compaily is shy
piano playing in random order a about my sanity! For quite a long with everyone except me.
gamut of Bach to blues, and while, I did not tell anyone about Mother dubbed the olfactory
ballads to scales-all in one my experiences. aura my ''company.'' The name
sitting.) A three-foot-high wall topped stuck for want of a better ref
Shortly after moving in, I with a seven inch deep ledge erence. One day I challenged my
noticed an indescribable odor in separates the beginning of the hall company by thinking," "How do
the immediate area of th piano from the living room. An open you know you don't like classical
, whenever I played popular music. I work room divider runs from the music? You never stay and_listen to
alsooticed that Tippy Toe, my ledge top to the ceiling. The piano it." The fading odor Caine back
cross-eyed Siamese cat, would not sits against this wall just inside the stronger and closer, as if agreeing
stay in the living room if I started living room. One afternoon, the to give it a try. After almost nine
playing the piano. I thought this odor was hanging in the hall just years of listening, he now likes a
strange because before we moved . behind the piano. I casually asked few pieces of Classical music. He
here; Tippy used to walk the my mother and daughter if they please tum page
16 Beyond Reality
- - --- -
Beyond Reality 17
still can't abide scales, arpeggios, since experienced this stench
and exercises. when he is disgusted with me. If I
Somewhere along the line, I am playing rags or old standards
came to have a definite feeling of and abruptly switch to scales or
masculinity about my company. exercises, the smell becomes
There is no way I can explain this strong-then he leaves.
because the mental communica I often go to the piano after a
tion has been limited to music. At hectic day at the office. I find it
my mother's suggestion, I tried therapeutic and relaxing- a way to
asking direct questions about my get my mind off the problems of
company's identification, and why the day. I become aware of a faint
he was visiting me- all to no avail. odor. When I don't acknowledge
The only message I receive is one his presence, the odor becomes
of being ignored- in the same way stronger until I finally say, ''Okay,
that husbands use silence to ignore I know you're here." I have never
wives. Maybe this is why I feel that been able to summon my company
my company is a he! at will - not even by playing his
In 1973, I traded in my spinet on favorites. He visits when he
a Chickering baby grand piano." chooses, and stays away for long
My company either likes the piano ; periods when he chooses.
its sound, or my playing on it ; his When we moved here, my son
visits became more frequent im was 13 years old. My company
mediately after my getting the new paid no more attention to Geoffrey
piano. than he did to anyone else- he just
After seeing the movie, "The left if Geoffrey entered the room.
Sting,'' I came away excited over Geoffrey is 22 now, and my
Scott Joplin rags. Shortly there company has actually grown afraid
after, I bought a book of Joplin of him. Geoffrey recently walked
rags and started practicing them. into the living room while I was
My company communicated the playing the piano, and my com
xpessage, ''It's bout time!'' It was pany literally ran from the room.
as if my .repertoire had been sorely Tippy Toe adopted Geoffrey as
lacking. I mentally asked why he his favorite person in the family,
had never asked me to play and follows him around the house.
rags- there was no answer. All of He saw Geoffrey enter the dreaded
the mental communication is still area, and sat just outside the living
limited to his likes and dislikes. room entrance fussing. I cajoled
When my playing is interrupted Tippy into the living room. I was
by the telephoneor doorbell, my still sitting at the piano, but not
company doesn't seem to mind playing. I told Tippy, "It's all
just a "hurry back" kind of
right ; he won't bother you. You
message is there. One day I was can come in here ; I won't let
feeling mischievous and decided to . anything hurt you." Finally, Tippy
see if I could make my company decided to be as brave as he
angry. I started playing Body and thought Geoffrey had been ; he
Soul, his favorite song, and I cautiously entered the living room
deliberately stopped playing in the - walking under the piano and
middle it ,. I just sat there doing over to my left. (The emanation is
nothing. My company was upset ; always to my right and just behind
the odor. became very strong me.) Tippy put his two front paws
almost smothering. It was an on my left thigh ; he got as close as
offensive odor-that of feces or of possible, obviously afraid. He
something decayed. I gave in first stayed only as long as his mascu
and started playing Body and line macho demanded, then cau
Soul from the beginning, promis tiously strutted out of the room
ing to finish it if he would let up. again going under the piano. Just
Immediately, the odor returned to . outside the living room, Tippy
its usual inoffensive level. I have turned- looking into the living
18 Beyond Realit y
- - -
room - and made the loudest field. At that time , I was not aware
racket I ever heard come out of a of my company, and could not
cat. It was as though he was smell the attending odor. Mrs.
boasting his bravery after the fact. Childs did ot play long, but
Tippy has not repeated this beha returned to the sofa. Later, I sat on
vior since . the piano bench with my back to
One morning, Tippy Toe was the piano telling her about a party I
sprawled in the sun on the living had attended some years ago If you are about to make
room floor. I went quietly to the where a man deliberately tried to a move, here Is how to Insure thlt
piano and began playing Body and burn a dog on its back with a lit B EY O N D REALITY MAGAZI N E
Soul-just to see what Tippy would cigarette. Mrs . Childs said she
gets there as soon as you dol
do. He shot out of the room like a knew that my story was leading up
streak of lightning. Once safely in to something about a dog because
the kitchen, he cursed me out: cats as I talked, she saw a little white I I
converse well too ! My company dog run past me on my right side. I I I
was there and he was definitely had not mentioned the size or color I I
I w I
amused by my prank . Mother had of the dog, and I don't think I had I I
asked if my company liked reli said which side the dog passed me
I :I: I
gious inusic ; this was a good time on. However, it was a little white I
uj I
to find out. I began playing old dog that ran past me on my right at ., ,..
hymns ; my company stayed, and that party. Mrs . Childs again I
:l I
seemed relaxed. referred to the energy around my I I
My company only comes when I paino. I then related my experi I ....1 I
I n. I
am alone at the piano, and only ences with my company. She found
stays when no one else enters the it all quite plausible because (as I I
room. Once, my mother walked to she put it) , I am receptive . , I I
the entrance to the living room ; my Mrs. Childs said that one I
company moved back - the odor evening she was on her porch
L - - - - - - - ..a
grew somewhat faint. She said a (across the street from my house) ,
few words and left. The odor and saw a woman in a long white 1 . Let us know 4 weeks in
moved closer again. Many times I dress come from the south side of advance
have entertained the idea that this my house, and across my lawn, up 2. Attach the address label on the
is all a figment of my imagination. to my front door, then disappear. I cover of one of your subscription
However, every time I convince have not seen this woman, but I copies to this coupon (that will
myself that I am schizoid , some certainly will not deny the possi guarantee speed and accuracy).
thing happens to change my mind. bility of her existence. 3. Fill in vour new address below.
A new neighbor came over one On October 28, 1978, I was
evening. At that point, I did not sitting at the desk in my study To subcrlbe to B EY O N D REALITY
know Mrs. Childs well. I knew only reading an assignment for a see page 51 for details.
that she had been ill , was now psychology class, and taking notes
better, and paying a neighborly from the textbook. I was playing
call . Mrs. Childs , my mother, and I tape recordings of classical piano
sat in the living room chatting. music. My mind was on Harry Subscription Dept.
During the course of the conversa Stack Sullivan's Interpersonal BEYO N D R EALITY MAGAZ I N E
tion, she told me things about Theory of Personality. I had just 303 West 42nd Street
myself that even my mother did made note of the fact that Freud
not know - things I had to admit and Jung had strongly influenced
New York, N .Y. 10036
were true: about my job dissatis Sullivan in his personality theory ; I
faction, my desire to change my was about to read a section
lifestyle, and even things about my entitled, ' 'An IDustrative Case of NAME
though I also found out that Schizophrenic Dissociation' ' when PLEASE PRINT
continUed on page 60
Beyond Reality 19
Graphology .can not foretell the future.
However, it can make logical predictions based
upon personality that has been accurately analyzed.
The answer is in his hand
With peace in the Middle East necessary and where ' facts ' may examine the first letter of the
suspended on the tenuous threads not be available , Mr. Sadat will note , the "t" in "Thanks " : Not
of human personalities , it would call upon his intuition for assist oruy does it begin with that
be prudent to investigate heart ance in his decision making. grabbing hook , it also ends with
and mind of President Anwar The end strokes show one ' s one, as if he may have "missed
Sadat of Egypt, on which so much degree o f generosity. Though it something' ' at first, he would be
of the present peace initiative appears in the word ' 'warm ' ' (last sure to "clean up " afterwards .
stands . Will the man who shocked word of first line) to be extended, There are several letters written
the world by going to Jerusalem symbolizing an extension of one on top of each other. The "f" in
keep his promise of 'no more war' self, hence , generosity, it most ' ' for' ' and the ' 'y' ' in ' ' very' '
with Israel? suddenly stops with a ' ' turned up (both on the first line ) sit on top of
Although graphology can not nose" as if saying, " stop ! I've the words of the following line
foretell the future , it can make changed my mind ! ' ' This word beneath them . And in the word
logical predictions based upon when being expressed, should be " staff" (last word) the second "f"
personality that has been accur fully giving, without any restric crowds and covers the first. In his
ately analyzed. tions . signature , the ' ' S ' ' goes through
In fust observing the Egyptian These sudden stops in the flow the ' ' A ' ' . All these unclarities and
leader' s handwriting, we notice of the lines toward the right, coverings make for unclear think
the extreme degree of ascending which graphologically represent ing, this being in opposition to a
lines, showing optimism, elation the outside world to the writer, prerequisite for a national leader.
and ambition . are further augmented and veri The unclarity is further height
The forward slant shows much fied of their meaning by the ' 't' ' ened by an obscurely designed
warmtb, a leaning toward people . bar in "to " and the last " f" in signature , being extremely diffi
It sholr!d be clear from here that ' ' staff' ' (both on the last line) . cult to decipher. Surely when one
with the warmth and elation which These possess the same sudden has the capability of writing
this man emits , it is small wonder }:ueaks after quite an extension to clearly, as he does in the body of
why a nation should rally behind the right, a showing of initial the writing, when putting his
him - who doesn 't want to be generosity suddenly halted . signature down (his ego) he
with such a winning personality? There are a multitude of hooks should at least be as clear
Intuition is observed in the throughout the writing, showing a what ' s he hiding? !
breaks between the letters . When most tenacious nature . Let ' s just continued on page 58
20 Beyond Reality
They have led to discoveries In Hterature,
music, physics and medicine. They have warned
of coming events and disasters, as well.
In fact many have reported
M an has been interested in attribute their works to dreams ,
dreams for tens of thousands of among them are Voltaire, Edgar
years . The ancient Hebrews, Allan Poe and Robert Louis Ste
Greeks , Egyptians, Indians, Chi venson. The latter literally had
nese, Japanese and Muslims be dreamed up the plot for hj.s story
lieved that if a person wanted to "Dr. Jekyll "and Mr.. Hyde" . One
better himseH, he only needed to of the more interesting accounts is
examine his dreams . But dreams that of Samuel Taylor Coleridge ,
can be of greater value than merely an American poet who lived in the
the presentations of our subcon early 1800's. He had made several
scious desires , guilts and fears. unsuccessful attempts of writing a
Numerous cases show they can poem using Kubla Khan as the
also be sources of creative ideas . focal point of the work. While
It is possible that inspirations reading a histOry day, he
gained in the dream state originate fell asleep just after reading the
in other levels of reality because words ' ' Here . the Kubla Khan
input appears to come from commanded a palace to be built. ' '
sources beyond the range of the Three hours later he awoke with
rational mind . In fact , .many the poem planted in his mind. The
scientists believe that the knowl dreamed composition was an a
edge already exists - they do not mazing three hundred lines in
reason out their ideas but simply length but only fifty-four could be
hehold them. As for the source of recorded before memory of them
this information, many traW.ions slipped away. Coleridge reported
hold that all the knowledge that that the images rose up before him
ever was, is and will be exists here as things, without any effort on his
and now in a vast open area of part.
consciousness which the average Musicians too have received
human still cannot perceive . creative inspirations through simi
There are examples of creative lar dreams . Guiseppe Tartini, an
inspirations through dreams in Italian violinist and composer,
most fields of man's endeavours . had a dream in which he sold his
These have led to creations or soul to the Devil, which then
discoveries in literature, music, started to play this fiddle :
physics , medicine , chemistry and "But how great was my aston
in fact in all fields of human ishment when I heard him play
endeavour. with consummate skill a sonata of
Various authors of literature such exquisite beauty as sur-
please turn page
22 Beyond Reality
Beyond Reality 23
In the midl700s, British poet/engraver William
Blake sought a cheaper method of engraving
his works. He had a dream in which his
dead brother appeared to him and indicated
a process of copper engraving almost one
hundred years ahead of its time.
passed the boldest flights of my he would be boiled alive. Morning It should be noted that this was
imagination. I felt enraptured, came and no invention appeared, one of the first successful applica
transported, enchanted: my own so the chief ordered his men to tions of the quantum hypothesis to
breath was taken away, and I start boiling the water. Th natives atomic structure. Although it has
awoke. Seizing my violin I tried to came to take Howe to the pot, all since been modified and expande<i
retain the sounds I had heard. But the while menacingly poking him upon, it won him the 1922 Nobel
it was in vain. The piece then with their spears. As the tension Prize in Physics.
composed, the "Devil's Sonata" , reached a cllinax, he noted each Dreams have also played impor
was the best I ever wrote, but how spearhead had a hole in it. He tant roles in medical discoveries .
far below the one I had heard in my immdiately awoke and realized Otto Loewi, a German-born phy
dream ! ' ' that the needle should be threaded siologist practicing in the United
Dreams have accounted for from the bottom, as it is in modem States, had an idea that nervous
inventions as well. Thomas Edison machines. impulses were chemically trans
is reported to have looked forward Pauwels and Bergier in their mitted in the body, rather than by
to dreaming because it helped him book ' 'Breakthrough into the Third the accepted theory of transmis
solve problems by providing him Millennium' ' reported that the sion: by electrical waves. Seeing no
with creative flashes . He believed concept of radar was dream-initi way to prove his point, he forgot
many of his inventions were ated. An engineer of Bell Tele about it. Seventeen years later, he
inspired by dreams. William Blake phone Co. in the United States was had a dream that revealed an
( 1 757-1827) an English poet and upset by reports of the bombings experiment which, when per
engraver, wanted a cheaper meth of London in 1940. That night he formed on a frog's heart, proved
od of engraving his works. He had dreamed he was drawing the his hypothesis. The result of the
a dream in which his dead brother design of a device which could experiment formed the basis of the
appeared to him and indicated a train anti-aircraft fire on the theory of chemical transmission of
process of copper engraving, a previously computed path of a nervous impulses and earned him
method almost one hundred years plane and ensure contact, regard the 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology
ahead of its time. Regardless of less of its speed. He made a sketch and Medicine.
whether this occurrence is looked the next morning of his dreamed A dream leading to an even
on as a merely strange example of design ; it eventually led to the use more practical medical discovery
psychic phenomena, the method of radar by the Allies. belonged to a university professor,
revealed works extremely well. Even the abstract field of who one night was preparing a
One of the more famous creative modem physics owes its founda lecture on diabetes for his medical
dreams belonged to Elias Howe, tion to a dream beheld by Niels students. His notes were mixed up
the American who invented the Bohr, the famous physicist. While and confusing, but he did his best,
sewing machine. On the verge of still a student, Bohr had a dream in to organize them. After working'
putting the machine together, he which he Wl\8 on a sun composed of late and becoming frustrated, he
ran into a problem of how to thread burning gas. Planet$ whizzed by went to bed .. Jolted awake in the
the needle. The conventional him as they revolved around the middle of the night, he quickly
method of threading from the top sun, to which they were attached scribbled down what he had just
had no1 worked and he went to bed by thin filaments. Suddenly, the dreamed. ' 'Tie off pancreatic duct
that il\ght with the problem gas sun cooled and solidified, and of dog. Wait six to eight weeks for
turning over in his mind. While the planets crumbled away. When degeneration. Remove residue
sleeping, Howe dreamed he was Bohr awoke he realized that he had and extract. " The professor was
walking through a jungle. Natives conceived the model of the atom. Dr .F .G. Banting and his dream led
captured him at spear-point and The .sun represented the fixed to the discovery of insulin.
took him to their chief. He was center around which electrons Perhaps the most famous dis
given until morning to invent the revolved, held in place by energy covery due to a dream inspiration
sewing machine and if he did not, fields. belonged to the German chemist
please turn page
24 Beyond Reality
Dr. F. G. Banting was jolted awake in th
middle of the night by a dream which had a
message, ' 'Tie off the pancreatic of a dog.
Wait six to eight weeks for degeneration. Remove
residue and extract. ' ' The dream led to the
discovery of insulin.
Beyond Reality 25
Friedrich A. Kekule, the discover ing research, but by the Grace of Modem psychologists would say
er of the structure of the chemical God . . . the riddle solved itself as that it is merely the subconscious
benzene. In 1890, he reported the lightning strikes , and I myself mind working on the problem
following dream to an audience could not tell or show the connec while the conscious mind is at rest,
gathered in his honour : tion between what I knew before , in which case memory of the
' 'Again the atoms were gambol what I last used to experiment problem would have to be carried
ing before my eyes. This time the with, and what produced the final over to the dream state . However,
smaller groups kept modestly in success . ' ' Carl jung states :
the background. My mental (in Also Kekule, on ending hi ' 'I have found again and again in
ner) eye, rendered more acute by address in which he described his my professional work that the
repeated visions of this kind, could dream , sounded as if he : believed images and ideas that dreams
distinguish larger structures of that dreaming was almost the best contain cannot possibly be ex
manifold conformation ; long rows , method of research when he plained solely in terms of memory.
sometimes more closely fitted stated: They express new thoughts that
together all twining and twisting in ' ' Let us learn to dream, gentle- hve never yet reached the thres
snakelike motion. But look ! What hold of consciousness . ' '
was that? One of the snakes had If problems can solve them
seized hold of its own tail and the selves in flash. if certain concepts
fomi whirled mockingly before my can be merely beheld and not
eyes . As if by a flash of lightning I thought out, and if new images and
awoke . . . ' ' ideas can be expressed in dreams
This dream led him to the
before they have reached the
realization of the structure of conscious mind, then surely there
benzene as a closed carbon ring, a must be a source from where these
discovery which revolutionized thoughts originate . One theory of
modem chemistry. Examples of dream origins is that of John
creative dreams could probably go Dunne, author of the book ' 'An
on forever, but at some point the Experiment with Time. ' ' Dunne
question must be asked - how did had many dreams in which he
these people arrive at their solu received information of events
tions? which took place at a later date and
. It is important to note that all of so he became interested in the
the dreamers mentioned had each Edgar Allen Poe, the famous aspect of time involved in precog
attacked their own problem with mystery author, had created many nitive dreams . He hypothesized
the conscious mind, and in most of his works from his dreams, or that the mind goes beyond the
cases, had worked on the problem were. they nightmares ? limitations of space-time as per
up to the moment they went to bed. ceived in waking consciousness
In most cases the dreams then men, and then we may perhaps and is able to pick up information
provided answers to problems in a find the truth. ' ' from anotper dimension of reality
flash, but were in no way a
And physicists are especially which alreadly exists . Clock time is
substitute for human endeavour. outspoken about the inner faculty only an illusion which one uses to
Although some examples exist of a of "comprehending - without understand the world with one ' s
person writing a sonata in a dream intellection . ' ' Nobel Prize physi limited waking level o f perception .
when he knows nothing of music cist Wolfgang Pauli has described In other. words, Dunne ' s idea is
and of someone making a scientific the process as basic to his field: that an all-inclusive present exists
. discovery in a dream when he ' 'What is nature of the bridge at another level of reality and that
knows nothing of science , these between the sense perceptions and certain dreams came from these
cases are rare. More often the the concepts? All logical thinkers overlapping dimensions.
problem has first been attacked by have arrived at the conclusion that This approach supports the
the conscious mind. pure logic is fundamentally incap statements of many Eastern yogis,
AltO.ugh many of the dreamers able of constructing such a link . . . scientists, and philosophers who
simply cannot explain how they all understanding is a long drawn speak of an Ocean of Conscious
solved their problems, one thing is out process initiated by processes ness, an Ocean of Infinite Wisdom
certain - rational thinking was in the unconscious long before the and unmeasurable intelligence, so
definitely not the means used. For content of consciousness can be concentrated that one drop con
example, the mathematican Karl rationally formulated . . . on this lev tains an ocean of knowledge within
Friedrich Gauss, who found a el, the place of clear concepts is itself. One of the most well
certain rule in number theory, taken by images . . . not thought out respected of the current eastern
staied he did it ' ' : . . not by painstak- but beheld. ' ' philosophers , Gopi Krishna states:
continued on page 64
26 Beyond Reality
The most difficult and impressive firedance,
done over red-hot stones throughout many
parts of the world should, by normal standards,
leave the walker horribly mutilated.
It seems incongruous that in this Day of St. Constantine , the first 2nd chapter of Genesis . The law
enlightened day and age fire Christian Emperor of Rome and reads: ' 'Let all the judges and
walking, or in this particular founder of Constantinople , and his townspeople, and the occupation
instance , fire-dancing, is practiced mother St. Helen. of all trades rest on the venerable
as a religious ritual and performed It may be pure conjecture but day of the Sun; but let those who
annually by a group of devout this ritual of fire-dancing or are situated in the country freely
Eastern Orthodox Christian Cath fire-walking appears to be a and at full liberty attend to the
olics in the villages of Lan ada re-establishing of an ancient pa business of agriculture ; because it
Mavrolefki in northern Greece. gan rite associated with the Mithra often happens that no other day is
Although denounced by the religion . Mithraism was one of the so fit for the sowing of com and the
Greek Mother Church as pagan great religious movements accept planting of vines ; lest the critical
and idolatrous, the festival per ed by the Romans in the 2nd moment having been allowed to
formed by the Villagers who are century B .C .E : It originated in slip, men should lose the commo
called ' ' Anestenarides , which Persia in the 5th century B . C .E . dities granted by heaven. ' '
translates as the moaning ohes, and became popular with the In naming May 21st as his Feast
attracts thousands of visitors to the Roman Legions for whom Mithra Day, Constantine was merely
three consecutive festive days was the divine comrade and indicating the Church' s accep
each spring that honors St. Helen fighter. Its theology bore many tance of the Festival of Spring- a
and St. Constantine . similarities to Christianity. Its celebration of Mithraism , al
The current custom dates from decline in the 2nd century A . D . though of undetermined age . In
the 13th century when a fire resulted from the growth o f the ancient times, as evidenced by the
destroyed the Greek Village of Christian religion . precession of the Equinoxes, May
Kosti, which is now a part of As a converted Christi, Con 2 1 st, was the day of the Vernal
southern Bulgaria. According to stantine , for political reasons rath Equinox ; the first day of Spring.
legend, a disastrous fire swept er than religious zeal, convoked The celebration was for the re
through the village and as it the first Ecumenical Congress at birth of Mother Earth. For the god
engulfed the Church of St. Helen Nicaea in 325 A .D . , called the First Sol (the Sun) on that day caused
and St. Constantine , groans from Council of Nicaea. As many of the the Earth to be re-born and in
the Saints were heard by the tenets of Mithraism coincided with doing so became a symbol of
villagers . Several men rushed into early Christian dogma, he used his regeneration to whom homage
the burning Church and rescued royal . influence to incorporate should be paid. The May festivals
the four precious Ikons of the many Mithraic sacred myths to be continue today, although the eso
Saints . And although the fire was included in the Christian doc teric significan_e of the event has
intense, when the men emerged trines. been lost. Chil<lren dance around
carrying the Ikons neither they For instance, it was the Law of the May-Pole now, but in the
nor the Ikons had been burned or Constantine that proclaimed Sun ancient past it was men who
even scorched . Regarding this as a day, the Sun ' s day, dedicated to danced weaving an intricate and
miracle the Villagers initiated a the Mithraic god Sol, as the symbolic entertwining of ribbon
ritual of fire-dancing to be held Christian Sabbath. A law that streamers. The pole being a phallic
every May 2 1 st, the official Feast conflicts with the 3rd verse of the symbol of generative powers.
please turn page
The earthly symbol for the god, whose blood then flowed forth to
Sol, was fire . It naturally followed fertilize Mother Earth and cause
that the Priests taught that fire her to bring forth the com. This
possessed the same generative very sacred devotional act also
powers . Obeisance to the god Sol, appears to have been approved by
then, was expressed in the using of Constantine at the Council of
fire as a materialistic symbol of the Nicaea and transposed as a
god-head to evoke fertility. As late dogma of the Christian faith.
as the sixteenth century maidens Matthew 26 ; Mark 1 4 ; Lqke 22 ;
in the Basque Country were known and 1 st Corinthians 21 all read:
to have performed fire-walking in ' 'This is my body' ' (when he gave
obeisance to the Virgin Mary. And Unbelievable as it tliem bread) ; "This is my blood"
in Russia, as late as 1855 , young (when he gave them wine ) . Biblical
women were known to meet in sounds, those who archaeologists and historians have
some secluded spot in the woods , wondered about the coincidence ;
usually an oak grove , light a walk or dance on the Theologians ignore it.
ceremonial fire, they take turns As in Christianity, the drinking
jumping over the flames to insure red-hot coals, of the blood (of the sacred bull) and
their fertility. the tasting of its flesh brought the
The present-day Anestenarides '' keep cool. ' ' It is beneficiary of this rite closer to the
are descendants of the Acharans, divine presence (Mithra) and
one of the tribes of the migrating said that between therefore approached nearer to
Indo-Europeans who settled in the salvation . It would appear that
Balkans . They were followers of
burning coals and Constantine endorsed the continu
Mithra until converted to Chris ing pagan religious rites as prac
tianity by Constantine ' s legions .
the bare soles and ticed in Mithraism by re-interpret
And there i s little doubt, because
of the similarity of Mithraism and
heels of the feet, a ing them so they would conform
rather than conflict with Christian
Christianity, that the folklore of
their ancient tribe is still known
vacuum is created by dogma and doctrine established by
the Council of Nicea. A sales
and believed. In their semi-literate electro-magnetic program to obtain converts worthy
state where superstition is still of modem advertising.
playing a part in their daily life , waves emitted by The all-night prayer vigil, feast
fire is still related to the Sun, the and morning communion climaxes
embodiment of the mystic power of the body as a result into a frenzied dancing on a carpet
light, the enemy of darkness and of hot coals spread out in the center
the purifier of the soul. Thus the of the spiritual of the Village Square . The partici
saving of the Ikons from the pants dance on the coals for at least
burning Church untouched by fire , ecstasy induced by an hour, appearing to the watching
rekindled their ancient belief in visitOrs to be in a deep trance-like
fire as a symbol of re-birth. For religious devotion. state . There is no record of any
being unscathed the Ikons had Anestenarides having suffered
been re-born. bums of any sort.
In preparation for the fire-danc In 1914, the Anestenarides
ing ceremony, the Villagers spsad celebrated their fire-dancing cere
a month of devotional exercises mony in Greece ; the Orthodox
that consist in embracing the Catholic Church officials banned
sacred Ikons in ecstatic grace that the rites . Little attempt during the
appears to induce a trance-like following years was made to
state . This type of preparation enforce the ban, which was finally
seems consistent with the theory lifted in 1947 by popular demand.
advanceft by some Scientists , who sists of the sacrificing of a Bull, In 1978 the sacred ritual was
have investigated firewalking in following the all-night prayer vigil again condemned by the Local
various parts of the world and have before the Ikons . The flesh of the Bishop Spyriden, but his warning
concluded that immunity from sacrificed bull is then eaten and was again ignored by the Vil
bums is accomplished through a the blood drunk. This act of lagers . However, in the nearby
form of self-hypnosis induced by communion is obviously a hold village of Mavrolefki, Bishop Dio
over-zealous ecstasy. over from Mithraism , as the act nysios locked up the Ikons of St.
The final ritualistic act, before represents a reenactment of Mith Helens and St . Constantine forcing
the dancing actually begins , con- ra killing a Bull in a sacred grotto , the Villagers to cancel their
continued on page 62
28 Beyond Reality
LIGHTS flashing lights that moved from
At the same time that a pair of
Delaware State . troopers were north to east. Wilmington author
watching two unidentified objects ities said they received more than
hovering in the skis over Laurel, 80 telephone calls over a 24-hour
Maryland, Dover Air Force Base period from residents who said
radar operators were scanning the they too watched the hovering
same objects on their approach UFOs until they started moving.
radar scopes. Elsmere and Claremont police
According to Major Robert said their calls, more than 200,
Groom, Dover's Information Offi corresponded with the other cities
cer, the operator reported the in that the objects changed from a
images at least three times last hovering position to moving off at
October 18 while in contact with precisely the same time.
state police and the U.S. Coast A man who identified himself as
Guard in Cape May, New Jersey. a private pilot called the Federal
The night before, at about 8:30, Aviation Administration, located
police switchboards lit up as at the Wicomico County Mary
residents reported watching mul land, Airport, to report a similar
ti-colored lights hovering in the sighting in Delaware early Mon
eastern sky. The troopers said day morning . He said that he was
they themselves watched the ob unable to tell if the unidentified
jects off and on until nearly dawn, object was in the air or on the
at whicli time the objects disap ground.
peared from view. State police officials said the Air
Sgt. Robert West, desk officer Force Base reported a private
at Bridgeville, said the officers aircraft flying from the Snow Hill,
reported the objects were station
Switchboards Ut Maryland vicinity toward New
ary and made no sound. The York, and the base said it would
officers, the USAF version states, up as residents ask the pilot to fly over the area
in touch with the agency, were east of Laurel to investigate the
told that the objects were being reported multi report. Major Groom said there
tracked on radar at six miles east was no confirmation as to whether
of Laurel at an estimated altitude colored lights this pilot was the same as the one
of 1,000- 1,500 feet. who reported the sighting earlier.
cans were dispatched to police hovering in the As the request of the state
departments from all over the police, the air base duty officer
state. From Seaford, a woman eastern sky. called the U.S. Coast Guard for a
helicopter to investigate the phe
repo hovering lights, multi
colored and stationary, directly nomena. But the requested chop
over her house . The same report per wasn't dispatched since the
was received from Milford, miles Coast Guard said it was on a
away, but Milford police added search and rescue mission else
that the calls they received told of where. 0
Beyond Reality 29
In 1833, several soldiers were digging an
ammunition magazine near Mt. Conception,
C81ifomia, when they came across the
incredible skeleton of a twelve-foot long man.
One of America' s greatest ar skeleton included several huge small species of elephant , which
chaeological mysteries is the dis stone axes, two giant spears, some he evidently had roasted . The
covery of giant skeletons in three engraved shells and thin slabs of remarkable significance of the
Western states : California, Ari purple porphyry covered with elephant is to suggest that the
zona, and Nevada. The huge undecipherable hieroglyphics . giant lived there . at least ten
remains , found in large stone The . picture writing strongly re thousand years ago, the age at
sarcophagus , caves , and Pueblo sembled hieroglyphics found by which paleontologists tell us that
burial grounds , predate the Indi later explorers in Sonora, Mexico. American mammoths became ex
ans in many cases . Some Indian Trouble started when local Indi g
tinct. Incidentally, the ' 'bi guy' '
tribes worshipped ' 'men of huge ans learned of the find. They ate that elephant with a double row
stature ' ' who inhabited the region claimed the skeleton was that o_f of choppers, both upper and lower.
before they arrived. Who these their legendary god-king. The Just off Los Angeles , on Santa
giants were, in what age they Indians laid claim to the body, Rosa Island, someone found the
lived, and what happened to them which the whites refused to skeleton of a giant which not only
are questions likely to remain surrender. Trouble was develop had double rows of teeth, but
unanswered. All we do know is ing while the soldiers decided what artifacts identical to those found at
that Spanish explorers stumbled to do with the giant and his Lompock Rancho . The Santa Rosa
upon the first skeletons and many artifacts . Finally the coffin and its fellow had the engraved shells,
more have turned up since . contents were quietly reburied and massive stone axes and enormous
In 1833 soldiers were digging a the Indians gracefully retired. spears, and slabs of stone with
foundation for an ammunition Three other finds tend to sup unknown hieroglyphics carved on
magazine at the Lompock Rancho , port the Lompock Rancho story. them.
near Pt. Conception, California, All of these ,discoveries wre made It is interesting to note that a
when they . uncovered a peculiar on small islands located off the Babylonian holy book, the Talmud,
layer of gravel and stone cement. California coast. Geologists tell us mentioned a prehistoric race of
When the workers broke through that these islands were bnce giants which-also had double rows
it, they were startled to find the peninsulars of land tllat were of teeth.
skeleton of a twelve-foot long man. isolated from the mainland thou The only other state where giant
ThiS gilllt had been buried in a sands of years ago by rising water skeletons with double rows of teeth
massive stone coffin which was levels . have been found is Minnesota,
enclosed b the layer of cement . The bones of a giant which dined quite a distance and a whole
On closer inspection , the men on elephant was excavated on different climate from California.
found that the giant possessed a Santa Catalina Island in the Pacific Anthropologists hate giants be
double row of both upper and Ocean . Accompanying the man cause they upset their pet theories ,
lower teeth. Relics buried with the were the charred remains of a but what they hate even worse are
please turn page
30 Beyond Reality
32 Beyond Reality
resulting ages ranging from 3000 giants when they ventured out excavations of the cave . His
B . C . to 1850 A . D . The caves were at night in search of water. This museum is stocked with arrow-
occupied for nearly 500 years , but proved to be slow work, so the . heads , nets, baskets , and duck
no artifacts or skeletons .except Piutes stuffed the cave entrance decoys , in addition to a skull of one _
those of the giants have been with wood and set it on fire, of the giants . His prize artifact is a
found . The giants resided in this thereby smothering all those with calendar stone from the cave ,
cave for many centuries , until the in and bringing about a quick end marked with 52 indicators on the
Piute Indians , distressed by the to the war. inside of the stone for weeks, 365
giants ' "bad habits , " annihilated Here we had a tribe of brave , on the outside for days. Calendar
them . strong, and fairly intelligent giants stones were extremely rare in
To further substantiate the who apparently lived in one region ancient America.
story, Hillinger came across a book for 5 , 000 years, long enough for "It ' s very possible they were
written in 1883 by Sarah Winne the land they inhabited to bear descendants of Egyptians who
mucca. Sarah was a direct de their name. Sarah said their sailed to America hundreds of
scendant of Chief Truckee , the last territory lay along Nevada's Hum years ago , " Stoker said. Didn't
king of the Piutes . She was born in boldt River. Eventually, they were Thor Heyerdahl just prove the
1848 and received her education at exterminated by the migratory possibility that Egyptians may
a girls school in San Jose , Piutes at a relatively recent date , have sailed to America as long as
California. Later she became one about 1 750. During the three-year 4,000 years ago on reed rafts? ' '
of the first spokespersons for war the entire population of giants Indeed he did, and giants who
feminist and Indian rights . She were killed , which was estimated colonized Ecuador 4,000 years ago
died in Montana at the age of 93. In by the Piutes to number 2 , 600. arrived on reed rafts . Also, the
Life Among the Piutes , she set Annie Bill, a 68-year old resi Sike-okahs sailed on Humboldt
down the first written version of dent of Lovelock and a niece of Lake in "reed canoes" they built.
Piute history and legend. Sarah Winnemucca, testifies that Although hundreds of mummies
One story claimed that about a her grandparents saw the giants . and tons of artifacts have been
hundred years before her birth , She called the giants ' ' Siwash recovered from the cave , there are
there was another race sharing the Indians , " and said her grand few positive indications of Egypt
Piute homeland. This race was parents described them as having ian influence . However, the giants
called the Side-okahs , which in the long faces and white skins . She could easily have . retained their
Piute language means "man doubts they were true Indians . cultural heritage and technical
eaters ' ' or ' 'cannibals . ' ' The giant ' ' Whoever heard o f a red-headed knowledge while their original
cannibals had flaming . red hair. Indian? ' ' she asked. implements quickly wore out .
For sport they would dig traps in Only 300 Piutes still survive in In explaining the mumrirles,
well traveled trails and wait for the Lovelock area. They claim to which should have been only
some unsuspecting Piute to fall to have always known what would be skeletons, anthropologist Robert
. his death. Then they would have a found in the cave . In fact , they F. Heizer of the University of
grand feast. Needless to say, these often told white settlers what the Southern California commented,
actions did not make for friendly cave contained, but of course they ' 'Conditions of extreme dryness in
relations , and war soon broke out were laughed at. After years of the cave as in the pyramids of
between the two tribes . ridicule , the Piutes finally kept the Egypt have preserved the archaeo
The giants were greatly out knowledge to themselves , at least logical material in remarkable
numbered, so the war did not last until they were vindicated by good fashion . ' '
long, although the cannibals had modem science . In fairness, it should be stated
shown great courage . In the midst Miss Winnemucca wrote that that" Mr Heizer did not infer a
of battle they would leap from relics of the giants survived within connection between Egypt and the
behind cover, grab Piute arrows the tribe for many years. For Lovelock giants , but only a slight
in mid-flight , and fire them back at example, she said: ' 'I have some of comparison .
the opposition from their own their hair which has been handed The mystery of the giants
bows . Later, in an attempt to down from father to son. I have a continue. We might hypothesize
escape ftom the Piutes , the Side dress which has been in our family that they arrived in the west about
okahs constructed large canoes a great many years , trimmed with 3000 years ago from either South
from tulle fibers and lived on reddish hair. ' ' America or Egypt. We know that
Humboldt Lake for a short time. For further physical evidence we they were eventually destroyed by
When their supplies ran out they tum to Stoker's Museum in Indians , but that is all the
hid in the. Lovelock cave . nearby Winnemucca. The proprie knowledge we have obtained. The
The Piutes surrounded the en tor, Clarence Stoker, a Lovelock rest of their history is likely to
trance to the cave and killed the native , has participated in several remain forever a mystery. 0
Beyond Reality 33
Httle to me at the Is there such a thing as power of
numbers? Some say yes , others
was instrumental remain skeptical. I was among the
skeptical until a strange run of
in come true. ' ' numbers , relating to a certain
person, convinced me otherwise .
It all began as a fan wanting to
meet her favorite movie star. To
keep his great lady's name cle,
let us refer to her as Madame ill .
Simply because three is the
number we are dealing with.
Evidence of the power of this
number goes back to her birth .
She was born the 31st day of the
third month , during the 1930 ' s .
Now, you are saying, ' 'Oh, I know
who that is . ' ' Fine ! Now you can
picture the following sequence as
it really happened.
On July 1 3 , 1976, I first met
Madame ill , backstage at a thea
tre in Indianapolis . It was a
pleasant encounter, but due to the
determination of a group of auto
graph seekers .our conversation
was very limited.
N s
As a writer, I was interested in
doing a story on Madame ill , so
the following week I contacted her
agent and requested an inter
view. Her agent said, due to
theatre where she was appearing.
My first two attempts to reach
Madaine m were in vain. The'
third try resulted in the appear
ance of Madame ill ' s unmistak
able voice . At first she seemed
irritated that her agent had not set
up the interview. Then she finally
cooled a bit and admitted even she
was not sure of her schedule and
requested 'that I call her again
about mid-week. I agreed and
hung up the phone . Glancing at
the clock I could see the time was
34 Beyond Reality
7:23 , and the date was July 23. power over the body , ' ' she stated she was feeling much better and
That was probably the first time I firmly. It was a sur:prising state mentioned the possibility of doing
noticed the threes , but they meant ment, yet I felt her sincerity was the interview in a couple of days.
very little to me at the time . real. She continued to explain , But, she had given so much of
At 1 o'clock on July 28th I giving excellent examples. Ma herself I felt it was time to return
called Madame ill . She was not in dame m was showing a new side the kindness. After all, her health
her room . I left a message and to her personality. I was amazed . was much more important than
began my wait. 5 :03 pm the same It was easy to see that she was a any interview .
day, Madame ill returned my call. firm believer in psychic power, I r:eturned home and put to
She said that she was very and I would have loved to delve gether a new story about Madame
interested in doing the story that I into the subject at great length , ill . When the article appeared in
had suggested and asked that I but time did not allow us the
print I took the profit and donated
come to her hotel on Saturday at privilege . it to Madame ill 's favorite charity.
5pm. I checked the calendar ; Finishing the interview , I had Late in October, I received a
Saturday waS"' July 3 1 . The date thanked Madame ill , and shook very nice letter from Madame ill ,
was open and I cheerfully agreed. her hand. It was a warm hand thanking me for the donation and
My dream was about to material shake , one that seals a bond of saying she enjoyed working with
ize . friendship . At that point I knew I me . Really , it was I. who was
Hastily , I prepared myself for had not seen the last of Madame honored , but without the power of
the meeting. I had researched the m. Somewhere , somehow , we those three ' s I feel it would never
subject well, but to feel more sure would meet again . have happened in the first place .
of myself I went over every scrap The article was published and The number 3 has been long
of paper I had compiled on appeared on magazine stands all known for its effect on people ' s
Madame ill , as well as every across the nation . It gave me great lives. They say things happen in
detail of the subject she chose to pleasure knowing that I had threes , such as the death of stars ,
discuss . helped someone as nice as Ma or plane crashes, or even a
By Saturday , I felt even more dame m. When I received my winning combination at the race
confident , and left for the inter copy of the publication , I quickly track. Lady Luck herself must
view. opened it and was amazed to find certainly have a three hidden up
It was exactly 5 pm on July 31st, the page number for my story was her sleeve . Therefore , I certainly
1976, I stepped onto the el 31. should not be sur:prised in what it
evator, and at 5 : 03 I knocked at Again three had become a did for me . But, I am admittedly
the door of Madame ill 's room . factor. amazed . All my life I felt drawn to
Immediately, she opened the door I followed up this particular Madam ill . Now I realize there
and greeted me with a cheerful story with another article on was a definite reason for it. A
hello. I felt a bit overwhelmed as Madame ill , that went to a need for help was there and our
she led me into the sur:prisingly bi-monthly magazine . This story lives were brought together foT
plain room and seated me on the appeared in the May 3 1 , issue . this single pur:pose. By combining
couch. Quickly, regaining my July 23, 1977, I was in touch our knowledge we could respond
composure I conducted the inter with Madame ill once again . We with a positive force . The number
view in normal fashion , but with discussed the possibility of an 3 provided an escalation of atti
one exception . After each reply to other interview . A tentative date tude allowing us a release of
my question I would leave an was set and on August 3, -1977, I positive power.
opening ; a pause. Here she could arrived at her hotel. Unfortunate The impact of this significant
insert aJif comment . Not until the ly, she had overtaxed her voice number has left an everlasting
third pause did she choose to and was under the care of a mark upon my life , and I will be
inject any thought . Strangely doctor so we cancelled the inter forever grateful. Perhaps there is
enough she selected psychic pow view. some number that will effect your
er as her subject. That evening, I spoke. with her life . Look for it. It may be there
' 'I feel one ' s mind has great briefly backstage . She assured me : just waiting to be recognized. . 0
Beyond Reality 35
Mention the 'Druid Children' ' to a priest and
he'll likely ow pale and refuse to. discuss
it After 70 years a deep fear still exists
that Christianity cannot erase. .
The Priest at Kidderminstel there were scars and stitches in buifding, questioning dozens of
below Birmingham , England the area of her heart the patholo people but no one had ever seen
when asked about ' 'The Druid gist reported would have to be at the child before . As was the
Children ' ' will tum a bit pale and least 80 years old . custom , the door to the room was
whisper something about having Dubbed little Mary for the lack locked from the outside and
another appointment and hurry of any proper identity, an attend certainly no one could enter a
off. That something that took ant reported that while cleaning hotel at the height of the tourist
place in 1902 should provoke such up an examination room at three season with a small child and not
terror among the descendants of a in the morning, he noticed a group be observed . Police theorized he
perfectly normal town in the of shadows passing the frosted inay have fallen from the roof but
British countryside gives one the glass door and upon opening it, he there was a half inch of dust on
impression that everything here is observed a group of children the only stairwell leading up
not normal . . . nor will ever be carrying something. His remarks there . Nothing human had come
again . were to the effect that he simply that way.
That there are still Druid wor could not move . . . as if turned to That weekend the village ar
shipers there is no doubt . In spite stone until they were gone . The ranged for the child to be buried
of all that Christendom has done next morning the body of little in a bit of sandy soil outside the
to erase their mark, they persist Mary was missing. church wall . Others consigned to
and perhaps the incident at Kid The incident at Kidderminstel this ignoble final resting place had
derminstel revealed a partial an in 1902 was none the less puzzling been an assortment of dogs ,
swer which no one wanted to hear. and provoked a local purge of all drunks and at least two witches no
There are whole communities non-Christians living in their one really believed were actually
woven into the fabric of modem town . A West Indian who was there .
life so that the children are born, retired from British Army Service If things were done in the
grow t dulthood, and begin new and who collected antique dolls normal manner, the child would
communities . Certainly the leg was hounded out of the town and a have been buried unnoticed ex
end of ' 'The Druid Children ' ' was Rabbi badly beaten . cept by the local gravediggers and
enhanced in 1 922 when a routine In August of 1902 a five year old the matter forgotten . This was not
autopsy of a murdered ten year boy was found dead after having to be the case . A reporter from
old girl in Winnipeg , Canada , sent fallen from a room which was Birmingham sensing a story de
a nurse screaming from the room . never rented at the local hotel . clared that no one so young should
Her organs were incredibly old . . . Police went over every inch of the be laid to rest without a proper
continued on page 54
36 Beyond Reality
Hoping to create a new form of mea, Cro.sse
crated something much more controversial.
As we stand on the brink of the century , Crosse devoted himself to Mt . Vesuvius. By means of plati
twenty-first century, scientific re the study of electricity, working num wires attached to either side
search into the origin of life is more with another pioneer of the field, of the stone , Crosse passed a weak
advanced than ever before . Our Singer. These two collaborated current through the dampened
level of technology has made from 1807 until 181 7 , the year rock. He hoped to grow unusual
possible the synthesization of Singer died. crystals of silica - but got some
amino acids , the building blocks of From 1817 to 1836 Crosse thing far more extraordinary in
the cell, and work on DNA cultivated the domestic side of his stead .
portends a genetic engineering life as an English country gentle After fourteen days , Crosse
industry in the future that could man. He wrote a couple of papers noticed the beginnings of tiny
make and mold humans according for British scientific societies on white bumps on the stone . After a
to preferred genetic characteris the activity of electricity through time , these bumps grew longer
tics . wires and in various chemical and larger, and exhibited a fine
This makes even more startling solutions . Then, in 1836 , he began coat of hair-like filaments . Then:
the work done in the early what was to be his most famous On the 26th day, each assumed
nineteenth century by Andrew experiment. the form of a perfect insect ,
Crosse, a British amateur chemist Crosse was interested in know standing upright on 4 or 5 bristles
and electrician . Because, in 1837, ing if a low voltage current would which forms its tail. On the 28th
Crosse, entirely by accident , had enhance the formation of crystals day, each insect moved its legs ,
stumbled onto a process which of silica in a liquid solution . He and in a day or two afterwards
seemed capable of artificially prepared a solution of hydrochloric detached itself from the stone and
creating living creatures ! acid, with which he mixed an moved at will .
Andrew Crosse ( 1 784- 1855) in aqueous solution of potassium Crosse was quite properly as
herited his father' s country estate silicate . Then, on a mahogany tounded. He captured specimens
at Fyne Court, in the parish of frame constructed just for this of the little bugs, and immediately
BroomAeld, Somersetshire , thus purpose , he set up a basin to sent them to experts for identifica
securg himself a steady income contain the acid and silicate tion. When word reached the
and the freedom to indulge his mixture . By means of a flannel world of the artificial growth of
passion : , experimental science . siphon , he allowed the acid-silicate living creatures , a heated contro
He was particularly interested in solution to drip , drop by drop , on a versy started raging around Mr.
chemistry, mineralogy , and elec piece of porous oxide of iron , which Crosse and his bugs .
tricity . After the turn of the was picked up from the slopes of The little creatures were classi-
. 38 Beyond Reality
This is a copy of the
engravings by Prof. F. Turpin,
the Microscopist which
accompanied his report to the
Academy of Science in 1837.
fied as Acarus Crossii, or Crosse 's cal fellow scientists . To the news six glass cylinders of various
acarus . They were similar to papers and others who accused chemicals, but obtained acari only
cheese mites , but much smaller. him of impiety he replied : from the one holding silicate of
Specimens sent to the Academie "I am neither an 'Atheist' nor a potassium !
des Sciences in France were ' Materialist' nor a ' self imagined Crosse was the first to admit he
analyzed by the French microscop Creator, ' but a humble and lowly did not understand the formation
ist M . Turpin. Although skeptical reverencer of that Great Being, of acari in these fluids . Except for
about their origin , Turpin had whose laws my accusers seem some personal friends, the scienti
admitted that the acari were of a wholly to have lost sight of. . . it is fic community was completely
new and never before seen type . my conviction that science is only sceptical of his reports , even after
There were two main camps in valuable as a means to a greater he was able to repeat his produc
the Crosse controversy. On one end. " tion of the acari.
hand there was the popular press, Crosse never intended to make There are several modem books
which believed that the acari had the acari ; but once he had, he set which tell .of Andrew Crosse and
been artificially created, but were out to discover exactly how they his acari ; Rupert T. Gould' s
incensed that a man had the were coming out of his apparatus. Oddities ; Frank Edwards ' Stran
impiety to try to emulate God by He thoroughly cleaned his con ger than Science and Strangest of
creating life in the laboratory . The tainers and baked them to a high All; and others . A comparison of
other group was the scientific heat to kill any stray ova there these accounts indicates they are
community, which refused to be might be about ; h used pure probably derived from Gould.
lieve in artificial creation , main chemicals . He discarded the acid Gould' s main sources (which he
taining instead that Crosse had and stone method, and instead lists) are Harriet Martineau' s A
made some sort of error in his filled jars with aqueous solutions History of the Thirty Years Peace
experiment . of silicate of potassium , copper and the science journal Annals of
Andrew Crosse remained de sulphate , zinc sulphate , and other Electricity. It is from Martineau 's
tached fipm partisan bickering in substances . He then connected account that Gould derived a
the best scientific manner. He these up to batteries and watched misrepresentation, and subse
quietly set about isolating and carefully. quent authors have repeated Mr.
duplicating his original experi After several months of contin Gould' s mistake .
ment to see if he could produce uous electrification, he found acari Martineau relates that the great
acari under stricter conditions . developing in some liquids , but not physicist Michael Faraday spoke
This was his concession to scepti- all. He set up yet another group of before the Royal Institution on
please turn page
Beyond Reality 39
It became obvious to Crosse that no matter how
sgently he repeated his experiments,
the scientific community was not going to accept
the idea of life created out of nonliving chemicals.
February 1 7 , 1837, supporting and fed wire into the cavity It seems incredible that such a
Crosse by saying that he too had through an airtight plug. He then discovery as the acari could be left
observed the formation of acari in connected his battery and waited. to fade into obscurity, to become
his own electrical experiments . Weekes was no crank . In his an old chestnut for antiquarians
New articles reported this at the lifetime , he wrote twenty scientific and Fortean writers . If Crosse
times. papers, most dealing with pneu alone had succeeded in making
Actually nothing of the sort matics, meteorology, and electri acari, it would be easy to assign the
happened. Faraday wrote to the city. He made four reports on the results . to faulty technique and
Times and the Literary Gazette , acari, while Crosse himself had imperfect observation . Crosse re
correcting the false stories about only made two . In his first report to peated his experiments several
his support of Mr. Crosse . He the London Electrical Society, times , though his greatest success
wrote to Harriet Martineau in Weekes described the appearance was with the first arrangement of
1850, after her book was pub.: of acari within his carefully sealed porous stone and acid solution ,
lished, advising her on the facts . apparatus : which produced nearly 100 acari .
Miss Martineau acknowledged her "One day in the last day of But how can we explain away the
error to Faraday, but the error in October ( 1841 ) , while applying a acari in light of W . H . Weekes'
her- book stands uncorrected to this microscope vry attentively to work? Four years and many miles
day. Gould did not know different eJamine some appearances withiil separate Crosse and Weekes , yet
ly, and so repeated the story of the air-bell. . . I saw an insect the acari consistently appeared,
Faraday's acari, and the legend having the exact character of the and were seen by many witnesses.
was carried On. Acarus Crossii . . . (on the 25th of Was there fraud committed? No
Crosse's story is well document November, 184 1 ) I discovered five one at the time thought so . Andrew
ed and clear enough to be worthy perfect insects , the exact repre Crosse was a respected gentle
of serious scientific consideration , sentatives of those which original man , who never claimed anything
even today. In spite of the false ly appeared in the Broomfield about the acari except that they
Faraday story, the mystery of the experiments . ' ' appeared during his experiments .
acari is yet unresolved. In all, it took nearly a year for the At all times during the contro
It became obvious to Andrew acari to be produced in Weekes ' versy, Crosse was a model of
Crosse that no matter how strin apparatus . To further extablish the restraint, never making extrava
gently he repeated his experi nature of the acari, Weekes gant claims or creating fanciful
ments, that the. scientific commu prepared another sealed jar which theories . He admitted his igno
nity was not going to accept the he filled with sterile manufactured rance regarding what the acari
idea of life appearing out of oxygen, instead of air. He got eight wete and how they came to be .
nonliving chemicals . This fact , to ten acari. Weekes constructed a After the acari controversy had
coupled with the popular resent jar identical to the others, with the subsided, Crosse continued his
ment and damage Crosse felt to his same chemical components , but scientific work, and made valuable
cherished reputation as a scientist, omitted the electrical current - no contributions towards the develop
led him to abandon his fight for a acari came out of this set-up. ment of the sustaining battery . . He
general inquiry into the acari Weekes ' reports were published died in 155 at his home of Fyne
affair. Crosse was a retiring man in the Proceedings of the London Court, in the very same room he
anyway, and at the peak of the 'Electrical Society for 1842 . 'No had been born in, seventy-one
controversy he tumec;l away from great public attention ame to years before .
the furor back to the peaceful life at Weekes ' experiments a small W . H . Weekes also continued his
Fyne Court. notice in the Times mentioned research after finishing with the
Widtout esh news to keep it them , but the major interes came acari. He made studies of light
going, the acari uproar died down . from scientific circles . Weekes' ning , and did preliminary work on
It was this time that anotHer. work was much discussed, but the possibility of using .electricity
British scientist, W . H . Weekes , ultimately led to nothing. The for lighting purposes, in 1846.
decided to try his hand at acari attitude of conservative scientists Neither man suffered permanent
making. then was the same as it is now: if damage to their credibility be
Weekes sealed a . beaker of facts don't fit established theories, cause of the acari. The public
potassium silicate under a bell jar, ignore them. forgot ; scientists iorgot ; and they
40 Beyond Reality
1 . Copper Nitrate 2. Subcarbonate of Potassium 3. Copper Sulphate
4. Iron Sulphate 5 . Sulphate of Zinc 6. Hydrochloric Acid Dilute
themselves went on to other city through a mixture of gases at a be something if after all these
things . certain pressure and temperature . years a scientist working in a
Is it p ible , in modem scienti It may be that there were traces of multimillion dollar research labor
fic terms , to speak of the genera other substances in the chemicals atory discovered that you can
tion of living animals as complex as Crosse and Week es used , but we generate animal life using low
the acari mites from solutions of have no way of knowing for sure. voltage direct current and silicious
silica by means of electrical I do not know if recent compounds? Only then would
current? Certainly not by the times has attempted to duplicate Andrew Crosse be counted among
theories presently accepted . The the experiments of Crosse or scientific greats , and achieve last
synthesizing of amino acids was Weekes, but it would be very ing vindication for himself and his
accomplished by sparking electri- interesting to try- and wouldn 't it little acari . D
Beyond Reality 41
Whlle sighti,tgs of supernormal beings that can
In every time and place there and St. Teresa. The angels also spiritual meaning as God's crea
have always been some people figure prominently in great litera tion. ' '
who believed that they were ture and art, from Homer and More recently, R . Ogilvie
visited by supernormal beings Dante to Milton and Longfellow, Crombie of the Findhorn Com
from other worlds . and in the art of Angelico, Giotto , munity writes of his experiences
Biblical writers were practical Raphael and Rubens. with nature spirits in the Botanic
men who spent little time develop How do angels help human Gardens of Edinburgh and else
ing theories. They simply matter beings? "In a thousand ways , " where in Scotland-. He claims that
of factly told of experiences according to John Wesley. "They these elementals are essential to
growing out of relationships with may assist us in our searching plant and vegetable life .
God and the unseen world. As after truth, remove many doubts While sightings of supernormal
many as 35 books in the Old and and difficulties . . . They may warn beings that can be dearly classi
NeVI{ Testament tell of angels, us of evil in disguise d place fied as angels or fairies is a rarity
says Rev. Lambourne Higgins in what is good in a clear, strong nowadays , there continues to be a
the quarterly Spiritual Frontiers . light. They may gently move our flow of apparitions . The entities
Rev. Higgins notes: will to embrace what is good and described as pilots of UFOs have a
' 'The angels play an important to fly from that which is evil . . . ' ' strong resemblance to the fairy
part in the coming of Christ, from We need to consider the ele folk and gnomes encountered in
the Annunciation by the Angel mentals too . The ancient religions the Middle Ages. And while
Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin revered the spirits and spirits of giants no longer are observed
Mary to Christ' s Ascension. There the earth, the trees, the sky and stalking about a farmer's fields,
is the celestial chorus at the brooks . Later, Christians experi the Sasquatch Monster roams
Nativity, the angel's message to enced these entitites in a friendly about, leaving mysterious foot
Josep, the" angelic presence at manner as the ' ' gentle people . ' ' prints on the snow .
great moments in Jesus' life , at In his book "Irish Earth Folk, " In fact, reports of things that
the Temptation, at Gethesemane , Diarmuid Macmanus , the Irish "aren't really there " are current
at the Resurrection. .writer and longtime friend of ly so widespread that they are
Rev. Higgins observes that William Butler Yeats , tells us that being collected by the Institute of
church history relates many ex these wee foik are essentially Psychophysical Research in Ox
periences by saints wit angels , "oountry beings . " He says that ford, England. The Institute re-
including St. Cuthbert, St. Augus ' 'they clearly love wild nature and Continued on page 60
tine , St. Hildegard, St. Bernard are deeply aware of its beauty and
42 Beyond Reality
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Beyond Reality 43
The liquid boost module now in early design will increase the
Space Shuttle ' s pay-load carrying capability from 24000 to
approximately 41 , 000 pounds when launched into a low
altitude polar orbit . The Titan liquid boost module is
essentially comprised of four io foot diameter shortened
Titan propellant tanks, steel tank trusses , a Titan stage one
rocket engine set , and a circular structure connecting the
module to the Shuttle External Tank .
Each of the two tanks carrying fuel is 320 inches long ; the
tanks carrying oxidizer are 268 inches long. The system
provides 529, 000 pounds of thrust in vacuum conditions .
44 Beyond Reality
A NASA Ames Research- Center
U -2 aircraft recently
photographed this oblique view of
the erupting Mount Saint Helens
from a height of 65 , 000 feet. The
aircraft was on the west side of the
mountain when this photo was
taken . To the north, the snow
appears white , while the snow on
the southeastern slope is gray,
covered with ash blown by
prevailing winds. Tracks along the
mountain-side are avalanche trails .
eyond Reality 45
Notes on the Paranormal
Georgia State Police every so shrill shrieks that last approxi
often are called to the seventh floor mately 10 seconds echoing right
of the Peachtree Towers office thr<!ugh the halls, sometimes twice
building in downtown Atlantal. a week.
They come and they listen and they But according to Artis Roderick ,
silently watch, peering down corri who works at a talent and model
dors, inside incinerator rooms, booking firm in Peachtree Towers,
straining their ears and eyes. But "The screams are so frantic, and
they never see anything, they only agonizing that it absolutely freezes
hear. you and curls your toes. "
And what they hear- what Roderick brought out, ' 'We've
everyone hears - is enough to just kind of learned to cope with it,
send shivers tingling down the to accept it. The screamer just
bravest of spines . Tenants - and comes with the seventh floor.
now the police - have heard long, Eerie ! ' ' D
and prflfessor of theology at the wooden benches that align its $300, then the crews resumed
University of Notre Dame, ' ' Clini crosswalks. pouring concrete .
cal psychology offers direct and But no one comes there at night Workers maintain the noises
observable evidence that what the anymore , except for those who sound like a man groaning in
churches have talked about as must- the men who operate the agony, and eminate from the very
angelic forces and powers as small power-generating station. bones of the dam- itself. The
deJDons and devils are in fact quite And power company employees sounds are never heard . during the
real. ' ' D working the late shift do so daytime, only at mght. D
46 Beyond Reality
CONDUCTORS Hundreds of witness, including
law enforcement officers have
reported seeing a luminous ball
hovering in Saratoga , Texas , locat
ed in the heart of the Big Thicket .
The dictionary defines lightning It only. appears at night, say
as the flashing of light produced by those who have seen it. Many add
a discharge of atmospheric elec that it appears mostly on humid
tricity from one cloud to another or nights . They describe the light in
between a cloud and the earth. varying colors, and maintain it has
What you won't find in any jumped, darted, floated, and even
dictionary however, is the phe sometimes hovered stationary a
nomenon whereby certain individ mong the tall loblolly pines on both
uals seem to be lightning-prone sides of the road.
that is , they are attracted by Although no rational explana
lightning. tion for the phenomenon has ever could be auto headlights being
One such individual, Mr. Roy C. been proven , there have been refracted by the moist atmos
Sullivan, who, according to the several scientific theories offered . phere . Others theorize the myster
Guinness Book of World Records is For instance; a college professor ious light is caused by disturb
the only human being to have from Beaumont surmised it was ances in the geomagnetic field of
survived four attacks by lightning. caused by swamp gas ; others say it the earth . D
He was struck in 1942 , 1969, 1970
and again in 1972 . The last attack
set his hair on fire. A year later, in
August, 1973 , it was reported in
the Washington Star-News, that MUMMIFIED BODIES FOUND
Sullivan was struck again, for the
fifth time - and survived.
During World War I, an Ameri IN SPANISH MONASTERY
can Army Major, George Summer
ford, was struck by lightning on
the Flanders battlefield, paralyz
ing him from the waist down.
Recovering the use of his legs
samewhat, Summerford was fish
ing with three friends in Vancou
ver six years after the war's end,
when lightning struck a tree under
which he was sitting, and had
paralyzed him disabling his right
side completely.
Again, he recovered, and during
the summer of 1931 was walking in During recent restoration work inquisition tribunal during the
Vancouver Park when a sudden on a 15th century monastery near Spanish Inquisition . They brought
storm began. He was struck a third the Portuguese border, anthropo out that the bodies most probably
time , aJ1 he was paralyzed per logists discovered 2000 bodies , died squashed in some medieval
manently. He died two years later. twisted and deformed - victims of form of torture .
What is even odder is the fact one of the great purges of the During that period , people sus
that during his funeral, a storm Spanish Inquisition of that long- pected of being witches, heretics ,
suddenly churned up about the ago era. . possessed by the devil or simply
cemetery where he was being laid The anthropologists maintained non-believers were brought before
to rest, shattering his own tomb the Llerena, near Badajoz city in priest-judges, were tried and very
stone . D southwest Spain , was a major often tortured to death. D
Beyond Reality 47
This 50-foot-high Indian mound at
Ocmulgee National Monument in
Macon, Georgia, was once
surmounted by a large wooden
temple where priests worshipped
a solar diety.
48 Beyond Reality
Is it possible that these artifacts, found in
the Southwestern United States, belong to a race
of ancient people who migrated here from
the Middle East over 3000 years ago?
Mysteries surround all of us , brought up archaeology one day, of central Georgia.
and sometimes they surface under which reminded Harold of an The artifact was an unidentifi
the most casual circumstances. In Indian artifact he had found while able animal effigy carved from a
1971 I was commuting from digging in his backyard as a child small stone which had banded
Warner Robins , Georgia, to Mid in Warner Robins , which is just dark and light stripes . Meant to
dle Georgia College in Cochran, south of Macon . He brought it the be a four-legged animal, only the
with a friend, Harold Feightner. next day, swarthed in cotton and rear legs were distinguishable .
As all commuters on speaking encased in a medicine bottle . To There was no tail, and the top of
terms do, we eventually discussed my eyes it resembled no artifact of the body tapered slightly upward
every subject known to literate the Creek Indians or their ances toward the head then down to the
students . As a history major, I tors, who were ancient residents nose, which probably had been
please turn page
long and extended from the body, west, probably Arizona or New
but was broken off before Harold Mexico. No Zunis have ever been
discovered it. If this part were in Warner Robins. ' '
intact, the animal could probably Harold and I decided we had to
be identified. Harold called it a impress this man of our sincerity
rabbit for some unfathomable or he would throw us out of the
reason, but I thought it had the park as hoaxers .
look of a beaver about it, without a " Honest sir, " Harold had ex
tail of course , or a thin, earless plained, ' 'back in about '57, when
elephant, for equally unfathom I was 'six or seven, I was digging
able reasons . Overall, it seemed in my backyard, ' ' he raised his
to have been polished, and a arm and pointed south, ' 'in War
series of short cuts along both ner Robins, and I found this
sides of the head may have 'thing' a couple of feet beneath
represented a mane , we hypothe the surface. I put it away with
sized. We decided that opposite other curiosities I wanted to keep
ridges cut along the head were and just now remembered it and
meant to be eyes. decided to find out what it is . "
We missed our first class while I suppose the old man decided
surmising all this valuable infor to believe us , becaue he took us
mation, and with our interest downstairs to the office of several
aroused, we decided to cut the other archaeologists. ' 'It sure as
rest of our classes and proceeded hen looks like Zuni to me, ' ' he
to the Ocmulgee Nationar Monu muttered as he led the way.
ment in Macon, where archaeolo " Say Tom, " he called out to
gists man a museum in a park one of his associates , ' 'take a look
which contains the remains of a at this , " and he handed our
temple mound village. carved stone to Tom.
With the artifact in hand we ' ' H nmmm , ' ' Tom muttered,
approached the reception desk "Zuni, so what?"
and 'asked see a real live " So these two kids here say
archaeologist. The man behind they found it in their backyard. ' '
the desk, evidently an archaeolo Mrs. Joe Hearn was ' 'In New Mexico? , ' ' Tom asked.
"Warner Robins, " I assured
gist, looked immensely pleased
and proud. Before we left we
digging in her Tom.
received the distinc. impression backyard when she The charade was repeated once
that archaeologists are lonely more as Dick, the last archaeolo
men, firmly convinced that no one unearthed a metal gist, thank goodness, came in
appreciates the service they ren from conducting a tour around the
der mankind . table containing a grounds. ' ' Zuni, ' ' he announced,
Harold unwrapped his effigy, ' 'from the Southwesm United
handed it to the old guy and said, script called aassic States . ' '
"I found this in my backyard. " For our edification it was ex
The archaeologist put on his Ur ll which Was plained that the Zunis were part of
bifocals and closely examined the the Pueblo culture , which lived in
artifact, turning it over and over used in the the great cliff houses of the
for repeated examination . At Am:erican Sputhwest. They inhab
length he said, ' ' And is your Middle East over ited Coronado's legendary Seven
backyard in the vicinity of Albu Cities qf Cibola, along the Rio
querque , New Mexico? ' ' 4000 years ago. Grande Valley in New Mexico. It
Harold and I stared at each was also patiently explained that
other -lor .a moment, and when the Zunis were homebodies, not
Harold announced that his back prone to wandering far from their
cliff castles.
50 Beyond Reality
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H E RB S, spices, teas. Send $1 .00 for complete cata
229.BCGM), Sandusky, Oh. 44870
log. "The Herb Patch", P.O. Box 583, Boulder City,
HANDWR I T I N G and Person ality, Free information. Nv. 89005
Dooley, 810 SE 26th' St., Ocala, FL 32670
MYSTE R I OUS rotating lights. At night, my lighted
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,Beyond Reality 51
city, with origins dating back to be a rabbit. ' ' Harold thanked him Robins, which bears a Phoenician
the late 1 7th century ; Warner and we left. script used around 2000 B.C. In
Robins is a young town, created Since 1971 my interest in ar 1973, only 80 miles away, in
by the U.S. government as an Air chaeology had increased, as well LaGrange, Mrs. Joe Hearn was
Force base during World War ll. as my knowledge of the subject. I digging in her bakyard when she
Nothing there is older than thirty realize that no archaeologist has unearthed a metal tablet contain
years. The site of Harold' s house ever advanced the idea that Zuni ing a cuneiform script called
was virgin forest untij the house Indians ventured into the South .Classic Ur n which was in use in
was built, and the Feightner' s east, but professionals of national the Middle East 4000 years ago.
have been it's only occupants. reputation have theorized that All these discoveries were first
Therefore, the artifact could not authenticated and brought to pub
have been dropped there by a lic knowledge by Dr. Joseph B.
previous owner or a wandering Mahan of the Columbus, Ga. ,
52 Beyond Reality
How to make others secretl y DO YOUR BIDDING
. with the astonishing power of
Here's how to get started in JUSt 3 minutes
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Why this method must work for you
may examine it a full 30 days at your l isk
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Your "i nstant" fortune maker
is one of the nation's leading or money back.
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You can
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A magic spel l that works living miracles
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How this secret can bring you anything
world of the mind have been read by mil-. postage and handling charges. Same money
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you desire back guarantee.
Help from the i nvisible world
New York, his own life is living proof of How to "Tune I n" on the secret thooghts
"Automatic Mind-Command." NAME
A Master Researcher Metaphysician,
of others Please print
and Psychic Advisor, he hashelped count
The greatest love spell of all
54 Beyond Reality
leycad R22ly
--- jl:
-::-. .
.. .
- ..
. ...... --
- .,.
R::=- ..,. ,..
no longer
No. 18
no longer
no longer
07 CJty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.
. . . . . State . . . . . . . . .
accidental death take place . This force of Hell itself. When at last
certainly seems to have been the the lock burst, they crowded in
case in the two incidents related . upon the holy place befouling the
The legend of the ' ' Dark Chil floor, smashing many windows,
dren" or " Druid Children " dates screaming un-Godly filth d
back to the French Sister Mane tearing at my flesh with clawlike
who composed a letter to Pope nails . I flailed out at them with my
Nicholas IV in 1290 A .D . confes hands but thy soon overpowered
sing that she and a number of my efforts to resist. In a group
other Nuns were actually Druids they assembled _around the tiny
who had defiled the Mass and casket of the dead child and lifting
were hiding a group of children it as one would a gentle fallen
whom they were charged to sister, they carried her out into
instruct in the dark arts . In all, ten the night and were gone from my
Sisters were burned at the stake , sight . . . God be praised and
the defiled nunnery razed and a forgive me for having brought that
single postulate put to the ques The legend of the spawn of evil into my church. ' '
tion as to where the children had The question arises as to the
been hidden . In spite of having ' 'Dark ChHdren' ' failure to reclaim one of their own
her eyes burned out with molten and the burial of one of them.
lead and her flesh erased with dates back to the Robin Murray , Julia' s daughter
smoldering ashes the hapless girl and myself visited the grave of
would say nothing except to utter French Sister Marie Mercy Brown in 1951 to investi
a prayer no one understood . gate strange reports of screams
When she finally did expire , it who composed a coming from beneath the earth
was said that every child in the where she was buried. The case is
village under the age of 13 was letter to Pope one quite well known in psychic
put to the torch . . . ' 'lest even one circles as is the site itself. The
escape God's proper wrath. ' ' Nicholas IV, girl had expired in 1892 , was
Various accounts were written injur and shortly after cem
from the 13th Century until the confessing that she tery officials were alarmed to hear
end of the 18th as to these screams coming from the grave .
children appearing to spirit off the and other nuns were After some months of an assort
body of a dead and unknown ment of unexplained illness , death
child. The only New World report actually Druids who and hauntings, the family agreed
was made by a Spanish Priest in to allow to have the body ex
California in 1846 who alleged deiDed the Mass humed. According to 52-year-old
that they invaded his church Reuben Brown , a family member,
screaming filth and carried off the and were hiding a the body had undergone no
body of a dead child . The report change, but there were rips in the
was discredited by the church, the group of chUdren inside of her palms as if she had
Priest was recalled to Rome and dug her nails into them . There
being judged insane , was con who were students was fresh blood in the wounds . A
fined to a madhouse . stake was driven through the
An analysis of the photograph of the Devll. heart and the . grisly horror re
with an enlarging glass tends to buried. The hauntings and
send shivers up one' s back. Those screaming continued as they did
evil little faces stare back as if when we visited the grave .
.defying anyone to withhold that
Was it really Mercy Brown or
which they have come for. If
had one of ' 'The Druid Children ' '
history can be taken as an
been buried in her place? The
indication of their conduct, they
remark of the Priest present at the
will omplete their task wi h no
exhumation may contain more
physical harm to anyone . When
truth than was first acknow
interfered with , as in the case of
ledged . ' ' Such a strange child . . .
the attendant, they can control the
so young but with the face of a
mind. In the case of the Spanish
Devil . . . "
Priest, they can become violent as
this letter written in 1850 to his Y they will ever know the
brother reveals : truth of it but certainly whatever
' 'They pounded on the doors of they were, the " Druid Children"
the church many minutes with the were not of this world. 0
56 Beyond Reality
NOW-You can Live Like A King and never want ag ain
with the Miracle Power of . . .
It's true! This hidden energy power responds at once to
help you gain endless streams of wealth control the .
Dear Friend: you can stimulate the person' memory process, move his
w u et a e finaers, make him do what you want, repeat the words you want Eyebrows
. .
fo-:n gJ!:; if:ce f .:!'1fn: : bic M'fo: him to say, and do many other thinas. It does work. No one can
will produce all the riches, love, power, health and happiness you
wish to create in your life? reif saym&{fya'JENfr CCE MARJUAGE -
Or bow would you like to be able to say four power words to Marilyn K.. wu in love with Kevin. They bad dated for two
summon MAGIC SAGE who will co19e to your command any years and were very much in love, but Kevin was shy and 3. Throat Center
e a w o couldn't muster up enouah couraae to propose. Marilyn then tried
:'t l: :: :=:u?e? s6r ::! ;ds":'o :sa:._f: my method of contactina Kevin's subconscious mind and sua
acstina that be propose. Later-out of the blue-Kevin popped
Now it's possible to do all these thin&s and more-with the ihew0":0ETS PROMOTION AND DOUBLES HER SAL
Miracle Power of OMNI.COSMICS. OMNI-COSMICS will en AllY-Judy K. wanted to be promoted to a new position that
able you to perform the so-called "impossible" feats. With it,
you will be able to attain a paradise on earth for yourself and for d: ;f s'tfe J!i5cb::eo v=rs!\1. 'fc'lw t
all those you love. after abe used an OMNI-COSMICS technique to ta.{' her boss's
My name is Ann Fisher, and I'll tell you more about this amaz. mind, she was called into his office and 11ven the JOb. A year 4
fM.u ;L1;;:t0lt. e show you all the thinp later, she doubltd her aalary!
Produce money "from out of thin air". What's more, with the Miracle Power of OMNI.COSMICS,
Make illness and pain disappear. you'll be able to know the innermost thouahts of people in the
Control the t.bouahts of others. next room or thousands of miles away-or even what a person
Find lost people and treasure. is tbinkinJ when you talk to him on the telephone!
Repel black mqic or voodoo attacks. Today we live in an aae witb many neaativc influences around
Find your perfect mate and achieve marital happiness. us. U you believe that voodoo and J?SYCbte assault does not exist
r -----t....-
6. Navel Cente.;.,.
in this Twentieth Century, you are mcorrect. Neaative forces do
t an 6
"FROM OUT OF THIN AIR I" od!1th JMf-es:i. you can build a protective force
around you so that you will 'have nothinl to fear at all. That's 7. Baae of Spine
I'll show you how to use OMNI.COSMICS to achieve endless just what John and Pamela did-and look at how they were r-----t-------
Cente. .:.
streams of wealth. And I'll tell you ri6ht now that whatever you saved
. .
a y a w r u e
You may want a new car, a new home, a swimmina pool, a !:'
in : 0 iJ! :' ;: o!!Yin =f. l:
became very tired and started to sink. Somehow John, a reauiar
mink coat, a diamond rina. an exclusive apartment, a fabulous user of OMNI-COSMICS, was saved. }:(e didn't know bow be aot
vacation, some money to clear up your debts. or an income back to shore for be bad felt an invisible force carryina him
/or life of say $20,000, $50,000 or even $100,000. over the top of the water to land safely. OMNI-COSMICS saved pounds at aae 29. She had never bad a date and was resianed
Well now, with OMNI.COSMICS, you'll see bow to matetial him from drownin&l to her dull life of work and watcbina television every ni&ht. But
iu the miraculous tbinas you desire . . . You can become as after usin& an OMNI-COSMICS ritual I showed her, Samantha
wealthy as you wish . . . You can live like a kina and never OMNI.COSMCCS SAVES LIFE OF YOUNG LADY - lost 9S pounds and met a youna man. She is now happier than
want aaain! Just look: !":r.:Cn:e<!!0f ONf.C6S.w;
POOR WOMAN WINS $100,ee.-F'lorence, a woman in her dl't!Yo she bas ever been in her entire life!
forties, was short of money for years. I mean she wu really to LOSES 5I POUNDS AND GETS A MINK COAT-Joyce W.
poor. Her shabby clothes came from friends or the Salavation eJ :: r:lkbe :o:=.= '! !e u .t was SO pounds overwei&ht and suffered from hiah blood pressure,
Army. She hadn't bouaht anytbina new for herself in many years. intersection at a hiJh rate of speed. She would have been killed arthritis, and other ailments that kept her feelina sick most of the
or e time. But after usina OMNI-COSMICS power, she was able to
::w:: L:r!'mfrfe sa:e:d gMIr:o':::'b i?nuslJso:! go,S:.:aghic protective powers,
other people were able to rel a black maaic attack . . . reverse
lose those 50 pounds. Her health improved and she looked and
felt like a new person. In fact, her husband was so proud of her
P"!JFYa':JtJ.w: 3o'itiiFF- a voodoo curse . . . travel w1th safety_. . . at saved from a mua new fiaure, be bou&ht her a mink coat for her birthday!
John R., a factory worker, was desperately in need of money for &ina attempt and muc:h more. THEY DID IT-AND SO CAN
his rent, car payments and a pile of unpaid bills. He was dis- YOU! OMNI--COSMICS RESPONDS AT ONCE!
STUDENT PICKS NINE WINNERS IN A ROW-David will rapond immediately when you use the t power ritual. u LfsMics you will be able to tap
ed o Aft into the spirit world and contact your loved ones, friends or
c m? ::. !feeT toMos"Mc gERU:lN.:UAfrMENT-Terry J., a people you want to meet to convey messaaes to you. You will
finance his co leae education anywa After performinJ the riaht
dear friend of mine, bad just found out that be bad a very
'!':m:e:Joat :idofis t'to
o' hru: 1:,
serious kidney ailment. His doctor told him that his condition
would shorten his life and that be "needed rest." But two months = }r:a:nbYJin.'ndlJ: 3:doain!de:
colleae that fall! after be used an OMNI-COSMICS health ritual I showed him YOURS TO PROVE-FOR 30 DAYS-AT OUR RISK!
his doctors were amazed to discover that his kidneys were in
Beyond Reality 57
WILL PRESIDENT SADAT KEEP HIS WORD?/continued from page 20
Late one night in the Spring of explained later. When she had
175 1 a remarkable psychic "dou checked carefully over the struc
ble event ' ' took place in the
village of Kilmuir, Scotland . Flor
ence Beaton , a serving maid in the
TWO ture , however, Mrs . Anderson
discovered that the building was
in perfect condition .
58 Beyond Reality
Th i s p rec i s i o n revo lver i s
u n c o n d i t i o n a l l y g u aranteed
for parts and llabor
when A l l In O n e
G u n C l eaner i s
used m o n t h ly.
Leather - w i t h snap button
. Defend yourself and your loved protective strap for safety .
ones aga i nst rapists, attackers,
muggers - even vicious animals
J UST $1 4.95 each
ports that 97 percent of the subjects, and two-thirds of these possible for the human mind to
apparitions that it has analyzed were known positively to be dead. create its own reality- in other
were e.1perienced without prior From whence come such appar words for ideas to be actualized in
warning or suggestion. Two thirds itions, mostly experienced by physical form.
of the encounters, the researchers perfectly sane, ordinary people? Someday, Dr. Watson goes on
found, took place in the subjects' Can we dismiss them all as simply to say, political leaders and com
homes. delusions that surface from our mercial interests may systemati
In their book entitled ''Appari subconscious minds? caily analyZe apparitions as ''tell
tions" the Institute's Celia Green In his provocative new book tal signs in the collective psy
and C. McCreery found that 80 "Lifetide" biologist Lyall Watson che." By: periodically monitoring
percent of apparitional objects in says that he believes that this is opinions prevailing at- unconscious
this survey were human beings, not the whole story. At leJSt in levels, they would be able to act
most of them familiar to the some cases, he suggests, it is on the information provided. 0
60 Beyond Reality
the cross of
ANT was kidnapped and taken aboard
ON .----(---
the word about life in other
..1 am an ordained mini-''
of The Knight Fedet1tlon
Church. The story of my
an Alien Spacecraft from
another galaxy, where the Aliena
galaxi-and about the univer-
sal power of faith and of God.
They. have given me an instru- 1-
here s my proo e e e
a1 lif f
f ;:. b:
doubt " th
of hope to the people of earth. to flah:
d in Simulation: Actual photo is in
And whatever money I have of energy, just as it leaps out of my fde3 and can IH vinwd cu it
THE MESSAGE left, after my expenses the Cross of Antron appean in color.
MY NAME IS OF ANTRON- for this actiVlty, will go for this 11------...-----
LYDIA STALNAUR Aboard the spacecraft there purpose.
miracle of freedom from debt The only repayment that An
. . . and because my story may was a woman named Antron, But the power of the Cross of and the worries over money are
tron and I aek for sharing this
who told me they came from a Antron is really a wonderful lifted.
sound too fantastic to be believ
gift. and if Antron were not wil- Do Cr11 with you is for you to
ed at first hearing, I want you to green planet, located in another
know the following facts. galaxy. And that she is thou ling to share it, no amount of Te you want curses broken? write and tell me how it hu
nsions healed; anger and blea&ed a nd bel you.
My story has been thoroughly sande of years old. But the real money on earth could buy it. You may rece1ve the Cross of
bickering which affect your
checked and verified by nu ly important thing Antron told WHAT DO YOU WANT?-
family gone? Then wear this Antron by mailing in the form
merous scientific orpnizations me is that all people in the Are you ill- or is a friend or
Cross of Antron. And please tell below. Wear t.he Cross of An
and by several pronunent ecien u niverse, w h a te v e r their member of your family sick? me
if your prayers for a peaceful tron fQr a full year-365 days
tiets, mcludinxprofessors at the origins, bow God and His Wear the Cross of Antron. And family life are answered and if at anr. time you are dis
University ofNorth Florida and Powen. please write and tell me if your wear this Cross of Antron appointed With the Cross of An
the University . of California at I HAVE RECEIVED pr are answered for relief and let its "POWERS" help tron, your mpney willbe refund
Berkeley. Dr. James Harder, THE GIFT OF HEALING m s and of any miracles of you. Each cross I have prayed ed at once, without question. It
I was given the gift of healing.
Director of Research at the healing. over and blessed in Jesus' wduld he a thoughtful gesture
prestigious Aerial Phenomena And since this happened, many Do you need any money be- Name. on your part to order 'extra
Research Organization and a of my healings have been care cause you are desperate and in crosses to share with those in
member of the National En fully documented. When I was debt? Do Y.OU need money to
"Antron Invites you to share need. A booklet about the
quirer's Blue Ribbon UFO Panel aboard the craft with Antron, I buy your fAmily the necessities miracle of the Cross of Antron
liae said publicly that my story is saw a strange insignia that was of life and to provide them a car In the power of this amazing will also be sent. Soon you will
true 'beyond a reasonable their "Symbol". Later, Antron and a secure home? Wear the cross. " be sharing the wonderful
doubt'. inaj)ired me to design this Sym Cross of Antron and let its life wers of the Cross of Antron.
Articles about what has hap bol on a cross, so that Earth force reinforce yours. And And please, please write and God bless you.
pened to me have appeared in na people could receive ita benefits. please write and tell me if your tell me of the miracles that the Lydia Stalnaker Antron
tional and international news Also, I was told to wear this prayers are answered and if the Cross of Antron brings to you.
papers and magazines. I have ctoss as a point of contact for
been interviewed on interna God's Bleasimrs and "Infinite .....
tional and national television Power" in my life.
shows. I have appeared on a On the cross, eight adjacent
David Suskind TV interview and pyramids are connected by four
numerous radio shows, including single pyramids. And, at the
CBS Mystery Theater. I have
lectured at such major univer
sities as B*on University and
center of the cross, appears the
galactic symbol of the Universal
Life Force. It is a bio-magnetic
I YES, 1 accept the offer to wear the Cross of Antron-and I promise to write and tell you of the
miracles and the rewards It brings into my life. I understand that If I am dlappolnted I will receive
acomplete, unquestioned refund. Mll lb:
the North Florida University.
The reason I am giving you
this det,.iled background is that
cross, and Antron says that the
universal life force lea s from
this cross in flashes of fa
1I Please send me your
Cross(es) of Antron as
P .0. Box 400 1
...,A. Print
l nd 1cated be 1ow:
I want you to give serious con energy- just as the umversal o $7.95 for 1 (p l us .,... Bronx, N.Y. 10467
sideration to my story. For, if life force flashes out of my hand for postage and handling) Name ------
when I am engaged in the pro- 0 $15.90 tor 2 (we pay
you believe my message-and if
you accept the remarkable gift I cess of healing others. lsee il- postage) SAVE $1.30
Iustration at right for more 0 $20.()() for 3 (we pay Address
have for you-your life will never
postage) SAVE $5.80
be the eame again.
details on this).
I enclose full payment of
City -.:.---
"'" CN rnidenla. 8dd l
I . I
-so I know, from first-hand ex Antron says that those on the >t
perience t;hat man is not alone in Spacecraft had come because Please charge State Zip ------
the universe. My meeting took our world is going through a V - i sa Master Charge
Card 1
- - - --- - - - - - - - - - -I
place one evening in Jackson period of declining faith, and Exp. Date__
ville, Florida in August of 1974. I
Beyond Reality 61
EER'E WORLD BENEATH OUR STREETS/continued from page 1 4
fire-dancing activities . The Anes have crept into the ceremony that He claims that between the burn
tenarides claimed they ould not may appear contrary to Christian ing coals and the bare soles and
perfogp. what they regard as their dogma, the Leader of the Anes heels of the feet, a vacuum is
' 'religibus experience ' ' without tenarides , Sotiris Louris , claims created by electro-magnetic waves
the prayer vigil before the Ikons. that the festival is neither pagan emitted by the body as a result of
Consequently the Villagers insti nor idolatrous . He says the fire the spiritual ecstasy induced by
tuted legal proceedings against dancers are guardians of the true prayer and religious devotion to
the Bishop to force him to release traditions of the Holy Christian the Christian faith.
the Ikons. The Villagers again Orthodox Catholic Church. He also Metaphysicians prefer to
prevailed. gives his own explanation of the account for the lack of bums as a
While admitting that certain mystery of how to walk or dance on separation of the human material
pagan rituals from ancient Greece the red-hot coals and ' 'keep cool. ' ' body from the spirit-mind. D
62 Beyond Reality
It's n o w k n ow n th at
t h e I ro n C u rt a i n c o u n t r i e s
h a v e b e e n u s i n g ' ' E l e ctro n i c M a c h i n e s''
i n t h e i r st u n n i n g l y s u c c e s sf u l
E S P e x p e ri m e nts
Plionic (Radionic) Devices and Psychic Generators have achieved fantas Let's talk about psionics for a minute.
tic results both in .tfecting people and things at great distances . While ad Psionics is the scientific reason psychics can get a "reading" from a ring
mitting their u.-, the plans for these devices have been dosely guarded. or a wrist watch or some other personal item which has been worn or touch
Now, however, a few of these plans are available - and surprisingly they're ed. It's why people, like Uri Geller, can order molecules of metal to bend
so simple even I novice can build onel upon command, manipulate light or create pictures on film without a camera.
There is not a shred of difference, you know, between the more famous Now, what this machine we're talking about does is amplify the psionic
prectitioners of mind power and you. "Ah," you say, "but they have devel experience, much like a hospital E KG machine. It's as simple as that. With
oped their powers/ They've ltJBmed to amplify their thought patterns and it, you can do many of the amazing things psychics do. That indudes tele
to u their bnin wa.w to full capacity. " pathy, healing, looking into the past or the future and yes, even killing insects.
True. And so can you. This machine can help you.
These miracle devices can't be sold directly because of patent laws. But
Sound crazy? Sure it does. It sounded crazy to a scientist from the
we can supply anyone with easy to follow, step-by-step plans for assemb-
Pennsylvana Farm BureMJ, too, until he inserted a photograph of an insect
ling one. And you11 be amazed at how easy it is to build.
infel18d field into a psionic machine and 48 hours later went out to the field
Want to try? Good. Because we want to help you. We're believers in
to find every insect still there - dead.
mind power and we want to share what we have learned.
Ahlr investipting this machine, the bureau drew up a contract with a
Fill out the coupon below. We'll send you complete plans on how to
firm which produces one. The Farm BureMJ wanted exclusive uss of the
put together your own ESP Machine. You will need no special electronic
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We could probably give you a hundred other examples of how this mach knowledge or skill - just a few parts you can get almost anywhere.
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66 Beyond Reality
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