Police Intelligence

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POLICE INTELLIGENCE 2 Presented By: Prof. Nio M. Kabiling, R.C.
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Subjects: Police Organization and Administration with Police Planning -5.0% Industrial Security Management -2.0%
Police Patrol Operations with Police Communication System -4.0% Police Intelligence -3.0% Police Personnel and
Records Management -4.0% Comparative Police System -2.0 % 20%
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Outline of the Lecture 1. Nature of Intelligence Function 2 . Historical Developments of Intelligence 4. Most
Outstanding Intelligence Agencies 5. Categories of Intelligence 6 . Intelligence Cycle 7. Counter-Intelligence 8 . Police
Intelligence Operations 9 . Methods and Techniques of Collecting Information 10. Cover and Undercover Operations
11. Informers and Informants 12. C ryptography 13. Security Measures & Security Operations in Relation to
Intelligence 3. Principles of Intelligence 5
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Nature of Intelligence Function 6
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Intelligence is responsible in procuring and obtaining political, economic, psychological, sociological, military and
other information which may bear upon, national interest and which had been collected by the different government
and agencies. Intelligence is knowledge and powerful it can prevent war and cause one it can help in crime control
and crime prevention. 7
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Cont.. Intelligence As an activity- The organized effort to collect information, to assess it little by little, and piece it
together until it forms larger and clear patterns. As a product- The end product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of all available information which may have immediate or potential
significance to the development and execution of plan, policies and programs of the user. 8
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9 As an organization- An institution composes of persons who pursue of preparing plans or formulating policies.
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B. Police Intelligence The end product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and
interpretation of all available information regarding the activities of criminals and other law violators for the purpose of
affecting their arrest, obtaining evidence, and forestalling plan to commit crimes. Cont.. 10
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Historical Developments of Intelligence 11
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Number 13:17-32, Old Testament (Holy Bible) - Moses sent twelve (12) scouts to the land of Canaan where he
detected directed them to spy the land, the people and their location and the nature of their cities. B. Sun Tzu Those who know themselves as well they know their enemies will never suffer defeat". In his book "Art of War". 12
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Cont.. 13 C. Alexander the Great- A renowned Greek conqueror had his share of advance information when rumors of
discontent circulated from among the ranks of his men. He was able to identify those disloyal ones by ordering the
communication letters opened and was successful in curtailing the decline of esprit de corps and morale of his men.
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Cont.. 14 D. Delilah- A biblical personality who was able to gain information by using her beauty and charm. She was
responsible for the fall of Samson a known Israelite leader who terrorized the Philistines.
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E . Karl Schulmeister - Renowned as " Napoleon's Eye ". He was credited for establishing counter intelligence
conducted against spies. He is a master of deceit who used black mail to obtain vital information pertaining to the
personality and identify of the enemies of Napoleon during the 18th Century Cont.. 15 F. Frederick the Great - "Father
of Organized Military Espionage". He divided his agents into four classes.
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Cont.. G. Julius Ceasar - During his time, the staff of each legion includes ten "speculators" who served as an
information-collecting agency. The "speculators" were the first intelligence personnel to appear definitely in a military
organization. Military success of the Romans was aided by communication system. Made use of carrier pigeons,
which made possible the amazing speed with which intelligence of the Imperial Rome was transmitted. 16
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Most Outstanding Intelligence Agencies 17
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Intelligence Agency is an effective instrument of a national power. Aggressive intelligence is its primary weapon to
destabilize the target. Indeed, no one knows what the intelligence agencies actually do so figuring out who the best
intelligence service is can be difficult. 18
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10 th - Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) 20
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10 th - Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) Government intelligence of Australia which is responsible for
collecting foreign intelligence undertaking counter-intelligence activities and cooperation with other intelligence
agencies overseas. Its primary responsibility is gathering intelligence from mainly Asian and Pacific interests using
agents stationed in a wide variety of areas. Its main purpose, as with most agencies, is to protect the countrys
political and economic interests while ensuring safety for the people of Australia against national threats. 21
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9 th - Research and Analysis Wing ( R&AW or RAW) Research and Analysis Wing is Indias external intelligence
agency. Its primary function is collection of external intelligence, counter-terrorism and covert operations. In addition,
it is responsible for obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons, in
order to advise Indian foreign policymakers. Until the creation of R&AW, the Intelligence Bureau handled both internal
and external intelligence. 23
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8 th General Directorate for External Security 25
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8 th - General Directorate for External Security Directorate General for External Security is Frances external
intelligence agency . Operating under the direction of the French ministry of defense . 26
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7 th Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation 28
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7 th Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSD) The Federal Security Service of Russian Federation
(FSD) is the main domestic security agency of the Russian Federation and the main successor agency of the Sovietera Cheka , NKVD and KGB. The FSB is involved in counter-intelligence, internal and border security, counterterrorism, and surveillance. The FSD is responsible for internal security of the Russian state, counterespionage, and
the fight against organized crime, terrorism, and drug smuggling. 29
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6th Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) ( Federal Intelligence Service) 31
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6 th Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) The Bundesnachrichtendienst is the foreign intelligence agency of the
German government, The BND acts as an early warning system to alert the German government to threats to
German interests from abroad. 32
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5 th - Ministry of State Security (MSS) Ministry of State Security is the security agency of the Peoples Republic of
China. Article 4 of the Criminal Procedure Law gives the MSS the same authority to arrest or detain people as regular
police for crimes involving state security with identical supervision, one of the primary missions of the MSS is
undoubtedly to gather foreign intelligence from targets in various countries overseas. Many MSS agents are said to
have operated in the Greater China region (Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan). 34
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4 th Central Intelligence Agency 36
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4 th Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA is the largest of the intelligence agencies and is responsible for gathering
data from other countries that could impact U.S. policy. It is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States
government responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior United States policymakers. 37
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The agency conducts covert operations and paramilitary actions, and exerts foreign political influence through its
Special Activities Division. It has failed to control terrorism activities including 9/11, Not even a single top level AlQaeda leader captured own its own in the past 13 years . Highly funded and technologically most advanced
Intelligence set-up in the world. 38
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3 rd MI6, Current logo, adopted in 2010 40
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3 rd Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) MI-6 The British have had a long public perception of an effective intelligence
agency. This perception matches reality. MI6, the British equivalent to the CIA, has had two big advantages in staying
effective: The British Official Secrets Act and D notices can often prevent leaks (which have been the annoyance of
the CIAs existence). The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) supplies the British Government with foreign Intelligence.
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2 nd Mossad short for HaMossad leModi'in uleTafkidim Meyuchadim (Institute for Intelligence and Special
Operations) 43
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The Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection and covert operations including paramilitary activities. It is one of
the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community, along with Aman (military intelligence) and Shin Bet (internal
security), but its director reports directly to the Prime Minister. 2 nd Mossad 44
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1 st - Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) 46
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1 st - Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) With the lengthiest track record of success, the best know Intelligence so far on
the scale of records is ISI. The Inter-Services Intelligence was created as an independent unit in 1948 in order to
strengthen the performance of Pakistans Military Intelligence during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. Its success in
achieving its goal without leading to a full scale invasion of Pakistan by the Soviets is a feat unmatched by any other
throughout the intelligence world. KGB, The best of its time, failed to counter ISI and protect Soviet interests in
Central Asia. 47
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It is above All laws in its host country Pakistan A State, with in a State. Its policies are made outside of all other
institutions with the exception of The Army. Its personnel have never been caught on camera. It is believed to have
the highest number of agents worldwide, close to 10,000. The most striking thing is that its one of the least funded
Intelligence agencies out of the top 10 and still the strongest. 48
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National Intelligence Coordinating Agency 49
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National Intelligence Coordinating Agency ( NICA) It is the primary intelligence gathering and analysis arm of
the Philippine government, in charge of carrying out overt, covert, and clandestine intelligence programs. Its motto
is: "Knowledge is Safety. Presently, NICA is in close coordination with the CIA, Mossad , Secret Intelligence
Service and intelligence services of ASEAN countries to counter the threat of terrorism. 50
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The agency is led by a Director-General and is assisted by a Deputy Director-General. The former reports directly to
the President. The NICA has a National Intelligence Board that serves as an advisory board to the Director-General
before he would submit his findings to the President relating to national security matters affecting the Philippines. 51
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Current Tasks EO 492, issued on February 1, 2006, orders the NICA to activate the National Maritime Aerial
Reconnaissance and Surveillance Center or NMARSC . The NMARSC shall serve as the primary Intel provider for
the Philippine intelligence community. Under the supervision and oversight of the National Security Adviser, the NICAdirected NMARSC will operate unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs to cater to the imagery intelligence demands of
various government agencies. 52

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NICA agents were also responsible for the arrest of several Abu Sayyaf members, including Al Qaeda-linked bomber
Abdulmukim Edris as well as the imprisonment of the Maguindanao massacre mastermind, Andal Ampatuan . The
NICA is also active in the Philippines' Anti-Terrorism Council, established recently, in order to set guidelines in passing
a proposed Anti-Terrorism Law, known as the Human Security Act, signed by Former President GMA on February 8,
2007. 53
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In 2005, it started activation of two directorates involving economic intelligence and counterintelligence. NICA liaison
officers are official part of the Philippine diplomatic missions in major cities and key consular sites. 54
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Principles of Intelligence 55
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A. Intelligence and operation are Interdependent Intelligence provides valuable inputs for effectiveness of police
operation on the Other hand operation likewise is needed for continuity of intelligence activities. Operation and
intelligence planners work hand and hand to Attain greater degree of success in their common effort. 56
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B. Intelligence is Continuous The basic principle of intelligence operations is that intelligence activities follow a simple
cycle, which is continuous at the same time that new information is being collected in response to direction, other
information is being processed and intelligence is being used. 57
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C. Intelligence must be useful It must serve the commanders need and requirements so that effort will not be wasted.
It should have an application and significance to the operation. Cont.. D. Intelligence operations requires imagination
and foresight The success of objective is paramount importance. Intelligence personnel are reminded to refrain from
utilizing criminal elements in Intel operation. They must use their resourcefulness to obtain more than what is
normally. 58
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E .Intelligence must be available on time Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate
time to permit its most effective use. It must reach the user in time to serve as basis for appropriate action. Intel data
must be disseminated on time because late arrival is as good as useless. Cont.. 59
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60 F . Intelligence must be flexible Intelligence Operations must be changeable according to the present situation,
condition and other factors, Intelligence Operations are based on reason and sound judgment. Procedures which do
not readily adapt to a given situation are generally discarded.
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G. Intelligence requires continuous security measures Deny unauthorized personal information about operation and
intelligence product, its source and organization itself. In the handling of classified materials there should be a
working balance between secrecy and operational convenience. Cont.. 61
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Categories of Intelligence 62
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National Intelligence I ntegrated product of intelligence developed by all government departments concerning the
broad aspect of national policy and national Security 63
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B. Departmental Intelligence The intelligence required by department or agencies of the government to execute its
mission and discharge its responsibilities. Cont.. 64

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C. Military Intelligence refers to the knowledge by the military institution essential in the preparation and execution
of military plans, policies and programs. Cont.. 65
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Intelligence Cycle 66
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Planning and Supervision of the Collection Effort The intelligence officer must have a thorough knowledge of the
available sources of information, the collecting agencies and type of information the latter can provide. He must
understand the operations of the command in order to provide the particular intelligence required for success. 68
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He must have a thorough knowledge of the tactics, organizations and characteristics of the enemy. He must be
especially competent in the fields of surveillance, reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, and acquisition of
operations. He should also have a basic understanding of the weather elements and their influence upon personnel,
material and terrain. Cont.. 69
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A. Planning and Directing the Collection Efforts Determination of Requirements Enemy capabilities, including time,
place, strength, or other details Enemy vulnerabilities, including nature, extent, performance and other details Enemy
order of battle and factors Terrain, including natural and artificial obstacles Weather Information desired by higher,
lower or adjacent headquarters 70
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2. Determination of the Essential Elements of Information (EEI) Is an item of intelligence or information of
characteristics of the area of operations and the enemy, which the commander feels he needs before he can
reasonably arrive at a decision. 3. Establishment of Priorities Priorities reflect the criticality of the need for the
particular information. No formula exists which can automatically determine priorities. Such determination is a matter
of judgment. Cont.. 71
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Cont.. B. Collection of Information To effectively plan and execute the collection effort, the intelligence officer must
have thorough knowledge of the available sources of information and collecting agencies and the type of information
they can provide and consider the following: Determine collecting agency Send orders or request Supervise collection
efforts Use tools or technique in collection Ensure timely collection 72
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Cont.. Factors in Choosing Collection Agents Capability agents placement or access to other target Multiplicity
more agents Balance 73
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Cont.. C. Processing the Collected Information Five steps in processing collected information which is then converted
into Intelligence 1. Recording is the reduction of information into writing or some other form of graphical
representation and the arranging of this information into groups related items. 2.Evaluation is the determination of
the pertinence of the information to the operation, reliability of the source of or agency and the accuracy of the
information. 74
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Cont.. Evaluation to Determine: Pertinence does it holds some value to current operation Reliability judging the
source of information or agency Credibility truth of information 75
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Judging Credibility It is possible for the reported fact or event to have taken place. Is the report reliable within itself? Is
the report confirmed or confirm by information from different sources or agencies. 76

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Reliability of Information CODE: CUFNUR Accuracy of Information CODE: CPPDIT A C ompletely Reliable 1 C
onfirmed By Other Sources B U sually Reliable 2 P robably True C - F airly Reliable 3 P ossibly True D N ot
Usually Reliable 4 D oubtfully True E U nreliable 5 I mprobable F R eliability Cannot Be Judged 6 T ruth
this Evaluation Guide 77
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Cont.. 3. Analysis- This is the stage in which the collected information is subjected to review in order to satisfy
significant facts and derive conclusion there from. 4. Integration- The combination of the elements isolated analysis
with other known information related to the operation. 5. Interpretation - Process of determining the significance of
new information in the possible alternatives. The interpreter determines the significance of the information as to the
meaning of the interpreted information. 78
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D. Dissemination Processed information or intelligence data are disseminated to end users, common methods of
disseminating Intel data are conferences, briefing and person to person exchanges. In this process, consider the
factors of timeliness, correctness and security. Cont.. 79
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Counter-Intelligence 80
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Counter intelligence phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness of hostile
foreign activities and the protection of information against espionage, subversion and sabotage. 81
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Types of Counter-intelligence Passive CI Measures protection of classified and sensitive information to the
unauthorized through secrecy, communication security, and other various safeguards. Active CI Measures are
those measures, which seek actively to block the enemies effort to gain information or engage in espionage,
subversion, and sabotage. 82
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B. Objectives and Importance of Counter-Intelligence It Denies information to the enemy It Reduces the risk of a
command Aids in achieving surprises Increases the security of the command Decreases the enemy ability to create
information about the forces. Cont.. 83
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C. Activities and Function of Counter-Intelligence Protection of information against espionage Protection of personnel
against subversion Protection of installations and materials against sabotage Cont.. 84
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D. Categories of Counter-Intelligence Operation 1. Military Security it encompasses the measures taken by a
command to protect itself against espionage, enemy operation, sabotage, subversion or surprise. 2. Port boundary
and Travel Security has to do with the application of both military and civil security measures for counterintelligence
control at point of entry and departure, international borders and boundaries. Cont.. 85
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3. Civil Security it encompasses active and passive counterintelligence measures affecting the non-military
nationals permanently or temporarily residing in an area under military jurisdiction. 4 . Special Operations counter
subversion, sabotage and espionage. Cont.. 86
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Police Intelligence Operations 87
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Categories of Police Intelligence 1. Strategic Intelligence knowledge pertaining to the capabilities and vulnerabilities
of a foreign nation, which is required by the National Planners for the formulation of an adequate National Defense in
peace and forms the basis for, projected. This is intelligence information which is not immediate operational but rather
long range. 88
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Cont.. Components of Strategic Intelligence A. Political Intelligence deals with Domestic and Foreign affairs and
relation of government operations; Basic Principles of the Government Government Structures Public Order and
Safety Subversion Intelligence and Security Organization 89
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Cont.. B. Economic Intelligence deals with the extent and utilization of Natural and Human resources to the
industrial potential of the Nations C. Transportation and Telecommunication Intelligence - concerned with the
operations and facilities not only the Military but also the Civilians. 90
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2. Counter-Intelligence- preparation and execution of plans and programs to neutralize or prevent any activities
undesirable to the police organization. 3. Line or Tactical Intelligence it is the intelligence information which directly
contributes to the accomplishment of specific objectives and immediate in nature, necessary for more effective police
planning and operation. Cont.. 91
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B. Functional Classifications of Police Intelligence Criminal Intelligence (CRIMINT) refers to the knowledge
essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of criminal offenders. Internal
Security Intelligence (INSINT) refers to the knowledge essential to the maintenance of peace and order. Cont.. 92
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3. Public Safety Intelligence (PUSINT) refers to the knowledge essential to ensure the protection of lives and
properties. Cont.. 93
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Methods and Techniques of Collecting Information 94
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Information All evaluated materials of every description including those derived from observation, reports, rumors,
imagery, and other sources from which intelligence is produced. Types of Agent used in collecting of Information
Agent of Influence- Agent who uses authority to gain information Agent in Place - Agent who has been recruited within
a highly sensitive target 95
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3. Penetration Agent- Agent who have reached to the enemy, gather information and able to get back without being
caught. 4. Expendable Agent- Agent who leaks false information to the enemy. 5. Double Agent- An enemy agent,
who has been taken into custody, turned around and sent back where he came from as an agent of his captors.
Cont.. 96
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Cont.. Classifications of Sources of Information Open Sources 99% of the information collected are coming from
open sources or obtained from Overt Operation. Enemy Activities Captured Documents Map Weather Forecast,
Studies, Reports Agencies 97
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B. Close Sources Only 1% of information are obtained from Covert Operation Close/Covert Method Cont.. 98
Elements of Clandestine Operation 1. Sponsor -directs the organization conducting the clandestine activity. 2. TargetPerson, place or things against which the clandestine activity is to be conducted. 3. Agent - It refers to a person who
conducts the clandestine Operations to include Principal Agents, Action Agents, and Support Agents.
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99 Principal Agent- Leader or management Agent in clandestine operation usually undertaken by the case officer.
Action Agent - The who one who conducts the clandestine Operation that includes: Espionage Agent- Agent who
clandestinely procure or collect information. Propagandist - Agents who molds the attitudes, opinions, and actions of
an individual group or nation. Cont..
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100 Support Agent - Agent who is engaged in activities which supports the clandestine operations and or the action
agent in his operations that includes the following: Surveillan t - Agent who observes persons and places of
operations of interest. Investigato r- Agent who undertake to procure information or things of clandestine operation.
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101 Procurer of Funds - Agent who obtain money when needed for operational use. Safe house Keeper - Agents who
manages and maintains a safe house for clandestine operations like meetings, safe heavens, training, briefing, and
debriefing. Communication Agent- Agent who is detailed as securing of clandestine communications. Cont..
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102 Kinds of Covert Operation 1. Surveillance is the covert, discreet observation of people and places for the
purpose of obtaining information concerning the identities or activities of subjects.
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Terms to remember in Surveillance Surveillant is the plainclothes investigator assigned to make the observation.
Subject is who or what is observed. It can be a person, place, property, and vehicle, group of people, organization
or object. Cont.. 103
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Safe house - Refers to a place where agents meet each other for purposes of de-briefing and reporting. Live Drop Refers to a place where agents or informants leave their messages to the other Agents. Decoy- A person or object
used by the subject in attempt to elude Surveillant . Cont.. 104
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Log chronological records of activities that took place in the establishment under surveillance. Convoy - An
associate of the subject who follows him to detect surveillance . Cont.. 105
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Methods of Surveillance a. Stationary Surveillance also referred to as Fixed and Stakeout Surveillance is used
when you know or suspect that a person is at or will come to a known location when you suspect that stolen goods
are to be dropped or when informants have told you that a crime is going to be committed. Cont.. 106
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b. Moving Surveillance or Shadowing or tailing simply the act of following a person. Forms: Loose tail employed
where a general impression of the subjects habits and associates is required. Cont.. 107
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Rough Shadowing employed without special precautions, the subject maybe aware of the surveillance; employed
also when the subject is a material witness and must be protected from harm or other undesirable influences. Close
tail extreme precautions are taken against losing the subject is employed where constant surveillance is necessary.
Cont.. 108
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2. Casing- It is the careful inspection of a place to determine its suitability for a particular operational purpose. 3.
Elicitation - The process of extracting information from a person believes to be in possession of vital information
without his knowledge or suspicion Cont.. 109
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Cont.. 4. Employment of Technical Means Bugging- The use of an equipment or tool to listen and record discreetly
conversations of other people. Wire Tapping - A method of collecting information thru interception of telephone
conversation. 110

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5. Tactical Interrogation- It is a process or method of obtaining information from a captured enemy who is reluctant to
divulge information. Cont.. 6. Observation and Description - It is a method of collecting information by just merely
using the different senses. 111
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Cover and Undercover Operations 112
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Undercover Operations- also referred to as Roping - Undercover is disguising one's own identity or using an
assumed identity for the purposes of gaining the trust of an individual or organization to learn secret information or to
gain the trust of targeted individuals in order to gain information or evidence. 113
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Cont.. Types of Cover Artificial - altering the background that will correspond to the operation Multiple - Includes
different cover Natural - Actual or True Background. Cover- It refers to the changing, forging or falsifying agents real
personality including but not limited to things, location, job, and others that will be used in undercover assignment.
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Hazards of Undercover Operations Reintegration back into normal duty Maintenance of identity Cont.. 115
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Uses and Types of Undercover Assignment Residential Assignment- It is related to the neighborhood of the subject,
where the agent will live as a new resident without making any suspicion. His mission is to make friends within its
neighborhood and gather information regarding the subject and possibly getting closer to the subject. Cont.. 116
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Cont.. 2. Social Assignment - The agent will gain access to the subject by going to the different hang out places of the
subject and gather information like knowing how to drink socially without getting drunk. 3. Work Assignment- The
agent will be employed where the subject work to acquire information. The agent must know his work and focus his
mind set and habit to his work assignment. 117
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4. Subversive Organization- This is the most dangerous of all the undercover assignment; the agent will join the
organization of the subject itself he must know the ideologies of the group and the actions while inside should
conform to the organization to avoid any suspicion. Cont.. 118
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Informers and Informants 119
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A. Informants - Any person who hand over information to the agents which is relevant to the subject. The informant
may openly give the information clandestinely and choose to remain anonymous. Types of Informants 1. AnonymousUnidentified or unknown informants 2. False Informant- reveals information of no consequences, value or stuff
connected within thin air. 120
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3. Frightened Informants- weakest link in criminal chain, motivated by anxiety. Self-Aggrandizing - moves around the
center of criminals delight in surprising the police about bits of information. 5. Mercenary- Information for sale needed
something for exchange of information. reasons. Cont.. 121
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6. Double-Crosser- He wants to get more information from the police more than he gives. 7. Women- Most dangerous
8. Legitimate - operators of business desire to give information for legitimate Cont.. 122
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123 Motives of Informants Vanity conceited act/character of the criminal resulting to self - betrayal or tantamount to
guilt, gaining favorable attention and importance by the police. Civic-mindedness sense of duty and obligation to
assist the police. Fear A person under an illusion of oppression by enemies or of other impending danger.
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124 Repentance One who has a change of heart and wishes to report a crime that is preying on his conscience.
Gratitude or gain An expression of appreciation to obtain a privilege or an interest in the welfare of his family during
his detention. Revenge To settle a grudge due to settle a previous injury Jealousy envious of the
accomplishments or possessions of another and wishes to humiliate him. Remuneration a person who informs
solely for the pecuniary or other material gain he is to receive.
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B. Informers- refers to any person who provides information to the agents in a regular basis regarding to the subject
they are either paid regularly or in base-to-case basis. 125
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Cryptography 126
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A. Cryptography- It is defined as an art and science of codes and ciphers. This is done through the use of Speech
Inverter whereby essential speech frequencies are divide into several ranges by filters then inverted to produce it
scrambled speech when intercepted. B. Crypto Analyst - Refers to those persons who break intercepted codes. C.
Cryptographer- It refers to a person who is highly skilled in converting message from clear to unintelligible forms by
use of codes and cipher. 127
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Cont.. D. Coding- It is the changing of message from plain clear text to unintelligible form also known as Encrypting.
E. Decoding- Transforming of coded message into plain text also known as Decrypting, 128
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Security Measures and Operations in relation to Intelligence 129
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A. Physical Security- The broadest type of security that is concerned with the physical measures designed to
safeguard personnel and prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, materials, documents, and to protect
them from espionage, sabotage, damage or theft. 130
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B. Communication Security- The protection resulting from the application of various measures which prevent or delay
the enemy or unauthorized person in gaining information through communication. This includes transmission,
cryptographic and physical security. 131
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Cont.. C. Document Security- Protection of documents, classified matters and vital records from loss, access to
unauthorized persons, damage, theft and compromise through proper storage and procedures. Classifications of
Documents 1. Top Secret Top Secret documents calls for the utmost degree of protection. Unauthorized revelation
of this materials and information would cause extremely severe damage to the nation, politically, economically, or
militarily. 132
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2. Secret - Unauthorized disclosure of this documents or things may put at risk the nation security, cause serious
injury to the reputation of the nation, the reproduction of which will be considerable cost and labor, or significant delay
3. Confidential - Unauthorized revelation of which may be injurious to the reputation of the nation or governmental
activity or would cause administrative humiliation or unnecessary injury. Cont.. 133
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Cont.. 4. Restricted - This are information which should not be published or communicated to anyone except for
official purposes, These records are daily files, routine in nature even if lost or destroyed, will not affect operation or
administration. 134
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D. Personnel Security- the sum total procedures followed, inquiries conducted and criteria applied to determine the
work suitable to a particular applicant or the retention or transfer of a particular employee. Personnel Security
Investigation is an inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion, integrity, morals and loyalty of an individual in
order to determine a persons suitability for appointment access to classified matter. Cont.. 135
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Cont.. Types of PSI A. Local Agency Check- Refers to the investigation of the records and files of agency in the area
of principal residence of the individual being investigated: Mayor, Polic , Fiscal, where the individual is a resident. B.
National Agency Check- It consists of LAC supplemented by investigation of the records and files of the following
agencies: PNP, ISAFP, NBI, CSC, Bureau of Immigration and Deportation and other agency. 136
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C. Background Investigation a check made on an individual usually seeking employment through subjects records
in the police files, educational institutions, place of residence, and former employers. Cont.. 137
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138 Partial Background Investigation- investigation of the background of the individual but limited only to some of the
circumstances. Complete Background Investigation- it is a type of BI which is more comprehensive that consist of
detailed information regarding the subject.
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Cont.. Security Clearance- It is a certification by a responsible authority that the person described is cleared to
access and classify matters at appropriate levels. Interim Clearance- Effectivity Two Years Final Clearance- Effectivity
Five Years 139

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