Pop Growth Pogil Manuel Tzul
Pop Growth Pogil Manuel Tzul
Pop Growth Pogil Manuel Tzul
Population Growth
How is population growth naturally regulated?
The current world population is estimated to be over 7 billion. At present the number of births annually
exceeds the number of deaths, which means that the population is increasing, and is estimated to reach
9 billion by 2040. In 1750 the world population was estimated at less than 800 million. How are growing
populations such as ours controlled and supported, and can they continue to grow indefinitely?
Total Population
1. Refer to Model 1.
a. What is the term used for populations moving into an area?
Population Growth
2. Using Model 1 and the letters B, D, E, and I, write mathematical expressions to show the types
of population described below. Note: The use of > and < may be needed.
a. A stable population (total number of organisms is not changing).
B=D or I=E
D>B or E>I
Type I:
Type II:
Type III:
Fish, insects,
Newborn Pre-reproductive
Post-reproductive age
3. Refer to Model 2.
a. What does the x-axis on the graph in Model 2 represent?
b. Which type of organism shows a steady decline in its population at all life stages?
c. Which type of organism loses most of the individuals in its population at an early life stage?
Type 1
4. At what life stage is each survivor type when the number of survivors is 100?
a. Type I post reproductive
b. Type II reproductive
c. Type III pre-reproductive
5. Which of the three types have the highest number of individuals that reach reproductive age?
Humans (type I)
Read This!
Through the process of evolution, all species have developed strategies to compensate for their survivorship type. Insects lay eggs by the hundreds. Mammals keep their young close by and protected until they
reach adulthood. Factors such as these allow populations of species to survive and thrive despite their
survivorship curve.
6. How do you think populations with Type II or III survivorship compensate for high prereproductive mortality?
Populations type II and III reproduce faster and at larger numbers for them to compensate for high
pre-reproductive mortality.
7. Consider the evolutionary strategies that each survivorship type has developed for producing and
rearing their young. Propose an explanation for why type I survivors have the highest relative
number of individuals/1000 births that survive until they reach post-reproductive age?
The type I survivors protect the new born from pretadors and feed them. They protect their new born until
adult hood , once on that stage the species can reproduce.
8. Under what circumstances might human populations not show Type I survivorship?
Diseases and phathogens can impide human type 1 survivorship. Also social problems such as single
parent or even orfants. Social class also determines human survivorship as people often die from mal
nutrition. lastly genetic mutations.
Population Growth
Lag phase
capacity (K)
Population Numbers
Population Numbers
9. Refer to Model 3.
a. During what phase of the growth curves in each diagram is the population just beginning to
colonize an area?
Lag phase
10. The growth curves in Model 3 are often referred to using the letters of the alphabet they resemble. The logistic growth curve is sometimes referred to as an S-curve. What letter would you use
to describe the exponential growth curve?
J curve
11. What causes the population to slow down during logistic growth?
Enviornmental resistance
12. The maximum population an environment can sustain is affected by environmental factors that
cause the population to level out or become stable. What term is used to describe this level of
logistic growth?
Carrying Capacity
13. Propose some reasons why population growth is so rapid immediately after the lag phase in both
diagrams of Model 3?
At the lag phase individuals are adapting to the enviornment, this why after the lag phase rapid increase
of population occurs. Hence adaptation to the enviornment was successful.
14. Exponential growth (diagram A) refers to the phenomena of populations that double in size
every generation. If you start with a single bacterium capable of dividing every 20 minutes, how
many bacteria would you have after just four hours?
1 bacterium
20 mins to reproduce
total time = 4 hours
1 hr = 0.33
12.12 *2
answer= 24.24
15. In most natural populations rapid exponential growth is unsustainable. As populations increase,
environmental resistance causes the growth rate to slow down, until carrying capacity is reached.
With your group, brainstorm several factors that could be considered as environmental resistance.
predators, disease, competition, and lack of food, as well as abiotic factors
like fire, flood, and drought. The biotic potential of a population is how well
a species is able to survive.
16. Diagram B shows that the population size fluctuates around the carrying capacity. Considering what you know about interactions in the environment, discuss with your group some of the
factors that could cause these fluctuations. In your answer you should relate these factors to the
information from Model 1.
Enviornmental ressistance is the term used to define the fluctuations when reaching carrying capacity.
There can be many factors leading to decline of population during that period. No food
avialability, war, disease and no habitat can lead to Emigration of population , low birth rates, and higher
number of deaths.
Population Growth
Manuel Tzul
Extension Questions
Read This!
Invasive species are species that are introduced into an environment but are not naturally found in that
environment. One example of an invasive species is the American gray squirrel, introduced into Britain
at the end of the 18th century. Until 1876 the only native squirrel in Britain was the European red squirrel, which was found in deciduous and coniferous forests. By 1940 the gray squirrel had displaced the red
squirrel across most of the British Isles, and by 1984 the red squirrel was only found in isolated coniferous
woodland areas. After its initial introduction, the gray squirrel population increased rapidly; however, in
recent years population sizes within specific environments have become stable.
17. Explain why the newly-introduced gray squirrel initially showed rapid population growth and
why the native red squirrel showed a population decline. Use ecological terms from the previous
models in your answer.
The squirrels even if they have different types they have same diet or similar. When the grey squirrel is
introduced they had to adapt but after adaptation they will reproduce and competion for food will occur.
Hence the red squirrel had to move more into the forest to find habbitat and more food to sustain its
18. Why has the population size of the gray squirrel become stable in recent years?
Predators can be a reason to stable population due to its increase that means more food avialability
for predators easier to get. Aslo we can suggest that the population has reached carrying capacity and
enviornmental ressistance is occuring.