A Review Article On Acrylic PMMA: Eshwar Pawar
A Review Article On Acrylic PMMA: Eshwar Pawar
A Review Article On Acrylic PMMA: Eshwar Pawar
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 2 Ver. I (Mar. - Apr. 2016), PP 01-04
Abstract : In the plastics industry most of the acrylics are the polymers of methyl methacrylate (PMMA).
Acrylics can be available in various forms such as molding powder or casting syrups. They are mostly known
for the exceptional clarity and optical properties in various fields. Acrylics are mostly used in production of
fixtures because of the properties such as slow burning or self-extinguishing. The present paper covers what is
acrylic, what are the various uses of acrylic, usage of acrylic in the future technology etc. Possible areas in
which acrylic can serve as a useful option are also covered. As we are living in the era of technology and
innovation the author in this research paper has tried to focus the advantages of alternative materials in the
various fields of technology for prosperity and growth. Different work from other background is also covered
in this article.
Keywords : Materials, PMMA, properties, technology, work.
1. Introduction
The advancements in the field of technology are constantly taking pace with the help of innovation in
several areas. To help support this trend we should consider not only providing effective ways to minimize the
cost of the overall production but also having the desired output. During the last few years, it has been seen that
researchers are not only focusing to provide new and alternative ways to meet the demand of the consumer but
also developing effective substitutes for the survival of the economy. Keeping this in mind the main problem
that is faced in most of the development projects is to curb the cost of the production in possible ways such as
providing alternative material sources in some areas where work can be carried out without affecting much to
the results at the end of the production. The main focus of this research paper is to drive attention towards
various other materials that exist and can prove to be much useful in the future generation. Acrylic is often used
as a glass substitute but with consideration of its other properties it can be used in a variety of different areas.
The most important characteristics of acrylic (PMMA) are its optical clarity, low UV sensitivity and overall
weather resistance. Apart from this, the availability of this material makes it even more productive.
2. Objectives
2.1 To find the available areas in which the usage of acrylic can be made effective.
2.2 To study the previous similar work that has been made in this field.
3. Research methodology
The study conducted in this article is based on study observation on various materials from various
published sources. The required data is collected from various links and websites such as ILA bulletin, news
and articles published on various materials and their applications, journals on acrylic and thermoplastic
composites and various scholar articles etc..
4. Acrylic
Poly (methyl methacrylate) PMMA also known as acrylic is a transparent thermoplastic. It is often
used in sheet form due to its properties such as lightweight and shatter resistance as an alternative to glass. It
often serves as an economical alternative to polycarbonate whenever extreme strength is not desired. It is often
recognized by trade names such as Plexiglass, Lucite, Acrylite and Perspex. It does not contain any traces of
bisphenol-A which is potentially harmful compound found in polycarbonate. Due to advancements in
technology efforts have been made to increase the impact resistance and scratch resistance of this material.
5. Why Acylic?
PMMA or acrylic is a strong and lightweight material. The density of acrylic ranged between 1.173
1.20 g/cm which is half less than that of glass. The impact strength of PMMA is greater than that of glass and
Acrylic can transmit upto 92% of visible light with just 3mm of thickness. With refractive index of
1.4905 at 589.3 nm it can reflect upto 4% light from its surface. Due to the environmental stability of acrylic
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1302010104
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6. Characteristics
Acrylic is a material with its properties such as transparency and durablility because of which it is now
being used in wide range of applications such as lenses of glasses, tail lights and various other instruments in a
vehicle to reduce cost and productivity. The primary purpose which it serves is to provide good quality of
transparency in various glass components such as shield glass in aquarium, window panes. Acrylic also has
good compatibility with the human tissue with the help of which it can be used for the manufacture of various
intraocular lenses. This procedure greatly helps to properly implant the lenses when the original lenses are
removed in the treatment of cataract.
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Acrylic is a material that surely has varied applications in the future with the advancements in
technology and research it surely can make a great contribution for the useful purpose in environment.
Technology and research are effectively being re-engineered. Although the material is available with us for a
very long time but its effective utilization in various engineering applications is seemed to be lacking and hence
the purpose of this research paper is to make everyone aware of its characteristics and future scope. It can be a
part of any developing country like India to achieve excellent performance. Some standards and improvement
has to be done for developing more ways to increase the impact strength and durability of the material, which is
suitable for Indian conditions so that the importance and utilization of this material can be made much faster.
This is the time to seriously think of other useful alternatives to help meet the demands of the future generation.
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Chapters in Books:
Clive Lee Bsc, Phd CEng, MIPEM, FRSA, The well cemented total hip anthroplasty, (Springer Berlin Heidelber, doi: 10. 1007/3540-28924-0_6) ISSN 978-3-540-24197-3.
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1302010104
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