Mmjulyaug 16
Mmjulyaug 16
Mmjulyaug 16
Dear Parents,
Ryan Rich
Vicki Rardin
Assistant Principal
Robert Williamson
Assistant Principal
Lisa Lain
6th School Counselor
Jenn Schott
School Counselor
Rick Fields
Athletic Director
Ryan Rich
Meet @ the Middle is a required orientation session held for all incoming 6 th
graders. At least one parent must attend with their child. On July 22, 2016,
you will receive an email of your childs schedule and team assignment. You
and your child will attend one of two scheduled sessions, based upon this
team assignment. The schedule is as follows:
During this session, we will provide students the opportunity to tour the
school, try out their locker, and learn more about all the different
opportunities and programs at NEMS. Most important, students will meet
their team teachers and participate in some fun activities to help them get to
know their new teammates.
Bus routes
While students are participating in these activities with their team teachers,
parents will be participating in a detailed and informative session on learning
at NEMS and student iPads (iPads will be provided to 6th grade students
during the first week of school).
Stanford-Period 1
DePauw-Period 1
West Point-Period 1
Wisconsin-Period 1
7th Grade
Butler-LGI Room
Franklin-Main Gym
Hanover-East Gym
8th Grade
NEMS will have a special student and parent orientation night for any 7th or
8th grader new to NEMS this year on July 25 beginning at 6:30 pm. We will
provide information about our school, answer questions, and give tours of
the school. The goal of this event is to make the transition to NEMS for our
new families as smooth as possible. 6th grade students and parents new to
Noblesville should plan to attend the orientation on July 26 scheduled for
ALL 6th grade students
July 22
Student schedules emailed to parents
July 25
New 7th & 8th grade student orientation (6:30 pm)
July 26
Meet @ the Middle for 6th grade students/parents
(4:30 5:45 pm or 6:30 7:45 pm)
July 29
Back to School Bash downtown Noblesville
(5:00 8:00 pm)
August 1
First day of school (7:35 2:35)
August 9
7th & 8th grade Parent Information Night (6:30 pm)
August 10
Early Release Day (2:05 pm dismissal)
Fall Sports parent meeting (5:00 pm)
6th grade Parent Information Night (6:30 pm)
August 15
PTO meeting in LGI Room (6:30 pm)
August 24
eLearning Day (12:25 pm)
August 31
School Pictures
September 5
Daily announcements
Noblesville East and West Middle School students will participate in eight
eLearning days during the school year. They are scheduled on August 24,
September 14, October 26, November 9, January 25, February 8, March
8, and May 3. On these days, students will attend school through the last
lunch period, and then be dismissed at 12:25 to go home to continue their
learning by participating in learning activities electronically through their
school device and Canvas. These eLearning days will allow teachers to
participate in professional development focused on teaching and
technology in the classroom. See the attachment for frequently asked
questions regarding eLearning Days.
In addition to the eLearning days, our middle schools will also continue to
participate in our traditional early release days. They are scheduled for
August 10, September 23 (Homecoming Friday), November 30, February
22, March 22, and April 21 (Prom Friday). On these days, students will be
dismissed at 2:05 and a supervised study hall will be provided for those
students who must remain at school for after school activities.
Attendance procedures
If your child will be absent from school, please call our 24-hour attendance
line at 776-6258 before 9:00 am on the day of the absence and follow the
prompts. If no reason for the absence is given, the absence must be
recorded as unexcused.
When your child needs to leave for an appointment during the day, please
send a note stating the time you would like to pick up your child from
school and the reason. Your child should take this note to the Student
Services Office between 7:20 and 7:35 am to secure a pass to leave
school. At the designated time, your child should show the pass to the
teacher and will be dismissed to meet you. You must come in the building
to sign your child out and provide identification. When your child returns
from the appointment, he or she must check back in with a doctors
excuse before returning to class.
Pre-arranged absence request forms are to be completed should your
family have an activity or event that will force your child to miss school.
Please submit the form at least 5 days prior to the absence.
Cafeteria information
Organizational tool to be shared between all classes (binder, accordion, or 3 two-pocket folders)
*It is possible that individual teachers may have other items to be picked up after school begins.
Teachers will notify students/parents as needed.
Revised 6/16
* It is possible that individual teachers may have other items to be picked up after school begins.
Teachers will notify students/parents as needed.
Revised 6/16
*It is possible that individual teachers may have other items to be picked up after school begins.
Teachers will notify students/parents as needed.
Revised 6/16
In addition to these eLearning days, East and West Middle Schools will also continue to
participate in our traditional early release days. They are scheduled for August 10,
September 23 (Homecoming Friday), November 30, February 22, March 22, and April 21
(Prom Friday). On these days, students will be dismissed at 2:05, and a supervised study
hall will be provided for those students who must remain at school for after school
For more information regarding eLearning days, please see the frequently asked
questions below, or contact the school office at 317-773-0782.
For your convenience and in an effort to expedite inputting deposits on the first day of school, you may prepay
for your lunches by returning the deposit slip below, along with your check, to Noblesville Schools - Lunch.
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