Using The Kneeboard

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Using the Kneeboard

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Using the Kneeboard

Your best source for in-flight information
Real-world pilots need to refer to lots of information while they fly, and most put
everything they need at their fingertips: on a kneeboard, a sort of clipboard that
straps to the pilot's knee. In Flight Simulator, you don't need to sort through piles
of paper. Everything you need is assembled for you on an electronic kneeboard
that is accessible as you fly.
The Flight Simulator kneeboard includes seven pages:

Getting Help on the Fly
Top 10 Key Commands
Using the Flight Planner
All About Flights
Air Traffic Control

z Briefing: Displays an abbreviated briefing for the current Mission.

z Messages: A log of Air Traffic Control transmissions and Mission captions.
z Nav Log: A list of waypoints, headings, time, and distance for a flight plan created using the Flight Planner.
z Keys: A complete list of keyboard commands.
z Checklist: Operating procedures for the aircraft you're flying.
z Reference: A list of recommended speeds for the aircraft you're flying.
z Mission: A list of Mission objectives.

Press SHIFT+F10 to display the kneeboard.

To display the kneeboard

z Click the

kneeboard icon on the instrument

-orz Press SHIFT+F10.
-orz On the Aircraft menu, point to Kneeboard, and
choose one of the kneeboard pages.
Once the kneeboard is displayed, you can drag it around the screen or move it to another monitor. The next time you
open the kneeboard, it will reopen to the same location. To learn more about using multiple monitors, see Using Multiple
Monitors with Flight Simulator.

To view the different kneeboard pages

z Click the page buttons along the top of the

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Using the Kneeboard

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-orz Press SHIFT+F10 to cycle through the pages.
To close the kneeboard

z Click the

Close button in the upper righthand corner of the kneeboard.

-orz Press SHIFT+F10 to cycle through the pages
and close the kneeboard.

Printing the Kneeboard Files

If you'd like to have a paper copy of the information on the kneeboard, it's easy to print out.

You can print Mission briefings from the Briefing dialog box before a Mission begins.

The radio communications log and Mission briefing are not printable from the kneeboard.

Navigation Log
You can print the navigation log by accessing it from the Flights menu: On the Flights menu, select Navigation Log,
and then click the Print button.

Key Commands
View the complete list of key commands. To print the key commands list, click Print in the Learning Center navigation

Printing Checklists and Reference Information

The files for Checklist and Reference pages are located in the
...\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\aircraft name folder for airplanes
...\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Rotorcraft\aircraft name for the helicopters
The files are aircraft name_check.htm and aircraft name_ref.htm, respectively. To print a checklist or reference
page, open the file using your Web browser, and click Print.

The Mission objectives are not printable from the kneeboard.
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