End Sem 20-21

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B. Tech (for final year students and students on extended semester)
Subject Code: EE2003 Subject Name: Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Dept. Code: EE
No. of Pages: 2 Full Marks: 50 Duration: 2 Hours
1. Each question carries 10 marks
2. Answer All questions
3. All parts of a question should be answered at one place

1. a) Derive the general equations for balance in ac bridges. Show that both magnitude and
phase conditions need to be satisfied for balancing an ac bridge.
b) Design a single-range series-type ohmmeter using a PMMC ammeter that has internal
resistance of 50 Ω and requires a current of 1 mA for full-scale deflection. The internal
battery has a voltage of 3 V. It is desired to read half scale at a resistance value of 2000 Ω.
Calculate (i) the values of shunt resistance and current limiting series resistance, and (ii)
range of values of the shunt resistance to accommodate battery voltage variation in the range
2.7 to 3.1 V.
2. a) Two wattmeters are connected to measure the power consumed by a 3-phase balanced
load. One of the wattmeters read 1500 W and the other 700 W. Find power factor of the load,
when (i) both the readings are positive, and (ii) when the reading of the second wattmeter is
obtained after reversing its current coil connection.
b) A 220 V, 10 A dc energy meter is tested for its name plate ratings. Resistance of the
pressure coil circuit is 8000 Ω and that of current coil itself is 0.12 Ω. Calculate the energy
consumed when testing for a period of 1 hour with (i) Direct loading arrangement (ii)
Phantom loading with the current coil circuit excited by a separate 9 V battery.

3. a) Explain the working principle with phasor diagram of De Sauty’s bridge for measuring of
unknown capacitance.
b) Define the terms units, absolute units, fundamental units and derived units with suitable

c) A basic slide-wire potentiometer has a working battery voltage of 3.0 volts with negligible
resistance. The resistance of the slide-wire is 400 Ω and its length is 200 cm. A 200-cm scale
is placed along the slide wire. The slide-wire has 1 mm scale divisions and it is possible to
read up to 1/5 of a division. The instrument is standardized with 1.018 volt standard cell with
sliding contact at the 101.8 cm mark on scale. Calculate (i) Working current (ii) Resistance
of series rheostat (iii) Measurement range (iv) Resolution of the instrument
4. a) What are the advantages of digital meters over analog meters?
b) Explain the following terms as applied to digital measurement: (i) Resolution, (ii)
Sensitivity of digital meter, (iii) Accuracy specification of digital meters.
c) The resistance of a thermistor is 800 Ω at 50°C and 4 kΩ at the ice-point. Calculate the
characteristic constants (A, B) for the thermistor and the variations in resistance between
30°C and 100°C.
5. a) Derive the torque equation of Electrodynamometer type instruments.
b) A moving-coil instrument gives the full-scale deflection of 10 mA when the potential
difference across its terminals is 100 mV. Calculate (i) the shunt resistance for a full-scale
deflection corresponding to 100 A, and (ii) the series resistance for full scale reading with
1000 V. Calculate the power dissipation in each case.


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