Classroom Observation
Classroom Observation
Classroom Observation
Based on the observation of the excellent teacher in Sk Kelana for English, there are a few
theories used while teaching has been identified.
One of the theories used would be the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) or also
known as the Classical Method. This method has been used by many teachers for many years
as this method aims for students to find similarities of the grammar structure of their native
language and English. It is thought that if the students are able to familiarize grammar from their
native language in the English language then it would be easier for them to acquire English. In
the video, there was a lot of time where the teacher would translate his instructions; from
English to Malay. This can be seen through one of the conversation; What is chalet? Its a
kind of pondok, rumah that you can stay. The teacher translated the word chalet into Malay.
Another example, Are you with me? Adakah saya terlalu cepat? Terlalu slow?. This
example shows that the teacher does not only translate word by word but he also mixed both
English and Malay language; Terlalu slow which means too slow.
The second theory that is applied in this lesson plan would be Democratic Teaching by
Rudolf Dreikus. One of the aspects of this theory is that students have this desire to be a part of
the community hence the teachers need to create that environment where they can feel that it is
in their advantage to contribute to the groups welfare. What can be seen in the video is that the
teacher started the lesson by making some small talks to the students. For example, by asking,
How are you today? Pupils responded, Fine, thank you. By doing so, the teacher has
made some sort of bond with the students where the students feel comfortable with the teacher
and there is no indication from the video I watched that the students are uncomfortable with the
teacher. This was probably done so that the teacher can set the students mind that they are
now are going to learn in English. By doing so, the students could prepare their mind for the
lesson in another language and so that what the message that is send from the teacher to the
students is delivered.
Another aspect of the theory is that do not praise students but encourage them. What is
believed in this aspect is that encouragements are much more beneficial than rain them with
praises as encouragement does not just help a student but can also be a motivating factor for
other students. In the video, the teacher did praise the students for doing good and for
responding to his questions. For example, Full mark for this section is 5 marks, but if you
can get 3, its enough. If you can get 5, very good., If you can get all correct, I will give
you one ringgit (RM1.00), you can buy burger. and The teacher then praised, Good, have
you been to snorkeling before?. This praise he said was addressed to all the students in the
classroom to motivate them to do better in their next try. Getting a positive feedback can help
weaker students to do better. This way, the students would not feel burdened to do well but
motivate them. The teacher might have used this method for that same reason as he knows his
students are not the best out there but with much encouragement, the students might just do
well enough to get through.
The third theory that can be identified through this video would be Total Physical
Response (TPR). The method used in this theory would be Natural Approach by Krashen and
Tervell. This method emphasize on the students to develop basic communication skills through
receiving meaningful exposure to the target language. In the video, the teacher uses gestures
so that the students would understand the word better. For example, The next word was
Nature and explained by gesturing to outside of the classroom. The teacher did so as it
would have been easier for the students to visualize what is being mentioned by the teacher
rather than just listening.
Other than that is the theory of Instructional Management by Jacob Kounin. This theory
focuses on the teacher to be alert and aware of the students activity and behaviour. With the
withitness approach, the students will be aware that the teachers have eyes behind their back
as the teacher is able to monitor and interact with students doing independent work while
presenting lessons to smaller group. For example, the teacher would call out names from time
to time if he thinks that the students are not paying attention or if he thinks that the students
does not understands.
After analyzing the video, it is clear that the teacher plays quite a number of roles in the
classroom. One of it would be as a motivator, as the teacher continuously encourages the
students by giving positive responds towards them. The teacher would praise students good
and also said that that it is alright for them if they scored 3 out of 5 marks and if they scored 5,
very good. This serves as a motivation towards the students to work harder. It also a statement
from the teacher to the students that they do not have to feel pressured knowing the students
are not doing well with the subject.
Other than that, another role the teacher played was as a mood maker. At some pint of
the lesson, the bell began to ring and there are a few announcements were made. Sure enough
there are students who lose their focus and to ensure the students attention is back to him, he
would call out names to ask questions or to ask whether they understood or not. This was to
ensure that the students are aware of the lesson. He even made a joke that if they manage to
answer all questions correctly, he would give them RM 1.00 and they could use that money to
buy a burger.
However, there are a few weaknesses that can be identified from the video. For
example, the classroom condition is not conducive. During the lesson other students voices can
be heard which makes the teachers voice to drown and not clear. Other than that, there was a
point where knocking can be heard which can also be a disturbance to the lesson. There was
also the announcement where there is a time the teacher would continue his lesson making it
hard to listen to his voice with the announcement going.
There are a few things that the teacher can do to improvise the teaching. One of it is
through Fred Jones theory on keeping students willingly engaged in learning. His approach is
Say, See, Do teaching where the teacher say the task, students see the task, teacher perform
the task and the student do it. This process is being used frequently in the lesson. Instead of
giving input and students giving output at the end of the stages, teacher should give input and
then quickly give students to do something with it. This way the students could be actively
engaged with the learning as they do not have any time to waste and be disengaged.
Other than that what the teacher can do is to not translate the words from English to
Malay. By translating word by word would only make the students become lazy in acquiring the
language as they are aware that the teacher will eventually translate the language for them and
would in a way block their hearing or input of the language and only take in after it is being
translated. What the teacher can do is to set a rule where the students must speak English
when in a lesson and allow the students to speak the word in Malay but give immediate
translation of the word in English and ask the students to repeat the word so that they would
remember better. Teacher can also explanation of the word through pictures or gestures and
translating the word in Malay should be the last and most least preferable way when teaching
English language as a second language.
In conclusion, the teacher did a good job in managing the classroom as there were no
major disruption happened and the teacher did use different approach in different situation as to
what he deem as appropriate. Using different approach can help in managing a situation better
and effectively.