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4 Foot Westerner p4

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Here's a Little Gas Model that Has Every Desirable Quality Small Span - Small Engine - Unusual Stability

and a Big

It has the appearance of a full scale ship

It has a sturdy structure and can "take it"

It gains altitude quickly with a steep


DUE TO the present trend towards the smaller

type gas engine, and the many inquiries as to plans
received by the writer in the last couple of years as a
result of photos in "Gas Lines" columns, we take
pleasure in presenting the data for constructing the
small parasol type gas model, "Miss San Diego,"
which was one of the very first small gas models to
be built in the United States and powered with an
engine of less than 5/8" bore. The parasoled wing
makes the little plane very stable and assures for
dependable, performance.

The ship performs beautifully with an inverted

engine installation. Almost any of the popular small
type engines can be easily adapted to this gas job, by
merely altering the design of the metal mounting
plates, which are located on the wooden beams.
Whatever the engine make might be it should be
inverted for maximum flight performance.
On several occasions it has flown over fifteen
minutes on a forty-second motor run, and has a slow,
lazy circling glide after the motor cut. Its flight abilities
are most agreeable for contest flying.

Wing Span
4 ft.
Wing Area
252 sq. in.
Wing Loading
64 lb./sq. ft.
Max. Wing
6-3/4 in.
Overall Length
31-1/4 in.
Stabilizer Span 19-1/2 in.
Overall Height
10-3/4 in.
8-1/2 in.
Weight, Ready to Fly (With Engine) ........... 1 lb. 2 oz.
Enlarge the drawings to full working size as
the first step, making use of the dimensions as given
on the assembly drawing. All the balsa used is to be
of firm medium-hard variety, unless noted otherwise.

Begin the construction with this unit. Build two
side frames of 1/8" square balsa, using wood which is
very firm, especially for the longerons. Fillers of 1/16"
sheet are put in each frame at the front. Build the
frames together in the usual way, pinning each
up-side-down on the work table. When all 1/8" square
cross bracing is cemented in place, cut a piece of
balsa size 3/8" x 9/16" x 1-7/16", which is the tailpost
and which is installed next. All fuselage formers are of
1/16" sheet balsa except No. 1 and No. 9, which are
1/8" thick. Locate the positions for fuselage formers
No. 8 to No. 12 inclusive, and cement each in place.
The top, forward, removable section of the
fuselage is assembled next. Lay the two 1/8" square
longerons down, followed by formers No. 1 to No. 7
inclusive. Place the top center 1/16" square stringer
first, followed by the remaining four. Cut and cement
in place the 1/8" sheet balsa pieces upon which the
No. 00 dress snaps are mounted on the removable
section. The balsa strips for the fuselage frame, to
receive the other half of the dress snaps, may be
installed at the same time. Using metallic cement,
secure the light halves of the four snaps in place on
both the fuselage and removable section, making
sure that all are in perfect alignment.
Now cut two strips 5-7/8" long and 1/8" wide
from 1/32" sheet aluminum and cement them on the
top fuselage longerons, where stepped down and
where wing support slides. The main switch, of the
small button type, and the booster plugs should be
installed on the right side of the fuselage at this point.
Next cut the rear motor beam anchorage bulkhead
from 1/8" sheet balsa, as shown. Place it on with
ample cement. The 1/32" balsa sheet can now be
applied from formers No. 8 to No. 12.
The outline of the cockpit is penciled on a
sheet size 3-1/8" x 3-5/8" x 3-3/8" long, which is
applied between formers No. 8 and No. 9. The

cockpit is cut out after the sheet is cemented and dry.

Proceed to finish by cutting a piece 1-1/4" x 3-1/8" x
7-1/8" long from the 1/32" stock size, applying it in the
same manner, between formers No. 9 and No. 12.
Cut lengthwise through one wall of a length of 1/8"
O.D. diameter rubber tubing and lay it, using cement,
around the cockpit edge to form the combing. The
head-rest is carved from soft balsa and should be
hollowed out. The block is 3/4" square at the cockpit,
1/8" x 1/4" at the rear end, and is 7-1/2" in overall
length. Cement it in position.
Using the template provided in the plans, cut
the windshield from the celluloid specified, but do not
install it until after the model is covered and painted.
The landing gear is formed from 1/16" piano
wire. First make the front side frame, followed by the
rear side frame and the center shock strut. Cement
two cross braces on the fuselage bottom, each size
1/8" x 1/2" hard balsa, to receive the landing gear.
Use ample cement to bind each landing gear frame
to these and also be sure that both balsa mounting
strips are well braced with gussets and cement at the
lower fuselage longerons. Heavy thread and metallic
cement render a satisfactory and permanent job of
securing the landing gear to the fuselage. To finish it,
bind all three frames together at the axle with fine
copper wire and solder well. The tail skid is formed
from a length of the same wire used for the landing
gear. It is installed where shown.
Make the firewall from 1/8" plywood of good
quality. It is 2-1/4" x 2-5/16" in size. Cut the motor
beam and wiring holes and then install it against the
end of the fuselage frame, using a common butt joint
and plenty of cement. Follow with the motor beams,
which are 1/8" x 3/4" x 4-1/4" in size. They should be
cut from black walnut, maple, or some similar
hardwood having the necessary shock-absorbing
qualities. Make the two engine-mounting plates from
27-gauge galvanized sheet metal and install each on
the wooden beams as shown, using 6-32 steel or
brass machine screws and nuts. The wooden beams
can now be shoved through the firewall and rear
anchorage bulkhead and securely cemented in

position, making sure that each are parallel to the top

longerons of the fuselage.
Install the coil, condenser and battery holder
where shown. The battery holder is of simple sheet
brass construction. See drawings for this detail.
Complete the fuselage by wiring everything with fine,
stranded-and tinned-insulated wire, using the
diagram provided.
The wing strut unit, or cradle, which supports
the wing, should be constructed next. It is formed
from the same wire as used for the landing gear.
Begin by forming two end frames, as shown. It will be
noticed that each are to be bent with a narrower
spread at the tip ends than that of the fittings on the
wing center section, as the cradle thereby needs to
be only sprung apart to drop the wing between it, to
secure it for flying. The two diagonal side braces are
formed and soldered to the end frames, the joints first
being bound with fine copper wire. Be certain that the
frame is in perfect alignment, before soldering. To
complete it, apply 1/16" x 1/4" balsa strips to each
side of the struts, routing out channels for the wire
and soldered joints and cementing the two halves
together over the wire. Sand the balsa struts (now
1/8" thick) to streamlined cross section and cover
them with tissue later on, when the model is covered,
to insure for a good finish.

and cement wing ribs W-4 to W-11 in place. The

trailing edge gussets are 1/4" x 3/8" in size and are
made from 1/16" sheet balsa. After installing them
follow with the wing tip which is cemented in position,
with 1/16" sheet balsa bracing on the top and bottom.
When the wing structure is completed, proceed to
cover the front portion with 1/64" sheet balsa, as
indicated. A piece 2-3/4" x 6" is required for the center
section while two pieces, each size 2" x 2-3/4" x
18-3/4" will be needed for the left and right wing
panels, between ribs W-3 and W-10. The portion
remaining from rib W-10 to the tip is covered with two
small pieces. In laying the balsa veneer on, start by
making a line of pencil marks across the tops of the
ribs which will show the position of the rear edge of
the veneer, on the top side. Apply cement to these rib
portions and lay on the sheet, using pins to hold until
dry. When set, moisten the sheet balsa with water
where it is to be pulled over the leading edge proper,
or the sharpest bend to be made with it. Proceed to
bend it on over and pin it underneath along the whole
panel, as you did on the top. Cement is next applied
between the veneer and the rib sides at every rib. Be
certain that the veneer follows the rib contours, by
stretching it tightly. From 1/32" thick sheet aluminum,
cut and install the four wing strut plates on wing ribs
W-2 as shown. A hole a trifle larger than the wing
strut wire is drilled in each. Use plenty of metallic
cement in securing them in place. The wing unit is
The ribs are all of 1/16" sheet balsa, except now completed, ready for covering.
ribs W-2, which are of 1/8" sheet balsa. Both the
leading and trailing edges are cut from 1/16" sheet Tail Surfaces
balsa, and are of 3/8" width. Each consists of three
The empennage is of simple construction.
parts, as the center section of the wing is constructed Begin by forming all of the parts, ready to assemble.
first, although the wing is a one-piece unit when The fin, stabilizer, leading and trailing edges are 1/16"
completed. The wing spar is built up from three x 1/4" balsa and all ribs are of 1/16" sheet balsa
pieces, as shown in the plans, and is cemented except fin rib F-4, which is 1/8" sheet. The stabilizer
together as one piece before being laid down in and fin tips are also of 1/16" sheet balsa, and the
building the center section. Each wing tip is 1/16" main spars for each surface are cut from 1/8" sheet
sheet balsa. The balsa veneer leading edge covering balsa. Both the stabilizer and fin are of the same type
is prepared after basic construction is completed.
construction. To build the stabilizer, lay the spar down
To build the wing, first construct the center first, followed by the leading and trailing edges. At
portion by pinning into position the leading and stabilizer rib S-5, block the spar up 1/8" and raise the
trailing edges, and the spar. Raise the leading edge leading and trailing edges 7/32" from the work table.
5/16" from the work table. Wing ribs W-1 and W-2 Install the ribs and cement in position. Cut two pieces
are now cemented in position. (If an engine having a of 1/8" sheet balsa and cement well between ribs S-1
suction feed and therefore close-coupled tank is to as shown. The dress snaps which hold the tail
be used, the brass gas tank, and its installation in the surfaces in place are mounted on one of these two
wing center section can be disregarded.) The fuel sheet balsa fillers. Use an ample quantity of metallic
tank and wing strut fittings are installed later.
cement to install the other three halves of the No. 0
When dry, remove the wing center section size dress snaps.
construction from the work table and lay down the
When the basic construction of the fin is
spar on either side to proceed with the right or left completed connect the tab with the fin by means of
wing panel. Pin the leading and trailing edges in small copper or iron wire hinges. The tail surfaces are
position and after raising the leading edge 5/16" at completed by covering both the stabilizer and fin
the inner end and 3/32" at the tip, proceed to install

leading edges with 1/64" sheet balsa, done in the through the top section of the fuselage, followed by
same way as that on .the wing.
the snapping of this removable unit into place.
Connect the other end of the gas line to the wing
tank, after springing the wing into position in the
The original model was covered with Mino support for it. The tail surfaces are snapped on and it
Tissue, which is the cream-colored "natural" paper is ready to balance. Supporting the ship by the
sold for rubber powered model aircraft. It has fingertips about 40% back from the wing center
watermarked parallel lines running through the sheet section chord, adjust the wing back or forth until the
about an inch apart, and with that description anyone plane balances with the nose slightly down. Before
building this ship can easily procure it if it isn't sold test-hopping under power, it can be safely hand
under the name of "Mino." It is ideal for the covering glided to insure for maximum gliding performance on
material for this small light gas job. Cover the wing, the first powered flight, if desired.
Although the original ship was flown on limited
tail surfaces and fuselage in the conventional manner
and water-shrink the covering. When dry, cement the motor runs of about 30-40 seconds by clipping the
fin to the stabilizer very securely, making sure both gas line shut behind the carburetor, some builders
are at right angles. Remove the paper over the center may desire to install a mechanical timer such as the
of the stabilizer, in cementing the fin, to insure for a Autoknips, etc., the installation of which the writer
strong joint. Dope the entire model with two coats of leaves to their own ingenuity. (Timers, as used today,
clear dope and follow with two coats of pigmented were hardly known or thought of at the time this
dope (sprayed if possible) in a color or colors of your model was designed.)
In test flying, throttle the engine down to about
own choice. The original was first painted a vivid
orange and later a bright yellow with black trim, both half speed and allow it to take off under its own
power, flying in no wind if possible. Set the timer or
equally effective.
gas shut-off for about 20-25 seconds. After initial
hops, if all is satisfactory the engine may be revved
Assembly and Flying
First install the motor on the motor mounting up to its maximum r.p.m. (with the prop being used)
plates. Then remove the top section of the fuselage and the plane is liable to be "gone with the wind" if
and lay the wing cradle across the main longerons. any.
Any further questions regarding it may be
Secure it with 1/8" flat rubber making it just tight
enough so that it may be adjusted on the ground but addressed to the author, enclosing a self addressed
can't shift in flight. Install the battery in its holder just stamped envelope for prompt reply. Photographs of
ahead of the cockpit. Connect the rubber gas line to models of "Miss San Diego" would be welcomed by
the carburetor (if using gravity feed) and lead it MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS, together with a note on
its performance.

Scanned From October 1939

Model Airplane News

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