Teaching Case of The Month: Abdominal Tuberculosis: An Unusual Cause of Abdominal Pain

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Teaching Case of the Month

Abdominal Tuberculosis: An Unusual Cause of Abdominal Pain

Joanna M Tulczynska MD and Jean K Fleischman MD
The incidence of intestinal tuberculosis (TB) in developed countries has been increasing along with the overall
resurgence of TB due to the acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, increased use of immunosuppressive drugs, and an aging population.1 Prior to the AIDS
epidemic, intestinal TB was seen most commonly in immunocompetent persons with untreated advanced pulmonary disease. Currently it is most commonly observed in
association with immunosuppressive treatments. In one
series, more than 40% of patients with gastrointestinal TB
had AIDS. Because of the non-specific symptoms associated with intestinal TB, timely diagnosis might be missed.
It is important that physicians maintain a high awareness
of TB as a potential source of abdominal symptoms.
Case Summary
A 22-year-old female, a recent immigrant from India,
presented with burning and worsening epigastric and leftlower-quadrant pain, for 3 days. Similar symptoms had
been present for 3 years and were associated with anorexia, intermittent nausea, vomiting, and constipation.
These symptoms were partially relieved by proton pump
inhibitors and antacids. There was no hematemesis, melena, fever, or jaundice. The patient complained of palpitations, easy fatigability, and decreased menstrual flow for
the last 2 months. She had lost 14 kg in 1 year but maintained a weight of 36 kg for 3 years. She denied cough,
chills, joint pains, hemoptysis, or night sweats.
Four years prior to presentation, she had been hospitalized for pneumonia. An abdominal computed tomogram
(CT), colonoscopy, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy in

Joanna M Tulczynska MD and Jean K Fleischman MD are affiliated with

the Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Queens
Hospital Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Jamaica, New York.
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
Correspondence: Joanna M Tulczynska MD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Queens Hospital Center, 82-68 164 Street, Jamaica NY 11432.
E-mail. tulczynsj@nychhc.org.


India 1.5 years prior to presentation were reportedly normal. On admission she had a temperature of 38.0 C, a
heart rate of 118 141 beats/min, and normal blood pressure. Physical examination showed cachexia (body mass
index 14 kg/m2), pale conjunctivae, clear lungs, normal
heart sounds, with no murmurs, and diffuse abdominal
tenderness but no guarding or rebound. Laboratory tests
showed anemia (hemoglobin 9.7 mg/dL, hematocrit 30.5 g),
hypoalbuminemia (albumin 1.5 g/dL), and vitamin B12
Chest radiograph revealed a lingula infiltrate (Fig. 1).
Chest CT showed nodular infiltrates in the lingula, associated with a calcific density in the superior segment of the
left lower lobe (Fig. 2).
Abdominal CT showed dilated small-bowel loops, thickening of the cecum and terminal ileum, mesenteric and
retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and nodular densities in
the omentum (Fig. 3A). A purified-protein-derivative test
was positive, with an induration of 10 mm. Sputum
acid-fast-bacilli smears and culture were negative.
An upper-gastrointestinal series was normal, but a smallbowel series revealed a 5 cm constricting lesion involving
the terminal ileum, cecum, and ascending colon (Fig. 4A).
Colonoscopy revealed inflammatory and ulcerative changes
and a markedly thickened and hypertrophic mucosa in the
region of the terminal ileum, cecum, and ascending colon.
Acid-fast-bacilli smear and culture of colonoscopic biopsies were negative; there were no granulomas and no histologic evidence of inflammatory bowel disease. The
CD4 count was low (313 cells/L), the CD8 count was
within normal limits (413 cells/L), and the CD4/CD8
ratio was low (0.72 cells/L, range 0.98 2.42).
The patient refused formal testing for human immunodeficiency virus. We treated her empirically for intestinal
TB, with isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, and rifampin. Peripheral parenteral nutrition was initially required, but she was able to switch to oral feedings, and she
was discharged after a 1 month hospitalization. She continued treatment for a total of 9 months, and had a 14-kg
weight gain and improvement of symptoms. Ten months
later gastrointestinal symptoms recurred, and repeat gastrointestinal imaging (small-bowel series and abdominal
CT) revealed improvement in the luminal narrowing of the





Fig. 1. A and B: Chest radiographs shows a lingula infiltrate. C: Follow-up chest radiograph shows resolution of lingula infiltrate.

tubercule bacilluss affinity for the abundant lymphoid tissue in the ileocecal region, the relative physiologic stasis
and minimal digestive activity (which facilitates prolonged
contact between the bacilli and the mucosa), and the high
rate of absorption in this region.2 Besides the ileocecal
area, segmental colitis can also occur, involving the ascending and transverse colon. Colonic TB may present as
an inflammatory stricture, hypertrophic lesions resembling
polyps or tumors, segmental ulcers, and colitis.1-3
The pathophysiology of tuberculous enteritis has been
attributed to 4 mechanisms:
Hematogenous spread from active pulmonary or miliary
Swallowing of infected sputum in patients with active
pulmonary TB
Ingestion of contaminated milk or food
Contiguous spread from adjacent organs
Fig. 2. Computed tomogram shows lingula nodular infiltrates and
a calcific density in the superior segment of the left lower lobe.

small bowel and colon and resolution of the para-aortic

and mesenteric lymphadenopathy (see Figs. 3B and 4B).
The liver, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder were normal.
A follow-up chest radiograph revealed resolution of the
lingula infiltrate (Fig. 1C). Her symptoms resolved
promptly within 2 days with bowel rest, and were attributed to intermittent bowel obstruction. TB treatment was
continued for an additional 12 months and she had complete resolution of symptoms.
The ileocecal region is reported to be the area most
commonly involved in colonic TB. This is attributed to the


After the bacillus enters the gastrointestinal tract, it

traverses the mucosa and lodges in the submucosa where
it induces inflammatory changes that can lead to lymphangitis, endarteritis, and fibrosis, which can progress to
mucosal ulceration, caseating necrosis, and narrowing of
the intestinal lumen.1
Diagnosing abdominal TB is difficult because its presenting signs, symptoms, and laboratory abnormalities are
non-specific and non-diagnostic. Symptoms of abdominal
TB include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, anorexia,
weight loss, constipation, and hemorrhage. The most frequent symptom at presentation (in 90 100% patients) is
abdominal colicky pain representing intermittent bowel
obstruction.1,2 The most common laboratory abnormalities
are anemia, leukocytosis, elevated sedimentation rate, and
hypoalbuminemia. Routine blood tests cannot exclude intestinal TB. Our patient had both anemia and hypoalbuminemia.





Fig. 3. A: Computed tomogram shows dilated small-bowel loops, thickening of the cecum and terminal ileum, mesenteric and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and nodular densities in the omentum. B: Follow-up computed tomogram shows improvement in the degree of
luminal narrowing of the small bowel and colon, and resolution of the para-aortic and mesenteric lymphadenopathy.

Fig. 4. A: Computed tomogram shows a 5-cm constricting lesion involving the terminal ileum, cecum and ascending colon. B: Follow-up
computed tomogram shows improvement in the degree of luminal narrowing of the small bowel and colon, and resolution of the para-aortic
and mesenteric lymphadenopathy.

A presumptive diagnosis of intestinal TB can be made

in the setting of known active pulmonary TB or with a
chest radiograph suggestive of TB together with gastrointestinal symptoms or radiographic abnormalities suggestive of intestinal TB. Chest radiographs are positive in
only 20 50% of patients with intestinal TB.1,3,4 A barium
radiograph may reveal luminal narrowing with proximal
dilatation of bowel loops. CT and abdominal ultrasound
findings suggestive of abdominal TB include ascites, enlarged lymph nodes, omental thickening, and bowel-wall
thickening. Definitive diagnosis is based on histology,


Ziehl-Neelsen staining for acid-fast bacilli, and culture.

The sensitivities of these tests differ.
Colonoscopy with biopsy is the most useful non-operative diagnostic test for intestinal TB. In a study with
209 patients, the diagnostic yield of TB on surgical specimens was 100%, whereas biopsies obtained via colonoscopy had a yield of only 83%. The combination of histology and culture can establish the diagnosis in up to 80% of
patients.2 Polymerase-chain-reaction testing of biopsy specimens can provide a diagnosis in 48 hours, with higher
sensitivity and specificity, but in some cases of intestinal



TB the polymerase-chain-reaction test and acid-fast-bacilli
culture have been negative.
A diagnosis can also be made via histologic analysis
and response to TB treatment. It is important to know that
the pathognomonic histologic findings of epithelioid granulomas with Langhans giant cells and central caseation
necrosis may be present only in lymph nodes that are not
included in biopsy specimens.2-4 In a study by Khan et al,
only 68% of biopsy specimens revealed non-caseating granulomas, and 25% revealed caseating granulomas. This is
not surprising, since granulomas are submucosal, and biopsy samples are at times only from the mucosal layer.
Granulomas may be totally absent in patients who have
received TB medication in the past. Acid-fast-bacilli culture and smear positivity are not always present. Only
35 60% of intestinal TB cases are smear-positive for acidfast bacilli. The presence of granulomas is not always
related to the yield of positive cultures.1,2,5
Intestinal TB is a diagnostic challenge, especially in
patients with no evidence of active TB infection. It may
mimic other abdominal diseases, such as Crohns disease.
Differentiating TB from Crohns disease is important, since
treatment of these 2 disorders is very different. Both entities may present with mucosal ulcerations, nodularity,
ulcers, pseudopolyps, luminal narrowing, and strictures.
Characteristic endoscopic findings that distinguish the 2
diseases include multiple, large confluent granulomas, caseating necrosis, and disproportionate mucosal inflammation in intestinal TB, whereas in Crohns disease the granulomas are small, less frequent, and surrounded by focal
areas of colitis.5,6 Other features of Crohns disease that
are absent among patients with intestinal TB include extraintestinal manifestations of arthralgia, ankylosing spondylitis, and peri-anal fistulas.6
Our patient had radiographic abnormalities in the lung
and gastrointestinal tract. Although histology showed only
inflammatory and ulcerative changes, without diagnostic
features of TB (acid-fast bacilli and caseation), her response to TB therapy contributed to the diagnosis of TB.
The recurrence of her symptoms after 9 months of treatment was probably due to intermittent obstruction from a




narrowed ileocecal lumen, visualized on colonoscopy. Her

symptoms resolved completely after completing an additional 12-month course of 4-drug TB therapy.
Teaching Points
Intestinal TB should be considered in the differential
diagnosis of unexplained abdominal complaints, particularly in patients originating from countries that have a high
incidence of TB. A delay in diagnosis may lead to complications, such as bowel obstruction and intestinal perforation. A timely diagnosis and initiation of therapy may
prevent complications and improve outcomes.
The management of abdominal TB relies on TB drugs;
surgery is reserved for complications and uncertainty of
diagnosis. Ideally the diagnosis should be confirmed via
histology or isolation of bacteria, but typical granulomas
and acid-fast-bacilli are not always detected. A high clinical suspicion for abdominal TB and empiric TB therapy
may be warranted in situations where a definitive diagnosis can not be made. Clinical improvement after TB therapy indicates a correct diagnosis of abdominal TB.
1. Horvath KD, Whelan RL. Tuberculosis: return of an old disease.
Am J Gastroenterol 2008;93(5):692-696.
2. Khan R, Abid S, Jafri W, Abbas Z, Hameed K, Ahmad Z. Diagnostic
dilemma of abdominal tuberculosis in non HIV patients: an ongoing challenge for physicians. World J Gastroenterol 2006;12(39):
3. Leung VK, Lam ST, Lam CW, Luk IS, Chau TN, Loke TK, et al.
Intestinal tuberculosis in a regional hospital in Hong Kong: a 10 year
experience. Hong Kong Med J 2006;12(4):264-271.
4. Chatzicostas C, Koutroubakis I, Tzardi M, Tzardi M, Roussomoustakaki M, Prassopoulos P, Kouroumalis EA. Colonic tuberculosis mimicking Crohns disease. BMC Gastroenterology 2002;
5. Kirsch R, Pentecost M, Hall P de M, Epstein DP, Watermeyer G,
Friederich PW. Role of colonoscopic biopsy in distinguishing between Crohns disease and intestinal tuberculosis. J Clin Pathol 2006;
6. Pulimoood AB, Ramakrishna BS. Endoscopic mucosal biopsies are
useful in distinguishing granulomatous colitis due to Crohns disease
from tuberculosis. Gut 1999;45(4):537-541.


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