EE 3140 and EP 3640: Electric and Magnetic: R/5/2 Antenna Arrays

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EE 3140 and EP 3640: Electric and Magnetic

R/5/2 Antenna Arrays

Today's Agenda
Phased Arrays
Two antenna arrays
Multiple antenna arrays
Designing beamwidth
Designing beam angle

Phased arrays
What happens when the phases of the currents feeding the antennas are different?

The differences in phase can be used to steer a beam.

Can we aim a null at 0 now?

What happens when you use more than two antennas?

Phased arrays with multiple antennas

Phased arrays with multiple antennas allow us to change the direction of the beam and
change the directivity.

To begin with we will assume that there are N antennas.

The antennas will be arranged in a straight line with equal distances d between each
Assume that as you move from one antenna to the next in the line of antennas that the
source driving each antenna in the line lags or leads the previous antenna in the line by the
same amount

The array factor.

Examples in Excel

Can we find the beamwidth of the main lobes?

Can we find the direction of the maximum?
Can we choose the direction of the maximum?
Can we choose the beamwidth of the main beam?

Since we observed that N controls the beamwidth,

we can simplify by assuming

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