MMM Lur Landscape Analysis and The Searc PDF
MMM Lur Landscape Analysis and The Searc PDF
MMM Lur Landscape Analysis and The Searc PDF
DALE F. RITTER Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901
the vagueness of paradigms, have given geo- would require greater erosional and transporta- Gilbert's work on Lake Bonneville (Gilbert,
morphology the undeserved reputation of hav- tional energy, which Gilbert believed would be 1890) demonstrated that he considered geomor-
ing less scientific rigor than other segments of provided by a change in declivity (channel phic history as nothing more than episodes of
geoscience. Geomorphologists know that this is slope). This, of course, was the first expression of equilibrium being periodically disrupted by geo-
not true, but many in other branches of geology grade in geomorphic analysis and represents the logic events (Baker and Pyne, 1978). Even
hold lingering doubts and are confused as to quintescence of Gilbert's equilibrium approach though he suggests that one goal of the Bonne-
what it is that geomorphologists actually do. in all aspects of his varied geological work. ville study was local Pleistocene history, his
This paper is an attempt to trace how the Gilbert's preoccupation with equilibrium also main emphasis was placed on shoreline proc-
primary emphasis in geomorphic thinking has filtered into his thinking about the relationship esses. After he understood what features resulted
changed since the inception of the Geological between process and landform; in fact, he postu- from those processes, the landforms (for exam-
Society of America and, wherever possible, lated physical "laws" to explain topography. His ple, bars, strandlines) were used to reconstruct
stress how the Society has functioned as a vehi- laws of structure (geology), divides, and declivi- the positions of various lake levels. Thus, his
cle for that change. It has not been written for ties stemmed from his belief that the interaction "geological history" relied totally on the study of
geomorphologists; they know what they do and of each determined the landscape character. physical processes and certainly did not consist
why they do it. Instead, the paper is directed Terms such as "dynamic adjustment" and of the multidisciplinary approaches used by
toward other geoscientists who may perpetuate "balanced condition" permeate his writing and modern Quaternary geologists. Furthermore, his
misconceptions concerning geomorphology be- illustrate his perception that landforms reflect precise leveling of shoreline features led him to
cause they cling to ideas which lend themselves some unique balance between process and important insights about crustal rebound asso-
to easy pedagogy but are possibly wrong and geology. For example, he stated (Gilbert, 1877, ciated with the removal of stress as Lake Bonne-
certainly do not reflect geomorphic science as it p. 115-116): ville disappeared. Gilbert, therefore, considered
is today or what it will be like in the future. landform history primarily because it preserved
the record of both endogenic and exogenic proc-
Erosion is most rapid where the resistance is least; and esses. He had little interest in determing when,
hence as the soft rocks are worn away the hard are left or in what sequence, events occurred, and thus
ANALYSIS prominent. The differentiation continues until an
equilibrium is reached through the law of declivities.
his work often strayed from our usual under-
The Geomorphology of G. K. Gilbert When the ratio of erosive action as dependent on standing of historical geology.
declivities becomes equal to the ratio of resistances as
In 1905, Gilbert was given the task of assess-
dependent on rock character, there is equality of
One of the most honored American geolo- action. ing the effects of increased sediment loads
gists, G. K. Gilbert (1843-1918), is generally caused by hydraulic mining in the Sierra Nevada
recognized as our first truly great geomorpholo- and determining whether such mining could be
gist. During his illustrious career, Gilbert pro- In simple terms, this statement suggests that reinitiated without irreversible damage to the
vided us with the scientific approach that has landforms and landscapes reflect a continuing environments in downstream areas. The results
become the basis for much of process-oriented equilibrium as long as erosive action or resist- were published in two studies which once again
geomorphology being employed today. Gilbert ance does not change. When those variables are demonstrated his focus on process. In contrast to
was an amalgamation of geologist, physicist, and changed, the landscape character will be brought the Henry Mountains and Lake Bonneville re-
engineer, who viewed all scientific problems as a into a new equilibrium configuration by a ports, however, the study of transportation by
balance between force and resistance; the force change in the slope. running water (Gilbert, 1914) and his analysis of
being applied by some geological agent and Gilbert's perception of time as a factor in effects of hydraulic mining on river systems
resistance stemming from the geological frame- geomorphology followed logically from the (Gilbert, 1917) also revealed Gilbert as a prag-
work. His treatment of landforms was no differ- scientific approach he espoused. He resisted any matist. His approach was not a total concentra-
ent, and his study of the Henry Mountains of concept that required continuous unidirectional tion of effort in the Sierra foothills. Instead,
Utah (Gilbert, 1877) stands as a classic example change (Pyne, 1980; Baker and Pyne, 1978), Gilbert chose to examine the mechanics of
of how he examined landscapes. His goal was and therefore time was simply a framework stream transportation in flumes constructed on
not to place landforms in a developmental se- within which events occurred that upset the the Berkeley campus specifically to provide in-
quence but to understand how processes func- condition of equilibrium. In that sense, Gilbert's sight to the Sierra problem. Thus, he intuitively
tioned to create the features spread before him. time was not an independent variable of land- understood the difference between the process
Gilbert visualized geomorphology as a physical scape form, nor could time ever obliterate the analysis that he provided for stream behavior in
science and accepted the principles of thermo- influence of geology at any scale. For example, the Henry Mountains and the detailed, quantita-
dynamics as his basic paradigm (Baker and he stated (Gilbert, 1877, p. 115): tive understanding of fluvial action required to
Pyne, 1978). For example, Gilbert's landscapes solve the question of hydraulic mining. Actually,
are analogous to chemical systems in equilib- It is evident that if steep slopes are worn more rapidly his flume studies were a frustration to him be-
rium. When equilibrium is upset by a change in than gentle, the tendency is to abolish all differences of cause they did not result in clear-cut laws that
thermodynamic variables, the systemic response slope and produce uniformity. The law of uniform could be expressed in precise mathematical
will be to establish a new but different equilib- slope thus opposes diversity of topography, and if not terms. Instead, he was the first geologist to
complemented by other laws, would reduce all drain-
rium condition adjusted to the changed values of age basins to plains. But in reality it is never free to realize that relationships between variables in-
the controlling variables. Similarly, in his ap- work out its full results; for it demands a uniformity of volved in the phenomenon of sediment transpor-
proach, rivers in equilibrium must adjust to conditions which nowhere exists. Only a water sheet tation were so complex that they defied deter-
changes in load or discharge to re-establish of uniform depth, flowing over a surface of homo- ministic solution.
geneous material would suffice; and every inequality
equilibrium with new values of those independ- of water depth or of rock texture produces a corre- A discussion of Gilbert's complete analysis of
ent variables. An increase in load or particle size sponding inequality of slope and diversity of form. the hydraulic mining problem is beyond the
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scope of this discussion. Suffice it to say that it high, broad divides. As the master stream nears and often led to applications which were based
stands as a primer for all environmental geolo- its base level and drainage lines increase into on rather tenuous assumptions. Nevertheless, the
gists and engineers. It clearly contains all of the well-defined networks, the region enters the ma- cyclic concept spurred a wave of studies using
basic principles of modern process geomorphol- ture stage. Main streams begin to erode laterally, an approach known as denudation chronology
ogy, including systems analysis, thresholds, and flood plains develop in their lower reaches. (Beckinsale and Chorley, 1968): the practice of
complex response, and process links. It therefore The increased numbers of rivers tend to dissect reconstructing the evolution of landforms. Den-
stands as a testament to the premise that physical the region so that divides become narrow and udation chronology flourished between 1900
aspects of environmental geology are to a large most of the area is occupied by valley-side and 1939, and most geomorphologists in this era
extent applied process geomorphology. slopes. Rivers become graded, and the entire sys- were dedicated to determining how many cycles
tem is coordinated to erode and transport debris could be documented in any area and when they
The Davisian Model efficiently from the area. Gradually the valleys existed.
widen by lateral erosion, slope angles decrease, In denudation chronology, the present land-
Gilbert was highly honored by both national and relief is lowered until the region evolves into scape is explained by deducing a sequence of
and international scientific societies; in fact, he old age. In that stage, the original landmass has evolutionary changes in topography until the
alone served twice as president of the Geological been virtually consumed. A few very large rivers landscape achieves its present form (Chorley
Society of America. It seems remarkable then separated by low, broad divides flow sluggishly and others, 1973); that is, the past becomes the
that Gilbert's solid scientific base for physical across the region. By applying this conceptual key to the present. The basic assumption in this
geomorphology was somehow pushed aside by scheme, any landscape could be described by its approach is that the configuration of the topog-
a historical approach which proved to be a more physiographic characteristics and, more impor- raphy is known at the start of any cycle; this is
fashionable mode of landscape analysis. The tant, placed in a relative time framework on the a spurious assumption at best, because erosion in
fledgling Geological Society of America had its basis of its developmental stage. one cycle would remove parts of the landscape
beginnings at about the same time that William The concept of the cycle of erosion is a mas- developed in any previous cycle. In fact, the
Morris Davis (1850-1934) was formulating his terpiece of synthesis. As Davis readily admitted, completion of any cycle would remove all ves-
grand scheme of landscape evolution. the ideas needed to formulate a cyclic thesis tiges of prior topography, and thus gaps in the
Davis rose quickly from a rather insecure were already available to him in the writings of evolutionary sequence were inevitable. This left
position as an instructor of physical geography Powell, Gilbert, Dutton, and T. C. Chamberlain. room for creative thinking rather than direct
at Harvard University to become a world- Davis viewed his own contribution as that of observation, and geological events, including
renowned physiographer. It is ironic that Davis integrating diffuse landforms into a model for peneplanation, were imagined as occurring
had no formal training in physical geography, the evolution of regional landscapes. He stated within the intervals of observational gaps in
but, in fact, earned degrees in geology and min- in a 1922 paper published in the Geological order to explain the denudational history (see
ing engineering, and his early publications were Society of America Bulletin (Davis, 1922, Johnson, 1931).
devoted more to meteorology than either geol- p. 594-595): One of the more appealing aspects of Davi-
ogy or geography (Chorley and others, 1973). It sian geomorphology to geologists was the con-
is fair to say that the vehicle of his ascent to The essence and object of the scheme of the cycle does cept of the peneplain, even though Davis readily
world prominence was one great idea called the not lie in its terminology, but in its capacity to set forth admitted that we have no modern peneplains to
"geographical cycle" or the cycle of erosion. the reasonableness of land forms and to replace the study (Davis, 1899b, p. 232-233);
This theory of landscape evolution was intro- arbitrary, empirical methods of description formerly in
universal use, by a rational, explanatory method in
duced in his early papers (Davis, 1889, 1890,
accord with the evolutionary philosophy of the mod- While it may be true that there are today no extensive
1899a) and was woven into his writings in one ern era. All the older descriptions of land forms treated peneplains still standing close to the sea level with
form or another throughout his life. each form by and for itself. The idea that certain respect to which they were denuded, the examples
groups of forms may be arranged in a genetic sequence given in this and in the preceding section seem to me
As most geologists know, Davis' ideal cycle
based upon structure, process and stage, and the to prove that the Earth contains many approximations
of erosion begins with rapid uplift of a landmass further idea that the different form-elements of a given to the peneplain condition, inasmuch as it preserves
and is followed by a long period of tectonic structural mass are at each stage of its physiographic some excellent fossil peneplains; and that the strati-
quiescence during which the landscape pro- evolution systematically related to one another, were graphic as well as the physiographic method of in-
gresses through a sequence of stages which he not then recognized. vestigation yields abundant and accordant evidence
of their occurrence.
called "youth, maturity, and old age." As a re-
gion evolved from one stage into another, its The intellectual climate at the end of the 19th
characteristic landforms also changed. When century was perfect for a concept like the cycle Davis never defined a peneplain in succinct
nearly all of the original mass had been removed of erosion. The idea of biological evolution was terms but rather chose to hint at its meaning in
by erosion, what remained had the form of a permeating all disciplines, and "time" became his early papers treating the cycle of erosion.
featureless plain, called a peneplain. The key almost synonymous with continuous and irre- What he gave us were statements such as "ero-
point here is that the properties of landforms versible change. Davis's model was in vogue sional plain near base level," or "a broad surface
were considered to be diagnostic of stage and, and, as seen above, he made the analogy with of very gentle undulation," or "a nearly feature-
therefore, relative time. Thus, Davis thought of organic evolution in his presentations of the less plain." Because of this loose definition,
landforms in the same sense as strata; that is, cycle. every geologist was free to establish his own
both are tools in the analysis of geologic history. Although North American geomorphologists meaning for the term. Unfortunately, many
A region in a youthful stage is characterized generally accepted the cyclic model, the concept failed to recognize that all erosion surfaces are
by a small number of poorly integrated streams was criticized from its very inception. In fact, it not peneplains even though Davis clearly in-
which are actively downcutting in rather narrow soon became apparent that the ideal model envi- tended that certain properties must exist before
valleys, and the topography is dominated by sioned by Davis was extremely difficult to prove an erosion surface can be called a peneplain.
These properties are as follows: (1) the feature nerstone of geomorphic thought for nearly a half uplift rates through time. The Penck model re-
represents the ultimate stage of a Davisian cycle century (Davis, 1905, p. 152): ceived little support in the United States, mainly
and must be formed as a result of one totally because it is based on speculative tectonics, and
complete cycle, (2) it is subcontinental in size, the scheme of the cycle is not meant to include any
because Penck's premature death in 1923 left his
(3) it is a totally erosional landform developed actual examples at all, because it is by intention a classic work (Penck, 1924) incomplete and very
primarily by fluvial action with ancillary weath- scheme of the imagination and not a matter for difficult to understand. In fact, a correct English
ering and mass wasting, (4) it truncates all rock observation. translation did not appear until 1953.
types of differing resistance, (5) the surface is cut L. C. King (1953, 1962) also supported the
near base level, (6) the surface has extremely My purpose for this extensive discussion of concept of evolutionary development of land-
low relief, and (7) erosion forming the peneplain Davisian geomorphology is simply an attempt scapes; however, he rejected Davis' argument
is entirely subaerial. to convince the geological community that the that slopes progressively decline as a landscape
In 1922, Davis made it clear that the base cyclic concept may not be valid and that pene- proceeds through its various evolutionary stages,
level he was talking about was sea level and plains are indeed a rare commodity if, in fact, and he believed that the "normal" climate was
suggested that a peneplain surface may stand they exist or ever existed. Davis, perhaps unin- semiarid. King viewed landscapes as resulting
well above sea level in the interior parts of the tentionally, gave us stringent guidelines as to from parallel slope retreat associated with ever-
landscape. This was presumably included to what constitutes a true peneplain. There is no expanding pediments. His pediplanation cycle
strengthen the case that the high plains area of question that widespread erosion surfaces exist, therefore begins with rapid diastrophism which
Montana (where he claims to have first devel- but identifying these as peneplains or partial is followed by a long period of tectonic quies-
oped the idea) was a peneplain graded to sea peneplains immediately endorses the cyclic con- cence. During tectonic inactivity, the landscape
level. cept when, in fact, such features may not meet changes through stages to an end product called
It is important to note at this juncture that the requisites or may not have evolved through a "pediplain." The basic model is very similar to
Davis' ideal model represents a different type of the distinct stages envisioned by Davis (Hack, Davis' cycle. It differs in that whereas Davis'
historical geomorphology because his stages of 1960; Hint, 1963; Flemal, 1971). Every aspect landscape wears down, King's landscape wears
development are not Gilbert-type punctuated of the cyclic theory has been challenged (see back by headward scarp erosion. His cycle,
events of disequilibrium but passive transitions Flemal, 1971 for review), and almost every therefore, involves progressive integration of
with time as the landscape progresses from major proposed peneplain has been explained in pediments into an expansive surface (Higgins,
youth to peneplain without interruption by up- a different way (Denny, 1956; Hack, 1960; 1976) that is covered by debris and that has a
lift, base-level lowering, or significant climate Steven, 1968). Thus, it has been clear to geo- subdued configuration, broken only by residual
change. This ideal case represents a truly closed morphologists for decades that the cyclic concept knobs of uneroded bedrock.
system where mass and energy provided during is fraught with difficulties and is impossible to The one theory of landscape development
the uplift that initiated the cycle were gradually prove. that attained considerable interest was given to
and irreversibly lost as the cycle ran its course. us by Hack (1960,1976). Hack suggested that in
In the end, little or no mass and energy remained Other Models of Landscape Development the Appalachian region of the eastern United
as the system approached total entropy. States the present topography manifests an equi-
Actually, even denudation chronologists In retrospect, the opposition to Davis' theory librium condition between structure and process.
knew that factors controlling landforms could of landscape evolution and its eventual demise More important, he proposed the hypothesis
rarely, if ever, remain constant long enough for created a large philosophical vacuum in geo- that the evolutionary scheme in Davis' cycle was
any cycle to be totally complete. In fact, all morphology with no comprehensive model that not necessary to explain the landscape. Instead,
geologists recognized that certain landforms might serve as a fundamental guideline for geo- it is equally likely that the components of the
were out of phase with the present cycle; that is, morphic research. As a result, other theories of topography were rapidly adjusted to one another
landscapes are palimpsets of forms presumed to landscape development were suggested. In and thereafter maintained in a condition of dy-
be remnants of different incomplete cycles. The general, the most prominent of these accepted namic equilibrium. After this equilibrium was
evidence cited for incomplete cycles was erosion Davis' basic idea that landform development was established, and assuming that erosional energy
surfaces of limited areal extent, commonly re- cyclic and controlled by structure, process, and remained constant, all elements of the landscape
ferred to as "partial peneplains." The preserva- time. They deviated from Davis, however, on downwasted at the same rate. This preserved the
tion of such features suggested that cycles were whether slope declivity changed with time in the topographic configuration through time.
not free to go to completion, but were rejuve- manner suggested by the geographical cycle, In Hack's dynamic equilibrium model, (1) re-
nated (made young) by uplift or eustatic and on the importance of endogenic processes. lief and form are explained in spatial rather than
changes of base level. Thus, any landscape could Walther Penck (1924, 1953) stressed how dif- temporal terms, (2) landscapes become essen-
have youthful characteristics superimposed on ferent rates of crustal movement relative to ero- tially time independent, and (3) the interaction
areas containing mature or old-age characteris- sion rates would produce characteristic slope between process and structure (lithology) domi-
tics. The result was interpretive confusion be- segments and forms. Regional doming, for ex- nates the system. Hack envisioned the "maturely
cause denudation chronologists were trying to fit ample, would theoretically begin with accelerat- dissected peneplain" of Davis and denudation
Gilbert's disequilibrium events into a model that ing uplift rates that resulted in steepened slopes chronologists as representing the equilibrium
was not suited to accommodate such events, and and a general convexity of slope forms (Chorley form in the central Appalachians rather than
therefore much of Davis' professional life was and others, 1984). With time, however, uplift simply being a stage along the way in the pro-
devoted to explaining exceptions to or interrup- rates would decline and rapid parallel retreat of gression toward Davisian old age. This model is
tions of the ideal case. In fact, in defense of the the upper-slope segments would destroy the in- a significant diversion from those of Davis,
concept he gave us the following remarkable itial convexity. Thus, a cycle of landform devel- Penck, and King because it has no cyclic impli-
statement about a model that served as the cor- opment was directly related to the change in cation nor does it assume any conditions of con-
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example might be the concept of a graded It is incorrect, however, to suggest that all that they occur with enough frequency to rule
river as expressed by Mackin (1948) and refined landscapes will be reduced to low relief given out prolonged and progressive evolution of a
by Knox (1976). enough time. Considerable evidence exists to landscape. In light of this, the suggestion can be
Steady time is so short (days to months) that suggest that large portions of the Earth's surface made that no model of long-term landscape de-
no change is detectable in the landscape variable are very old and have changed little since middle velopment can ever be totally satisfactory to all
during this interval (Fig. 1). Studies such as the Tertiary or even before (King, 1950; Twidale, geomorphologists because evidence needed to
hydraulic geometry of rivers (Leopold and 1976, 1985; Twidale and others, 1976; Oilier, prove or disprove such models is lost when
Maddock, 1953) are reflecting events occurring 1979; Sevon, 1985; Bloom, 1985). Some of landscapes adjust during or following periods of
during steady time, but they are not applicable these paleosurfaces have been exhumed during disequilibrium. The search for evidence of
for analyses over longer time intervals. Thus, the the Cenozoic. Some of great antiquity (see Twi- cyclic-time landscape development, whether in
static condition demonstrated by hydraulic dale, 1976), however, have apparently survived equilibrium or in stages of evolution, may there-
geometry cannot be used as evidence that a river long exposures to weathering and erosion and, fore be an exercise in futility. No one can cor-
is in equilibrium over a graded or cyclic time although slightly modified, have retained their rectly piece together the effects of graded-time
interval. original configuration throughout cyclic-time events into a model of landscape development
The above discussion is meant to emphasize spans. considered over cyclic time scales. It may be that
that the concept of equilibrium is clearly Twidale (1976) suggests that the survival of the imprint of tectonism and climatic change
dependent on the time factor. For example, paleosurfaces, essentially intact with respect to creates such diversity in the landscape that plac-
dynamic equilibrium as expressed by Hack relief and position of ridges and valleys, is prob- ing all of these elements into one comprehensive
suggests that landscapes simply downwaste with ably a function of several factors that create ex- theory of landscape development is extremely
time while maintaining an unchanging configu- tremely low rates of denudation. First, spatial difficult, if not impossible (Higgins, 1976).
ration. The major assumption, of course, is that variations of diastrophism may place paleosur-
factors controlling landforms (process and struc- faces in the cores of continents or mountain THE EMPHASIS IN MODERN
ture) remain constant in rate and character. ranges where the land surface is less vulnerable GEOMORPHOLOGY
In reality (and certainly recognized by Hack), to erosion. Second, river erosion within any
external factors that affect process (climate, large catchment may be localized to the extent It now seems certain that the philosophical
tectonics) are subject to repeated alterations. that upland areas or ridges are significantly less vacuum created by the disenchantment with
Landforms, therefore, assuredly change with affected by erosion than are the valley floors. Davisian geomorphology was not replaced by
time, and the true meaning of equilibrium de- Third, where slope retreat is the dominant another general theory of landscape develop-
pends on the time interval over which the bal- process of landscape development, upland pa- ment but instead was filled by a dramatic shift of
anced condition is being considered. Over cyclic leosurfaces bounded by abrupt scarps become emphasis in geomorphic analyses. This change
time, for example, landscapes might continu- protected. This occurs because the rate of scarp in direction represents the real return to Gilbert,
ously lose mass and energy as they presumably retreat is slowed when coarse debris derived because geomorphologists turned away from
approach, but perhaps never attain, some equi- from the bluffs collects in gullies crossing the discussions concerning the viability of various
librium condition. During this march to total slopes. Because gullying is primarily responsible landscape-development models and espoused
entropy, however, numerous graded-time alter- for regrading slopes and continued scarp retreat, Gilbert's preoccupation with process and how
nations of equilibrium and disequilibrium may the coarse debris effectively protects channels processes and landforms adjust to bursts of dis-
occur which mask the type of landform devel- from further gully erosion. Therefore, the system equilibrium within graded-time intervals. The
opment occurring over cyclic time. It is even becomes self regulating, especially where coarse philosophical shift did not occur because the
possible, as suggested by Schumm (1976), that debris survives for extended periods under arid- Davisian or any other model was wrong. In-
landscape components such as stream gradients climate weathering. Thus, in contrast to closed stead, the approach couched in the models was
and valley floor altitudes do not progressively systems seeking total entropy, some parts of the simply not germane to the concepts and ques-
decrease during cyclic time. Instead, functions Earth's surface have been essentially unaltered tions associated with the new wave of geomor-
inherent in fluvial systems prevent their reduc- during cyclic time, even though the systems are phology (Baker and Pyne, 1978; Sevon and
tion with time, and the geomorphically normal open and commonly subjected to repeated up- others, 1983).
denudation history is composed of brief episodes lift. This happens because unique geologic con-
The above discussion is not meant to imply
of instability and incision separated by long pe- trols isolate and protect these areas from rapid
that studies of geological processes were totally
riods of stability (dynamic metastable equilib- denudation.
abandoned during the Davisian era; on the con-
rium; Schumm, 1977). Notwithstanding these
Accepting the probability that some relatively trary, numerous process studies were conducted
arguments, intuition may still suggest that given
high geomorphic surfaces are very old, the single in the first half of this century. Examples can be
enough time most (but not necessarily all)
remaining difficulty with models of long-term cited for the analysis of river mechanics and
landscapes will progress to the lowest possible
landscape development is demonstrating how channel form (Rubey, 1938; Hjulstrom, 1939;
relief, and some regions could even attain an
landforms change during shorter intervals of dis- Friedkin, 1945), wind processes (Bagnold,
eroded surface similar in form to a Davisian
equilibrium set within the cyclic-time span. To- 1941), glacial mechanics (Perutz, 1950), slope
peneplain, although it may be impossible to to-
pography as we see it may be dominated by processes (Horton, 1945; Terzaghi, 1950),
tally remove interfluve hills (Horton, 1945).
adjustments to the graded-time episodes of dis- coastal and beach processes (Keulegan and
Landscapes may attain this ultimate form in dif-
equilibrium envisioned by Gilbert. Indeed, these Krumbein, 1949; Bascom, 1951), and perigla-
ferent ways, but in a closed system seeking com-
perturbations may only be a "blip" in terms of cial mechanics (Taber, 1930; Grawe, 1946).
plete entropy over vast time spans any region
cyclic geomorphology. We must entertain the Compared to the sheer volume of work concern-
might reach a greatly subdued topographic
possibility that geomorphic history is nothing ing cyclic geomorphology, however, the re-
more than a continuum of "blips," however, and search dedicated to process analysis was, at best,
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minor and at worst, a geological disgrace. In physical geomorphology. In fact, Horton sug- between landforms and processes on larger
fact, much of the process-oriented research was gested that landscapes cannot proceed to a scales than the micro-spatial studies that typified
left by default to civil engineers, and very little Davisian peneplain. Instead, hydrophysical laws our early attempts to understand process. For
was conducted by geologists. What geomor- require a definite endpoint to the development example, the realization that some landforms re-
phologists lacked during the period between the of streams and valleys that demands the survival flect an accommodation between process and
waning influence of Davis and the rise of proc- of interfluve hills or divides in a regional structural control (and also tectonic history) is
ess geomorphology was a clear reason to landscape. the basis of a relatively new subdiscipline, called
change emphasis and a philosophical framework A. N. Strahler (1952) appealed to geologists "tectonic geomorphology," that is already en-
or paradigm that demonstrated the common to adopt a dynamic basis for geomorphology. In trenched in modern geomorphic practice and
bond between the variety of process studies Strahler's dynamic model, processes are anala- stands on the brink of enormous geologic utility
being conducted. gous to stresses acting on different geological (Bull and McFadden, 1977; Keller and others,
The philosophical framework of process materials to produce characteristic varieties of 1982; Colman and Watson, 1983; Bull, 1984).
geomorphology was not established precipi- strain or failure. The failures manifest responses Carried to an even greater scale, the expanding
tously; rather, the basic premises involved in this to stress and ultimately express the mechanics of comprehension of process geomorphology has
type of geomorphology were gradually put in weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposi- helped to provide a firm scientific basis for
place over a period of several decades. One rea- tion as accommodations between stress and planetary geology. Much of the geological inter-
son for the shift to process geomorphology may strain. Furthermore, he suggested that such a pretation of extraterrestrial bodies relies heavily
have been that many geologists serving in the dynamic approach requires that processes be on analyses of surficial landscapes. It follows,
armed forces during World War II were placed analyzed in terms of open systems which tend to therefore, that reasonable interpretations de-
in a milieu of pragmatic science (Sevon and oth- achieve a steady-state condition and may be self- mand a detailed understanding of the genetic
ers, 1983; Tinkler, 1985). Questions being regulating. These systems and process mechanics relationship between process and form.
asked about the Earth's surface during the war should be expressable in mathematical models Space technology has also worked in the op-
effort were more concerned with how processes derived by both rational and empirical analyses posite direction by giving us a perception of the
worked rather than when landforms developed. of observed data. Strahler's work clearly demon- process/form relationships on Earth that may
Geomorphologists conducting this type of re- strates the dramatic shift in geomorphology not be easily derived by normal land-based in-
search continued along those lines after the war. from a historical to a physical science. It repre- vestigations. The ongoing NASA program de-
This thrust, coupled with the frustration that re- sents the first real attempt to establish a voted to analysis of Mars has generated an
search based on landscape-development models philosophical framework for process studies, enormous volume of research that revealed in-
resulted in interpretations that were always open and therefore his paper can reasonably be cited sights about a variety of Earth processes and
to debate (Bishop, 1980; Tinkler, 1985) and had as the beginning of process geomorphology as a landforms, including wind action, catastrophic
little utility in geoscience, may have provided distinct subdiscipline. flooding, thermokarst, sapping, mass move-
the impetus for the change in geomorphic The analysis of processes has now matured to ments, drainage and valley evolution, and vol-
emphasis. the point where we are again asking the critical canic landscapes (for reviews see Sharp, 1980;
Studies documenting the establishment of questions about how processes determine the Baker, 1981, 1982). The multitude of papers
process geomorphology as a distinct subdisci- specific character of landforms. In fact, many resulting from this program established a solid
pline are too numerous to mention in this short geomorphologists are looking at the relationship basis for comparative process analyses. In addi-
discussion. Table 1 is presented as my own in-
terpretation of some critical steps taken in de-
geomorphology. It is not intended to be all in- FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY
In 1945, R. E. Horton used hydrophysical Leopold and Maddock, 1953 Analysis of hydraulic geometry and the
demonstration of equilibrium between fluvial
principles to examine how infiltration, runoff, parameters.
and slope-surface characteristics were combined Chorley, 1962 Argues the importance of the open-system approach
to initiate stream channels and ultimately lead to in geomorphology because it emphasizes tendency
toward adjustment between process and form.
an orderly drainage network that was amenable Stresses utility of open-system analysis for
nonprogressive landscape changes with time.
to statistical analysis. Therefore, this paper ap-
Schümm and Iichty, 1965 Introduces a time framework for geomorphic
pears to be the initial attempt at quantitative analyses and stresses the importance of time in
geomorphology. Although his analysis of slope the study of fluvial behavior.
hydrology was later shown to be inappropriate Schümm, 1969 Attempt to demonstrate how rivers might respond
to changes in discharge and load.
for humid climate situations, Horton's work
Schümm, 1973 Introduction of the threshold concept and complex
probably represents the first clear attempt after e in fluvial systems.
Gilbert to treat regional phenomena as part of
Figure 2. Magnitudes of geo- SLOPES
morphic processes which pose a »VERTICAL DOWNWASTINQ
hazard to the long-term stability
of uranium tailings disposal sites
in northwestern New Mexico. • HEADCUTTING
Processes having the highest -AGGRADATION
rates pose the greatest threat . B A N K ACCRETION
— » - M E A N D E R GROWTH
(from Wells and Gardner, 1985).
' I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I _l I L-
tion, Landsat photography and other space- A LOOK IN THE CRYSTAL BALL example see Craig, in press). Computer-gener-
borne techniques allowed us to directly examine ated theories about cyclic-time landscape evolu-
the Earth's surface and make cogent interpreta- Assuming that we understand what geomor- tion are still theories about landscape evolution,
tions about processes and landforms on a re- phology is today and how it became that way, it and emphasis on that goal will probably leave us
gional basis. is fair to ask where the discipline will be going in as scientifically sterile as we were in the Davi-
Geomorphology today, therefore, is attempt- the future? Each geomorphologist will view that sian era. The next generation of geomorpholo-
ing to analyze processes over a wide spectrum of journey in a different way. In fact, no individual gists thus will probably utilize the power of
temporal and spatial scales and to utilize a va- possesses a blueprint for this field, nor can computer technology to address different types
riety of investigative techniques. It is incorrect, anyone begin to espouse all of the divergent of landscape problems and to conduct different
however, to think that the shift toward process opinions that exist concerning future develop- types of geomorphic analyses.
geomorphology means that historical geomor- ments in geomorphology. The following, there- If geomorphology is to remain as a viable part
phology has been abandoned in the discipline as fore, merely represents my own, admittedly of geoscience, it is mandatory that future re-
it now stands. Nothing could be farther from the biased, perception of what lies ahead. search in this discipline provide geologists and
truth. Landforms do reflect the effects of dias- Tinkler (1985) presented a convincing argu- geophysicists with useful information. That aim
trophism and climate and, more important, epi- ment that the rise of computer technology has can be accomplished in several ways. First,
sodic bursts of tectonic activity and climate brought us to the brink of a new wave of theo- geologists should become more cognizant that
change. In fact, much of the topography as we rizing about landscapes. The rationale, of the traits of many large surficial systems are di-
see it today may be dominated by adjustments course, is that the computer can assume all rect reflections of plate tectonics; that is, the
to Quaternary climate change and/or diastro- possible environmental controls for landscape geomorphic framework and process mechanics
phism. These events represent important ingre- systems and reveal any discontinuities in land- are conditioned by plate-tectonic style. Each par-
dients of geological history and, as such, scape development that exist as a function of ticular type of plate margin is likely to engender
deservedly receive the attention of geomorphol- those controls. An array of simulation models a unique set of surface processes and distinct
ogists. In conjunction with soils studies, paly- can therefore be produced that might be closer landforms and geomorphic history (for example,
nology, and dating techniques, landform to the truth about landform development than uplift and erosion rates, terrace sequences, re-
characteristics are still being used to interpret those derived from short-term data or those con- gional erosion surfaces, raised and tilted shore-
Pleistocene and Holocene history, in addition to ceived in the minds of geomorphologists who line features). Geomorphic analyses, combined
increasing our understanding of how process preceded sophisticated electronics. I agree with with geophysical and geological data, should
mechanics change in response to tectonism or Tinkler that such computer-generated models therefore be useful in identifying plate-boundary
climatic alteration. It seems clear, however, that are inevitable. The tools needed to create the conditions and how the mechanics operating at
the primary goal of historical geomorphology models are available, and it is unrealistic to those boundaries have functioned through time.
has changed from one of theoretical landscape expect that they will not be used in such an Research linking geomorphology and plate tec-
evolution over cyclic time to one that is similar endeavor. It is important, however, that geo- tonics has already begun (Judson, 1975; Oilier,
to Gilbert's analyses of punctuated events of morphologists use computers to develop insights 1979; Gilpin and others, 1981; Strecker and
disequilibrium. about significant problems and concerns (for others, 1984; Tosdal and others, 1984; Taylor
Downloaded from on March 6, 2015
168 D. F. RITTER
Climate change
Runoff a
Sediment a
Upstream On Site Downstream
Variables Up Down Up Down Up Down
Runoff 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sediment yield
+ + 0 0
- •
yield +
+ + 0 - or + 0 + 0
Note: Symbols (+, - , 0) indicate increase, decrease, or no change, respectively. Data adapted from Schumm and others, 1982.
and others, 1985), but much more can be ex- duced in source areas or, in the case of gaps in events preserved in the stratigraphie record is
pected in the future. the terrestrial record, erosion spurred by base- filtered through a geomorphic screen, regardless
Second, geomorphologists should stress the level decline or diastrophism (Kraus and Mid- of the primary climatic or tectonic cause.
fact that details contained in the stratigraphie dleton, 1987). In either case, it is important to Although geologists have always utilized tec-
record reflect changes of sediment type pro- note that evidence of erosional or depositional tonism or climate change to explain changes in
Fluvial Activity
A. Drainage networks
1. Erosion
a. rejuvenation bedrock 0.3-0.5 cm/yr 0.01-0.04 cm/yr
b. extension alluvium up to 50.0 cm/yr up to 0.2 cm/yr
2. Deposition alluvium 0.5 cm/yr 0.25-0.30 cm/yr
(valley floor)
3. Pattern change Development of drainage Increased drainage Reduction to
networks in valley floors density watershed size
B. Slopes
1. Erosion
a. Vertical downwasting sandstone/sand alluvium 0.3-2.5 cm/yr
mudtone/shale 0.1-0.5 cm/yr
bedrock 0.3-0.5 cm/yr
b. Gullying/piping alluvium up to 10.5 m/yr
(lateral extension)
C. Channels
1. Erosion
a. Incision alluvium 6.5-50.0 cm/yr 0.25-0.45 cm/yr
b. Headcutting alluvium 1.0-12.5 m/yr
c. Erosion alluvium 1.5-8.0 m/yr
2. Deposition
a. Channel floor 4.0-30.0 cm/yr 0.025-0.400 cm/yr
b. Bank accretion 1.5-6.0 m/yr
3. Pattern Change
a. Meander growth alluvium 2.0-8.0 m/yr
b. Cutoff activity alluvium 3 per 50 yr
4. Metamorphosis
a. Complete pattern change braided to meandering
b. Channel width-depth ratio decrease decrease
sedimentary sequences or to reconstruct paleo- type of hazard that exists over the time span
geography, too many nagging questions remain THRESHOLD ERODING
involved (Fig. 2).
about how the geomorphic screens function in Long-term landform stability (>10,000 yr) is
response to climate change or tectonism for us to a critical factor in decisions involving safe stor-
assume that these interpretive leaps are easy or age of high-level nuclear wastes and mine tail-
correct. The truth is that sudden changes in a ings. In fact, guidelines for those decisions have
sedimentary sequence cannot be confidently at- already been developed (Schumm and others,
tributed to a specific geological cause until we 1982; Wells and Gardner, 1985), and continu-
know more about the intermediate phase of ing interest in the topic is suggested by a work-
geomorphic response. In fact, abrupt change in TIME shop at the 1987 Geological Society of America
the depositional sequence is reflecting thresh- national meeting (Site Characterization for
olds, complex response and episodic behavior B High-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal; R. G.
within geomorphic systems, and we are only Craig, organizer). It is important to recognize,
beginning to understand how those phenomena however, that prediction of stability over millen-
are reflected in a sedimentary sequence nia cannot be totally based on measurements of
(Schumm, 1981). Geomorphologists must there- modern process rates. Instead, these analyses re-
fore provide the information needed to bridge quire a detailed understanding of geomorphic
the interpretive gap between what remains in the history in the area being considered for a poten-
stratigraphic record and what geological events tial storage site. In fact, dating the sequence of
LLLL n i it i in.
occurred to produce that record. TIME landform development during the Holocene and
Notwithstanding the essential nature of the Pleistocene provides the link needed to estimate
above, there exist numerous other research long-term process rates and the rigor of systemic
avenues that geomorphology might follow. responses to tectonism and/or climate change.
Therefore, rather than attempting to consider Identification of hazards is clearly based on
each possibility, a brief discussion of one exam- the tacit assumption that we know the condi-
ple may epitomize the kinds of activities loom- tions at which a significant change in process or
ing in the future. This potential direction was landform will occur; that is, geomorphic thresh-
chosen because it is both theoretical and applied olds (Schumm, 1973; Coates and Vitek, 1980)
in scope; furthermore, work already accom- I I I I 1 I
are predictable for all systems and under all
plished along this line indicates that it contains TIME temporal and spatial scales. This assumption is
both a physical and historical component in the simply not valid at present, and therefore a
research involved. Therefore, it is possible that Figure 3. Different perceptions of geomor- major research effort is needed before we can
the geomorphic unity we have been seeking will phic thresholds. (A) Constant threshold realize the enormous potential resting in the
eventually be found in this or similar types of values with time (after Schumm, 1973); threshold concept.
efforts. (B) decreasing threshold values; (C) increas- Thresholds exist in all geomorphic systems,
ing threshold values. (From Beven, 1981.) but we are still uncertain as to which of the
Landform Stability, Thresholds, many threshold crossings will produce responses
and Event Effectiveness that signal landform instability. For example, we
might ask whether an extreme or catastrophic
Geologists and engineers are increasingly precipitation and runoff event will cause a last-
aware that identification of geomorphic hazards form stability must be maintained. Nonetheless, ing effect on fluvial processes or landforms?
over various temporal and spatial scales is an the predictive methodology is similar in most Such events normally produce scouring of
important consideration in environmental plan- cases because identifying hazards requires direct channels and erosion of banks or valley-side
ning. Geomorphic hazards can be defined as any application of knowledge concerning geomor- slopes, but we cannot be certain if those thresh-
change which disrupts landform stability in a phic processes, especially how those processes old crossings portend the onset of a graded-
manner that produces an adverse effect on living might change in rate or character when they are time episode of degradation or landform
things (Chorley and others, 1984). Because sta- affected by tectonism, climate change, or human destruction. Our ability to predict suffers be-
ble landforms are those that are unthreatened by activity. In fluvial systems, for example, changes cause we do not understand the effectiveness of
geomorphic hazards (Scheidegger, 1975), identi- in those controlling factors result in altered run- geomorphic events in terms of the time needed
fication of hazards is directly linked to predic- off or sediment yield which are the precursors for channels or slopes to recover their original
tion of landform stability. of threshold-related phases of disequilibrium character after a disruptive event (recovery time
Hazard identification is desirable in a variety that require a response in processes or landforms of Wolman and Gerson, 1978). In some cases,
of societal concerns such as (1) slope and river (Table 2). Identifying a hazard, therefore, in- recovery time may be short enough to erase the
channel stability related to highway and bridge volves a systematic appraisal of geomorphic effect of the threshold crossing before another
construction, (2) drainage network development processes and their rates operating within the event of similar magnitude can occur. The sys-
associated with mined lands reclamation, and area of concern. Hydrologic regime (flood fre- tem, therefore, will experience no long-term
(3) storage of hazardous wastes. Each analysis is quency and magnitude) is usually an important change, as it will revert to its original condition.
unique because the potential hazards differ ac- component of the analysis. Data are commonly Longer recovery times may result in the opposite
cording to the area being considered (regional tabulated to provide the basis for prediction of effect. Unfortunately, different components of a
versus local scale) and the time over which land- landform stability (Table 3) and the most likely drainage basin system are not on the same
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170 D. F. RITTER
threshold clock, and therefore the analysis of (Hayden, 1985). It also presents a unique oppor- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
effectiveness is more complex than it seems. For tunity to couple mega-geomorphic characteris-
example, Anderson and Calver (1977) found tics with various plate-tectonic settings which, as Discussions with R. C. Kochel and J. Miller
that channel deepening produced in the Cannon suggested above, is a probable topic for future and constructive reviews by J. Costa, A. Bloom,
Hill valley of southwest England would proba- geomorphic research. The influence of structural J. Utgaard, J. Miller, S. Miller, and R. C. Ko-
bly survive longer than the recurrence interval of fabric on thresholds, effectiveness of events, and chel were instrumental in providing focus to the
the flood that produced the entrenchment; how- process mechanics has yet to be determined. manuscript. Their help is greatly appreciated,
ever, channel-side erosion scars that formed in Clearly, these relationships must be detailed in and any value found in the paper is largely due
the same event were healed quickly. Clearly, future studies before we can hope to confident- to their efforts. I also thank M. G. Wolman and
different geomorphic components were dis- ly predict geomorphic hazards and landform R. G. Craig for sharing thoughts on their unpub-
rupted by the same event, but responses to the stability. lished work. Interpretations and all shortcom-
threshold crossings involved varied with regard ings found in the paper are my own.
to their ephemeral or lasting effect on the SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
Effectiveness analyses are further complicated In this paper, I have attempted to show that
because statistical recurrence intervals of events multiplicity of approach and purpose is not new
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American Journal of Science, v. 278, p. 97-123.
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