Opening Remarks From Assistant Commissioner Lipinski: Action

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

LMD Labour Management Committee Meeting

Commanding Officers Boardroom, E Division Headquarters
14:00 to 16:00

Management Representatives
A/Commr Norm Lipinski
Ryan Savelieff
Parmi Gill
S/Sgt. Sherri Darrah

LMD District Commander

PSHR Manager
PSHR Consultant
Executive NCO to A/Commr. Lipinski

Union Representatives
Phil Carriere
Janet Henerson
Krystal Rowell
Deborah Paterson
Ernestine Prasad

President USGE Local 20011
Vice President USGE Local 20011
Vice President USGE
Secretary/Shop Steward USGE

PIPSC Representative
Mike Bola
Lori Bowerman


Association of Canadian Financial Officers

Karen Hall

Executive Vice President, ACFO

Amanda Silvestre

LMD Administrative Assistant

Meeting commenced at 1400 hrs and chaired by Assistant Commissioner Norm Lipinski.
Opening Remarks from Assistant Commissioner Lipinski

A/Commr. Lipinski welcomed everyone to the meeting and all attendees had the opportunity to
introduce themselves.
Mike Bola, PIPSC has replaced Dee Farough at this Forum.
Attendees discussed structure of LMD LMCC meetings for future meetings, A/Commr. Lipinski is
looking for ways to be more efficient.
o Previously agenda item submissions went through Ryan Savelieff and he would
determine which items required context and follow-up.
o All attendees agreed upon the new recommended process/format when submitting an
agenda item by identifying the below bullets on a 1 page document.
Background bullets
o Concerns were raised that the new process/format will cause extra work, union reps are
currently doing union work on their own time.

Action: To be discussed at the next meeting.

Discussed One Page Summary Documents on Action Items From The April 23rd Meeting
Worksite Bulletin Boards - Agenda Item E4
Refer to Appendix A.
Business rules for the electronic display system are in the process of being approved.
Action: Union Reps to claim area in kitchenettes for posting union info.
Access to Lockers Agenda Item E3
Refer to Appendix B.
Pay Issues Agenda Item E2
Refer to Appendix C.
Long term issues include back pay, over a year waiting period and acting pay for term and
indeterminate employees, 7 ongoing files in total.
The Public Service Pay Centre in Miramichi does not hold records of employees with the last
name Alpha A-B; this is a systemic issue that is not working.
Meeting attendees are requesting that a communiqu go out with contact information and also to
provide an update and advise that files are in transfer.
Action: Ryan Savelieff to follow-up and we will discuss at the next meeting.

Code Agenda Item E1

Refer to Appendix D.
CMB policy was sent out last year advising no jeans and flip flops in the work place.
Informatics has also sent out a memo to their employees on dress requirements.
The interpretation of the Treasury Board Policy is subjective, clean, neat, tidy, and professional.
E Division requires consistence on this issue.

Action: Ryan Savelieff to send bulletin from CMB to A/Commr. Lipinski and A/Commr. Lipinski will
advance dress code issues for discussion and recommendation to other senior managers.
Discussed Outstanding Action Items from Previous Meeting
Revision of Terms of Reference Agenda Item B1
Background Info: HRO was formerly the lead management representative for the forum; LMD District
Commander requested to take on role as lead management representative to demonstrate alignment
with other District LMCCs and to emphasize line management engagement and accountability for
discussing and resolving workplace issues. Requesting support for revision of Terms of Reference to
reflect the District Commander as the new lead management representative for this committee.

Meeting attendees were all in agreement to move to a co-chair.

The Terms of reference will be discussed and advanced for approval at the next LMD LMCC
Role and assigned tenure of co-chair to also be discussed at the next LMD LMCC meeting.

Action: Ryan Savelieff to disseminate the draft Terms of Reference document prior to the next meeting,
everyone please review it in preparation for discussions at the LMD LMCC meeting.

Core Hours Collective Agreement vs Green Timbers Agenda Item B2

Background Info: USGE raised concerns that management is establishing work hours that do not respect
the rights/entitlements set out in the collective agreement regarding hours of work.

There is no Green Timbers Core hours established, core hours based on the Collective Agreement
are 7am to 6pm.
Hours of work identified by each unit manager are based on mandate, operation requirements,
service standard, etc.; this is subject to interpretation.
The mandate of units has adopted the Green Timbers mandate.
Discussed the CBSA case and how it impacted family status and the many grievances that were
Mike Bola advised that he currently has 16 grievance related to shifts.
Attendees advised LMD LMCC management that there was no consultation in decision making
from senior managers to employees; Management is not aware of processes/authorities.
Most employees have had their shifts changed.
Deborah Paterson advised that the Green Timbers HVAC system is not operational on non-core
hours and it is an extra cost to have it running in specific units, it is only operational for 24/7

Action: A/Commr. Lipinski will advance the issue to the Divisional Executive Committee (DEC) and
perhaps form a committee or working group.
Efficiency Review Results and Impact of 10hr/day, 4day/week, Variable Work Schedule
Agenda Item B3
Background Info: USGE and PIPSC have raised concerns that management is establishing work schedules
that do not respect rights/entitlements set out in collective agreements regarding variable work
hours/flexible work schedules.

There are no results at the present time for the Efficiency review.
Mike Bola advised of a gazette article posted on our info web that encourages organizations to
move to a 10hr work day.

Action: A/Commr. Lipinski will advance the issue to the Divisional Executive Committee (DEC) and
perhaps form a committee or working group.
Make-up of Occupational and Safety Committee Agenda Item B4
Background info: USGE has raised concerns that the identification of members for our Occupational
Health and Safety Committee is not in compliance with Part II of the Canada Labour Code. The recent
practice has been that employee representatives for OH&S Committees have identified through
expressions of interest by employees and Unions have the right/responsibility to identify employee
representatives through consultation amongst approved employee representation.

Current employee co-chair does not have an employee mandate to represent employees; a
grievance pertaining to this has been filed.
There are legal issues on interpretation of Part II of the Canada Labour Code both sides have
received advice that they are in the right; Options for resolving will be discussed at the next
OH&S Committee Meeting scheduled on July 3rd.
Deborah Paterson was voted the employee co-chair alternate.

Action: On-going issue; requires follow-up from LMD LMCC management.

Return to Work Advisors in PSHR Agenda Item B5

Refer to Appendix E.
New tools to be implemented on a trail/pilot basis include: Twenty page guide and one page
checklist for managers and fit note.
Union reps requested that the tools be sent out on a communiqu and be posted on the Infoweb.
Union reps are recommending that PSHR provide leave reports to managers.
Action: Agenda item for the next meeting and Ryan Savelieff to determine next steps for a
communications plan and to disseminate checklist for feedback/discussion at the next meeting.
Acting Letters of Offer Not Being Sent In a Timely Manner Agenda Item B6
Background Info: USGE has raised general concerns regarding delays in processing of acting pay and
providing employees with acting letters. Acting letters are not prepared/generated for acting periods of
less than four months. The generation of documentation and processing of acting pay may be delayed by
workload/backlogs for PSHR or compensation, as well as delays in the receipt of materials from the hiring

Discussed how managers have the authority to pick if they wish to advertise or not to advertise
Acting Opportunities.

Action: PSHR is looking to bridge the gaps on case by case basis.

Closing Remarks from Assistant Commissioner Lipinski
Continue progress and refine procedures for the LMD LMCC Forum.
Agenda items are currently backlogged and are a work in progress.

All remaining agenda items will be discussed at the next LMD LMCC meeting.
Next Meeting: Late September 2013 (TBD)
Meeting adjourned at 16:00 hours.

Original signed by:

Original signed by:

A/Commr. Norm Lipinski

LMD District Commander

Phil Carriere

Date: __________________

Date: ___________________

Original signed by:

Original signed by:

Janet Henderson
President USGE Local 20011

Mike Bola

Date: __________________

Date: ____________________

Original signed by:

Karen Hall
Executive Vice President, ACFO
Date: __________________

Labour Management Consultation Committee

RE: Identified Issues

Issue Bulletin Board Space

The collective bargaining agreement stipulates that management must provide bulletin board space to
post union business.

Each kitchenette, 3 per floor, is equipped with a magnetic white board intended for use by union, OSH
and other committees needing to post bulletins. The second option discussed was the electronic display
system, this system is managed through the Info Web team, Senior Communication Strategist, Deborah
Skaey. Postings must conform to posting regulations, they must not exceed 40 characters, no
advertisements, as well there is a time duration attached to the post. All posts must be approved by Ms

Union representatives have full access to the magnetic boards in each of the kitchenettes to post material.
Access to the electronic display system is managed by Senior Communication Strategist; it can be used by
union personal if messaging criteria conforms to regulations.

Labour Management Consultation Committee

RE: Identified Issues
Issue #1

The issue of locker access for Public Service Staff was raised.

Each floor in Green Timbers have lockers which are assigned to regular member staff to house uniform
and use of force options. Day use lockers are available in the hall outside the gym, as well as in the gym
change rooms. The day use lockers are available to everyone on a first come first serve basis; locks can be
signed out at the business center counter if required.

The full time lockers have been assigned, there are several that remain empty but there are no plans to
distribute these lockers as an overflow must be kept for new RMs reporting to the site.

Lower Mainland District Labour-Management

Consultation Committee:
Discussion Support Document
Agenda Item: Pay Issues
Issue: USGE has raised concerns regarding the employers failure to pay employees in a timely manner.

Specific incidents identified include:

o Delay in receipt of acting pay;
o Delay in paying employee following employees return to work after extended absence;
o Delays in paying new employees/workers;
o Delays in paying employees following term extensions;
Incidents occurred prior to, as well as following the centralization of PS Compensation services to
Employees attempted to resolve issues through Compensation phone line without success;

Policy References:

Collective Agreements do not specify compensation service standards;

The Treasury Board Directive on the Terms and Conditions of Employment ( identify the following standards of timeliness for
pay actions:
o On initial appointment, the first cheque, covering the entitlement for the first pay period, should
be available within 10 working days. The exception to this standard is persons paid in arrears,
who should instead receive their first cheque, covering their entitlements based on time worked
in the first pay period, at the end of the second pay period.
o Upon termination of employment, the last cheque should be available within 10 working days of
the struck-off strength effective date.
o All changes in pay should be reflected in the two-week pay period following the one in which
the authorized document is received by the compensation unit.
Departmental Compensation service standards may identify further standards of timeliness.

Proposed solutions:

Chair will raise current situations to HRO for resolution and request that the HRO raise issues with
National Compensation Services to avoid future incidents of this nature.
Communication to be distributed to all E Division employees to provide info on service standards and
resources/mechanisms available for resolving compensation issues.

Lower Mainland District Labour-Management

Consultation Committee:
Discussion Support Document
Agenda Item: Dress Code
Issue: USGE and PIPSC have raised concerns that management is establishing dress codes that do not
respect relevant Treasury Board direction.

Policy References:

Treasury Board does not have a policy on the subject.

Treasury Board guidance on the subject has been limited to the criteria of neat, clean and tidy.
The Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector (, which came into force as of April 1, 2013, outlines the values and expected
behaviours that guide public servants in all activities related to their professional duties. The Values
and Ethics Code for the Public Sector does not address employee dress.
Public servants are expected to abide by this Code and demonstrate the values of the public sector in
their actions and behaviour. Furthermore, public servants must also adhere to the behavioural
expectations set out in their respective organizational codes of conduct. If a public servant does not
abide by these values and expectations, he or she may be subject to administrative or disciplinary
measures up to and including termination of employment.
The only mention of Dress Code for PSEs is in the RCMP PS Manual Chapter 2.3
(, which states:
o 2. 4. An employee must maintain a standard of dress appropriate to his/her position and that
meets safety requirements. The standard of dress should be based on the following criteria:

2. 4. 1. exposure to the public,

2. 4. 2. type of employment, and
2. 4. 3. physical requirements of the position.

o 2. 5. An employee must ensure his/her standard of dress and personal cleanliness enhances
the image of the RCMP and promotes professionalism in the workplace.

Other Considerations:

Factors such as organizational mandates, operational requirements, job duties, work environments,
etc., should be taken into consideration when determining dress codes;
Personal Protective Equipment (coveralls, etc.) can be provided to prevent damage to employee
clothing, where required.

Lower Mainland District Labour-Management

Consultation Committee:
Discussion Support Document

Agenda Item: Lack of support for Return-to-Work situations

Issue: USGE has raised concerns regarding challenges faced by employees make their transition back into
the workplace following extended absences (particularly where associated with injuries, etc.). The union is
proposing that E Division establish dedicated positions to support PSE Return-to-Work situations.


Specific issues/challenges identified include:

o Lack of comprehensive/structure return-to-work plan;
o Lack of graduated return-to-work schedule;
o Identification and implementation of accommodations (for limitations and restrictions);

Policy References:

The Treasury Board Policy on Duty to Accommodate ( provides some guidance and direction regarding accommodating employee as part
of a Return to Work plan.
Other Treasury Board documents provide guidance on establishing and implementing Return-to-Work
o The fundamentals - Return to work plan (

Handling disability management cases accommodation (

The RCMP Administration Manual (II.37) ( addresses the roles, responsibilities and procedures for Return-to-Work situations
involving RMs
A comparable departmental policy does not exist for PSE Return-to-Work situations.

Proposed solutions:

Internal resources exist in the form of managers, PSHR and Compensation.

Based on recent experiences, PSHR has conducted research on best practices across the department and
across other government departments and is looking to implement new tools and procedures to support
PSE Return-to-Work situations (see attached example).
New tools to be implemented on a trial/pilot basis.
LMCCs to be used as mechanisms to conduct consultation and finalize tools and procedures

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