9-27-2011 BC Minutes
9-27-2011 BC Minutes
9-27-2011 BC Minutes
DATE: September 27, 2011 TIME: 6:00 p.m. LOCATION: Support Services Center 2575 Commercial Street SE Board Room
Members Present:
X present E excused Unmarked absent
_X_ Jim Green Chair _X_ Chris Brantley Vice Chair _X _ Annalivia PalazzoAngulo _X_ Betty Pataccoli _X_ Chuck Lee _X_ Doug Kosty
_X_ Jeff Faville _X_ Lloyd Chapman _X_ Nancy MacMorris-Adix _X_ Rick Kimball _X_ Ron Daniels _E_ Ron Jones _X_ Susan Ray _X_ Todd Edgar
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Jim Green, Budget Committee Chair. Wendy Akins called roll and a quorum was established. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Members introduced themselves. ELECTION OF BUDGET COMMITTEE OFFICERS: Nancy MacMorris-Adix moved to have Chris Brantley as Chair. The motion was seconded by Todd Edgar and passed unanimously. Rick Kimball moved to have Betty Pataccoli as Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Jim Green and passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The May 9, 2011 and May 11, 2011 minutes were approved as written.
PHILOSOPHY OF POLICY GOVERNANCE: Rick Kimball explained the district began utilizing Policy Governance to manage the district in 2006-07. The superintendent is the only staff member of the Board. There are 12 Executive Limitations put on the superintendent. Each limitation is reviewed annually with the Board through updates provided by the superintendent each month. Elements of the Executive Limitations are available on the web. The Board uses this information along with vision / mission statement results to base their evaluation. Results are the key measuring point. OPERATING NORMS & PROCEDURES FOR THE BUDGET COMMITTEE: At least six committee members must agree before staff will be directed to research or prepare information for the committee. Agendas are prepared at the discretion of the superintendent. Members wanting to see an item added to an agenda will require six members agreeing to hold the discussion. BUDGETING TO MEET RESULTS POLICY / EXECUTIVE LIMITATIONS: Sandy Husk explained the budget process always needs to start with the mission; although many like to go directly to the numbers. She continued to explain education is a people intensive business and it is important to have quality staff in order to budget for results. There are non-negotiable such as teachers focused on core standards, assessment systems which are in place and to focus on best practice in research. The District will continue to focus on meeting the needs of students, however as trends continue in a downward decline it will be more difficult to shields students from impacts. One instance is the computer replacement cycle. Prior to 2009 it was the goal of the District to replace computers every 5 or 6 years. Computers are now replaced if they are mission critical. When reductions are made, they are done first by reducing reserves, cutting spending, and then reduction in staff. When staff is reduced, it is first done in administration then support staff and then teachers. When evaluating cuts, consideration must also be made to student demographics this would include comparison of students to standards, student to them self over time, comparison to other students in similar demographics and comparing students to achieving their potential. Over $100 million has been cut over the past three years and expect $20 - $25 million next year. The District will continue to focus on providing the best possible education experience for all students within our budget. MEETING SCHEDULE AND CONTENT: Members then reviewed the meeting content / schedule for 2011-12. Members requested to have the budget adoption meetings added to the calendar so members can plan accordingly. Mike Wolfe will meet with members to review the current budget document and explain how it is organized. Members interested in attending this session are to
contact Wendy Akins. This session will be in addition to the Budget 101 overview scheduled for October 27th.
UPDATE: Sue Rieke-Smith Director of Instructional Services recently attended a legislative session in Washington DC. She was able to meet with Senators Wyden, Merkley and Schrader. She shared with them the Districts vision and the four-step student comparison model. This information was then shared on the senate floor. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Eric Miller questioned if Governance Policy ties the hands of the budget committee. The Board members present and the superintendent did not believe it does; as both the Board and Committee are to keep their focus on the desired results outlined by the Board. ADJOURN: There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Wendy Akins Date Approved: __________________________
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