Semarang City Is The Capital of Central Java Province

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Semarang City is the capital of Central Java Province, Indonesia, also as one of

biggest metropolitan city In Indonesia beside Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and

Medan. As one of most developed city in Indonesia, Semarang has amount
almost 4 billion people today. In this last years, growth of Semarang signed by
the come out of a lot of skyscraper around the city that also has a crowd impact
to the city. Semarang is located 558 km from Jakarta, and 512 km from Surabaya
and have the Javanese Sea on the north of Semarang.

Geographically, Semarang is located near equator, and also the sea of java. The
land of semarang just some meter above the sea. It means that semarang has a
hot weather in a summer (around 37-40 degrees of celcius) and at the rainy
season some places are need to be aware of flood. Generally, semarang has
tropic weather same as some city in java island.
Special culture that Semarang had is Dugderan, from this we can see
acculturation of all of culture in semarang City. Dugderanhas a special myth
that come as a mascot of Semarang, that called Warak. Warak is a giant
animal that has a history of semarang that show the culture and religy.
Many Culinary that will make you enjoy the semarang
1. Bandeng Presto

Most Special food come from semarang that come from bandengfish with the
eatable bone and great taste from itu. Many choices of food is being served with
this bandeng.

2. Lunpia
Somekind of spring rolls that being filled with young bamboos and meat that has
a special taste. It become the acculturation food of semarang.
3. Wingko babat
Wingko babat is made from ketan and coconut that has sweet taste and very
delightful taste to be eat a a snack.
4. Mie kopyok
One of special noodle that served in semarang is mie kopyok. Many freshness
come from this meal and usually this food is being ate for lunch.
5. Tahu gimbal
One of most famous food from semarang that consist of tofu, cabbage, rice cake,
egg, and gimbal ( prawn cake) and spicy peamut sauce that make this food
Tourism action
1. Lawing sewu is an old bulding that in the past become the office of
nederlands spoorweg maatschapiij or NIS. People caleed lawing sewu
cause there are so many door and window in this building that in Javanese
called lawing, so they call it building with a thousand door.
2. Tugu muda is a statue that being made to commemorate heroes that fall
down in battle of semarang when Indonesia is fight for the freedom.
3. Masjid agung jawa tengah or central java great mosque, as a capital of
central java, semarang has the biggest mosque that freshly opened at
2006.many architectural gratness will be found here.
4. Sam poo kong temple, semarang has history of moslem Chinese sailor that
is very famous, cheng hoo. Sam poo kong temple is a temple that come
for commemorate cheng ho. The acculturation of Chinese culture is being
seen here in sam poo konh.
5. Gereja blendug or blendug church is located in the old city of semarang,
which many ancient building is stand here. Gereja blendug is an amazing
church that has special architectural design which is the roof is rounded
shape, not like another church.
Sultan agung Islamic university or unissla is one of Islamic university in
semarang. Unissula located in kaligawe region. Unissula has a educational
strategy which is called budai. Unissula also focused in become World class cyber
university that is showed rom the facility we had (Cyber Library, Laboratorium
kedokteran, teknik, bahasa, & multimedia, RUSUNAWA & Asrama, Masjid
Kampus Sultan Agung, Kantin Pujasera PUMANISA, Sport Center, dan RSI & RS
Pendidikan Sultan Agung.)

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